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brainroads-toward-tomorrows mental patterns


pyramid to dna

Thought-scapes, brainroads and brain-addresses

… for navigating a changing world — a
world continuing to move
toward unimagined futureS


Awareness ↑ ↓

Supplemental awareness PDFs

Notes from Peter Drucker’s work on
developmental directions — a PDF



TLN overview


A GIANT thought-scape ↑
connected to everything

now is the time to
see and explore that thought-scape
with its brainroads and brain-addresses …

(↑ ~7mb PDF download ↑ ::: iPad annotation? ↑ ::: see links below)




Are we embedded in
a static world,
a world moving linearly
or something else?


Larger view


Most successful executive … ::: … organized by information




“Making a living is no longer enough,” …

“Work also has to make a life .” Druckerism




Freedom may be the governing concept




“You must take integrating responsibility
for putting yourself into the big picture.” New Pluralism


Aim high


Allocating your life




We know only two things about the future.

1. It cannot be known.

2. It will be different
from what exists now
and from what we now expect” Druckerism


Being prepared to make the future
requires a
pre-thought work approach

A pre-thought work approach that is
adequate to the challenges ahead ↓

when there is a crisis there is insufficient time to THINK

The future that has already happened



“Your thinking, choices, decisions are determined by
what you’ve SEEN (and here) that challenges your assumptions



Your horizons are determined by what you’ve SEEN ↑ ↓


“We cannot see things unless
we are prepared to see them” more & true system

Nobody is going to do this ↑ for you — quite the opposite




“Decision making is a time machine here

that synchronizes into a single time — the present
a great number of divergent time spans.”




We can make decisions only in the present,
and yet we cannot make decisions for the present alone;
the most expedient, most opportunistic decision—let alone
the decision not to decide at all—
may commit us for a long time,
if not permanently and irrevocably.” — Chapter 11, MRE by Druckerism




“The future requires decisions-now. It imposes risk-now.
It requires action-now.” Druckerism




“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. — Peter Drucker




When we’re working on something
we’re blind to the “social tsunami”
approaching from our rear …




The shift from manual workers who do as they are being told — either by the task or by the boss — to knowledge workers who have to manage themselves ↓ profoundly challenges social structure

Managing Oneself is a REVOLUTION in human affairs.” …

“It also requires an almost 180-degree change in the knowledge workers’ thoughts and actions from what most of us—even of the younger generation—still take for granted as the way to think and the way to act.” …

… “Managing Oneself is based on the very opposite realities: Workers are likely to outlive organizations (and therefore, employers can’t be depended on for designing your life), and the knowledge worker has mobility.” ← in a context




“The stepladder is gone, and
there’s not even the implied structure
of an industry’s rope ladder.

It’s more like vines …


and you bring your own machete.

You don’t know
what you’ll be doing next


Individuals who don’t work on this
are sabotaging their family tree
and the future of society




What does all of this ↑ ↓ mean for you?

dense reading and dense listening
thinking broad and thinking detailed






How could you make this “thoughtscape” ↑ ↓ operational?
a partial workflow




The remainder of this page has four major sections:

An example of a brainroad — the section below

A list of links that exist on the large PDF file introduced at the top of this page

A linear work-life breadcrumb trail example

A list of recent topics that entered my radar through my news sources


An introductory brainroad example

Starting at the top of memo read down to the “attention scape” link and click it or just click the “attention” link below

On the “Attention” page read down to the “jump to preparing to see” link and click that link

Read down to “Beyond the numbers barrier” link and click that link which leads to “Management, Technology, Society

On the “Management, Technology, Society” page read down to “it would be difficult to say” link and click that link

On the “Men, Ideas, Politics” page read down to the “purposeful innovation” link and click that link

On the Innovation and Entrepreneurship page read down to “Innovation starting point” then return to Men, Idea, and Politics and finish reading → close that window

Finish reading the interesting thoughts on the remaining open windows and close them


Explorers need a way to keep track of the brain-addresses they’ve visited and explored along a brainroad.


They need a brain-address book — a mental travel log (Daily Drucker example) that can be revisited at will


A pre-thought work approach

The management revolution




Three types of intelligence and nine action behaviors (someone with the power to make or break your life may be “observing” you)


Everyone enters this world totally ignorant.

This total ignorance is the foundation of their lives.

Almost everyone gets their guidance from someone with a near total ignorance foundation rather than a social or political ecologist

Very, very, very few perceive that they need to look elsewhere.


The Über Mentor

“But they (political/social ecologist) also know that the man-made environment of society, polity, and economics, like the environment of nature itself, knows no balance except dynamic disequilibriumcontinue

Notes on political/social ecologists

Adventures of a Bystander



Books by Peter Drucker


Leaders and leadershipno BS


The brain is the thing → Humor, hindsight and insight, creativity and lateral thinking, lateral thinking as process, judgment and provocation, the word "Po", the stepping stone method, the escape method, the random stimulation method, general use of lateral thinking, the logic of lateral thinking … more




Links on TLN Overview PDF





Search YouTube for "History of the world in two hours" if this link doesn't work. What happened to America before Columbus?


Hong-Kong then and more recent



News sources I follow on Twitter

attention directing tool

“Making a living is no longer enough, work also has to make a life.” Druckerism


Thinking broad and thinking detailed

Economic development


“We know only two things about the future.

It cannot be known.

It will be different from what exists now and from what we now expect” Druckerism


The future of the city

The emerging knowledge society

Content and structure of the economy — a launching pad toward tomorrowS click me

The Shift To The Knowledge Society

Knowledge and Technology

The search for knowledge, as well as the teaching thereof, has traditionally been dissociated from application

Product/service adoption speeds and life spans

We can only work toward the horizonS on our mental radar

Action system view Click me

Awareness link



↑ What Everybody Knows Is Frequently Wrong ::: If You Keep Doing What Worked in the Past You’re Going to Fail ::: Approach Problems with Your Ignorance—Not Your Experience ::: Develop Expertise Outside Your Field to Be an Effective Manager ::: Outstanding Performance Is Inconsistent with Fear of Failure ::: You Must Know Your People to Lead Them ::: People Have No Limits, Even After Failure ::: Base Your Strategy on the Situation, Not on a Formula — A Class With Drucker: The Lost Lessons of the World's Greatest Management Teacher

You don’t know what your’e going to be doing next continue

Five deadly sins Druckerism

Big picture → Knowledge specialty

Thinking as a skill

The Society of Organizations

Topics introduced in RSS feeds and podcasts (see below). Google the phrases below ↓

Project Syndicate

McKinsey and Company

Knowledge at Wharton

Bloomberg Benchmarks

Why is thinking important? Edward de Bono

The Daily Drucker (sample pages) and freedom is the heaviest burden laid on man

The danger of too much planning — how would you make this operational?

Successful careers not planned

Post-capitalist executive

The Josh Abrams Story




A linear “work life” bread-crumb trail example



Aim high

Luther, Machiavelli, and the Salmon

Imagining navigation course changes

The Human Situation Today

Knowledge specialty

Allocating your life

The individual in entrepreneurial society

Where do I begin to read Drucker?


Stuck in a rut



larger version


Managing Oneself brainroad — a revolution in human affairs

The need for roots

An introductory PDF

It also requires an almost 180-degree change in the knowledge workers’ thoughts and actions from what most of us—even of the younger generation—still take for granted as the way to think and the way to act.” …

… “Managing Oneself is based on the very opposite realities: Workers are likely to outlive organizations (and therefore, employers can’t be depended on for designing your life), and the knowledge worker has mobility.” ← in a context

Life 2.0

The Wisdom of Peter Drucker

The post-capitalist executive

You have to learn to manage in situations where you don’t have command authority, where you are neither controlled nor controlling.

More than anything else, the individual has to take more responsibility for himself or herself, rather than depend on the company

Danger of too much planning ::: The return on luck ::: Water logic (how do you make the foregoing operational?)

The Effective Executive

Conditions for survival

What executives should remember

The memo THEY don’t want you to see



Just go out and make YOURSELF usefulDruckerism





Recent topics on my radar — that you can Google



“TEN or twelve years are not a long time in history,
but they are a very long period in current events
#two things #sda #dotmp source

harvest and implement

Older article lists

Why great companies fail


What goes on behind closed doors?

The Power and Purpose of Objectives: The Marks & Spencer Story and Its Lessons !!!


We know only two things about the future.

1. It cannot be known.

2. It will be different
from what exists now
and from what we now expect Druckerism


Economic content & structure connected to “life in time” ↑ ↓


Larger composite ↑ ::: Economic & content and structure ::: Adoption rates: one & two ::: broader

The Management Revolution ↑ ::: Developing countries



Toward a better map? ↓ Elements of a worldview ↓

6/10/2024 day marker

Accountability Holds the Key to Restoring Trust in Democracy by Anat R. Admati

Alito and Roberts, Secretly Recorded at Gala, Share Markedly Different Worldviews

America’s Democratic Dysfunction by Kelly Born

Britain’s Democratic Failure by Kenneth Rogoff

Economic Shortsightedness Is Jeopardizing Italy’s G7 Ambitions by Mariana Mazzucato & Giovanni Tagliani

Enemy of the State (film)

From Coffee to Wine, Climate Change Is Coming for the Finer Things in Life

How Foreign Income Tax Impacts US Workers

How Serious Is Europe’s Anti-Democratic Threat? by Sheri Berman

India’s “Truman Show” Democracy by Debasish Roy Chowdhury

Inflation Targeting in an Age of Climate Change by Lucrezia Reichlin

Is DEI Going Away? Here’s What Experts Say

Is the UN Becoming Irrelevant? by Mark Malloch-Brown, et al

Latin America’s Big Opportunity by Shannon K. O’Neil

Link Rot and Digital Decay on Government, News and Other Webpages — Pew Research Center

New Hope for India’s Democracy by Jayati Ghosh

Nine key consumer trends in 2024

Quit Being So Cynical and Learn to Love Your Job Again

Reducing unplanned refinery outages

The Case for Optimism in the Muslim World by Abdullah Gül

The Economic World We’ve Lost by Michael R. Strain

The Internet and the First Amendment

The internet doesn’t last forever. Much of it is disappearing, study finds

The New-Old Authoritarianism by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

The Richest League on Earth Is Tearing ItseIf Apart

The Suffocation of Mexico’s Democracy by Enrique Krauze

The Way Forward for Services-Led Economic Development by Dani Rodrik & Rohan Sandhu

WWDC 2024: Apple Introduces ‘Apple Intelligence,’ New OpenAI Partnership, iOS 18

6/9/2024 day marker

Americans Really, Really Hate Inflation — and That’s a Big Problem for the Fed

ARNICA: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews

Beneath the Calm Market, Stocks Are Going Haywire

Best hiking apps for 2024

Bric-a-Brac 73

Carlos Alcaraz Rallies Back to Win the French Open

Day of the Dead

Dust to Dust: The Brief, Eventful Afterlife of a Human CorpseScientific American

Far Right Surges in European Parliament Elections, Early Data Shows

France’s Macron Dissolves National Assembly After Le Pen Victory in European Vote

How to Spend a Day in Paris’s Montmartre, According to a Local

Hubris, Revenge and a Breakup Brought Down Big Tech’s Proudest Ally

In E.U. Elections, the Center Holds, but the Far Right Still Wreaks Havoc

Is Microsoft trying to commit suicide? - Charlie’s Diary

Modi, Striking a Modest Tone, Is Sworn In for a Third Term

Supreme Court’s Strains Intensify as Term’s End Approaches

The Best New Hotel Spas in the World

The G.O.P. Push for Post-Verdict Payback: ‘Fight Fire With Fire’

The Postal Service’s $40 Billion Overhaul Is Off to a Rough Start

Washington Post CEO Turns to Damage Control After Turbulent Week

Your Driving, Tracked

6/8/2024 day marker

40 Films That Will Transport You to Italy

Alex Jones Seeks to Liquidate His Assets to Pay Damages to Sandy Hook Families

America’s productivity growth is recovering to pre-great financial crisis rates. Europe has more work to do

Atlanta’s water burst is the latest reminder of America’s mounting water bill

Biden Enlisted Qatar and Egypt to Pressure Hamas. It Backfired.

Blank Screen

Economic Data Paint a Picture of Two Americas

Elon Musk’s Pay Vote Puts $25 Billion on the Line for Tesla

ExclusiveA Large Big Sur Estate Is Coming on the Market

Jeannette Charles, Who Doubled for the Queen, Is Dead at 96

Personal-Finance Books to Put on Your Summer Reading List

Scammers Tried to Sell Graceland. How to Prevent Your Home From Being Next.

Stuck at a Red Light? Google Says Its Green Light Will Help Traffic Flow

Tesla Pay Fight Gives Elon Musk Taste of Karma

The British Aren’t Coming. They’re Here.

They Spent Their Life Savings on Life Coaching

Which metro areas have hot job markets and affordable rents? Try Iowa.

6/7/2024 day marker

14 Family-Friendly Paris Hotels That Set a New Bar for Kid-Focused Amenities

Against D-Day Backdrop, Biden Puts Democracy at Center of Anti-Trump Pitch

Are the Kids All Right? by Ian Buruma

Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Wants To Put Trump’s Face On A $500 Bill

At End of Trump Tax Cuts, Progressives See Leverage to Target the Rich

Digital transformation in healthcare: Investment priorities

Do We Make Better Group Decisions When Our Hearts Synchronize?

ExclusiveVineyard Compound in Santa Ynez Asks $64.5 Million

Fight Theory

Gen AI: A cognitive industrial revolution

Here’s what a normal 30-year mortgage rate looks like. Hint: It’s not 3%.

Hiring and Wages are Up, Reinforcing the Economy’s Resilience

How a ‘Reverend CEO’ allegedly stole $1 billion in a crypto scam

How the Sino-American Rivalry Is Reshaping the World Order by William R. Rhodes & Stuart P.M. Mackintosh

How will Donald Trump pick his vice presidential candidate?

Human capital for the age of generative AI

It’s a Buyer’s Market for Boats, RVs and Other Pandemic Toys

Mexican Voters Chose Populism Over Democracy by Jorge G. Castañeda

No One Wants a New Car Now. Here’s Why.

Productivity growth matters more than ever in a changing geoeconomic era

The 48 Most Beautiful Lakes in the World

The Celtics Breezed Into the NBA Finals. Then They Got Their Unicorn Back.

The Enduring Influence of Europe’s Far Right by Jan-Werner Mueller

The Hidden Life of Joshua Wright, Google’s Secret Weapon

The Indian Election’s Winners and Losers by Shashi Tharoor

The New-Old Authoritarianism by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

What are the latest travel trends?

6/6/2024 day marker

A ‘win-win’ opportunity for college and K-12 students

As Hospitals Grow, So Does Your Bill

Author Talks: Can thinking like an artist improve your decisions?

Europe Needs a Green Deal 2.0 by Frans Timmermans

Even if you’re child-free with plenty of money, you’ll still have money worries

ExclusiveBlockchains CEO Lists Lake Tahoe Estate for $50 Million

ExclusiveHow Apple Fell Behind in the AI Arms Race

Find Healthcare Providers: Compare Care Near YouMedicare

From AI to Impact: Capabilities powering Lighthouses’ 4IR adoption

How Much Is Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Actually Worth? It’s a Billion-Dollar Question.

Hutchins Roundup: Cognitive Impairments, Community Banks, and More

Ike Returns to Normandy

Is Biden Self-Destructing? by Harold James

Is This America’s First $100 Million-a-Year Athlete?

Joely Richardson interview: ‘I got to be young, I got to be middle-aged, and now I’m on the other side of it’The Independent

Mitch McConnell: D-Day’s Lesson Impels Us to Deter Russia and China

Narendra Modi’s India

NATO Must Not Go Wobbly on Ukraine by Anna Husarska & Mykola Viknianskiy

Putin’s Existential Problem: Not Enough Russians

The Aging US Power Grid Is About to Get a Jolt

The Best New Hotel Restaurants in the World

The Moral Hazard of Lower Interest Rates by Dambisa Moyo

The Sad Case of Hunter Biden

These Parents Are Shelling Out to Have Someone Else Pack Their Kids for Camp

Trump’s Vows to Prosecute Rivals Put Rule of Law on the Ballot

Want a summer vacation for under $1,000? Road trips are the answer for many.

Want to Pay Cash? That’ll Cost You Extra

6/5/2024 day marker

10 Affordable Places to Travel in the US

Americans Have More Investment Income Than Ever Before

An Economic Agenda for Mexico’s New President by Santiago Levy

Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

Behind President Biden’s Immigration Executive Order

Europe Needs a Democracy Commissioner by Paolo Cesarini, Christophe Leclercq and Maria João Rodrigues

ExclusiveNew Texas Stock Exchange Takes Aim at New York’s Dominance

Four Seasons Hotel Montreal — Hotel Review

How gen AI will reshape the software business

How Spousal IRAs Can Help Couples Save for Retirement

Keep calm and allocate capital: Six process improvements

Maya Chorengel on building the impact investing industry

MLB Analytics With Scott Powers

It’s Crazy to Think Trump Wants to Be a Felon

Saudi Arabia Tourism: Surprising, Unsettling, Surreal

Search results for ‘’ - Hookmark Forum

Shipbuilding in America: Charting a new course

Taking advantage of the opportunity of AI for payers

The $21 Billion Lawsuit That Could Break the NFL

The 1.5°C Target for Global Warming Must Prevail by Joeri Rogelj

The Best Caribbean Islands to Visit in 2024

The Harmony of Home - Sage Intracoastal Residences Fort Lauderdale

The Road Ahead for Modi and India by Ian Bremmer

The social safety net looks different in every state

The Ukraine War Threatens Russia’s Regional Influence by Galip Dalay

This Airline Status Is So Exclusive, Even Elite Fliers Aren’t Sure How They Got It

Women are America’s safety net. Holding society together is wearing them down.

6/4/2024 day marker

AI Employees Fear They Aren’t Free to Voice Their Concerns

America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer

Banking on interest rates: A playbook for the new era of volatility

Big Tech Companies Unplug Stock Market From Reality

Devastation in Ukraine

Developers Sit on Empty Lots After Historic Apartment Boom

Do shares that are in an index trade at a premium?

Embracing AI in forecourt retail

ExclusiveBel-Air Mansion With Private Chapel Lists for $115 Million

ExclusiveUS Prosecutors Probe Global Hacking-for-Hire Operation

Get ready for stocks to hit a wall this summer, says JPMorgan

Global capability centers’ transformation

Green chemicals: How EU chemical players can transition

How $148 Aritzia Pants Took Over the Young Working Woman’s Closet

How Can We Meet the AI Moment?

How Optimal Deposit Insurance Can Help Prevent Bank Runs

How School Shootings Are Changing the Design of American Classrooms

How to succeed with succession planning

Instrument of order

Janis Paige, Star of Broadway’s ‘The Pajama Game,’ Is Dead at 101

Marketplace DignityCait Lamberton

China Auto Consumer Insights 2024

National digital healthcare adoption: Global best practices

No Quiet for Europe on the Eastern Front by Sławomir Sierakowski

Nonny Hogrogian Dies at 92; Infused Her Illustrations With Old-World Wonder

Old and New Lessons from the Ukraine War by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Petrochemical companies may see a return to normal

Project management tools 4.0: The impact of generative AI

Republicans Want To Make Sure Presidents Can’t Boost Food Benefits Like Joe Biden Did

Should a Retired Couple Get a Dog? He Says Yes. She Says No.

The case for space

The Primacy of Political Order by Andrés Velasco

The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value

What Comes After Neoliberalism?

What the Weimar Triangle Could Do for Europe by Mark Leonard

When failure is an option: Fostering organizational innovation and learning

6/3/2024 day marker

7 Best Day Trips from New York City

American Business Will Regret Writing Off Democracy by Katharina Pistor

Debra Winger Opens Up About Why She Left Her Successful Acting Career for Six Years

Don’t You Dare Call Me Without Texting First

During This Super Election Year, More Women Are Needed at the Top by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf & Binaifer Nowrojee

First principle

First Principles Thinking: The Most Powerful Way To Think - TechTello

For Women Mountain Climbers, Dangers Go Beyond Avalanches and Storms

How China would tackle a second Trump term

Idris Elba on 4 a.m. Workouts and His Friendship With Taylor Swift

Mexico Elects Claudia Sheinbaum

Retailers Hate That You Buy Big Things on Your Laptop

The Consequences of Socioeconomic Mobility

The End of the ANC’s Single-Party Rule by Adekeye Adebajo

The Face of the Anti-Trump GOP Is Now Larry Hogan

The Global Chip Battle, in Charts

The High Cost of GPT-4o by Angela Huyue Zhang & S. Alex Yang

The Opaque Investment Empire Making OpenAI’s Sam Altman Rich

The US Gave Chip Makers Billions. Now Comes the Hard Part.

Trump Will Appeal Conviction, but Has Few Ways to Overturn Decision

What Is First Principles Thinking? 3 Popular Approaches and How to Apply Them

What the EU Has Done for Us by Nadia Calviño

6/2/2024 day marker

‘No wannabe dictators!’: Donald Trump booed at Libertarian conventionUS elections 2024The Guardian

Death of Benito Mussolini

Donald Trump news: For years, I couldn’t say what he did on The Apprentice. Now I can.

ExclusiveElon Musk and Jamie Dimon Are Making Peace

Here’s Where Trump’s Other Cases Stand

How a Self-Published Book, ‘The Shadow Work Journal,’ Became a Best Seller

How Israel Avoided Biden’s Red Line

Mark Wahlberg, Jim Murren homes sales top Las Vegas luxury listLas Vegas Business Press

Nurture that nature

Periodical cicadas

See how billions of cicadas are taking over the US this summer

Stuck at the Start

The Brady Bunch Breaks Down: Estate Fights Tear Stepfamilies Apart

The Most Dangerous Job in Mexican Politics: Running for Mayor

Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen ’s Divorce Timeline, Explained

6/1/2024 day marker

Asheville Black Book

Berlin Black Book

Biden Stakes Re-Election Campaign on Reviving Bad Memories of Trump

Boston Black Book

City & Country: London

Copenhagen Black Book

Egypt Travel Planner

Elon Musk’s Latest Dust-Up: What Does ‘Science’ Even Mean?

ExclusiveSan Francisco’s Most Expensive Home for Sale Asks $38 Million

Florence Black Book

He Lost His Job. His Wife Went to Prison. Now He Wants to Take Down South Korea’s President.

How a Mysterious Tip Led to Trump Conviction

Istanbul Black Book

It’s June Again

Italy Travel Planner: The South

Just Back From … Mumbai

LA Black Book

Lisbon Black Book

London Black Book

Madrid Black Book

Marrakech Black Book

Menorca Black Book

Mexico City Black Book

Milan Black Book

New York City Black Book

Our American Islands List

Postcard From … Pawley’s Island, South Carolina

Postcard From … Sag Harbor, Long Island, NY

Road Trip: The Basque Coast

South Africa Election: Voters Turn Backs on Party That Ended Apartheid

Summer in Rome Black Book

The AI Revolution Is Already Losing Steam

The Bahamas Black Book

The Costa Meno: Italy

The Road South

The Trump guilty verdict shows the importance of character

The Wall Street Whisperer Leading the Charge for Elon Musk’s $46 Billion Pay Package

To Understand India’s Economy, Look Beyond the Spectacular Growth Numbers

Venice Black Book

5/31/2024 day marker

“Save to Devonthink” from ChatGPT: A Truly Useful Academic Workflow - DEVONthink / Scenarios - DEVONtechnologies Community

25 Best Lake Houses on Airbnb, From A-Frame Cabins to Luxury Villas

8 Hours Aboard the Caledonian Sleeper: Why You Should Ditch the Short-Haul Flight for an Overnight Train

A Plea for Political Economy by Kaushik Basu

Abortion in the US: What you need to know

Britain’s Make-or-Break Election by Chris Patten

Cait Lamberton, Author of Marketplace Dignity

China’s Economy Cannot Export Its Problems Away by Alicia García-Herrero & Alessio Terzi

Commercial Property Meltdown Clobbers Pension Funds

Daring Fireball: Gurman: ‘iOS 18 Siri AI Update Will Let Users Control Features in Apps With Voice’

Daring Fireball: Kino 1.0

Daring Fireball: The Information: ‘OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Cements Control as He Secures Apple Deal’

ExclusiveA Private Island on the Long Island Sound Lists for $35 Million

ExclusiveBill Ackman Wants to Take His Investment Firm Public in 2025

ExclusiveGwyneth Paltrow Lists Los Angeles Home for $29.99 Million

How Many Young and Older Adults Lived Alone?

NBA Playoffs With Nate Duncan

Neighborhood Associations and Nashville DevelopmentCover

Park Hyatt Milano – Hotel Review

Restoring Africa’s Culture and Philosophy Is the Key to Development by Hippolyte Fofack

Rough Justice for Trump by Eric Posner

Still Haunted by the Washington Consensus by Antara Haldar

The 17 Best Museums in Paris

The 42 Best Things to Do in New York City

The 5 states where homes face the biggest risk of hurricane damage — and how much it costs a homeowner to repair it

The Best Waterproof Gear to Protect Your Phone, Wallet, and Essentials

The Danger of Premature ECB Rate Cuts by Axel A. Weber

The Right Way to Regulate AI by Joshua Gans

This Summer’s Big Debate: How Long Should Your Shorts Be?

Top Proxy Firm Recommends Against Elon Musk’s Tesla Pay Package

Trump’s Felony Conviction Rocks 2024 Presidential Campaign

What Happened After I Stopped Taking a Weight-Loss Drug

What Impact Will the Fertility Rate Decline Have on the Labor Force?

When Companies Ask for Your Social Security Number, Try Saying No

Why 61% of parents still help their adult kids with rent, food or phone bills

Will It Matter? Searching for Clues in the Polls About a Trump Conviction.

You Bought Gold at Costco. What Are the Taxes When You Sell It?

5/30/2024 day marker

A $114K salary makes you feel poorer than your parents — 6 metrics that show why

Albert S. Ruddy, 94, Dies; Producer’s First Oscar Was for ‘The Godfather’

America’s Tiniest National Park — With the Hugely Unpronounceable Name

Bette Nash, Longest-Serving Flight Attendant in the World, Dies at 88

Death Penalty For Abortion Patients Added To Texas GOP 2024 Plans

Donald Trump Found Guilty in New York Hush-Money Case

Economic Development in an Age of Great-Power Competition by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

ExclusiveA Flurry of Listings and Big Price Cuts Hit 432 Park Avenue

ExclusiveThe Solar Breakthrough That Could Help the US Compete With China

History of the World in 2 Hours — transcription — Steemit

How America Inadvertently Created an ‘Axis of Evasion’ Led by China

How worried are Taiwanese citizens about war?

Human Capital for the Age of Generative AI by Simon Johnson & Eric Hazan

Hutchins Roundup: Inflation Expectations, Occupational Licensing, and More

Modi Seeks to Consolidate Power in India Election — and Change the Country’s Future

New Estimates on Families and Living Arrangements

OpenAI Says Russia and China Used Its A.I. in Covert Campaigns

Patriotism, Diversity and the Election

Power Shifts to Jury as Closing Arguments Finish in Trump Trial

PTSD Has Surged Among College Students

Read the Jury Instructions in the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Smart Bandages That Heal Wounds Faster and Talk to Your Doctor Are on the Way

Tariffs Are More Than Just Taxes. They Are a Tool of Geopolitics.

Tesla Blasts Glass Lewis’s Report Urging Against Musk’s Pay Package

The Conservative Christian Network That Took Down Roe v. Wade

The Great AI Chatbot Challenge: ChatGPT vs. Gemini vs. Copilot vs. Perplexity vs. Claude

This Record Stock Market Is Riding on Questionable AI Assumptions

Trade Unions Can Defeat Europe’s Far Right by Oliver Roethig

Trump Guilty on All Counts in New York Trial: Hush-Money Verdict Live Updates

Where to Go for a Less-Crowded East Coast Summer Vacation

Why Republicans Go Crawling Back to Donald Trump by Reed Galen

You Can Thank Private Equity for That Enormous Doctor’s Bill

5/29/2024 day marker

Assessing quality of life in Michigan’s Black-majority places: A statewide landscape

Bankruptcies Have Left More Stores Vacant, but the Space Doesn’t Sit Empty for Long

Barry Kemp, Who Unearthed Insights About Ancient Egypt, Dies at 84

Bullish Investors Are Piling Into Stock and Bond Funds

California’s $25-an-Hour Minimum-Wage Boomerang

Cancer Is Capsizing Americans’ Finances. ‘I Was Losing Everything.’

CEOs Pay This Singer to Make Fun of Them

Chicago to Offer Most Generous Subsidies in US to Save Its Downtown

China’s Role in Ukraine

Democrats Who Are Winning

Destination readiness: Preparing for the tourist flows of tomorrow

Do We Still Understand How Wars Are Won?

ExclusiveL.A. Home of Paul Reubens, Who Played Pee-wee Herman, Hits The Market

ExclusiveSaudi Aramco to Raise $10 Billion to $20 Billion in Fresh Stock Sale

Hill of Uisneach

How to Protect the World from the Next Pandemic by Winnie Byanyima & Joseph E. Stiglitz

How We’ve Lost Our Moorings as a Society

Lip Trip: The Best Lipstick Shades to Wear in NYC, Paris, Tokyo, and More

Mexico Is About to Elect Its First Female President. Who is Claudia Sheinbaum?

Now boarding: Faces, places, and trends shaping tourism in 2024

Pacific Northwest: The Most Beautiful Places in the Region

Preparing Now for the Next Disease X by Tom Achoki, Lawrence Were and Ahmed Ogwell

Republicans’ $4 Trillion Question: Should They Pay for Extending Trump Tax Cuts?

Richard Ellis, ‘Poet Laureate’ of Deep-Sea Creatures, Dies at 86

Rihanna just sold this stunning L.A. penthouse. The asking price? $25 million.

Small business productivity: Opportunities by country

Soneva Secret, Maldives: First In

Streaming Bundles Are Here, and You May Need a Ph.D. to Navigate the Options

Strict Separation Is Not the Answer for Palestine and Israel by Yanis Varoufakis

Sue Johnson, Psychologist Who Took a Scientific View of Love, Dies at 76

Susanne Page, Who Took Rare Photos of the Hopi and Navajo, Dies at 86

The Loneliness of the American Worker

The way we travel now

To Fight Climate Change, Protect Healthy Soil by Juan Lucas Restrepo & Barron Joseph Orr

To Protect Democracy, Protect Exiled Journalists by Antonio Zappulla

Trends in tourism and hospitality business models

Trump Hush-Money Trial: Prosecutor Argues ‘Stormy Daniels Is the Motive’

Updating perceptions about today’s luxury traveler

Wall Street’s Favorite Recession Indicator Is in a Slump of Its Own

Why Bruce Springsteen’s America Was Never Real

5/28/2024 day marker

‘Our culture sets us apart’: AIA’s CEO on building for the long term

13 Disadvantages of Hiking Nobody Tells You About

5 Tips for Using Tables in Bear

6 Must-See Exhibits in Paris This Summer: Chagall, Matisse, Gwen O’Neil, and More

6 Phrases Adult Children Long To Hear From Their Parents

A New Dawn for US-African Cooperation? by Vera Songwe

Better Decisions with Data: Asking the Right Question

Building Resilience in the Developing World by Erik Berglöf

Cathie Wood sees a Great Depression-like search for safety in the stock market

Damages From PFAS Lawsuits Could Surpass Asbestos, Industry Lawyers Warn

Don’t overlook oil and financials right now, says award-winning fund manager

Jean Carroll’s Lawyer Responds To New Trump Attack

Electronic Arts’ chief strategist Mihir Vaidya talks innovation

Getting it right: MLOps in energy and materials

Glen Falls, Highlands NC

Hess Shareholders Give Approval to $53 Billion Merger With Chevron

How companies can succeed with gen AI implementation

How Much Water To Carry When Backpacking - Hike Oregon

Inflation and the Housing MarketSusan Wachter

Model makeover: Turning a telco into a customer-centric techco

Patrick J. Kennedy discusses mental health parity

Raghuram G. Rajan and Rohit Lamba on Indian job creation, industrial policy, democracy, and more by Raghuram G. Rajan & Rohit Lamba

Read More Summer 2024 Reading List by PS editors

Restoring an open internet requires softer China policy

T-Mobile to Buy Most of US Cellular in $4.4 Billion Deal, Including Debt

The Dangerous Incoherence of US Trade Policy by Stephen S. Roach

The Economics of Health for All by Mariana Mazzucato

The Global Implications of Georgia’s Political Crisis by Salome Samadashvili

The world’s largest pension fund may be running dry

These Blue Flag-Certified Beaches Are the Cleanest in the World

Tips for Hiking After 60

Türkiye’s sustainability transformation

What Gen Z Should Know About Sunscreen to Help Protect From Skin Cancer

What Living in a SpaceX Company Town Tells Us About Elon Musk

What might stop Donald Trump from running again for president in 2024?

Who Plotted to Sell Graceland? An Identity Thief Raises His Hand.

Who Will Survive a Shakeout in the Electric Vehicle Market?

Why Representation Matters in Marketing

You Just Found Out Your Teen Is Having Sex. Now What?

5/27/2024 day marker

13 Scenic Michigan State Parks for Stargazing, Hiking, and Boating on Turquoise Waters

6 of the best destinations to go island-hopping by kayak

After the OceanGate Sub Implosion, the Ultra Wealthy Can’t Resist the Deep Sea

AI Is Driving ‘the Next Industrial Revolution.’ Wall Street Is Cashing In.

An Oil-Patch Brawl Over a $53 Billion Megadeal Entwines the Legacies of Three CEOs

Another Roadblock to the EV Transition: Personal Politics

Biden Needs More Empathy on the Economy, Democrats Say

Bill Walton, N.B.A. Hall of Famer and Broadcasting Star, Dies at 71

California’s Latest Plan to Build Denser Housing Is Failing

Can AI Improve Family Life? by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Avni Patel Thompson

Central Banks’ New-Old Inflationary Bias by Kenneth Rogoff

Elon Musk’s xAI Valued at $24 Billion After Latest Fundraising Round

ExclusiveUS Opposes European Plan to Censure Iran Over Nuclear Work

He Could Have Upsized. Instead, He Spent Over $1 Million Turning His Bachelor Pad Into a Family Home

How to Apply Sunscreen, Head to Toe, Like an Expert

How to cycle Slovenia Green Routes

How to explore Europe’s first wild river national park in Albania

Iran’s Succession Crisis Is a Legitimacy Crisis by Abbas Milani

Maxims for the AI Age by Reid Hoffman

No Ordinary Music Gig

See the World & Save in 2025National Geographic Expeditions

The Queen of the Beach Read Hangs Up Her Bikini

Want to keep your memory sharp? Here’s what science recommends.

What Was Anthony Fauci’s Top Aide Hiding?

Why Are Cruise Stocks Still Dead in the Water?

Why outdoor adventure is important for women as they age

5/26/2024 day marker

$50,000 Is The Salary That Makes Going to a Public College Pay Off

A Writer Returns to the White Elephant Hotel on Nantucket

Best Audiobooks for Road Trips, Summer Vacation and More

First Aid Care: How to Treat Cuts, Burns and Sprains

How Donald Trump Still Lives in the 1980s

Planning to Travel Over Memorial Day Weekend? Test Your Airport I.Q.

Postcard From the Pontine Islands: This Louis Vuitton Artistic Director Owns a Cave on the Italian Archipelago

Russia Is Increasingly Blocking Ukraine’s Starlink Service

Savoring the Summer at 5 Waterside Hotels

Summer Begins

Tech Workers Retool for Artificial-Intelligence Boom

The Problem With Your Company’s 401(k) Match

Wholesale Prices Went Up in April. Here’s What That Means for Rate Cut Prospects

Why We All Need a Mental Spring Cleaning

Windows Returns – Stratechery by Ben Thompson

You can get skin cancer in your eyes. Here are some other surprising places to check.

Your lungs and exercise - PMC

5/25/2024 day marker

14 Best Affordable Beach Vacations, From Crete to Cape May

About Us – Maison Flâneur

Adele Faber, Who Helped to Change How Parents Talk to Children, Dies at 96

African Music to the World

Cannabis Tops Alcohol as Americans’ Daily Drug of Choice

Daring Fireball: Republican Profiles in Courage

Hotel Il Pellicano, Luxury Hotel Porto Ercole, Argentario, Tuscany

How Baltimore Became the US Overdose Capital

How’s Inflation? It Depends Whether You’re a Republican or a Democrat

I Regret to Inform You That Sweatpant-Jeans Are Sweeping America

Inside the Rockefeller Clan’s Intensifying Feud With Exxon


List of largest mergers and acquisitions

Memorial Day car sales will be ‘raging.’ These brands will have the best deals.

Nikki Haley Explains Why She’s Voting For Trump

Oasi Lino Collection SS24: Men’s Linen Clothing ZEGNA

How Could Alito Have Been So Foolish to Fly an Upside-Down American Flag?

States are leading the effort to remove degree requirements from government jobs

Teledyne Technologies

The American dream is dead, finfluencer says. Here’s how to get rich anyway.

The Great AI Chatbot Challenge: ChatGPT vs. Gemini vs. Copilot vs. Perplexity vs. Claude

The Lawyer Churning Out Hit Novels Makes Her Biggest Splash Yet

The Lives and Times of the CEO

The Massive Immigration Wave Hitting America’s Classrooms

The most popular flights in the US this summer — and how much they’ll cost you

The St. Barts Villa With the Most Photo-Worthy Pool

The Student Who Was Suspended for a Prizewinning AI Tool Fights Back

This is why the bull market for stocks could continue for years

Uvalde Families Accuse Instagram, ‘Call of Duty’ and Rifle Maker of ‘Grooming’ Gunman

Xi Jinping’s Recipe for Total Control: An Army of Eyes and Ears

5/24/2024 day marker

A Polling Risk for Trump

A.I. and the Election: See How Easily Chatbots Can Create Disinfo for Social Media

Africa Can’t Prosper Without Regional Trade by Kingsley Moghalu

America’s productivity growth is recovering to pre-great financial crisis rates. Europe has more work to do

Apple Says These Are the 100 Best Albums. Even If You Think Different.

Bob McCreadie, ‘the Master of Going Faster,’ Dies at 73

Cloud transformation dashboards and metrics

Divestment from Israel Will Not Bring Peace by Anne O. Krueger

Europe’s Carbon Border Tax Advances the Fight Against Climate Change by Jeffrey Frankel

Exclusive’Home Alone’ House Hits the Market for $5.25 Million

From priced out to economically empowered: Why affordability matters

How Europe Can Get the Green Deal Done by Simone Tagliapietra

How Is Population Shifting in Your State?

How to Deal With Seasickness on a Cruise Ship

Louisiana Lawmakers Vote to Make Abortion Pills Controlled Substances

National Park Hotels: 14 Properties to Plan Your Next Trip Around

Reddit revives a sleepy IPO market

Reimagining the apparel value chain

Scale matters more than ever for European competitiveness. Here’s why

Senate Democrats Open Inquiry Into Trump’s $1 Billion Request of Oil Industry

The growing gender gap among young people

The growing importance of software product marketing managers

The Hidden Driver of Soaring Home Insurance Costs

The Indian Election and the Country’s Economic Future by Raghuram G. Rajan

The US-China Trade War Heats Up

Vintage 2023 Subcounty Population Estimates

Why the Live Nation antitrust case might not make concert tickets cheaper

Ya Xu on building AI and ML products

5/23/2024 day marker

: Intel and AMD take a backseat as Qualcomm plays starring role in Microsoft’s AI PCs

‘Breaking Bad’ Star Bryan Cranston Is Moving On From His Central Park South Pied-à-Terre

2023 ESG Report: Sustainable & inclusive growth & Company

Addressing Immigration

Author Talks: Fighting the good fight

Author Talks: Nicholas D. Kristof on the price — and value — of seeking truth

Beyond the pandemic: The next chapter of innovation in vaccines

Boca Raton’s Most Expensive Home Sale Is a $40 Million Teardown

Building a next-generation carbon platform to accelerate the path to net zero

Burning Skin, Teary Eyes: Ukraine’s Troops Say Russia Is Using a Banned Toxic Gas

Buy-now-pay-later will be regulated like credit cards under new CFPB rule

Can your company remain global and if so, how?

Decapitated Doll Heads in the Living Room? He Turned His California Home Into a Conversation Piece

Defining your ‘true north’: A road map to successful transformation

Economic empowerment: A better life everyone can afford

Eight facts about permitting and the clean energy transition

Elevating master data management in an organization

Ex-Google Chief Eric Schmidt Finds Buyer Two Weeks After Listing Silicon Valley Home

ExclusiveAustralian Investor Buys $150 Million Palm Beach Island

Exploring the gap in women’s health issues

Five alphas: Essential capabilities to succeed in the next era of private capital

Five bold moves to quickly transform your organization’s culture

Gen AI: Opportunities in M&A

German private equity: A catalyst for job creation and economic growth

Happiness Misconceptions: The 1 Thing Everyone Gets Wrong

Helping Starbucks design stores that are inclusive for all

House G.O.P. Moves to Crack Down on Noncitizen Voting, Sowing False Narrative

How Anger is Hurting Your Health, According to Science

How CIOs can scale gen AI

How generative AI in agriculture could shape the industry

How HP is finding success in circularity

How Lufthansa is using data to reduce costs and improve spend and carbon transparency

How to Get ‘English Country House’ Style — Without a Speck of Chintz

How to Have a Great Vacation, According to Science

How to navigate pricing during disinflationary times

Hutchins Roundup: Lowered Spending, Racial Justice Protests, and More

In search of seIf and something bigger: A spiritual health exploration

Industrial IT and digital technology transformation

Insights app: Trusted by leaders & Company

Is Europe Too Big for Further Enlargement? by Ana Palacio

NBA Playoffs

Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Scores $22.5 Million for Plaza Hotel Pad

Performance management that puts people first

Ready, set, scale: Shaping leaders for hypergrowth

Reckoning With a New Authoritarian Bloc by Joschka Fischer

Six strategies for growth outperformance

Strategic alliances for gen AI: How to build them and make them work

Supreme Court Sides With Republicans Over South Carolina Voting Map

The Crossword: ’Tis a P-TNo. 181

The new real estate investment edge: Tech-enabled brand, CX, and loyalty

The Party’s Over for Coachella’s Glitziest Rental Mansions

The promise and the reality of gen AI agents in the enterprise

The race to deploy generative AI and raise skills

The Sino-American Trade War Benefits China’s Competitors by Arvind Subramanian

The Wealthy Are Refusing to Sell Their Luxury Homes

Tying short-term decisions to long-term strategy

Using AI in economic development: Challenges and opportunities

Washington’s Pivot on Bank Rules Could Free Up Tens of Billions

What’s new in consumer wellness trends?

What’s next for natural gas: A talk with Williams CEO Alan Armstrong

Why Gen Z College Students Are Seeking Tech and Finance Jobs

Why Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt Don’t Own Nearly 99% of Their Hotels

Why organizations should take a human-led approach to capture the full value of tech investments

5/22/2024 day marker

‘Where Did Justine Go?’ One Woman Disappears Into Devotion

15 Best Family Vacation Spots in the US, From Cape Cod to Charleston

17 Best Hotels in Costa Rica (2024)

A Hidden History

A tidal wave of cash will rally markets after Nvidia results, strategist says.

Americans strongly support defending human rights globally

Anglo American to Enter Talks With BHP After Rejecting $50 Billion Bid

Apple Watch Apps Not Installing? How to Fix the Problem

Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled.

Bone Density Test Coverage

College Sports Is About to Turn Pro. Private Equity Wants In.

Discover bespoke experiences at One&Only Aesthesis on the Athenian Riviera

Election Updates: Trump-backed California legislator to finish Kevin McCarthy’s term.

Elvis Presley’s Granddaughter, Riley Keough, Sues to Block Graceland Sale

Even More Classified Documents Found After Mar-A-Lago Raid, In Trump’s Bedroom

ExclusiveHarry Connick Jr.’s Cape Cod Home Lists for $12.5 Million

ExclusiveKaty Perry Wins Ownership of Montecito Mansion

ExclusivePresidents’ Tax Returns and Families’ Foreign Payments Targeted by Unlikely Duo

ExclusiveThe Cedars Mansion in Los Angeles Lists for $32 Million

Foreign Purchase of US Ammo Maker Sparks National-Security Battle

Frank Shrontz, 92, Dies; Led Boeing in the Last of Its Golden Years

Hodinkee Built a $100 Million Watch Empire. Then the Market Tanked.

Home Sales Fell Again in April After High Mortgage Rates Damped Activity

How a Haitian Gang Is Trying to Turn ItseIf Into a Militia

How G7 Leaders Can Unlock Financing for Africa by William Ruto

In Interview, Zelensky of Ukraine Challenges West Over Hesitations

Is China Too Old to Get Rich? by Yi Fuxian

Is the Quad Becoming a Potemkin Alliance? by Brahma Chellaney

Junk Bonds Join the Everything Rally

Kerry Kennedy Leads ‘Heart-Wrenching’ Campaign Against Her Brother’s White House Bid

Little Snitch — Network Monitor and Application Firewall for macOS

Market outlook brightens: Commercial real estate in 2024Key

Merv Griffin’s Longtime California Home Lists for $36 Million

Nikki Haley Says She Will Vote for Trump

One&Only Aesthesis — Hotel Review

OsteoporosisNational Institute on Aging

Real-Estate Downsizing Finally Comes for Your Pharmacy

Release Notes - Little Snitch

Secretive Son of Iran’s Supreme Leader Quietly Wields Power After President’s Death

Target Earnings: Sales Drop as High Prices Strain Consumer Wallets

The Best Hotels in Costa Rica, From Luxury Glamping Sites to Sustainable Resorts

The Disease Detectives Trying to Keep the World Safe From Bird Flu

The EPA Cop Who Became a Warrior for ‘Forever Chemicals’

The High Costs of the New US Tariffs on Chinese EVs by Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

The stock market has already chosen a winner in the 2024 presidential election

The Threat of Trumpflation and a Fed War by J. Bradford DeLong

This is how long it will take for the EV industry to win over skeptical buyers

Trump Trial Turns to Debate Over Jury Instructions After Defense Rests

TV Networks Embrace Their Aging Audience With a New Mantra: Age Doesn’t Matter

Who’s in More Trouble: Israel or Iran?

WSJ’s Election Dial: Find Out How Battleground States Could Flip to Trump or Biden in 2024

5/21/2024 day marker

China Is Winning the Minerals War

Coral Gables: Miami’s Family-Friendly (But Still Pricey) Neighbor

Daring Fireball: ‘Inside Microsoft’s Mission to Take Down the MacBook Air’

Don’t Believe the AI Hype by Daron Acemoglu

Dream Homes, Watches and RVs Come With Regrets: ‘What Was I Thinking?’

ExclusiveNewYork-Presbyterian Hospital System Demanded $25 Million to Stay Out of a Union’s Health Insurance Plan

F.B.I. Shed Informants Linked to Russian Influence Operations

Has Fentanyl Peaked?

How Can Minority Employees Be Authentic in a Corporate Workplace?

How Green Hydrogen Is Critical to Electrifying Everything

How High-skilled Immigration Creates Jobs and Drives Innovation

How to keep cockroaches and other pests out of your home

How to Succeed While Being Authentic at Work

Iran’s Next Leaders Face a Choice: Aggression or Caution

Is It Better to Rent or Buy? Ben Keys

Jaden Rashada: He Was the $13 Million QB Recruit. Now He’s Suing the Boosters Who Never Paid Up.

JPMorgan is the last bear on Wall Street. Why it’s not budging.

JPMorgan’s Consumer Business Is Doing Great. Its Customers Are Just OK.

Puerto Rico’s Foreign-Born Population Has Declined

Red Lobster Is Filing for Bankruptcy Because of Shrimp

Skipping Coffee is the Latest Humblebrag

The 25 Essential Pasta Dishes to Eat in Italy

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, May 21

The Case for Ukraine’s NATO Accession by Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Ilona Sologoub

The Dangerous Retreat into Protectionism by Carl Bildt

The Highest Paid CEOs of 2023

The Properties High Interest Rates Can’t Touch

Waterfront Hawaii Home Hits the Market for $32 Million

What Entry-Level Jobs Really Look Like Today

What the China Pessimists Are Getting Wrong by Yu Yongding

Where do these cockroaches come from? Without us, they probably wouldn’t exist.

Will Raisi’s death destabilize Iran?

5/20/2024 day marker

‘We’ll See You at Your House’: How Fear and Menace Are Transforming Politics

71 Beautiful Streets Around the World, From Kyoto to San Francisco

A $10 Billion Real-Estate Fund Is Bleeding Cash and Running Out of Options

A Big Step Forward for Liver Health by Danjuma Adda

Can AI Make the PC Cool Again? Microsoft Thinks So.

Computer-Science Majors Graduate Into a World of Fewer Opportunities

ExclusiveEurope Sees Signs of Russian Sabotage but Hesitates to Blame Kremlin

Higher Education Must Reinvigorate the Liberal Arts

Homeowners Face Rising Insurance Rates Amid Costly Climate Change Disasters

How Big Is Taylor Swift?

How US employers and educators can build a more nimble education system with multiple paths to success

ICC Prosecutor Seeks Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas Leader Sinwar

In Asian American Households, Family Influences Every Design Decision

Iran’s President Raisi, Foreign Minister Killed in Helicopter Crash

Is There an Alternative to the Little Black Dress?

Ivan F. Boesky, Rogue Trader in 1980s Wall Street Scandal, Dies at 87

Jane Seymour’s Former English Manor Lists for $15.8 Million

Machine Guns Are Making A Fast Comeback

Many Armies Struggle for Recruits. In Sweden They Turn Them Away.

Musk Effect Drives Spread of Supersize CEO Pay Packages

One of Wall Street’s last remaining bears has finally capitulated.

Palestinians Struggle for Food and Water After Fleeing Rafah

Penguin Random House Dismisses Two of Its Top Publishers

Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed’s Yachts Are Still as Memorable as the Couple’s Summer Romance

Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It’s a Lot.

Take a Walk Through the Hamptons With a New Book by Susan Kaufman

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, May 20

The Fragile Fraternity of China and Russia by Nina L. Khrushcheva

The Global Economy Is More Vulnerable Than It Seems by Bertrand Badré & Yves Tiberghien

The Myth of Central-Bank Independence by Robert Skidelsky

The Rise of a New Centrism

Their Trains Were Stalled. These Hackers Brought Them Back to Life.

Trump Trial Live: Prosecution Rests Case as Defense Witness Targets Cohen Again

5/19/2024 day marker

A List of Historic, Weird, and Totally Fascinating Places to Stop on a Road Trip Across the US

A Trump Conviction Depends on Proving More Than a Hush-Money Coverup

Alice Stewart, a Political Commentator, Dies at 58

Ancient Chesapeake site challenges timeline of humans in the Americas

Bud Anderson, Last of World War II’s ‘Triple Ace’ Pilots, Dies at 102

Dimon Led Bank CEOs to Fend Off Tougher Capital Rules

Dolores Rosedale, Sidekick on ‘Beat the Clock,’ Dies at 95

Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the 2024 Election: 12 Women Discuss

Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the US Uses Electricity

How 401(k) Drives Inequality

In Darfur, Genocide May Be Happening Again

Link Rot and Digital Decay on Government, News and Other WebpagesPew Research Center

Putin Is Selling Victory, and Many Russians Are Buying It

Smellmaxxing, Explained

What science tells us about Biden, Trump and evaluating an aging brain

Youngkin Vetoes Measures to Remove Tax Breaks for Confederate Heritage Group

5/18/2024 day marker

A Gentleman in Moscow (TV series)

A Teacher Did All He Could to Keep Kids Off Phones. He’s Quitting in Frustration.

Are home prices dropping? Search by zip code to see values in your area

Does Staging Your House Really Help It Sell for More Money?

Ewan McGregor

I Almost Died. Surviving Has Made Life Look Different.

Many mental-health conditions have bodily triggers

Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Meet Salim Ramji, Who Is Going to Oversee the Retirement Assets of Tens of Millions of Americans

Most Watched Movies Of All Time

Putin’s cabinet reshuffle: The quartermaster takes over

Queen of the Book Club

Rapper Kendrick Lamar to Pay More Than $40 Million for Los Angeles Home

RFK Jr. Voters in Arizona Are a Pivotal Election Wildcard

Simone Biles Is Doing Simone Biles Things Again

Sun Belt Cities and Towns Led Nation in Population Growth

The 84-Year-Old Man Who Saved Nvidia

The Executive Who Revived Barbie Has a New Long-Shot Mission: Save Gap

The Lowly Boat Shoe Gets a Glow Up. Meet the Yacht Shoe.

Why Tweens Are Obsessed With This $110 White Fox Sweatsuit

5/17/2024 day marker

‘Boysober’ And Celibate By Choice: Why These Women Are Swearing Off Sex

‘Shoulding’ YourseIf Fuels Guilt. Here’s How To Stop.

18 Best Rooftop Bars in NYC for the Best Views

A Summer Capsule Wardrobe Will Simplify Your Packing Process

Birth Control Pills Make Some Women Miserable. But Are They Stopping?

Crunch Time for the Power Sector by Michael Spence

Elon Musk’s X Completes Rebranding Away From Twitter

Eshan Ponnadurai, Head of Meta’s Consumer Marketing

ExclusiveCoreWeave Raises $7.5 Billion in Debt for AI Computing Push


How the Stock Market Performed Under Trump vs. Biden, in 4 Charts

Julie Nollet, Chief Marketing Officer at Hennessy (LVMH)

King Trump on Trial by Richard K. Sherwin

Netanyahu’s Path to Survival: Pacify Israel’s Far Right and Frustrate Everyone Else

On 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board, a mixed legacy and complex views

Sunbathing Risks: The Realistic Truth Revealed

Test Scores Down, GPAs Up: The New Angst Over Grade Inflation

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, May 17

The Best Hotels With Tennis Courts, From Sporty Resorts to Oceanfront Hideaways

The Gig Economy vs. America’s Workers by Sandeep Vaheesan

The Medicare Bubble Has Burst

The Rise of Mesoeconomics by William H. Janeway

Trump Allies Draw Up Plans for Unprecedented Immigration Crackdown

Trump’s Criminal Trial, Explained

Want to Make a New Friend? How Much Money Have You Got?

What I Got Wrong in a Decade of Predicting the Future of Tech

Why did schools lose students after COVID-19?

Worldwide Developers Conference

5/16/2024 day marker

40 th ARRS - US Air Force

8 in 10 baby boomer renters would rather rent than buy a house. Here’s why.

A deeply divided Congress finds common ground: Concert-ticket pricing stinks.

Around-the-World Cruises: Everything Travelers Need to Know About These Epic Voyages

Babes (film)

Bell UH-1 Iroquois

Builders are slashing home prices to keep buyers interested, as confidence in the market wanes for the first time since November 2023

Dancing Past the Venus de Milo

Douglas C-124 Globemaster II

Dow Jones Industrial Average Tops 40000 for the First Time

ExclusiveRussia Launched Research Spacecraft for Antisatellite Nuclear Weapon Two Years Ago, US Officials Say

Forget McDonald’s $5 meal. If you want to save, bring your own wine to a diner.

How Israeli Extremists Won

How OpenAI’s Sora hurts the creative industries

Hutchins Roundup: China Shock, Social Cost of Carbon, and More

Inside This $29 Million California Home, Each Light Fixture Has ‘Its Own Story’

Lockheed C-130 Hercules

Lockheed C-141 Starlifter

Mystery in the Alps: A Chinese Family, a Swiss Inn and the World’s Most Expensive Weapon

NBA Motion Tracking Data

New Data on Public Employment and Payroll Now Available

New Survey Shows Retirement Confidence Has Not Returned to Previous Levels

Only Public-Private Cooperation Can Accelerate Decarbonization by Francesco La Camera & Bruce Douglas

: There’s scary complacency about stocks and home prices. What it means for investors.

Poisoned, shot, or drowned? Here’s how Rasputin really died.

Population Rebounds for Many Cities in Northeast and Midwest

Scientists find evidence of ancient waterway beside Egypt’s pyramids

Sikorsky MH-53

Supreme Court Rejects Conservative Challenge to CFPB Funding, Saving Consumer Watchdog Agency

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, May 16

The Innocent Bystanders of College Protests by Takatoshi Ito

The Power Move of Working the 5-to-9 Before the 9-to-5

The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo — Hotel Review

US home prices and stocks are soaring. Here’s what it means for investors.

Use SharePlay to watch, listen, and play together in FaceTime on iPhone

Walmart Posts Sales Growth, Raises Earnings Outlook for the Year

What Our Editors Are Doing for Memorial Day Weekend

Why Do So Many EV Startups Fail?

5/15/2024 day marker

‘Stroads’ Cause Traffic Problems. An Urban Planning Critic Offers Solutions.

A Unified Western Strategy for Ukraine by Anders Åslund

Barry Romo, Decorated Vet Who Turned Against the VietnamWar, Dies at 76

Beware forecasts of doom for Taiwan under Lai

Cyrus Vance: What It Takes to Keep Harvey Weinstein, and Men Like Him, Behind Bars

Daring Fireball: The M4 iPad Pros

Defining Success in Ukraine by Richard Haass

DeSantis signs bill scrubbing “change change” from Florida law

Four Pillars of Decision-driven Analytics

Get directions on Apple Watch

Get walking directions in Maps on iPad

Get walking directions in Maps on iPhone

Has Music Become Less Misogynistic?

He Quit Wall Street to Coach Ivy League Tennis — and Built a Columbia Powerhouse

How MSNBC’s Leftward Tilt Delivers Ratings, and Complications

How the Middle East became a powerful force in AI, tech development

How to Use Apple Maps: A Step-by-Step Guide for Seniors

Inflation Eases as Core Prices Post Smallest Increase Since 2021

John Barbata, Turtles and C.S.N.Y. Drummer, Dies at 79

Katherine Porter, Painter of Intuitive Expressionism, Dies at 82

Mapping Gun Violence

Next Crisis: Empty Office BuildingsJoe Gyourko

Russia’s Battle of the Ministries by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Senate Group Recommends Spending Tens of Billions of Dollars on AI

Six Key Takeaways From Michael Cohen’s Hush-Money Trial Testimony

Sky-High Housing Costs Propel Construction of Rental Homes

The 100-Year Quest to Make a Paper Bottle

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, May 15

The Lopsided Reality of the China-Russia Relationship

Walmart’s Reign as America’s Biggest Retailer Is Under Threat

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Reveals Its Mystery Stock: Chubb

Westminster Dog Show 2024: A Miniature Poodle Named Sage Wins Best in Show

Why Banks Are Worried About the ‘Basel III Endgame’

You Can Now Build Your Very Own Frank Lloyd Wright House

5/14/2024 day marker

A Famed Car Designer’s Doomed Attempt to Challenge Tesla

A Turning Point for Clean Cooking by Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak & Joseph Nganga

Adekeye Adebajo on the Non-Aligned Movement, United Nations peacekeeping, African institution-building, and more by Adekeye Adebajo

Biden Levies Sweeping Tariffs on China, Intensifying Trade Fight With Trump

Dining out is increasingly a domain of the wealthy. Restaurants are feeling it.

Europe’s Non-European Elections by Alberto Alemanno

Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Closures

Here’s how to create a living wall for your home

High Interest Rates Are Hitting Poorer Americans the Hardest

Hilary Cass Says US Doctors Are ‘Out of Date’ on Youth Gender Medicine

Isabelle Sakai, Global Chief Marketing Officer of Mark Anthony Brands International

Keith Sheldon From Seminole Gaming and Hard Rock International

Leveraging Islamic Finance for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure by Muhammad Al Jasser

Navigating the future of work: A case for a robot tax in the age of AI

Recognizing Delirium

The “Billions to Trillions” Charade by Jayati Ghosh

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, May 14

The Influence of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Walmart to Lay Off and Relocate Workers

When Is the Best Time to Visit London?

Where home prices are most overvalued in the US

Why the World Has Gone Cuckoo for Copper, From EVs to AI

YouTube Viewership Ascends as Cord Cutting Weighs on Traditional TV

5/13/2024 day marker

A New Rent-Versus-Buy Calculator

Adventure Vehicles: Everything You Need to Know

AnalysisRight whales face many threats to survival. The species can still be saved.

Apple Music celebrates the launch of inaugural 100 Best Albums list - Apple

Arizona’s ‘universal’ education savings account program has become a handout to the wealthy

Clean Cooking Advances Women’s Empowerment by Rachel Ruto

Cohen Testifies Trump Told Him to Drag Out Hush-Money Talks: ‘Get Past the Election’

Could a $40,000 Equinox Membership Really Help You Live Longer?

D.C.’s Best Restaurants

Disney Places in Real Life: These 9 Picturesque Towns Look Like They Are From a Disney Movie

Elon Musk’s Diplomacy: Woo Right-Wing World Leaders. Then Benefit.

Eurovision 2024 Highlights: Nemo, From Switzerland, Wins Song Contest Final

From Great Resignation to Great Reshuffling

He Helped Trump Remake Global Trade. His Work Isn’t Done.

How Fat Leonard compromised admirals in charge of Navy intelligence

Melinda French Gates to Resign From Gates Foundation

Suddenly There Aren’t Enough Babies. The Whole World Is Alarmed.

Temu Cools on the US After Shelling Out Billions

The 3 C’s of Sustainable Innovation by Jayshree Seth - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, May 13

The Best Hotels in Puglia 2024

The Complications of Retiring Before Your Spouse

The Dilemmas of the Dollar by Barry Eichengreen

The Ever-Presence of Mythology on Greece’s Peloponnese Peninsula

The One Thing Voters Remember About Trump

The Random Path to Stock-Market Riches

The Winner of the 2014 Boston Marathon Finally Got Her Prize Money — From a Complete Stranger

There Can Be No Business as Usual for European Industry by Judith Kirton-Darling

Top 70 Mick Herron Quotes (2024 Update) - QuoteFancy

What Your ‘Heart Age’ Says About Your Health, and How to Measure It

Why Highway 1 is the climate challenge that California can’t fix

Why the US Can’t Win the Trade War With China – and Shouldn’t Try by Qiyuan Xu

5/12/2024 day marker

(21) Ron Wagner’s answer to What information did the Allies have about the Me-262? Did the German jet fighter come as a total shock to them or were they reasonably prepared?

(21) Will Escutia’s answer to If Allied and German fighter planes were armored in WWII how did they always seem to go down when hit?

A Beginner’s Guide to SUP Camping — She Explores

Are Schools Too Focused on Mental Health?

Beloved Chincoteague ponies’ mythical origins may be real

Caitlin Clark Is Already the GOAT of TV Ratings

For a Memorable Vacation, Follow a Detective Novel Instead of Your Guidebook

How Television Advertising Lost Its Relevance

How to Budget as a College Student - Buy Side from WSJ

If Taylor Swift Can Dazzle Through the Tears, So Can You

Is the 5-second rule true? Science finally has an answer.

Jonathan Haidt’s ‘The Anxious Generation’: Tech, Smartphones Cause Teen Anxiety

Looming TikTok Ban Gives Young Voters Another Beef With Biden

Mother’s Day (United States)


Napoleon (2023 film)

Our Journalism

Resource Brief - Horses - Assateague Island National Seashore (US National Park Service)

Some hands-on iPad event impressions – Six Colors

Stubbornly High Rents Prevent Fed From Finishing Inflation Fight

The Best Office Chairs for a Comfortable Workday - Buy Side from WSJ

The Fall of Online-Education Technology Powerhouse 2U: $900M in Debt and Rigid Contracts

There’s Not Enough Power for America’s High-Tech Ambitions

Wall Street Turns Up the Heat on Companies to Perform

What 1960s Antiwar Protesters Think About Today’s Unrest on College Campuses

What information did the Allies have about the Me-262?

What You Aren’t Hearing About Marijuana’s Health Effects

Will AI Be a Job Killer? Call Us Skeptical

5/11/2024 day marker

Do You Need a Food Processor, a Blender, or Both? Here’s How to Figure It Out.Reviews by

Early data shows positive job growth in distressed US counties as new federal policies take effect

He Was Building a Home Empire Based on Wellness. Now Investors Want Their Money Back.

History of the Soviet Union (1953–1964)

Ilon Specht, Who Empowered Women With ‘I’m Worth It’ Ad, Dies at 81

Inside a Ukrainian Vampire Drone Squad’s Mission to the Front Lines

Justice Thomas Denounces ‘the Nastiness and the Lies’ Faced by His Family

Mary Wells Lawrence, High-Profile Advertising Pioneer, Dies at 95

Messerschmitt Me 262

Protests of Despair by Slavoj Žižek

See photos of the rare northern lights display across the United States

The Marketing of ‘Misty of Chincoteague’

The Secret to Lasting Romance? Doing New Things Together

This Stock-Market Rally Isn’t What It Seems

Trump May Owe $100 Million From Double-Dip Tax Breaks, Audit Shows

When Travel Plans Go Awry

5/10/2024 day marker

13 Best Water Shoes for Men 2024

22 Best Hotels in San Diego

A seven-point guide to getting the net-zero transition on track

AI for social good in sustainable development goals

An 8-Day Cycling Adventure From Tokyo to Kyoto

Best Waterproof Running Shoes of 2024 - Waterproof Shoes for Runners

Biden’s Real Mistake in Pausing Military Aid to Israel

Bundles Are the Hottest New Show in Streaming

Daring Fireball: Apple’s ‘Let Loose’ iPad Event Was Shot on iPhone — With Panavision Lenses

Does Your EV Hurt, or Help, the Economy?

Don’t Fret About Green Subsidies by Dani Rodrik

Europe’s Geoeconomic Competitiveness Challenge by Daniel Gros

House Democrats’ Surprise Campaign Play: Embracing Border Security

How Exceptional Is China’s Crony-Capitalist Boom? by Yuen Yuen Ang

How two telcos bring inclusivity to Indonesia

Jim Simons, a Pioneer of Quantitative Trading, Dies at 86

Kareem Yusuf on building sustainability products for your customers

My Favorite Airbnb: A Spanish Countryside Villa With a Huge Private Pool

New tactics for diverse semiconductor talent needs

North Carolina’s emergence as a swing state could help Biden win in November

Opportunities to boost small company productivity: Research on micro, small, and midsize companies offers new ideas about how to close the productivity gap

Renaissance Technologies

T-Mobile, Verizon in Talks to Carve Up US Cellular

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, May 10

The Best Hotels in Santa Monica, From Beachfront Bungalows to Historic Manors

The Debate Over Rafah

The Dow Is a Terrible Index. But It Is Telling Us Something Important.

The Rise of the Finternet by Agustín Carstens & Nandan Nilekani

The Smartest People in the Room Are All Listening to the Same Podcast

5/9/2024 day marker

The liberal international order is slowly coming apart

2024 Kentucky Derby With Jeff Seder

America Has Too Many Schools

Angry shoppers are fighting back against inflation — even the wealthy ones. Companies are feeling it.

Around the halls: scholars discuss a much-needed revision to America’s diversity data

Artificial Intelligence ‘Friends’

Barbara Stauffacher Solomon, Pioneer of Supergraphics, Dies at 95

Big Tech Firms Meta, Apple and Nvidia Lead the Stock Buyback Spending Spree

Crime boss

Daring Fireball: Brief Thoughts and Observations on Yesterday’s ‘Let Loose’ iPad Keynote

Former Google CEO lists his $24.5 million estate in Atherton, Calif.

German private equity: A catalyst for job creation and economic growth

Getting the Pandemic Treaty Across the Finish Line by Gordon Brown

Home prices keep climbing nationally, but they’re falling in these 15 markets

Homeless or Overhoused: Boomers Are Stuck at Both Ends of the Housing Spectrum

Hospitals Are Refusing to Do Surgeries Unless You Pay in Full First

How Do Consumers Feel About the Economy? New Survey Shows Not So Great

How To Choose the Best Hiking SocksGORE-TEX Brand

How to Close the Gender Wage Gap by Lilja Dögg Alfreðsdóttir

Hutchins Roundup: Robotization, Long-Term Interest Rates, and More

Mental Health Is Becoming Critical to Workplace Organizational Culture

NBA Playing Time Statistics

Nikki Haley Is Huddling With Donors and Won’t Endorse Donald Trump Yet

PathOdorizer - BE040

Secrets for a successful SREP response in Europe

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, May 9

The new Mafia is wising up and keeping quiet

The platform business model meets advanced manufacturing at MakerVerse

The Unbearable Lightness of Anti-Zionism by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Urine color chart - Beat the heat

What Will Happen to the Fed’s Independence if Trump Is Reelected?

When Is Criticism of Israel Anti-Semitic? by Peter Singer

Why Do Stocks Trade at Such Different Multiples or Valuation Ratios?

Will India’s Election Destroy Its Democracy?

5/8/2024 day marker

26 Best Bars in New York City, From Classic Dives to Martini Lounges

An Overlooked War

FAFSA rollout means fewer students will enroll in college next year

France’s Macron lays wreath to mark Victory in Europe DayAFP

Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs introduce AlphaFold 3 AI model

Is flavor really just an illusion?

Mandela’s Heirs Face Their Biggest Election Test by Adekeye Adebajo

Police close case on bodies found under Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair

Regulator Explores Naming Companies Tied to Auditing Deficiencies Amid Investor Pushback

The 10 best multi-tools of 2024

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, May 8

The Fees Creating a Disconnect Between Sticker Price and What You Actually Pay

The Zero-Sum Logic Fueling the Rise of Germany’s Far Right by Dalia Marin

To defend against disruption, build a thriving workforce

Transforming mid-cap companies

Trump’s Plans for the Fed Would Revive 1970s-Style Inflation by Maurice Obstfeld

Villa La Massa — Hotel Review

What Explains the BJP’s Rise? by Gaurav Dalmia

Why China Provides Evidence for Optimists and Pessimists Alike by Zhang Jun

Why trigger points cause so much pain — and how you can relieve it

5/7/2024 day marker

‘Warren and Bill’ Review: Buffett and Gates Give It Away

13 Best Airbnbs in Nashville for Country Music Lovers, Bachelorette Parties, & More

18 Slim Wallets Stylists Like for Less Bulgy Pockets - Buy Side from WSJ

A 5-Day Road Trip Connecting Scotland’s Tidal Pools

Americans should worry more about extreme heat

An Unnerving Trip to the Canadian Arctic Helped Brooke Shields Realize Life’s Fragility

Apple’s New iPad Pro vs. New iPad Air vs. iPad: Why Are There So Many?

Argentina’s Inflation Paradoxes by Andrés Velasco

Author Talks: The business of ethics for leaders

Cultivating a Healthy Work-life Integration Culture

Do Accelerators Improve Startup Success Rates?

Gen Z Sinks Deeper Into Debt

Here’s how much income it takes to afford rent in New York City, Boston and other big cities

How Financial Frictions Hinder Innovation

How to Do Napa Without Breaking the Bank

Lethal injection

Neoliberal economics: The road to freedom or authoritarianism? : Planet Money : NPR

Saudi Arabia’s Neom, the World’s Biggest Construction, Project Gets a Reality Check

Secure at Home, Putin Builds on the Alliances He Needs to Prevail in Ukraine

Seven Common Work Problems AI Helps Me Solve

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, May 7

The Crossword: Author TalksNo. 179

The Met Gala, in Photos

The Private-Equity Deal That Flattened a Hospital Chain and Its Landlord

The Privileged Gaza Protesters by Ian Buruma

The Psychologist Who Convinced Economists that to Err Is Human by Antara Haldar

The rapid evolution of payments in Latin America

The US Housing Market Has Homeowners StuckLu Liu

This major factor will crush bond yields later in the year, says Morgan Stanley

Trump’s Prized Wall Street Building Could Fall Victim to the Office-Market Meltdown

Turkey Just Launched a Digital Nomad Visa — Here’s How to Apply

What Mission-Driven Government Means by Mariana Mazzucato & Rainer Kattel

Women Who Travel Podcast: Three Photojournalists on Revealing the Human Side of Conflict

You can pay off debt in many ways. Here’s how to find what’s right for you.

5/6/2024 day marker

You Know LVMH for Its Luxury Bags. It’s Also a Titan of Real Estate.

17 Best Hotels in the South of France

A Fresh Approach to a Crisis

ABC News President Kim Godwin Is Stepping Down

Biden Races to Trump-Proof His Agenda

China’s Xi Shouldn’t Expect an Easy Ride in Europe This Time

Early efforts for life sciences leaders and generative AI

Fertilizers Will Not Fix Africa’s Food Crisis by Silke Bollmohr & Harun Warui

From hire to inspire: Getting — and keeping — Gen Z in manufacturing

Harnessing as a service in the US government

Howard Schultz Is Giving His Successor at Starbucks Advice on LinkedIn

Launching a geopolitical risk assessment unit

Lightheadedness — causes, treatment and preventionhealthdirect

Social Security and Medicare finances look grim as overall debt piles up

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, May 6

The Lasting Legacy of Abenomics by Koichi Hamada

The New York Times and The Washington Post Win 3 Pulitzers Each

US-China Cooperation Remains Possible by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

What TikTok Got Wrong About America by Nancy Qian

What’s on TV This Week: Met Gala and ‘Wedding Crashers’

Why Mike Johnson Won’t Be Kevin McCarthy’d

Why play is serious work

Why Student Protesters Want Columbia to Cut Ties With Google and Amazon

Will the Renewed US Support for Ukraine Be Enough? by Ian Bremmer

5/5/2024 day marker

‘Finance Bro’ Outfits Desperately Need an Update. We Have Fixes.

14 Best Hotel Pools in Las Vegas, From Caesars Palace to the Fontainebleau

18 Best Hotels and Resorts in California, From Malibu to Napa Valley

40 Beach Wedding Guest Dresses for Oceanside ‘I Do’s’

A Map of the Most Populated Parts of the World - Atlas Obscura

How Humans Failed Racehorses

In Jordan, a Community Disrupted Is Awaiting Travel’s Return

The Comfortable Problem of Mid TV

The New Math of Driving Your Car Till the Wheels Fall Off

The Rocket Fuel Behind China Shock 2.0: Weak Currency, Deflation

These Couples Survived a Lot. Then Came Retirement.

What Is a Wampus Cat? - Atlas Obscura

5/4/2024 day marker

‘Follow Your Dreams’ and Other Terrible Career Advice

195 ChatGPT Prompts (& How to Write Your Own)

8 New Movies Our Critics Are Talking About This Week

Anant Bhalla on the convergence of insurance, asset management

Author Talks: Design as a force for good

Author Talks: The magic of unmuting yourself

Betting on the Kentucky Derby? Here’s how to think like a handicapper.

Bric-a-Brac 70 - Yolo Intel

Creating a European AI unicorn: Interview with Arthur Mensch, CEO of Mistral AI

Demographics of India

Diddy’s American Dream had a dark side: Years of lawsuits, controversy

Digital twins for renewable hydrogen projects

Earth sees hottest April, 11th straight record-warm month

Elon Musk Tries to Make HimseIf Indispensable at Tesla Ahead of Pay Vote

Evolving government R&D to meet the challenges of tomorrow

Faster, smarter, bolder: How midtenure CFOs shift into a higher gear

Frank Stella, Towering Artist and Master of Reinvention, Dies at 87

Gen AI talent: Your next flight risk

Getting started with gen AI in customer care

Has pay kept up with inflation?

How a Social Media Break Restored My Attention Span

How countries and companies can rev up the productivity engine

How much will consumers really pay for green products?

If You Aren’t Using Your Hotel Concierge, You’re Missing Out

Leadership lessons on scaling start-ups

Lean for complex manufacturing

Mayor of Kingstown

Moving Target

Off Season Italy: Le Sirenuse’s Aldo Sersale’s Winter Guide to the Amalfi Coast

Opportunities for small businesses to boost productivity

Politics of India

Senior living homes won’t pick up fallen residents, call 911 instead

Skip the Summer Crowds in Europe. Try These Underrated Destinations Instead.

Southern US has faced twice the global sea level rise rate since 2010

Stand and deliver: Three imperatives for civil servants

Students Trained for Pro-Palestinian Protests With Veteran Activists for Months

The 10 Best Places to Travel in June

The Best Restaurants in Austin

The global economy is resetting, China is repositioning itself to export innovative technologies, and its trading partners are more diverse.

The Crossword: “Mwah!”No. 178

There’s More to Warren Buffett’s Game Than Just Picking Great Stocks

This Fifth-Generation Department Store Is Winning the Luxury Game

Thomas Dohmke on improving engineering experience using gen AI

Trade’s trajectory: A conversation with Yuvraj Narayan

U.K. Store Footfall Plunges as Wet Weather and Easter Absence Weigh

Warren Buffett Praises Apple After Berkshire Hathaway Cuts Stake

What is deep learning?

What is machine learning?

What’s the future of AI?

Where to Find the Work of Architect Luis Barragán in Mexico City — and What to Do Along the Way

Why does my child remember being someone else?

Why so many bad bosses still rise to the top

5/3/2024 day marker

: Here’s the key that could unlock the US housing market for buyers and sellers.

6 Signs Your Dog Is Happy

A Wealth Shift That Could Leave Some Younger Americans Behind

Apple Sales Fall as iPhone, China Businesses Remain Sluggish

Biden’s 2024 Election Campaign Threatened by Israel-Hamas War, Student Protests

Fresh Insights on Income Mobility From 2005 to 2019

Gresham’s law

Here’s what is so amazing about Apple’s stock buybacks

India’s Despotic Election by Debasish Roy Chowdhury

IRS says audits for rich people, corporations are about to hit a whole new level

Israel and Saudi Arabia Are Trading Places

Might Modi Lose? by Shashi Tharoor

Overlooked No More: Min Matheson, Labor Leader Who Faced Down Mobsters

Renovation Regrets: 5 Homeowners on the Mistakes They Won’t Make Again

Slower Hiring Boosts Hopes of a Late-Summer Rate Cut

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, May 3

The Army Sees Mortars as Safe. Troops Report Signs of Brain Injury.

The Best New Hotels in the United States: 2024 Hot List

The European Union’s New Triumvirate by Sławomir Sierakowski

The Popular Decimation of India’s Democracy by Pranab Bardhan

The Side Effects of Covid Vaccines

This is Tim: Complete transcript of Apple’s Q2 2024 analyst call – Six Colors

Tracing the rise of Russian state media on TikTok

Trump blames strong dollar for US economy ‘going to hell’

When does old age begin? Science says later than you might think

Why Non-Compete Clauses Should Be Banned by Eric Posner

5/2/2024 day marker

As Ukraine Loses Ground, Baltic Countries Ask: Are We Next?

Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Biden Needs to Learn From the Democrats’ Disaster in ‘68

Brittney Griner Talks Candidly About Her New Book, Russia and Recovery

Climate Change Is a Worse Health Threat Than We Think by Manica Balasegaram

Disaster Loans Provided a Lifeline. Now Small Businesses Owe Billions in Late Fees.

Do financial-literacy programs actually work? Some experts still aren’t so sure.

Europe Takes Radical Steps to Boost Production; ‘There Is No Other Option’

Fate of Gaza Cease-Fire Talks Hangs on Two Hard-Liners: Netanyahu and Sinwar

How Technology Has Outpaced the Law

Hutchins Roundup: Debt-to-GDP Ratios, Tax Incentives, and More

Inside a Navy Submarine Navigating the Arctic

Our Freedoms Depend on Press Freedom by Jodie Ginsberg

Peloton CEO Barry McCarthy to Step Down Amid Fresh Layoffs

Rare Editions of Pushkin Are Vanishing From Libraries Around Europe

Sony, Apollo Make $26 Billion All-Cash Offer for Paramount

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, May 2

The Exodus of China’s Wealthy to Japan

These Models Gave Up Photoshoots to Sell Their AI Likenesses

This middle school’s battle against cellphones yielded surprising results

Warren Buffett Rules Out ‘Eye-Popping’ Returns for Berkshire Hathaway Investors

What Fiscally Sound Industrial Policy Can Do by Keun Lee

What is deterrence, and what is its role in US national defense?

What We Got Right in Preparing for Retirement

Why Voters Are Unhappy About the Biden Economy by Michael J. Boskin

5/1/2024 day marker

10 Cities With the Best Public Transportation, From Medellín to Stockholm

ADUs could expand the affordable housing toolkit — if local governments can work through some growing pains

Averting Climate Catastrophe Requires Economic Growth by Alessio Terzi & Gernot Wagner

Duane Eddy, Whose Twang Changed Rock ’n’ Roll, Dies at 86

Global Elections in the Shadow of Neoliberalism by Joseph E. Stiglitz

McDonald’s Seeks to Make Menu More Affordable for Inflation-Weary Consumers

Musk Has Made Tesla a Meme Stock by J. Bradford DeLong

On a Babymoon in Mexico, Embracing an Identity Shift

Russell Wilson and Ciara to Pocket $31 Million From Sale of Lakefront Washington Estate

Sea Island, Georgia, Is America’s Priciest Resort

The 10 most expensive cars to maintain

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, May 1

The US Treasury’s Bond Blunder Will Cost Gen Z Dearly by Todd G. Buchholz & James Carter

What’s Driving the Global Gold Rush? by Harold James

Will Hamas Say No?

4/30/2024 day marker

‘Empty Chair Feeling’ to Pervade Berkshire Meeting Without Munger

5 tips for planning a trip with Bear

A Peek Inside the Brains of ‘Super-Agers’

A Q&A About Latino Republicans

Alison LaCroix on the US Supreme Court, immigration policy, federalism, and more by Alison L. LaCroix

America’s Frustrating Search for a Soft Economic Landing by Michael R. Strain

Americans are sleeping more than ever. See how you compare.

Banned By Germany by Yanis Varoufakis

Celebrate National Small Business Week 2024

China Should Emulate Taiwan’s Tech Policies by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Daring Fireball: The Talk Show: ‘I Decapitated the MacBook Air’

DEA plans to reclassify marijuana as a lower-risk drug, officials say

Democracy is good for the economy. Can business defend it?

Fed to Signal It Has Stomach to Keep Rates High for Longer as Inflation Lingers

Five Myths About Generative AI That Leaders Should Know

How Bank Depositors Are Becoming More Alert

How Michigan Ended Minority Rule

How to Improve Your Credit Score, According to Experts - Buy Side from WSJ

In Reversal, Expert Panel Recommends Breast Cancer Screening at 40

Is Climate Action China’s Trump Card? by Li Shuo & Lauri Myllyvirta

John Bunyan

Judge Merchan Holds Trump in Contempt for Violating Gag Order in Hush-Money Trial

Lawyer for Stormy Daniels Says He Believed Trump Was Behind Hush-Money Talks

Meet the real Rick Steves, beyond Europe to his home and passions

Office-Loan Defaults Near Historic Levels With Billions on the Line

On the US GuIf Coast, flooding risk grows as sea level rise accelerates

PG&E Nears Deal With KKR for Stake in Power Business Spinoff

The ‘Persuadable’ Voters Not Sold on Trump or Biden: A Data Breakdown

The 14 Best Beach Towns on the East Coast

The Best Beach Essentials, According to Travel Pros - Buy Side from WSJ

The Best Places to Learn How to Sail, From the Greek Islands to the Florida Keys

The LeBron Generation in the NBA Is Finally Over

The Macron Moment by Mark Leonard

These are the 10 cheapest car brands to maintain, according to Consumer Reports

Trump Vents About Lawyer in His Hush-Money Criminal Trial

We Are Talking About the Manhattan Case Against Trump All Wrong

Werner Spitz, Forensic Expert in High-Profile Murders, Dies at 97

Why high returns for cash are here to stay, these strategists say

4/29/2024 day marker

A Google productivity expert shares 5 tips to save time

A Media Heiress’s Bid to Sell Sets Off Mayhem Inside Paramount

AI Startups Have Plenty of Cash. They Often Don’t Yet Have a Business.

All the Disinformation That’s Fit to Print

Apple MacBook Air 15-Inch M3 Review -

Bob Bakish, Paramount CEO, Steps Down as Company Weighs Merger

Court says state health care plans can’t exclude gender-affirming surgery

Daring Fireball: M4 Chips in New iPad Pros?

Daring Fireball: Paul Thurrott Reviews the 15-Inch M3 MacBook Air

Delay, Delay, Delay

Finishing the Job of Global Tax Cooperation by José Antonio Ocampo

How Universities Make Money Beyond the Big Donors

In America’s Biggest Oil Field, the Ground Is Swelling and Buckling

Is Influencer Marketing Worth It?

La Sportiva North America

Less Is More: The Case for ‘Slow Productivity’ at Work

On Columbia University and Coach Handbags

Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish Steps Down

Protecting YourseIf During

Robbi Mecus, Who Helped Foster L.G.B.T.Q. Climbing Community, Dies at 52

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, April 29

The decisive decade: Understanding the trajectories of 14- to 24-year-olds

The Election-Devaluation Cycle by Jeffrey Frankel

The End of Magical Debt Thinking by Kenneth Rogoff

The West Must Not Let Putin Win by Chris Patten

TouchRetouch 5.0 Editing Tips & TricksMedium

TouchRetouch Delivering New Tools to Retouch PhotosMedium

Trump on trial: Personal anguish, political defiance and a loss of control

Trump’s Enablers on the Supreme Court by Richard K. Sherwin

Trump’s Trial Could Bring a Rarity: Consequences for His Words

Wall Street Has Spent Billions Buying Homes. A Crackdown Is Looming.

We’ve Updated Our Fiscal Impact Measure

What Is Business Casual? Work Clothing Ideas for 2024 - Buy Side from WSJ

What Nikki Haley’s Primary Voters Tell Us About Support for Donald Trump in November

Where To Go In a Top-Floor Apartment During a Tornado

4/28/2024 day marker

8 best bird-watching binoculars in 2024

Anne Hathaway on ‘The Idea of You’ and Letting Go of Expectations

Dangers of the Appalachian Trail and How to Avoid Them - Mountains with Megan

Daring Fireball: Making a Mountain Out of Molehill-Sized M4 News

Echoing Their Client, Trump’s Lawyers Pursue an Absolutist Defense

How 9 homeowners bought their house, from loans to what to look for

How Hudson Yards Went From Ghost Town to Office Success Story

How TikTok Lost the War in Washington

How Trump’s Rhetoric at Rallies Has Escalated

Inside Richard Branson’s Private Island Paradise of Lagoons, Lemurs, and Wind Turbines

Luxury & Premium 2023Brand Value Ranking League TableBrandirectory

Luxury Brand Ranking 2024 – Unveiling the Top 34 Luxury Icons

Luxury Style: Top 20 Global Fashion BrandsHigh Fashion 101

Meet the AI Expert Advising the White House, JPMorgan, Google and the Rest of Corporate America

Melania’s Trials

Nashville Is Booming. Locals Fret About Their Future in Music City.

Real Estate Fantasies

Stress-Testing Trump’s Claims That the World Was Calmer on His Watch

The Best New Hotels in the World: 2024 Hot List

The Era of One-Stop Grocery Shopping Is Over

The Petty Feud Between the NYT and the White House - POLITICO

The Stark Reality of Israel’s Fight in Gaza

World War II History Haunts Attempts to Seize Russian Assets

4/27/2024 day marker

‘How Disney Built America’ Review: Mickey Mouse Mythology

A Brief History of the Fed’s Uneasy Peace With the White House

Donald Trump Is Used to the Finer Things in Life. At the Courthouse, ‘He’s Miserable.’

Former L.A. Dodgers Owner Lists Malibu Estate for $85 Million

He Thinks Your Next Vacation Should Be in Detroit. Yes, He’s Serious.

He threatened Marjorie Taylor Greene. Then came the consequences.

How bionic eyes can restore vision and help blind people see

How Insurers Game Out Disaster Risk and Drop Customers

I Used to Judge Women Who Got Boob Jobs. Then I Got One.

Josh O’Connor Makes ‘Challengers’ The Sexiest Movie of the Year

Saving Time

Tech Spending Still Proves Thorny for Some Advertising Companies

The Best New Hotels in the World: 2024 Hot List

The Biden EPA’s Plan to Ration Electricity

Thinking Doesn’t Have to Feel So Hard

What Marketers Should Know About Ibotta, the Digital Promotions Company That Just Went Public

Why do the US and its allies want to seize Russian reserves to aid Ukraine?

Why Rising Stocks, Home Prices are Leaving Young Americans Behind

You Know LVMH for Its Luxury Bags. It’s Also a Titan of Real Estate.

4/26/2024 day marker

2024 NFL Draft

After Apartheid

Central Banks in a Cashless World by Mariana Mazzucato & David Eaves

Co-hosts of the ‘Gen Z on Gen Z’ Podcast

Governments Must Step Up to Prevent Cervical Cancer by Ifeanyi M. Nsofor

HaIf of Americans can only afford a $400 car payment. Their options are scarce.

Here’s the scenario that ‘nobody’s really prepared for,’ says UBS wealth’s CIO

Hippies Settled This Unusual California Community. Now Its Homes Sell for Millions.

Is Influencer Marketing Worth It?

Jamie Dimon’s Letter to Shareholders, Annual Report 2023JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Gives a Soft Landing Long Odds

Key themes at the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings: Dollar dominance

Michael C. Jensen, 84, Who Helped Reshape Modern Capitalism, Dies

Must Democratizing the Media Be Bad for Democracy? by Carsten Brosda

Navigating Major Transitions in an Uncertain Economy by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Paramount Considers Removing CEO Bob Bakish as Turmoil Over Sale Talks Deepens

Retire at 65? It’s More Like 62.

San Francisco Buyers Bring Its Luxury Housing Market Back to Life

SCOTUS Hearing: Trump Lawyer Argues He Could Order Assassination

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, April 26

The Best New Beach Hotels in the World: 2024 Hot List

The Best Things to Do in Cannes, the French Riviera City Experiencing a Renaissance

The New Most Dreaded Word at Work: ‘Hey’

The Perils of Retirement in America by Teresa Ghilarducci

The Spanish Town of Villajoyosa Is the Best Hidden Gem in Europe, According to a New Ranking

Used-Car Sales Have Moved Online — Here’s Why Both Customers and Dealers Are Happy

Warren Buffett’s Real Estate Brokerage Agrees to $250 Million Settlement

What Does the Labor Side of Manufacturing Need Over the Next Decade?

What Is the Role of Customers in the Gig Economy?

Why Some Smart Cruise Travelers Stay on the Ship During Port Days

4/25/2024 day marker

‘Civil War’ Is More Real Than You Suspect

Arizona House Votes to Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban

Chaos and Oppression

Fifty Years of Immunization Success Call for 50 More by Sania Nishtar

How to Rebuild Trust in Public Institutions by Eleanor Carter & Carolyn J. Heinrich

How your credit score affects your mortgage rate, average mortgage rates for credit scores from 620 to 760+ and how to improve your credit score. - Buy Side from WSJ

Hutchins Roundup: International Migration, National Achievement, and More

Is Trump Above the Law? by Nancy Isenberg

Largest Year-to-Year Increase for Public School Spending Per Pupil

Oracle’s Jump to Nashville Surprises Austin

Summaries, Custom, Obsidian …

Supreme Court Appears Open to Some of Donald Trump’s Immunity Claims

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, April 25

The Godfather

The IMF Chose the Right Leader the Wrong Way by Ngaire Woods

The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It

These are the best dress shirts for men, according to style experts. Their top picks include everything from classic button-downs to sleek polos and lightweight linen options. - Buy Side from WSJ

Trump Advisers, Including Giuliani and Meadows, Indicted in Arizona

Trump Is Putin’s Only Hope Now by Carl Bildt

Trump on Trial

Trump v. United States: Can presidents get away with anything?

US Fertility Rate Falls to Record Low

4/24/2024 day marker

‘Irrational excitement’ over AI will doom tech, says this contrarian investor

AI Needs UN Oversight by Peter G. Kirchschläger

Asians and Pacific Islanders in Hollywood

Assessment/ Do You Know How Bureaucratic Your Organization Is?

Biden signs bill that could ban TikTok into law, setting up legal battle

Canceling Palestine by Slavoj Žižek

Charlotte Tansill & Adam Kornblum on CeraVe’s Super Bowl Ad Campaign

Daring Fireball: Bertrand Serlet: ‘Why LLMs Work’

Daring Fireball: Ed Zitron: ‘The Man Who Killed Google Search’

Elon Musk gives Wall Street what it wants, but more pain could be around the corner

How to empower your kids through financial literacy

Keep these 10 financial documents forever. Scan and shred the rest.

NPR Chief Defends Coverage, Accuses Critics of ‘Bad Faith Distortion’ of Her Views

Oracle to Move Headquarters Again, This Time to Nashville

Smaller, Faster, Lighter: The Changing Shape of NFL Quarterbacks

Steady progress in approaching quantum advantage

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, April 24

The changing demographics of business ownership

The Folly of China’s Real-Estate Boom Was Easy to See, but No One Wanted to Stop It

The Geopolitics of Africa’s Debt Crisis by Anne O. Krueger

The Man Who Killed Google Search

The Most Colorful Hotels in the World, From Morocco to Guatemala

The Pandemic Financing Developing Countries Need by Rachel Glennerster

The West Is Hastening Its Own Decline by Brahma Chellaney

These 7 Properties Will Make You Feel Like You’re at the Grand Budapest Hotel

TikTok’s Pro-China Tilt

Trump Shaped the Supreme Court. Now He Wants His Victory.

Ukraine Is Far From Doomed by Tatyana Deryugina & Anastassia Fedyk

Under Criminal Investigation Over Opioid-Related Consulting

Who Cares About Donald Trump’s Hush-Money Trial?

WHY AI Works

Why the EU’s New Migration Pact Matters by Ana Palacio

4/23/2024 day marker

America’s Childcare Is Unfit for the Postmodern Age by Bruce Ackerman

California is grappling with a growing problem: Too much solar

Cutout (espionage)

Donald Trump on Trial

Find out how good or bad your dream economy compared to today’s

Former Levi’s CEO on Revitalizing a Brand — and the Right Way to Wash Jeans

From Amazon to Uber: Why Platform Accountability Requires a Holistic Approach

FTC Bans Noncompete Agreements That Restrict Job Switching

History Already Tells Us the Future of AI by Daron Acemoglu & Simon Johnson

Inside the Race to Revolutionize Quantum Computing

Levi Strauss Is Stretching Beyond Wholesale in Search for New Customers

Medtech companies thriving in Southern California

Earth Day 2024: ‘Saving the Planet’ Is the Wrong Goal

Should the United States change its policies toward Taiwan?

Supreme Court appears divided over Oregon anti-camping homeless law

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, April 24

The Role That Taught Judi Dench All About Passion

Trump and the Risk of a US Debt Default by William L. Silber

US Takes Aim at Chinese Banks Aiding Russia War Effort

Wealth by Race of Householder

What is top of mind for dairy executives in 2024?

Why Is Financial Literacy Important? Olivia S. Mitchell

4/22/2024 day marker

Can Intrapreneurship Help Close the Racial Wealth Gap?

Can Intrapreneurship Help Close the Racial Wealth Gap?

New census data hints at an urban population revival, assisted by immigration

The 11 Best Beaches in North Carolina

15 Insider Tips for Your Next Trip to Tokyo

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, March 2024

Indonesia’s green powerhouse promise: Ten bold moves

How to improve employee engagement

Bob Heil, Whose Innovations Enhanced the Sound of Rock, Dies at 83

Taylor Swift Has Given Fans a Lot. Is It Finally Too Much?

How the US Aid Package Could Affect the War in Ukraine

AI Holds the Key to Resilient Cities by Justina Nixon-Saintil

How Risky Is Japan’s Monetary-Policy Normalization? by Takatoshi Ito

Europe’s Red Tape Is Helping Russia by Laurence Boone & Nicu Popescu

As Families Change, So Must the Safety Net by Neha Bansal

What to Look for in Trump’s First Trial by Eric Posner

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, April 22

Nike Reverses Course as Innovation Stalls and Rivals Gain Ground

These are the best writing pens, including ballpoint pens, gel pens and fountain pens, which can be used for note taking, journaling and more. - Buy Side from WSJ

Move Aside, Big Banks: Giant Funds Now Rule Wall Street

Insurer Earnings Make Hospital Investors Sweat

Reversing the Real-Estate Doom Loop Is Possible. Just Look at Detroit.

Inside the Strategies That Made China a Shipbuilding Powerhouse

4/21/2024 day marker

Andrew Johnson

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

John Wilkes Booth

34 Gorgeous Beach House Rentals Around the World

How I Travel: Sir Richard Branson Packs a Chess Set in His Carry-on

The Greek island of Santorini is hiding an explosive secret

These are the 10 most popular national parks

The Troubling Trend in Teenage Sex

E-Commerce and the Influencer Economy

Will a Mountain of Evidence Be Enough to Convict Trump?

There’s Been an Airplane Emergency. Here’s What Flight Attendants Do Next.

Why Biden Has a Narrower Path to the Presidency Than Trump, in 11 Maps

How vinyl records, like Taylor Swift’s, are made

This week, Trump had to hear what potential jurors really thought of him

Billions in Dirty Money Flies Under the Radar at World’s Busiest Airports

Diversity Goals Are Disappearing From Companies’ Annual Reports

Big Stocks Won When Markets Rose. They Are Winning Again in the Selloff.

Legal Fees Costing Trump Millions as Criminal Trial Begins

House Approves Long-Stalled Ukraine Aid Over Angry GOP Objections

The Stars of the NBA Couldn’t Stop Scoring. So the NBA Stopped Them.

Liberal Cities, Conservative Towns Seek Supreme Court’s Help on Homelessness

4/20/2024 day marker

Love the One You’re With Part 1 - Bicycle For Your Mind

Bear Your Way: Take better notes for the student in all of us

How to Use iCloud • Concepts App • Infinite, Flexible Sketching

Daring Fireball: Face the Critic: Ian Betteridge Edition

Great Purge

Killing Eve

What a difference four years makesIan Betteridge

Abortion and the 2024 election: There is no easy way out for Republicans

The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

How to Plan a Road Trip From Start to Finish

Psychedelic Travel Experiences Are More Popular Than Ever

What Courtney Dauwalter Learned in the Pain Cave

Where Jurors in Trump Hush-Money Trial Say They Get Their News

Prosecutors Want to Ask Trump About Attacks on Women

Bedtime Stories for Grown-Ups

Internet data centers are fueling drive to old power source: Coal

The Quiet Student Loan Forgiveness Scam

Real-Estate Agents, Investment Advisers Chafe at New Anti-Money-Laundering Rules

Elon Musk Lost Democrats on Tesla When He Needed Them Most

He Loves Speed, Hates Bureaucracy and Told Ferrari: Go Faster

Inside the Financials of Skydance, Paramount’s Suitor

The Coney Island Apartment Complex That Nearly Sparked a Banking Panic

Wall Street Has Abandoned Wall Street

The Four Most Divisive Words on a Flight: Will You Swap Seats?

Iran’s Nuclear Calculus Has Now Become More Dangerous

4/19/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: The Best Simple USB-C Microphone: Audio-Technica’s ATR2100x-USB Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB Cardioid Dynamic Microphone (ATR Series) USB and XLR Outputs, Silver : Musical Instruments

Rendering misrepresentation: Diversity failures in AI image generation

The Best Hikes Near San Diego, From Torrey Pines to Balboa Park

12 Best Hotels in Key West, From Lush Bungalows to Duval Street Boutiques

The 10 Best Countries for Expats, According to Expats

How to Pack Light When You’re Only Traveling With a Carry-On

We put in an offer on a cabin, but someone was murdered there. Should we bail?

: Tesla shareholders shouldn’t be fooled again on Elon Musk’s pay package

Accelerating medical R&D with digital twins

The hidden strengths of Japanese corporates

Author Talks: The formula for successful negotiation

TikTok’s Origin Story: Court Files Show Role of GOP Megadonor Jeff Yass

Johnson Turns to Democrats to Bring Up Ukraine Aid Bill in the House

How TikTok Changed Us

Biden Shields Millions of Acres of Alaskan Wilderness From Drilling and Mining

Five Action Movies to Stream Now

Here’s Something Southern Republican Governors Are Afraid Of

The Key to Transforming African Health by Jayati Ghosh

The Language of Political Control by Robert Skidelsky

Globalization vs. Democracy by Kaushik Basu

What a Climate-Aligned IMF Would Look Like by Mohamed Nasheed & Rakesh Mohan

The West’s New Infrastructure Imperative by Diane Coyle

An Iran-Israel War?

China’s Rebalancing Imperative by Stephen S. Roach

EPA lists two PFAS as hazardous, increasing liability for polluters

Death Valley is alive this year. A super bloom is the latest sign.

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, April 19

PwC Looks to Shrink New US Consulting Partner Class by More Than 50%

The Latest Plan to Exacerbate California’s Housing Crisis

‘Ascent to Power’ Review: Harry Truman’s Moment

‘The Performer’ Review: All His Words a Stage

Netflix Dealt With the Freeloaders. Its Next Act Will Be Tougher.

Warner Bros. Discovery Lost Money Last Year. Its CEO David Zaslav Got a $50 Million Payday.

They Bet Against the Dollar. Now They’re Paying the Price.

Regulators Restart Bid to Curb Bonus Pay on Wall Street

The Marriage-Equality Fight Couldn’t Have Been Won Without Conservatives

A Regular Guys’ Guide to Wearing Wide Pants Without Looking Sloppy

China Orders Apple to Remove Popular Messaging Apps

Russian Scientist Alexander Kuranov, Who Developed Hypersonic Technologies, Is Jailed After Treason Conviction

4/18/2024 day marker

Explore UNESCO World Heritage newest sites & stories

How Trump’s Tariffs Really Affected the US Job Market - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Hutchins Roundup: Job Postings, Older Workers, and More

How to Keep a Book Journal with Day One

20 Daily Journaling Ideas to Spark Your Creativity

Dickey Betts

Muse — dive into big ideas

The ultimate guide to 277 English abbreviations & texting. IYKYK

Will South Korea change course following Yoon’s election loss?

100+ Best Summer Vacation Rentals to Book Now

Everything you wanted to know about carbon removals but were afraid to ask

Nature-positive investments: Good for the planet and long-term value

The battery cell component opportunity

Colorado Bill Aims to Protect Consumer Brain Data

Barbara Joans, Anthropologist Who Studied Biker Culture, Dies at 89

Inside the Late-Night Parties Where Hawaii Politicians Raked In Money

Is Trump’s Trial Really About ‘Hush Money’?

Dickey Betts, Fiery Guitarist With Allman Brothers Band, Dies at 80

Iran and the Uneasy Arab-Israeli Alliance

TikTok’s Origin Story: Court Files Show Role of GOP Megadonor Jeff Yass

3 Reasons This Country Is a Top ISIS Recruiting Ground

Gender-Neutral Fintech Isn’t Working for Women by Emmanuel Nyirinkindi & Jessica Schnabel

The Gaza War Goes Global by Joschka Fischer

From Welfare State to Safe State in Latin America by Jorge G. Castañeda & Carlos Ominami

The Urgency of Palestinian Statehood by Gareth Evans

The Urgency of Sovereign-Debt Restructuring by José Antonio Ocampo

Biden moves to protect public lands with sweeping conservation rule

Dickey Betts, hit-crafting mainstay of Allman Brothers Band, dies at 80

Companies Belly Up to Cash Buffet, in Five Charts

States Aim to Combat Private-Equity Healthcare Takeovers

Will America Let Ukraine Collapse?

Taylor Swift’s Publicist Tree Paine Fiercely Guards Her Reputation

EU March Car Sales Recorded Biggest Drop in 16 Months

BP to Simplify Organization, Trim Leadership Team

Pension Funds Are Pulling Hundreds of Billions From Stocks

Buyers Are Back in Control as Luxury Home Sellers Slash Prices

The Smartest Way to Use AI at Work

Chip Giant TSMC Offers Reassurance — and a Warning

Apple to Spend More Than $250 Million to Expand Singapore Hub

Kim Jong Un’s New Way to Express Anger at the South: Turn the Lights Out

4/17/2024 day marker

CJ Handron, Co-founder of Diamond Kinetics

3 critical workforce challenges: How would the presidential candidates address them?

Hôtel Dame Des Arts — Hotel Review

Italy Digital Nomad Visa: Everything You Need to Know

Ex-Trump Official: Trump Is Hiding Extreme Positions

Fintech companies in Canada: Is the industry ready to boom?

Salesforce seeks competitive edge with its climate and nature action

Socure’s Johnny Ayers on fighting digital fraud

Ed Glaeser on the future of cities

A ‘universal human right’: Quality mental healthcare for children

A Party in Exile Is the Best Hope for Anti-Trump Republicans

Immigrants in Maine Are Filling a Labor Gap. It May Be a Prelude for the US

Taylor Swift and Beyoncé Avoided a Collision on the Charts. (Again.)

Supreme Court Appears Skeptical of Using Obstruction Law to Charge Jan. 6 Rioters

Business and a Second Trump Term

Arizona Republicans Again Block Effort to Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban

Is India’s Economy Overhyped? by Shang-Jin Wei

The Ozone Layer’s Recovery Shows How to Protect the Planet by Robert Redford & Xiye Bastida

Quality Journalism Is More Important than Ever by Anya Schiffrin, Dylan W. Groves and Joseph E. Stiglitz

Negotiating a Bigger, Better World Bank by Michael Krake & Wempi Saputra

(25) Lester Churchill’s answer to Why do people say MMA is not good for seIf defense?

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, April 17

Secret Russian foreign policy document urges action to weaken the US

What Home Buyers Get for Those Agent Commissions

At These Restaurants, Good Sound Is Just as Important as Good Food

Top Companies for Financial Strength

Tesla Wants Shareholders to Approve Elon Musk’s $55.8 Billion Pay Package. Again.

From Night Safaris to Ghost Tours, the Best After-Dark Adventures for Your Next Vacation

Mayorkas Impeachment Trial Ends as Democrats Dismiss Charges

Mike Johnson Defies GOP Critics, Setting Up Ukraine-Israel Aid Showdown

They Love Their $14.95 Million Hamptons House. The Problem? Their Dog Hates It

This Luxurious Paris Apartment Was Originally Built for a French Noble

LVMH’s Multibillion-Dollar Baby Comes to Brooklyn

4/16/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: The Etak Navigator

Peter the Great

Why Staying in Your 401(k) After Retirement Makes Sense

The Impact of AI on Financial LiteracyMichael Roberts

12 Map Happenings that Rocked our World: Part 9 – Map Happenings

April 2024 update to TIGER: A feeble recovery characterized by multiple divergences

How Roman Regelman and BNY Mellon are driving long-term business transformation

Value creation in US healthcare through new business models

Nutrition for Aging: Vitamin D

The Hamptons Housing Crisis Is a Matter of Life or Death for Day Laborers

AI Chatbots Are Hiring Tutors to Train Their Models

With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught

The Popularity of Marathons

The Middle East Needs a Ceasefire Now by Daoud Kuttab

Developing Countries’ Liquidity Crisis Is Not Over by Ishac Diwan & Vera Songwe

Overcoming the Development-Project Implementation Gap by Jorge Moreira da Silva

Who Should Decide If It’s Genocide? by David Alton, Helena Kennedy and Aarif Abraham

America’s Manufacturing Renaissance Will Create Few Good Jobs by Dani Rodrik

Minxin Pei on China’s economy, surveillance state, repression of dissent, and more by Minxin Pei

Kali and Joshua Fontanilla’s Exodus Institute aims to challenge ‘indoctrination’ in schools

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, April 16

From Cubicle to Corporate Icon, Costco Finance Chief Ends 40-Year Run

PwC Pushes Back at Evergrande Letter

Trump’s Truth Social Stake Shrinks by $3.4 Billion After Stock Tanks

Big Tech Is Downsizing Workspace in Another Blow to Office Real Estate

Supreme Court Questions Jan. 6 Charge That Could Affect Hundreds of Cases

China’s Uneven Economic Recovery Driven by Factories

4/15/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: Shocker: ByteDance Still Receives Data From US TikTok Users

How Social Insurance Drives Credit Card Debt

UTMB® - Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc

The Morning: Trump’s nostalgia bump

Ignore the sticker price: How have college prices really changed?

Increasing your return on talent: The moves and metrics that matter

Six ways CFOs find the time to unlock their full potential

Author Talks: Cass Sunstein on the perils of habituation

Capturing growth with a consumer centric healthcare experience

AI Is Poised to Replace the Entry-Level Grunt Work of a Wall Street Career

A ‘Civil War’ at the Theater Could Prevent One in the Streets

Now Arriving at an Airport Lounge Near You: Peloton Bikes, Nap Pods and Caviar Service

Online Dating After 50 Can Be Miserable. But It’s Also Liberating.

Questions About Assassinations Test the Limits of Trump’s Immunity Claim

No Jurors Picked on First Day of Trump’s Criminal Hush Money Trial: Live Updates

The Morning Newsletter

Israel Must End the Gaza War by Dennis Ross

The Bretton Woods Institutions We Need by Joaquim Levy, Axel A. Weber and Siddharth Tiwari

The World Is Still on Fire by Lawrence H. Summers & N.K. Singh

The World Cannot Afford to Ignore the Poorest Countries by Indermit Gill & M. Ayhan Kose

Telecom resists price cuts in $42 billion US program to expand internet

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, April 15

The Future of America’s Energy Transition

Financial Advisers and Early Social Security

‘After 1177 B.C.’ Review: How the Bronze Age Turned Iron

Layoffs in 2024: A List of Companies Cutting Jobs This Year

Suit Challenging Iowa’s Book Ban Is Backed by Every Major Publisher

8 Questions Retirees Should Ask Themselves Before Getting a Dog

Caitlin Clark Is Already Upending the WNBA

Alleged Rent-Fixing of Apartments Nationwide Draws More Legal Scrutiny

Corruption or Just Politics? Supreme Court Weighs New Bribery Case as More Clashes Are Brewing

Trump’s Hush-Money Case Begins as $175 Million Civil Bond Under Scrutiny

Donald Trump Faces Deep Blue Jury Pool as Hush-Money Case Begins

Plan Your Own Funeral, Just Don’t Pay for It Now

4/14/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: ‘A Tour de Force of International Crisis Management for the Biden White House’

Daring Fireball: Underpromise and Overdeliver

Daring Fireball: The Masters VisionOS App

Daring Fireball: More on the Problem With ‘The Problem With Jon Stewart’

Field hockey

Shibuya Crossing

How to Do Italy in the Off Season, According to Travel Specialists

2024 NBA PlayoffsOfficial Bracket, Schedule and Series Matchups

How Tech Giants Cut Corners to Harvest Data for A.I.

Rico Wade, an Architect of Atlanta Hip-Hop, Dies at 52

Iran Attacks Israel

I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.The Free Press

Ready, Set, Fix That Plane in 15 Minutes or Less!

A Day in the Life of a Walmart Manager Who Makes $240,000 a Year

America’s Bonds Are Getting Harder to Sell

The Mental-Health Benefits Linked to Going to Church

5 Old Family Letters and the Secrets They Harbor

GE Sells Crotonville, a Training Ground for Generations of Managers

Homicides Are Plummeting in American Cities

4/13/2024 day marker

Devotion (2022 film)

Huey Lewis and the News

Hollywood writers went on strike to protect their livelihoods from generative AI. Their remarkable victory matters for all workers.

Are Smartphones Just a Scapegoat for Our Unhappy Children?

What Researchers Discovered When They Sent 80,000 Fake Résumés to US Jobs

More Voters Shift to Republican Party, Closing Gap With Democrats

Huey Lewis Lost His Hearing. That Didn’t Stop Him From Making a Musical.

Robert MacNeil, Earnest News Anchor for PBS, Dies at 93

Cries of Sexism Greet a Nike Olympic Reveal

The Gen Z Crossword Era

Biden Shrinks Trump’s Edge in Latest Times/Siena Poll

AnalysisSee how much nature you have access to in your neighborhood and city

The EV Battery of Your Dreams Is Coming

Inside Amazon’s Push to Crack Trader Joe’s — and Dominate Everything

The Burly Texas-Born Judge Fighting Efforts to Play Down Jan. 6

Yolo Intel — Yolanda EdwardsSubstack

4/12/2024 day marker

Real-world gen AI use cases from industry leaders

AI makes the fight for net neutrality even more important

Exploring Undercount of Young Children in 2020 Census by County

21 Best Hotels in Boston, From Beacon Hill to Fenway

24 Best Restaurants in Boston, From Seafood Shacks to a 20-Year-Old Tapas Spot

Alternative Europe: How to Get Off the Beaten Path

What is a good credit score — and how can you improve yours?

Bridging private equity’s value creation gap

Courting aspirational luxury consumers still matters

Alex Hardiman on products outside pure technology companies

The New Great-Power Politics

Roberto Cavalli, Fashion Designer Who Celebrated Excess, Dies at 83

Overlooked No More: Lizzie Magie, the Unknown Inventor Behind Monopoly

Will Cambridge Support Free Speech? by Peter Singer

China Stifles Its Own Debate by Stephen S. Roach

Europe’s War Jitters by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Leaving Africa’s Colonial-Era Currency Will Be Hard, But May Be Wise by Peter Doyle

A Weak, Uneven Global Recovery by Eswar Prasad & Caroline Smiltneks

Can China Get Out of Its Rut?

Governments Must Shape AI’s Future by Mariana Mazzucato & Fausto Gernone

Gen Z employees want feedback at work. Here’s how managers should do it.

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, April 12

Companies Reconsider Research Spending With Tax Deal Held Up in Senate

Biden Remembers That Iran Is Listening

New York Times Bosses Seek to Quash Rebellion in the Newsroom

6 Financial Mistakes to Avoid If You’re Retiring in the Next 5 Years

Trump Makes Most of ‘Veepstakes’ Intrigue in Search for Running Mate

Speaker Johnson’s Trump Meeting Is Meant to Quell House GOP Angst

She Won the Boston Marathon 10 Years Ago. She’s Still Waiting for Her $100,000.

Legal Shield for the Gun Industry Is Starting to Crack

4/11/2024 day marker

Discover the Czech National Library’s treasures with Google Arts & Culture

Hutchins Roundup: Medical Debt, Returns to Education, and More

GoIf Analytics & The Masters

The 4-Day Workweek: How Insomnia Cookies Shortened its Workweek While Driving Growth

Understanding the Value of Networks for Mothers Reentering the Workforce

Single mothers experience high rates of psychological distress. The safety net can help.

6 Countries That Make Retiring Abroad (Relatively) Easy

‘Playing defense.’ Three stocks this adviser is counting on to ride out uncertain economic times.

How to find opportunity in a crisis

Key challenges in US student transportation services

Embedded finance: The choices and trade-offs for US banks

Why Biden Raising More Money Than Trump for the 2024 Election Matters

O.J. Simpson, NFL Star Acquitted of Murder, Dies of Cancer at 76

The Future of Work in the AI Era by Eric Posner

How to Govern the Bretton Woods Institutions Better by Brahima Coulibaly, Hafez Ghanem and Wafa Abedin

How Guyana Became Latin America’s Leading Development Lab by Iván Duque Márquez

Beating Back Populists at the Grassroots by Sławomir Sierakowski

Shantel VanSanten on Moving From FBI to FBI: Most Wanted and the Future of Scola and Chase - TV Guide

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, April 11

‘Dictionary of Fine Distinctions’ Review: Subtle Shades of Meaning

How to Find a Low-Alcohol Wine You’ll Like on a Restaurant Wine List

CarMax Gets Slammed by High Rates, Tight Used-Car Supply

Boeing Reveals Executives Got an Extra $500,000 in Private-Jet Perks

Uniqlo Owner Raises Profit Forecast After First-HaIf Profit Rose on Overseas Growth

The Podcast Host Who Also Manages a $1.6 Trillion Investment Fund

Asia Economies to Keep Growing Despite China Slowdown, Other Headwinds, ADB Says

The Cost of Owning a Home Is Skyrocketing

Netflix Needs to Put on Another Big Subscriber Show

Should You Buy a Hybrid Car? Here’s What You Need to Know

Buying Cheap Stuff on Temu Opens a New Generational Divide

The Golden Era of the Office Couch Is Here, Crumbs and All

Biden’s Support Slips With Black Men as Trump Makes Inroads, WSJ Poll Finds

The Billionaire Behind Trump’s $175 Million Bond Is No Stranger to Risky Deals

Their House is Hours From Civilization. But Here, They’re Never Really Alone.

Can’t Find Your Keys? Maybe It’s Your Bag

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy Touts AI Revolution While Committing to Cost Cuts

America’s Chip Renaissance Needs Workers

Inside Poseidon, Russia’s Autonomous Nuclear Torpedo

China Struggles to Kick Deflationary Concerns

4/10/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: From the Annals of Underpromising and Overdelivering: Apple’s Timing for the Mac’s Transition to Apple Silicon

Scoop (2024 film)

Thomas Edison

United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

Long-term solutions for college affordability require congressional and state action

Bridge Collapse Could Affect Over a Million People in Baltimore Area

Acadia National Park Guide: The Best Hikes, Lobster Shacks, and Places to Stay

13 Best Cape Cod Hotels, From Falmouth to Provincetown

The Golden Rules of Retirement Travel

Here’s How To Tell Regular Old-Age Memory Loss From DementiaHuffPost UK Life

Unlocking autonomous vehicle development: TIER IV’s open source blueprint

How institutional investors can gain a performance edge

Auchan Retail: The value of a human touch

Building the future: Focusing on digitalization and sustainability

Delivery Hero reimagines meal delivery

European grocery retailer Reitan’s sustainability journey

Although economic uncertainty will likely persist in 2024, grocery retailers could fuel growth by pursuing innovative offerings, investing in tech and sustainability, and attracting top talent.

Youth Gender Medications Limited in England, Part of Big Shift in Europe

Abortion Politics in 2024

Huey Lewis Lost His Hearing. That Didn’t Stop Him From Making a Musical.

A Look at Trump’s Mistruths and Political Attacks on the Campaign Trail

The Boring Truth About AI by Amar Bhidé

The Threat Posed by Cambodia’s New Strongman by Mu Sochua

How to Tackle China’s Overcapacity Problem by Yang Yao

Ending Congo’s Forever War by Adekeye Adebajo

PS Events: Now or Never for AI Policy? by PS editors

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, April 10

Lands’ End’s Plan to Get Back in the Black: Fewer Discounts, Updated Styles

The Pledge That Is Getting Future Business Leaders to Commit to Climate Action

Where Does the Best Innovation Happen? Not in Stand-Alone Labs, Some Companies Say

Biggest Gains in Employee Engagement in the Management Top 250

The Real Estate Nightmare Unfolding in Downtown St. Louis

Movie Theaters Have Weird Real Estate. It’s Saving Them.

Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon’s AI Predictions and What They Mean for the Future of Humanity

Ukraine War: How American Drones Failed to Turn the Tide

4/9/2024 day marker

How Stock Price Volatility in Closely Held Firms Distorts Capital Allocation

How ‘Thinking Out of the Shoebox’ Made Stuart Weitzman a Success

Three Things All New Managers Should Be Doing

How Financial Literacy Affects Household Debt and BankruptcySasha Indarte

(27) Famed actor Arnold Schwarzenegger posted a photo of him sleeping on the street under his famous bronze statue, and sadly wrote ‘how times have changed’ . The reason he wrote the phrase was not only because he was old, but because when he was govern - True Love Conquers All

Why is there nostalgia for the Trump economy in the battleground states? Politics

The World’s 14 Coolest Underwater Hotels

How African Bush Camps is Taking Safari Guiding to a Whole New Level

Your Year in Travel 2024

AI manufacturing lighthouses

Tradespeople wanted: The need for critical trade skills in the US

Paying US farmers to invest in sustainable farming methods

Images from the Solar Eclipse

Herbert Kroemer, 95, Dies; Laid Groundwork for Modern Technologies

Peter Higgs, Physicist Who Discovered the ‘God Particle,’ Dies at 94

Are We Ready for AI Creative Destruction? by Daron Acemoglu

Does Pakistan Still Matter to India? by Shashi Tharoor

The Hidden Costs of “Slowbalization” by Daniel Gros

Taxing Polluters Is the Key to Climate Justice by Laurence Tubiana

Why Is Europe Losing the Productivity Race? by Barry Eichengreen

Which Trump lies stick? Republicans believe some falsehoods more than they did six years ago, our poll finds.

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, April 9

Swiss Women Win Landmark Climate Ruling at European Court of Human Rights

Paramount Faces a Mountain of Distrust

Meet the Robots Slicing Your Barbecue Ribs

The Black Market That Delivers Elon Musk’s Starlink to US Foes

Utah’s Tech Hub Powers America’s Hottest Job Market, WSJ Ranking Finds

What Middle-Aged People Can Do Now to Help Prevent Dementia Later

Biden Is Spending $1 Trillion to Fight Climate Change. Voters Don’t Care.

UConn Wins Another NCAA Title With Another Display of Dominance

Artificial Intelligence’s ‘Insatiable’ Energy Needs Not Sustainable, Arm CEO Says

The Moon, the Sun, the Sons, Flaming Eyeballs and an Eclipse to Remember

Older Voters Are Taking Over in the World’s Wealthy Democracies

4/8/2024 day marker

The AI revolution will be ‘virtualized’

Why strategists should embrace imperfection

China Brief: Consumers Are Spending Again (Outside of China)

Space: The $1.8 trillion opportunity for global economic growth

Aircraft maintenance companies and gen AI

How the Nordics can lead on AI governance

Baruch College, an Upward-Mobility Machine

The Way Out of Africa’s Debt Doom Loop by Hippolyte Fofack

Nonsense and Bad Rules Persist in Banking by Anat R. Admati

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Twisted Fantasy by Richard K. Sherwin

How to Prevent a War Over Taiwan by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, April 8

A Disinformation October Surprise Is Coming

Trump’s Trade Tactics Backfire in Mexico

Lisa Vanderpump Was Devastated by ‘Scandoval’

Jean Paul Gaultier Owner Puig Plans $3.25 Billion IPO in Spain

Wildfires Make Utilities a Tricky Investment. Just Ask Warren Buffett.

Jamie Dimon Warns US Might Face Interest-Rate Spike

My Dream Break From Work Wasn’t What I Expected

Blackstone Making $10 Billion Multifamily Purchase, Going on the Real Estate Offensive

Caitlin Clark Drew 18.7 Million Viewers to Women’s Basketball. Will It Last?

Bill Murray’s Son Designed UConn’s Offense. It’s No Joke.

‘Social Order Could Collapse’ in AI Era, Two Top Japan Companies Say

Chip-Making Giant TSMC Gets $6.6 Billion for Arizona Project

Book-Ban Campaigns Hit 4,240 Titles Last Year: Here Are the Top 10 Targets

Yellen’s Tough Message to China on Exports Tests Fragile Detente

Hamas’s Feud With Palestinian Rivals Adds to Doubts Over Gaza’s Postwar Future

4/7/2024 day marker

DNX12 - Dermabond Advanced Topical Skin Adhesive 0.7ml

A Tantalizing ‘Hint’ That Astronomers Got Dark Energy All Wrong

Why States Have Spent Billions Subsidizing Hollywood

Insurance Companies Reap Hidden Fees as Patients Get Unexpected Bills

(25) Terry Dinerman’s answer to Which dog breed is the most low maintenance and pleasant to be around and live with, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Corgi, Chihuahua, Dachshund or French Bulldog? Why?

The new science of death: ‘There’s something happening in the brain that makes no sense’Death and dyingThe Guardian

Generative AI Isn’t Ubiquitous in the Business World — at Least Not Yet

Contaminated Fuel Is a Hard-to-Fix Problem in Ocean Shipping

What One Employer Found When It Started Providing Child Care

Earnings Season to Test Stock-Market Rally

He Wants to Drive a Million Miles in His Porsche. He’s Not That Far Off.

Big Tech Has a Big Cash Problem

In the City, Personal Safety Starts With Your Smartphone

4/6/2024 day marker

Jet fuel


‘Ripley’ vs. ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’: The tiny change that makes a big impactMashable

How will Biden and Trump tackle trade with China?

How is your location data really tracked? You’d be surprised.

Lachlan Cartwright: What I Saw at the National Enquirer During Trump’s Rise

Did One Guy Just Stop a Huge Cyberattack?

Justice Department Says It Will Reopen Inquiry Into Realtor Trade Group

Eclipse Mania

Andrew Scott delivers a mesmerizing — and less than talented — Mr. Ripley

How Steve Bannon guided the MAGA movement’s rebound from Jan. 6

See what the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse will look like in your city

Gillian Anderson Takes on the Royal Family’s Secrets on Netflix’s “Scoop”

Beyoncé’s ‘Cowboy Carter’ Isn’t Meant for Nashville

The Inside Tale of Tesla’s Fall to Earth

Biotech Executive Who Bet on Rival’s Stock Committed Insider Trading, Jury Says

Why the Stock Market Keeps Changing Its Story

Are You Fit for Your Age? Test YourseIf With These Exercises

The Calls for Help Coming From Above the Poverty Line

Trump Will Raise $43 Million in One Night, but He’s Still Courting His Biggest 2020 Donor

The Race to Keep an Amtrak Train From Falling Into the Pacific

Was College Worth It? In My Case Yes – But It’s Complicated

A Warlord Turns to Death, Rape and Rap Videos to Expand Control in Haiti

4/5/2024 day marker

How Will AI Impact the Supply Chain?

Immigration to address the caregiving shortfall

The 21 Best Day Trips From London

This Tour Company Brings Travelers — and Their Glamping Gear — Closer to National Parks

Reddit users say these pricey items are ‘100% worth it.’ What do experts think?

Bonnie Wan on her new book “The Life Brief”

The Rise of Sports Betting

Lou Whittaker, Mountain Adventurer and Entrepreneur, Dies at 95

Best Restaurants in NYC

Can Europe’s Economy Exceed Expectations in 2024? by Kenneth Rogoff

NATO Without America by Ian Bremmer

No Barbarism Without Poetry by Slavoj Žižek

Humanizing the US-China Relationship by Nancy Qian

The Right Response to China’s Electric-Vehicle Subsidies by Gernot Wagner & Shang-Jin Wei

Is Techno-Monopoly Inevitable? by William H. Janeway

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, April 5

Solar eclipse 2024 guide: Totality map, eclipse glasses, what to watch

Gaza’s hunger and famine could hurt children for a lifetime

Accounting Firms Rethink Their Ownership Structure

Fulfillment Startup Stord Expands With Logistics Acquisition

Uniqlo, After Its US Retreat, Plans to Open Dozens of New Stores

The Hot Sale Going on at Department Stores: Their Shares

Japanese Government Watching Currency Movements Closely, Prime Minister Says

Robinhood Sets Sights on New Bounty: The Rising Rich

Johnson & Johnson to Buy Shockwave Medical in $13.1 Billion Deal

Make YourseIf at Home in the Hotel of the Future

This School Didn’t Want Caitlin Clark. Now It Has to Face Her.

As China Shock 2.0 Brings Flood of Cheap Goods, Brazil and India Join US, Europe in Backlash

4/4/2024 day marker

Biden and Netanyahu: A crisis in perspective

The Best Places in the World to Retire

Saving production operations

CEO priorities: Where to focus as the year unfolds

Business news to watch in 2024

Commodity markets and trading in times of uncertainty

Ensuring the financial stability of academic medical centers

China Confronts the Middle-Income Trap by Nouriel Roubini

Can China Reach Its 2024 Growth Target? by Yu Yongding

The World’s Moral Failure in Gaza by Graça Machel

The Bioeconomy Will Not Save the Amazon by Ricardo Hausmann

Never Underestimate the Nation-State by Andrés Velasco

Judge Cannon rejects Trump’s bid to dismiss classified documents case

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, April 4

IVF in Alabama: The Real Story

Spotify Taps Saab Executive Christian Luiga as New CFO

Ford Delays Launch of New EV to Let Market Further Develop

Brands Paid for Ads on Some Ran on a Copycat Site Instead.

How Disney’s Bob Iger Vanquished Wall Street Agitator Nelson Peltz

Amazon Sellers Plagued by Surge in Scam Returns

How Far $100 Goes at the Grocery Store After Five Years of Food Inflation

What’s Wrong With the US Economy? It’s You, Not the Data

Banks Are Extending Office Loans. Are They Also Pretending?

The British Are Coming for Your White-Collar Job

It Isn’t Just AI: Economic Hype Is Also Infecting Stocks

What Does the Breadth of the Nasdaq’s Bull Run Tell Us? To Be Wary

This Small-Cap Stock Index Has Some Jumbo-Size Tenants

The Big Work Lie: Being Indispensable Will Save Your Job

My Mother’s Love Affair with Her Dog

Your Financial Adviser Doesn’t Want You to Know About These Conflicts

We’re Old, Retired — and Apparently Invisible

Trump’s Calendars: Legal and Campaign Events Collide

Ukrainian-Born Lawmaker Victoria Spartz Is Now Skeptical of More Aid

Joshua Tree Was California’s Hottest Housing Market. What Happened?

Elon Musk Boosts AI Engineer Pay in ‘Craziest Talent War’

The Underrated iPhone App That Makes Everyday Tasks Easier

To Contain China, the US Bets on a 40-Year-Old Ship

4/2/2024 day marker

After a Stroke Veterans Affairs

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

The YouTube Algorithm Isn’t Radicalizing People: Why User Choice Matters on Social Media

Working for the Weekend: Downtime and Performance

How Financial Literacy Helps Underserved Students David Musto

How will the National Association of Realtors settlement affect the cost of selling or buying a home?

Trump’s Truth Social Bled Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Last Year

Hated and cheap. Why Ray Dalio won’t give up on these unloved stocks.

Building Saudi mega projects

CEO Excellence book interview (Part 3)

The pivot to renewable energy in Vietnam

Marqeta’s Jason Gardner on disrupting banking

The implications of US healthcare price transparency

How tech and telecom companies win in B2B GTM sales

Reaching Your Goals: How VA Can Help - My HealtheVet

China, Russia and Trump

China Needs a Better Innovation Ecosystem by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Germany’s Weakness Is Bad for Europe by Ana Palacio

Financial Sanctions Need Global Governance by Paola Subacchi & Rosa M. Lastra

NATO Is Not a Hegemonic Burden by Carla Norrlöf

Russian Revisionism and the Sources of Western Weakness by Simon Johnson & Oleg Ustenko

Joseph S. Nye, Jr., on nuclear risk, American hubris, great-power competition, and more by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

After a Stroke Veterans Affairs

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, April 2

Hong Kong’s Forbidden Apple

Is China’s Economy Finally Bottoming Out?

Medicare Keeps Getting Tougher for Health Insurers

Americans Think They Need $1.46 Million to Retire Comfortably

The Dollar-Store Showdown Comes Down to Real Estate

Caitlin Clark Finally Overcame Her Basketball Nemesis. Now Comes the Hard Part.

4/1/2024 day marker

Leaders of the Vietnam War

Life After Prison: Why Returning Citizens Become Entrepreneurs

Abingdon VirginiaThe Great Channels

The impact of vaccines and behavior on US cumulative deaths from COVID-19

These 7 Properties Will Make You Feel Like You’re at the Grand Budapest Hotel

Meet the Retirees Who Live on the Road, Exploring the US by RV

AT&T data breach: Here’s something better than credit monitoring — and it’s free

How shockproof is your supply chain, really?

How to prepare for the CFO role

The New Climate Tech

Solar Geoengineering Is a Dangerous Distraction by Yacob Mulugetta, Dean Bhekumuzi Bhebhe and Niclas Hällström

The Hitler Trial’s Lessons in the Trump Era by Mark Jones

Why Have Inflation Forecasts Been So Wrong? by Willem H. Buiter & Ebrahim Rahbari

The Case for Israel Remains Valid by Ian Buruma

How Democracies Can Win the Tech Race by Ylli Bajraktari & André Loesekrug-Pietri

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, April 1

Postal Service Picks UPS to Move Air Cargo, Replacing FedEx

This Disney War Has Already Paid Off

How Russian Middleman Used Crypto to Procure Drone Parts and Avoid US Sanctions

How Gen Z Is Becoming the Toolbelt Generation

The Newest Home-Buying Puzzle: What to Pay Your Real-Estate Agent

Senior Housing Rebounds as Boomers Move In

Why OpenAI and Other Data-Hungry AI Companies Need a Bigger Internet

The Chess Master Trying to Propel Google’s AI Push

Don’t Count Samsung Out in the AI Memory Stakes

Ex-Workers at Temu Parent Say Noncompete Penalties Crush Their Finances

3/31/2024 day marker

Life at Guantánamo Bay

Why Stellantis’s CEO Remains All-In on EVs as Others Retrench

AT&T Reset 7.6 Million Customers’ Passcodes After Data Breach

The Climate Scientist Fossil-Fuel Companies Can’t Stand

Trump Stock Takes Washington by Storm

time to start typing like a grownup

Caitlin Clark vs. LSU: The Biggest Game Ever Gets a Sequel

A Hit Brand’s ‘One Size Fits Most’ Clothing Is Dividing America’s Teens

US Tech Giants Turn to Mexico to Make AI Gear, Spurning China

3/30/2024 day marker

Russia Amps Up Online Campaign Against Ukraine Before US Elections

The 25 Most Defining Pieces of Furniture From the Last 100 Years

In Praise of Tiny Triumphs

Dispute in Israel Over Drafting Ultra-Orthodox Jews Threatens Netanyahu

Preparing for a China war, the Marines are retooling how they’ll fight

Coming Soon: An a.m. Radio Mandate

‘Never Lose Your Spiritual Freedom’

Tupperware Delays Filing Annual Results Amid Accountant Shortage

The US Already Soaks the Rich

Dallas Symphony Orchestra Review: A Piano Concerto’s Rapturous Premiere

Huawei Earnings: Profit Doubles as Chinese Tech Firm Bounces Back From US Sanctions

Should You Trust a Hotel’s Star Rating? Depends Where You Look.

How to Keep the Sense of Wonder You Felt While Traveling

How Immigration Became a Top Political Issue Far From the Border

Trump’s Split-Screen Strategy: Put Criminal Trial at Center of His Campaign

Business Owners Fight GOP Efforts to Make Them Police Workers’ Immigration Status

How to Find the Best Eclipse Viewing Spot Near You

More Fashion Cachet For Less Cash: Why the 1% Are Favoring These Under-the-Radar Labels

He Turned 55. Then He Started the World’s Most Important Company.

Authoritarians Threaten Journalists Around the Globe

3/29/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: WhatsApp: The World’s Default Communication App

Chip Bergh, Former President & CEO of Levi Strauss & Co

NHL Analytics with Micah McCurdy

How Much is ESG Impacting Bottom Lines? New Research Attempts to Answer Question

WebMD CMO: The Pandemic Accelerated Technological Changes in Health Care

Is there hope for privacy legislation in this Congress?

The Best Hikes in the US, From Family-Friendly Walks to Multi-Day Journeys

The Best Bike Paths for Exploring New York City, According to an Avid Cyclist

How WhatsApp became the world’s default communication app

Trump’s Silence On SCOTUS Abortion Pill Case Is Intentional

Rethinking organizational health for the new world of work

Economic conditions outlook, March 2024

Charles Duhigg on his new book, “Supercommunicators”

AI in semiconductor manufacturing: The next S curve?

Pali Bhat on building intelligent products

Gisele Bündchen on Healthy Eating and Unhealthy Relationships

A Crisis of School Absences

Ship’s Force in Baltimore Bridge Collapse Was on the Scale of a Rocket Launch

Are Global Capital Rules Possible? by Howard Davies

Giorgia Meloni’s Surprising Success by Lucrezia Reichlin

China Tightens Its Grip on Hong Kong by Chris Patten

Business Lessons from the Fall of Icarus by Vanessa Badré

The Oligarch, His Ex-Wife, Her Mother, and Rupert Murdoch by Nina L. Khrushcheva

The Struggle for Currency Supremacy by Paolo Tasca

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, March 29

Alo Yoga Is Beating Lululemon at Its Own Game

Models Over 60 Surge in Popularity for Fashion and Beauty Brands

Winnebago Faces Forecasting Challenge as RV Sales Drop From Pandemic Highs

‘Ian Fleming’ Review: The Mind Behind James Bond

The Psychologist Who Turned the Investing World on Its Head

The Top Colleges for High-Paying Careers in Finance, Tech and Consulting

We’re Working Less on Fridays Than We Used to, and That’s OK

College Grove, Tennessee, Is One of the South’s Most Expensive ZIP Codes

3/28/2024 day marker

Hutchins Roundup: Ban-the-Box Laws, Car Sales, and More

Carol (film)

Parents are not fully aware of, or concerned about, their children’s school attendance

The evolution of banking in the 21st century

A Narrative for The Next Management by Richard Straub and Julia Kirby - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

New Management for new Times by Richard Straub - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

The Charleston Place Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024 - Expedia

Fox News Anchor Bret Baier Sells Florida Home He Bought From Tommy Hilfiger for $13.49 Million - Mansion Global

A third of Asian Americans who live in poverty have college degrees. What’s going on?

Choose the right scope for digital transformation

Embracing digital transformation with a digital factory

MLOps to scale AI

Improving circularity and sustainability with reverse logistics

How to bridge the experience gap by supporting nurses of all tenures

Private market investing trends for 2024

Sustainable style: How fashion can afford and accelerate decarbonization

Investing in productivity growth

Generative AI – What is it and How Does it Work?

Vowing the US Will ‘Do Our Job,’ Johnson Searches for a Path on Ukraine

Richard Serra, Who Recast Sculpture on a Massive Scale, Dies at 85

America’s Affordable Housing Crisis

Daniel Kahneman, Who Plumbed the Psychology of Economics, Dies at 90

Stephen Adams, Who Made Yale Music School Tuition-Free, Dies at 86

Overlooked No More: Henrietta Leavitt, Who Unraveled Mysteries of the Stars

Joe Lieberman, US Senator and Vice Presidential Candidate, Dies at 82

Peter Eotvos, Evocative Modernist Composer and Conductor, Dies at 80

Why Biden, Macron and More Leaders Have Low Approval Ratings

How Boeing Favored Speed Over Quality for the 737 Max

Linda Bean, an L.L. Bean Heir and a Conservative Donor, Dies at 82

Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for FTX Fraud

A Total Solar Eclipse Is Coming April 8. Here’s What to Know.

Africa’s Prosperity Depends on Achieving Gender Equality by Jane Kabubo-Mariara

Rached Ghannouchi’s Plight Deserves More Attention by Abdullah Gül

American Sinophobia by Stephen S. Roach

America Must Lead on Crypto Regulation by Dante Alighieri Disparte

What Can Stop the Shortening of American Lives? by Michael R. Bloomberg

Senegal’s Election and Africa’s Future by Rabah Arezki

WTO Reform Is Everyone’s Responsibility by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

The Immigration Tinderbox

Robert Kagan: Trump wants to abandon Ukraine. Will America First win?

The leap second is being affected by climate change, scientists warn

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, March 27

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, March 28

Approved ChangesWeGo Public Transit

NBC’s Ronna McDaniel Tantrum

The Communist Party Has Devastated Cuba

‘Six, I Think, Is Kind of the Perfect Number.’ How a Fashion Designer Throws a Dinner Party

One CEO’s Radical Fix for Corporate Troubles: Purge the Bosses

How the Atlantic Went From Broke to Profitable in Three Years

Daniel Kahneman, Nobel-Winning Pioneer of Behavioral Economics, Dies at 90

Dear Donald Trump, Here’s How to Manage Your Truth Social Fortune

Adventure Travel Is Increasingly Not Just for the Young

Manhattan Megamansion Hits the Market for $85 Million

Ex-Gucci Designer Alessandro Michele Takes Over at Valentino

Classic Rolex? Yawn. Meet the New Class of Status Watches.

‘True Beauty Starts at 40’: Older Women Ruled New York Fashion Week

What Cary Grant Told Me About Getting Dressed. I’ve Never Forgotten It.

China’s President Xi Seeks to Soothe Anxieties of American CEOs


VA appointment

3/26/2024 day marker

Challenges for Women in the WorkplaceMartine Haas

Inflation and the gap between economic performance and economic perceptions

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month: May 2024

These New Airports Are Making Bucket-List Destinations More Accessible

Seeing a Beloved Slice of Southeast Asia Anew on an Oceania Cruise

Singapore Is Ready to Be Rediscovered — By Tourists and Locals Alike

In an Italian Cooking Class, I Finally Learned How to Nourish Myself

5 US Sleeper Train Routes That Offer the Best Views of America’s Natural Beauty

How playing offense on sustainability can power e-commerce performance

Practice makes perfect: How to prepare for bank regulatory exams

Serving a greater purpose: CEO Excellence revisited

Making green logistics services profitable

Inside the Republican Attacks on Electric Vehicles

Trump’s Financial Squeeze

Judge Imposes Gag Order on Trump in Manhattan Criminal Trial

Supreme Court Seems Skeptical of Doctors Seeking to Curtail Abortion Pill Access

Supreme Court Live Updates: Most Justices Seem Skeptical of Effort to Curtail Abortion Pill Access

Why Is Europe Moving Rightward? by Federico Fubini

Europe’s High Noon by Harold James

A Breakthrough Opportunity for Global Governance by Mubarak Al-Kuwari, Richard Ponzio and Sultan Barakat

Who’s Afraid of Price Controls? by Tom Krebs & Isabella M. Weber

Texas and the Perpetual Crisis of American Federalism by Alison L. LaCroix

Texas attorney general Ken Paxton makes deal on securities charges

Supreme Court arguments on abortion pill case: Live updates

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, March 26

NBC Drops Former RNC Chief Ronna McDaniel Amid Backlash

Larry Fink Says World Leaders Must Address Growing Retirement Crisis

Truth Social Stock Price Surges on First Day of Trading, Increasing Trump’s Fortune

The Office Market Is in Turmoil. So Why Are Rents More Expensive?

Erin Hawley Is the Brilliant Mind Who Fought the Abortion Pill Case at the Supreme Court

The Other Border Wall Going Up South of the US

3/25/2024 day marker

AI and Innovation: A Question of Quantity vs. Quality

Cass Sunstein on Nudging, Sludge, and the Power of ‘Dishabituation’

How Employers Are Reining in Prescription Drug Costs

Who is America’s top commercial partner? (Hint: It’s not China.)

The Happiest Countries in the World in 2024

Driving innovation with generative AI

Net-zero goals: Adapting to the new reality

Inside Merrick Garland’s Effort to Prosecute Trump Over Jan. 6

First He Came for Cancel Culture. Now He Wants to Cancel Smartphones

Could Trump’s Properties Really Be Seized?

Challenging Abortion, Again

Trump’s Bond in Civil Fraud Case Reduced to $175 Million

Lisa Lane, Chess Champion Whose Reign Was Meteoric, Dies at 90

Judge Keeps April 15 as Start of Trump Hush-Money Trial

America’s Year of Living Dangerously by Richard Haass

America Needs More Immigration by Anne O. Krueger

Why ISIS Attacked Russia – and Why Russia Blames Ukraine by Omar Ashour

How to Save the Pandemic Treaty by Mariana Mazzucato

Democrats Are Better for the US Economy by Jeffrey Frankel

Looking for a burner phone that’s relatively cheap. Preferably under $20 USD. What’s my best option? : NoContract

Trump asked if US was better off in his last year. In many ways, the answer is no.

Self-managed abortions increased sharply after Roe fell, study finds

Trump wins request to reduce N.Y. fraud bond, allowed to post $175M

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, March 25

In a Bumper Year for CEO Pay, One Chief’s $161 Million Award Swells to $1.3 Billion

Hospitals Are Adding Billions in ‘Facility’ Fees for Routine Care

They Took a Pay Cut for Work-Life Balance — and Say They’re Happier

How LVMH Helped Turn an Abandoned Miami Warehouse District Into a Luxury Hot Spot

Windowless Rooms and Town-Gown Battles: How Student Housing Got Expensive

Inside the Operating Room: Doctors Test a Revolutionary Brain-Computer Implant

Teachers Are Quitting. Some States Want to Pay More to Keep Them.

Trump Can Post Smaller $175 Million Bond in Civil Fraud Case

3/24/2024 day marker

ChatGPT Can’t Plan. This Matters. - Cal Newport

Plentiful, high-paying jobs in the age of AI

America First Legal, a Trump-Aligned Group, Is Spoiling for a Fight

A New Game From The Times

What is the real Hamas? HamasThe Guardian

Dairy vs. plant milk: Which one is better?

8 Google Employees Invented Modern AI. Here’s the Inside StoryWIRED

CFOs Tackle Thorny Calculus on Gen AI: What’s the Return on Investment?

Conor McGregor Enters Hollywood — Fully Naked–For “Road House”

Big Tech’s Latest Obsession Is Finding Enough Energy

A Brazen Yogurt Heist Shows How Cyber Gangs Are Hijacking US Goods

Elon Musk’s X Needs Creators, but They Don’t Need X

NBC’s Chuck Todd Blasts Network as Backlash to Hiring Ex-RNC Chief Grows

Netflix’s Co-CEOs Are Nothing Alike. That’s a Good Thing.

This Startup Promised to Help Fashion Go Green. Brands Didn’t Want to Pay for It.

NYCB and Meridian Rode the Property Boom Together. Now They’re Struggling.

Why ESG Investing Might Never Recover

The $27 Trillion Treasury Market Is Only Getting Bigger

Chrome, Sweet Chrome: The 1958 Classic That Won Her Heart

How to Fix Your Marriage in 16 Hours

Here’s What Retirement Looks Like for Single Women in America

Why Mike Johnson Can’t Run the House Without Democrats’ Help

An Economy Perpetually in Crisis Is Shredding Pakistan’s Middle Class

In the Conflict Between the West and Authoritarian Foes, Islamic State Sees All Sides as Targets

3/23/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: Seven Years of Institutional Anti-‘Big-Tech’ Bias at The New York Times Might Lead to Cognitive Dissonance

Building a stronger infrastructure workforce requires more than money

17 Best Hotels in Berlin, From Artsy Boutiques to a Transformed Bathhouse

15 Best Family Vacation Spots in the US, From Cape Cod to Charleston

Where to See the Northern Lights All Over the World

21 Best Men’s Loungewear Sets for Long-Haul Flights and Long Weekends at Home

How I Travel: José Andres Thinks Spain Is Best in Winter

July Carry Me Bag Review: A Crossbody as Durable as a Hard-Shell Suitcase

Women Who Travel Podcast: The Race to Map the Ocean Floor

Where to Eat in Buenos Aires, According to Chef Elena Reygadas

Paris Preserves Its Mixed Society by Pouring Billions Into Public Housing

The Dinner Party That Started the Harlem Renaissance

Reddit’s IPO Is a Content Moderation Success Story

How Peer Pressure Affects Voting

The Music That Made Us

‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’: A map of the Larry David show’s Westside LA setting.

Women are getting off birth control amid misinformation explosion

The Era of No-Brainer 5% Returns on Cash Is Ending

Senate Approves Measure Averting Government Shutdown

Want to Know if AI Will Take Your Job? I Tried Using It to Replace Myself

12 Apps We Can’t Stop Using, for Better or Worse

How to Get Netflix, Hulu and Other Streaming Services to Recommend Better Shows

How the Political System Failed to Solve the Border Crisis

3/22/2024 day marker

Learn about freshwater on World Water Day

How we’re supporting our commitment to water stewardship

Daring Fireball: The Verge: ‘CarPlay Is Anticompetitive, Too, US Lawsuit Alleges’

Emily May, President, Co-founder, and Lead Executive Officer of Right To Be

Erica Martin, Marketing Communications Manager, Ford Brand

Ten economic facts about rental housing

23 Best Hotels in Florence, From Chic Lofts to Hilltop Villas

The UK’s Top New Restaurants of 2023

How AI Tools Can Boost Your Innovative Performance by Curt Carlson and Milena Milićević - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

Inflation has hit these cities hardest, with ‘substantial political implications’

This analyst thinks Nvidia is headed for a $10 trillion market cap. These are other stocks she’s eyeing.

The $925 billion reason why investors may see the stock rally build in 2024

Humanoid robots leading automation in operations

What is prompt engineering?

The future of AI in banking: Choosing the right model

As More Members Leave, House G.O.P. Will Be Able to Spare Just 1 Vote

Catherine, Princess of Wales, Reveals She Has Cancer

AI Could Help Eliminate Tuberculosis by Mohammed Yassin

China Doubles Down on Green Tech and the Energy Transition by Stuart P.M. Mackintosh

Mismeasuring Corruption Lets Rich Countries Off the Hook by Yuen Yuen Ang

Making Emerging Technologies Safe for Democracy by Marietje Schaake & Steven Schuurman

Post-Capitalist Pessimism by Robert Skidelsky

When France and Germany Squabble, Putin Rejoices by Joschka Fischer

Tackling the World’s Hidden-Debt Problem by Pablo Saavedra, Manuela Francisco and Diego Rivetti

A Network-Based Approach to Health in Ukraine by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Kelly Saldaña

The US Needs Data Privacy, Not a TikTok Ban by Aaron Glasserman & Monica Greco

The Indian Giant Has Arrived by Mohamed A. El-Erian & Michael Spence

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, March 22

Walmart-Vizio Deal Poses Risk to a Key Source of Consumer Data

Martin Sorrell Was the Ad Industry’s Hunter. Now, He’s the Prey.

Foreign Direct Investment in China Continues to Fall

Trump Makes a New Fortune With Public Listing of Truth Social

Why Are Women Both Sadder and Happier Than Men?

Trump Is in a Race Against Time to Protect His Fortune

‘Unusual’ Manchester-by-the-Sea Home Lists for $9 Million

You Spent $6,000 on a Secondhand Chanel Bag. Now Find Out if It Is Real.

Apple’s Business Model Getting Hit From All Sides Now

Apple Turned On a Buried iPhone Setting. You Might Want It Off.

Why China’s Middle Class Is Losing Its Confidence

3/21/2024 day marker

Hutchins Roundup: Household Asset Demand, Racial Earnings Gap, and More

Protecting and strengthening democracies

Daring Fireball: Apple Style Guide, March 2024 Edition

Daring Fireball: Merrick Garland’s Remarks on the Lawsuit Against Apple’s Supposed Monopoly

Daring Fireball: Jason Snell on US v. Apple

Daring Fireball: US Department of Justice Sues Apple, Accusing It of Illegally Abusing an iPhone Monopoly

Lyndon B. Johnson

Robert Caro

Robert Moses

Basel III Endgame Political Lobbying Efforts in US Have Been Remarkable Says Wharton Professor

Sophia Opatska on Running a University in a War Zone

What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

Consumer appetite for sustainably made ingredients

Are women’s prime working years in peril?

Shaping tomorrow’s talent agenda for the public sector

How Trump’s Allies Are Winning the War Over Disinformation

All but 7 Countries on Earth Have Air Pollution Above WHO Standard

Biden Administration Announces New Tailpipe Rules Aimed to Expand EVs

Race and Politics

US Justice Dept. Sues Apple, Claiming iPhone Monopoly in Antitrust Case

Brett McAlpin, ‘Goon Squad’ officer, sentenced for torturing Black men

Judge order in Trump documents case ‘very troubling’, legal experts say

Here’s why the United States says Apple is an illegal monopoly

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, March 21

Amazon’s New Focus: Fending Off Rivals Temu and Shein

America Is Sliding Toward Chinese-Style Capitalism

Could a Brokered Convention Replace President Biden?

US Sues Apple, Accuses iPhone Maker of Illegal Monopoly in Antitrust Lawsuit

This Company Helped Make AI a Reality. Now the Machines Are Crushing It.

Russian Threat Forces Europe to Choose: Bolster Defense or Protect Social Spending

3/20/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: On the Ever-Increasing Accuracy of Weather Forecasts

MLB Spring Training

Preparing for domestic climate dislocations: What can we learn from the Great Migration?

Grandparents Living With Grandchildren

10 Countries With the Best Work-Life Balance

Crime Rates Dwindle Despite Belief Among Americans That It’s Rising

Mistakes People Make While Traveling By Train

The Rudest Things You Can Say To Your Hair Stylist At The Salon

Boards of directors: The final cybersecurity defense for industrials

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, February 2024

A path forward for pharma commercial leaders

Affordability, reliability, and industrial competitiveness will make or break the net-zero transition. Here’s how

An American Slowdown

Martin Greenfield, Tailor to Sinatra, Obama, Trump and Shaq, Dies at 95

Eastern Europe Needs a New Immigration Narrative by Soňa Muzikárová

The Indo-Pacific Strategy’s Fatal Blind Spot by Carl Bildt

Delivering the Pandemic Accord the World Needs by Helen Clark, Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and Gordon Brown

The South China Sea Could Boil Over by Brahma Chellaney

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, March 20

ESPN Boss Jimmy Pitaro’s Chaotic Race to Remake the Sports Giant

Luxury Stocks Fall After Gucci Owner Kering Warns of Sales Drop

Top Companies for Innovation

Why Ben & Jerry’s Will Keep Its Progressive Politics After Unilever Divorce

Russia Seized 400 Foreign-Owned Jets. Then an Epic Insurance Fight Began.

The American Dream Accelerates Away From Those in the Slow Lane

Parkinson’s Disease Can Now Be Detected Through the Skin

US No Longer Ranks Among World’s 20 Happiest Countries

Trump Claims 2024 Election Will Be Rigged, Putting GOP Turnout at Risk

Location (Data) Is Everything for Retailers Opening Stores

Why Arizona Law Firms Are a Hot Investment for Private Equity and Hedge Funds

3/19/2024 day marker

How Leadership Is Defined Differently for WomenRebecca Schaumberg

Why do the US and its allies want to seize Russian reserves to aid Ukraine?

The 21 Best New Restaurants in New York City

Pacific Northwest: The Most Beautiful Places in the Region

The Best Travel Steamer to Take on the Road

Travel Firsts: A Tanzanian Safari With My Toddler in Tow

Meet the Retirees Cycling Into Their Golden Years

The Rugged Cool of California’s Santa Ynez Wine Country

Sex Questions Experts Get Asked

Advancing partnerships in green investing

Philip Kotler & Giuseppe Stigliano on redefining retail

Industrial heat pumps: Five considerations for growth

Seizing opportunities amid the agtech capital drought

Gambia and the Campaign Against Cutting

What Schumer and Biden Got Right About Netanyahu

Hong Kong Adopts Sweeping Security Laws, Bowing to Beijing

Big Tech Shocks Electric Utilities by Todd G. Buchholz & Michael Mindlin

Why Have Developing Countries Soured on Multilateralism? by Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

Sudan’s Descent into Violence Must Not Be Ignored by David Miliband

What Critics of American Higher Education Get Wrong by Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca

Angela Huyue Zhang on Chinese innovation, regulation, AI, and more by Angela Huyue Zhang

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, March 19

The F-Bomb-Dropping Airline CEO About to Earn a $100 Million-Plus Bonus

Global Era of Negative Interest Rates Ends as Japan Goes to Zero

Deeming Mass Layoffs a ‘Failure of Leadership,’ One Company Fine-Tunes a Strategy to Avoid Them

Governments Across the US Are Handing Residents Cash — No Strings Attached

How to Make Sense of New York’s Confusing Luxury Home Market

3/18/2024 day marker

AI and the Workforce: How Gen AI Can Help Employees Flourish

ESG Investments Lead to Higher Sales

So Bad It’s Good: Why Consumers Love the Worst Stuff

Connor Blakley, Founder of Youth Logic

What’s in Biden’s $850-billion defense budget proposal?

Combine process and task mining for impact

The human side of generative AI: Creating a path to productivity

Fraud management perspectives for Latin America

How the world’s best hotels deliver exceptional customer experience

The Prophetic Academic Emmanuel Todd Now Foresees the West’s Defeat

The Realtors’ Big Defeat

Trump Spurned by 30 Companies as He Tries to Raise $454 Million Bond in Fraud Case

Gambia Votes to Overturn Landmark Ban on Female Genital Cutting

A Big Defeat for Big Tech by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Haiti’s Proud Boys by Slavoj Žižek

Unity Is Europe’s Greatest Asset by Connie Hedegaard

The Truth About US Immigration by Nancy Qian

NIH probe of ‘Havana syndrome’ finds no sign of brain injuries

She wanted to take America back to ‘biblical truth.’ Then she won a school board seat.

Trump unable to finance at least $450M appeal bond in N.Y. fraud case

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, March 18

Tech Job Seekers Without AI Skills Face a New Reality: Lower Salaries and Fewer Roles

American Manufacturers Seek Perfection as Quality Issues Mount

As Electric-Vehicle Shoppers Hesitate, Hybrid Sales Surge

Don Lemon Releases Heated Elon Musk Interview on X, YouTube

Logitech Shares Drop After CFO Departure

Bang & Olufsen Cuts Guidance on Sluggish European Markets, Slow China Recovery

The End of Japan’s Negative Rates Will Be a Slow-Moving Tsunami

They’re Reddit Die-Hards. Do They Want to Be Shareholders, Too?

He Got Fired. Then He Coached His Team to the NCAA Tournament.

Gisele Bündchen Is Putting HerseIf First

Google Podcasts Is Going Away. Here’s How to Keep Listening to WSJ Podcasts.

Trump Says He Can’t Secure Bond for $454 Million Civil-Fraud Judgment

China’s Economy Has a New Problem: Its Job Market

3/17/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: CloudSLAW

10 Best Trails and Hikes in NashvilleAllTrails

Leading through uncertainty: Navigating delays in M&A deals

Denying Your Medical Care is Big Business in America

Byron Janis, Pianist of Romantic Passion, Dies at 95

Selection Sunday

Margaret Grade, Whose California Inn Was Beloved by Stars, Dies at 72

Best Clothes for Hot Weather and HumidityREI Expert Advice

Best fabrics to wear in hot weather, according to experts

2024 March Madness bracket: All NCAA men’s basketball tournament games

Why Trump’s White House Record Mattered More Than DeSantis’s Culture-War Fights

America’s Office Fire Sale Has Barely Begun

Meet the Tech Company That Had a Better Year Than Nvidia

3/16/2024 day marker

Radical income tax simplification: Can we do it?

Four of Nation’s Fastest-Growing Metro Areas Are in Florida

The obesity capitals of the world

China’s Exports Surge Are Drawing a Global Backlash

Dating Apps Have Hit a Wall. Can They Turn Things Around?

Down the Rabbit Hole in Search of a Few Frames of Irish American History

Sheriff Had Cause to Take Maine Gunman Into Custody Before Shootings

In Search of Spring

Best Hardshell Jackets of 2024Switchback Travel

Travel the mile-by-mile map of the total solar eclipse across the US

‘Ain’t’ Is a Perfectly Good Word, Irregardless of What You Think

‘Dante: Inferno to Paradise’ Review: A Divine PBS Documentary

Behind the Breakup of Elon Musk and Don Lemon

Wall Street Lawyer Who Held Executive Power to Account: ‘It Was Nearly a Revolution’

The New Science on What Ultra-Processed Food Does to Your Brain

Consultants Are Paid to Fix Businesses. Why Can’t They Fix Their Own?

Toe Spacers Have Become Fitness Game-Changers

13 Years Post-Tsunami, This Japanese Hiking Trail Spotlights Coastal Beauty and a Remarkable Recovery

How Cuba Recruits Spies to Penetrate Inner Circles of the US Government

A Reclusive Heir Is Giving Millions to Help Trump and RFK Jr.

On TikTok and Steel, US Retreats Further From Free-Trade Consensus

From Hollywood to ‘Y’allywood’: Atlanta Is the Next Big Destination for Celebrity Home Buyers

California Home Designed by Acclaimed Modernist Architect Lists for the First Time Ever

Why Private Developers Are Rejecting Government Money for Affordable Housing

It’s Not High Fashion. It’s Upper Middle Class Fashion. And It Sells.

How Secure Is an Airplane’s Wi-Fi? You Should Take Precautions

How China Could Swamp India’s Chip Ambitions

3/15/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: Speedometer 3.0 Browser Benchmark

Daring Fireball: The Wedge-Shaped M1 MacBook Air Lives On: At Walmart, Starting at $700

When and Why Consumers Love Bad Options

Drug shortages: A guide to policy solutions

17 Great American Road Trip Ideas, from Mountain Roads to Coastal Treks

13 Best Hotels in Palm Springs (2024)

11 Best Hotels in Seville (2024)

The Best Time to Visit Costa Rica for Wildlife, Surfing, and Fewer Crowds

In Kosovo’s Self-Preserving Tourism, Old Traditions and Thrilling New Adventures

The Courts Let Trump Run Out The Clock When He Was President. They’re Doing It Again.

7 things you should know about the cost of maintaining an electric car

Mapping the road to prosperity and parity for Black and Latino residents across America

Southeast Asia: Economic overview Q4 2023

The CEO’s secret to successful leadership: CEO Excellence revisited

Strengthening data governance in US public health

Manhattan D.A. Offers to Delay Trump Hush-Money Trial for Review of Records

Latinos, Shifting Toward Trump, Land at the Center of the 2024 Campaign

What Groups Need Affirmative Action?

Man Who Shot Another on Subway Train Unlikely to Be Charged, D.A. Says

The President’s Sole Authority Over Nuclear Weapons Is Dangerous

A New Surge in Power Use Is Threatening US Climate Goals

Give Women with Disabilities a Chance by Nkechi S. Owoo

For Nigeria’s Schools, Safety Must Come First by Gordon Brown

The Zombification of Political Parties by Jan-Werner Mueller

The Economic Consequences of Legal Behavior by Kaushik Basu

How Capitalism Became a Threat to Democracy by Mordecai Kurz

Pence says he will not endorse Trump in 2024

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, March 15

The Great American Road Trip Is Even Better by Train

Chasing Passive Income, Americans Turn to Vending Machines

Japan’s Rebounding Economy Is Finally Lifting Pay — but Resentment Runs Deep

3/14/2024 day marker

Hutchins Roundup: Electricity Production, Global Reserves, and More

Who uses legacy admissions?

20 Creative Ways to Use Your Day One Journal

Hookmark 6.1 – Hookmark

10 th Anniversary Special

Mastercard Is Encouraging Consumers to Make More Sustainable Choices: Here’s How

Everything you need to know about VA urgent care services - VA News

More Counties Saw Population Gains in 2023

What Biden gets right — and wrong — about the American middle class

What is economic inclusion?

How biopharma can address short pharmaceutical product life cycles

Identifying value in family-owned businesses

How to improve employee health and productivity

Colon Cancer Blood Test Shows Promise for Early Detection

Gerald M. Levin, Time Warner Chief in a Merger Debacle, Dies at 84

Marking The 4-Year Anniversary of the Covid Pandemic

How to Get Rid of a Hangnail

America Pulls Back from Ukraine

Ashwin Deshmukh Knew How to Win Friends and Hustle People

Climate Leadership from the Global South by Omar Andrés Camacho & Soipan Tuya

Does Religious Freedom Trump Animal Welfare? by Peter Singer

India’s Poor Will Not Be Wished Away by Ashoka Mody

How Wide Are Latin America’s Health Inequalities? by Dolores de la Mata

The Mystery of US Interest Rates by J. Bradford DeLong

The Global Economy’s Biggest Untapped Resource

Anne Lamott: Aging gives me gifts of softness and illumination

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, March 14

Restaurant Brands International Appoints Sami Siddiqui as CFO

‘Plentiful Country’ Review: The Upwardly Mobile Masses

Elon Musk’s Plans to Conquer Europe Collide With Germany’s Culture Wars

Women Aren’t Getting the Big Jobs at Goldman Sachs, and They’re Heading for the Exits

Private Equity Wants Your Credit Card Debt. And Car Loan. And Mortgage.

Rules for Joining Our Middle-Aged Poly Romance

Hilton Bets on College Towns With $210 Million Deal

Software Mogul Wants $85 Million for ‘Sky’s-the-Limit’ Beverly Hills Compound

As Generative AI Takes Off, Researchers Warn of Data Poisoning

Drone Swarms Are About to Change the Balance of Military Power

The Apple Video Feature Awkwardly Crashing Your Meetings

3/13/2024 day marker

How FAFSA Upended This Year’s College Admissions

After Testy Interview With Elon Musk, Don Lemon Says His Deal With X Is Canceled

When Did the Pandemic Start? Readers Share Their Memories.

Do Americans Have a ‘Collective Amnesia’ About Donald Trump?

Turns 108!

78 Best Forest House Ideas: Inspiration for Your Dream Home in the Woods - Quiet Joy At Home

Who uses legacy admissions?

Netanyahu Is Making Israel Radioactive

How the World’s Biggest Plane Would Supersize Wind Energy

Why Volkswagen Is Priced for Failure

Judge Dismisses Six Counts Against Trump in Georgia Election-Interference Case

Dollar Tree to Close Nearly 1,000 Family Dollar Stores

Petco CEO Ron Coughlin Steps Down

How Science Sleuths Track Down Bad Research

Putin Rattles Nuclear Saber Ahead of Presidential Elections

Biggest Gains in Financial Strength in the Management Top 250

The Boomers Who Tried Moving to Florida and Ended Up in Appalachia

How China Tried to Fix the Stock Market — and Broke the Quants

We Still Don’t Believe How Much Things Cost

Is This $1.2 Million Entertaining Space ‘The Coolest Man Cave Ever?’

Should China Own TikTok?

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, March 13 Arcadia: A Case for Willows and Lane, Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition): Peter Grainger, Henrietta Meire, Tantor Audio: Audible Books & Originals Another Girl: A Kings Lake Investigation, Book 5 (Audible Audio Edition): Peter Grainger, Gildart Jackson, Tantor Audio: Books Missing Pieces: Kings Lake Investigation Series, Book 4 (Audible Audio Edition): Peter Grainger, Gildart Jackson, Tantor Audio: Books

The Philippines economy in 2024

The future of Medicare Advantage

Implementing generative AI with speed and safety

Gokul Rajaram on product thinking and innovation

The Biden Administration vs. Climate Youth by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Indian Democracy’s Moment of Truth by Shashi Tharoor

Olga Murray, Who Changed the Lives of Children in Nepal, Dies at 98

3/12/2024 day marker

Why Are Millennials Not Having Kids?

Creating More Gender Equality in the WorkplaceMaurice Schweitzer

8 best practices for state election officials on AI

“Excess Mortality” During COVID-19 Varied by Race, Ethnicity, Geography

Business Formation Statistics Monthly Data Release

13 Best Hikes in Los Angeles

The Most Beautiful Places in Germany

Lamorne Morris Thinks Calgary Has a Better Food Scene Than LA

There’s a Word for How We’re Feeling as Travelers — and This Is It

25 Road Trip Essentials to Pack for a Long Drive

Stubble & Co Adventure Bag Review: This Backpack Will Replace Your Carry-On Luggage

RNC Firing Dozens Of Staff After Trump Leadership Team Takes Control

Biden’s HUD secretary resigns ahead of presidential race

Some households made lots of income but had no tax bill in 2020. Here’s how.

Key tactics for successful next-gen B2B sales

What do customers want from contact centers

The trends transforming mobility, electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and micromobility

Asia’s new era: Optimism tempered by geopolitical realities

Dementia has no cure. But there’s hope for better care.

How China Came to Dominate the World in Solar Energy

Bob Menendez’s Bribery Case Reminds Us Why Proving Corruption Is So Hard

What Deathbed Visions Teach Us About Living

The Temptation of Frontier Markets by Barry Eichengreen

The Anatomy of the Biden-Trump Rematch by Michael J. Boskin

Dithering While Haiti Burns by Jorge Heine

The UK’s Upcoming Election and Its Consequences by Chris Patten

For Global Tax Reform, the Devil Is in the Details by Jayati Ghosh

The Adventure BagOutdoor & Travel BackpackStubble & Co

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, March 12

Reddit Needs to Be OK Being Reddit

3/11/2024 day marker

Bedrock Cairn Sandals Review - Backpacking Light

Bedrock Sandals Cairn Evo 3D PRO Adventure Sandals

Daring Fireball: Roku Locks Devices Until Users Agree to New Terms of Service

“why i don’t feel awkward singing about sex” - 13 Dec 2022 - Reader’s Digest UK Magazine - Readly

AI and Machine Creativity: How Artistic Production Is Changing

Your Career in Journalism Is Over. Now What?

Does a human being know they’re dead once they die?

Americans feel the need to be extra careful when discussing Israel-Palestine

The 40 Most Beautiful Countries in the World

2024 Oscars: Read Live UpdatesHuffPost Entertainment

Authoritarianism Expert Highlights ‘Saddest Part’ Of Trump Cult

From legacy to cloud: Lessons from the trenches

The cyber clock is ticking: Derisking emerging technologies in financial services

Bringing tech innovation to the American Red Cross

Using M&A as a launchpad for transformation

What can we expect in China in the year of the dragon?

Candida Royalle, 64, Dies; Filmed Erotica for Women

The Worst Oscar Snubs, According to Times Film Fans

Oscars 2024 Full Winners List

A Brooklyn Sex Club Promised Freedom. Some Called It Rape.

Kathy Goldman, Who Fought Hunger in New York City, Dies at 92

A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive

The Woman Who Tried to Make Porn Safe for Feminism

The Fourth Anniversary of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Inside the 2024 Oscars Party

Our Favorite Photos From the Oscars Red Carpet

Where to Stream 2024 Oscar Winners, From ‘Oppenheimer’ to ‘Poor Things’

Ira von Fürstenberg, Jet-Setting Princess and Actress, Dies at 83

Inside the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscars Party

How the A.I. That Drives ChatGPT Will Move Into the Physical World

Jan. 6 Testimony Fleshes Out Account of Trump’s Demand to Go to Capitol

Princess Kate Apologizes For Editing Mother’s Day Photo

Biden’s Budget Underscores Divide With Republicans and Trump

Why Don’t Japanese Give to Charity? by Koichi Hamada

Making Climate Finance Affordable by Rebecca Ray & Ulrich Volz

Understanding China’s Political Economy by Zhang Jun & Tomas Casas-Klett

The Meaning of Sweden’s NATO Accession by Carla Norrlöf

What Soft Landing? by Michael R. Strain

A Tax on Robots? by Yanis Varoufakis

Big Tech, But Bigger by Margaret O’Mara

Navigating the AI Hype Cycle by Aswath Damodaran

What Is AI’s Place in History? by Carlota Perez

The New Tech Risk Environment by Marietje Schaake

Should Workers Fear AI? by Christopher Pissarides

The Class Struggle in Silicon Valley by Cory Doctorow

How China Bungled Techno-Development by Ya-Wen Lei

A Big, Ominous Year for Democracy by Bronwen Maddox

Saving Economics from the Economists by Clara Mattei & Aditya Singh

East Asia’s Evolving Regional Order by Andrew Yeo

How to Think About AI Policy by Margrethe Vestager

Governments Must Shape AI’s Future by Mariana Mazzucato & Fausto Gernone

A New Engine for Human Learning and Growth by Shruti Rajagopalan

Technology and Organized Labor by Nicholas Bernards, et al

(25) Does a human being know they’re dead once they die?

Rod Stewart: why I don’t feel awkward singing about sex

Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy

RNC fires dozens of employees after Trump-backed leadership takes over

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, March 11

What’s It Like to Work for a Gen Z Boss? Very Different

Miami’s Office Market Was Red-Hot. Now Its Tallest Planned Tower Can’t Fill Its Space.

The Royal Family Portrait and the Ethics of Editing Your Own Family Photos

3/10/2024 day marker

American Civil War

The Constant Gardener (film)

10 Best Hiking Pants for Men of 2024CleverHiker

The Best Bakeries in Paris, According to a Local

The Best Beaches in Bali for Big-Hitting Waves and Powder-Soft Sands

How to Make the Most of a Solo Business Trip

The Best National Parks in Washington State for Beach Camping, Waterfalls, and Volcano Views

Is New York City Back? Not for Everyone.

Biden’s Armageddon Moment: When Nuclear Detonation Seemed Possible in Ukraine

Cabbage Is Having a Moment

Kathy Goldman, Who Fought Hunger in New York City, Dies at 92

Elon Musk Has a Giant Charity. Its Money Stays Close to Home.

Best Hiking Pants of 2024Switchback Travel

How to Tackle Truth Decay - The Atlantic

Book by Ken Block, Trump campaign insider, recounts failed hunt for 2020 fraud

As Rural America Declines, There Are Still Plenty of Farmers

Families, Not Careers, Provide Purpose

High Prices Encourage Stay-at-Home Dining

Why So Many Are Upset With Our Economy

To Get Ahead of Diseases, It May Help to Find Your Organ Age

Nvidia’s Supercharged Investment Strategy Is About More Than Returns

3/9/2024 day marker

The State of the Union: Biden fights back

Jason Kelce shows us what an involved father can do for his children

An In-Depth Analysis of Airplane Drinking Etiquette

“GenZ: Ready for takeoff?” Reflections on a deep-dive dialogue at the 2023 Global Peter Drucker Forum by Esther Clark - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

: Rivian looks like it’s trying to get Apple’s attention

How 33-Year-Olds, the Peak Millennials, Are Shaping the US Economy

These Downtown Los Angeles Towers Became a Graffiti Skyline

Fewer Voters Think Trump Committed Crimes, Polls Show

Cramming for the Oscars

Luxury fashion brands ranked 2023Statista

Amid record high energy demand, America is running out of electricity

US judge rejects GOP lawsuit that tried to stop Biden from paroling in migrants

How the State of the Union became the red carpet of politics

As Medicaid Expands, Hospitals Close

GM Doesn’t Tell the Truth About EVs

How Are We Going to Clean Up the Biden Mess?

The ‘Gender Pay Gap’ Is a Myth That Won’t Go Away

What ‘Shogun’ Can Teach Our Troubled World

LVMH’s Arnault Rivals Bezos and Musk in Wealth — and in Media Influence

Fidelity Investments Cuts About 700 Jobs This Week

Work Is Less Important to Americans Than it Used to Be

Elon Musk Sometimes Seems Trumpy. But Is He for Trump?

It Took 2.5 Years to Turn This Brooklyn Townhouse Into an Art-Lover’s Dream

What’s Next in Women’s Fashion? The Coat, Handbag and Trousers You’ll Want From the Fall Runways

Kevin Hart Wants to Change Comedy Forever

Colorado’s Star DNA Analyst Intentionally Manipulated Data, Investigation Finds

3/8/2024 day marker

Pauline Brown, Longtime Leader in the Luxury Goods Sector

Stuart Weitzman, Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Stuart Weitzman Shoe Company

Today’s WorldView from The Washington Post

Retail theft in US cities: Separating fact from fiction

12 Best National Parks in California For Stunning Nature and Minimal Crowds

The Best Things to Do in Penang, the Malaysian Island State With an Exploding Art Scene

The Best Things to Do in Athens, From Art Galleries to Live Music Cafes

Joe Biden Issues Fiery Rebuke Of Trump, GOP In SOTU

10 Things Every Man Should Own [Spring Edition] - ManMadeDIY

Weekend Roundup

Beyond Nvidia, these companies are making money from AI

Here’s what 100 years of history shows about periods of extreme market concentration, according to Goldman Sachs

Leading through uncertainty: An interview with Neeti Bhalla Johnson

The business of risk-taking: An interview with Jayne Plunkett

The human element is key: An interview with Barbara Karuth-Zelle

Steve Lawrence, Who Sang His Listeners Down Memory Lane, Dies at 88

Rupert Murdoch, 92, Is Engaged to Girlfriend Elena Zhukova

What the ‘Rust’ Shooting Trial Told Us About How Live Rounds Got on Set

Key OpenAI Executive Played a Pivotal Role in Sam Altman’s Ouster

5 Takeaways From Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

Sweden Enters NATO, a Blow to Moscow and a Boost to the Baltic Nations

President Biden’s Economic Optimism

Trump Posts $91.6 Million Bond for E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case

Pentagon Review Finds No Evidence of Alien Cover-Up

The Civil WarPBS

Peter GraingerDC Smith Detective Stories

What Happened to Boeing? by Ashley Fulmer & Michele Gelfand

The Two Faces of Free Trade by Dani Rodrik

The Big Push African Women Need to Escape Poverty by Rudo Kayombo

Will Today’s Tech Wave Drown Developing Countries? by Xiaolan Fu

How Resilient Is Putin?

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, March 8

3/7/2024 day marker

Hutchins Roundup: Quantitative Tightening, Maternal Employment, and More

Ulster Defense Association

Employees Have Specific Expectations Around Inclusive Work Environments & Culture

How Do We Control the Rising Costs of Health Care?

The TroublesSummary, Causes, & FactsBritannica

What scholars hope to hear in President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address

How to Clean a Coffee Maker

A Two-Story Observatory and NASA-Grade Telescope Are the Stars of This Waterfront Maryland Home - Mansion Global

Wall Street is divided on whether bitcoin is ‘frothy,’ and will undo Fed’s rate-cut plans

Analyzing the CEO–CMO relationship and its effect on growth

The power of pace in technology

Six lessons for incoming university presidents

Latinos in Hollywood

The journey toward AI-enabled railway companies

The Philippine economy in 2024

In Trump Cases, Supreme Court Cannot Avoid Politics

Trump’s Conquest of the Republican Party Matters to Every American

Ukraine’s First Lady and Navalny’s Widow Decline State of the Union Invitation

Is Hungary a Model for Trump?

What Fundamentalist Christians See in Trump by Richard K. Sherwin

Inflation Targeting Isn’t for Everyone by Stefan Gerlach

The Untimely Resurrection of the Two-State Solution by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Can UNRWA Officials Be Prosecuted? by Noëlle Lenoir

The Economic Power of Gender Equality by Nadia Calviño, Kristalina Georgieva, Odile Renaud-Basso

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, March 7

Sweden joins NATO as 32nd member with document hand off in Washington

Abercrombie & Fitch Is Reaping the Rewards of Taking Adult Women Seriously

Half-Naked Calvin Klein Ad Isn’t Sexually Explicit, U.K. Regulators Say in About-Face

Why You Can’t Get a Table for Six at a Restaurant

The Shift That Explains Lofty Markets: The Economy Got More Productive

Espionage Probe Finds Communications Device on Chinese Cranes at US Ports

This Architect Could’ve Lived ‘High Above the Clouds.’ Instead He Chose Community.

You’re Brewing It Wrong: The Coffee-Making Myths That Might Be Holding You Back

China Intensifies Push to ‘Delete America’ From Its Technology

Why You Shouldn’t Trust China’s Growth Data

3/6/2024 day marker

Daring Fireball: Apple Terminated Epic’s E.U. Developer Account

Daring Fireball: Here’s the New iOS 17.4 Default Browser Nag for iPhone Users in Europe

Daring Fireball: How iOS Is Determining Eligibility for Alternative App Marketplaces in the European Union

Daring Fireball: Meta’s Plans for E2EE Messaging Interop for WhatsApp and Messenger

Daring Fireball: Signal Introduces Usernames

Daring Fireball: Television for Vision Pro

Author of “Who Makes The NBA?”

Metro Monitor 2024: Is metropolitan America benefitting from national growth?

Women’s History Month: March 2024

The Venetian Resort – Hotel Review

Art Exhibits NYC: The Best Shows to See Now

There’s one big mystery in the everything rally: gold’s record-setting ascent

Thoughtful M&A strategies are key to growth in tech, media, and telecom

What is tokenization?

Author Talks: Chris Dixon on how to reshape the digital landscape

’s key takeaways from Mobile World Congress

The Election is Set

5 Takeaways From Super Tuesday: Trump Wins and Haley Exits

Josette Molland’s Testimony: Scenes of Life in Nazi Camps

Degrowth Is a Dead End by Alessio Terzi

Japan’s Self-Inflicted Decline by Daniel Gros

Economics Is Irredeemably Sexist by Yanis Varoufakis

No, Russia Is Not Winning by Anastassia Fedyk & Yuriy Gorodnichenko

Why Trump Can’t Win by Reed Galen

SEC approves climate disclosure rule that many US companies fear

Where will Nikki Haley’s supporters go now that she dropped out?

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, March 6

3/5/2024 day marker

WSJ 10 Point 2024-03-05

Sponsorship vs. Professional Mentoring for Women LeadersNancy Rothbard

Immigration policy could determine the next president of the United States

The 19 Most Beautiful Places in Ireland, From Inconceivable Rock Formations to Medieval Architecture

The Best Airbnbs in the Cotswolds, UK

The Best Places to Travel in May to Beat the Summer Crowds

These Are the 8 Best Cruises Departing From New York City in 2024

The History Behind Saint Lucia’s Indian Cuisine — and Where to Find It

Generative AI fuels creative physical product design but is no magic wand

The core connectivity opportunity in B2B telecom

The Trump-Allied Conservative Partnership Institute Rises in Washington

The Voters Willing to Abandon Biden Over Gaza

In Texas Primary, a Brawl Among Republicans for Party Control

Apparently Healthy, but Diagnosed With Alzheimer’s?

Joe Biden’s Superfans Think the Rest of America Has Lost Its Mind

A Trans-Atlantic Crackdown

Are We in the ‘Anthropocene,’ the Human Age? Nope, Scientists Say.

Inside America’s Shadow War With Iran

Inside America’s Shadow War With Iran

Middle East Crisis: Biden Expresses Hope on Cease-Fire Talks, but Hamas Appears to Reject Latest Offer

Central Banks Need to Be Honest About Their Losses by Willem H. Buiter

Is Nuclear Proliferation Back? by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Trump and the Global Economic Risk Picture by Nouriel Roubini

The Threat to American Hegemony Is Real by Michael Ignatieff

Nina L. Khrushcheva on Navalny, Putin, Russian elections, and more by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Takeaways from Supreme Court’s Trump ballot ruling

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, March 5

U.N. report: “convincing” information Hamas raped, tortured hostages

Democrats’ Hubris Paves the Way for a Second Trump Term

Jeff Bezos Surpasses Elon Musk as World’s Richest Person

Is Your 401(k) Destroying Capitalism?

3/4/2024 day marker

WSJ 10 Point 2024-03-04

Daring Fireball: M3 MacBook Airs Are Out

How Does ESG Emphasis Impact a Company’s Value?

How to Protect Intellectual Property in the Age of AI

Want to Achieve Your Dreams? Try Subdividing Your Goals

View your available Apple Card credit details or request a credit limit increase

Jen Psaki: ‘Real legacy’ of Mitch McConnell is ‘a cynic focused on power’

Buy MacBook Air - Apple

Pakistan’s surprising and marred 2024 election, and what comes next

The Friendliest Cities in the World: 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards

Navigating the Digital Future: Cyber Resilience in the Age of Information Overload by Sylwia Sysko-Romańczuk - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

American Companies Dodged $275 Billion In Taxes: Report

Jen Psaki Sums Up Mitch McConnell’s ‘Real Legacy’ With Scathing Description

A generative AI reset: Rewiring to turn potential into value in 2024

The value of empathy at work

The expanding role of board director

How generative AI will impact jobs in New York City

The Supreme Court and the Election

Juli Lynne Charlot, Creator of the Poodle Skirt, Dies at 101

Allen Weisselberg, Former Trump CFO, Pleads Guilty to Perjury

When Women Win, the World Wins by Indermit Gill & Tea Trumbic

The Case for a European Public-Goods Fund by Age Bakker, Roel Beetsma and Marco Buti

What Does Trump Mean for the Climate? by Gernot Wagner

What’s Behind the US Stock-Market Disconnect? by Kenneth Rogoff

Framing Effect In Psychology

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, March 4

Letitia James Sacrifices the Rule of Law to Get Trump

What We Learned From the Biden Family Depositions

Opill, Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill, to Be Available in Stores Within Weeks

Financial Lessons from Divorce: Navigating High Costs and Avoiding Pitfalls

Courts Pummeled Trump. That Made Some Republicans Love Him More.

America’s Apartment Buildings Are Getting Bigger and Taller

Why Teachers Are Still Leaving the Profession

China’s High-Wire Act: Downshifting Growth Without Slipping Into Stagnation

3/3/2024 day marker

WSJ 10 Point 2024-03-03

Framing: The 1 most important communication concept every software engineer must know

3-D Data of Alcatraz Island Is Captured by Experts for Map

Climate Change and ‘Last-Chance Tourism’

Why Are Pants So Big (Again)?

Majority of Biden 2020 Voters Now Say He’s Too Old to Be Effective, Poll Finds

Rich Countries Are Becoming Addicted to Cheap Labor

A CEO’s Escape: Off the Road, Over the Mountain in His Jeep

I Canceled My Unused Subscriptions. The Money I Saved Paid for a Tesla.

Voters Are More Upbeat on Economy, but Biden Gets Little Benefit, WSJ Poll Shows

A Pain-Free Way to Secure All Your Online Accounts

The World Is in for Another China Shock

3/2/2024 day marker

WSJ 10 Point 2024-03-02

Fixing the border: Four reasons the immigration crisis isn’t going away

Older Americans Should Get a Covid Booster This Spring, CDC Advisers Say

Behind Apple’s Doomed Car Project: False Starts and Wrong Turns

Iris Apfel, Eye-Catcher With a Kaleidoscopic Wardrobe, Dies at 102

Monica Lewinsky Is the New Face of Reformation

Paramedic Sentenced to Five Years in Death of Elijah McClain

Why We Can’t Stop Rushing

Voters Doubt Biden’s Leadership and Favor Trump, Times/Siena Poll Finds

Best ad blockersTom’s Guide

AnalysisSee how much winter temperatures have warmed in your city since 1980

Don’t women deserve more from fashion?

The US economy is booming, so why are there so many tech layoffs?

How regular people make money on Amazon reviewing products

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, March 1

9 ways to identify ultra-processed foods

How to Save Social Security Without Privatizing or Cutting Benefits

Macy’s Stores Aren’t Fun Places to Shop. Its New CEO Wants to Fix That

Chinese Gangs Use Cryptocurrencies to Launder Billions

For a Total Body Workout, 30 Minutes Is All You Need With Circuit Training

Mitch McConnell Couldn’t Fend Off Trump’s Populist Takeover

‘I Don’t Want to Look Like I’m Trying Too Hard.’ A Men’s Guide to Effortless Dressing

The Invisible $1.52 Trillion Problem: Clunky Old Software

3/1/2024 day marker

‘Constellation’ Episode 4 Recap: Apple TV+’s Sci-Fi Mystery Takes a Turn

11 Best Travel Cameras, According to Experts and Amateurs Alike (2024)

Alexei Navalny Did Not Die for Nothing by Ian Buruma

Appeals court ruling means over 100 Jan. 6 rioters may be resentenced

Attorneys spar over Fani Willis’s credibility in Trump Georgia case hearing

Border Crackdowns Won’t Solve America’s Immigration Crisis

Browse - MHz Choice

C.D.C. Shortens Isolation Period for People With Covid

Can Travel Cure a Broken Heart?

Carbon Credits Hold the Key to Combating Deforestation by Roselyn Fosuah Adjei

China’s Electric Vehicles Are Going to Hit Detroit Like a Wrecking Ball

China’s grip on rare earth elements is slipping. Investors should take note.

Considerations for software private equity in 2024

Dr. Cheryl Pegus discusses health equity and the business of healthcare

DWAC discloses new lawsuits seeking to block merger with Trump Media & Technology

How AI Could Reshape Medicine by Junaid Nabi

How Can AI Enhance People in the Workplace?

How did life on Earth begin? The chemical puzzle just became clearer

How generative AI can help banks manage risk and compliance

Is Fort Lauderdale Cool Now? A Traveler’s Guide

Jeff Scott, Vice President for Hockey Development & Industry Growth at the NHL

Kellogg’s ‘cereal for dinner’ controversy and price increases spur boycott calls

London’s New Hotels Are a Reminder of the City’s Perennial Allure

Making Bretton Woods Work for Africa by Hippolyte Fofack

Man sentenced for killing woman who wound up in his driveway after wrong turnAP News

Millionaire Home Buyers Have Turned Paradise Valley Into ‘a Different World’

New Deloitte Study Reveals Employee Trust Is One of Biggest Business Concerns

Pepsico’s Grace Puma on being “Career Forward”

Republicans Who Like Putin

Taylor Swift’s Asia Tour Stirs Some Bad Blood

The American Southwest Is Finally Starting to Embrace Vertical Living

The Best Things to Do in Puglia

The Best Things to Do in Rabat, Morocco’s Understated Coastal Capital

The future of AI video after Sora is impressive — and flawed

The Submergence of Emerging Markets by Andrés Velasco

The Supreme Court Trumps Jack Smith

These Are the Best Cruise Lines for Adults in 2024

Universal Music Deploys the ‘Nuclear Option’ Against TikTok, More Songs Being Removed

US-China relations and fentanyl and precursor cooperation in 2024

Why the Supreme Court Had to Hear Trump’s Case

WSJ 10 Point 2024-03-01

2/29/2024 day marker

Actually, the US is one of the least concentrated stock markets in the world.

An AI surprise could fuel a 20% rally for the S&P 500 in 2024, says UBS

Andie MacDowell on Dropping Her Southern Accent and the Movie That Changed Her Life

Apple Ends Quest to Build Its Own Electric Vehicle

As Sports Illustrated sputters, Authentic Brands parties on

Biden’s Energy Balancing Act

California Blizzard: Snowstorm Forecast to Bring ‘Life-Threatening’ Conditions

Chemicals: Success through timely, tailored action

Climate change adaptation and security

Climate tax policy reform options in 2025

Consumer goods: A changing landscape for successful M&A

Creating value from green M&A

Creating value with M&A in Asia’s diverse marketplace

Detroit Warned Apple About Making a Car. It Had to Learn the Hard Way.

Don’t Let Texas and Florida Chew Up the Internet

Everything we thought we knew about the ancient Maya is being upended

Former US Ambassador Accused of Being Cuban Agent Signals Guilty Plea

He Got Bored. Built the Red Bull Empire. Then Cracked Formula One, the World’s Fastest Sport.

How the World’s Priciest Property Market Stumbled

Hutchins Roundup: Goods Inflation, Cancer Treatment, and More

In One Rhode Island Hotel, You Can Sleep Alongside Ludwig Bemelmans’ Drawings

Increasing Europe’s defense capabilities

Inside Oscar De La Hoya’s Las Vegas Home

Intuitive Machines Releases New Images From Moon Lander

Israel Is Losing Its Greatest Asset: Acceptance

Judge Orders Trump Removed From Illinois Primary Ballot

Leading through uncertainty: Navigating delays in M&A deals

Life sciences M&A shows new signs of life

Long Covid May Lead to Measurable Cognitive Decline, Study Finds

Making Sense of Society by Michael Spence

Michigan Wins Carry Warning Signs for Biden and Trump

National Geographic

On a Road Trip Through Virginia, Elizabeth Alexander Seeks to Understand America’s Complex Past

One Month With Apple Vision Pro: In the Air, on a Train and…in a Drawer

Paramount’s Big Game Is Still a Sideshow

Putin Warns West of Nuclear War if It Intervenes More in Ukraine

Putin’s Silk Road Around Sanctions by Robin Brooks & Simon Johnson

Rebound of financial services M&A: Focus on growth and capabilities

Resilient supply chains for national security

Shaping the future of 6G

Shock Therapy Killed Navalny by Antara Haldar

Stream These 8 Titles Before They Leave Netflix in March

Texas Panhandle Wildfires Spread Across 850,000 Acres, Prompting Evacuations

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, February 29

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, February 28

The Best Hotels in Geneva, Switzerland (2024)

The culture compass: Using early insights to guide integration planning

The Death of Tennis’s One-Handed Backhand May Be Premature

The Fed Governor Who Proved Larry Summers Wrong

The Human Economy: Creating Resilience through Human-Centric Systems by Line Lorenzen - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

The portfolio management imperative and its M&A implications

The Rise of the Do-Nothing Vacation

The Salomon XT-4 OG Is the Sneaker I Swear By for Active Travel Days

The shifting sands of M&A in transportation and logistics

The state of the IRS

The untold story of Melia McEnery, Eric Clapton’s wife -

These Orthodontists Wanted a Desert Home That Showed Off Their Creative Side

This Year’s Top Spring Break Travel Trends

TMT: Thoughtful M&A strategies are key to growth

To Fight Climate Change, End Fossil-Fuel Subsidies by Günther Thallinger & Ludovic Subran

While the World Was Looking Elsewhere, North Korea Became a Bigger Threat

Why We Risk a Cartoon Version of Capitalism

WSJ 10 Point 2024-02-28

WSJ 10 Point 2024-02-29

2/28/2024 day marker

1 Hotel Hanalei Bay – Hotel Review

A Global Cash-Transfer Fund Could End Extreme Poverty by Cina Lawson & Rory Stewart

Air warfare of World War II

Apple Pay Later to report data to Experian, a ‘positive first step’ for consumers

Banking on the World Bank’s Knowledge by Wempi Saputra

Best Hotels and Resorts in the US, Canada, and the Caribbean: The Gold List 2024

Can IKEA Save the Mall?

CDC vaccine advisers say older adults should get 2nd coronavirus shot

Cheap Places to Travel 2024: Favorable Exchange Rates Make These Destinations Cheap Places to Travel

Co-Chair of Harvard Antisemitism Task Force Resigns

Divorce led me to my happily ever after

Effortless Productivity: Creating and Using Templates in Bear

Harnessing variable electricity supply

Here’s how much money you’ll need to be part of the 1%. It varies by country.

How Lily Gladstone Got Her Red Eyeliner Look at the Loewe ShowVogue

How to Create a Cozy Room That Feels Like a Hug

Hunter Biden testifies that he never involved his father in business

Jon Stewart Returns to ‘The Daily Shows’ and Calls Out Tucker Carlson

Judge won’t delay Trump financial penalty but lets sons temporarily remain atop company

Judgment Days for Democracy by Nicholas Reed Langen

Lacrosse Analytics With Ryan Floyd

McConnell to Step Down as Leader at the End of the Year

Mitch McConnell to step down as Republican Senate leader in November

Opportunities for gen AI in public health

Peak team management: Competitive advantage in football

Stalag Luft III

Supreme Court to Decide on Trump Immunity Claim in 2020 Election Case

Supreme Court to Hear Trump’s Immunity Claim, With Arguments Set for April

The Algorithm and Its Discontents by Mariana Mazzucato & Ilan Strauss

The Mystery of White Rural Rage

The SAT and the Supreme Court

Trump immunity claim in Jan. 6 trial to be considered by Supreme Court

Trump Rebuffed After Asking a Judge to Delay His $454 Million Penalty

Trump’s Sale of D.C. Hotel Proved Prescient as New Owner Defaults on Loan

Watch Baggy Jeans, Baby Hairs, and Haute Couture: Jennifer Lopez Sounds off on Her Life in LooksLife in Looks

Webinar on accelerating diversity in clinical trials

What $1 million buys in the world’s most expensive real-estate cities

What’s Going On in This Picture? Feb. 26, 2024

2/27/2024 day marker

13 Best Hotel Pools Around the World

15 Best Pet-Friendly Hotels Across the US

17 Best Dress Shirts for Men - Buy Side from WSJ

A Stablecoin Pilot in China? by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Can Diversity Initiatives Break Barriers in Entertainment?

Can you negotiate severance if you’re laid off? Sometimes — here’s how and when.

CIO guide to navigating technology trends

Democrats Have A Plan To Win Back HaIf Of State Legislatures By 2030

Hotel Staff Shortages Threaten to Push Travel Costs Even Higher

How Do People of Middle Eastern and North African Descent Identify?

How the CFTC Stays on Top of Financial Market Innovations

In Trump Hush-Money Case, Manhattan DA Asks for Gag Order Before Trial

Introducing best in class YouTube ad blocking – Magic Lasso Adblock

Irish American Heritage Month and St. Patrick’s Day: March 2024

J.K. Rowling: Transgender comments ‘profoundly’ misunderstood

Japan as Number Four by Takatoshi Ito

Jon Stewart Breaks Down In Tears As He Shares Heartbreaking News About His DogHuffPost Entertainment

Key Witness in Trump Georgia Case Testifies on Timing of Willis-Wade Relationship

Luxury retail is about ‘emotions, not transactions’

Macy’s Will Close 150 Stores but Expand Bloomingdale’s and Bluemercury

Russia’s Brutal War Calculus

Strengthening fraying ties: The Global Cooperation Barometer 2024

Supreme Court Seems Wary of State Laws Regulating Social Media Platforms

The 2024 Election May Be Decided By Nonvoters. If They Vote.

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, February 27

The Back Channel Talks to Secure McConnell’s Endorsement of Trump

The Best Things to Do in Barbados to Pay Homage to Its Rich Black History

The Drums of US-China Cyber War by Stephen S. Roach

The Financial March to War by Harold James

To unravel the origin of life, treat findings as pieces of a bigger puzzle

Trump and Inflation

US Opens UnitedHealth Antitrust Probe

Warehouse Boom Fades, and the Hopes of a California Region Fade With It

What Nikki Haley Is Really Doing

Why Breakups Aren’t the Best Way to Curb Tech Monopolies

Will Gen Z Be Able to Afford Houses?

Winning in the European automotive industry: A micromarket approach

Women Who Travel Podcast: How to Travel With Friends, According to Nicole Byer and Sasheer Zamata

WSJ 10 Point 2024-02-27

2/26/2024 day marker

20 Must-Do Activities That Deserve a Spot on Your Dublin Itinerary

An Antidote to the Polarization Poison by Ngaire Woods

Biden’s Next Steps on Immigration

Can Warner Bros. Uncancel Harry Potter Creator J.K. Rowling?

How America’s CHIPS Act Hurts Taiwan by Chang-Tai Hsieh, Burn Lin and Chintay Shih

I Spent a Week Rescuing Food From the Trash. Here’s What I Ate.

Instagram’s Uneasy Rise as a News Site

Introduction: February 2024 — The energy transition continues apace. Meeting increasingly bold climate targets requires reducing capital expenditures while accelerating project timelines

Jacob Rothschild, Banker, Financier and Philanthropist Dies at 87

Keyword search warrants and the Fourth Amendment

News from the Global Infrastructure Initiative: February 2024

On Location: Racing Through the Modena of ‘Ferrari’

Targeting an untapped fintech market

Tech and telecom B2B buying trends: 2024 market outlook

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, February 26

The potential benefits of AI for healthcare in Canada

The War for the West by Ivan Krastev & Sławomir Sierakowski

This investor has a huge bet on Berkshire Hathaway and says Apple is overvalued

This New Map Highlights How US Hiking Trails Intersect With Ancestral Lands

Trump faces court orders to pay more than a half-billion dollars

What It’s Like to Ride the Seven Stars Kyushu — Japan’s Version of the Orient Express

Where to Eat, Stay, and See Art in Berlin, Where People Are Tiring of Just Clubbing

Will Gaza Cost Biden Re-election?

Will the US Economy Drive Global Growth this Year? by Mohamed A. El-Erian

2/25/2024 day marker

5 Takeaways From Trump’s Big Win Over Nikki Haley in South Carolina

A ‘90s Classic, Remade

Daring Fireball: ‘iMessage With PQ3: The New State of the Art in Quantum-Secure Messaging at Scale’

I Read All 59 of Warren Buffett’s Annual Letters. These Are the Best Parts.

New York Mourns Flaco, an Owl Who Inspired as He Made the City His Own

The $100 Bill Is America’s Most Common Currency, and Its Most Annoying

The Country’s Newest National Park Is a Former Japanese Incarceration Site

The Rise and Fall of Art Mogul Louise Blouin

The Venice Simplon-Orient-Express Is Launching New Journeys to Glamorous Ski Destinations

Trump Tightens Hold on GOP, Crowding Out Even Popular Rivals

University of Arizona’s $177 Million Shortfall Rattles the State

US Economy: Has an Era of Increased Productivity Returned?

You Spend Hours a Day in Your Browser. Now Make It Better.

‘iMessage With PQ3: The New State of the Art in Quantum-Secure Messaging at Scale’

2/24/2024 day marker

A $150 Billion Question: What Will Warren Buffett Do With All That Cash?

Flaco, Escaped Central Park Zoo Owl and Defier of Doubts, Is Dead

How do I change or correct my name on my Social Security number card?

NRA and Wayne LaPierre Found Liable for Financial Misconduct

The $2.8 Billion Hole in US Sanctions on Iran

The Best Shopping in Seoul, the Most Stylish City in Asia

The Joy of Stoop Books

The Lifespan of Large Appliances Is Shrinking

US and China Outshine Europe: A Snapshot on Global Corporate Dynamics

2/23/2024 day marker

: The scourge of fine print: Even Donald Trump’s new sneakers come with caveats.

13 Best Reusable Water Bottles Our Editors Take Everywhere

7 Principles of Dynamic Finance

A Rescue Dog Saved Him From Addiction

After Navalny’s death, US announces new sanctions on Russia

An AI-driven approach to measuring and maximizing telco customer experience

An Instagram Investigation

Andre Woolery, Senior Vice President of Branded Content, REVOLT

Arctic Clothing - What to Wear to the Arctic - Poseidon Expeditions

As Trading Frenzies Grip Penny Stocks, Criticism of Nasdaq Grows

Author Talks: Got friction? Stanford’s Robert I. Sutton shares what you can do about it

Catalytic Capital Holds the Key to Southeast Asia’s Green Transition by Kitty Bu & Stefanie Fairholme

Chuck Mawhinney, 74, Dies; Deadliest Sniper in Marine Corps History

Daring Fireball: Yahoo Lays Off the Leaders of Engadget

Devo Harris, CEO and Founder of Adventr

Europe Must Defend Itself

Four Seasons Resort Oahu at Ko Olina — Hotel Review

Habits To Avoid If You Don’t Want To Spoil Your Kids

How to Call and Text While AT&T Service Is Down

How to Finance Higher Education in Africa by Célestin Monga

Jazmyn Williams, Director of Brand Marketing for The Honey Pot Company

Meta Staff Found Instagram Tool Enabled Child Exploitation. The Company Pressed Ahead Anyway.

Nvidia earnings send stock rocketing as company cheers AI ‘tipping point’

Orban Gives Green Light to Sweden’s NATO Bid

R.I.P. the ‘Magnificent Seven’ says analyst who coined the big-tech moniker. Here’s why.

Spooks (TV series)

Spooks: The Greater Good

Stocks Jump as Nvidia Sets Off Tech Rally

Takeaways from rejection of Trump immunity claim by federal appeals court Politics

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, February 23

The growing imperative of energy optimization for telco networks

The Hedge Funds That Changed the Game

The keys to deploying fiber networks faster and cheaper

The Priciest And Most Fabulous Wedding Gowns of All TimeInvesting Magazine

The US Is Jeopardizing the Open Internet by Natalie Dunleavy Campbell & Stan Adams

Two Years Into Ukraine War, Putin Embraces Strongman Image

Understanding college choice: The HBCU context

US Warns Russia Not to Deploy Nuclear-Armed Space Weapon

We’re Starting to See a Shift in the Job Market That Is Demanding Gen AI Skills

What to Wear to Survive a Russian Winter - On The Go Tours Blog

Which AI Risks Matter? by Edoardo Campanella

Why You Should Consider Deferred Income Annuities for Your Retirement Portfolio

2/22/2024 day marker

A New Abortion Access Strategy

A rising wave of tech disruptors: The future of defense innovation?

Beyond the hype: Capturing the potential of AI and gen AI in TMT

Do I Really Need an Annual Physical?

Explaining Americans’ Pessimism About a Strong Economy

From policy disputes to legal wrangling: The changing argument over border security

Give Kamala Harris the Credit She Is Due

How Sleep Affects Your Mood: The Link Between Insomnia and Mental Health

How to be a better chief of staff

Hutchins Roundup: Central Bank Digital Currencies, ChatGPT, and More

Japan’s Nikkei Hits Record High, Surpassing 1989 Peak

Kamala Harris is far from the worst vice president: Why do polls say otherwise?

Kamala Harris Says She Is Ready to Serve as Biden Faces Age Scrutiny

Leaked Files Show the Secret World of China’s Hackers for Hire

Making the Most of FDI

Sharing the Tech Wealth

State of Football Analytics

Steven Wise, Champion of Animal Rights, Is Dead at 73

Stock Market News, Feb. 22, 2024: Nvidia Earnings Power S&P 500 to Another Record High

Tax records reveal the lucrative world of covid misinformation

Tech disruptors and the defense innovation future

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, February 22

The equity story you need for the long-term investors you want

The WTO’s FDI Challenge

Why Kamala Harris Is A Better VP Than You Think - POLITICO

2/21/2024 day marker

Adopting AI at speed and scale: The 4IR push to stay competitive

Alabama Rules Frozen Embryos Are Children, Raising Questions About Fertility Care

China’s overseas police stations: An imminent security threat?

Conrad Shenzhen hotel profile

Deploying generative AI in US state governments: Pilot, scale, adopt

Despite Interpol Fixes, Strongmen Find New Ways to Abuse It

Economic Possibilities for Our Overworked Grandchildren

Empowering the Pandemic Accord

Europe and the World Need Ukraine to Prevail

Europe Is Home Alone

Ex-FBI Informant, Accused of Biden Lies, Said He Had Russian Contacts

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, January 2024

Healthcare in Latin America: What are consumers looking for?

Here’s why Biden is going to pull off a win in November, say these strategists

Hope for Suicide Prevention

How generative AI could revitalize profitability for telcos

How homebuilders are blocking measures to save energy

How telcos could use gen AI to revitalize profitability and growth

How to plan a family rail adventure around Europe

Is Blockchain Ready for Primetime?

Lessons From Japan’s Three-Decade-Long Nikkei Disaster

Meet the Women Shaping the Future of Sustainable Hotel Design

Megaprojects in the Desert Sap Saudi Arabia’s Cash

New Brief About Travel to Work Since Pandemic’s Onset

Trump’s G.O.P. Is a Confederacy of Fakers

Russia Will Honor Navalny Someday

SCOTUS tells Alabama it meant what it said the first time Politics

Telcos and 5G: The network API opportunity

The 10-Point 2024-02-21

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, February 21

The Best Things to Do in Zurich, a Switzerland Stopover No More

The Best Time to Visit Zanzibar

The essential guide to visiting North Carolina

The Quiet Way Democrats Hope to Expand Their Power at the State Level

Welcome to St. John’s Terminal, our new home in New York City

What it will take for telcos to unlock value from network APIs

2/20/2024 day marker

Africa’s Shifting Economic Paradigm

Anti-Trump Burnout: The Resistance Says It’s Exhausted

How Early Adopters of Gen AI Are Gaining Efficiencies

I’m the WSJ’s Tax Columnist. Here’s How I Tackle My Own Taxes.

Improving capital projects planning with technology

It’s not too late for Europe to compete with the United States on gen AI

Murdered and missing women is the top issue facing Native American communities heading into the 2024 elections

New business building: The new CEO imperative

Private markets: A slower era

Rethinking Inequality in Latin America

Strict Scrutiny

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, February 20

The Case for Mission-Driven Climate Finance

The CEO career path: Finding success at every stage

The Fight Over Academic Freedom

The Trump Effect Takes Europe

Three Questions About Rafah

Tim O’Reilly on AI development, regulation, copyright lawsuits, and more by Tim O’Reilly

Top M&A trends in 2024: Blueprint for success in the next wave of deals

Wall Street’s ‘mob psychology’ could fuel stock meltup, warns top strategist

Want to Live a Meaningful Life? Be the Hero of Your Story

What Can We Do to Narrow the Wealth Gap?

Why New York City Can’t Fix Its Ugly Scaffolding Problem

Will Europe Ever Get Serious About Defense?

2/19/2024 day marker

4 Best Places to Travel Without a Passport

7 Train Rides That Are Even Better in Winter, From the Swiss Alps to Alaska

Achieving extraordinary growth: Myths and realities

California’s Push for Ethnic Studies Runs Into the Israel-Hamas War

Capital One Is Buying Discover Financial

China’s Investors Are Losing Faith in Its Markets and Economy

Cracks in the New Gilded Age

Gait speed is one of your vital signs, so make sure yours is OK

Here’s what the Starbucks of the future looks like Business

How self-aware are you, really?

How to Stay Mentally Sharp Into Your 80s and Beyond

In Trump Fraud Ruling, a $450 Million Blow to His Finances and Identity

Michael J. Deas

Naomi Watts on menopause at 36: Actor found a deeper ‘authenticity’ because of it

Normative Data for Gait Speed and Height Norm Speed in ≥ 60-Year-Old Men and Women - PMC

Plame reaches 7-figure book deal

Scooter Libby

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, February 19

The EU Must Not Give Up on a Mercosur (Southern Common Market) Trade Deal

The Overlooked Causes of Air Pollution

The Return of Karl Rove - The Texas Observer

The UK Labor Party’s Green-Energy Debacle

The Weirdest, Wildest Performances of the Year

Why not pay teachers $100,000 a year?

Yes, Russian Reserves Should Be Seized

2/18/2024 day marker

Why the son of God story is built on mythology, not historyAeon Essays

‘From Hilde, With Love’ Review: An Affecting Resistance Romance

Hilary Swank on “Ordinary Angels” and miracles

Portraitist Michael Deas and the art of postage stamps

Ukrainians’ fight for survival entering its third year

Hiking With Kids: 8 Tips for Adventures Everyone Will Enjoy

Business topics that are top of mind for leaders in 2024

Is Red Wine Actually Good for You? How the Drink Affects Heart Health

Flying into the Future

Remington Flees New York For Georgia After 200 Years

White House Medical Unit’s ‘severe and systemic’ drug problems detailed

Kremlin runs covert disinformation campaign to undermine Zelensky

The Six Months That Short-Circuited the Electric-Vehicle Revolution

Icon of the Seas: Sailing on the World’s Largest Cruise Ship on a Budget

Beware the Top Google Search Result. It Might Be Wrong.

2/17/2024 day marker

21 Most Beautiful Caribbean Islands, Including a Few You’ve Never Heard Of

Dutch start-up Human Material Loop turns hair into sustainable clothing

History of the Communist Party USA

Homo neanderthalensis The Smithsonian Institution’s Human Origins Program

How Americans define the middle-class and why they can’t reach it

How the plastics industry is molding young minds in the classroom

How to Rest

In Morocco, a Thousand-Year-Old Storytelling Tradition Adapts to the 21st Century

Is this breakup text real or written by an AI chatbot? Try our quiz

Robert Oppenheimer

Love and loss in Ukraine: 7 stories in photos

nisus writer pro vs microsoft word: Which is Better for You in 2023?

On a Traditional Nashville Street, He Built a Modern Home That Blends In and Stands Out

Oppenheimer (film)

She Talked Like a Millionaire, Slept in a Parking Garage and Fooled Nearly Everybody

Stories of love and loss in the shadow of Ukraine’s war

The Best Camping Spots in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks

The Best Campsite in Every State

The Best Hotels and Resorts in the World: The Gold List 2024

The Couples Who Spent Valentine’s Day at Ikea. On Purpose.

The Lonesome Death of Alexei Navalny

The Lonesome Death of Alexei Navalny by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Traveler Editors’ Favorite Hotels and Resorts in the World: Gold List 2024

US Fears Russia Might Put a Nuclear Weapon in Space

Walking, yoga and strength training may treat depression as well as therapy, data shows

2/16/2024 day marker

7 ‘Feud: Capote vs. The Swans’-Style Stays

A $1 Trillion Conundrum: The US Government’s Mounting Debt Bill

America’s Steel Madness

Author Talks: Andrew McAfee on how a ‘geek’ mindset can transform your business

Can Marwan Barghouti Be the Palestinian Nelson Mandela?

Closing the Black employer gap: Insights from the latest data on Black-owned businesses

Consumers: Spending more to buy less

Exploring Taylor Swift’s Love Life: A Timeline of the Artist’s Many Relationships

Exposing Kennedy’s Killers’s answer to Jackie’s retrieving JFK’s flesh from the trunk proves a frontal shot that blew out-exited the back of the president’s head, or does this not make sense?

Generative AI in finance: Finding the way to faster, deeper insights

How generative AI can help finance professionals

How to create a new Apple ID

Insurance leadership on 2024 trends and innovations

Kara Swisher: The day Silicon Valley rode Trump’s escalator to nowhere

Kids Online Safety Act secures enough support to pass Senate

My Favorite Airbnb: An Off-Grid San Miguel de Allende Hideaway Perfect for Design Lovers

Peter Grainger — DC Smith Detective Stories

Realtors Are in Crisis — and Home Buyers Could Be the Winners

Ross Gelbspan, Who Exposed Roots of Climate Change Deniers, Dies at 84

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, February 16

Trump Ordered to Pay $355 Million in NY Civil Fraud Trial Ruling

Trump Privately Expresses Support for a 16-Week Abortion Ban

Upper Peninsula of Michigan

What Corporations Need to Know About Public Health

What Happens When You Warranty Your Socks? – Darn Tough

What Was Capitalism?

Why Sanctions Haven’t Hobbled Russia

2/15/2024 day marker

23 Best Airbnbs in Florida 2024, From Panama City Beach Down to the Keys

7 Best Insoles for Running, Hiking, and Long Travel Days

7 Things Sex Therapists Would Never Do In The Bedroom

Bobby Kennedy and Tom Suozzi

Cooking Classes Are My Favorite Way to Understand a City

Does a Rise in Charitable Giving After an Event Mean a Decline in Political Giving?

Donald Trump just got the green light to return to Wall Street Business

Endless Range, Boundless Swagger: Why Caitlin Clark Is Different

Former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ role in Ukraine business, undercutting GOP impeachment inquiry Politics

Hutchins Roundup: Credit Unions, US Debt, and More

Live updates: Fani Willis testifies in Trump Georgia case hearing

Officials sound alarm about new Russian “space threat”

Payment systems’ changing role from economic growth to the new foreign policy lever

Reducing Plastic Pollution Requires Local Remedies

Russia’s Advances on Space-Based Nuclear Weapon Draw US Concerns

Scientists Resort to Once-Unthinkable Solutions to Cool the Planet

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, February 15

The Case for Regulating Generative AI Through Common Law

The Fantastical Travels of Emma Stone in ‘Poor Things’

The future of European defense and security

The Sneaky Signs Your Dog Is In Pain

Trump’s New York self-defense, annotated Politics

Un-Marry Me!

Why Is the Maldives Spurning India?

Will the Government Shut Down in 2024?

2/14/2024 day marker

5 reasons not to go out to dinner on Valentine’s Day

A Texas Oil Driller Banks a $26 Billion Deal, With Regrets

After border bill failure, ICE considers mass releases to close budget gap

An update on European consumer sentiment: Mixed feelings remain

Backstreet Boys’ AJ McLean finds a buyer for his $3.5m SoCal home

Building a resilient tomorrow: Concrete actions for global leaders

Cash-Flush Buyers Dip Into Distressed Commercial Real Estate

Consumer confidence and sentiment in Europe

Fed misled by inflation data, professor behind popular recession indicator says

From NYC to Miami, Major Cities Along the East Coast are Sinking

How satellites, algorithms and AI can help map and trace methane sources

How Shrinking Populations Fuel Divisive Politics

How the far right is chipping away at a postwar taboo

How to reduce gender inequality in labor markets in Africa

How we’re partnering with the industry, governments and civil society to advance AI

Moving to New York City? You’ll need more than $10K up front to rent an apartment.

Older women choose to keep love and money separate second time around

Online Dating? You Might Want To Turn Off This iPhone Feature.

Pakistan’s Middle-Class Rage Against Military Rule

Palácio Príncipe Real — Hotel Review

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, February 14

The Middle Truth in the Inflation Muddle

The Polycrisis Industrial Complex

The stock market peak is not in yet, says one of Wall Street’s biggest bulls.

Tool of First Resort: Israel-Hamas War in Cyber

True Detective

Western Technology Firms Must Stop Supplying Russia’s War Machine

What No One Tells You About Sex After 70

What technology trends are shaping the mobility sector?

What’s Going on with the US Economy?

Who Kissed First? Archaeology Has an Answer.

Why Is China Stalling Out?

With the Ukraine Aid Vote, the Republicans Are Isolationist Again

2/13/2024 day marker

A Florida family that bought a fishing cottage for $1 million in the 1980s is selling it for $295 million now that it’s a 20-bedroom compound with its own yacht basin

A Marshall Plan for Africa

A Tiny, Eco-Friendly House Off the Coast of Maine

Biden Denounces Trump’s Comments on Russia and NATO as ‘Un-American’

Big Companies Cashed In on Mississippi’s Water. Small Towns Paid the Price.

Can Exercise Help Prevent Prostate Cancer?

Central Banks’ 2% Inflation Target Is Not the Finish Line by Daniel Gros

CEO excellence: How do leaders assess their own performance?

CEO Excellence: provisional findings from our self-assessment survey

China foreign minister Qin Gang vanished. The world still doesn’t know why.

Covid Shots for Children

Elon Musk and the Absolutist Revival

Europe Must Rearm Now

February Journal Ideas: 20 Ideas to Inspire Your Writing

From Stupid Pet Tricks to the Super Bowl, 11 years booking quarterbacks for Letterman

How China Miscalculated Its Way to a Baby Bust

How Sierra Leone Is Changing Its Narrative Through Tourism

How the role of infrastructure CEOs has changed

If Trump Wins, So Will China

Kamala Harris Was Joe Biden’s Smartest Decision

On a Road Trip Through the American West, Hilary Swank Found Sublime Stillness

On Capitol Hill, Republicans Use Bigoted Attacks Against Political Foes

See Inside the 5 Most Expensive Hotel Rooms in Paris

Stock Market News, Feb. 13, 2024: Dow Drops More Than 500 Points After Inflation Data

The changing role of the infrastructure CEO

The Singapore of Tomorrow Is a City Full of Soul

The Story Behind Biden’s Trade Failure

This New Book Captures the Magic of the Plaza Athénée in Paris

Two Cases. Two Judges. One High-Stakes Week for Trump.

What programmatic acquirers do differently

Where to Eat, Stay, and Play in Wānaka — A Locals Enclave on New Zealand’s South Island

2/12/2024 day marker

15 Best Hotels in Hong Kong (2024)

2024 Super Bowl commercials from the best to worst and weirdest

A focus on organizational health can help businesses live longer, perform better

Aboard the Rocky Mountaineer Train, Canada’s Greatest Landscapes Unfold Slowly

AI Is Starting to Threaten White-Collar Jobs. Few Industries Are Immune.

Author Talks: Howard Friedman on getting the most from your data science team

Business Class vs. First Class: What’s the Difference?

Cranky Kansas City Chiefs Get Their Storybook Super Bowl Ending

How to Decide Where to Stay in Crete, the Largest Greek Island

NATO Leader Blasts Trump’s Suggestion He Would Encourage Russian Invasion of US Allies

Nikki Haley Should Stay in the GOP Race

No One Wins in a Lose-Lose World

Older Americans React to Special Counsel Report on Biden

Organizational health is (still) the key to long-term performance

Stocks Are at Records, but Are They Expensive? These Models Have an Answer

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, February 12

The Best Sex Positions For People Over 60

The Decline of the N.R.A.

The Toxic Legacy of the Green Revolution

Top 10 Democratic 2024 presidential candidates (besides Biden), ranked

Tory Burch Built a Blockbuster Business. Where Will She Take It Next?

What to Do in Tangier, With Insight From the City’s Artisans, Curators, and Designers

Why Are Electric Vehicle Loans More Expensive?

Will Cupid’s Aim Improve?

2/11/2024 day marker

Eddie Hamilton (movie editor for Mission Impossibles)

This New Book Celebrates the Many Colors and Patterns of Portugal

This Man Has Traveled to All 57 Super Bowls — Here’s What He’s Learned

Generative AI and the future of work in Australia

The New Labor Playbook

How Mark Meadows Became the Least Trusted Man in Washington

A Guide to the Super Bowl

Favoring Foes Over Friends, Trump Threatens to Upend International Order

2/10/2024 day marker

Eugene Allen’s answer to How do you survive a Komodo Dragon attack?

Alternating Arms for Vaccines May Boost Your Immunity, Study Says

Babylon Berlin

Behind the Super Bowl Commercial That Cost $50 Million

Biden Has More Than an Age Problem. Voters Don’t See Him as Presidential.

CHIPS and Science Act programs are writing a new story about the Rust Belt

Election workers nationwide brace for voting disruptions, chaos in 2024

How do you survive a Komodo Dragon attack?

Inside the graffiti-covered Oceanwide Plaza building in downtown L.A.

Jet lag: What Taylor Swift — and the average traveler — is up against

Keeping Teens Safe Online Has to Go Beyond Parental Controls. Here’s What to Do.

Love Letters

Managers in togas by Isabella Straub - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

People in danger of homelessness will get help paying rent under Biden plan

Playing Soccer in $1.50 Sandals That Even Gucci Wants to Copy

Some Fall Out of Vogue. Gabriella Karefa-Johnson Jumped.

Spark & Sustain: How all of the world’s school systems can improve learning at scale

Staggering Rise in Catheter Bills Suggests Medicare Scam

The Most Expensive Cities in the World: See the Top 10

The Secret to a Better Vacation? Don’t Go at the ‘Best’ Time

UNRWA in Gaza Fought Hamas Infiltration; Not Hard Enough, Israel Says

Watch what you say about Taylor Swift around your kids. Why it’s important

Where to Eat, Stay, and Play on Kastellorizo, Greece’s Perfect Tiny Island

2/9/2024 day marker

85% of Workers Are Considering Changing Jobs for More Money or Better Work-Life Balance

America’s Emulation of China Calls for New Rules by Dani Rodrik

Andrew Sneyd, EVP of Marketing at Fanduel

As Her Husband Faces Tumult, Jill Biden Is a Protective Force

Better health for all starts at the city level

Breaking Trail for Clean Air - Patagonia Stories

Data, analytics, and decisions: An interview with Teradata’s CFO

Defensive Democracy

Donald Trump Is Now Just Bald-Faced Lying About Jan. 6

Election 2024: ‘My Memory Is Fine,’ a Defiant Biden Declares After Special Counsel Report

How Two Irish Businessmen Almost Took Nigeria for $11 Billion

Jeanine Poggi, Editor in Chief at Ad Age

Michael Mann, climate scientist, wins defamation verdict against right-wing bloggers

More than 4 million people will turn 65 this year — and it will affect everyone

Most Popular TV Shows

NYC’s Housing Crunch Is the Worst It’s Been in More Than 50 Years

The 22 Best Spas in London for 2024, According to Our UK Editors

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, February 9

The collapse of bipartisan immigration reform

The Rise of Consumer Crypto by Steve Kaczynski & Scott Duke Kominers

The stock market right now resembles the Y2K surge — and that didn’t end well

These 7 Transoceanic Cruises Revive the Splendor of the Oceanliner Era

Three Big Legal Questions

Top 250 TV Shows

Transforming automotive R&D with gen AI

West Africa’s Brexit Moment Could Fuel Regional Turmoil by Adekeye Adebajo

Why We Should Avoid the Effort to “Break Up” Big Tech

Will Ukraine Survive? by Richard Haass

2/8/2024 day marker

2024 Super Bowl: Fun Facts About the Players and Places

Building a strong maintenance culture

Cleopatra and Mark Antony’s Decadent Love Affair

Credit Bidenomics for Rising US Wages

Dick Waterman, Promoter and Photographer of the Blues, Dies at 88

DJ Zedd wants to spin off one of his Encino, Calif., mansions for $18.9 million

Dry winter skin? These 4 natural ingredients can help.

EU ethnocultural minorities and inclusive growth

Everyone loses if the Affordable Connectivity Program ends


How Ford’s F-150 Lightning, Once in Hot Demand, Lost Its Luster

How to achieve operating model excellence

How to Depolarize American Politics

Hutchins Roundup: Great Recession Mortality, Wealth Inequality, and More

I took the Margaritaville cruise. It’s like basic economy at sea.

Immigration may answer two big mysteries of the US economy

Improving workforce productivity in oil and gas

In Mozambique, Marine Conservation Has Helped Shape a Different Kind of Safari

Integrating renewable energy sources into grids

Key trends shaping China’s less-than-truckload logistics market

Location, location, location: The impact of place on racial equity

Researchers use AI to reveal passage from ancient scroll

Talent retention trends in the oil and gas industry

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, February 8

The Competitive Edge of Doing Good

The Danger of Forgetting the 2023 Banking Crisis

The Shaky US-Israel Alliance

We tried the world’s biggest cruise ship. Does it meet the hype?

2/7/2024 day marker

A 5-Day Road Trip Connecting Scotland’s Tidal Pools

Biden Administration Toughens Limits on Deadly Air Pollution

Conrad Rabat Arzana

Could a Giant Parasol in Outer Space Help Solve the Climate Crisis?

Daring Fireball: Yours Truly on ‘Big Technology’

Despite a national spike in homelessness, some US regions are finding solutions

Did anyone ever survive the Nazi gas chambers? - GK,GS & HISTORY

Disney, Fox and Warner Bros. Join Forces for Sports Streaming Service

For First Time in Two Decades, US Buys More From Mexico Than China

How to Democratize AI

Kara Swisher: How Silicon Valley Tech Bros Ruined Media

Mattis secretly worked for UAE leader as military adviser on Yemen war

Republicans Against Border Enforcement

Settler Colonialism: A Guide for the Sincere

Settler Sanctions and the Liberal International Order

Strengthening Africa’s Community Health Programs

The Coming Taiwan Crisis

Tom Lee has four reasons corporate earnings are better than they appear.

What to expect from medtech in 2024

Why China Won’t Fight the Houthis

2/6/2024 day marker

10 Most Beautiful Mountain Lakes in the World

2022 Annual Wholesale Trade Survey

2022 CRE and New Winter Weather and Flooding Ranking Tables

2022 Economic Census First Look

2022 Service Annual Survey Data Now Available

6 cybersecurity mistakes people make — and what to do instead

An Editor’s Guide to What to Wear in Mexico City

Are Attack Ads Effective?

Are Pakistan and Iran on the Brink of War?

Can Japan’s Kishida deliver on political reform?

Can Remote Work Help Diversity Recruitment?

Can Trump Still Run for President if He Is Convicted?

Census Bureau Releases Detailed DHC-B Proof of Concept for Feedback

Endless Range, Boundless Swagger: Why Caitlin Clark Is Different

Federal Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Claim of Absolute Immunity

G.O.P. Backlash to Border Deal Reflects Vanishing Ground for a Compromise

Gun, abortion and LGBTQ laws are affecting where home buyers move, Redfin says

How Does Your Financial Wellbeing Shape Your Health Outcomes?

How to stay safe online: 6 common cybersecurity mistakes

How Will the War in Gaza End?

In Hong Kong, a New Cultural Center of Gravity Emerges

Lenin’s Lesson for Israel and Ukraine

Molly Ringwald Loves Hotel Baths

Official Development Assistance Must Recognize Countries’ Vulnerabilities

Palo Alto Networks CFO Dipak Golechha

Peace in Ukraine

Resources for Aging Veterans

Robert Skidelsky on Keynes, AI, the future of work, and more by Robert Skidelsky

Supreme Court Shocker? Here’s What Happens if Trump Gets Kicked Off the Ballot - POLITICO

The Best Places to Travel in April, From Osaka to Marrakech

The G.O.P. Bumper Sticker: Trump First. Putin Second. America Third.

The Supreme Court must throw Trump off the 2024 ballot

These Amtrak Train Routes Make Stops at Some of America’s Most Scenic National Parks

These Boston Bars Are Reinventing the City’s Drinks Scene

Trump has no immunity from prosecution in Jan. 6 trial, appeals court rules

US Retail Sales Reach $7,040 Billion

Where to Eat, Stay, and Play in Mérida, the Yucatán Peninsula’s Designand Food-Focused Capital City

Why Luxury Travel in Bhutan Is Also Sustainable

2/5/2024 day marker

2024 Grammy Awards: Taylor Swift Makes History on a Night Dominated by Women

A Top College Reinstates the SAT

Africa’s leap ahead into cloud: Opportunities and barriers

Alastair Humphreys: The Joys Of Microadventures

Are You The Husband Or The Wife?

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Stupidity

Battle of the Atlantic

Best and Worst Moments From the 2024 Grammys

Bomber Mafia

Brandi Carlile and Catherine Shepherd Full Relationship Timeline

California Storm Live Updates: ‘More Rain Coming’ After Mudslides and Power Outages

Dennis Latham’s answer to According to the many books I’ve read about the Vietnam war, the M-16 rifles issued to the soldiers were notorious for jamming. Why didn’t the army come up with a better, more dependable weapon to to replace the inferior M-16 and maybe save lives?

Digital commerce: A growth opportunity for Greece

Doing wall sit exercises regularly can help lower your blood pressure

Generative AI in energy and materials

Grammys 2024 performances ranked: Tracy Chapman, Miley Cyrus, Joni Mitchell

Growth strategies for the purchase-mortgage market

How Digital Payments Systems Can Promote Adoption

In Russia, a Cat Thrown From a Train Offers a Safe Space to Vent

Joni Mitchell Performs ‘Both Sides Now’ at 2024 Grammys

Masters of the Air: What it gets right about WWII’s Bloody Hundredth

Supreme Court challenge to Trump was filed by 91-year-old Norma Anderson

The 30 best female singers of all time, ranked in order of pure vocal ability - Smooth

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, February 5

The Man in Room 117

What Is the Fed Thinking? by J. Bradford DeLong

Will Trump Be Disqualified? by Eric Posner

Will Turkey Remain Committed to Economic Reform? by Selva Demiralp

2/4/2024 day marker

Brandi Carlile Says She Had to Make Peace with Not Being Pregnant

Breaking down Elon Musk’s wealth, company by company

Courses in Wilderness and Survival Tactics Thrive in an Anxious Time

Everything you need to know about iCloud Music Library

Guide to the Grammys

How ancient cork forests could help solve the world’s plastic problem

How to Clean Your Luggage After a Trip, According to Experts

In Northern Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest, Salmon Is Everything

Inside Impeachment’s Rise as a Weapon of Partisan Warfare

Joni Mitchell Sings at Length at Surprise Newport Folk Festival Show

Judge in Trump Federal Election Case Scraps Trial’s Start Date

Lance Cprl Kyle Watson of the Royal Army Medical Corps, who stands 5’1’ in her Army boots is 1 of 4 woman in history to receive Military Cross for bravery as a Medic in time of war! Let’s hear it for her!

M4 Sherman variants

Our honest, hidden thoughts on race captured in just 6 words

Roland Bartetzko’s answer to Which country has the most feared intelligence agency (or secret service) and what makes it fearsome?

Supreme Court Won’t Block Use of Race in West Point Admissions for Now

The US economy is booming, so why are there so many tech layoffs?

Tiger Tank

To beat Trump, we need to know why Americans keep voting for him. Psychologists may have the answerGeorge MonbiotThe Guardian

Why Cholesterol Is Important For Health and How To Lower It

Why Tim Cook Is Going All In on the Apple Vision ProVanity Fair

Williamsburg, Brooklyn: A Historical Timeline of the NYC Neighborhood

2/3/2024 day marker

*A landscape that Columbus would recognize**

*How College Consultants Invent Perfect Ivy League Applicants**

*The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the

Americas in 1492**

Mobile app stores may need price regulation

*Unsubscribe: Radical strategies for taking back your time, attention and purpose**

How to improve heart health at any age

*Of Uruguay’s Beaches, José Ignacio Is the One That Just Keeps Getting Better**

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Gut Health?

Exploring the Backyard

Men accused of opening path that allowed Jan. 6 mob rush convicted

South Carolina teacher uses Ta-Nehisi Coates book on race again in classroom

Underrated travel destinations for 2024 vacations without crowds

2/2/2024 day marker

‘Anxiety-inducing’ layoffs are scaring US workers. How worried should they be?

‘Fix this now’: FAFSA delays slammed by Republican lawmakers

2024 Isn’t 2022

21 Best Weekend Getaways in Florida, From Palm Beach Spa Days to GuIf Coast Manatee Tours

7 Once-in-a-Lifetime Honeymoon Ideas in Asia, From Eco-Retreats to Tropical Resorts

8 American Cities That Are Going All Out for Lunar New Year

9 Best Amalfi Coast Villa Rentals, From the Heights of Ravello to the Heart of Positano

Democrats and Republicans agree: Raising kids is more expensive these days

Don’t Count on a Soft Landing for the Global Economy

Germany’s Dangerous Alternatives

How semiconductor companies can fill the expanding talent gap

Maine Juvenile Justice: The State’s Youth Are In Crisis

Matchmakers for the Green Transition

Republicans Agonize Over Backing Border Bill They Insisted On

Review of Banking and Financial Law and the Institution 2024 Symposium: The Politics of Financial Regulation

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, February 2

The Best Shopping in Paris: 21 Places Not to Miss

The best trades of the last 50 years show what investors should do now

The Fog of War Crimes

The Next Phase of Our Inflation Journey

The Stormshadow Patagonia Jacket, Reviewed 2024: How Warm, Exactly, Is the Brand’s Warmest Parka? GQ

Thinking like a digital company: An interview with Kevin Strain

This fund is shorting Apple — and just bet against another popular AI stock

Too Independent? The Pros And Cons Of Being Self-Reliant

Webb telescope spies millions of stars in stunning spiral galaxies

Where to Spend a Crowd-Free Weekend in Maine’s Winter

2/1/2024 day marker

5 Places to Visit in Tucson, Arizona, With Singer Linda Ronstadt

A Biden Doctrine for the Middle East Is Forming. And It’s Big.

American Greatness and Decline

Discover Singapore through an immersive augmented reality tour

Economic Policies and Identity Politics

Energy organizations in transition

Experts Share Bare Minimum Exercise Time Needed Per WeekHuffPost UK Life

From trials to triumphs in building materials circularity: Takeaways from Davos

Health Issues That Your Doctor Can Spot By Looking At Your Skin

Here to stay: An attractive future for medical aesthetics

Hutchins Roundup: Predicting Recessions, Tariffs, and More

Jack Jennings, P.OW. Who Helped Build Burma Railway, Dies at 104

Linda Ronstadt’s Tucson

Mexico’s Immigration Crackdown

My Favorite Toronto Airbnb: A Modern Loft Downtown

New energy businesses: The independence versus integration dilemma

Populism’s Great Replacement of Economics

Stream These 11 Movies Before They Leave Netflix in February

Talent squeeze: Planning for the energy sector’s talent transition

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, February 1

The Case for Banning Anti-Democratic Candidates

The Dogs That Live Longest, by a Nose

The impact of generative AI in a global election year

The importance of cultural integration in M&A: The path to success

The state of Black residents: The relevance of place to racial equity and outcomes

Today’s Teenagers: Anxious About Their Futures and Disillusioned by Politicians

Use Bear to Stay Organized in 2024

What Will the Next Three Months Mean for Gaza and the Middle East?

What’s known about Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift and what’s a mystery

Where Chefs Eat on Vacation: Michael Solomonov’s Road Trip Along the Amalfi Coast

1/31/2024 day marker

5 Things 1.31.2024

Arizona Bill Would Let Politicians Overturn Election Results

Author Talks: Mohammed Alardhi on investing in the future

China’s Energy Dilemma

Do Israelis and Palestinians Inhabit the Same World?

Ex-Prosecutor Spots Trump Court Moment That Was A ‘Litigator’s Dream’

How product design can yield ‘triple wins’: Growth, margin, and sustainability

How the US job landscape is changing — and how to adapt

Israeli Women Fight on Front Line in Gaza, a First

Lessons from the Euro’s First 25 Years

Melinda Wilson, 77, Who Helped Brian Wilson Through Mental Illness, Dies

Money manager who nailed two big market rebounds, says bet on these stocks next.

San Francisco’s “Pro-Drug Culture”

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, January 31

The Department of Education’s budget tug of war: Congress vs. presidents

The Next Inflationary Surge

The NFL concussion settlement’s broken promises

Trump Georgia Case: Nathan Wade Settles Divorce, Avoiding Testimony

What Are We So Afraid Of? Here’s the Expert to Ask.

Why Are People Afraid of Clowns?

1/30/2024 day marker

13 Highly-Rated Amazon Workout Sets to Pack on Your Next Vacation

18 Best Exercise Dresses: Lululemon, Outdoor Voices, Alo Yoga, & More

19 Amazon Travel Products Our Readers Keep Buying

20 of the coolest travel adventures for 2024

2022 Service Annual Survey Data Now Available

9 Best Hotels in Mauritius

Are Cannabis Edibles Safer Than Smoking?

Best Travel Gear of 2023, According to Our Readers

Boomers are not moving out of their big homes, here’s why Business

China’s Economic Prospects Are Brighter Than They Appear

Chinese crime and geopolitics in 2024

Chita Rivera, Electrifying Broadway Star, Is Dead at 91

Egyptian Cuisine in Cairo and Upper Egypt: How to Eat Your Way Across Egypt’s Biggest Historic Sites

George Conway Reveals How To Get Under Trump’s Skin

Government productivity: Practical methods to deliver more with less

Historians File Brief In Support Of Removing Trump From Ballot

How Financial Stability Hinges on Bank Business Models

How much protein should I eat per day? Why Americans are obsessed with eating protein-rich diets.

How to Actually Relax on Vacation

How to mind your own business : Life Kit : NPR

How to See Vancouver by Bike for Natural Beauty, Indigenous History, and Urban Flair

Is Self-checkout a Failed Experiment?

Jen Psaki Ridicules ‘MAGA Meltdown’ Over Taylor Swift: ‘Are You All OK?’

Onboard Obsession: Sleeping Under the Northern Lights in a Glass Igloo

Our Editors Agree: You Must Wear Socks on a Plane

Should you buy a plug-in hybrid car? Here’s what to consider.

Suits? Ted Lasso? Cocomelon? What were 2023’s most streamed TV shows in the US?US televisionThe Guardian

Syphilis Is Soaring in the US

The 13 Best Instant Coffees of 2024

The 2024 Primary Elections Are Confusing Voters and Fueling Distrust

The 7 Best Instant Coffee of 2024, Tested & Reviewed

The Best Instant Coffee, Ranked

The Best Instant Coffees: A Blind Taste TestBon Appétit

The Good News from Taiwan

The Leakproof Owala Water Bottle Is A Must-Have

The Middle East public cloud: A multibillion-dollar prize waiting to be captured

The Politics of Despair

Three Great Documentaries to Stream

Time to move: Sporting goods 2024

Tourists to Colombia Warned Against Using Dating Apps After Sedatives Fuel Crime

Wave Season Is the Best Time to Score Cruise Deals — Here’s How

What Iran Really Wants

What Is Common Sense?

What is Instant Coffee - Folgers vs. Nescafe — The Brew Adventures

Will 2024 Be the Year of Responsible AI?

1/29/2024 day marker

30 Cozy A-Frame Cabins for Cold-Weather Getaways, from Breckenridge to São Paulo

8 Lisbon Restaurants for Discovering the City’s African Diaspora

China draws Hong Kong closer as development erases mainland border

China Evergrande Ordered by Court to Liquidate

Colombia, a Usually Wet Nation, Reels Amid Widespread Wildfires

Does digital transformation really make organizations flexible?

Does digital transformation really make organizations flexible? by Lalit Karwa - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

Drake Passage

Jean Carroll and the Value of a Woman ‘Past Her Prime’

Exploring new regions: The greenfield opportunity in semiconductors

Gaza’s Food Crisis

How Congress can secure Biden’s AI legacy

How Does the Option of Remote Work Impact Who Applies for Jobs?

How US states can advance a successful clean-energy transition

Realizing the Potential of the Climate Loss and Damage Fund

The 10 best, most affordable 3-row vehicles of 2024

The 32 Best Hotels in London

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, January 29

The Impossible Row

The Threat of Messianic Politics

This market is a ‘bear trap’ so here’s what to buy, strategist says

US Retail Sales Reach $7,040 Billion

Voting Is Bewildering This Primary Season. That Worries Experts.

We’ve Updated Our Fiscal Impact Measure

Why “the Rest” Are Rejecting the West

Will 2024 Be the New 1933?

1/28/2024 day marker

Edward de Bono

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One

12 Best Collage Apps for Mac in 2024

How to be Productive – The Sweet Setup

A Walk Through Chanel’s Perfumery Gardens in Grasse, France

6 Cruises to the Most Remote Destinations on Earth

For Surfing Moms, Getting Into the Water Can Take a Village

How to Explore Rwanda’s Volcanic Twin Lakes

The Best Winter Clothes, Accessories, and Gear to Pack in 2024

A new global gender divide is emerging

Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning – Hayley Atwell Talks Car Stunts – The Hollywood Reporter

As Switzerland’s Glaciers Shrink, a Way of Life May Melt Away

How to Test Your Strength in 30 Seconds

San Francisco Tried to Build a $1.7 Million Toilet. It’s Still Not Done.

The Looming Biden-Trump Rematch Is About Two Visions of America

‘Ally McBeal’ Star Calista Flockhart Returns to TV

Has Hollywood Lost China?

Where Is Hamas Getting Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel.

Aryna Sabalenka beats Zheng Qinwen for Australian Open women’s singles title

1/27/2024 day marker

Read what happened at the nation’s first nitrogen gas executionAP News

8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41

Military production during World War II

The Best Greek Islands to Visit in 2024

Uncovering the Roots of Modern Finnish Design — Beyond Helsinki

Is This Really ‘the Worst Time to Buy a Home’?

Japanese Talk Show Host Blazed Trails for Her Gender, and Now, for Her Longevity

Ghostwriters Emerge From the Shadows

Train Robbery for Amazon Packages? More Common Than You Think.

A Bird’s-Eye View of a Technicolor World

Even Rats Are Taking Selfies Now (and Enjoying It)

Gen Z Asks: Are We Aging Faster Than Other Generations?

Is Royal Caribbean’s Icon of the Seas Cruise Ship Really Sustainable?

Artist Cindy Sherman Emerges With Electrifying New Work at Hauser & Wirth

The Sports Illustrated Cover, a Faded Canvas That Once Defined Sports

Am I That Guy? A View From the Front Rows in Paris

The Joy and Sorrow of Streaming

Test Yourself: Which Faces Were Made by A.I.?

Restaurant Menu Trends

(18) Jeff Clark’s answer to What were the most feared and brutal weapons of the Vietnam War, on both sides?

Science is revealing why American politics are so intensely polarized

Bob Menendez’s golden rule

STD cases are rising among older adults. Should you get screened?

1/26/2024 day marker

12 European Airbnbs with Dreamy Swimming Pools

20 Best White Button-Down Shirts for Women (2023)

24 Best Hiking Backpacks for Half-, Full-, and Multi-Day Hikes

A different high-growth story: The unique challenges of climate tech

A flight plan for everyone

A New Economic-Policy Agenda for Asia

An update on European consumer sentiment: Mixed feelings remain

Asia at the forefront of global change: On the cusp of a new era

Author Talks: Moshik Temkin on power, purpose, and the public good

Camelbak MULE Hydration Pack Review: I’ve Hiked All Over the World and Can’t Recommend This Enough

China’s Imagination Deficit

Dave Reibstein, Wharton Marketing Professor

FTX Was Never Really Bankrupt

Has the “Polycrisis” Overwhelmed Us?

How Donald Trump Divided Republicans on Immigration

How Often Is Taylor Swift Shown at NFL Games?

How to Build the Perfect Fall Travel Capsule Wardrobe

Inside the Heritage Foundation’s Plans for ‘Institutionalizing Trumpism’

Inside Trump’s Iowa and New Hampshire Wins

Lessons from a successful cloud journey: Empathy, community, and a smart approach to value

Microsoft, Amazon and Google Face F.T.C. Inquiry Over A.I. Deals

Mimi Rogers

Museum of Natural History Closes Native Displays Amid New Federal Rules

Rupture in correlation between bonds and stocks not a problem, says analyst

The Best College Towns in the Midwest for Football, Food, and Fine Arts

The Best Time to Visit Thailand

The Best Travel Photography of 2023

The Best Villas on Crete to Take Over This Summer

The Most Romantic Weekend Getaways in the US

The Redemocratization of Poland

Trump ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3M in defamation damages trial

1/25/2024 day marker

17 Trump Cabinet-Level Appointees Criticizing Trump

A Titanic Geopolitical Struggle Is Underway

Alec Baldwin gets personal in latest attempt to sell Hamptons home


Are Electric Cars a Dead End?

Arizona G.O.P. Chairman Resigns After Tape Suggests Attempt to Bribe Kari Lake

Busting myths about women in the workplace

Caroline Wozniacki and David Lee put Miami beach penthouse on market for $42.5M

Carpathian Mountains

Donald Trump’s Second-Term Agenda

Edward E. Crutchfield, 82, Banker Whose Deals Reshaped the Industry, Dies

Foresight Africa 2024

How to Enforce Climate Agreements with Trade Measures

Hutchins Roundup: Unemployment Insurance, Markups, and More

In Upstate New York, Native Efforts to Protect Flora and Fauna Are Flourishing

Modernizing corporate-loan operations

Our 8 Favorite Paper Planners of 2024

SharkNinja: Post-COVID Business Has Continued to Accelerate via Specific Growth Strategy

Stocks versus bonds is a no-brainer for the next decade, says the Fed model

Tatra Mountains

The 7 Best Pens of 2024

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, January 25

The Seven Wonders of the World to Visit in 2024

The State of Energy Organizations 2024

The Way We Measure an Ad Is Changing: Wharton Professor Explains Why

Trump Pressuring GOP Senators To ‘Kill’ Biden’s Border Deal

US Economy Grew at 3.3% Rate in Latest Quarter

V-2 rocket

Why Martha McPhee Carries a Notebook Everywhere

Why Supporting Ukraine Enhances US National Security

Why We Love the Uni-ball Jetstream Pen for 2024

1/24/2024 day marker

12 Best Travel Credit Cards Of 2024

12 Best Winter Leggings of 2024, Tested and Reviewed by CNT Editors

19 Best Weekender Bags of 2023, According to Our Editors

A woman bought a vintage dress at an antique store. It had a secret pocket with a mysterious note

Almost 80 years after the Holocaust, 245,000 Jewish survivors are still aliveAP News

An Important Victory

Biden endorsed by United Auto Workers, shoring up union vote in auto-making swing states

British zoo has new plan to rehabilitate its potty-mouthed parrots

Coast Starlight Train Amtrak

Developing Countries Need Debt Relief to Act on Climate Change

Forward Thinking on Europe’s existential crisis with Marco Buti

Global Energy Perspective 2023: CCUS outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: CO2 emissions outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Natural gas outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Oil outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Refining outlook

How to Spend Three Days in Sicily

It’s not your life span you need to worry about. It’s your health span.

Obamacare enrollment hits record level as Trump vows repeal

Evert, Navratilova: WTA should not award finals to Saudi Arabia

The Meaning of Gaza’s Tunnels

Our 10 Best Superzoom Cameras in the US - January 2024

Paris Fashion Week: The best dressed stars at the Haute Couture shows

Reform Antitrust and Patent Laws Now

Return-to-office mandates don’t help companies make more money, study says

Ten considerations for private markets in 2024

The Best Solo Vacations to Take in 2024

The lost continent of Zealandia has been mapped for the first time

The Most Beautiful Islands in the Middle East

Veteran manager picks stock market’s losers over the shiny-object winners

Will Javier Milei Upend Argentina’s Foreign Policy?

1/23/2024 day marker

‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade

About Stolen Device Protection for iPhone

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Seeks to Retract Flawed Studies

Extremism From the River to the Sea

For some Alzheimer’s patients, vision problems may be an early warning

How tens of thousands of Black US doctors simply vanished

How You Describe Your Job Can Reveal Your Dementia RiskHuffPost UK Life

Introducing OmniFocus 4

Katharina Pistor on financial risk, wealth creation, digital currencies, and more by Katharina Pistor

Most Popular Cars in AmericaEdmunds

New blood test that screens for Alzheimer’s may be a step closer to reality, study suggests

Preparing Russia for Permanent War

Sharon Stone

Should Germany’s AfD Be Banned?

Staff turnover in year three of the Biden administration

The 25 Bestselling Cars, Trucks, and SUVs of 2022

The End of Economic Pessimism?

The Psychology of Hoarding

The Seven Tech Stocks Driving the S&P 500 to New Highs

Travel Disruptors: Capturing B2B growth

What’s driving the Nordic countries’ software export surge?

Why Foreigners Want US Securities — But Not All the Dollar Exposure

1/22/2024 day marker

Accelerating clinical trials to improve biopharma R&D productivity

America Just Did the Right Thing in Latin America

Are you an innovative grower?

Arno A. Penzias, 90, Dies; Nobel Physicist Confirmed Big Bang Theory

At Least 72 Deaths in US Are Connected to Severe Winter Weather

5 Things 1.22.2024

Denial of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel is spreading

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, December 2023

Is the Outlook for the Global Economy Still Bullish?

Lessons from Lower-Income Countries’ COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts

Now is the time to create new corporate ventures: A conversation with ’s Paul Jenkins

The Snickers Bar Is the Economic Indicator We Need

Pauline epistles

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, January 22

The Decline of Deaths in Gaza

The guIf between winners and losers could mean problems for the S&P 500

The Lost DeSantis Moment

The stock market needs better earnings to keep climbing. It’s not going to get them, warns JPMorgan

What I’ve Learned: Michael Useem

Why Americans Have Lost Faith in the Value of College

Why The American West Is A Hotbed Of Extremism

1/21/2024 day marker

List of highest-grossing films

List of James Bond films

Portrayal of James Bond in film

Production of the James Bond films

Find Tranquility at Project Ö, a Private Utopia on a Finnish Archipelago

In ‘On the Roam,’ Jason Momoa Sees America By Motorcycle

10 Best Travel Credit Cards Of 2023

Do People Really Cheat More When They Travel?

Billionaires Wanted to Save the News Industry. They’re Losing a Fortune.

She Went on 100 Dates Before They Met. He Hadn’t Been on Any in Years.

TikTok’s Class of Palm Beach Showcases Style of the Ultrarich

Inside the Heritage Foundation’s Plans for ‘Institutionalizing Trumpism’

How to Solve the New York Times Crossword

Trump case in Georgia likely damaged by allegations against Fani Willis

1/20/2024 day marker

11 Best Swim-Up Pool Bars in the World

13 Most Romantic Hotels in Greece (2023)

15 Most Popular Hotels Our Readers Booked in 2023

Chinese Scientists Shared Coronavirus Data with US Before Pandemic

Cold Weather Maps: Tracking Arctic Air Temperatures Across the US

Donald Trump Fast Facts Politics

Factbox: Donald Trump’s legacy — six policy takeaways

Finfluencers create digestible money advice for social media followers

Five myths about women and money that need to be debunked

Ga. prosecutor in Trump case paid for flights with Fani Willis, filing shows

Level up your next walk by focusing on this one thing

More older women are social media influencers, and brands are noticing

New generation of female entrepreneurs tackles women’s heart health

Nonstate armed actors and illicit economies in 2024

Older women choose to keep love and money separate second time around

Sports Illustrated lays off most of its staff

Test your knowledge about the intersection of women, money and history

The 11 Best Canadian Train Trips

The 24 Most Romantic Places in the World to Stay

The 26 Best Things to Do in Miami, From Little Havana Food Tours to Monkey Jungles

The hidden cost of unpaid caregiving on women: Their retirement

The Most Walkable Cities in the US, Ranked

The new face of global adventure travel: Women over 40

The wealth transfer from baby boomers mostly benefits women

Tracking Freezing Temperatures in the US

US historians on what Donald Trump’s legacy will be

Women are driving golf’s growth since the pandemic

Women are holding greater economic power than in previous generations

Women have brewed beer since its invention: A historical review

Women want equal pay, so they’re discussing their wages

1/19/2024 day marker

‘We need to invest in health workers between major pandemics — not just when we have a pandemic’

30 Best Hotels in Tokyo for Every Budget

A Progressive Green Growth Narrative

How could Panama Canal restrictions affect supply chains?

How to Prevent Memory Loss

I Was In A Forced Marriage To An Abusive Stranger

Olympic Champion Carissa Moore Goes in Search of a New Identity

Preventing Big AI

Protecting Ukraine Aid from Western Political Dysfunction

The new Child Tax Credit deal is really a safety net deal — and by that measure it is only a start

The Slow Death of India’s Secular Democracy

The Two Faces of the Euro

Today’s good to great: Next-generation operational excellence

Why Are Americans Dissatisfied Despite a Strong Economy?

1/18/2024 day marker

‘Anything can happen.’ Inside the ‘real-life reality show’ of the nine-month cruise

“Don’t Run in a Straight Line” and other Bad AdviceBuckeye Firearms Association

10 stocks for investors looking for ‘wonderful companies at a fair price’

16 Best Places for Live Music in Nashville

24 Best Winter Vests for Travelers (2024)

Africa’s leap ahead into cloud: Opportunities and barriers

Britain’s Post Office Scandal and the Rule of Law

Growth strategies for the purchase-mortgage market

How Democrats undermine their own anti-Trump message

How do you avoid the crowds in national parks? Visit during winter.

Swingers want you to know a secret. Swinging is not just about sex.

5 Things 1.18.2024

In Colombia, a Park for Anacondas and Anteaters, Where Ranchers Are Now Rangers

Judge in Trump Georgia case orders hearing on Fani Willis misconduct claims

Trump’s civil trials reveal what he is up to

Poland’s Reckoning with Populist Misrule

Reviewers Say These Winter Boots Are Comfortable

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, January 18

The Global Consequences of the War in Ukraine

The House G.O.P.’s Incredible Shrinking Majority

The Maltese Falcon (1941 film)

The Morning: A landmark case

The shape of talent in 2023 and 2024

There Are Filthier Things In Your Hotel Room Than The Bedspread — And They Aren’t What You’d Expect

Uvalde report: Robb Elementary School massacre could have been stopped sooner, DOJ finds

What is a swinger? What to know about sex, open relationships, ENM

Why the Russia Sanctions Are Failing

You have no debt. Does your credit score still matter?

Zanny Minton Beddoes

Zanny Minton Beddoes Wants The Economist to Be More “Present” in the Media Conversation

1/17/2024 day marker

9 Best Hotels in Lake Como, According to CNT Editors (2024)

A Reporter’s Journey Into How the US Funded the Bomb

Anna Wintour

Beau Rivage Hotel GenevaLuxury Accommodation in GenevaGallery

China Told Women to Have Babies, but Its Population Shrank Again

Closing the women’s health gap: A $1 trillion opportunity to improve lives and economies

Economic Self-Reliance Is a Dangerous Delusion

Geopolitics and the geometry of global trade

Hotel of the Week > Beau-Rivage Genève

How Much Ice Is Greenland Losing? Researchers Found an Answer.

How sports books use ‘obvious errors’ to avoid making payouts

How to Build a Wind Farm Off the Coast of New York

How to identify employee disengagement

Judge Threatens to Eject Trump From Carroll Trial After His Complaints

Klamath River: Largest dam removal in US history begins : NPR

Mexico’s Democracy Is at Stake in 2024

Pandemic’s Impact on Indoor and Outdoor Recreation Revenue

Platinum-group metals greening the future: An interview with Prakashim Moodliar

Sports Streaming & Macro Trends

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, January 17

The ECB Should Change Three Bad Habits

The Morning: What polls say about immigration

The pandemic inflation episode is still unwinding

US wealth management: Amid market turbulence, an industry converges

Why was/is the Mossad considered to be one of the best intelligence agencies?

1/16/2024 day marker

7 Best Hikes in Europe for Unbelievable Scenery

9 Most Visited Cities in the US

A middle-age Millionaires’ Row: Average 50-something now has net worth over $1 million

A World on Edge in 2024

A World on Edge in 2024 by Brahma Chellaney

Accelerating Europe: Competitiveness for a new era

Are Social Norms Really the Main Cause of Low Female Employment?

Average net worth by age exceeds $1 million for Americans in their 50s

Expensive Mansions Owned By The Rich & Famous That Are Nearly Worthless Today

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Energy value pools outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Industrial electrification outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Power outlook

Guarantees of origin: Playing a vital role in decarbonization

How CEOs can mitigate compounding risks

How to Become a Travel Agent — Because, Believe It or Not, the Industry Is on the Rise

How to Pack for Long-Term Travel

How Trump dominated Iowa — and held back DeSantis and Haley

Iowa makes it clear that all Republicans are Trump Republicans

Owners saddled with half-empty office buildings as hybrid work trend continues60 Minutes

Somalia Has Turned a Corner

The Best Sleeper Trains in the World

The Best Train Trips in the World: 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards

The chemicals industry of tomorrow: Collaborate to innovate

The Morning: Trump’s big win in Iowa

The Oldest Country in the World Is — Technically — San Marino

The trends defining the $1.8 trillion global wellness market in 2024

Time Management Hacks for Hybrid Workers

What is fintech?

What It Takes to Build Democratic Institutions

1/15/2024 day marker

11 Most Scenic Train Rides in the US 2022 to Travel With Epic Views

5 Things 1.15.2024

Best Beaches in Europe to Visit This Year

Britain Is Turning Its Back on International Law by Gordon Brown

Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled

Complete Guide to Japanese Business Card Etiquette - YouGoJapan

Here’s how you can reverse your biological age, according to breakthrough new study - BBC Science Focus Magazine

Hit Men Are Easy to Find in the Movies. Real Life Is Another Story.

Japanese Etiquette Explained

Level up your next walk by focusing on this one thing

Many Older Immigrants in New York Are Struggling: ‘I Have No Future’

Masatoshi Ito

Masatoshi Ito Net Worth (December 2023)

Onboard the Bou el Mogdad: Exploring Senegal by river cruise

Remembering Robert Solow by Kaushik Basu

Republicans Kick Off 2024 With Culture War Bills

Stanley Tucci Is Going Back to Italy for a New TV Show

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, January 15

The best recent books on business and economics

The Global Mental-Health Crisis Demands New Thinking by Dixon Chibanda

The International Order Is Dying in Gaza by Mohamed ElBaradei

The Morning: Three questions about Iowa

The Most Beautiful Places in France

The Next Battle in Higher Ed May Strike at Its Soul: Scholarship

The War Has Reined In Ukraine’s Oligarchs, at Least for Now

This Is the Best European City for Expats

Watch A Perfect Nashville Dive Motel & A “Wes Anderson” Hotel In New OrleansHot List Destination

We Tried Out the New Dior Spa on Board the Royal Scotsman Train — Here’s What It’s Like

1/14/2024 day marker

13 Lake Como Towns That Look Like Postcards

5 Scenic (and Cozy) Train Trips to Book This Winter

5 Things 1.14.2024

800,000 years ago, a huge meteorite hit Earth. Scientists may have just found where.

Austin Takes a Big Bet on Tiny Homes to Ease Homelessness

Breaking the Boundaries of Branding: Harness Non-Branded Traffic for Sustainable Growth - Moz

Can $500 Million Save This Glacier?

Could dogs be our best hope to reverse aging in humans?

Drought Touches a Quarter of Humanity, U.N. Says, Disrupting Lives Globally

Everything you think you know about spiders is wrong

Here’s what happens to your body when you quit smoking

How these homes in the hottest places keep cool without AC

Joyce Randolph, Last of the ‘Honeymooners,’ Is Dead at 99

Marijuana Buyers From Texas Fuel a ‘Little Amsterdam’ in New Mexico

The drive of design

The Morning: “Mean Girls” returns

This 16th-century map is teeming with sea monsters. Most are based on a real mammal.

1/13/2024 day marker

Normandy landings

Globalization is at risk

The Morning: Liking the unlikable

2024 and beyond: Will it be economic stagnation or the advent of productivity-driven abundance?

6 Symptoms of a Brain Tumor You Should Not Ignore

Inside the Enchanting Home Where the Madness of ‘Saltburn’ All Goes Down

Are fingerprints unique? Not really, AI-based study says

Considering a move abroad in 2024? These are the best countries for expats

27 Best Things to Do in Tokyo for Every Type of Traveler

Dolly Parton on Opening a Hotel Inspired by the Nature of the Great Smoky Mountains

This New 80-Day Rail Trip Is an Epic, Round-the-World Journey Aboard 7 Luxury Trains

Galaxies in the Early Universe Were Shaped Like Bananas, Study Suggests

John Kerry Bows Out as US Climate Envoy

In Taiwan, Voters Choose President as China Tensions Loom

How Trump, Haley, and DeSantis Are Campaigning for the 2024 Election

Ken Fritz built a $1 million stereo. The real cost was unfathomable.

Behind the push for padel, pickleball’s posher, privileged cousin

Meet OpenAI’s ‘foreign minister’ behind Sam Altman’s global influence

1/12/2024 day marker

25 Romantic Cabin Getaways to Book in 2024

5 Things 1.12.2024

A New Year of Economic Risks

A roadmap for a US-China AI dialogue

AI and Wellbeing: Can Chatbots Play a Role?

Amara’s answer to What has shocked you the most about Rosamund Pike?

Cheap Workouts: How to Exercise on a Budget

China’s Long March Back to Stagnation

Florida Prosecutor Booted By Ron DeSantis Scores Court Victory

Haley, DeSantis, Christie: 11 Trump Voters Discuss

Harmonizing Global Green Taxonomies

Here are the key states where Trump’s ballot status is being challenged

Microsoft Tops Apple to Become Most Valuable Public Company

Motivation Up, Attrition Down: Employee Engagement

Pandemic or Not, Medical Oxygen Remains Essential

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, January 12

The Best Fleece Layers for Winter: Essential Zip-Ups, Vests, & Pullovers for Travelers

The changing landscape for banks

The Morning: Taiwan goes to the polls

The Most Powerful Passport in 2024

The super-rich are trying new approaches to philanthropy

Underpaid and overplayed: tennis is ripe for disruption

Welcome to The Race Card Project! Send your six words on race

What ‘The Sopranos’ Iconic Filming Locations in N.J. Look Like Now

What Happens if the West Abandons Ukraine?

What Made the Miracle?

What the Global Economy and Security Require

What Voters Want That Trump Seems to Have

What’s Your Company’s AI Readiness Quotient?

Where the world warmed the most in Earth’s hottest year

Why Did So Many Americans Vote for Trump?

Workers to organizations: We’re just not that into you

1/11/2024 day marker

5 Things 1.11.2024

Bill Belichick is out in New England, and any NFL team should want him

Bill Belichick leaves Patriots after 24 seasons, six Super Bowl wins

Black wealth is increasing, but so is the racial wealth gap

Can the US handle more immigration? History and the Census suggest the answer is yes.

Closing arguments end in Trump New York civil fraud trial

Don’t Extrapolate Last Year’s Trends for the Global Economy by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Five books on the best approaches to being an investor

How finance skills are evolving in the era of artificial intelligence

How to get the smell of marijuana out of your home

Hutchins Roundup: Speculative Mortgages, Economic Sentiment, and More

India’s Great Jobs Challenge

More than 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023 — a new record

Myanmar’s Military Junta Is Losing Power

Jack Smith has even more evidence

The Case for Donald Trump By Someone Who Wants Him to Lose

What six words can teach us all about race and identity in America

Retracted Science and the Retraction Index - PMC

Retraction in academic publishing

The Morning: Crime on the decline

The Power of Trump’s Lost Cause

US immigration is a political sore spot. The economy doesn’t care.

What’s Behind the Recent Surge of Prime Age Women in the Workforce?

1/10/2024 day marker

11 Best Villas in Sicily, From Palermo to Noto (2023)

18 Best Villas to Rent in Portugal (2023)

19 Dreamy Italian Villas You Can Actually Stay In (2023)

2024 Travel Destinations: 52 Places to Go This Year

5 Things 1.10.2024

Amalija Knavs, Mother of Former First Lady Melania Trump, Dies at 78

Biden’s New Independent Contractor Rule Kills Trump Changes

Digital twins: The next frontier of factory optimization

Generative AI in health care: Opportunities, challenges, and policy

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Hydrogen outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Sustainable fuels outlook

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Transition bottlenecks and unlocks

How to prepare for the CEO role

India’s Climate Dilemma

NASA Spacecraft Takes New Images of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon

NFL Playoffs & Coaching Vacancies

Lloyd Austin Can’t Go AWOL. Neither Can America.

Sri Lanka’s Debt Restructuring Is Hurting Older Women

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, January 10

The Biden Administration’s Recent Antitrust Wins Help Us All

The Global Economy Has Yet to Turn the Corner

The micromobility city: Measuring the impact of greater bicycle use

The Morning: The Democrats’ immigration shift

The power of private-label brands in distribution

This US couple bought a 400-year-old Italian tower on a handshake. Here’s what happened

Trump Deploys Familiar Tactic: I’m Rubber. You’re Glue.

Trump Keeps Suggesting People Who Aren’t White Aren’t Eligible To Be President

Trump not allowed to give closing arguments in NY civil trialAP News

White House weighs menthol cigarette ban

1/9/2024 day marker

2023 Was Hottest Year on Record by a Lot

8 Enchanting Places Fully Reclaimed by Nature

Ask a Local: A New Orleans Weekend With Bookstore Owner DJ Johnson

Bad News — You’re Probably Wiping All Wrong. Here’s What You Should Be Doing.

Building circular: Maximizing CO2 abatement and business opportunities

Can ChatGPT write a college admission essay? We tested it

Confronting Our Four Biggest Economic Challenges

Exploring consumer sentiment on electric-vehicle charging

Generative AI in the pharmaceutical industry: Moving from hype to reality

Here’s What It’s Like to Retire on Almost Nothing but Social Security

How did Vietnamese soldiers feel about fighting US soldiers during the Vietnam War? - Grand Review of Armies

How federal, state, and local leaders can leverage the CHIPS and Science Act as a landmark workforce opportunity

How To Make Friends As An Adult

In Defense of Billionaires

Is Joe Biden Really the New Jimmy Carter?

Is Making Extra Mortgage Payments Worthwhile?

Master Calendar of Trump Court Dates: Criminal and Civil Cases

: A Warning About Donald Trump and 2024

Raghuram G. Rajan on inflation, financial risks, interest rates, and more by Raghuram G. Rajan

Scientists discover 100 to 1000 times more plastics in bottled water

Sorry But This Is How Long You’re Only Meant To Sit On The Toilet ForHuffPost UK Life

Study Reveals The Biggest Risk Factors For Getting Early Dementia

Ten unsung digital and AI ideas shaping business

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, January 9

The Best Places to Go in Europe in 2024

The Best Places to Live in the World

The Best Solo Vacations to Take in 2024

The Best Train Trips in the World: 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards

The Morning: A major Trump hearing

The role of US open banking in catalyzing the adoption of A2A payments

The Workplace in 2024: What Changes Will We See?

Trump Investigations, Explained: Charges and Status of Each Inquiry

Trump wants Georgia election subversion case dismissed, arguing he has presidential immunity Politics

Use Wet Wipes? We’ve Got Grim Health News For You

Western Chip Subsidies Will Benefit China

When Will Japan Normalize Its Monetary Policy?

Why Retailers Are Reselling Items

Why Retirement Gets Better With Annuities

1/8/2024 day marker

17 Best Airbnbs in Miami (2023): South Beach, Wynwood, Brickell, & More

20 Most Punctual Airports in the World

5 Things 1.8.2024

6 Essential Tennis Vacations in Europe, From Sardinia to Switzerland

7 Protective Styles Travel Writers Swear By

8 Best Hotels in Jamaica, From Kingston to Montego Bay

A Night Tour Behind the Scenes at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz Madrid

Car connectivity: What consumers want and are willing to pay

Esther Perel

Global population 10,000BCE-2100

Great Lakes ice season off to slowest start in 50 years of records. Why that matters.

How airlines can handle busier summers — and comparatively quiet winters

How to Actually Relax on Vacation

I travel nonstop. Here are 12 places you absolutely have to see in 2024

Is a Weak Yen Good for Japan’s Economy?

Malaysia’s green business building opportunity on the net-zero journey

My Favorite Airbnb: A Modern Cottage in the Poconos Perfect for a Winter Weekend Escape

Netflix’s ‘Survival Of The Thickest’ Redefines Coming Of Age

Redefining the future of life insurance and annuities distribution

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, January 8

The AI Octopus

The AI Revolution in Climate Science

The Culture War at Harvard and Beyond

The Misguided War on the SAT

The Morning: The misleading SAT debate

The typical home in these cities will cost at least $1,000,000 in 10 years

Where should I go this year? Pro traveler shares his 12 picks.

Where Was ‘Priscilla’ Filmed?

Where Will the Global Economy Land in 2024?

Why are Americans so displeased with the economy?

1/7/2024 day marker

Ahead of James Patterson’s new book release, the author spills on his writing essentials

The Morning: The road to the Oscars

5 Things 1.7.2024

6 Best Day Trips from Barcelona, and the Itinerary to Know for Each

13 Small Towns in Spain That Will Make You Forget About the Big Cities

The Best Restaurants in Jaipur for Outdoor Dining, From Rooftop Lounges to Microbreweries

In Marrakech, a Fresh Swell of Charming Hotels and Chic Boutiques

Flowers Are Evolving to Have Less Sex

African Migration to the US Soars as Europe Cracks Down

How Harvard’s Board Broke Up With Claudine Gay

Who Was the Mysterious Woman Buried Alone at the Pet Cemetery?

Here’s how you can reverse your biological age, according to breakthrough new study - BBC Science Focus Magazine

James Patterson spills writing routine for new book

How relationship therapist Esther Perel would advise Melania Trump

Congressional leaders reach deal that would avert shutdown

Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX

What’s the Best Time to Eat Dinner? Here’s the Math

1/6/2024 day marker

12 Best Affordable All-Inclusive Resorts From Crete to Cancun

AnalysisCan you draw 2023’s record heat? Try this game to compare global temperatures

Campaign 2024: Trump hits Haley and mocks Biden, hours after Biden’s searing speech.

Digitizing midand last-mile logistics handovers to reduce waste

Forget your carbon footprint — your climate shadow is what really matters

Get better quality sleep with the holy grail of sleep tips

How Republicans’ rewriting of Jan. 6 paved the way for Trump’s comeback

Idaho abortion ban challenge to be heard by Supreme Court

Immigration is driving the nation’s modest post-pandemic population growth, new census data shows

Joseph Hendrie, 98, Dies; Key Figure in the Three Mile Island Crisis

MUSA, a Hotel-Meets-Real-Estate Project, Is Drawing a Creative Set to Guerrero, Mexico

No time to exercise? Just 5 minutes still has a big impact.

Obama, worried about 2024, urges Biden circle to bolster campaign

Stanley cups 411: Why are they so popular? The rise of the viral tumbler

The 7 Keys to Living Longer and Healthier

The Morning: Resolving New Year’s resolutions

This Louis Vuitton Collection Is Inspired By Italy’s Lake Maggiore — Here’s What To Do While You’re There

1/5/2024 day marker

10 New International Airline Routes We’re Excited to Fly in 2024

19 Dreamy Italian Villas You Can Actually Stay In (2023)

21 Best Winter Coats for Women to Keep Warm This Season

3 Years After The Jan. 6 Riot, The GOP Is More Pro-Insurrection Than Ever

34 Best Hotels in Los Angeles, From Santa Monica to Downtown

5 Things 1.5.2024

7 Journals That Mental Health Experts Recommend

9 Best Hotels in Lake Como, According to CNT Editors (2024)

A Reprieve for Israel’s Democracy

Are these 5 guardrails for American democracy strong enough in 2024?

Autonomous vehicles moving forward: Perspectives from industry leaders

Best And Worst Types Of Underwear For Your Health

Biden makes impassioned argument Trump could destroy American democracy as he opens 2024 campaign Politics

Charleston Bachelorette Party Guide 2023: How to Plan the Perfect Bash

How — and Why — to Get Into Winter Hiking

How Can the World’s Growth Engine Do Better?

How to Build the Perfect Fall Travel Capsule Wardrobe

How to Split the Bill at a Restaurant, No Matter How ComplicatedBon Appétit

How to Throw the Perfect Nashville Bachelorette Party

In Athens, History Shapes the Future

India’s Hindu “Emperor” Wants a Third Term

Joseph Lelyveld, Former Top Editor of The New York Times, Dies at 86

Killing Innocents in Israel and Gaza

Liberalism’s Forever Crisis

My Family Was Back in Las Vegas for Christmas. The World Was Ours.

New York A.G. Seeks $370 Million From Trump After Civil Fraud Trial

Northeast winter storm is just the first act of a winter about to explode into action

Randy Robertson’s answer to Besides a bat, what is something you can carry in your vehicle that is effective as a weapon, yet legal to have and won’t cause any trouble if a cop searches your car?

Robert Solow was an intellectual giant

Russian Oligarch Takes Sotheby’s to Court as Art World Watches

Superrich Sitting On $8.5 Trillion In Untaxed Profits: Report

Takeaways from ’s town hall with DeSantis and Haley Politics

The 150-Mile Test - Patagonia Stories

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, January 5

The Best Maldives Honeymoon Escapes, From Overwater Villas to Hidden Treehouses

The man supposed to stop Donald Trump is an unpopular 81-year-old

The Morning: Ukraine’s new phase

The Safest Airlines to Fly in 2024

The Travel Essentials Our Editors Loved Most in 2023

Trump ‘dictator’ comments raise questions about democracy. Here are 5 guardrails – if they hold

US Moves Closer to Filing Sweeping Antitrust Case Against Apple

What to expect in US healthcare in 2024 and beyond

When and why does Congress create fiscal commissions?

Where It Pays to Be a Banker

Why the S&P 500 is destined to keep crushing the Russell 2000

World’s Best Private Island Resorts

1/4/2024 day marker

‘The View’ Hosts Debate Simone Biles’ Husband’s CommentsHuffPost Entertainment

10,000 is 5 miles: Attainable exercise goals are key to resolutions

5 Things 1.4.2024

9 Women’s Walking Sandals Reviews Say Were Great On Vacation

A force for good: Japan’s private equity opportunity

Gateway Pundit’s story of election fraud had it all – except proof

Hutchins Roundup: Road Infrastructure, Household Asset Demand, and More

Inside the crisis at Alibaba: how China’s best-known tech group lost its way

Is the Chinese Miracle Over?

Martha Diamond, Painter Who Captured New York Vistas, Dies at 79

Our favorite travel destinations of 2023

Paris Olympics’ Seine River opening ceremony plan is bold and risky

Philippine Poverty and Farm-Based Economy Have Roots in Colonial Era

Seizing Russia’s Frozen Assets Is the Right Move

Ten thousand people could decide the presidential election

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, January 4

The Building Spree That Reshaped Manhattan’s Skyline? It’s Over.

The Conceptual Roots of the Global South’s Debt Crisis

The Morning: A.I. questions, answered

The Sustainability Transformation Needs a New Narrative

They’re Paid Billions to Root Out Child Labor in the US Why Do They Fail?

Trump’s Legal Logic Would Allow Presidents To Be Tyrants

Walking 10,000 steps is like walking 5 miles a day. What to do if that feels like too much

Want To Poop Better? Your Dog Might Have The Answer.

What Killed US-China Engagement?

1/3/2024 day marker

5 Things 1.3.2024

Aaron David Miller on Israel-Gaza war and future of the region

AI in 2024: What Can We Expect?

As Literacy Lags, Hochul Proposes Changing How Schools Teach Reading

Big Four firms rethink governance after year of mis-steps and scandals

Can Latin America Escape Its Second Lost Decade?

Can workforce development help us reach full employment?

Clarifying America’s Great Inequality Debate

Conservatives See Harvard President Claudine Gay’s Resignation as a Victory

For Best Picture, Here are 13 Most Likely Contenders

Generative AI in operations: Capturing the value

Has China’s Economy Peaked?

How Racially and Ethnically Diverse Is Your Neighborhood?

How to Get Rid of German CockroachesOrtho

Is It Okay to Have a Cheat Day?

Kristin Scott Thomas: ‘I suppose I’ve always been quite pro-conflict’

: Why ‘Dry January’ is a bad idea

Order and Calm Eased Evacuation from Burning Japan Airlines Jet

Real Estate in 2024: Relief Is in Sight

Republicans Attacked LGBTQ Rights All Year

Should you cancel Netflix, Disney+, Costco or Spotify? Ask yourself this one question.

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, January 3

The Global Economy Is Not Out of the Woods

The Morning: Harvard and the new campus politics

The Threat of Persuasive AI by Mark Esposito, Josh Entsminger and Terence Tse

What’s Ahead for the US Economy?

1/2/2024 day marker

11 Beautiful Small Towns in Mexico Too Often Overlooked by Tourists

13 Modern Architecture Buildings You Must Visit Before You Die

5 Things 1.2.2024

9 Most Visited Cities in the US

A Year of Political Chicken

Alcohol is much worse for women than men. Here’s why.

America’s childcare system is broken

Another Trump Presidency Is the Biggest Threat to Liberal Democracy

Baleaf Fleece-Lined Leggings Are On Sale At Amazon

Business trends, people to watch and risks on the horizon in 2024

Buying A Datebook Can Change Your LifeHuffPost

China’s advanced machine tool exports to Russia soar after Ukraine invasion

Dark Offshore Money Threatens Democracy

Does Anyone Actually Enjoy Group Travel?

Epic vs. Ikon: The two warring companies that ruined skiing.

Here’s how your cat experiences the world

How can you manage your time in 2024? Oliver Burkeman has thoughts

How to transition out of the CEO role

Israel’s Supreme Court strikes down Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul law

Jan. 6 poll: Republicans more loyal to Trump, rioters who stormed Capitol

Look East to Fix Climate Governance

Measuring income inequality: A primer on the debate

My Favorite Airbnb Experience: The Thrill of Seeing Paris on a Motorcycle

Claudine Gay and the Limits of Social Engineering at Harvard

David Ignatius looks ahead: What strange things does 2024 have in store?

The 6-Day Energy Challenge

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, January 2

The Best Fleece Layers for Winter: Essential Zip-Ups, Vests, & Pullovers for Travelers

The Best Ways To Style A Puffer JacketFashionBeans

The Morning: The debt matters again

The Most Exciting Hotel Openings of Winter 2024

The World in 2024 by Richard Haass

Trump appeals Maine’s ballot decision to block him from the primary

Trump paid me to find voter fraud. Then he lied after I found 2020 election wasn’t stolen.

Trump’s lies about 2020 election undermine US democracy in 2024

Why Asia can lead the world into a new era

1/1/2024 day marker

13 Best Lightweight Rain Jackets for Travelers 2023

Go with the gut or start a spreadsheet? How to become more decisive

How Do You Respond to Kids Dealing With Racism and Bullying at School?

In British Columbia, Skiers and Forest Conservationists Work in Tandem

In Iceland, Green Energy Has Become an Attraction All Its Own

Reasons to be cheerful about the global economy

Test your fitness at any age with these simple exercises

Tested and Reviewed: 10 Travel Umbrellas Worth a Spot in Your Suitcase

The 24 Best Places to Go in 2024

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, January 1

The Morning: A New Year’s energy boost

The world economy’s biggest problem is Africa

This is Lt. Col. Yarden, a batallion commander currently fighting in Gaza.On 10/7 she woke up in her home in southern Israel to the sound of sirens and hid with her family, but then heard her base was under attack. She got in her car, picked up 4 of - ALL Category Sports

Watching the clock: Factors to consider for same-day delivery

The economic state of Latinos in America: Advancing financial growth

12/31/2023 day marker

‘We’ll leave the light on for you’: America’s last lighthouse keeper is leaving her post

The Morning: Predictions from the past

5 Things 12.31.2023

The Best Solo Vacations to Take in 2024

A New Book Celebrates the Architecture of Louis Vuitton Stores Around the World, From Istanbul to Seoul

The Best Carry-On Luggage, Tested & Reviewed (2023)

California Is Getting ‘World-Class’ High-Speed Trains

I Tried Emirates’ Business Class Lounge in Dubai — Here’s Why It’s Worth Paying For

Hotel Gyms Are Getting Better and Better

These Louis Vuitton Bags Designed By Frank Gehry Will Upgrade Any Airport Outfit

7 Can’t-Miss New Year’s Eve Parties in New York City

How to Make the Best Travel Instagram Reels, According to Social Media Influencers

How David and Victoria Beckham Invented Airport Style

How Life at Sea’s 3-Year Cruise Unraveled

More Than Words: 10 Charts That Defined 2023

Sally Snowman, America’s last lighthouse keeper, leaves Boston Light

The best movies of 2023

These are the best television shows of the year

12/30/2023 day marker

(25) Does the British Army really have professional privates and corporals who can have 10 - 20 years of military service? If it is true then why do these soldiers not get promoted? - Grand Review of Armies

2023: The Pictures of the Year

2023: The Year in Visual Stories and Graphics.

A look back at 2023 — and what’s in store for 2024 — from the Global Economy and Development program

Barbra Streisand Talks Personal Style and Her Memoir

Best of 2023: Our Favorite Posters

Brown Center scholars look ahead to education in 2024

Census Bureau Projects US and World Populations on New Year’s Day

Col Needham’s Best Movies of 2023 - IMDb

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie

Explaining Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election

Governance Studies’ most read articles in 2023: AI, elections, SCOTUS cases, and more

How to reduce your risk of early-onset dementia, according to science

IMDb staff picks: The best movies and series of 2023

Major economic developments of 2023 and how they’ll evolve in 2024

Nat Geo’s most compelling images of the 21st century (so far)

National Geographic

The 85 Best Airbnbs and Vacation Rentals in the World, According to Super-Travelers

The Best Trips Our Editors Took This Year

The Morning: Your best advice of 2023

The Top 10 Movies of 2023Best of 2023 - IMDb

The Top 10 Series of 2023Best of 2023 - IMDb

The Worst Types Of Boots That Podiatrists Hate

This 16th-century map is teeming with sea monsters. Most are based on a real mammal.

What to watch in Ukraine in 2024

12/29/2023 day marker

19 Best Places to Go for New Year’s Eve Around the World

5 Things 12.29.2023

After Rise in Murders During the Pandemic, a Sharp Decline in 2023

Best Fleece Jackets of 2023

Best Hotels and Resorts in Asia: The Gold List 2024

Buying Down & Synthetic Insulated Jackets

Chinese Spy Agency Rising to Challenge the C.I.A.

DWR Coating: Application, Cleaning & Care

Europe’s Flawed Approach to Critical Minerals

Happy New Year 2024!

Her Sculptures Were Ignored for 33 Years. Then She Got a New Roommate.

How to Dress in Layers: Tips for Staying Warm

How to Patch a Down Jacket

Journeying to South Georgia Island, the Wildest Place on Earth

Maine Bars Trump From 2024 Primary Ballot, Joining Colorado

Mainstream Economics’ Medieval Inflation Medicine

The Israel-Hamas War Was Not Inevitable

Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger

PS Commentators’ Predictions for 2024 by PS editors

Rainwear: Washing & Caring For Goretex

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, December 29

The Best Things to Do in the Bahamas

The Best Time to Go to Italy to Enjoy the Coast, Cities, and More

What Kind of Authoritarian Would Trump Be?

Wisconsin University Chancellor Fired Over Pornographic Videos With His Wife

12/28/2023 day marker

10 great places to live in California

12 Dreamy Villas in the South of France

19 ways to save on your next car

40 End-of-Year Journaling Prompts to Inspire Reflection

5 things to know for Dec. 28: Border crisis, Ballot fight, Gaza, Holiday travel, Gas prices

America has a life expectancy crisis. But it’s not a political priority.

California Leads the Way on Climate

Census Bureau Projects US and World Populations on New Year’s Day

Donald Trump removed from Maine primary ballot by secretary of state

Homeschoolers fear new regulation if they take ESA taxpayer funding

How to see the Grand Canyon by train

How to Start Journaling in 2024 with Day One: Our 10 Best Tips for Success

It Was a Year of Superhero Fatigue on the Big Screen

Lauren Boebert, Far-Right Firebrand, Is Switching House Districts in Colorado

: Spending New Year’s Eve in Times Square? That’s not on my bucket list.

Our Favorite Hotel Rooms With a View in 2023

Recordings, emails show how Trump team flew fake elector ballots to DC in final push to overturn 2020 election Politics

Saving Representative Democracy from Online Trolls

Supreme Court Urged to Move Fast on Trump’s Ballot Eligibility

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, December 28

The best travel advice of 2023

The West Must Face Reality in Ukraine

The Year’s Best Times Opinion Coverage

To Fight Populism, Invest in Left-Behind Communities

Trump’s 2025 Trade Agenda: A New Tax on Imports and a Split from China

12/27/2023 day marker

5 Things 12.27.2023

Apple warnings of possible government hacking drew ire of Indian officials

As mass shootings rise, some senators are recanting their gun debate votes

Data - Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics

Drafts: 2023, Year in Review - News & Updates - Drafts Community

Gaston Glock, Inventor of the Gun That Bears His Name, Dies at 94

Here are 7 of the well-known companies that went bankrupt in 2023 I Business

Hotel of the Week

How much do influencers make? How Youtubers, TikTokers make money

I Tried the Taylor Swift Treadmill Workout

Important questions to ask when buying a used car from a private seller

Most people think the US crime rate is rising. They’re wrong.

National Association of Realtors Loses Its Grip on Real Estate Industry

New York Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft Over Use of Copyrighted Work

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, December 27

The AI Age Requires Inequality Insurance

The Biggest Threats to Global Economic Stability

The Great 2023 Streaming Movies You May Have Missed

The Morning: Innovative storytelling from 2023

The Pillars of Green Wisdom

The Rule of Law Under Fire

The Unsettling Truth at the Heart of the Giuliani Case

They Worked Together as Peace Activists. Oct. 7 Changed Everything.

This Year Was A Warning To Republicans Running On Anti-Abortion Platforms In 2024

Wolfgang Schäuble, German Politician Who Helped Forge European Unity, Dies at 81

12/26/2023 day marker

13 Best Hotels in Porto (2023)

Évora, Portugal: The Best Hotels, Restaurants, and Things to Do

Here are the 10 cheapest new cars of 2024

Holiday Spending Increased, Defying Fears of a Decline

I’m Never Traveling Without This Airplane Tray Table Cover Again

Is pot legal in US after Biden pardons? State laws remain confusing.

Is pot legal now? Why marijuana is both legal and illegal in US, despite Biden pardons.

Learning to Surf With Pro-Longboarder Mary Osborne

Regular expression

Serious Medical Errors Rose After Private Equity Firms Bought Hospitals

Sitting With My Grief on the Train From Milan to Rome

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, December 26

The Best Places to Live in the World

The economic state of Latinos in America: Advancing financial growth

The Morning: The most-read Times journalism of 2023

The year of Republicans throwing accusations against Biden at the wall

They met on a Greyhound bus on Christmas Day. They’ve been married for 60 years

What Is Prime Rib? A Dish from America’s Past Gets Revisited Every Christmas

12/25/2023 day marker

10 Divorced Men On The Moment They Knew Their Marriage Was Over

18 Best Bars in Boston, From Sports Stalwarts to a Sake Tasting Spot

24 Emergency Preparedness Supplies Older Adults Should Have

35 Winter Wonderlands Around the World

7 Sneaky Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Relationship

Americans are lonely and it’s killing them. How the US can combat this new epidemic.

Can you find all the nutcrackers in this Christmas search game?

Claudine Gay Turmoil Forces Harvard’s Secretive ‘Corporation’ Into Spotlight

How — and Why — to Get Into Winter Hiking

How to Experience Cinque Terre Like a Local

How to Take Care of Your Clothes While Traveling

Loneliness is at epidemic levels and it’s killing Americans

Red Sea Shipping Halt Is Latest Risk to Global Economy

Special report: For US veterans, the war after the wars

The 32 Best Places to Spend Christmas Around the World

The James Webb Space Telescope’s continued gifts

The Morning: Holiday games and music

Vietnam veteran

12/24/2023 day marker

The Morning: Dreaming of a getaway

When the New York Times lost its way

Behind the Shortage Keeping Cancer Patients From Chemo

Biden Makes Focused Appeal to Black Voters in South Carolina

Trump Asks Appeals Court to Toss Election Case on Immunity Grounds

What an Arizona tree reveals about Earth’s hottest year and future warming

12/23/2023 day marker

Tor (network)

The Morning: Your Favorite Things of 2023

10 Best Hotels in Australia and New Zealand 2023: Readers’ Choice Awards

Christmas in New York: 17 Festive Things to Do in NYC

The Best Things to Do in Punta Mita, Mexico — the Newest Hotspot for Quiet Luxury

Inside the Supreme Court’s Dismantling of Roe

Top Social Media Trends 2023: Roman Empire, Grimace Shake, Keith Lee and More

Putin Quietly Signals He Is Open to a Cease-Fire in Ukraine

Who would Trump choose as vice president? See the potential candidates

Tennis rivals Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova fought cancer together

12/22/2023 day marker

16 Best Beaches in Mexico — Whether You Want a Quiet Surf Escape or Thrumming Nightlife

A Lucrative Tax Credit for Making Clean Fuel Won’t Be So Easy to Get

A Triplex Penthouse in the Heart of Downtown Aspen Asks $65 Million

A Windham Mountain Ski Resort Rebrands, and Some Locals Feel Left out

Apple Explores A.I. Deals With News Publishers

Asking $29.9 Million: A Tech Investor’s California Home That Can Power ItseIf

China’s Economic Engine Is Running Out of Fuel

Family Split at LG, a South Korean Giant, Tests Corporate Succession

Grand Canyon National Park Guide: The Best Treks, Camping, and Vistas

Harvard Finds More Instances of ‘Duplicative Language’ in Claudine Gay’s Work

How can you write with a conversational tone in blog posts?

How Putin’s Right-Hand Man Took Out Prigozhin

In Tasmania, Bushwalks Help Conserve Native Flora

Inflation Falls for the First Time Since 2020, Fed’s Preferred Gauge Shows

Is Biological Age Testing Accurate or Useful?

Make America Godly Again.

Many Trump supporters believe God has chosen him to rule

More people fell behind on credit card bills this year. Here’s how rough it could get in 2024.

No Partner, No Home, No Plan. Then Came My Surprise Twist.

Nosara, Costa Rica: The Best Places to Eat, Stay, and Surf

Payment integrity in the age of AI and value-based care

Rimowa Carry-On Review 2023: Is $1,400 Luggage Worth It?

Robert M. Solow, Groundbreaking Economist and Nobelist, Dies at 99

South Korea and the US-China Rivalry

South Korea as a global pivotal state

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Case on Trump’s Immunity Defense for Now

The 24 Most Underrated Cities in Europe

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, December 22

The Economist’s country of the year for 2023

The Fed’s Remarkable Feat

The Interpreter: a final reading list for 2023

The Rebirth of Local Journalism

Tor Browser Review

Trump’s Legal Jeopardy Hasn’t Hurt His G.O.P. Support

US to Clamp Down on Financial Firms That Help Russia Buy Military Supplies

Want to finally say something back at the holiday dinner? Try talking like a teacher

What is the dark web? Here’s everything to know before you access it

What Travelers Need to Know About Mexico’s New Train, ‘El Tren Maya’

Why Budget Airline Allegiant Opened the Upscale Sunseeker Resort in Florida

Will Trump Be on the Ballot?

Women Who Travel Podcast: The Romance and Reality of Sleeper Trains

12/21/2023 day marker

16 Best Places for Live Music in Nashville

7 Best Hikes in Europe for Unbelievable Scenery

7 Fascinating Former Lives of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

As gen AI advances, regulators — and risk functions — rush to keep pace

Bear 2.1 is out with Quick Open to search notes, #tags, and @sections

Connecticut’s Ziegler Farm Sells for $57.5 Million After Listing for $85 Million Last Year

Delinquency rates for US government-backed loans rise in November and ‘is worth watching,’ expert says

Europe Needs a New Ukraine Strategy

How airline CIOs can turn IT from a cost center to a profit center

Hutchins Roundup: Heat Shocks, Excess Savings, and More

Is France’s Economy Now Stronger than Germany’s?

More kids are living with their grandparents. Can safety net policy keep up?

Outcomes from COP28: What next to accelerate climate action?

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, December 21

The Morning: Trump, the voters and the Constitution

The Most Important Developments of 2023

The Myth of the Unprecedented

Voters Never Expected Much of Biden

What Global AI Governance Must Do

12/20/2023 day marker

‘We know they were raped in Hamas captivity’: Chilling details of what hostages faced

2023 at Google: Stories, recaps, quizzes and more

23 new products Google launched in 2023

23 of our most helpful tips from 2023 Dec 20, 2023 10 min read

25 Romantic Cabin Getaways to Book in 2024

3 reasons to skip buying gifts this holiday season

5 things to know for Dec. 20: Trump, Israel, Border lawsuit, Covid-19, Artificial intelligence

A Miami Beach Home With Two Docks to List for $36 Million

A North Florida Home Wants 83% More Than its Last Sale Price in 2020

A Year of War and Little Peace

An interview with Pahala Mansury: Opportunities in sustainable energy transition in Indonesia

Aston Martin and Porsche Preview Next-Gen CarPlay Interfaces

Bear 2.1 is out with Quick Open to search notes, #tags, and @sections

Best Hotels and Resorts in Mexico, Central, and South America: The Gold List 2024

Building a sales engine: Five insights to accelerate your start-up

Colombia Has an Alternative to the Drug War

Colorado ballot ruling on Trump throws Supreme Court into 2024 mix

Creativity Amid the Chaos by Simon Caulkin

Daring Fireball: Aston Martin and Porsche Preview Next-Gen CarPlay Interfaces

Daring Fireball: Christopher Nolan on John August’s Script Notes Podcast

Donald Trump asks Supreme Court to reject DOJ’s call for swift intervention in election fraud case

E.U. Countries Reach Major Deal on Migration After Years of Wrangling

Economic conditions outlook during turbulent times, December 2023

Giuliani’s Money Woes Were a Focus of Ukraine Inquiry, Records Reveal

Google’s most helpful tips of 2023: Save time, money and more

Hamas Starts Planning for End of Gaza War

He Stole Hundreds of iPhones and Looted People’s Life Savings. He Told Us How.

How Japan Became the Hottest Honeymoon Destination of 2023 — and Beyond

How the EU Can Secure a Sustainable Supply of Critical Minerals

How the Hudson Tunnel Project Will Transform NYC Train Travel

How To Share Information With HuffPost

Is Europe Broken?

Kamala Harris Says Trump’s Xenophobic Immigrant Comments Have ‘Rightly’ Been Compared To Hitler Latest News

Mastermind ‘Fat Leonard’ Gets the Last Laugh in Disastrous Navy Corruption Trial

Navigating geopolitics with Richard Haass

New Business Traveler: For Hotelier Ari S. Heckman, Baltimore Is a Playground

New-business building: Six cybersecurity and digital beliefs that can create risk

PSA: You can save hundreds at the Apple Store just by asking I Macworld

Ron DeSantis Went Down With The Anti-Woke Ship Latest News

Sexual violence: New details about hostages life in Hamas captivity

Supreme Court may want to avoid Trump. Colorado’s ballot ruling won’t let them

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, December 20

The Battle of Khan Younis

The Best Hotels and Resorts in Mexico, Central, and South America

The New Business Traveler: Marriott’s Tina Edmundson Is Always Taking Notes on Hotel Rooms

The One with Christopher Nolan

The Supreme Court should toss the Colorado case

Trump asks Supreme Court to stay out of election fraud case

US Regulators Propose New Online Privacy Safeguards for Children

Viral video shows why $100,000 isn’t enough to stay in the middle class

What’s in it for rural? Analyzing the opportunities for rural America in IIJA, CHIPS, and IRA

Where to play in CPG: A multi-lens approach to beat the market

Why Are So Many Young Chinese Depressed?

12/19/2023 day marker

18 Best Airbnbs in Seattle for Solo Trips, Family Stays, and More

2024 health systems outlook: A host of challenges ahead

2024 healthcare services outlook: Challenges and opportunities

2024 payers outlook: Opportunities abound

ACS 5-Year State-to-County Migration Flows 2017-2021

Africa Needs an Entrepreneurial Boom

Amazon: On operating more sustainably for customers and communities

America’s best example of turning around a dying downtown

Ask a Local: The Perfect, Slowed-Down Summer Weekend in Copenhagen, Denmark

Carolyn Hax: Most-read columns of 2023

Climate Transition Impact Framework: Essential elements for an equitable and inclusive transition

Colin Haley’s Clothing System for Alpine Climbing in the Chaltén Massif - Patagonia Stories

D.C.’s increased flood risk could wipe out some of the nation’s treasures

Europe’s Bad China Bluff

Federal Housing Assistance Shrinks as Cost of Rent Rises

Fwd: The US decision that could change Gaza’s fate

Germany in the Doldrums

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, November 2023

Healthcare’s next chapter: What’s ahead for the US healthcare industry

How to Prevent an AI Apocalypse

Inside the bin stores where your Amazon, Walmart returns are resold

J.G.A. Pocock, Historian Who Argued for Historical Context, Dies at 99

Kanye West Wants $53 Million for Malibu House Missing Windows, Doors, Electrical

New study on shooting accuracy. How does your agency stack up? - Daigle Law Group

Out in the Bush With Botswana’s All-Woman Safari Guiding Crew

Pebble Beach Home With a Putting Green Asks $39 Million

Putin’s Dead-End

Putin’s Dead-End by Carl Bildt

Rewriting the script: LA’s opportunity for inclusive economic growth

Seven takeaways from the Netflix viewership report

The 10 Most-Searched National Parks of 2023, According to Google Maps

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, December 19

The art and science of reducing retail shrink

The bottom-line benefit of the product operating model

The Era of Big Taxes Is Upon Us

The impact of generative AI on Black communities

The Morning: The Year in Pictures

The United Methodist Church Comes Apart

Trump Disqualified From 2024 Ballot, Colorado Supreme Court Rules: Live Updates

US Population Trends Return to Pre-Pandemic Norms

12/18/2023 day marker

For the past 6 years, a dog named Capitan has slept in the grave of his owner every night. His owner, Miguel Guzman died in 2006 and Capitan dissapeared shortly after the family attended the funeral services. They searched everywhere and put out flye - I love Cat nd Dog

11 Best Swim-Up Pool Bars in the World

13 stranded strangers went on a spontaneous road trip. Here’s where they are a year later

14 Best Honeymoon Destinations for Every Type of Couple

16 Best Hotels in Tulum, From Treehouses to Beach Bungalows (2023)

24 Beautiful Airbnb Wedding Venues

31 Best Walking Shoes for Travel: The Sneakers, Boots, and Slip-Ons Our Editors Always Pack

40% of student-loan borrowers missed their first payment following COVID freeze

Anne Finucane on carbon credits, nature, and the path to net zero

Ball Drop NYC: Where to Watch for New Year’s Eve 2024

Best Hotels and Resorts in Europe and the UK: The Gold List 2023

Biden’s Flawed Myanmar Policy

California Is Getting ‘World-Class’ High-Speed Trains

Cape Horn, Chile: Where to Eat, Stay, and Play in Puerto Williams

Chris Christie Says Trump Is ‘Disgusting’ For Latest Display Of Xenophobia

Christmas might make you sad, nostalgic: Why that’s a good thing.

Creating a more competitive Europe: A call to action

Democrats And Industry Clash Over Controversial Energy Plan

Experts discuss Sinaloa Cartel Chapitos reported exit from fentanyl

Glaciers in the Himalayas could be providing an unusual respite as temperatures warm, scientists say

Good News: You Don’t Have to Sleep With Your Spouse

High five: Scrolling through 2023

How Putin Turned a Western Boycott Into a Bonanza

How to reignite growth through adjacencies

Indonesia’s green powerhouse promise: Ten big bets that could pay off

Inside the collapse of Ron DeSantis’s campaign funding experiment

Italy Hotel

No World Order

Pictures of the year: USA TODAY shots that defined 2023

Roadwork ahead!

Talking politics at Christmas: How to avoid holiday fights with family

The 20 Best Resorts in the Caribbean: 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards

The 21 Best Beaches in Florida

The 30 Best Movies on Amazon Prime Video (December 2023)

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, December 18

The Best Beaches in Thailand for Backpackers, Luxury Travelers, and Everyone in Between

The Best Family-Friendly Hotels in London

The Best Places to Travel in January, From the Dolomites to the Caribbean

The Best Winter Weekend Getaways from NYC

The Coming Debt Crisis

The Debt Problem Is Enormous. Experts Say the System for Fixing It Is Broken

The Man at the Center of America’s Biggest Insurance Crisis

The New Business Traveler: For Google’s Ivy Ross, Shopping in Milan Is a ‘Breakaway Fun Module’

The Surge at the Border

There Is No Alternative to Green Industrial Strategy

This analyst says the Fed could slash rates by 4 percentage points.

Who’s a ‘Colonizer’? How an Old Word Became a New Weapon

12/17/2023 day marker

The Morning: Wordle smarter

Google’s Epic Loss

Pope Francis takes on unprecedented attacks from American opponents

Paramedics are rarely charged if someone they’re treating dies. The Elijah McClain trial is testing that

Amazon’s ‘Reacher’: Alan Ritchson beefs up for Season 2 of dream role

An alarming number of assisted-living residents die after wandering away unnoticed

Watch ‘The Discord Leaks’, a documentary from Frontline, The Washington Post

James Biden’s dealmaking caught on FBI tapes in unrelated Mississippi bribery probe

Jeffrey Epstein Never Stopped Abusing Women — and His VIP Circle Helped Make It Possible

12/16/2023 day marker

Demographics of South America

Europe’s Christmas Markets, Where to Eat in Tokyo, Perfect Philadelphia Weekend

The Best New Restaurants in New York City

’s report on a missing binder full of intelligence on Russia: Key points Politics

The world’s most liveable cities in 2023

The T Predictor: What We’ll Be Obsessing Over in 2024

In Real vs. Fake Christmas Tree Debate: Consider the Wildlife

New York’s Best New Restaurants of 2023

Quirks of Personality

Israel Knew Hamas’s Money Source Years Before Oct. 7 Attacks

Why Are So Many American Pedestrians Dying at Night?

The Satanic Temple’s statues, After School Satan Clubs: What to know

The 52 definitive rules of flying

The Tipping Backlash Has Begun

He’s Wanted for Wirecard’s Missing $2 Billion. He’s Now Suspected of Being a Russian Spy.

12/15/2023 day marker

‘Poor Things’ Review: A Banal Rendition of Sexual Freedom

An update on US consumer sentiment: Caution heading into 2024

Best Fleece Jackets of 2023 I Switchback Travel

Best movies of 2023: Our picks for the 10 must-see films of the year

Black voters are more concerned about climate change than the national average, with implications for policy and messaging

5 Things 12/15/2023

E-Signature Company DocuSign Explores a Deal

Gaining startup resilience and unicorn status: Hire leaders sooner by Sylwia Sysko-Romańczuk

Giuliani Ordered to Pay $148 Million to Election Workers in Defamation Trial

His baby daughter melts his heart. Scientists say she’s changing his brain, too.

Homelessness in America grew in 2023 as cost of living ballooned

House Passes Defense Bill, Clearing It for Biden

How a Man’s World Systematically Neglects Women

How Mobile Money Fosters Financial Inclusion

How to Make Your Team Smarter

Interest Rate Cuts Are on the Way.

Kissinger’s Opening to China Will Haunt American Politics in 2024

Material From Russia Investigation Went Missing as Trump Left Office

Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

Paternity leave more than changing diapers. It can change your brain.

Prince Harry wins damages in Mirror tabloid phone hacking case

PS Commentators’ Best Reads in 2023

Smithsonian took brains from dozens of DC’s most marginalized residents

TechThings with Joanna Stern 12/15/2023

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, December 15

The Best Movies by Genre 2023: Action, Horror and More

The Fastest Trail Shoes in Chamonix - Trail Runner Magazine

The Future of Banking: How Can the Industry Increase Safety for Deposits?

The IMF Needs to Lead on Climate Finance

The Inflation Challenge in 2024

The Morning: How Dobbs happened

The number of homeless people in America grew in 2023 as high cost of living took a toll

Trump Compares HimseIf To Obama In Bonkers Boast About His Health Latest News

Universal Values at Bay

What was the best movie of 2023? From ‘Barbie’ to ‘Poor Things,’ these are our top 10

12/14/2023 day marker

5 Things to know for Dec. 14: Israel, Impeachment inquiry, US troops, Tesla recall, Diversity initiatives

7 of the most exciting archaeological discoveries in 2023

A Disappointing Policing Change

A Lake Tahoe Home With Its Own Sandy Beach Lists for $49 Million

Ancestry, 23&Me and DNA horror stories

California Is Desperate for Affordable Housing But Can’t Stop Getting in Its Own Way

Can AI Replace Human Therapists?

Census Bureau Releases Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

Could Trump Be a Dictator?

Developing Countries’ Never-Ending Debt Crisis

House Approves Biden Impeachment Inquiry as G.O.P. Hunts for an Offense

How Brian Ray’s flawed research legitimized American homeschooling

How innovative companies leverage tech to outperform

How Police Body Cams Failed Us

How to Fix America’s Broken Air-Traffic Control System

Hutchins Roundup: Low Interest Rates, Noncompete Agreements, and More

Inside the Troll Army Waging Trump’s Online Campaign

L.A. Condos Have Failed to Fetch Big Prices. Will This $50 Million Penthouse Be Any Different?

National Black (African American) History Month: February 2024

Native American leaders: GOP promises on fentanyl crisis aren’t enough

Reimagine, reuse, recycle: How to reach sustainable packaging targets in retail

Senate Passes Defense Bill, Steering Clear of Far-Right Policy Dictates

Southeast Asia quarterly economic review: Pockets of growth emerge

Takeaways From Putin’s Address on the Ukraine War and More

Tech jobs are finally spreading out, spurred by private investment and federal initiatives

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, December 14

The Growing Risk of Global Disorder

The Myth of the 1%

The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage

The power of soil: Building a regenerative agriculture business

The Z factor: Can Gen Z fulfill Romania’s economic potential?

US officials were ‘furious’ about leaks exposing Ukraine war concerns

What It Feels Like To Be the Target of China’s Water Cannons

What’s on the Menu When Your Cat Goes Out? Probably More Than You Think.

Yolo Journal

You Can Visit the Italian Riviera on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Starting Summer 2024

12/13/2023 day marker

2023: The year in charts

2023: The year in images

2023: The year in innovation

25 Most Beautiful Cities in the World

50 Most Beautiful Cities in the World

8 of the most beautiful airports in the world - Rest Less

A Trip to CosMc’s, McDonald’s New Space-Themed Takeout Chain

An Opening in the Fight to Educate Afghan Girls

Antisemitism: A Guide for the Perplexed

At COP28 Climate Summit, Nations Agree to Move Away From Fossil Fuels

Can aging be cured? Scientists are giving it a try

Cats have 276 facial expressions. Why?

Travel Reviews, News, Guides & Tips

Developing Countries Should Reject American-Style Protectionism

Developing Countries Should Reject American-Style Protectionism I by Arvind Panagariya

Education Does Not Resolve Gender Wage Gap

Hiding purchases or debts from a partner is cheating, surveys say

How programmatic M&A fosters long-term resilience

How to Assess the Outcome of COP28

Is Anti-Zionism Always Antisemitic? A Fraught Question for the Moment.

Israel Begins Pumping Seawater Into Hamas’s Gaza Tunnels

Justices to Decide Scope of Obstruction Charge Central to Trump’s Jan. 6 Case

Martha Stewart Shares How She Gets Party Guests To Leave Entertainment

Millennials are ‘being squeezed’ in the housing market — and one group is feeling the pain more than the rest

Netflix shares viewer data on top shows, movies for the first time

New research finds no use at all for bonds in retirement portfolios

NFL Playoffs, Ohtani Contract, NBA In-Season Tournament

Nordic champions: The value creation formula at the cusp of a new era

One way to protect female election officials from harassment

Pussy Riot on the Run From Vladimir Putin

Putin’s Search for a Usable Past

Renters ‘finally catching a break’ as rents see biggest drop in 3 years: Redfin

Renters Are Starting to Get Concessions From Landlords Again

Scientists Pinpoint Cause of Severe Morning Sickness

Starting your board journey: Six steps to guide director hopefuls

Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Abortion Pill Access

The 2024 Porsche 911 review: Pricing, specs, and what it’s like to drive

The 23 best Apple TV+ shows to watch right now (December 2023)

The 30 Most Impressive Airports in the World

The American Store Is Shrinking

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Is So Back. Here Are the Stocks Sending It to New Highs.

The Gaza Strip Before and After Israel’s Invasion, in Satellite Images and Video

The Next Stage in Ukraine

The Trade-Finance Gap Is Holding Back Developing Economies

The World’s 20 Most Beautiful Cities to Visit in Your Lifetime

The world’s best airports for 2023, according to Skytrax

What Donald Tusk’s Return Means for Poland

What is the C-suite?

What Worries Me About the Gaza War After My Trip to Arab States

When Election Losers Pretend to Be Winners

12/12/2023 day marker

5 Exercises for Balance

Air Force disciplines 15 people in Discord leak investigation

Apple’s iOS 17.3 Stolen Device Protection Update Aims to Stop iPhone Thieves

Asteroid pieces brought to Earth may offer clue to life’s origin

Can Brazil Stop Venezuela from Invading Guyana?

Can’t Be YourseIf at Work?

Examining philanthropic funding for racial equity across the United States

Former Mar-a-Lago employee-turned-witness repeatedly contacted by Trump and associates before documents charges Politics

Here’s what hit the Magnificent 7 stocks, and why the selling may continue.

How Rich Alumni Ousted Penn’s President Liz Magill

Inflation Edges Lower, But Still Too High for the Fed

Netflix reveals how many hours we spent watching The Night Agent and Queen Charlotte

New York high court allows state Democrats chance to alter congressional maps

Perpetually Cold People Told Us About The Holiday Gifts They Actually Want Life

Quiz: How well do you know Google’s most popular Search Trends?

Quiz: How well do you know the most-searched trends?

Review: The new Rothko exhibit in Paris is spellbinding

Sanctioning China Will Work No Better than Sanctioning Russia

SDRs Are the Great Untapped Source of Climate Finance

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, December 12

The Best Movies Of 2023: ‘Oppenheimer,’ ‘Joy Ride’ And More Entertainment

The Neglected Issue that Will Define Europe’s Future

This is what the Arctic’s record-hot summer looked like

Timeline of how documents leaked from Discord chatroom to the world

Uganda’s Anti-Gay Crusade

What early-stage investing reveals about biotech innovation

What matters most?

Why ‘Covering’ Can Harm Diversity in the Workplace

Why Campus Speech Is Vexing

Why Supply Chains Are Key to Fighting Inflation

Why the next decade in healthcare is India’s decade

12/11/2023 day marker

25 New York Times Readership Statistics [The 2023 Edition] I

A ‘silent depression’? TikTok creators disagree with economists on US economy.

A Bargain in Saving Lives

A Farewell to Cash

A Florida Home Is Betting It Can Sell for $15 Million More Than It Did Two Years Ago

Ahead of elections, Pakistan’s democracy stands badly damaged

American Anxiety

American Exceptionalism in 2024

Apple Podcasts names Wiser Than Me the 2023 Show of the Year - Apple

As Fury Erupts Over Campus Antisemitism, Conservatives Seize the Moment

Author Talks: Dr. Fei-Fei Li sees ‘worlds’ of possibilities in a multidisciplinary approach to AI

Can Biden’s New Council Fix US Supply Chain Issues?

Could the Israel-Hamas War Lead to Peace?

Credit Ratings and Climate Chaos

Darn Tough Vermont - Merino Wool Socks Guaranteed for Life

Europe’s Chinese New Year

Florida has a python problem — are bounty hunters the solution?

From green ammonia to lower-carbon foods

Google Year in Search: Video highlights all-time most popular search trends

Google’s Year in Search 2023: The top trending searches of the year

Here’s to an epic 25 years: Exploring the most searched trends of all time

Hidden hospital prices harm patients: Can this new pricing tool make a difference?

How the Fed’s Rate Hikes Broke Home Buying, in Six Charts

How Tucker Carlson helped get Elon Musk to reinstate Alex Jones on X

Human-centered AI: The power of putting people first

Making or Breaking Democracy

Michael Barbaro and the Raging Success of The Daily

Nikki Haley’s Says She’s A Proud ‘Union-Buster’ Latest News

NYC Apartments With No Kitchens Still Have Expensive Rent

Predator (film)

Progress in Peril

Report: 2.6B records compromised by data breaches, underscoring need for E2EE - Apple

Restoring Trust in Global Leadership

Small-business owners face a punishing cocktail of labor shortages, inflation and rising rates. But some are finding fresh ways to thrive.

Soft-landing view has Ed Yardeni targeting 6,000 on the S&P 500 in two years

Special Counsel Jack Smith Asks Supreme Court to Quickly Rule on Trump’s Immunity

The 25 best monster movies of all time, ranked

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, December 11

The AI Question We Should Be Asking

The Battles Ukraine Has Already Won

The economic state of Latinos in America: Advancing financial growth

The Futility of Waste Management

The Great Fragmentation

The Guns Were Said to Be Destroyed. Instead, They Were Reborn.

The Moral of the China Story

The Outlook for Multilateralism in 2024

The Rise in US Traffic Deaths

The searches that brought us together in 2023

The Shape of Power in 2024

Tim Alberta Book Review: America’s White Evangelical Problem

Trump Reassures His Loyalists That He’ll Do Better Next Time

Venezuela’s New Dawn

Watching the clock: Factors to consider for same-day delivery

What are the responsibilities of a CIO versus a CTO?

Why Fears of a Broader Middle East Conflict Are Growing in Iraq

12/10/2023 day marker

Regretful Accelerationism – Stratechery by Ben Thompson

Person of the Year 2023: Taylor Swift I TIME

Holiday gift ideas from Techno Claus for 2023

Start your week smart: Tennessee tornadoes, UPenn president, Michigan school shooter, Trump gag order, sickle cell disease

19 Best Skin Care Gifts For The Beauty-Obsessed Life

The World’s 11 Greatest Investors

Sam Altman, Sugarcoating the Apocalypse

Tennessee Tornadoes Leave 6 Dead and 23 Injured, Officials Say

Inside OpenAI’s Crisis Over the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Cookies for the Holidays

How Israel Secretly Propped Up Hamas

Inside Trump’s Election Plans to Corrupt Voter Registration With EagleAI

What Happens When a Poor State Guts Its Public University - The Atlantic

Does cold weather make you sick? Experts debunk winter health myths

Why millennials are dreading becoming mothers

Less appetite — and opportunity — to serve as fake Trump electors in 2024

Gaslighting Examples - Examples Of Gaslighting, Per Experts

Netflix’s “May December” Highlights the Golden Age of the Creepy Woman

The Cybertruck Is Weird. So Was Elon Musk’s Cybertruck Launch.

What’s Behind Warren Buffett’s Fight With a Truck-Stop Mogul

How a $13.99 Snoopy Sparked a Gen-Z Craze

The Wildly Popular Men’s Jacket to Avoid This Winter — and What to Wear Instead

23 andMe Hack Is a Wake-Up Call for Your Password Habits

Here’s How to Vet E-Bikes, E-Scooters and Other Products for Battery Safety

12/9/2023 day marker

Is Israel’s Mossad equivalent to the CIA?

Homelessness in US cities and downtowns

Things You Should Never Say to Your Partner

Behind the Scenes of the Most Spectacular Show on TV

What Do Frasier’s Clothes Say About Him in Reboot Series?

Her Guide Dog Inspired Her Art, and Stars in Her Museum Show

The World Loves Corridos Tumbados. In Mexico, It’s Complicated.

The Killers’ ‘Mr. Brightside’ at 20: A Generation’s Anthem

The 71 Most Stylish People of 2023

Record of the Year

36 Hours in Vienna, Austria: Things to Do and See

Patagonia Stories

Is Israel’s Mossad equivalent to the CIA?

Nikki Haley is framing motherhood as an advantage, not a drawback. How it’s making her rise in the polls.

Where do seniors live in America? Here’s where 11 call home

They watched their husbands win the Heisman – then lost them to CTE

Shein’s Massive IPO Is About to Push Mysterious CEO Sky Xu to Center Stage

Trump Takes 2024 Lead as Biden Approval Hits New Low, WSJ Poll Finds

12/8/2023 day marker

11 Best Men’s Puffer Jackets in 2023 — Best Winter Puffer Coats

Ad Spending Is Increasing As We Head Into 2024.

AI’s Copyright Problem Is Fixable

Appeals Court Upholds Trump Gag Order in Election Case, but Narrows Terms

Better Jobs Mean Better Development

Biden Administration announces first-ever Ocean Justice Strategy. What’s that?

Brett’s Favorites 2023 -

Bucking the odds: An investor approach to portfolio pricing

China’s Short-Sighted AI Regulation

Companies are broadening their commitments to nature beyond carbon

Custom bobbleheads with middle finger - Bbobbler

Daniel Reynolds, Vice President, Head of Global Content, Media, and Partnerships at Hilton

Ex-Apple Lawyer in Charge of Enforcing Compliance With the Company’s Insider Trading Policies Sentenced to Probation for Insider Trading

F.D.A. Approves 2 Sickle Cell Treatments, One Using CRISPR Gene Editing

Her Place in the Mountains - Patagonia Stories

Here’s What a $5 Million Retirement Looks Like in America

How mid-tenure CEOs find a new gear

How to protect your portfolio if you expect the 10-year US Treasury yield to jump to 6%

Israel Is Targeting Hamas With Battlefield Intelligence

L.A. Financier Pays $20 Million for Encino Spec Home

Messenger are this week’s Big Thing

Mississippi River is part of America’s story. But we don’t embrace it.

Nearly Everyone Gets A’s at Yale. Does That Cheapen the Grade?

November Jobs Report: US Job Growth Continues to Be Robust

OPEC Leader Tells Members to Block Any Climate Summit Deal to Curb Fossil Fuels

Putin Says He Will Seek Another Term as Russia’s President

Ron DeSantis Dodges Questions On Florida Uninsured Rate, Plans For Obamacare Latest News

Russian Revanchism Must Be Defeated in Ukraine

Ryan O’Neal, ‘Love Story’ Actor, Dies at 82

Shipping-Container Homes: The 9 Most Beautiful Around the World

The 1 Big Red Flag To Watch Out For When Picking A Tattoo Artist

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, December 8

The Morning: The race to dominate A.I.

The Private Market for Homeowners Insurance Is in Turmoil

The Race to Dominate A.I.

The World Needs a Humble Approach to Central Banking

This family just bumped Walmart’s Waltons as the richest in the world

Tip of the Day: You Can Select Multiple Tabs, Then Drag Them, in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox

Tracy Garbowski, Executive Vice President of Marketing, Carbone Fine Food

Weekend reads: How the Fed’s punishing policy can set you up for massive gains in the stock market

What to look for — and ignore — when you’re hiring a financial planner

Why Does No One Trust the No Labels Party?

Yukon Extremes™ Full Swing® Insulated Coat - 4 Extreme Warmth Rating I Winter Essentials I Carhartt

Yukon Extremes™ Loose Fit Insulated Active Jac - 4 Extreme Warmth Rating I Winter Essentials I Carhartt

12/7/2023 day marker

A Trump Dictatorship Won’t Happen

College Football Playoff Rankings

Crunch time in the North American LNG industry: How to meet demand

Digital diagnostics: A path forward for IVD

Digital Payments Hold the Key to Climate Resilience

Hutchins Roundup: Bank Deregulation, Climate Risk, and More

Investors have fought a 2-year battle with the bond market. Here’s what’s next.

Isabella de la Houssaye, Athlete Who Endured Against the Odds, Dies at 59

Korea’s next S-curve: A new economic growth model for 2040

Pulling the Amazon Back from the Brink

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, December 7

The Civilian Death Toll in Gaza

The Global Economy’s Unsolved Problems

TruStage’s Bob Trunzo on bringing bold change to insurance

Unlocking the potential of generative AI: Three key questions for government agencies

US quantum leadership may hinge on public perceptions

VA Aid And Attendance Benefits And Housebound Allowance I Veterans Affairs

War Is What Hamas and Iran Want


What is fast fashion?

12/6/2023 day marker

A Green Economy Needs More Than Subsidies

A Prison at War: The Convicts Sustaining Putin’s Invasion

Address 12 health factors to prevent brain disease, research suggests

An African Success Story for Development Finance

Anderson Cooper and President Biden talk about grief in new interview

Angelina Jolie on Her New Brand and Life After Divorce

Asking $39.977 Million, a Tech Entrepreneur’s Home Is One of San Diego’s Priciest Listings

Back to the future: It’s the economy, stupid

Brad Pitt Pays $40 Million for Circa-1918 Coastal California Home

Breadcrumbing: What it means and examples in dating or relationships

Burning questions going into Bad Actors – Spy Write

Capturing the full value of generative AI in banking

COP28 Can Deliver Progress on Climate Change, but Will It?

Crypto, equity options and more rookie mistakes by millennial, Gen Z investors

Did US soldiers have any difficulties keeping clean in Vietnam?

Diversity matters even more: The case for holistic impact

Does India Have a Hit List?

EXCLUSIVE: Georgia prosecutors put Mike Pence on their witness list in 2020 election case Politics

Families who trusted disgraced Return to Nature Funeral Home speak out

Forward Thinking on the tricky business of removing carbon from our world

Future-proofing health systems for climate risks and pandemics

GOSAFE Act: Senators Unveil New Strategy On Mass Shootings Latest News

Great expectations: How US government agencies can meet public demand for better service

Grid planning under uncertainty: Investing for the energy transition

Higher Interest Rates Are Here to Stay

How climate risk data can help communities become more resilient

How Data Privacy Concerns Impact Firm Performance

How generative AI can boost consumer marketing

How to Make Green Hydrogen Work for Africa

Johnny Damon’s Florida Home, Complete with Hair Salon, Lists for $30 Million

Labor’s Very Good Year

Latino households are growing their wealth. Here’s how.

Marketing ‘Bidenomics’ Wasn’t Biden’s Idea?

McCarthy Says He Will Leave Congress at the End of the Year

Shrinks New Partner Class by Roughly 35%

Mobility tech as a source of innovation: Israel’s smart mobility start-up ecosystem

Mostly Seasonal Protests

My Wife Died. My Grief Is Immense. Did I Really Know Her?

Nikki Haley’s Path From Trump Critic to Defender and Back

Norman Lear, Whose Comedies Changed the Face of TV, Is Dead at 101

One Year of ChatGPT: How A.I. Changed Silicon Valley Forever

Pandemic lessons learned: ‘We need to be more equitable, effective, and efficient’

Population Projections by Age, Sex, Nativity, and Hispanic Origin

Pro-Trump fake electors indicted in Nevada, third state to issue charges

Republicans Block Ukraine Aid Bill Over Border Objections

Republicans Try to Put Harvard, M.I.T. and Penn on the Defensive About Antisemitism

Riverfront Luxury in South Carolina’s Lowcountry

Solving the climate finance equation for developing countries

Spotify’s Layoff Memo and the Art of Delivering Bad News

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, December 6

The best new and used electric cars for teenagers

The Bombshell Rumor Gripping Professional GoIf

The emergence of the ‘zero’ consumer

The Global South’s Debt Crisis Is Thwarting Climate Ambition

The Google Trial’s Dangerous Secrecy

The High Life - Patagonia

The Looming Populist Dystopia

The Power of Culture-Based Climate Action

The Shrunken Safety Net Could Help Explain Bad Feelings About Economy Latest News

The Two-State Solution in the Twenty-First Century

Tokitae, a beloved orca, died before being freed. Then came a reckoning.

Tommy Tuberville Backs Down in Fight Over Military Promotions

Trump ‘sent’ supporters on violent path to obstruct election, prosecutors say

Turning office space to residential: Economics, politics of conversion

Using Consumer Behavior Analysis to Predict Shopping Habits Peter Fader

What Charlie Munger and Grandma Ruth taught this money manager. His portfolio is up 50% this year.

What is a chief transformation officer?

What Will It Take to Phase Out Fossil Fuels?

What’s The Deal With That Cough Everyone Seems To Have Right Now? Life

Why do organizations have COOs?

Why We Need Black Death Doulas Voices

Will today’s environment affect vehicle purchase decisions for US consumers?

12/5/2023 day marker > took day off

12/4/2023 day marker

30 Skincare Products Reviewers Say Really Work Life

A top for the Nasdaq and Dow could come as early as this week, strategist says

An update on European consumer sentiment: Uncertainty lingers

Apparel brands finally shift to deeper supplier relationships

Carbon removals: How to scale a new gigaton industry

College football bowl schedule 2023-24: A look ahead at all 42 games

Fate of Billions for Opioid Victims From Sacklers Rests With Supreme Court

Grocery retail in Asia: Thriving in changing consumption patterns

He Bought a Piece of the Chrysler Building. Now His Empire Is Falling Apart.

How are the CIA’s Special Activities Division soldiers selected? Are they considered Tier 1 special operators?

How Elon Musk and Larry Page’s AI Debate Led to OpenAI and an Industry Boom

How Much Can AI Improve Human Performance?

Infinite Mac

Israeli Soldiers Start Invasion of Gaza’s South, Satellite Images Show: Latest News Updates

Late Lynyrd Skynyrd Guitarist’s 80-Acre Georgia Estate Lists for $12 Million

Men’s Grandview GTX Low Hiker I Teva®

Militant Rocket Hit Base Linked to Israeli Nuclear Missile Program

Nature as Infrastructure

Need to boost semiconductor fab efficiency?

NSC Denies US Had Prior Knowledge Of Hamas Attack Plan Latest News

One Supreme Court Case Could Mess Up Chunks of the Tax Code

Renewables and EVs are soaring. It’s still not enough to cut emissions.

Retired US Diplomat Manuel Rocha Accused of Spying for Cuba

Spotify to Cut 1,500 Jobs in Third Round of Layoffs this Year

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, December 4

The Heartbreaking College Football Playoff Selection Has a Soul-Crushing Finish

The Morning: Big profits in caring for the elderly

The rape victim behind Kentucky’s viral abortion ad

The Twilight Zone of Economics

US, Ukraine counteroffensive plans marred by miscalculations, disagreement

We Are All Argentines

Western Firms Should Leave China Now

What does a chief transformation officer do?

What’s on TV This Week: ‘Dancing With the Stars’ and ‘Murder in Boston’

Where the World Is (and Isn’t) Making Progress on Climate Change

White House warns Congress of urgent need for Ukraine funding

Who will run Gaza after the war? US searches for best of bad options

With 38th mass shooting in 2023, U.S breaks a grim record

12/3/2023 day marker

The high cost of subscription binges: How businesses get rich off you forgetting to cancel

Hunter Killer (film)

The Morning: The year’s best movies

Comparing Apple Notes to the Latest Version of Bear Notes – The Sweet Setup

Best TV Shows 2023: ‘The Bear,’ ‘The Last of Us’ and More

Hostages Freed From Gaza Recount Violence, Hunger and Fear

Michael Stipe Is Writing His Next Act. Slowly.

DeSantis’s Education Policies in Florida Drive Out Liberal-Leaning Professors

Cancel that subscription? How businesses get rich off you forgetting

Black hole Sagittarius A* spins so fast it alters space-time: Study

12/2/2023 day marker

51 Items Reviewers Called The Best Purchase Of The Year Life

A doctor tried to renew his passport. Now he’s no longer a citizen.

Apple Is Doing Its Part to End Green Bubble Shaming. It’s Our Turn.

Boris Vervoordt’s Father Built a Design Empire. Now, It’s His Turn.

Circular Walks Outside London

Desperate Families Search for Affordable Home Care

For Kennedy Center honoree Barry Gibb, songwriting is everything

Four Lucrative Tax Deductions That Seniors Often Overlook

How to Decorate Your Home for the Holidays Like a Pro

Inside Louis Vuitton’s Hong Kong spectacle I Vogue Business

My Morning With Charlie Munger

: Liz Cheney’s ominous warning

: The principle that animated Henry Kissinger’s foreign policies

Spy, womaniser, cad: the writer who created James Bond

The “Deeper Sense of Purpose” of T. George Harris, a Collaborator and Friend of Peter Drucker – Bruce Rosenstein

The Best Airports for Avoiding Delays, Cheap Fares and More

The Milagro Beanfield War

The T Predictor: What We’ll Be Obsessing Over in 2024

The US needs to improve the quality of infrastructure jobs, not just create more of them

The Weekender

The Wing’s Co-Working Aesthetic Has Moved to the Suburbs

They just want to go to class: These college students are stuck in the middle as the Israel-Hamas conflict spills onto campus

What it takes to be an air marshal, the most secretive job in the sky

Why Don’t We Dance More?

Why Stars Are Renting Out Their Homes on Airbnb for Dirt Cheap

12/1/2023 day marker

All things tech 2023-12-01

Allison Ellsworth, Co-Founder and Chief Brand Officer of Poppi

Anthony Bourdain Didn’t Hold Back When Writing About Kissinger Latest News

Appeals Court Says Jan. 6 Suits Against Trump Can Proceed for Now

At COP28, Cities Will Show Us the Way

Can Certain Foods Reduce Cancer Risk? Which Ones Experts Recommend

Cusp of new era in Asia

Decarbonizing Our Food

Decarbonizing P&C claims

Europe Knows that Climate Action Is Vital to Global Security

Free Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order Form I PDF & Word

Getting warehouse automation right

Gina Hardy, Chief Customer Officer at Drizly

Israel Plans to Kill Hamas Leaders Around the World After War

Market Power Is Permanent, and Technological Competition Does Not Remove It

My financial adviser lost $500K. A new one says my portfolio is a ‘mess.’

New census projections show immigration is essential to the growth and vitality of a more diverse US population

New-business building: A winning strategy in uncertain times

No More Dry Burgers: McDonald’s Overhauls Its Biggest Item

Nobody Said Getting Biden Re-Nominated Would Be Pretty

Pharrell Williams stages Louis Vuitton runway in Hong Kong

Preview: What would it take to scale critical climate technologies?

Sandra Day O’Connor, First Woman on the Supreme Court, Is Dead at 93

Sandra Day O’Connor, first woman Supreme Court justice, dies at 93

Southern hospitality: More people moved to the South last year than any other region.

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, December 1

The Morning: Should you rent or buy your home?

The Startling Economics of the World’s Largest Cruise Ship

This Is the 9/11 Lesson That Israel Needs to Learn

To Combat Climate Change, Builders Create Greener — and Tougher — Homes

Video: The Last Word: Sandra Day O’Connor

Water and the High Price of Bad Economics

When a transaction forges a transformation

Why Is Everyone So Unhappy at Work Right Now?

Why is Shein so cheap? Some shoppers want the answer — and so do critics

Why more Americans moved to the South last year than any other region

Will High Interest Rates Trigger a Debt Disaster?

Working Girl

11/30/2023 day marker

$15 Tolls Likely for New York’s Congestion Pricing Program

An affordable, reliable, competitive path to net zero

Biden administration stops warning some social platforms of foreign meddling

Biden Administration to Require Replacing of Lead Pipes Within 10 Years

Charlie Munger’s Life Was About Way More Than Money

Drawing for Work I Gamestorming Group

Fixing China’s Real-Estate Sector

Forging a new era for Asia

Future of Asia

Getting ahead in the cloud

Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State Who Helped Forge US Foreign Policy During Vietnam War, Dies at 100

Henry Kissinger, Who Shaped US Cold War History, Dies at 100

How businesses can enable sustainable, inclusive growth

How can Korea update its economic model for continued growth?

Hutchins Roundup: Impact Investing, Gig Work, and More

Impacts of climate change on Black populations in the United States

New York appeals court reinstates gag order against Donald Trump in civil fraud trial Politics

Poland’s Democratic Rebirth Pains

Red states’ efforts to rein in blue cities increase post-pandemic

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, November 30

The Call for Resilience by Pierre Le Manh

The Legacy of Henry Kissinger

The New Roots of Anti-Semitism

The Trouble With Bidenomics

This number will shape Earth’s future as the climate changes. You’ll be hearing about it.

This Year Is ‘Virtually Certain’ to Be Hottest in Human History, Researchers Say

Waste not: Unlocking the potential of waste heat recovery

West Bank Residents Praise Hamas for Palestinian Prisoners’ Release

What are the challenges facing Korea today?

What does it take to be a great CEO?

What Google and Facebook Owe News Publishers

What the Polls Say About Gaza

What to Wear Hiking for Men

When Investors Subvert States

Why Brands Should Put Out Statements About Their Company vs. The Most Recent Global Issue

Workplace Well-being Is at a 12-year Low: Here’s Why

11/29/2023 day marker

A new way to decarbonize buildings can lower emissions — profitably

A.I. Killer Drones Are Becoming Reality. Nations Disagree on Limits.

Accelerating Latin America’s Clean-Energy Revolution

Arizona Officials Charged With Conspiring to Delay Election Results

As A.I.-Controlled Killer Drones Become Reality, Nations Debate Limits

Beware the New Consensus on the Global Economy

Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s Late No. 2 At Berkshire Hathaway, Tells Heirs To ‘Hold The Goddamn Stock’

College Football, NFL, PGA

Cry for Milei’s Argentina

Farming in the US I American Experience

Former Apple Exec Lists Aspen Home for $45 Million

HaIf a million New Yorkers left state in 2022. Where they went and why.

How generous are each state’s safety net programs?

Market Watch Weekly Real Estate news: dying shopping malls

Is Shoplifting Really Surging?

Mapping the Future of ESG at COP28

Maps show counterterrorism efforts by US in 78 nations over 3 years

More than haIf a million people left New York in 2022.

State of College Football

State Safety Net Interactive

Stream These 16 Movies Before They Leave Netflix in December

Talking to Chatbots Is Now a $200K Job. So I Applied.

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, November 29

The CFO role and responsibilities in today’s world

The Future of China’s Financial System

The State of Fashion 2024: Finding pockets of growth as uncertainty reigns

What Anti-Trumpism Is Missing

What are the roles and responsibilities of a CFO?

What Warren Buffett Said About Charlie Munger

11/28/2023 day marker

Antara Haldar Says More…

Are Companies Embracing CSR?

Bausch + Lomb CEO Brent Saunders Pays $35.35 Million for Cher’s Former Miami Beach Home

Charles T. Munger, Much More Than Warren Buffett’s No. 2, Dies at 99

Charlie Munger, dry-witted sidekick to Warren Buffett, dies at 99

Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s Partner and Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman, Dies at 99

Dinosaur extinction study finds more than an asteroid led to demise

Donations to GOP drop as worries mount about the party’s finances

Everything everywhere all at once: North American asset management 2023

Gaining competitive advantage with GenAI in automotive sales: A global view

Germany’s Debt Brake Is Breaking Its Economy

Gold Bars and Tokyo Apartments: How Money Is Flowing Out of China.

How Apple’s App Tracking Policy Curbs Financial Fraud

How Inflation Affects Consumer Spending Itay Goldstein

How Many US Businesses Use Artificial Intelligence?

How to Improve Short-Term Memory

Huron Island Light

If US wants more 15-minute cities, it should start in the suburbs

In AI, Capital Wins Again

Justice for Climate Migrants

Koch network endorses Nikki Haley for president as it looks to stop Trump

Missed mail infuriates rural towns as carriers deliver Amazon packages first

Petrostates Must Take the Lead on Climate Finance

Reports Say Pope Francis Is Removing Cardinal Burke’s Vatican Home and Salary

Stephen Sondheim’s Longtime New York Home Sells for $7 Million

Taylor Swift merchandise goes beyond the trademark

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, November 28

The Morning: Israel has a dilemma

The New Normal for Central Banks

The secrets of outperforming family-owned businesses: How they create value — and how you can become one

Treat Your Pain at VA

Understanding the True Nature of the Hamas-Israel War

Unvaccinated and Vulnerable: Children Drive Surge in Deadly Outbreaks

Use eSIM while traveling internationally with your iPhone

What your most important investors need to know

Where we build homes helps explain America’s political divide

Why COP28 Has Already Failed

Why these strategists see the S&P 500 falling all the way down to 3,100 in 2024

11/27/2023 day marker

A Troubling Trump Pardon and a Link to the Kushners

Author Talks: Walt Hickey explains how what we watch influences what we do

Experts Reveal Lip Balm Ingredients That Really Work Life

Forbes Daily: Starbucks’ Shot Of Growth Under New CEO

Great Lakes native tribes knowledge could be key in climate change

How David Zaslav Blew Up Hollywood

How is the CHRO role changing?

Lip Care Products I Blistex Inc.

Loss and Damage as a Common Climate Cause

Medical treatment designed for one patient may be the future for many

Paving the way to resilience: Strengthening public sector adaptation planning and execution

Protecting Gaza’s Children

Putin’s Killer Patriotism

Rethinking the role of the middle manager

Russian Women Protest Long Deployments for Soldiers in Ukraine

Scientists Don’t Know How Bad Chemical Disasters Really Are Impact

Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan On The Coffee Giant’s “Triple Shot Reinvention” Strategy

The 6 Most Common Arguments Couples Have Around The Holidays UK Life

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, November 27

The False Choice Between Palestinian and Jewish Liberation

The Morning: Helping those in need

The Rage of the Outsiders

US Troops Still Train on Weapons With Known Risk of Brain Injury

What is life like in Russia? Is it as bad as it is portrayed in the Western media?

Why the Oslo Accord Between Israelis and Palestinians Failed

11/26/2023 day marker

Cryptanalysis of the Enigma

These Los Angeles-based lawyers renovated a 16th-century Tuscan farmhouse into a luxury villa. Here’s how they did it

Everybody Knows Flo From Progressive. Who Is Stephanie Courtney?

A Crossword Anniversary

‘You can walk around in a T-shirt’: how Norway brought heat pumps in from the cold I Energy I The Guardian

The 17 movies everyone will be talking about this holiday season

Tesla vs. Toyota Is the New Hot Battle in Cars

He Sold Burritos Out of His Apartment Window. Now He’s Running a $7 Billion Startup.

There’s Never Been a Worse Time to Buy Instead of Rent

How to Avoid Being Boring at 60

Once the Cutting Edge of Cool, Portland Is Now Taking Lessons From Milwaukee

11/25/2023 day marker

10 Symptoms of Dementia and Early Warning Signs

The three-year cruise is canceled

Running vs. Walking: Which Is Better for Lasting Health?

Tea, a Train and an Epic Sunrise at a Summer Retreat of the Raj

At 40, J. Crew Shakes Off a Midlife Crisis

Growing Numbers of Chinese Migrants Cross US Southern Border

Behind the Book Review’s Best Books List

As Groundwater Levels Fall in the US, Powerful Players Block Change

60 years later, a Secret Service agent grapples with JFK assassination

What we actually know about aliens, according to science

Russia held these Ukrainian teens captive. Now they could testify against Putin.

Don’t Send Compliments to the Chef and Other New Rules of Dining Out in 2023

The Estate Taxes Catching Americans by Surprise

Inside Pharrell’s Celebrity Auction House Gamble

11/24/2023 day marker

A Different Approach to Climate Action

Charles Peters, Founder of The Washington Monthly, Dies at 96

College Football Playoff, bowl predictions 2023: Paths the nine remaining contenders must follow -

Hard Truths About Green Industrial Policy

Is Industrial Policy Like Vitamin C or Penicillin?

Making European Strategic Autonomy Work

Need holiday conversation starters? Sign up for ‘Need an Opinion’

Olympian Oscar Pistorius will be released from prison after killing girlfriend

Omicron, Now 2 Years Old, Is Not Done With Us Yet

Our Megathreatened Age

Scientists detect a cosmic ray that’s almost as powerful as the ‘Oh-My-God’ particle

The Best Black Friday Deals, According To A Sales Price Tracker Life

The Technologies African Farmers Need

11/23/2023 day marker

Biden Missed an Opportunity to Help America – and Himself

China Consumption: Start of a New Era

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Who Looked at History From the Bottom Up, Dies at 94

If Europe Could Do It, So Can the Middle East

Inflation Destroys Rotten Governments

Is the Two-State Solution Back?

The Drama of Falling Populists

The Monopolists Fight Back

11/22/2023 day marker

What happened to Jennifer Lawrence’s career?

100 Notable Books of 2023

3-Star Reviews Can Help You With Online Shopping Life

A Home Asking $49 Million Could Smash the Price Record on Hawaii’s Big Island

A new paradigm for our connected world?

André 3000’s ‘New Blue Sun’ Is a Breath of Fresh Air

Bank of America strategist charts S&P 500’s path to 5,000

Before OpenAI, Sam Altman was fired from Y Combinator by his mentor

Beyond the New Biography: What Leaders Can Learn from Elon Musk

Christina Aguilera Opened Up About The “Hate” & “Scrutiny” She Faces

Claire Saffitz’s Thanksgiving Recipes Are Not That Complicated

Disquiet in the world’s middle class

Do human beings have free will?

Electronic Warfare Confounds Civilian Pilots, Far From Any Battlefield

Ethnocultural minorities in Europe: An untapped growth opportunity

Europe’s 15-Year Slump

First Asking $74.8 Million, a Malibu Spec Mansion Fetches $26.5 Million at Auction

Here are the worst money takes you will hear over the holidays

Houses Too Expensive to Buy Underpin Lofty Rents

How artificial intelligence can power clinical development

How to Salvage COP28

Hutchins Roundup: College Degrees After 30, Fentanyl Overdoses, and More

In digital and AI transformations, start with the problem, not the technology

Talking politics over turkey: How to avoid Thanksgiving food fights

Tech Investor Wants $150 Million for California ‘Beach Bungalow’

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, November 22

The Arab Israeli Feels the Pain Twice

The Morning: America’s wildfire fighters

The Trump Threat Is Growing. Lawyers Must Rise to Meet This Moment.

The Two-State, Two-Economy Solution

What to Do About Ukraine’s Brain Drain

11/21/2023 day marker

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s & Dementia I

3 questions to find out if you’re qualified to be a DIY financial adviser

About 1 in 8 military families used food banks, pantries, survey shows

Author Talks: Brown University’s Juliet Hooker on what you can gain from losing

Bel-Air or Hawaii? A Late Record Exec’s Collection of Homes Comes to Market

Biden campaign works to ease Democratic anxiety over reelection chances

China’s Self-Inflicted Economic Wounds

Europe’s Chance to Finish Off Illiberal Democracy

Holiday 2023 Reading List

How and Why to Add Scanned Text to Your Day One Journal

How Consumer Behavior Trends Determine Online Retail Success Santiago Gallino

I’m returning to the US after 5 years, and need to buy a house. How can I get the lowest mortgage rate?

Ilya Sutskever: The OpenAI Genius Who Told Sam Altman He Was Fired

OpenAI Is a Mess. So What Happens to ChatGPT Now?

Put the UN in Charge of International Taxation

Quiz: How to tell your real work age

Renewable natural gas: A Swiss army knife for US decarbonization?

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, November 21

The Chaos at OpenAI, Explained

The Downside of Psychological Safety in the Workplace

The Morning: The chaos at OpenAI, explained

The secret portals of age

The trusty Toyota Camry gets redesigned and will be hybrid-only for 2025

Three-Quarters of Children 6 Years or Younger Live With Two Parents

Travis Kelce Opens Up About Taylor Swift and Life After the NFL

Trump. Covid. Ukraine. Gaza. by Stefan Stern - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

Trump’s Dire Words Raise New Fears About His Authoritarian Bent

What Economics Was Missing

What Steel Decarbonization Needs

When people move out, wildlife moves in: 10 abandoned places reclaimed by nature

11/20/2023 day marker

9 Subtle Signs Someone Is Lying to You - How to Identify a Lie

A Major Economic Challenge

An Ugly Feud Is Rocking the Blue-Blooded Mayflower Society

Assessing the direct impact of the UK arts sector

Author Talks: Lisa Sun explains why confidence is your superpower

Brokering growth in the mortgage market

Digital logistics: Technology race gathers momentum

Earth just passed a feared global warming milestone for the first time

Extra Fees Drive Assisted Living Profits

Five connections that underpin the impact of the UK arts sector

Gen AI: A guide for CFOs

Generative AI has accelerated the transition towards more data-driven companies

Global economics intelligence executive summary, October 2023

How America lost the heart of China’s top talent

How generative AI can be used for social good in Europe

How generative AI can drive the personalization of products and services

How generative AI can improve customer experiences in Europe


In search of cloud value: Can generative AI transform cloud ROI?

OpenAI Employees Threaten to Quit Unless Board Resigns After Sam Altman Was Fired as CEO

Peacekeeping, Past and Present

Planning for a Future Beyond 1.5°C

Strengthening inclusion of ethnic minorities in the European workplace

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, November 20

The Pay Raise People Say They Need to Be Happy

The Power of Intentional Networking

The Risks to India’s Rise

The role of public–private–philanthropic partnerships in driving climate and nature transitions

The Super Rich No Longer Try To Support Their Societies

There Is Only One Way Forward in Gaza

Travel invented loyalty as we know it.

What makes a successful CEO?

What’s different about this stock-market rally after 63 post-correction advances

Who is productive, and who isn’t?

Why is collaboration key to CMO success?

Why most men don’t have enough close friends

11/19/2023 day marker

Rosalynn Carter, Politically Active First Lady, Dies at 96

John le Carré’s Best Books

When Ruthless Cultural Elitism Is Exactly the Job

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

The Tyranny of Hotness

Channel Tunnel

United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa

RAF Bentwaters

11/18/2023 day marker

Black Eyed Peas

Fergie (singer)

For All Mankind (TV series)

The Morning: A Thanksgiving road map

Why Charissa Thompson’s comments on making up sideline reports are so damaging

The Best Exercise You Can Do for Your Health

What today’s working class wants from political leaders

Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.

What It Means to Be a Texan Is Changing in Surprising Ways

How to Salvage Your Day After a Bad Night’s Sleep

Biden Faces Economic Challenges as Cost-of-Living Despair Floods TikTok

How inheritance data secretly explains US inequality

Baby boomers are edging out younger buyers in hot housing market

John Clauser won a Nobel Prize. Then he started denying climate change.

Fossilized corals in the Seychelles may predict future sea level rise as climate warms

How Israel’s ‘Iron Wall’ crumbled under Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack

Conversations With the New York Times

Inside Las Vegas’s $2 Billion Sphere, the High Church of Screen Time

Jim Chanos, Short Seller Who Took on Enron and Tesla, to Close Hedge Funds

A Riverfront Home in a South Dakota GoIf Community Asks $6 Million

Former Norwegian Cruise Line CEO Frank Del Rio Asks $15.9 Million for Florida Home

San Francisco Bay’s One and Only Private Island Lists for $25 Million

Here’s What I Know About Mira Murati, the Interim CEO of OpenAI

You Probably Know 611 People. Here’s How We Know.

11/17/2023 day marker

5 things to know for Nov. 17: Trump agenda, Israel, Safe schools, George Santos, Apple

Alexa, Can You Do My Holiday Shopping?

Biden and Xi Pick the Low-Hanging Fruit

Build resilience as your organization grows by Lukas Michel and Herb Nold - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

Cannabis for Seniors: Why Older Adults Are Opting for Medical Marijuana

Did the Fed Rein in Inflation?

Julie Alvin, theSkimm’s SVP of Content

Refugees, Rwanda, and the Rule of Law

Republicans Use ‘Decency’ Law To Ban Books Latest News

Rosalynn Carter enters hospice care at home, months after dementia diagnosis

Sam Altman, OpenAI’s CEO, Is Ousted by Company’s Board

Summing Up the Biden-Xi Summit

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, November 17

The Morning: Football’s young victims

The New Industrial Policy and Its Critics

The Revenge of the Inflation Doves

These Stocks Are Trailing the Market by the Widest Margin in 25 Years

Trump agenda

Vail and Nantucket Are Fighting to Free Up Homes for Locals

What We Can Do About Food Insecurity

What’s Behind the Market’s Wild Overreactions

Why Bear is built on Markdown, and what that means

Zero-COVID’s Long Tail

11/16/2023 day marker

Alpine, N.J.: One of the Tri-State’s Priciest Zip Codes

America after Peak Cars and Snacks

An $8.4 Million Estate Near Savannah Becomes the Area’s Priciest Home — Again

Football coaches’ compensation: 66 assistants make $1 million or more

How One Family’s Pursuit of Tennis Success Ended in Heartache

Hutchins Roundup: Declining Labor Share, Treasury Convenience Yield, and More

In 1969, the US turned off Niagara Falls. Here’s what happened next.


Polywar and Polyamorous Geopolitics

Rebuilding Trust in Expertise

Rogue Amoeba - Under the Microscope » Blog Archive » Turn Speech Into Text With Audio Hijack 4.3’s New Transcribe Block

Rogue Amoeba I Audio Hijack: Record Any Audio on MacOS

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, November 16

The Best and Worst US Airports of 2023

The Cool List 2024: the 30 most exciting destinations to visit in 2024

The Morning: A surprising shift in economics

What Is the Manufacturing Outlook for 2024?

Why Do We Keep Buying New Stuff? - Patagonia Stories

11/15/2023 day marker

‘Fentanyl Trash Cans’ in Brooklyn Parks Panic, Explained

10 Holiday Haircuts and Styles Perfect for Any Occasion I Great Clips

America Needs Public Investment in Childcare

Assessing the Value of NFL Head Coaches

COP28 Must Focus on the Climate-Fueled Health Crisis

Millennials vs. baby boomers: New study reveals major differences

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, November 15

The Morning: The costs of streaming

What to Know About Essential Hypertension (Primary Hypertension)

Which Country Was Instrumental in Winning World War II?

Whither Crypto?

Why Mainstream Economics Got Inflation Wrong

11/14/2023 day marker

100-year lives and the Incredible Talent Journey by Anjana Mistry and Avivah Wittenberg-Cox

Building Your Brand in a Post-pandemic Market

Consumers’ perceptions of their health-related social needs

Cracking the code on enhanced digital and cyber risk maturity

Earth Needs an Amazon Bioeconomy

Facing Financial Run as Costs Soar for Elder Care

Fani Willis: Georgia trial involving Trump might not conclude until early 2025

Forward Thinking on how geeks are changing the world with Andrew McAfee

Generative AI can change real estate, but the industry must change to reap the benefits

Goodnotes vs Notability: App Review [Updated 2023] I Paperlike

Henrik Henriksson: Rapidly scaling a green steel start-up

How Berlin’s Bid to Boost Affordable Housing Backfired

How Private Equity Has Evolved to Compete in Global M&A

How Retail Stores Compete With Amazon Barbara Kahn

India, Gaza, and the Drift from Non-Alignment

Inside Katy Perry’s Yearslong Battle Over a $15 Million California Home

Justice for Street Vendors

NotesheIf Review - Paperlike

QuietComfort Bose Earbuds Are 29% Off For Black Friday Deal Life

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, November 14

The Case for Energy Realism at COP28

Why Home Ownership Creates Stronger Marriages

11/13/2023 day marker

A New Approach to International Tax Cooperation

A Victory Lap for the Transitory Inflation Team

America’s Other Drug Problem

Be Brave. Be Kind. Go Get ‘Em! - Patagonia Stories

Bias Busters: Motivations under the microscope

Biden and Xi Must Not Forget North Korea

Discussing the state of diversity in global private markets

Ford Bronco Off-Roadeo driving experience: 4 locations now open to all

Hamas envisioned deeper attacks, aiming to provoke an Israeli war

Holiday shopping in 2023: ‘It started early and will end late’

How Ozempic Maker Novo Nordisk’s Very Danish Capitalism Fueled Its Success, and Its Stumbles

The 150-Mile Test - Patagonia Stories

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, November 13

The Jobless AI Future Is Still a Long Way Off

The night train revolution has been hailed as an alternative to airplanes. Here’s how that’s going

The Rules-Based International Order Is Collapsing in Gaza

Trump’s Older Sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, Dies at 86

Why is coffee so expensive? How prices for your latte have risen.

11/12/2023 day marker

How Many Decibels Is A Gunshot ::: How Far Away Can You Hear a Gunshot

The Warnings About Trump in 2024 Are Getting Louder

Barbra Streisand, in Her Own Words

The Bodily Indignities of the Space Life

The 12 best thrillers of 2023

Millennials aren’t having kids. Here’s why.

Your 401(k) Is Falling Behind. Here’s What You Should Do.

11/11/2023 day marker

A Beachfront Estate on a Carless Caribbean Island Asks $40 Million

A Guide to the James Webb Telescope’s View of the Universe

Barbra Streisand Is Ready to Tell All. Pull Up a Seat.

Best Tech Gifts of 2023 to Buy This Holiday Season, an Updated List

Best ways to counter the harmful effects of sitting, according to research

COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.

Dr. Ruth Saved People’s Sex Lives. Now She Wants to Cure Loneliness.

Get to Know the Influential Conservative Intellectuals Who Help Explain G.O.P. Extremism

He Wanted a Bold Home. She Preferred Understated. Here’s How They Made It Work

Sex Story: The Divorcée Who Wants to Seduce Her Trainer

11/10/2023 day marker

After Antisemitic Attacks, Colleges Debate What Kind of Speech Is Out of Bounds

AI Is Here.

Annie Reardon, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Ludo

At Least 2 Million Children Have Lost Medicaid Insurance This Year

Bob Vila, America’s Favorite Handyman, Asks $52.9 Million For Waterfront Florida Home

Diversity Is Critical for the Future of AI

Exercise and Aging: How to Build Strength

Fall of the Wall

Five Horror Movies to Stream Now

Historians gather stories of World War II from America’s oldest vets

How AI-powered Collusion in Stock Trading Could Hurt Price Formation

How Celebrities Avoid Getting Canceled Entertainment

How to develop geopolitical resilience

Increasing diversity in mining: Three years on

Israel Is In Real Danger For Three Reasons

Israel’s Ticking Clock

Maggie Malek, President, North America, Crispin Porter + Bogusky

Navigating the new normal: Operations insights for 2024

Preparing for a Russian Nuclear Meltdown

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, November 10

The Economic Consequences of the Gaza War

The Hidden Gender Wealth Gap

The Wars of the New World Order

To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Follow the Science

11/9/2023 day marker

2024 Clear Action Planner — An Interactive, Digital Planner for iPad

After Hours (film)

ai pin > Orders begin 11.16

Ami Vitale’s solution-based narratives for nature and humanity

Author Talks: Anu Bradford discusses the race to become the next technology superpower

Can AI Make You a Better Manager?

CEOs’ choice for growth: Building new businesses

Certain Uncertainty in the US Bond Market

Cloud-powered technologies for sustainability

Disney Reduces Costs By $7.5 Billion And Adds 7 Million Subscribers For Disney+

Do big companies cut dividends to grow?

Dolce&Gabbana’s next chapter: A conversation with CEO Alfonso Dolce

Elizabeth Moynihan, Engine of the Senator’s Success, Dies at 94

From ambition to action: Decarbonization and beyond in the Netherlands

From the military to the workforce: How to leverage veterans’ skills

Gary Winnick, Who Won and Lost With Global Crossing, Dies at 76

Global Insurance Report 2023: Navigating Asia’s evolving market

How Are AI and Robotics Redefining Productivity?

How Can AI and the Human Brain Work Together?

How Can AI Improve Health Care?

How can you tell if a photo is AI generated? Here are some tips.

How Does AI Impact Education?

How Is AI Affecting Innovation Management?

How Is AI Changing the Auto Industry?

How Will AI Transform Industries and Organizations?

Hutchins Roundup: Corporate Investment, Labor Shortages, and More

Israel Is In Real Danger For Three Reasons

National Geographic will end newsstand sales of magazine next year, focus on subscriptions, digital I AP News

Neuralyzer I Men in Black Wiki I Fandom

Preparing for liftoff: Volocopter and Wisk chart the path to the skies for eVTOLs

Resilience during uncertainty: What industrial leaders must know

Striking the balance: Catalyzing a sustainable land-use transition

Surge and Swarm: How China’s Ships Control the South China Sea

Tapping into dormant data can boost industrial SMEs’ competitive edge

Ten key requirements for a systemic approach to climate adaptation

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, November 9

The Attention Economy Goes to Court

The Morning: Ohio as an abortion case study

This Ivanka Trump Could Undo Her Family’s Entire Defense

Understanding and prioritizing nurses’ mental health and well-being

Untapped opportunities for health system pharmacies

US holiday shopping 2023: Consumer caution and retailer resilience

US Population Projected to Begin Declining in Second HaIf of Century

What Is the Future of AI?

What Role Can AI Play in Sports?

Will the Israel-Hamas War Spread?

World Population Estimated at 8 Billion


2024 Clear Action Planner — An Interactive, Digital Planner for iPad

After Hours (film)

ai pin > Orders begin 11.16

Ami Vitale’s solution-based narratives for nature and humanity

Author Talks: Anu Bradford discusses the race to become the next technology superpower

Can AI Make You a Better Manager?

CEOs’ choice for growth: Building new businesses

Certain Uncertainty in the US Bond Market

Cloud-powered technologies for sustainability

Disney Reduces Costs By $7.5 Billion And Adds 7 Million Subscribers For Disney+

Do big companies cut dividends to grow?

Dolce&Gabbana’s next chapter: A conversation with CEO Alfonso Dolce

Elizabeth Moynihan, Engine of the Senator’s Success, Dies at 94

From ambition to action: Decarbonization and beyond in the Netherlands

From the military to the workforce: How to leverage veterans’ skills

Gary Winnick, Who Won and Lost With Global Crossing, Dies at 76

Global Insurance Report 2023: Navigating Asia’s evolving market

How Are AI and Robotics Redefining Productivity?

How Can AI and the Human Brain Work Together?

How Can AI Improve Health Care?

How can you tell if a photo is AI generated? Here are some tips.

How Does AI Impact Education?

How Is AI Affecting Innovation Management?

How Is AI Changing the Auto Industry?

How Will AI Transform Industries and Organizations?

Hutchins Roundup: Corporate Investment, Labor Shortages, and More

Israel Is In Real Danger For Three Reasons

National Geographic will end newsstand sales of magazine next year, focus on subscriptions, digital I AP News

Neuralyzer I Men in Black Wiki I Fandom

Preparing for liftoff: Volocopter and Wisk chart the path to the skies for eVTOLs

Resilience during uncertainty: What industrial leaders must know

Striking the balance: Catalyzing a sustainable land-use transition

Surge and Swarm: How China’s Ships Control the South China Sea

Tapping into dormant data can boost industrial SMEs’ competitive edge

Ten key requirements for a systemic approach to climate adaptation

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, November 9

The Attention Economy Goes to Court

The Morning: Ohio as an abortion case study

This Ivanka Trump Could Undo Her Family’s Entire Defense

Understanding and prioritizing nurses’ mental health and well-being

Untapped opportunities for health system pharmacies

US holiday shopping 2023: Consumer caution and retailer resilience

US Population Projected to Begin Declining in Second HaIf of Century

What Is the Future of AI?

What Role Can AI Play in Sports?

Will the Israel-Hamas War Spread?

World Population Estimated at 8 Billion

11/8/2023 day marker

As a mechanic what car do you drive and what cars would you never own?

A Rights-Based Global Food System

A Winning Bid or $86.5 Million Might Score You an Aspen Home and a 4,200-Acre Ranch

An Industrial Strategy for Europe

Andy Beshear Defeats Daniel Cameron to Remain Kentucky Governor

As Billionaires Move to Miami, Developers Roll the Dice With High-Priced Listings

Barbra Streisand Is Ready to Tell All. Pull Up a Seat.

Behind Hamas’s Bloody Gambit to Create a ‘Permanent’ State of War

Boz Scaggs On Piano Jazz

Boz Scaggs: A food, wine & art proprietor

Compare life expectancy in the US with other countries and states

Could Congress really ‘kill’ credit-card rewards? Why airlines are up in arms.

Democrats Take Control of Virginia Legislature

Doing Economic Nationalism the Right Way

Getting From Climate Pledges to Climate Action

Goya Foods Heir Lists Palm Beach Estate for $36.5 Million

HaIf of Americans say their finances have worsened under Biden. Some blame him.

Here’s the advice from legend Howard Marks on where 50-year-olds should invest.

Housing affordability drops to the lowest level since 1984

How WeWork Rose and Went Broke

Jayati Ghosh on greedflation, debt, corporate taxation, and more by Jayati Ghosh

Jayati Ghosh Says More…

Mick Herron > Lucy Atkins

Northern Greenland’s ice shelves are declining, accelerating sea level rise

Ohio Vote Continues a Winning Streak for Abortion Rights

: Financial advisers still have too many ways to snag gullible investors

Preventing AI Nuclear Armageddon

Redefining Modern Luxury Consumption

RFK Jr. Reveals How Voters Are Dreading a Trump-Biden Rematch

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, November 7

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, November 8

The Futility of Violence in the Middle East

The Las Vegas Area’s Most Expensive Home Is Up For Sale Again

The Morning: The latest election results

The Morning: Today is Election Day

These are the 5 D’s driving the housing market. One is diamonds and another is death, says real-estate CEO.

Top takeaways from 2023 election results — and what they mean for 2024

Trump Testimony Sparks Testy Exchanges in New York Civil Fraud Trial

Turning Empty Offices Into Apartments Is Getting Even Harder

Veterans Day 2023: November 11

Wellbeing is the Fuel of Creative Resilience by Joseph Pistrui and Dimo Dimov - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

What Was Everyone Saying at the Obama Reunion?

Why Are So Many Americans Dying?

Will Trump Be Indicted Into Office?

11/7/2023 day marker

Went to the VA

11/6/2023 day marker

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

30 Movies To Watch This Fall Entertainment

4 things we learned from Trump’s testimony in the New York fraud trial

Across the Echo Chamber, a Quiet Conversation About War and Race

After Major Remodel, a Florida Home Lists for More Than Three Times Its 2020 Sale Price

America’s Real China Problem

American Jews Speak Out Against The Israeli-Hamas War Latest News

How Consumers Will Keep Powering GDP Growth

How Poland Won Back Its Democracy

Most Americans still have to commute every day. Here’s how that experience has changed.

Retro walking — or going backward — is good for you, experts say

Scaling Up: Lessons from Amazon’s Growth

She was a Pan Am flight attendant, he was a pilot. Their inflight meeting sparked a 50-year romance

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, November 6

The Morning: What can Biden do?

Trump Indictments Haven’t Sunk His Campaign, but a Conviction Might

When do militaries undermine democratization?

Why Biden Is Behind, and How He Could Come Back

Why Generative AI Investments Are Surging in the US

Working it out: Is hybrid the future of work?

11/5/2023 day marker

(26) Kasia Zezula’s answer to How did Michael Bloomberg get so rich?

7 Foot Exercises for Balance, Strength and Mobility

A Secret War, Strange New Wounds and Silence From the Pentagon

Adidas Sambas Became This Year’s Unlikely Hit Sneaker

Bariatric Surgery at 16

Confession of a Failed Steps Fanatic

Highlights From the 2023 New York City Marathon

How did Michael Bloomberg get so rich?

How to be Productive with the Apple Reminders App – The Sweet Setup

How to Correctly Use Nasal Sprays – Cleveland Clinic

Inside Marvel’s Jonathan Majors Problem: ‘The Marvels’ Reshoots, More

It’s US vs. China in an Increasingly Divided World Economy

Printers Alley Residence I Downtown Nashville

The Morning: Trump now leads Biden

The US and European Economies Are Diverging

Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term

Trump invokes Fifth Amendment nearly 450 times in N.Y. AG’s civil probe of his business practices

Trump’s Credibility, Coherence and Control Face Test on Witness Stand

What the Golden Gate Is (Finally) Doing About Suicides

What’s it like to live in Printers Alley? – PALOFTS

Will Lewis Named C.E.O. of the Washington Post

11/4/2023 day marker

36 Hours in Durham, North Carolina: Things to Do and See

A tour of Stephen King’s personal library

AI and Health

An election chief says the ‘big lie’ ended her career. She’s suing.

An Extremely Detailed Guide to an Extremely Detailed Map of New York City Neighborhoods

Beyond the Myth of Rural America I The New Yorker

Buffett and Munger on Success, Toxicity and Elon Musk

Crime ‘as Old as Time’ at FTX

Diane Sawyer’s Martha’s Vineyard Home Sells for Just Shy of $24 Million Asking Price

Douzheng: Unraveling Xi Jinping’s call for ‘struggle’

Etiquette in email: The dos and don’ts of the modern workplace

For Julia Louis-Dreyfus, It’s So Funny It’s Sad

Here’s what Arizona hospital CEOs earned during the COVID-19 pandemic

How the New York City Marathon Is Supporting New Moms on Race Day

How the Youth Boom in Africa Will Change the World

How to be Human

How YouTuber MrBeast transformed his hometown, Greenville, N.C.

I Can Hear You Fine. Is It Rude That I’m Still Wearing AirPods?

In Shetland, the Hottest Event of the Year Stars Sheep and Knitters

It Took Three Interior Designers Before She Finally Found the One

Morgan Stewart McGraw Is One of Luxury Fashion’s Biggest Influencers

Real-estate commissions as we know them could end. What it means for homeowners.

Students hated ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Their teachers tried to dump it.

Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’ Movie Is Interrupting Screenings Around the Country

The 2023 Holiday Gift Guide

The 38 Best Spy Films Of All Time I Spy Movies Every Man Should Watch

The harmful, popular misconceptions about rural America

The Later Cold War I MI5 - The Security Service

The Morning: A blockbuster Rothko show

The Mountain Lion Warrior Classic Cotton T-Shirt Tee

The Value of a Liberal Arts Degree: What’s the Return on Investment?

The weekender

The Youngest Senior

These are the most expensive ZIP Codes in the US for house shoppers

Warren Buffett’s ‘Secret Sauce’ Involves One of Investing’s Most Basic Strategies

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Sits on Record $157 Billion Cash Pile

Warren Buffett’s Formula for Success: One Good Decision Every Five Years

11/3/2023 day marker

6 Signs of Abnormal Memory Loss, According To Neurologists Life

A Africa podcast with Ashraf Sabry, founder and CEO of Fawry

A Tangle of Rules to Protect America’s Water Is Falling Short

A World of Fear for Europe’s Jews

Author Talks: Riding the waves of resilience

Charlie Munger Will Take Your Questions Now

Decarbonizing Mobility Forum: Amsterdam 2023 Outcomes Report

Disrupting the used-car buying experience in Southeast Asia

Forward Thinking on why we ignore inflation — from ancient times to the present — at our peril with Stephen King

From India to the world: Unleashing the potential of India’s tourists

His Job Was to Make Instagram Safe for Teens. His 14-Year-Old Showed Him What the App Was Really Like.

How can we both empower people and protect the planet?

How CFOs can adopt a VC mindset: Staircase Ventures’ Janet Bannister

How mobility budgets can change the future of transportation

How much you pay to buy or sell a home may be about to change. Here’s what you need to know

How the Nordics can become the “Silicon Valley” of sustainability

How to do a ‘retail reset’: Priorities for retail leaders

In the Long Run, Investing Is All About the Economy*

Innovative growers: A view from the top

Insurance investors: Priorities and opportunities

Is Globalization in Decline? A New Number Contradicts the Consensus

Is the Israel-Gaza war changing US public attitudes?

It’s US vs. China in an Increasingly Divided World Economy

Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura’s shocking election 25 years ago previewed Trump’s

Making the case: How the mid-Atlantic region can become a leading cybersecurity hub

Mortgage Rates Hurt the Housing Market. It’s Been a Different Story for Million-Dollar Homes

Moving from crisis to reform: Examining the state of counterparty credit risk

My dog died two months ago. Pet loss causes deep grief that our society ignores.

New Frontiers in Low-Cost Clean Tech

Niger’s Colonial-Style Resource Curse

Reframing employee health: Moving beyond burnout to holistic health

Reinventing the European economy from within

Revisiting the Gaza Hospital Explosion

Sam Bankman-Fried Trial: Fallen Crypto Mogul Convicted in Collapse That Cost Users Billions

Seeing around corners: How to excel as a chief of staff

Senate confirms three more senior military officers around Tuberville blockade

Should Fiscal Policy Resemble Private Budgets?

Should You Suggest To Your Parents When It’s Time To Retire? Life

Sustainable feedstocks: Accelerating recarbonization in chemicals

Tech and regionalization bolster supply chains, but complacency looms

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, November 3

The Committed Innovator: How Major League Baseball built an innovation machine

The Global Consequences of the Israel-Hamas War

The Nazis’ First Try

The People of Clallam County Haven’t Gotten It Wrong Since 1980

The power of partnership: How the CEO–CMO relationship can drive outsize growth

Three Concerns Facing Markets: Economy, Government Spending, the Fed

Three essentials of successful corporate venture capital

Trump’s Georgia co-defendants argue the 2020 election really was stolen

US government productivity: The roles government plays

US Investigating Whether Adams Received Illegal Donations From Turkey

What AI means for travel — now and in the future

Why people are eating water lilies in flooded, war-torn South Sudan

11/2/2023 day marker

A Miami Beach Home Is Asking Millions More Than What It Sold for Just Last Year

Adam Neumann Wounded WeWork, an Office Market Bust Finished It Off

Anwar Ibrahim’s Quiet Triumph

End-of-Life Planning for Veteran’s Benefits and Services

Famed climate scientist James Hansen has a new, dire prediction

Financing Family Planning in Low-Income Countries

Financing Family Planning in Low-Income Countries by Lia Tadesse

From Taxi Driver to Trump Case: Colorful New York Judge Is in the Spotlight

Hawaii Bribery Scandal Casts a Shadow Over Lahaina’s Ruins

Helen Williams, a Top Model in a Segregated Era, Is Dead at 87

Here’s what is really driving tech stocks — and it’s not AI, says Deutsche Bank

How Higher Interest Rates for Longer Can Be Good News for the Economy

Hutchins Roundup: Globalization, SSDI Participation, and More

Jenna Ellis Could Become a Star Witness Against Trump

Job Openings Still in the ‘Stratosphere’

Juanita McNeely, Intense Artist of the Female Experience, Dies at 87

Live updates: Donald Trump Jr. testifies in Trump civil fraud trial

NAR CEO resigns as real-estate industry faces shake-up

Prospective Homebuyers: Is It Better To Wait Out High Interest Rates or Reset Expectations?

Reminiscences from the End of the Horse Era in New York City - Untapped New York

Russia’s Wagner Group Plans to Send Air Defenses to Hezbollah, US Says

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, November 2

The Day the Horse Lost Its Job - Microsoft Today in Technology

The Fight Over Return-to-Office Is Turning Into a Disability Dispute

The Futility of Evil

The Looming China-Japan Face-Off

The Morning: Voting on abortion

The Two Things Worrying US Military Officials About Israel and Hamas

The Way You Pay to Buy or Sell a Home Is About to Change

These Wisconsin bills take different approaches to book ban activity

UAW’s Six-Week Strike Was Barely a Speed Bump for Jeep’s Hometown

VA Burial Benefits And Memorial Items I Veterans Affairs

Voting on Abortion

Why the Question of Scale Is an Ongoing Question for Most Companies

11/1/2023 day marker

A Drop in American Gun Violence

AI generated images are biased, showing the world through stereotypes

Akiflow - Centralize your schedule

Amazon & NFL Data Analytics

Avoid These Actions To Reduce Dementia Risk Life

Birds in the Americas Will No Longer Be Named After People

Breakthrough health features tipped to arrive in the Apple Watch Series 10 I Macworld

Celebrating Türkiye’s centenary on Google Arts & Culture

Disney Says It Will Take Full Control of Hulu

Disney to Pay Comcast’s NBCUniversal at Least $8.61 Billion for Its Stake in Hulu

Don’t be fooled: Net neutrality is about more than just blocking and throttling

Elton John’s Atlanta Condo Just Sold for Millions Over the Asking Price

George Conway Has Some Blunt Advice For Trump In Fraud Trial Latest News

House Speaker At Odds With Sen. Mitch McConnell Over Ukraine Latest News

How Does the World’s Largest Hedge Fund Really Make Its Money?

How to install Windows on Mac I Macworld

In Michigan, Muslim and Arab American Voters Reconsider Support for Biden

Infant Deaths Have Risen for the First Time in 20 Years

Inside a Waterfront Florida Home That Rivals Most Art Galleries

Is it still safe to use eyedrops? Answers to questions after warnings.

Latin America’s Splendid Isolation

Milli Vanilli’s Fab Morvan Says Duo Was ‘Bullied’ In The ‘90s Entertainment

Neoliberal Minority Rule

Prepared Meal Delivery I Factor

Strip Malls Are the New King of Retail Real Estate

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, November 1

The Economy Is Great. Why Are Americans in Such a Rotten Mood?

The Money Has Stopped Flowing in Commercial Real Estate

The Trump Corporate Tax Reform Worked

This fund manager is betting on strip malls and these other megatrends.

Top Meal Kit Delivery of 2023 - Compare Services, Costs, Reviews

Toyota Gives 9% Pay Bump to Most US Auto-Factory Workers, Following UAW Gains in Detroit

Trump and his family face spotlight in New York civil fraud trial

US home prices rose for the sixth month in a row, Case-Shiller says

What Is the Global South?

When Do We Die?

When Kim Kardashian’s nipple bra dropped, some people laughed. Breast cancer patients rejoiced


A Drop in American Gun Violence

AI generated images are biased, showing the world through stereotypes

Akiflow - Centralize your schedule

Amazon & NFL Data Analytics

Avoid These Actions To Reduce Dementia Risk Life

Birds in the Americas Will No Longer Be Named After People

Breakthrough health features tipped to arrive in the Apple Watch Series 10 I Macworld

Celebrating Türkiye’s centenary on Google Arts & Culture

Disney Says It Will Take Full Control of Hulu

Disney to Pay Comcast’s NBCUniversal at Least $8.61 Billion for Its Stake in Hulu

Don’t be fooled: Net neutrality is about more than just blocking and throttling

Elton John’s Atlanta Condo Just Sold for Millions Over the Asking Price

George Conway Has Some Blunt Advice For Trump In Fraud Trial Latest News

House Speaker At Odds With Sen. Mitch McConnell Over Ukraine Latest News

How Does the World’s Largest Hedge Fund Really Make Its Money?

How to install Windows on Mac I Macworld

In Michigan, Muslim and Arab American Voters Reconsider Support for Biden

Infant Deaths Have Risen for the First Time in 20 Years

Inside a Waterfront Florida Home That Rivals Most Art Galleries

Is it still safe to use eyedrops? Answers to questions after warnings.

Latin America’s Splendid Isolation

Milli Vanilli’s Fab Morvan Says Duo Was ‘Bullied’ In The ‘90s Entertainment

Neoliberal Minority Rule

Prepared Meal Delivery I Factor

Strip Malls Are the New King of Retail Real Estate

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, November 1

The Economy Is Great. Why Are Americans in Such a Rotten Mood?

The Money Has Stopped Flowing in Commercial Real Estate

The Trump Corporate Tax Reform Worked

This fund manager is betting on strip malls and these other megatrends.

Top Meal Kit Delivery of 2023 - Compare Services, Costs, Reviews

Toyota Gives 9% Pay Bump to Most US Auto-Factory Workers, Following UAW Gains in Detroit

Trump and his family face spotlight in New York civil fraud trial

US home prices rose for the sixth month in a row, Case-Shiller says

What Is the Global South?

When Do We Die?

When Kim Kardashian’s nipple bra dropped, some people laughed. Breast cancer patients rejoiced

10/31/2023 day marker

‘Clowns’: Chris Christie scoffs at second Donald Trump administration

‘It’s Business in Front and a Party in Back’: Welcome to the Mullet House

‘Pristine’ deep-water reefs are probably thousands of years old

“Women’s Economics” Goes Mainstream

A California Home Modeled After Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater Lists for $24.998 Million

A Florida Home Fit for a Pasta Queen — or At Least, the ‘Italian Martha Stewart’

After Her Husband’s Death, She Rebuilt Her Life by Building a New Home

An App to Help You Sleep

Apple Picked the World’s Unlikeliest Voice to Sell the iPhone

Apple’s New M3 MacBook Pro and M3 iMac: Some Tricks, Some Treats

Asteroid that doomed the dinosaurs halted key process for life on Earth, scientists say

Bad Accounting Or Fraud? Trump’s Profit Numbers Don’t Add Up

Behind the scenes at Scary Fast: Apple’s keynote event shot on iPhone - Apple

Biden’s New Power Grab

Climate change effects on oceans revealed in reports from across USA

Daring Fireball: Behind the Scenes at ‘Scary Fast’ -- Shot With iPhone 15 Pro Max

FDA warns customers to stop using eye drops sold by major retailers due to risk of eye infections

Federal Judge Reinstates Gag Order on Trump in Election Case

Full Pacific Crest Trail Gear List for 2023 – Bearfoot Theory

Gaza and the End of Germany’s Willkommenskultur

Gaza’s Vital Tunnels

Gordon Welchman

He Was Told He Had No Talent. This $7 Million Hawaii Home Is His Revenge.

House Speaker Mike Johnson Has A Clear Record On ACA Repeal Latest News

How 100,000 Apartments in New York City Disappeared

How Africa Can Make the Most of Diaspora Finance

How China Can Save the World – and Itself

How China Creates Its Own Market

How language gaps constrain generative AI development

How Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard Deal Is Transformative

How Years of Israeli Failures on Hamas Led to a Devastating Attack

Is this the most secure iPhone 15 case on the market? I Macworld

Israel’s 9/11 Moment

Jury Finds Realtors Conspired to Keep Commissions High

Maine lobster fishing at risk as climate change effects hit

Maps: Where the Attacks Are Happening in Israel and Gaza

Premium-Economy Seats Become the Sweet Spot on Flights

San Diego County Home Sells for Record Price

Seniors face rising debt from credit cards, car and home loans

Stream These 10 Movies Before They Leave Netflix in November

Strengthening Your Core

Take Care of Your Brain

The 10 Most Common Hiking Injuries and Illnesses and How to Treat Them

The 2024 presidential primary tracker

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, October 30

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, October 31

The Morning: Victories for the autoworkers

The Promise of China’s Sustainable-Development Path

The Story Behind This Modernist House Has as Many Twists and Turns as Its Architecture

The Stunning Resilience of Emerging Markets

They Spent $244,000 Turning Their Basement Into a Chic Hideaway. This Is the Result

This State Tried To Pass Anti-Trans Laws For Years. Then A Right-Wing Media Star Got Involved. Latest News

Three Great Documentaries to Stream

Three Young Activists Who Never Worked in an Auto Factory Helped Deliver Huge Win for the UAW

Trading Decisions Are Observable in the Eyes of Buyers and Sellers

We’ve Updated Our Fiscal Impact Measure

When More Financial Regulation Is Not Better

Why aren’t homeowners selling? Hint: It’s not just the ‘lock-in effect’

Why Trump’s Drastic Plan to Slash the Government Could Succeed

Will the Microsoft and Activision Blizzard Deal Lead to More Transformative Tech Acquisitions?

Workers Are Doing Less Work for the Same Pay

10/29/2023 day marker

Bill Barr hits back at Donald Trump: ‘His verbal skills are limited’

Faced with abortion bans, doctors beg hospitals for help with key decisions

For Mike Johnson, Religion Is at the Forefront of Politics and Policy

Israel, It’s Time to Consider a Cease-fire

Jump scares are declining in horror movies — but the scariest remain

Matthew Perry, Star of ‘Friends,’ Dies at 54

Mike Johnson points to a Biden impeachment, even if the facts do not

Please, Israel, Don’t Get Lost in Hamas’s Tunnels

Taxpayers Spent $1.75 Million on Secret Service for Trump Properties

The Employee Benefits You Should Use — but Probably Don’t

The Morning: Israeli troops in Gaza

Trump properties got almost $2 million from the Secret Service, including stays at Mar-a-Lago, documents show

Vatican Deems Bigger Role for Women ‘Urgent’ but Punts on Major Issues

What’s killing the jump scare?

What’s on TV This Week: BravoCon and a Classic Rom-Com

10/28/2023 day marker

10 Foot Balance Exercises for Preventing Falls

2024 Toyota GR Corolla I

30 of the all-time best Washington Post recipes, according to readers

Cher on Her First Christmas LP, a New Beau and 25 Years of ‘Believe’

Cities Foster Serendipity. But Can They Do It When Workers Are at Home?

Denmark Aims a Wrecking Ball at ‘Non-Western’ Neighborhoods

Financial advisers make rich people richer. But is that all there is?

Gaza’s Tunnels Loom Large for Israel’s Ground Forces

Ghostly Presence

Here’s how private equity affects you

Here’s what ‘wealthy’ means in 2023 America, in five numbers

How Lionel Messi Made a Pink Jersey Soccer’s Must-Have Item

If You Can Take the Cable Car to the Colosseum, You’re in Vietnam

In Denmark, Eviction and Demolition Remake ‘Non-Western’ Neighborhoods

Is Roz Chast ‘Terrible at Decorating’? You Decide.

Joanna Merlin, Known for Her Work Both Onstage and Off, Dies at 92

Judge denies motion to block Ivanka Trump testimony in New York civil fraud trial I Politics

Kylie Jenner Built a Beauty Empire. Now She’s Coming for Fashion.

Richard Moll, Towering Bailiff on ‘Night Court,’ Dies at 80

The All-American Perspective of Ed Ruscha, L.A.’s Coolest Artist

The Stratospheric Rise of Lionel Messi’s Pink Jersey

The Weekender

Walter Hood Wants to Change What It Means to Go Outside

Wealth in America - 5 answers on what it takes to make it in the US

What is CIA SAD/SOG training like?

What Kirby Said

With Interest Rates Up, Get Ready for Financial Drama

10/27/2023 day marker

Billionaire Joseph Edelman Is Funding Anti-Trans Advocacy

Five Science Fiction Movies to Stream Now

Getting to Global Climate Solidarity

Hate Tourist Crowds? Rent a Private Island — for $250 or $25,000 a Night

High-yielding stocks have been the worst bet this year. Here’s one way to improve that.

Investigating Kanye

Michael Cohen Divulges His Harsh Thought When He Looked Trump In The Eye At Trial

Never Mind the 1%. Mini-Millionaires Are Where Wealth Is Growing Fastest.

Selling a Haunted Home? That’s Between You and the Ghosts

Steven Silverstein, CEO of Spirit Halloween

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, October 27

The Consequences of Elon Musk’s Ownership of X

The Evolution of Modern Political Power

The Kids of Rutherford County, Episode 1: The Egregious Video

The Signs Of Premature Aging, According To Dermatologists HuffPost Life

War and Dollars

Why Trump Is Right About Tariffs

World of Warfare

You Don’t Need a New iPhone. You Just Need a New Battery.

10/26/2023 day marker

‘Never waste a crisis’: StarHub’s CEO on leading transformative change

A Better Biden-Xi Summit?

An $8 Million Renovation Turned This Once-Rundown New England Home Into a Seaside Sanctuary

Disney, Target & Taylor Swift: Wharton Professor Breaks Down Marketing Trends

How to manage critical notifications on your iPhone or iPad

Judge rules Georgia’s political maps must be redrawn before 2024 elections

Marriage Penalties, Partisan Realignment, and More

More Floods Mean Worse Soil

One economist on what we get wrong about solving the affordable-housing crisis

Our 10 Best Asics Walking Shoes in the US - October 2023

People Are Worried That They’re Going To Be Victimized by Cyber Crime

Pharmacy chains ignored pleas to fix broken system. Now it’s in revolt

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, October 26

The Best Running Shoes of 2023 - Running Shoe Reviews

The Challenges Facing House Speaker Mike Johnson

The Five Main Drivers of Global Economic Uncertainty

The Spaulding Smails Democrats Get a New Speaker

These two commentators who have been warning of a market crash say it’s now here

To Save Democracy, Fight Inequality

US Economy Grew a Strong 4.9%, Driven by Consumer Spree That May Not Last

What You Don’t Want To Say When Apologizing Life

Your ‘Set It and Forget It’ 401(k) Made You Rich. No More.

10/25/2023 day marker

‘There is only one world, and it must have room for all of us’

3 new ways to check images and sources online

After Testifying, Trump Is Fined $10,000 for Breaking Gag Order

Americans paid a record $130 billion in credit-card interest and fees last year

Among New York’s Sidewalk Sideshows, 2 Goats and a Story of Despair

Who’s the best player in the NBA right now? We ranked the top 100.

Antibiotic Shortages Are Fueling Antimicrobial Resistance

Beyond resilience: Why Uncertainty Tolerance should be your focus for an uncertain future by Sam Conniff - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

Billy Joel Is Movin’ Out of His $49 Million Long Island Mansion

Can Japan Reshape Its Research Funding?

Chaos in the House

Checking in on the aviation value chain’s recovery

Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren offering her Nashville home for rent

Consumers are still spending — but that doesn’t mean they’re financially healthy

How a defined risk appetite can improve nonfinancial risk management

iPhone 12 vs iPhone 15: It’s probably time to upgrade I Macworld

James Cameron’s 100-Acre California Ranch Lists for $33 Million

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner Get $15 Million for Miami Mansion

Kris Kristofferson’s Oceanfront Ranch in California Lists for $17.2 Million

Living on Easy - Patagonia Stories

Maison Hudson - 401 West Street I NYC - Elliman

Republicans vote Mike Johnson as fourth House speaker nominee

Right skills, right person, right role

Robin Williams’s Former San Francisco Home Asks $25 Million

Rod Stewart Asks $70 Million for Massive Los Angeles Château

Russian Life Imitates Dystopian Art

Schumer’s Artificial Consensus

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, October 25

The Carbon-Offset Market’s Broken Promises

This college-debt-collection tactic is now effectively banned

Time For a Coffee Cartel?

10/24/2023 day marker

A President, a Billionaire and Questions About Access and National Security

At breakfast, this group always leaves at least a $1,000 tip

Beyond ‘quiet luxury’: Brunello Cucinelli’s billion-dollar growth formula

China’s Demographic Achilles’ Heel

Coke may be spared as $100 billion weight-loss drug revolution unfolds

Decarbonize and create value: How incumbents can tackle the steep challenge

Democrats Won’t Let Crisis Go to Waste

Fintechs: A new paradigm of growth

House speaker live updates: Republicans voting again on yet another nominee

How an Academic Uncovered One of the Biggest Museum Heists of All Time

How Fintech Lending Helps SMEs Access Bank Funding

Joseph J. Kohn, Who Broke New Ground in Calculus, Dies at 91

Michael Spence on industrial policy, AI, growth models, and more by Michael Spence

My Husband And I Were Front-Page News For Our Walk Across America. Deep Down, I Felt Like A Fraud.

New Normal or No Normal? How Economists Got It Wrong for 3 Years.

Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Rich

Reviving the American Dream

Rock star Poison frontman Bret Michaels adopts namesake stray dog

States Sue Meta Alleging Harm to Young People on Instagram, Facebook

Thanks to Big Data, Landlords Know How to Squeeze the Most Out of Renters

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, October 24

The Blitz

The Corporate Retreat From Hong Kong Is Accelerating

The Crisis of African Peacekeeping

Trump’s Incendiary Rhetoric Costs Him in Courtroom, Risks Votes in 2024

Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia

Unlocking Health Technology’s Potential for All

US Raises Concerns About Israel’s Plan of Action in Gaza, Officials Say

West Antarctic ice sheet faces ‘unavoidable’ melting, a warning for sea level rise

What Role Should the Federal Reserve Play in the Economy?

What’s Next for Poland?

Why AI-enabled customer service is key to scaling telco personalization

Why House Republicans Can’t Unite in Speaker Saga

10/23/2023 day marker

A Delayed Invasion

A Hospice Nurse on Embracing the Grace of Dying

Aging with purpose: Why meaningful engagement with society matters

Big Tech Cannot Be Regulated

Bond Rout Drives 10-Year Treasury Yield to 5%

Boom Time for Beltway Lawyers

Breaking Free from Polio

Courageous growth: Six strategies for continuous growth outperformance

Fixing Global Economic Governance

Gen AI and the future of work

Grand Old Party: How Aging Makes You More Conservative

How plants communicate with each other when in danger

How the Right Policies Can Stabilize Federal Debt and Grow the Economy

How the US Could Stabilize Debt and Fuel Economic Growth

How to navigate the rough seas of banking?

In a world of declining response rates, the Fed got 27 billionaires to participate in a household-finance survey

Investor Doubts About China Worsen Its Stock Rout

Mediterranean diet and exercise reduce dangerous belly fat, study says

Monday briefing: Freed American hostages; Kenneth Chesebro plea; speaker race; toddler milk; talking plants; and more

Morgan Stanley’s Wilson: Next rally attempt will fail as investors are punishing earnings reports.

Most US workers still commute by car, and the cost is steep — here are a few ways to save

Mystery Buyer Pays About $34 Million for Jennifer Lopez’s Bel-Air Home

New SAT Data Highlights the Deep Inequality at the Heart of American Education

One of the World’s Biggest Museums Is Making Big Changes

Plants can warn each other of danger. Here’s how.

Tech Entrepreneur Pays $47 Million for David Rockefeller’s Former Manhattan Townhouse

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, October 23

The Economy Was Supposed to Slow by Now. Instead It’s Revving Up.

The Fed got 27 billionaires to participate in a household finance survey

The Impact Of This Year’s Strikes Can Be Seen In A Few Eye-Popping Numbers

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Is Making Big Changes

The People Who Broke the House

The Return-to-Office Hack Your Coworkers Are Trying to Get Away With

US Workers’ Strikes: Breaking Down The Numbers Impact

Video: Liz Cheney says Trump is ‘the single most dangerous threat we face’ if reelected I Politics

Wall Street’s Latest Obsession Is an Unknowable Number

Want to Beat Your Return-to-Office Mandate? Try ‘Coffee Badging’ at Your Own Risk

What Explains China’s Fertility Drought?

What’s on Your Alexa Shopping List?

Who You Calling Dumb Money? Everyday Investors Do Just Fine

10/22/2023 day marker


Central Intelligence Agency

FBI: International

Federal Bureau of Investigation


List of modern Russian small arms and light weapons


KGB Functions and Internal Organization - Russia / Soviet Intelligence Agencies

The Morning: ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’

How to Use Apple Notes to Save Highlights – The Sweet Setup

We’ve Updated Our PKM Primer – The Sweet Setup

What is the FBI’s foreign counterintelligence responsibility? — FBI

International Operations — FBI

The KGB Against the ‘Main Enemy’ I The Institute of World Politics

Spy vs. Spy

How DeSantis’s Hyper-Online 2024 Campaign Strategy Fell Flat

How Race Categories on US Census Forms Have Evolved

The pandemic is over in this Michigan county. The mistrust never ended.

Dolly Parton cautiously wades into ‘politics’ on new rock album

Hezbollah stepping up attacks, IDF says, as fears of wider conflict mount

America’s Downtowns Are Empty. Fixing Them Will Be Expensive.

10/21/2023 day marker

$90,000-a-year college is coming. Here’s how big data might save you money.

36 Hours in Glasgow: Things to Do and See

As war wages on in Gaza, updated maps and graphics show latest in Hamas, Israel conflict

Daring Fireball: Comcast’s Response to Calls to Stop Its Misleading ‘10G Network’ Claims: ✊��

How Martin Scorsese Made ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’

How Rich Donors and Loose Rules Are Transforming College Sports

How stress weathers our bodies, causing illness and premature aging

How We Downsized and Sold Our House Without Creating Waste

Is Tesla starting to look like just any old carmaker?

Israel-Hamas war in maps, and visual explainers: Understand the crisis

Matt Gaetz Tore the House GOP Apart. He Isn’t Sorry.

My Quest to Downsize Without Throwing Anything Away

The Return-to-Office Movement Is Dead

Robert Sapolsky Doesn’t Believe in Free Will. (But Feel Free to Disagree.)

Running for Our Lives

Stress is weathering our bodies from the inside out

Supreme Court to decide if government can press tech cos. to remove posts

The Billionaire Tycoon Who Can’t Stop Buying Sports Teams

The Greats: Queen Latifah, Annette Bening and More

Preparing for liftoff: Volocopter and Wisk chart the path to the skies for eVTOLS

The IRS crackdown on rich taxpayers is already raking in millions in back taxes — here’s how much

The IRS is auditing the rich. Can you fly under the radar if you’re not wealthy?

The Salmon on Your Plate Has a Troubling Cost. These Farms Offer Hope.

When boomers ‘age out’ of their homes, this is who will benefit the most. It’s not their children.

Who Should Decide What Women Wear?

Why Victoria Beckham Never Wakes Up in a Bad Mood

10/20/2023 day marker

‘He’s Not Smart’: New Book Reveals Mitt Romney’s Blunt Assessment of Trump Latest News

‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ Is Coming to Theaters, But Being Erased from Classrooms

3 Things I Learned About What’s Next in AI

A National Strategy for Poland

Apple’s New Film Strategy Debuts With ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’

Author Talks: Ron Shaich shares leadership lessons on what matters most and why

Building a world-class digital finance function

China’s Great Leap Backward

Encryption, Bear, and your private data

Exclusive: ‘Mutiny Brewing’ Inside State Department Over Israel-Palestine Policy Latest News

Fostering Resilience through Creativity and Self-Efficacy by Karl Testor

Gaza and the Trudeau Problem

Haley, DeSantis, Christie: 11 Trump Voters Discuss

Harnessing mindful philanthropy to improve population health

Investors Fret as Daunting Bond Market Milestone Comes Into View

Javier Milei’s Libertarian Populism

Judge fines Donald Trump $5,000 after post maligning court staffer is found on campaign website

Kenneth Chesebro, a Trump-Aligned Lawyer, Pleads Guilty in Georgia

Lessons from the Fall of Poland’s Populists

Mainstream Republicans Opposing Jim Jordan’s Speaker Bid Dig In Against Him

Mainstreaming the Far Right

The 7 things you need to know for Friday, October 20

The Federal Deficit Is Growing. This Is Why.

The future of real estate in a hybrid world

The simple reason that Jim Jordan’s House speaker bid was in deep trouble

Timing Matters: Design the Day for Maximum Productivity

Trump Camp Reportedly Blindsided By Sidney Powell Plea Deal Latest News

Why the Classic Stock-and-Bond Investment Strategy Isn’t Working

10/19/2023 day marker

2022 State-to-State Migration Flows Statistics Now Available

American Household Wealth Jumped in the Pandemic

An L.A. Home Near the Playboy Mansion Sells for $34 Million

Ann Philbin, Who Remade L.A.’s Hammer Museum, to Step Down

Barnes & Noble Undergoes a Back-to-Basics Redesign

Body-camera video shows Leonard Cure moments before fatal shooting

China set to dominate deep-sea mining and grab treasure of rare metals

Confession Brings Natalee Holloway Case to an End After 18 Years

Curbing Government Internet Surveillance

Dermatologists Explain The Best Skin Care For Your Breasts Life

Do Retail Investors Care About Firms’ ESG-Related Activities?

Earth is a geological oddball in our solar system. This is why.

Fired at 50, she felt like she’d lost everything. Then came the grief.

Gaza’s Never-Ending Catastrophe

Home Sales at Lowest Point Since 2010 as High Mortgage Rates Squeeze Market

How much is that remote job worth to you? Americans will part with pay to work from home

How to power Indonesia’s solar PV growth opportunities

India leads the world in restricting access to the Internet

Leadership rundown: How US healthcare leaders are scaling innovation and transformation

Longer Commutes, Shorter Lives

Nice vs. Kind: The Difference Is Significant Life

Quince Linen Duvet Cover Is Year-Round Perfection Life

Record Sales and Off-Market Trades: Why Aspen’s Luxury Market Seems Unstoppable

Senior State Department Official Resigns Over Biden’s Gaza Policy Latest News

Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty in Georgia Trump Case

Stanley Druckenmiller said central banks move markets, so watch Powell.

The 7 things you need to know for Thursday, October 19

The G7’s Anti-Coercion Campaign Against China Could Backfire by Lili Yan Ing

The window into Leonardo da Vinci’s creativity? His sketchbooks

This Is Why You Feel Colder As You Get Older Life

Understanding democratic decline in the United States

Veterans Day

Wealth Inequality, Foreign-Born Americans, and More

What a Long, Strange and Unsatisfying EV Trip It’s Been

What is disenfranchised grief? On losing a job that is your identity

What is the global stocktake?

Why are the Appalachian Mountains home to so many supernatural legends?

Why Culture Has Come to a Standstill

Working from home saves Americans $6,000 on food, commute, clothes

Yes San Francisco: Inside the First Ever Urban Sustainability Location-Based Challenge

10/18/2023 day marker

‘Zero consumers’: What they want and why it matters

A Severe Drought Pushes the Amazon Rainforest to the Brink

Advanced Economies Must Face Fiscal Reality

After Gaza

Biden Visits Israel and Putin Visits China Amid Gaza and Ukraine Wars

Biden’s Arrival in Israel

Daring Fireball: ‘Log Is the “Pro” in iPhone 15 Pro’

Daring Fireball: Piper Sandler’s Annual ‘Taking Stock With Teens’ Survey

Early Europeans thrived on seaweed, study of dental plaque reveals

Fox News Host Bret Baier Asks $31.9 Million for Washington, D.C., Home

Global Energy Perspective 2023

Global trade explorer

Government Bubble Burst

How Americans’ dried-up stimulus savings could trigger a recession

How consumer companies outcompete: High-performing operating models

How each House member voted for speaker

How has trade between economies evolved over time?

How interdependent are two economies?

Log is the “Pro” in iPhone 15 Pro — Prolost

Loudoun County Schools Face A Republican Takeover Latest News

Many Americans padded their savings amid COVID. How are they surviving as money dries up?

MLB Postseason

New Global Divisions on View as Biden Goes to Israel and Putin to China

OpenAI and the Evolution of Intelligence

Queer Chemistry Professor Slays On TikTok Voices

Republicans Are Trying To Take Over A Top-Rated School System

Taking Stock With Teens I Piper Sandler

The 7 things you need to know for Wednesday, October 18

The EU and Turkey Need Each Other

This Queer Chemistry Professor’s Teaching Technique Gets 10s Across The Board

US Response to Israel-Hamas War Draws Fury in Mideast

WealthTech in Asia–Pacific: The next frontier in financial innovation

Wednesday briefing: Gaza hospital blast; Jim Jordan’s House speaker bid; Alec Baldwin; Direct File; and more

What are the main traded sectors and who are the main trade partners of an economy?

What are the most important trade corridors?

When Hamas Attacked, This Israeli Kibbutz Fought Back and Won

Which products are supplied by a small number of economies?

Who voted against Jim Jordan for speaker? How each House member voted.

10/17/2023 day marker

A Simple Solution for Simplifying Work Processes

Aging and Muscle Loss

Are You Due for a Vaccine?

Asking $15 Million, an Atlanta Home Hits the Market for the First Time

Aviator Nation Founder Asks $15 Million for Lake Austin Home

Biden’s Trip to Israel

Big Tech won. Now what?

Change management will be critical to implementing generative AI

Compensating Community-Health Workers

Europe’s regulatory environment can accelerate adoption of generative AI

Generative AI in the European social sector

Generative AI will change the social contract in Europe

Generative AI’s Impact across the operations value chain

Green energy in Africa presents significant investment opportunities

Hot Buttered Soul

How can generative AI add value in banking and financial services?

How can private equity firms harness generative AI?

How generative AI can add value in the consumer sectors

How Lunchables ended up on school lunch trays

I Would Have Died If I Hadn’t Received This Transplant. Here’s My Story.

Leveraging generative AI in Europe: The opportunities and challenges

Martti Ahtisaari, Conflict Negotiator Given Nobel Peace Prize, Dies at 86

Momentous Shift Looms for Poland as Governing Party Looks Set to Be Ousted

New Population Counts for 62 Detailed Black or African American Groups

New silicon carbide prospects emerge as market adapts to EV expansion

New York Has Issued 14 New Food Cart Permits. 10,000 Vendors Want Them.

Over HaIf of Those Who Reported Their Race as Black or African American Identified as African American, Jamaican or Haitian

Poland’s Governing Party Looks Set to Be Ousted

Russia’s Defeat Must Be Democracies’ Goal

The 7 things you need to know for Tuesday, October 17

The Big Mistakes People Make in Medicare — and How to Avoid Them

The West Should Avoid Nagorno-Karabakh

This Is Not a Taylor Swift Profile

Tuesday briefing: Biden’s Israel visit; Trump gag order; Jim Jordan’s speaker bid; health impacts of stress; and more

Ukraine Said to Use ATACMS, a Powerful Weapon System, for First Time

US Tightens China’s Access to Advanced Chips for Artificial Intelligence

Weak rules allow ultra-processed foods like Lunchables on school menus

What Are the Signs of a Recession?

What are the signs of dementia — and why is it so hard to diagnose?

What Causes Traffic — and How It Separates Rich and Poor Countries

What I Saw at Taylor Swift’s Delirious Eras Tour

What Poor Children Need

Will California’s New Climate Disclosure Rules Set a Standard?

Asking $15 Million, an Atlanta Home Hits the Market for the First Time

Aviator Nation Founder Asks $15 Million for Lake Austin Home

10/16/2023 day marker

A Shift in Gerrymandering

Author Talks: Am I making myself clear?

Boiling America’s Economy

California’s Latest Climate Disclosure Rules Will Be the Strictest in the Nation

First transcontinental railroad

How a Fertilizer Shortage Is Spreading Desperate Hunger

How Hamas’ carefully planned Israel attack devolved into a chaotic rampage

How Nepal’s Deal With China for an Airport Became an Albatross

How to gain and sustain a competitive edge through transformation

Joe Biden’s Character Problem

Leading through disruption requires ‘the gene for change’

Making the International Financial System Work

Netflix and Nvidia have been crossed off this firm’s list for quality stocks.

Why a Gaza Invasion and ‘Once and for All’ Thinking Are Wrong for Israel

Without a College Degree, Life in America Is Staggeringly Shorter

Poland’s Ruling Party Lost, but Will It Leave?

Rite Aid Files for Bankruptcy, Facing Slumping Sales and Opioid Suits

The 7 things you need to know for Monday, October 16

The Secret Deal That Put a Real Rifle Into ‘Call of Duty’

Trump Federal Election Case: Judge Imposes Limited Gag Order on Trump

What Can COP28 Achieve?

What’s it like to be prosecuted by Jack Smith

Will the Autoworker Strike Impact the Future of Electric Vehicles?

10/15/2023 day marker

‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse: Millions Across the Americas Prepare for Moments of Astronomical Awe

A Fast-Growing Network of Conservative Groups Is Fueling a Surge in Book Bans

A Parade of Strikeouts

Am I Still Contagious?

Behind a Senator’s Indictments, a Foreign Spy Service Works Washington

Poll: Americans are deeply sympathetic toward Israelis and see their military response to Hamas attacks as justified Politics

Cumberland Gap

Donald Trump Is Any Defense Attorney’s Nightmare

Here’s What We Do and Don’t Know About the Effects of Remote Work.

History to Know Before You Watch World on Fire Season 2

How the Costs of Car Ownership Add Up

How to Rethink Your Media Subscriptions and Save on Monthly Fees

How to Use Apple Notes to Save Highlights – The Sweet Setup

Jada Pinkett Smith Is Releasing Her Demons. She Hopes You Will, Too.

On Russian Nuclear Threat, Putin Lets Others Rattle the Saber

Phyllis Coates, the First Lois Lane on TV’s ‘Superman,’ Dies at 96

Republican candidates flock to N.H. town halls, as voters search for Trump alternative: 5 takeaways

Servants seem out of touch. Enter the billionaire’s battalion of experts

The Economy (Taylor’s Version)

Timeshares are making a comeback with younger Americans, and here’s the appeal.

UAW Strikes: How does autoworker union pay compare to other hourly jobs?

We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority

10/14/2023 day marker

Can Usher Save R&B?

Carl Icahn Bet on the ‘Big Short 2.0.’ Now He Says the Game Was Rigged.

Honest Politicians Spotted Overseas

How Hamas breached Israel’s ‘Iron Wall’

In Northern France, Riding the Rails Into the Past

Jamie Dimon says it’s ‘the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades.’ Here are all the ripple effects.

LL Cool J on 50 Years of Hip-Hop, Visualizing Success and Jann Wenner

New Zealand Defeats Ardern’s Party, Electing Conservative Coalition

Why Israel Is Acting This Way

Profit and Loss

Surging populism threatens support for Ukraine, Israel and democracy

The Key To Our Lasting Marriage Embracing Our Differences

The rush to map underground fungi networks before they’re gone

The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military

The Weekender

WeatherTech Founder Sells Fort Lauderdale’s Most Expensive Home for $40 Million

What is Substack and why is it proving so popular?

When Our Smartphones Become Windows to a War

Why We’re Freaking Out About Substack

10/13/2023 day marker

A Looming Invasion in Gaza

Across US, Chinese Bitcoin Mines Draw National Security Scrutiny

As We Innovate, We Need Talent That Will Lead Global Sustainability Impact

Bear Your Way: Take better notes for the student in all of us - Part 2

Colette Rossant, 91, Dies; Gave French Cuisine a Global Flourish

Do people in actual gun fights miss as many shots as shown in movies? What is a realistic gun fight like?

Fear and Loathing in Poland

Friday briefing: Israel tells people to evacuate northern Gaza; Steve Scalise; Elijah McClain verdict; Taylor Swift; and more

Got your eye on a pair of Asics running shoes? These are our favorites for the road and trail

House Republicans Pursue New Speaker Plans After Steve Scalise Exits Race

How Amanda Abbington met Jonathan Goodwin: ‘I was on him like a rat up a drainpipe’

Hybrid Work Is Here To Stay and Is Essential to Maintaining Diversity in the Workplace

It’s time for cloud tech to meet operational tech at industrial sites

Jason Isaacs

Let Them Drink Oil

Live updates: House speakership stalled as Scalise withdraws from race

NASA’s Psyche Mission to a Metal Asteroid Is Ready to Launch

Post-pandemic poverty is rising in America’s suburbs

Rudolph Isley, an Original and Enduring Isley Brother, Dies at 84

Scalise Scrounges for Votes as G.O.P. Speaker Fight Drags On

Tech stocks like Amazon and CrowdStrike will rip higher this earnings season, says Wedbush’s Ives. Here’s why.

Tech talent in transition: Seven technology trends reshaping telcos

The Cricket Factor in Indian Politics

Why is life expectancy falling faster for adults without a BA?

Will the UAW Strike Impact Growth of the Electric Vehicle Market?

A Colorado Mansion First Listed for $37 Million Sells for Big Discount

WSJ Tech Things: Windows to a War

You’ve Never Had It So Good. Which Is Why You’re Stuck.

10/12/2023 day marker

A European-Inspired Spec Home in L.A.’s Coveted Bird Streets Neighborhood Lists for $78 Million

Apple finally made the perfect watch face

Author Talks: Why big gambles can lead to even bigger payoffs

Bear Your Way: Take better notes for the student in all of us – Part 2

Cost of Improving and Maintaining Older Homes Higher for New Owners

Europe’s gray-to-green workforce transition in aerospace and defense

Forty percent of Antarctica’s ice shelves are shrinking, worrying scientists

Glenn Shimkus, Founder of Prisidio

How advanced are European companies in leveraging digital transformation?

How the ‘urban doom loop’ could pose the next economic threat

How to Address Global Hunger

In Russian Military Town, Patriotism and Pathos Live Side by Side

In Santa Fe, a Late Financier’s 3-Acre Compound Comes on the Market for $23.65 Million

Israel Goes to War

Jenna Lebel, Chief Marketing Officer at Liberty Mutual

Kamala Harris’s Biggest Challenge

Miami’s Rental Market Roller Coaster Is Headed Downhill

New York’s Famous Gramercy Park Hotel to Reopen After Renovations Under New Operator

New Jersey Reconsiders One-Party Rule

Understanding Israel’s Hard Choices

Productivity Growth, Silicon Valley Bank, and More

September Inflation Report: Price Rises Expected to Cool

Social Security Benefits Will Rise 3.2% in 2024

South Africa’s Deadly Housing Crisis

The ‘urban doom loop’ threatening American cities like New York and San Francisco, explained

The End of America’s Exit Strategy in the Middle East

The Global Hunger Crisis Must Not be Normalized

The New Kings of Wall Street Aren’t Banks. Private Funds Fuel Corporate America.

The Strange Case of Samuel Bankman-Fried

Thursday briefing: Gaza humanitarian crisis; Steve Scalise; Ford autoworkers strike; inflation; Powerball jackpot; and more

10/11/2023 day marker

A vision for medical affairs 2030: Five priorities for patient impact

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Alistair Cooke: Radio and TV Icon, Hidden Folklorist Folklife Today

Americans consume a lot of red meat. Here’s why you shouldn’t.

Cooperation or Crisis

Does renting accelerate biological aging? New study sparks housing policy debate

Europe’s Tech Regulation Is Not an Economic Policy

European mobility finance: A €25 billion growth opportunity

Exxon Mobil Strikes $60 Billion Deal for Shale Giant

Forward Thinking on the existential issues facing the middle classes in every country with Homi Kharas

Hamas’s Hostages

How Israel’s Feared Security Services Failed to Stop Hamas’s Attack

How Much ESG Investing Is Actually Happening?

How Rockstar Energy Creator Russ Weiner Got ‘Addicted’ to Flipping High-Priced Homes

Luke Bornn, Part Owner of AC Milan

Mary Lou Retton Has Pneumonia and ‘Is Fighting for Her Life,’ Daughter Says

Massive prehistoric solar storm is warning for Earth, researchers say

MVP Home Veterans Affairs

f We Had to Be Governed by the Harvard Faculty …

srael Has Never Needed to Be Smarter Than in This Moment

Pandemic Preparedness Cannot Wait

Skip to main content

The Californization of the Texas Housing Market

The Gaza Strip and its history, explained

The Geopolitics of EU Enlargement

The Spiral of Violence that Led to Hamas

This US couple bought a house in France for $36,000 and it completely changed their lives

Times Square Goes From Deserted to Bustling

Tiny Homes Are the Hot New Homeowners’ Accessory

Trump Touts New Travel Ban In Fear-Laden Speech

Wednesday briefing: Israel prepares for an invasion; Republicans to vote on a speaker; George Santos charges; Tim Ballard accusations; fattest bear; and more

What is Hamas, and why did it attack Israel now?

10/10/2023 day marker

After years of exaggerating his business assets, Trump confronts them in court

Alistair Cooke dies aged 95

Alistair Cooke, Elegant Interpreter of America, Dies at 95 (Published 2004)

An Israeli Dilemma

Dani Rodrik Says More… Dani RodrikOct 10, 2023

Global Banking Annual Review 2023: The Great Banking Transition

How Economic Modeling Can Identify Trends Kent Smetters

In Search of Kamala Harris

Jane White Cooke obituary

Keep Your Feet Happy on Trail With the Best Lightweight Hiking Boots of the Year

Kevin Phillips, 82, Dies; Political Analyst Predicted G.O.P. Resurgence

Manufacturing Africa’s future: Jobs, growth, and sustainability

Preparing for liftoff: Volocopter and Wisk chart the path to the skies for eVTOLS

Seeing Through the Fog of Immigration

The Economic Case for Europe’s Carbon Border Tax

The Global North Must Follow the Global South’s Lead

The Nation’s Top-Performing Public School System

Tuesday briefing: Hostages in Gaza; Biden probe; House speaker race; unlivable heat; new Olympic sports; and more

What is Web3?

Where heat could become ‘unlivable’ for weeks or months at a time

A Blinged-Out New Jersey Home Made With 47,000 Sheets of Gold Leaf Lists for $9.995 Million

10/9/2023 day marker

Beyond the fab: Decarbonizing Scope 3 upstream emissions

Charles Feeney, Who Made a Fortune and Then Gave It Away, Dies at 92

Claudia Goldin Wins Nobel in Economics for Studying Women in the Work Force

Curbing the ‘Kansas Two-step’: How Data Analysis Sheds Light on Police Bias

Five paths to TSR outperformance

From $150 oil to no impact at all: What the surprise attack on Israel means to markets

How to Get Mergers and Acquisitions Right

Hubris Meets Nemesis in Israel

Israel-Gaza War: Israel Orders ‘Complete Siege’ of Gaza as Troops Battle to Secure Border Areas

Madeleine Albright’s Washington, D.C., Home Is Up for Sale

Monday briefing: Israel declares war on Hamas; Afghanistan earthquake; UAW strike; 23andMe hack; Crocs cowboy boots; and more

Is Chaos the Only Thing Republicans Can Trust?

Readying the Multilateral Development Banks for the Climate Fight

Targeting ‘The Last Frontier’: Mexican cartels send drugs into Alaska, upping death toll

The Global Context of the Hamas-Israel War

The Industrial Metaverse: Why a New Report Calls It the Future of Manufacturing

The New Industrial Politics

What Will Follow Hamas’s War?

Why Shameless Self-promotion Backfires at Work

10/8/2023 day marker

59 Dos and Don’ts for Getting Dressed Right Now

A Quick Look at Hamas

A Surprise Attack on Israel

After Attack, Israel Wrestles With Question: How Could This Happen?

Errol Morris Did Not Like This Q&A About His le Carré Film

FuboTV vs. Sling TV: Which one makes sense for your household?

How long have humans been in North America? New Mexico footprints are rewriting history.

I cut the cord with Sling TV but ditched it for YouTube TV — here’s why

Illinois Democrats drew new maps. They pushed the GOP to the right.

Microsoft CEO Says Google’s Agreements With Apple Unfairly Harmed Bing

Migrant Crisis Tests New Yorkers Who Thought They Supported Immigration

New Jersey Reformed Solitary Confinement — But Prisoners Say Not Much Has Changed

Ranking the Biggest Events in Sports

Shoe Width Measurement Chart I

Stream Live TV & Sports

The 40 Best Shows and Movies on Apple TV+ Right Now (October 2023)

The Best Shows on Apple TV+ Right Now

The US Military’s Weighty Challenge: ‘Skinny-Fat’ Recruits

Today’s best Patagonia promo codes

Twitter Is at Death’s Door, One Year After Elon Musk’s Takeover

What was Elon Musk’s strategy for Twitter? A fired Trump White House staffer offers a tantalizing clue

Why this Vermont town is banning influencers and tourists from visiting its fall foliage

Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks

10/7/2023 day marker

Six Accused of Murdering Ecuadorean Presidential Candidate Are Found Dead

Meet the Plant People

How Do Americans Feel About Politics? ‘Disgust Isn’t a Strong Enough Word’

Why Summers May Never Be the Same

Israel-Gaza Conflict: Gaza Militants Declare War on Israel With Ground and Rocket Assaults

He’s a Dab of Glue in a Broken City. Can He Hold It Together?

Biles ties record with sixth world all-around title

Violent Crime Is Surging in D.C. This Year: ‘We Just Stood There and Screamed’

Children and parents begin uphill fightback against book bans in Florida

Coordinated ‘swatting’ effort may be behind hundreds of school shooting hoaxes

The Remaking of The Wall Street Journal

Young Americans are struggling to gain economic ground. Building a better school-to-career pipeline can help

US Postal Service Seeks to Raise Stamp Prices for Third Time in a Year

Healthcare Workers Throw Out UAW’s and Writers’ Strike Playbook

Could Steve Scalise Quell the House GOP Revolt to Become Speaker?

Saudi Arabia Willing to Raise Oil Output to Help Secure Israel Deal

36 Hours in Florence, Italy

Shades of Gray, and Then Some

The Genius Behind Hollywood’s Most Indelible Sets

Same-Sex Behavior Evolved in Many Mammals to Reduce Conflict, Study Suggests

House speaker chaos: What is going on? Will it affect you? I Politics

The Totalitarian Heart of Hillary Clinton

Treasury yields are climbing: ‘There’s never really been such an attractive opportunity for fixed-income investments’

Jean Arnault Has New Goals for Louis Vuitton Watches. Profit Isn’t One of Them.

Why Sofia Coppola and Her Dad Finally Joined Instagram

See the Best Looks of Paris Fashion Week: Spring/Summer 2024

10/6/2023 day marker

1,000 photos later, and the iPhone 15 Pro Max is still missing something

Abe Lincoln and Kevin McCarthy

Alabama Is Ordered to Use Map With Two Districts That Empower Black Voters

Ancient footprints upend timeline of humans’ arrival in North America

Armed Man Seeking Wisconsin Governor Posts Bail and Returns With Rifle

Army Plans Major Cuts to Special-Operations Forces, Including Green Berets

Can public EV-fast charging stations be profitable in the United States?

Cementing your lead: The cement industry in the net-zero transition

Friday briefing: Southern border barrier extension; deadly strike in Ukraine; jobs report; Narges Mohammadi; and more

How this bartender built a multimillion-dollar real-estate portfolio

How to protect your portfolio if you expect the 10-year US Treasury yield to jump to 6%

Investing in Gender Equality

iPhone 15 Pro Max Camera Review: Dept. and Reach

It’s coming home: The return of agile hardware product development

Managing Risks Around M&A Deals: Why Do They Fail?

Moderates could unite amid House speaker chaos.

More people plan to use ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ for holiday shopping this year — but there’s one ‘troubling sign’

Nursing schools are turning away thousands of applicants during a major nursing shortage.

The 5 Best Hiking Pants of 2023

The Global Recovery Is Faltering

The Promise and Peril of Decarbonization

The Two Faces of Neoliberalism

Trump Said to Have Revealed Nuclear Submarine Secrets to Australian Businessman

Trump Seeks to Have Federal Election-Interference Case Dismissed

What is tokenization?

What to watch with your kids: ‘The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’

Why Creativity Is The Key To Organizational Resilience

10/5/2023 day marker

‘Girl Math’ Turned Into A Self-Roast For So Many Communities — And I’m Here For It

‘I questioned his character’: Ex-Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome on why he once grilled Travis Kelce

A ‘1%-er depression’ and massive sector rotation: How a hedge-fund manager sees bond crisis playing out

After Shunning Scientist, University of Pennsylvania Celebrates Her Nobel Prize

America Still Has a Worker Shortage

America’s Political Turmoil

Biden administration to extend border wall touted by Donald Trump

Dolphins Score 70, MLB, Ryder Cup

For Fat Bear Week, a close-up look at lifestyles of the fat and famous

Funnel vision: Marketing with an investor mindset

Gun Deaths Rising Sharply Among Children, Study Finds

House prices are outpacing wage gains, adding to US homebuyers’ woes

How and why to use the new sketcher in Bear 2

How Bad Is China’s Economy?

How Finance Became the Problem

How red-state politics are shaving years off American lives

How to Convince Someone Using This Simple Writing Tip

How to pay an Apple Card bill using your Apple Savings account

India-China security competition on land, at sea, in space, and beyond

Insights to Impact: A weekly briefing on creating sustainable and inclusive growth

Is the Real Estate Market Going To Crash?

McCarthy thought he could harness forces of disruption.

Mitch McConnell Warns House Republicans About ‘Hammerlock Of Dysfunction’

Nancy Mace Explains Why She Nixed Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker

Rising Interest Rates Mean Deficits Finally Matter

Rudy Giuliani sues Joe Biden for calling him a ‘Russian pawn’

Should a Mac or iPhone user update to a Wi-Fi 6 or 6E router at home?

South Africa’s Gendered Electricity Crisis

Stable and spending: An update on the state of the US consumer

Switzerland Tops the 2023 Best Countries Report

The Bank of Japan’s Seductive Widow-Maker Trade

The History of Electricity History of Electricity Timeline

The Long Dry Spell at One of America’s Most Innovative Companies

The No-Win Job: Lessons From Kevin McCarthy’s Exit

There’s 1 Thing You Might Be Tempted To Do In A Job Interview.

Thursday briefing: Who’s running for House speaker; student loan forgiveness; autism discovery; Simone Biles; and more

Trump gets kicked off Forbes 400 list of richest Americans

Vote to oust McCarthy is a warning sign for democracy, scholars say

Where Have the Traders Gone?

Who Hired the Hitmen to Silence Zitácuaro?

Why the mental health crisis in schools could get worse after shutdown averted

Why This Florida City Is a Safe Haven From Hurricanes

With Kevin McCarthy out, it is time for a bipartisan Speaker

Women in the Workplace 2023

10/4/2023 day marker

Acting speaker orders Pelosi to vacate Capitol office she held as former speaker

Amazon Used Secret ‘Project Nessie’ Algorithm to Raise Prices

As storm clouds gather over bond market, watch this level on the S&P500

Bond Selloff Threatens Hopes for Economy’s Soft Landing

Ed Young Dies at 91; Infused His Illustrations With Chinese Tradition

From a Capitol Hill Basement, Bannon Stokes the Republican Party Meltdown

Gucci, Chanel and Other Luxury Retailers Splurge on American Real Estate

How and why to use the new sketcher in Bear 2

How traders can capture value in sustainable fuels

Multilateral Development Banks Must Participate in Debt Relief

Ratcheting Up the Pressure on Russia’s Oil Revenues

Republicans are sick of Matt Gaetz, and they’re not quiet about it

Rishi Sunak Cancels a Rail Project to Build an Image

Southeast Asia’s economies: Softening but still strong

Speaker Vote

The Anatomy of the Global Inflation Spike

The Apartment Market Is Hitting a Construction Lull

The Downfall of Kevin McCarthy

The potential of M&A in IT services: Three charts

The race for speaker has already started

Tougher Return-to-Office Policies Are No Remedy for Half-Empty Buildings

Wednesday briefing: Kevin McCarthy’s ouster; Trump gag order; Kaiser strike; emergency alert; Fat Bear Week; and more

What Is Insulin Resistance and How Do You Know if You Have It?

What Pandemic Preparedness Would Look Like

Who is Patrick McHenry, Kevin McCarthy’s interim replacement as House speaker?

Why college football is king in coaching pay − even at blue blood basketball schools

Why the ‘Mother of the Atomic Bomb’ Never Won a Nobel Prize

Your Online Account May Have Been Breached?

10/3/2023 day marker

‘What happens if we marry?’: My boyfriend gives his daughter $3,000 a month and pays for his ex-wife’s car.

A Republican Speaker

China Is Suffering a Brain Drain.

China’s Policy-Induced Slowdown

Chinese Regulators Give AI Firms a Helping Hand

Democrats Weigh Whether to Rescue McCarthy From G.O.P. Ouster Bid

Employee experience still matters: Talent retention at GCCs

Ending the UK’s Permanent Silly Season

For US consumers, it’s a matter of ‘and’ — not ‘or’

Gaetz Moves to Oust McCarthy, Threatening His Grip on the Speakership

Gender Justice Is Climate Justice

How Four Leaders Are Turning the World Upside Down

How Retail Investors Value ESG and Frame Sustainable Investment Strategies

New data shows that without intervention, generative AI jobs will continue to cluster in the same big tech hubs

Rivian’s Quest to Build the Ultimate Truck Burns Through Billions

Telling the Truth About Mexico, and Dying for It

The ‘wild bunch’ have taken control of the bond market.

The Justices Return

Tuesday briefing: Matt Gaetz moves to oust Kevin McCarthy; Trump’s trial; Sam Bankman-Fried; Charlotte Sena; MLB playoffs; and more

What Is the Best Country in the World?

What separates B2B GTM outperformers in tech and telecom

Yes, Trump Made All Those Awful Remarks About Veterans, John Kelly Says

10/2/2023 day marker

A Public Health Setback

Build it and they will come: Talking with Marqeta’s Jason Gardner

Can National Reconciliation Defeat Populism?

Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

For Supreme Court, ethics have become the elephant in the courtroom

Freedom Without Justice

Geriatrics and Extended Care

House prepares for next hurdle: Efforts to oust McCarthy as speaker

Inside McCarthy’s Shutdown Turnabout That Left His Speakership at Risk

Is “Peace Through Commerce” Dead?

Luxury Homes

Monday briefing: How Congress avoided a shutdown; Trump’s New York fraud trial; Laphonza Butler; Tupac Shakur; and more

Newsom taps Emily’s List leader to fill Feinstein’s Senate seat

Not Destined for War

Putting renewable energy within reach: Vietnam’s high-stakes pivot

Should Biden Stop Trying to Present HimseIf as Successful?

Strategies for Saudi Arabia to deliver on its $1 trillion-plus project plan

The growing battle over corporate diversity practices, explained

The states that produce the most musicians, and more!

US expands probe into Ford engine failures to include two motors and nearly 709,000 vehicles

10/1/2023 day marker

Dutch Are Investigating Reported Illegal Chinese Police Stations

Four Seconds to Impact: On the Front Line With Ukraines Snipers

How West Africa Can Reap More Profit From the Global Chocolate Market

Shutdown Avoided

The Top US Colleges That Make Their Graduates Richer

9/30/2023 day marker

‘Cozy cardio’ is a kinder, gentler way to start getting fit

5 Places to Bask in Spectacular Foliage This Fall

Erin Ton believes she set a record.

Golden Bachelor, Boomer Bait?

How Mick Jagger Has Kept the Rolling Stones in Business for Six Decades

Modern Masculinity Is Broken.

Mosquitoes Are a Growing Public Health Threat, Reversing Years of Progress

Senate voting on bill to avert government shutdown

The Classic Lamborghini He Waited 44 Years For

The Harvard Professor and the Bloggers

The telltale heart of Cassidy Hutchinson

They fell in love and lost each other in South America.

Unlocking the potential of frontline managers

9/29/2023 day marker

‘The Mosquitoes Are Winning’

$67 Billion of Rare Minerals Is Buried Under One of the World’s Biggest Carbon Sinks

A Chinese Bubble Long in the Making

Africa Is the Future of Multilateralism

Barstool’s Dave Portnoy Buys Nantucket Home for a Record $42 Million

Dan Loeb’s Hot Hand Goes Cold

Democrats vs. ‘Bidenomics’

Donald Trump tells judge he will not try to move his Georgia election subversion case to federal court

Economic conditions outlook during turbulent times, September 2023

Equestrian Estate Where Late Australian Billionaire Bred Racehorses Lists for $38.67 Million

Flooding in New York

Friday briefing: Dianne Feinstein dies; shutdown deadlock; Trump fraud trial; Pakistan explosion; overheating iPhones; and more

How health systems and educators can work to close the talent gap

How Joe Biden’s Kin Profited Off the Family Name.

How Peter Thiel’s Palantir Pushed Toward the Heart of U.K. Health Care

It Broke Records Once.

Look beyond gross domestic product to assess the effects of tax reforms

Manufacturing Faces Potential Labor Shortage Due to Skills Gap

Navy Will Start Testing SEALs for Illicit Drug Use

New York Is Rebounding for the Rich.

No, Donald Trump Did Not Speak To Striking Autoworkers

Putin and Kim’s Cartoon Summit

SA Lotion for Rough & Bumpy Skin

Saudi Arabia’s New Nationalism

The 2023 Stock-Market Rally Sputters in New World of Yield

The Best Walking Shoes For Older Adults, According To Podiatrists

The Green Growth Mindset

The Unseen Alistair Cooke

There is no ‘one Africa’: How the continent can turn diversity into growth and opportunity

Trump Could Lose Trump Tower (and Other Properties) in Fraud Case

US doesn’t learn from long history of threatened and real shutdowns

Use the Smart Stack to show timely widgets on Apple Watch

Why Gaetz and small group of GOP lawmakers have power to cause a government shutdown

9/28/2023 day marker

‘Every Time I Hear You, I Feel a Little Bit Dumber’: Who Won and Lost the Second G.O.P. Debate

# How protected is your Mac without FileVault enabled?

A Government Shutdown Looms

A West Chelsea Condo Is Looking to Join Downtown Manhattan’s Penthouse Craze

Activating middle managers through capability building

Affirmative Action Under Siege

America’s Broken Civic Bargain

Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Effort to Delay Trial in Fraud Case

Biden Issues a Blistering Attack on Trump

Federal Budget Receipts and Outlays

Florida Man Attacks Trump-Biden Spending Spree

Her family inherited a 900-year-old Italian castle.

Hispanic Heritage Month: 2023

How To Buy Airline Tickets Like A Pro — And Why You Might Be Doing It Wrong

How to predict your competitor’s next move

Industrial Policy Is Back

Is AI a Master or Slave?

Is the Fed’s Negative Capital a Problem?

Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell Facing Off In Government Shutdown Showdown

Laying Chicago Economics to Rest

Mammals’ Time on Earth Is HaIf Over, Scientists Predict

Renting vs. buying a house: The good option for your wallet got even better this year

Six Exercises for Better Balance From a Trainer Who Lives on a Paddleboard

Takeaways from the second Republican presidential debate

The Hutchins Roundup

Thursday briefing: Republican debate; government shutdown deadline; Travis King; Michael Gambon; dumbo octopus; and more

What’s out there? In the Universe

9/27/2023 day marker

A new era for procurement: Value creation across the supply chain

American Tactics vs. Chinese Strategy

Christine Lagarde’s Gifts to Populists

Cruise Lines Are Betting You Want a Private Island

Democracies Are Not “Backsliding”

Endel Tulving, Whose Work on Memory Reshaped Psychology, Dies at 96

Ex-Blackstone Group CIO Asks $47.5 Million for Waterfront Connecticut Home

Hybrid work, urban ecosystems, and the future of real estate

Internet Scammers and Political Tricksters

Is Asia on the cusp of a new era?

Ruling Against Trump Cuts to the Heart of His Identity

Senate Reaches Spending Deal to Head Off Government Shutdown

Should Menendez Quit?

The 1 Thing That Skin Care Experts Will Never Use On Their Own Skin

The 25 Best Restaurants in Los Angeles Right Now

The promise of travel in the age of AI

This Ford vs. GM Feud Could Shape the Future of EVs in America

Wednesday briefing: Trump fraud; government shutdown uncertainty; Amazon lawsuit; writers strike; Brooks Robinson; and more

What does a federal government shutdown mean?

What is hydrogen energy?

Will a Visa Scandal Sink Poland’s Populists?

9/26/2023 day marker

‘Are You OK?’

‘Monster Fracks’ Are Getting Far Bigger.

A Frank Lloyd Wright Home in Milwaukee Lists for the First Time in Almost 70 Years

A Shutdown Is Looming.

Ashoka Mody Says More… Ashoka ModySep 26, 2023

Author Talks: How to speak confidently when you’re put on the spot

Barbara Mullen, Who Rode Unorthodox Beauty to Modeling Fame, Dies at 96

Bridging the Climate-Development Gap

Cassidy Hutchinson’s new book reveals a Trump White House even more chaotic than previously known

College Athletes Can Now Be Paid.

Europe in the Age of Industrial Policy

From poverty to empowerment: Raising the bar for sustainable and inclusive growth

Lo persists at trying to unload her NYC penthouse — this time for just under $25 million

Judge rules Donald Trump defrauded banks, insurers while building real estate empire

List of National Football League head coach wins leaders

Lower Transaction Costs for Greater Innovation

Should I Take a $44,000 Lump Sum or Keep a $423 Monthly Pension?

Sonoma, California

Story Grid Intro

The Failure of Progressive Movements

The Crossword: What the L?

The new phone call etiquette: Text first and never leave a voice mail

The trading opportunity that could create resilience in materials

This Company’s Sustainable Partnerships Helped Prevent Amazon Rainforest Deforestation

Toward net-zero emissions: Achieving Luxembourg’s sustainability ambitions

Trump Warns Critical News Media Will ‘Pay A Big Price’ If He’s Reelected

Tuesday briefing: Government shutdown talks; UAW strike; Bob Menendez; David McCallum; ChatGPT’s voice; and more

Unlocking operational evolution: The zero-basing philosophy

What does it take to depose the House speaker?

What happens if you exercise but don’t eat well?

Why India’s Women Are More Vulnerable to Disasters

Why Long-term Home Mortgages Have Costly Trade-offs

9/25/2023 day marker

A Deal in Hollywood

Auto CEOs Make 300 Times What Workers Make.

Been there, doing that: How corporate and investment banks are tackling gen AI

Boosting Vietnam’s manufacturing sector: From low cost to high productivity

Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Data for Nearly 1,500 Detailed Race and Ethnicity Groups, Tribes and Villages

ChatGPT Can Now Respond With Spoken Words

Cooper Kupp’s Oregon Home With a Huge Training Facility Is Up for Sale

Even a Booming Economy Can’t Save Atlanta’s Office Market

Fixing Global Governance

Greece, Battered a Decade Ago, Is Booming

How AI Changes Our Sense of Self

Is Chinese Youth Unemployment As Bad As It Looks?

Missing toddler found sleeping in woods using her dog as a pillow after walking 3 miles barefoot

Monday briefing: Writers strike agreement; shutdown watch; Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift; NASA’s OSIRIS-REx; and more

Nearly 1,400 People Were Arrested For How They Acted During Pregnancy Before Roe Fell

Nike’s no longer a buy after broker finds 9 in 10 with student debt worried about expenses

Now They Tell Us

On Lake Tahoe, a Super-Exclusive Community Has the Country’s Most Expensive Mountain Homes

One size doesn’t fit all for understanding downtown recovery

The Electric Vehicle Revolution Comes for German Industry

The EU Needs Fiscal Union

The Roots of the Global Water Crisis

The state of grocery in North America 2023

This hospital chaplain has counseled thousands of dying patients.

US Army Hospital in Germany Is Treating Americans Hurt Fighting in Ukraine

Watching the Real-Estate Bust From the Streets of San Francisco

What if the electors in the Electoral College actually get to choose the president?

Why America Has a Long-Term Labor Crisis, in Six Charts

You Can Now Talk With ChatGPT and It Sounds Like a Human (Pretty Much)

9/24/2023 day marker

A Beginner’s Guide to Notion

A New Way to Protect Against Heart Attacks

Auto Strikes and Climate Change

How to Exfoliate Your Legs

Misinformation research is buckling under GOP legal attacks

Post-ABC poll: Biden faces criticism on economy, immigration and age

Push to Gag Trump Pits Free Speech Against Risk of Violence

She went on a solo trip to Italy.

The Hedge Fund Meltdown That Rescued Your Stock Portfolio

The Man Who Trapped Us in Databases

The Rise of Run Clubs

The Secret Hours – Cover and description revealed

The Wrecking-Ball Caucus: How the Far Right Brought Washington to Its Knees

This is what it looks like when a Chinese naval vessel bears down on your fishing boat.

Understanding the Differences Between AHAs and BHAs

What’s driving a possible shutdown?

9/23/2023 day marker

‘I’m probably going to die’: He was a cave rescue expert.Then he was the one who needed rescue

‘No Pen, No Pad’: The Unlikely Way Rap Is Written Today

Arriving Now: Fast Passenger Trains From Miami to Orlando

Battle of Okinawa

Battle of Peleliu

Farewell Forever to Netflix DVDs

How Lorde Got Happy

Photos can’t compare to seeing Grand Canyon in person.

The Restaurant List

The Selling of America’s Most Controversial Gun

The World’s Population May Peak in Your Lifetime.

Trump Attacked Me. Then Musk Did. It Wasn’t an Accident.

9/22/2023 day marker

A Murdoch Succession

Amazon’s New Challenge: Bargain Retailers That Are Playing a Different Game

Asia on the cusp of a new era

Bill Ackman says go short the long bond.

Coach Prime Can Recruit.

Europe’s €10 billion savings opportunity to deliver onshore wind and solar

Financing Our Survival

Friday briefing: Government shutdown standoff; Ukraine aid; Rupert Murdoch; Mississippi River; asteroid fling; and more

Global Insurance Report 2023: Capturing growth in Latin America

Growth is key to unlock progress for people and planet

Jimmy Carter’s Final Chapter: Peanut Butter Ice Cream and His 99th Birthday

Job Security Isn’t Enough to Keep Many Accountants From Quitting

Latin America’s Growth Conundrum

No need to panic about the budget deficit

Real Estate Crisis Triggers New Alarms Over China’s Shadow Banks

Science for good: How Genentech’s mission yields innovation and growth

Small steps, big vision: Scaling a purpose-driven business at CoachHub

Stimulus funding deadlines loom: How are K–12 schools adjusting their priorities?

Strategies for Asian business navigating a new era

The Elusive Figure Running Wagner’s Embattled Empire of Gold and Diamonds

The New Anatomy of Britain

The New World Disorder

The Selling of America’s Most Controversial Gun

We Need to Talk About Bank Supervision

What is prompt engineering?

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

9/21/2023 day marker

‘We’re going to wreck their economy:’ UAW president Shawn Fain has a plan.

20 Nature Journaling Ideas to Connect with the Natural World

America Must Join Europe’s Climate Club

Auto suppliers say if UAW strikes expand to more plants, it could mean the end for many

Celebrity Mega Mansions Worth Millions

Creativity encourages resilience by Dan Pontefract

CrossCountry Mortgage CEO Fetches $30 Million for Fort Lauderdale Home

Earth’s Hottest August on Record Followed a Record-Breaking June and July

Elevating customer experience: A win–win for insurers and customers

Generative AI: How will it affect future jobs and workflows?

How Europe can lead the global energy and materials transition

How US Households Got Turned Upside Down by Higher Interest Rates

Is Seattle Ready to Stop Deteriorating?

Life at 13

Making the Most of Africa’s Strategic Green Minerals

Measuring Corruption in China

National Life Insurance Awareness Month: Have you taken advantage of VA’s life insurance programs?

Political positions of the Republican Party

Right-Wing Rebels Block Defense Bill Again, Rebuking McCarthy on Spending

Rupert Murdoch to Step Down as Chair of Fox and News Corp After Seven-Decade Career

Slow down in the Cinque Terre — and enjoy a glass of wine

Smart Saunas Are Picking Up Steam Around the US

This $13.5 Million Texas Home Is Made From Lava Rock — And It Gets Even Quirkier

Thursday briefing: Zelensky’s US visit; Venezuelan migrants; free covid tests; ChatGPT lawsuit; Bob Ross; and more

Trump, who paved way for Roe repeal, faces abortion blowback from right

What is the neutral rate of interest?

Whither the G20?

Why Do We Tip — And Are We Doing It Wrong?

Why Is Donald Trump Afraid to Debate?

9/20/2023 day marker

9 Republican States Left A Bipartisan Election Integrity Group.

A Subtle Change for Biden

A Vanishing Nomadic Clan, With a Songlike Language All Their Own

Annals of Government-Run Medicine

Down on the Biden Economy

Full throttle on net zero: Creating value in the face of uncertainty

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, August 2023

How to Achieve Universal Cancer Care

How to find your fat-burning zone

Inside the Atlanta Condo Elton John Is Listing for $4.995 Million

Sacramento Is Sued Over Homeless Camps as Tensions Rise

Stick with Berkshire Hathaway, says this longtime investor, who’s wary of Nvidia and Tesla

Suicide hotline botched veteran’s cry for help.

To Protect Democracy, Revive Local Journalism

Top Democrats’ Bullishness on Biden 2024 Collides With Voters’ Worries

US housing starts drop to lowest level since June 2020

Wednesday briefing: Biden on Ukraine; looming government shutdown; UAW strike; Azerbaijan; semaglutide; Simone Biles; and more

What Climate Finance Needs

What Happens When Wall Street Buys Most of the Homes on Your Block?

Which of the World’s Hundreds of Thousands of Aging Dams Will Be the Next to Burst?

Women of the 70’s Amazing Careers

9/19/2023 day marker

• The Path to Power

24 Emergency Preparedness Items To Buy For The Older People In Your Life

A Game Plan for Timing Your Flu, Covid and RSV Shots This Fall

AI: The next frontier of performance in industrial processing plants

Anti-Affirmative Action Group Sues West Point Over Admissions Policy

Author Talks: How you can future-proof your business for sustainable, long-term growth

Building food and agriculture businesses for a green future

Case Histories (TV series)

Child Labor and the Broken Border

Companies Stall Climate Action Despite Earlier Promises

Disney to Invest $60 Billion in Theme Parks, Cruises Over Next Decade

Does Moving to Another Country for Work Lead to Higher Pay?

Fully Replenishing the Green Climate Fund

How to Cool Down a City

One of America’s Best Tailors Lives in Middle-of-Nowhere Maine

Protectionism Started the Geopolitical Fire

Seize the decade: Maximizing value through pre-construction excellence

Skip to main content

Social Security: Today’s financing challenge is at least double what it was in 1983

The ‘Mandela Effect’ describes the false memories many of us share.

The CIA Politicizes Intelligence on China and Covid

The Dollar’s Full-Spectrum Dominance

The Great Debt Conundrum

The main storylines at a gloomy United Nations

The organization of the future: Enabled by gen AI, driven by people

The Unexpected New Winners in the Global Energy War

The US Colleges Offering the Best Value

Three Questions Biden Should Ask Netanyahu at Wednesday’s Meeting

Toss Your Diffusers and Scented Candles: This $29.5 Million Home Has Its Own Aromatherapy Room

Tuesday briefing: Canada accuses India of killing a Sikh leader; Iran prisoner swap; U.N. summit; college rankings; Disney bear; and more

watchOS 10 is available today

Why People Move

9/18/2023 day marker

‘A Ticket to Disney’?

# The Ideological Looking Glass

A Tragedy Is Unfolding in the Poorest Countries

America passed the EV ‘tipping point’ — but many buyers still want gas

Another Day, Another Huge Off-Market Sale for Aspen’s High-End Home Market

Can Zillow’s Low Down Payment Program Help Thaw the Housing Market?

Chemicals and capital markets: Regional differentiation

Disrupting a mature industry with a digital solution: A conversation with Mlion’s Eric Leong

Employee development: A skills-based approach

Fashion Designer Phillip Lim Lists Soho Loft for $8.5 Million

GPS Watch?

How Coco Gauff Embodies the Biggest Story in Sports

How UAW Tossed Its Old Playbook and Pursued a Surprise-Attack Strike Strategy

iOS 17 Is Here.

Is Biden Too Old to Run Again?

Monday briefing: UAW strike update; Republican spending deal; Maui’s death toll; Russell Brand; Missing F-35; alligator rescue; and more

Oktoberfest Now Has Its Culture War.

On the cusp of the next payments era: Future opportunities for banks

Over 60 House Dems Blast Biden Over Bungled Rollout Of Major Energy-Saving Program

Paper checks are dead.

PS Events: Climate & Development Finance: What Works?

Rule-Making in a Divided World

Stop Obsessing About Having the Perfect Career Plan

The 2024 Executive Power Survey

The Axis of Outcasts

The Fed Isn’t Getting the Economy It Expected

The next wave: Alternative-seafood solutions

US National Debt Tops $33 Trillion for First Time

What Detroit automakers have to give the UAW to get a deal, according to experts

What’s Next for Ukraine

You Might Be Paying Too Much for That Index Fund

9/17/2023 day marker

A Remote Road Trip

Couples Embrace the Least Romantic Date Ever: The Money Date

Dept. charge

Enigma machine

Green Zone (film)

How Ben Sasse Became a Combatant in Florida’s Education Wars

How He Survived 13 Days: Cavalcante on the Run in Pennsylvania

In Risky Hunt for Secrets, US and China Expand Global Spy Operations

Jan. 6 defendants bring cases to Supreme Court.

Jann Wenner Defends His Legacy, and His Generation’s

Jann Wenner Removed From Rock Hall Board After Times Interview

New Orleans DA Fights ‘Terrorism’ on Streets With AI Spycraft

Rucking is an easy way to fitness

U-571 (film)

9/16/2023 day marker

Americans Are Losing Faith in the Value of College.

Battle Over Electric Vehicles Is Central to Auto Strike

Dire Warnings About Libya Dams Went Unheeded

From pocket to pro: How the iPhone 15 Pro Max challenges mirrorless cameras

Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee Jackman Separate, Moving Forward ‘with Gratitude, Love, and Kindness’ (Exclusive)

Hypersonic Missiles Are Game-Changers, and America Doesn’t Have Them

In Moscow, the War Is Background Noise, but Ever-Present

Is a smartwatch right for you?

Maria Sharapova Reveals What’s On Her Phone

Meet the Homeowners Spending Tens of Thousands to Let Their Lawns Go Wild

Poverty Rate for the Black Population Fell Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

Schools spend billions on training so every student can succeed.

The National Book Awards Longlist

The Weekender

Why More Baby Boomers Are Sliding Into Homelessness

Why so many Americans are unhappy about the economy

Why the F.D.A. Took So Long to Tackle a Disputed Cold Remedy

9/15/2023 day marker

A Trip to Ukraine Clarified the Stakes.

Banning Trump

Christie To Trump: I’m Good At Tracking People Down And Will Eventually Confront You

Friday briefing: UAW goes on strike; Hunter Biden is indicted; France bans iPhone 12; Libya recovery; Hurricane Lee; and more


Have you noticed that everyone’s teeth are a little too perfect?

History Turns Upside Down in a War Where the Koreas Are Suppliers

How medium-size enterprises can better manage sourcing

Hunter Biden Indicted on Gun Charges

Inside The Cottage Industry Of ‘Experts’ Paid To Defend Anti-Trans Laws

Investors want to hear from companies about the value of sustainability

Mapping Where Floods Have Devastated a Libyan Port City

Medtech Pulse: Thriving in the next decade

Nature-Positive Innovation

Ralph Lauren knows everyone wants to be Ralph Lauren

Special Counsel Seeking Limited Gag Order on Trump in Election Case

The Autoworkers Go on Strike

The Cyberattack That Sent Las Vegas Back in Time

The data dividend: Fueling generative AI

The Roots of Polish Populism

The Slow, Tragic Death of the Oslo Accords

U.A.W. Goes on Strike Against Detroit’s Big 3 Automakers

What Should We Do About Fridays?

You Shouldn’t Have to Take Care of Your Aging Parents on Your Own

9/14/2023 day marker

‘Avatar’ Actress Zoe Saldana Lists Beverly Hills Home for $16.5 Million

A Bathtub in the Kitchen?

A family city guide to Paris

A wildlife odyssey through Florida’s Everglades and Key West

Action on planet and people depends on growth

An Off-Ramp from Trump’s Road to Ruin

Apple’s iPhone 15 vs. iPhone 13: Is the upgrade worth it?

Bike Outliner Releases

California Normalizes Trade Relations with the United States

Consumers are driving the transition to electric cars in India

Europe Must Get Serious About Critical Minerals

Faced With Evolving Threats, US Navy Struggles to Change

Free career guidance for Veterans from America’s top companies

Google on Trial

Health Insurance Coverage Increased in Over HaIf of US States in 2022

Hello, Crafters!

How the federal government can encourage innovative housing policies that improve supply and affordability

Hutching Round Up

Improving US orthopedic care via patient-centric pathways

Inclusive infrastructure investment: How to empower communities

Inside Exxon’s Strategy to Downplay Climate Change

Investing in Africa’s Green Transition

It’s been called ‘the greatest museum of prehistoric art’ — but few tourists know it exists

Man At Center Of Major Gun Rights Case Allegedly Shot At Woman In A Parking Lot

Panama’s ambitious 30x30 plan: Protecting its rich biodiversity

Romney to Retire, Calling for a ‘New Generation’ Beyond Biden and Trump

Smoking for the State: How China became addicted to its cigarette monopoly

The essential guide to visiting Estonia

The Siren Song of Climate Authoritarianism

This new park gives different views of the Grand Canyon — with no crowds

Thursday briefing: Autoworkers strike; DACA ruling; Libya flooding; Hurricane Lee; aliens in Mexico; and more

Walmart: Testing what a “regenerative” company means in practice

Waterfront Estate on Vermont’s Lake Champlain Asks $17.995 Million

We Know the Cure for Loneliness.

9/13/2023 day marker

A Mall Owner’s About-Face: Bet on America’s High-End Malls

Action on Planet and People Depends on Growth

AI-driven smart retail solutions: An interview with Cloudpick CEO Jeff Feng

Child poverty in the US more than doubled as pandemic help expired

Floods in Libya

Fox Sued by New York City Pension Funds Over Election Falsehoods

Gearing up for mobility’s future with quantum computing

Gen AI in high gear: Mercedes-Benz leverages the power of ChatGPT

Government Road Trip!

How do consumers perceive in-car connectivity and digital services?

Israelis Have Been Protesting for Months.

Keeping Taiwan Online

Poverty Rate Soared in 2022 as Aid Ended and Prices Rose

Sri Lanka’s Dangerous Domestic Debt Restructuring

The G20 Wins the Group Battle

Wednesday briefing: Biden impeachment inquiry; flooding in Libya; escaped prisoner capture; new iPhone 15 cable; and more

What is cultivated meat?

What Our Brain Activity Reveals About Improving Workplace Culture

9/12/2023 day marker

‘You need to do the math and then explain the math’: A talk with ExxonMobil’s Darren Woods

A Pact for People and Planet

Apple Wonderlust event: Catch up on everything announced

Asking $22 Million: A Napa Valley Home With a Cabernet Vineyard

Ceramic Shield 102: Is a Screen Protector Necessary for iPhone 14?

Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger list their Pacific Palisades megamansion for $32 million

Disruption or Distortion?

Global Leadership for Latin America and the Caribbean

How Accountable Capitalism Can Help the ESG Movement

Is ChatGPT a Better Entrepreneur Than Most?

Is Måneskin the Last Rock Band?

Is the Electoral College Becoming Fairer?

Mary Tyler Moore’s Connecticut Home Hits the Market for $21.9 Million

Mónica Araya Says More… Mónica ArayaSep 12, 2023

Robert S. Bennett, Washington’s Go-to Lawyer in a Scandal, Dies at 84

Tech-powered growth: Three things growth leaders do differently

The Best Affordable Compact Binoculars (8×32): Our Review

The Key to Sustainable Food Systems

The missing billion: Lack of disability data impedes healthcare equity

Tuesday briefing: Iranian prisoner swap; new coronavirus vaccine; Google trial; Drew Barrymore’s talk show; and more

Wharton Executive Education ESG Panel: Dispatch From the Front Lines of Accountable Capitalism

White House Rips Trump’s Tax Cut Push: ‘Welfare For Big Corporations’

9/11/2023 day marker

5 Things To Know About Biden’s Bad Polling

Chasing Water Security

Climate Systemic Risks Are Mounting

Delta passengers dog who went missing at Atlanta airport found safe after 3 weeks

Democrats Start to Panic About Biden

Diamonds, girlfriends, illicit lobbying: The fall of a former ambassador

Disney, Charter End Dispute, Restoring ESPN, ABC to 15 Million Households

Financing Our Survival

Give a Round of Applause for the Golden Globes After Party Dresses

He was Mormon royalty.

How Global Currencies End

I Sheltered In An Apartment With A Total Stranger On 9/11.

Is AI a Climate Game-Changer?

Just Peachy!

Keeping Climate Justice Alive

Los Angeles Site Where Mohamed Hadid Planned 100,000-Square-Foot Compound Lists for $68 Million

Monday briefing: Moroccos devastating earthquake; Biden in Vietnam; NFL Week 1; a new comet; and more

Morgan Stanley says it’s a lonely bull, recommending government bonds

Paris and the Fate of the Earth

Patrick Mahomes takes another pass at selling his Kansas City penthouse

Poop Emergencies Can Ruin Entire Flights.

Restless America

Skip to main content

Some employees are destroying value.

The 1 Thing Financial Experts Say You Should Teach Your Kids Early

The China Factor

The Geoengineering Question

The Golda Who Mattered

The Other Game in Town

The Real Problem with China’s Economy

The Truth About “India’s Moment”

Transforming Systems for Sustainability

Treating Overdoses Over the Counter

Try Hard, but Not That Hard.

Voters Feel Better About the Economy, but Few Credit Biden, Polls Find

Walter Isaacson on Elon Musk: “It’s almost like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

Wealth management in Vietnam: A $600-billion wealth market by 2027

Why furniture got so bad

9/10/2023 day marker

A Race to Rescue Survivors

J.F.K. Assassination Witness Breaks His Silence and Raises New Questions

Putin Wants His Hit Man Back

The Brash Strategy That Made Vivek Ramaswamy a Fortune

The Rich and Famous Love This Banker, Even If She’s a Little Mean to Them

These Companies Have a Revolutionary Idea: Clothes That Actually Fit

Why Republicans Could Impeach a Liberal Judge Before She’s Heard a Case

World’s Top School Systems Try to Ease Pressure on Students

Xi’s Tight Control Hampers Stronger Response to China’s Slowdown

You’re Doing Your Laundry Wrong: 7 Tips to Clean Clothes More Expertly

You’re Paying More for Your Home.

9/9/2023 day marker

A Gilded Townhouse.

Disney Fight Marks Cable TV’s Last Stand

Get ready for a fall TV season like no other

How Linda Evangelista and Steven Meisel Changed Fashion Forever

How Private Is This Community Off the Coast of Connecticut?

Let’s take a look at some of the most exciting movies coming this fall.

Majority Of Americans Believe Unproven Allegations About Biden Family Corruption

One Last Chance to Be Lazy

Our Big Brains Have Shrunk.

Quick Tip: Using Hookmark’s FINDER EXTENSION

The breakout star of Beyoncé’s tour is a ‘ballerina from the trenches’

The Maestro

The nation’s advanced industries are falling behind, but place-based strategies can help them catch up

To Experience Paris Up Close and Personal, Plunge Into a Public Pool

Too old or very wise: US leaders are among the world’s oldest.

Types Of Skin Cancer

What’s Life Like 200 Feet Above the Arizona Desert?

What’s the best rotisserie chicken?

Where the Universe Began

Who says money can’t buy happiness?

9/8/2023 day marker

‘Climate breakdown has begun’: Globe swelters to hottest summer on record, new data shows

‘There Was Definitely a Thumb on the Scale to Get Boys’

2023 fall foliage guide: What a scorching summer means for autumn leaf color

A New Financing Pact for Climate-Vulnerable Countries

Allende’s Shadow in Today’s Chile

As Abortion Laws Drive Obstetricians From Red States, Maternity Care Suffers

Caring for Your Wound after Your Skin Biopsy Without Sutures

Chile’s 9/11, Fifty Years Later

Climate Report Card Says Countries Are Trying, but Urgently Need Improvement

Dependence on Tech Caused ‘Staggering’ Education Inequality, U.N. Agency Says

Everyone is setting boundaries.

Exclusive: Age of Jesus Christ’s purported tomb revealed

Friday briefing: Biden at the G-20; Hurricane Lee’s projected path; Coco Gauff reaches the US Open final; and more

Georgia Panel Recommended Charging Dozens, Including Lindsey Graham, in Trump Case

Gisele Bündchen Buys Florida Home With Full-Size Soccer Field and Equestrian Rings

I had a perfect 850 credit score.

India at Last?

Inside the turmoil at the Sierra Club

Crew wants to remember its past.

No Parking, No Problem: This $27 Million Penthouse Has Access to a Private Car Elevator

North American mobility retail balances old and new for future success

Patricia Caulfield, 91, Dies; Battled Warhol Over Use of Her Photograph

Product security: Navigating regulations and customer expectations

Proper Wound Care: How To Minimize A Scar

Trump’s Border Wall Caused Major Cultural And Environmental Harm, Watchdog Finds

Self-Driving Cars and AI Ethics

Shabtai Shavit, Former Top Israeli Spymaster, Dies at 84

Speed Demons: discover the fastest jet ski models of 2023

The College Access Index Returns

The difference in how the wealthy make money — and pay taxes

The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes

The Lost Lessons of the Pandemic

Toyota to Offer $170,000 Luxury Model to Select Few Outside Japan

Unsealing of Christ’s reputed tomb turns up new revelations

What seven decades of yield-curve history tells us about the business cycle and the stock market, strategist says

What the G20 Must Deliver

William Phillips, Who Exposed Corruption in Police Ranks, Dies at 92

Your phone’s other number > Burner app

9/7/2023 day marker

13 Best Notetaking Apps for iPad for 2023

6 Gaslighting Phrases People Say To Manipulate You

Abortions After Dobbs

Abortions Rose in Most States This Year, New Data Shows

After the Beijing Consensus

Author Talks: Is there a seat at the table?

Behind the scenes: See how private ammo sales from US are fueling the war in Ukraine

Cash is still king, says Barclays.

COVID-19’s Lessons for Climate Action

Democracy Must Prevail in the Sahel


Escape to the Low-Key, Charming Side of England’s Cotswolds — and Bypass the Billionaires

From Oppenheimer to Fauci

Getting to the bottom of the teen mental health crisis

His Friend Wagered He Couldn’t Flip This $42.5 Million Megamansion.

How to Get Rid of Battery Corrosion

I live in California, and have a financial adviser who is charging 0.84% to manage my $2.3 million portfolio.

India Should Quit the BRICS

Peter Navarro Convicted of Contempt of Congress Over Jan. 6 Subpoena

Scarred by two years of high inflation, this is how many Americans are surviving

Spotify’s $1 Billion Podcast Bet Turns Into a Serial Drama

The 2024 Best Colleges in America: Princeton, MIT and Yale Take Top Spots

The best burner phones in 2023: cheap cellphones for less stress

The Best Foods To Eat After Age 50, According To Nutritionists And A Geriatrician

The Hutchins Roundup

These 12 men shaped Christianity — but did they really exist?

This ancient society helped build the modern world.

Thursday briefing: Trump’s trial in Georgia; Mexico’s abortion shift; Rio Grande barrier; NFL season preview; and more

Trump’s big lead: Among nonvoters, many agree with him that elections are rigged

Unforgotten: Why did Nicola Walker leave and what happened to her character Cassie?

You’re Not Stringer Bell, but You May Still Need a Burner Phone

9/6/2023 day marker

A Huge Threat to the US Budget Has Receded.

Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden

Elected Criminals

European machinery companies: Achieving balance through innovation

Explaining Bidenomics

Federal Court Again Strikes Down Alabama’s Congressional Map

Forward Thinking on funding a clean world with Ann Mettler

His Mind Helped Rebuild New York.

India’s Fake Growth Story

It’s a win-win if you stop saying the 10 most annoying phrases at work

Marie Antoinette Statues and Baccarat Chandeliers: Houston Château Lists for $29 Million

Movers See All, and They Have Thoughts on Your Relationship

Saudi Arabia as the new Switzerland?

Supreme Court asked if police dog’s paws violated Constitution during traffic stop

The Global Economy’s Real Enemy is Geopolitics, Not Protectionism

The Recompete Pilot Program can help rebuild distressed places — if policymakers properly fund it

Turning consumer and retail companies into software-driven innovators

Wednesday briefing: Enrique Tarrio sentence; Ken Paxton; Tropical Storm Lee; Danelo Cavalcante; Great Wall of China; and more

Why a Global Recession Is Unlikely

You Can’t Normalize Relations With a Government That Isn’t Normal

9/5/2023 day marker

‘A 25-Minute Flight on 20 Minutes of Fuel’

8 great polarized, UV-protected sunglasses under $60, according to experts

Acetaminophen safety: Be cautious but not afraid

Bosses mean it this time: Return to the office or get a new job!

Child care is about to get more expensive, as federal funds dry up

Current Lamborghini Model Range

Evening workouts can give you health benefits, including better sleep

Filling the gap: Boosting supply of recycled materials for packaging

Great Power Competition Today

How the American Rescue Plan Act is preparing workers for the job market of the future through local investments

Human Success in the AI Age

Ibuprofen (Oral Route)

In Encinitas, a $28.75 Million Spec Home Looks to Blow Previous Price Record Out of the Water

India’s Quiet Rise

Inside a Sales Army Turning a Tax Break Into a Modern-Day Gold Rush

Is Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization a Failure or Success?

Manurhin MR73

My Older Neighbor Asked For My Help.

Personal Financial Data Rights Are Coming, but Not for All

Strategies to win in UK energy retail as the market reopens

The Best Cheap Sunglasses

The G20 must press ahead with sustainable and inclusive growth

The Crossword: Embracing the “And” No.144

Tuesday briefing: Vladimir Putin plans to meet Kim Jong Un; Burning Man; Steve Harwell; evening workout benefits; and more

US government productivity: A more than $2,000 per resident opportunity

What Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Death Means for Africa

Where Are the Students?

9/4/2023 day marker

10 noteworthy books for September

2 Ways to Read Jack Reacher Books in Order by Lee Child

At 97, the First Lady of Fitness Is Still Shaping the Industry

At This Movie, Their Phones Won’t Bother You.

Biden Appointees Just Made It Easier For Workers To Form Unions

China Must Avoid a Debt-Deflation Spiral

China to Its People: Spies Are Everywhere, Help Us Catch Them

How a New City Council Map of L.A. Turned Into a Political Brawl

How to Close Africa’s Climate-Finance Gap

India’s Lunar Triumph

Is America Reverting to Isolationism?

Marilyn Lovell, Astronaut’s Wife in the Spotlight, Dies at 93

Monday briefing: Ukraine defense minister; Burning Man festival; Jimmy Buffett; US Open; ‘Trinidad’ shipwreck; and more

Scientific refereeing using Bike Outliner [jms-0084]

Scientists warn invasive pests are taking a staggering toll on society

The Generational Paradigm Shift Taking Over Markets

The Key Players in Trump’s Plot to Upend the Election, Mapped

This Alaskan glacier holds back billions of gallons of water.

What’s Next for Hurricane Season

9/3/2023 day marker

5 ‘Dream Kitchen’ Upgrades That Homeowners Tend to Regret

An interview with… Darcy Gaechter

He Was Shot 14 Times at the Dinner Table.

How to Live a Happy Life, From a Leading Atheist

Meet the Man Who Has Detroit on Edge

Once you hit this credit score, ‘there’s no benefit to scoring higher,’ says expert: ‘It’s just bragging rights’

Roth vs. Traditional 401(k): Where to Put Your Money for Retirement?

The most efficient way to clean your whole home, according to pros

The Success of Mormon Fantasy Writers

Why Did a Drug Gang Kill 43 Students?

Why note-taking apps don’t make us smarter

9/2/2023 day marker

Can’t Sleep?

Carlos Alcaraz Is Bringing the Thrill Back to Tennis

Chanel’s Unexpected CEO Is Reinventing the Company

How agile operating models benefit risk and compliance functions

Human ancestors nearly went extinct 900,000 years ago

Jimmy Buffett, Roguish Bard of Island Escapism, Is Dead at 76

Summer’s Not Over Yet

The role of natural gas in the move to cleaner, more reliable power

These (Mostly) Under-$100 Mattress Toppers Can Enhance Your Tired Bed

Tiny Forests With Big Benefits

We Benefited From Legacy

We Used A.I. to Write Essays for Harvard, Yale and Princeton.

9/1/2023 day marker

A road map for Europe’s automotive industry

Britain’s Turn Against Championing Media Freedom

CFOs’ balancing act: Juggling priorities to build resilience

Closing the Clean-Tech Gap

Companies with innovative cultures have a big edge with generative AI

Corporate business building to unlock value in automotive connectivity

Crime Is Nonpartisan

Europe Can No Longer Afford Disunity

Faster trains to begin carrying passengers as Amtrak’s monopoly falls

Friday briefing: Trump pleads not guilty in Georgia; Mitch McConnell; college football; Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour movie; and more

How much money for defense is enough?

Inequality and Democracy

One of Virginia’s Priciest Homes for Sale Hits the Market for $25 Million

Rural areas sacrificed for Xi Jinping’s new city, satellite imagery shows

Stairway to digital excellence

The Blue Supermoon: A Gem in the Night Sky

The Real Story of Musk’s Twitter Takeover

The Rudest Things People Can Say To Someone With Anxiety

The Wrong BRICS Expansion

There’s a Vast Source of Clean Energy Beneath Our Feet.

This Cold War Is Different

Thursday briefing: Idalia’s damage; Mitch McConnell; Rudy Giuliani ruling; Johannesburg fire; Nebraska volleyball; and more

US Health Officials Urge Moving Pot to Lower-Risk Category

Vaccines for Fall

Whither India?

Whose AI Revolution?

Why pricey French bags are better than US tech, according to this analyst.

With an EV, I Had to Learn to Drive All Over Again

Workers cash in on a new flexibility: Leaving the office after a few hours

8/31/2023 day marker

No ecological-awareness work. Went to VA

8/30/2023 day marker

‘She’s a confidant’ During his deposition, Plank described Ruhle’s role.

A $105 Million Compound Aims to Be Crowned Aspen’s Nine-Figure Home Sale

A Category 4 Hurricane

A Private Phone.

A Smidgen of Hope

Atlanta isn’t all that Georgia has to offer.

Conservatives Plot To Dismantle US Government, Replace With Trump’s Vision

Data and analytics in the driver’s seat of the used-car market


How to plan an epic road trip through the Canadian Rocky Mountains

Hurricane Idalia

Javier Milei Means More of the Same for Argentina

Judge Won’t Let Banks and Insurers Hide Their Trump Docs

Laszlo Birinyi, Leading Stock Picker and Market Forecaster, Dies at 79

Liked ‘The Bear’?

Mark Thompson Helped Steady 2 News Outlets.

National Derangements

Once Asking $135 Million, 432 Park Apartment To Sell for Roughly Half

Public Accounting for Public Accountability

Putin struggles with falling ruble, rising prices as sanctions bite

The essential guide to visiting Ireland

The Problems With China’s Economy Start at the Top

The US Must Not Personally Humiliate Putin

Wednesday briefing: Hurricane Idalia landfall; Medicare drug price negotiations; UNC shooting charges; super blue moon; and more

What is COP?

What It’s Like To Have An Abortion At Home

Where to go diving in the Caribbean, from Belize to the Bahamas

8/29/2023 day marker

‘Death of the mall is widely exaggerated’: Shopping malls see resurgence post-COVID, report shows

How a Harvard Professor Became the World’s Leading Alien Hunter

A Brooklyn Townhouse Built More Than 100 Years Ago Lists for $13.995 Million

A Tech War Without Winners

America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow

Americans Are Bailing on Their Home Insurance

Colleges Spend Like There’s No Tomorrow.

Deterrence Is Not Enough in Northeast Asia

Empowering Black, Latina, and Native American women in tech

Five maps that will change how you see the world

How evaluating ‘granular’ economic and social development improves decision-making

India’s Universities Lack the Freedom to Excel

Mark Wahlberg Gets $55 Million for Massive Los Angeles Mansion

Metallic spheres found on Pacific floor are interstellar in origin, Harvard professor finds

Night Sky (TV series)

Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland

Paper wealth or wealth based on productivity – what happens next?

Pension Schemes Are Eroding.

Spy vs. Spy

Teresa Ghilarducci Says More…

The Christian home-schooler who made ‘parental rights’ a GOP rallying cry

The Crossword: “Can We Talk?”

Tuesday briefing: Trump’s D.C. trial date; Mark Meadows; Hurricane Idalia; UNC-Chapel Hill shooting; Luis Rubiales; and more

Types of Map Projections

Uncharted Waters

What promise does V2X hold for fleets?

Why Stock Valuation Hinges More on Returns Than Future Earnings

8/28/2023 day marker

A Field Guide to the 2023 US Open

A Florida Home With Parking for a Doggy Limo Looks to Fetch $27 Million

Cutting Health Care Costs

Did early humans interbreed with a ‘ghost’ population?


Medicare’s priciest drugs may get cheaper as feds start negotiations.

Monday briefing: Jacksonville Dollar General shooting; Yevgeniy Prigozhin; Storm Idalia; Bob Barker; Simone Biles; and more

Regulation, Not Crypto, Is Broken

Rethinking Growth and Revisiting the Entrepreneurial State

Shrinking California Still Dreams, but More Modestly

Simone Biles Shows She’s Not Just Easing Her Way Back

This Tiny Blender Is The Most Powerful One Our Food Editor Has Ever Seen

Wall Street (1987 film)

What is brain health?

Whether he debates or not, Trump owes a lot to Fox News

Why Hasn’t China Rushed to Bail Out Its Economy?

Why the First Hundred Days in Office Matter

You Should Never, Ever Tweeze Or Wax Your Nose Hair.

8/27/2023 day marker

A Startup in the New Jersey Suburbs Is Battling the Giants of Silicon Valley

A.I. Brings the Robot Wingman to Aerial Combat

Dream Jobs in the World of Culture and What You Get for Doing Them

Everything you need to know about ETIAS and Europe’s city taxes

In Push to Modernize Cairo, Cultural Gems and Green Spaces Razed

Inside the Most Expensive ZIP Code in America

Lamborghini Models

The Exact Age When You Make Your Best Financial Decisions

The N.Y.C. Neighborhood That’s Getting Even Thinner on Ozempic

Tracking the path of Tropical Storm Idalia

What are the most photographed hikes and trails in the world?

8/26/2023 day marker

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Singer Oliver Anthony Slams Use of Song at Republican Debate: ‘I Wrote That Song About Those People’

A Man-Made Lake in Alabama Is Giving the GuIf Coast a Run for Its Money

A Summer Rite in Spain: Coping With the British Tourist Invasion

Can Errands Be Enjoyable Exercise?

Consumers Are Spending Like It’s 2019

Folding phones are suddenly everywhere.

Grown-Up Theater Kids Run the World

I used TikTok to plan my vacation.

President of Powerful Realtors Group Is Accused of Sexual Harassment

She Outgrew the Wish to Be Perfect

The Best Relationship Advice We’ve Gotten So Far This Year

The Silicon Valley Elite Who Want to Build a City From Scratch

The Virtues Of Being Bad

This Company Created a Return-to-Office Plan That Employees Actually Like

Why Tribalism Took Over Our Politics

Yes, calories in/calories out really is the key to weight loss

8/25/2023 day marker

‘I lost bidding war after bidding war’: A ‘hellish’ imbalance in the housing market is frustrating buyers

5 famous constellations that (almost) anyone can find

A 250-Acre Colorado Ranch With Its Own ‘Hobbit House’ Lists for $68 Million

Building a green energy ecosystem: Lessons from zolar

Buying the Best EV Under $60,000: I Tested the Ford Mustang Mach-E, Tesla Model Y, Hyundai Ioniq 5 and Others

China’s Problems Are Real

Does an Expanded BRICS Mean Anything?

Donald Trump surrenders in Atlanta in fourth criminal case brought against ex-president this year

Driving sustainable and inclusive growth in G20 economies

For Whom the BRICS Toll

Friday briefing: Donald Trump’s mug shot; Yevgeniy Prigozhin; Bray Wyatt; covid variant; how to claim money from Facebook; and more

From poverty to empowerment: Raising the bar for sustainable and inclusive growth

Isabel Crook, 107, Dies; Her Life in China Spanned a Century of Change

Israel’s Moment of Reckoning Is Long Overdue

Prescience in the Modern World or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Wear a Helmet by Bradley Andrews

SHGs: The Underdogs enabling India’s Economic Recovery by Abhishek Banerjee

Tesla vs. Ford vs. Hyundai: A Road Trip to Find the Best EV Under $60,000

The Georgia election case against Donald Trump and 18 others is about to get ugly.

The housing market has slowed down in the last two years, but rising interest rates have not put a big dent in prices.

The Last Days of Wagner’s Prigozhin

The Political Economy of Technology

Unlocking clean hydrogen in the US GuIf Coast: The “here and now”

What’s the future of generative AI?

8/24/2023 day marker

A small island nation has big plans for ocean conservation commitments

Billionaires’ Row Penthouse Finds Buyer Following Latest Price Cut

China’s Policy Paralysis

Christopher Burch, Co-Founder of Tory Burch, Asks $49 Million for Miami Beach Home

Don’t wait — create, with generative AI

Fox News Actually Asked GOP Candidates About Climate Change — And It Didn’t Go Well

Layering Basics

Our Writers Pick the Winners, Losers and ‘the Star of the Evening’ From the First Republican Debate

Strategies to win in the new ecosystem economy

The [Hutchins]( Roundup brings the latest thinking in fiscal and monetary policy to your inbox.

The direct-to-customer edge: Increasing shareholder value through business building

The First Republican Debate

The Fossil-Fuel Industry’s Obstructionist Climate-Change Tactics

The loss ratio imperative for North American personal lines carriers

The Peregrine

The seven habits of programmatic acquirers

The Strongest Army in Europe?

Thursday briefing: Yevgeniy Prigozhin plane crash; Trump’s surrender in Georgia; Republican debate; Fukushima water; and more

Together We provides faster method to find old service friends

What Motivates Killer Nurses?

Why Is China’s Economy Faltering?

8/23/2023 day marker

A roadmap for European asylum and refugee integration policy

Advancing Environmental Justice with AI

Finding Climate Havens

First Asking $74.8 Million, a Malibu Spec Mansion Fetches $26.5 Million at Auction

Goodbye Bathtub and Living Room.

How Jennifer Aniston Went From Sitcom Star to Hollywood Power Player

Is Japan-style Deflation Coming to China?

Many Americans Still Wrongly Think Guns Make Us Safer

Preventing a US-China War

Prigozhin Listed as Passenger on Plane That Crashed, Killing All Aboard

Putin’s History Lessons

Reset and reimagine: The role of generative AI in SG&A success

Sliman Bensmaia, Who Enabled Prosthetic Limbs to Feel, Dies at 49

Wednesday briefing: Republican presidential debate; Midwest heat wave; Pakistan cable car; Chandrayaan-3 moon landing; and more

What is business risk?

8/22/2023 day marker

‘I Froze’

# Where the Republican Presidential Candidates Stand on the War in Ukraine

A Massive Gilded Age Mansion in San Francisco Asks $32 Million

China hoped Fiji would be a template for the Pacific.

China’s Population-Control Disaster

Gretchen Whitmer Is Taking Her Defense Of Abortion, LGBTQ+ Rights Directly To Red States

How ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Reached the Top of the Charts

If Republicans Narrow the Field, We Will Beat Trump

Legal Battles Begin in Case Against Trump and Allies in Georgia

The Global Order’s Triple Policy Challenge

The Health Benefits of Financial Inclusion

The Crossword: Summer Reading Guide No.142

The Russia Sanctions Are Working

The state of diversity in global private markets: 2023

Tuesday briefing: Maui wildfires; Trump’s case in Georgia; Lucy Letby; Sha’Carri Richardson; Charles Martinet; and more

Who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls?

Why the path of global wealth and growth matters for strategy

8/21/2023 day marker

‘Just the beginning’: How push for gun reform has spread across Tennessee ahead of special session

“A Goldsmith of Words” .

8,500-year-old village discovered beneath Albanian lake is oldest known in Europe

A Cold War Mission Pays Off 65 Years Later

A fruit company plants seeds of growth through geographic expansion

Bail for Trump Set at $200,000 in Georgia Election Interference Case

Banks Don’t Love Rich Mortgage Borrowers as Much as They Used To

Billionaire Buyers Like Jeff Bezos Have Supercharged Miami’s High-End Home Market

Car Prices Might Be Unsustainable for Buyers

China’s Homegrown Crisis

Europe’s Fading Democracy

Flight Risk

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, July 2023

Imagining a Keynesian Revival

Increasing transparency in megaproject execution

Inga Swenson, Who Went From Stage to ‘Benson,’ Dies at 90

Monday briefing: California hit by Tropical Storm Hilary and earthquake; Biden in Hawaii; World Cup; Russian moon crash; and more

Nuclear War Could End the World, but What if It’s All in Our Heads?

Nvidia earnings to offer first true glimpse of the AI windfall

One of America’s Richest Towns Feuds Over an Architect.

Overlooked No More: Robert M. Budd, Whose Newsstand Was Unlike Any Other

Recreating a Bygone China, One Miniature Home at a Time

Strengthen Your Leadership with the Science of Awe

The Key to Greening Heavy Industry

What the COVID Experience Teaches About Designing a New Stimulus Package

8/20/2023 day marker

# The Instagram Account That Shattered a California High School

13 Best Travel Backpacks of 2023, Tested by Experts

36 Hours in Palermo, Italy

Airline and TSA Carry-On Restrictions

China Is on Edge as Fallout From Its Real Estate Crisis Spreads

Do Supermodels Age, or Just Get Airbrushed?

Flying Colors

How Ron DeSantis Joined the ‘Ruling Class’ — and Turned Against It

How Vjosa Wild River National Park was created — and sparked a movement

Iced Coffee and Flip-Flops as Europe Broils?

Jerome Hauer, 71, Manager of Catastrophes and Other Crises, Dies

Monterey Car Week 2023: Every Car Debuting At Pebble Beach And The Quail

Pence Undercuts Trump’s Defense in Classified Documents Case

Sean Paul Is Still Busy

See the most breathtaking national parks around the world

See what our national parks first looked like

Something in our galaxy is flashing every 20 minutes — but what?

The ‘World’s Happiest Man’ Shares His Three Rules for Life

The Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks

The Biggest Question Mark in Astronomy?

The Moves Wealthy Families Are Making to Skirt Estate Taxes

The Priciest Place to Live in the Midwest?

Use of AI Is Seeping Into Academic Journals — and It’s Proving Difficult to Detect

Why Does Everyone Feel So Insecure All the Time?

8/19/2023 day marker

An Oceanfront California Home With Ties to ‘Westworld’ Sells for $16.25 Million

How Bad Is a Second (or Third or Fourth) Case of Covid?

How do I clean a wound?

How Should I Clean a Wound?

Medieval demography

Qasem Soleimani

Slashing Its Budget, West Virginia University Asks, What Is Essential?

Terri Williams’s answer to Why can’t I sleep with my dog in bed?

The Post-Vacation Clarity

What to Know About the Death of Iranian General Suleimani

You studied a subject you love.

8/18/2023 day marker

A Ski-In, Ski-Out Spec Home Near Vail Hits the Market for $24.5 Million

America has seen its fair share of lying politicians, but Donald Trump is in a class of his own.

American democracy is cracking.

Americans Seeking a ‘White Lotus’ Experience Turn to High-End Villa Rentals

Ancient Fires Drove Large Mammals Extinct, Study Suggests

Change advanced camera settings on iPhone

Couple Who Sold Malibu Mansion to Beyoncé and Jay-Z Pick Up Beverly Hills Pad for $20.1 Million

Ford Hires Former Apple VP to Oversee New Customer Experience Effort

Friday briefing: Ukraine counteroffensive; Yellowknife evacuation; mortgage rates; Bradley Cooper; Crooked House pub; and more

How back-end automation can be game changing for chipmakers

How to Kill Chinese Dynamism

Michael Parkinson, Famous for Interviewing the Famous, Dies at 88

Subjecting Trump to prosecution will subject the law to politics

Sympathy for the Oligarch

The Best Thermal Underwear

The Big Thing

The BRICS Come of Age

The Populist Advantage

The Ransom of Red Chief

The Sea Battle

Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, US Officials Say

Why your mental map of the world is wrong

Will Donald Trump’s Indictments Have Economic Consequences?

8/17/2023 day marker

A Big Health Insurer Is Ripping Up the Playbook on Drug Pricing

America’s “New” China Narrative

British Conservatives’ Contempt for Human Rights

Defend Trump and ‘Hammer’ Ramaswamy: DeSantis Allies Reveal Debate Strategy

Diane Sawyer Lists Longtime Martha’s Vineyard Home for $24 Million

Economic Optimism

Hispanic Heritage Month: 2023

Housing market has hit ‘rock bottom,’ says Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman

Inside the Russian effort to build 6,000 attack drones with Iran’s help

Journaling Stress Relief: 20 Daily Prompts to Manage Stress

My Daughter Wanted A Tattoo.

Officials Investigate Threats Against Trump Grand Jurors in Georgia

Russia’s War-Torn Economy Hits Its Speed Limit

Simplifying a Complicated Global Economy

The [Hutchins]( Roundup brings the latest thinking in fiscal and monetary policy to your inbox.

The Clean Energy Future Is Roiling Both Friends and Foes

The Debt Supercycle Comes to China

The real global EV buzz comes on two wheels

Thursday briefing: Trump’s possible trial date in Georgia; abortion pills; E. coli and lettuce; pig kidney transplant; and more

Too Many Vacant Lots, Not Enough Housing: The US Real-Estate Puzzle

Walking This Many Steps Per Day Can Cut Your Risk Of Early Death

Yes, you can measure software developer productivity

8/16/2023 day marker

2 Think Even Bigger

A unique moment in time: Scaling plastics circularity

Author Talks: What will it take to save the planet?

China’s youth job market is a nightmare.

Computer Forensics Firm Named In Georgia Indictment Says It Wasn’t Part Of Trump ‘Team’

EV Startup VinFast’s Market Debut Pushes Value Higher Than GM, Ford

Forward Thinking on the recipe for Asia’s success story with Justin Yifu Lin

Ghosts of Beirut

Haredi Judaism

Lebanon’s Nightmare Could Become Israel’s Future

Investors Need to Worry About the Bond Market’s Return to Normality

Ozempic Settles the Obesity Debate: It’s Biology Over Willpower

The Chrysler 300 roars into the great car history books after a final Dream Cruise

The Growing Sahel Crisis

The Real Cost of De-Dollarization

Trump in the Middle


Wednesday briefing: A possible cause of Maui’s fires; record heat in the GuIf of Mexico; Kansas newspaper raid; Elon Musk; and more

Why Is Germany’s Far Right Surging?

Will Critical Minerals Get Their Own OPEC?

8/15/2023 day marker

Capital projects are critical for a green future

Colleges Want to Know More About You and Your ‘Identity’

From Trade War to Subsidy War

Georgia v. Trump

How to Destigmatize Repulsive Products

How to make a strong start as a CEO

How Trade Credit Is a Double-edged Sword

iPad mini

Judge rules in favor of Montana youths in landmark climate decision

Keun Lee Says More…

Key Takeaways From the Trump Indictment in Georgia

Managing the AI Backlash

Pareto and the Roots of Politics

Report on Anti-Gay Slur Could Put Local News Site Out of Business

Roaring Back From Pandemic, Japan’s Economy Grows at 6% Rate

Russia raises interest rates sharply to halt the ruble’s fall.

Sustainability in packaging 2023: Inside the minds of global consumers

Taylor Sheridan

The new face of Alzheimer’s: Early-stage patients who refuse to surrender

The Trump Georgia Indictment, Annotated

Tokenization: A digital-asset déjà vu

Trump charged in Georgia 2020 election probe, his fourth indictment

Tuesday briefing: Georgia charges Donald Trump; Montana climate ruling; Maui fires; affirmative action; World Cup; and more

Who Has Been Charged in the Election Inquiry in Georgia

Why Industrial Policy Fails

Why Would Trump Leave Office After A Second Term If Prison Awaits?

With Racketeering Charges, Georgia Prosecutor Aims to ‘Tell the Whole Story’

8/14/2023 day marker

202 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts to Boost Productivity

China’s Two Climate Directions

Heat, War and Trade Protections Raise Uncertainty for Food Prices

How a refugee went from living in his Toyota to amassing a high-end car collection

How Donald Trump tried to undo his loss in Georgia in 2020

How US and China Are Breaking Up, in Charts

Monday briefing: Maui wildfires; Trump election probe in Georgia; Hunter Biden; Zuckerberg vs. Musk; and more

Private equity investments in tech services: Three considerations

Redefining the EU-Latin America Relationship

Seth Klarman on What Makes a Value Investor and Committing ‘Sacrilege’ in New Edition of ‘Security Analysis’

Sicario (2015 film)

Skip to main content

Taylor Swift’s 50 Best Songs, Ranked

Technology competition between nations: Views from industry leaders

The Committed Innovator: Talking with Shopify’s Harley Finkelstein

The Dream Was Universal Access to Knowledge.

This Hidden iPhone Feature May Just Save Your Life In An Emergency

Trump’s Hollow Free-Speech Defense

Typhoon-class submarine

Unlocking AI’s Potential for Everyone

What is burnout?

Why Is US Inflation Falling?

Why the Fed and ECB parted ways on climate change: The politics of divergence in the global central banking community

8/13/2023 day marker

37 Survival Gear Essentials To Prepare For Emergency Situations

Can San Francisco Save ItseIf From the Doom Loop?

Carl Icahn Should Be Sailing Into the Sunset.

Exclusive: Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump’s team is behind voting system breach

Frederick Eberstadt, Photographer of Socialites and Artists, Dies at 97

Gen Z’s Housing Anguish

Growing Segregation by Sex in Israel Raises Fears for Women’s Rights

Here’s What a $5 Million Retirement Looks Like in America

It Took $1.7 Billion to Fix Fire Island’s Beaches.

Spiraling Legal Bills Threaten Trump With a Cash Crunch

Taylor Swift’s Viral Era

The Clean Energy Future Is Arriving Faster Than You Think

The Curious Personality Changes of Older Age

The Scary Math Behind the World’s Safest Assets

They had a teenage summer romance.

When You’re the Boss, but Your Employees Make More Money

8/12/2023 day marker

‘In office longer than we’ve been alive’: Voters say why age matters to them for McConnell, Biden, more

15 Hidden Gems on Amazon’s Prime Video

36 Hours in Prague


Body fat percentage charts for men and women

Fox’s Chief Legal Officer Will Depart

He visited all 195 countries without flying.

How HIP-HOP Conquered The World

In an Atlanta suburb, American realities collide over Trump’s indictment

Summer Camp: Sun, Swimming, Archery. And Therapy.

They lost a piece of girlhood, then reclaimed it in an unlikely place

Trump Election Interference Case to Go to Grand Jury in Georgia Early Next Week

What Is Body Composition?

Women Own This Summer.

8/11/2023 day marker

‘Fantasy Meets Reality’

15 Fun East Coast USA Road Trips For Your Bucket List

17 Cutest Small Towns On The East Coast USA

50 essential hip-hop songs to celebrate 50 years: Grandmaster Flash, Jay-Z, Outkast, more

Accelerating the transition to net zero in life sciences

Boosting machinery sector profitability via cloud-aided digitalization

Celebrating 50 years of hip-hop

Fantasy Meets Reality

Friday briefing: Maui wildfires; Trump classified documents case; San Francisco robotaxis; hip-hop anniversary; and more

How does our body know how to take shape from a cell?

If I win 8 million at the casino and leave immediately, what will be the consequences?

Jamie Reid, 76, Dies; His Anarchic Graphics Helped Define the Sex Pistols

Judge Limits Trump’s Ability to Share Jan. 6 Evidence

Men Overboard

The End of Zero Interest Rates

The Hunter Biden Case

The Myth of Global Grain Shortages

The Taliban’s Gender Crimes Against Humanity

Jason Morgan, 87, Dies; Developed the Theory of Plate Tectonics

Who’s to blame for college football conference realignment chaos?

8/10/2023 day marker

10 Significant Battles Of The First World War

Another Chinese Developer Teeters, Raising Worries About the Economy

Avoiding the news?

Carbon Capture and Delay

China’s Dangerous Secrets

Cloud as the ultimate digital enabler

Coach Owner to Buy Parent of Versace and Michael Kors in Luxury Merger

Colleges Spend Like There’s No Tomorrow.

Death threats, extremists … and worry: Why Trump’s looming Georgia indictment is different

From the Women’s World Cup to Wimbledon, a Victory Everyone Can Share

Hip-hop at 50

In One Word, Biden and Trump Tell Us Exactly Who They Are

Physicists Move One Step Closer to a Theoretical Showdown

Rep. Zoe Lofgren Spots 1 ‘Chilling’ Detail In Trump’s Indictment

Supreme Court Pauses Opioid Settlement With Sacklers Pending Review

The future of middle management

The Long Life of Inflation

The path to greater productivity and prosperity in Africa

The US Economy Is Up, so Why Is Biden Down?

Thursday briefing: Maui fires; Trump’s Twitter data; Fernando Villavicencio assassination; Robbie Robertson; and more

Will generative AI be good for US workers?

Will Generative AI Make or Break Democracy?

8/9/2023 day marker

Mrbeast Sued for $100 Million by Company Behind His Virtual Burger Restaurant Chain

Remembering Mimi Sheraton, Innovative New York Times Food Critic

6 reasons to buy a MacBook instead of a PC laptop

A Winning Streak

AI and the Productivity Imperative

Are Latin American financial institutions ready for sustainability?

China’s heavy-duty truck industry: The road ahead

DeSantis Suspends Second Elected Prosecutor in Florida

Good Governance Is a Bad Idea

Ireland Says Goodbye to Sinéad O’Connor

Ohio Vote Shows Abortion’s Potency to Reshape Elections

Previously Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn Biden’s Win

Refinery transactions: A window of opportunity?

Special Counsel Obtained Search Warrant for Trump’s Twitter Account

The Politics of the Trump Trials

The triple play: Growth, profit, and sustainability

There’s an order to decorating a space.

Unpacking America’s “Soft Landing”

Wednesday briefing: Ohio Issue 1 results; ‘ghost gun’ ruling; Montgomery brawl; Tory Lanez; EG.5 coronavirus subvariant; and more

What I’ve Learned: Jeremy Siegel

8/8/2023 day marker

‘Gaslighting’ is a commonly misused therapy buzzword.

‘They’re just preying on people’s hopes’: Inside the battle over job-training agreements

5 Habits That Can Drastically Improve Your Brain Health

Afghanistan: a reading list

Best external SSD for Mac 2023

Census Bureau Releases International Population Estimates and Projections

China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks, officials say

Advice: Is gas cheaper than electric car charging?

Electric vehicles vs. gas-powered cars: Which one is cheaper to buy and own?

Feed People, Not Factory Farms

Five key action areas to put Europe’s energy transition on a more orderly path

From product-led growth to product-led sales: Beyond the PLG hype

Geopolitical resilience: The new board imperative

India’s State of Violence

MacBook Air (M1, 2020) - Technical Specifications

Molly Bloom: “yes I said yes I will Yes”

Move Over, Men: Women Were Hunters, Too

Ohio’s One-Issue Election

Soundtracks of Television: ‘Hijack’

Tesla CFO Zach Kirkhorn Steps Down Ahead of Cybertruck Launch

The Best Foods To Pack For Camping, According To Food Safety Experts

The Best Laundry Routine For Sensitive Skin

The Hunger Profiteers

Tuesday briefing: Issue 1 special election in Ohio; Zelensky assassination plot; L.A. strike; William Friedkin; and more

Turbulent Waters: How the Black Sea Became a Hot Spot in the War

US-Made Cluster Munitions Fuel Ukrainian Counteroffensive

What We Must Learn from COVID-19

Why Taliban are so strong in Afghanistan

8/7/2023 day marker

America’s Truckers, Cargo Pilots and Package Carriers Are Fed Up

As States Confront a Reading Crisis in Schools, New York Lags Behind

Europe Must Lead Ukraine’s Reconstruction

How the Share of Green Stocks in Institutional Portfolios Is Vastly Overstated

If Your Boogers Look Like This, It’s Time To See A Doctor

Judge tosses Trump’s defamation suit against writer who won sexual abuse lawsuit against him

Monday briefing: Ukraine peace talks; US World Cup exit; Alaska floods; postpartum depression pill; Voyager 2; and more

Movie-Theater Behavior Has Gone Off the Reels

Pacific Ocean waves, surf getting bigger as climate warms, study says

Paramount Nears Announcement for Simon & Schuster Deal

Power broker

Regional clusters and rural development: To what extent does EDA’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge include rural areas?

Richard Hanania, Rising Right-Wing Star, Wrote For White Supremacist Sites Under Pseudonym

The African Union Should Prepare Now for G20 Membership

The average doctor in the US makes $350,000 a year.

The Era of Ultracheap Stuff Is Under Threat

The Meeting Style That Generates Breakthrough Solutions

The Power Broker

The Real Inflation Culprits

The Republican Party’s Split on Economics

Trucking Firm That Got $700 Million US Bailout Declares Bankruptcy

Ukraine’s Other Counteroffensive: Drone Attacks on Russian Soil

Visceral Fat

What is financial inclusion?

What it would take for US schools to fully recover from COVID-19

What’s the best budget suitcase?

8/6/2023 day marker

A new Times quiz

Extraction 2

Florence Berger, Who Helped People Find Enduring Love, Dies at 83

George Joseph Stigler Dies at 80; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics

Henri Konan Bédié, Ivory Coast President Deposed in a Coup, Dies at 89

Is grad school worth it?

Is There a Limit to Americans’ Self-Storage Addiction?

Mike Pence Has Reached His Fork in the Road

The West Sanctioned Russia’s Billionaires.

These Grandpa Sneakers Are Made in America.

Vladimir Putin wants to lead Russians into a civilizational conflict with the West far larger than Ukraine.

8/5/2023 day marker

36 Hours in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

A Tiny Cabin, a Little Island and a Big Change: ‘Am I Crazy?’

Don’t Fly Without These Five Travel Apps

How Jack Smith Structured the Trump Election Indictment to Reduce Risks

How You Should Change Your Workout Once You Hit 40

In a Reversal, A.P. Psychology May Be Allowed in Florida Schools After All

Rent is finally cooling.

Special counsel cites Truth Social post in arguing for quick court order on evidence sharing as Trump rails against 2020 election charges

The New Midlife Fitness Flex: A Pull-Up

Your Next Great Meal

8/4/2023 day marker

[### Therese Poletti]( Last Updated: Aug. 4, 2023 at 7:37 a.m. ET

‘If you’re earning $20 an hour in San Francisco, it’s impossible to survive’: What the US gets so wrong about poverty

25 Cities You Need To See At Least Once In Life

A Well-Being Agenda for Poor Students

Achieving Zero Hunger Is Still Possible

Apple is slogging toward a mediocre milestone not seen in 22 years

Coherent’s Chuck Mattera on growing a $5 billion company

Dell CEO Michael Dell is looking to part ways with $35 million Boston penthouse

Direct-to-consumer e-commerce in appliances: A strategic growth opportunity

Economists Reconsider Industrial Policy

Federal disaster management is a confusing patchwork.

Friday briefing: Trump pleads not guilty; Biden’s asylum rules; Florida AP Psychology ban; how to watch US vs. Sweden; and more

From Portugal to Portland

How feed supplements can reduce methane emissions in agriculture

Leny Andrade, ‘First Lady of Brazilian Jazz,’ Dies at 80

New Ultrasound Therapy Could Help Treat Alzheimer’s, Cancer

Pay a fee, for no showers or restrooms: Why Hawaii’s best beach is frustrating beachgoers

Podiatrists Share What They’d Never Do (And Wish You Wouldn’t Either)

Quick Dose: How Much SPF Do You Really Need?

The First Polycrisis

Triple-Digit Heat, but No Electric Bill?

Walther P38 pistol

Who Controls AI?

Will they flip?

8/3/2023 day marker

A Drawn-Out Ukraine War Opens New Risks for China

A Legal Breakdown of the Trump Case

A Look at How Much Less Antarctic Sea Ice There Is This Year

Author Talks: Empower employees, reduce turnover

Behind the scenes of Mississippi’s school turnaround with Carey Wright

Behind-the-scenes of the journey to Bear 2

Christians, let’s stop fighting each other and serve our neighbors in need instead

How to Put Your Backpack On Properly

In US, Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace

International buyers are going for fewer homes in the US Where are they shopping?

Losing Our Religion?

Meta’s Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Fail to Catch On

Myron Goldfinger, 90, Architect of Monumental Modernist Homes, Dies

New 2020 census data shows an aging America and wide racial gaps between generations

Predictions about the decline of Christianity in America may be premature

Private Equity, Hedge Funds Brace for Coming SEC Overhaul

Protecting the World’s Forests Means Protecting Indigenous Rights

Ron DeSantis Promises To ‘Start Slitting Throats’ In Government On ‘Day One’

Seiichi Morimura, 90, Who Exposed Japanese Wartime Atrocities, Dies

The Crisis of American Leadership

The Hutchins Roundup

The Inflation Crisis Is Not Over

The Real, Hidden Truth About College Admissions

The Right Way to Intervene in Clean Tech

Thursday briefing: Trump’s court appearance; Pittsburgh synagogue gunman; Justin Trudeau; gas prices; AI mammograms; and more

Uninsured Health Rates Down in 280 Counties, Up in 80 Counties

US Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time

What’s the Matter With Miami?

Why it took four years for the Bidens to acknowledge their seventh grandchild

Why It’s No Surprise That Trump Is Being Charged Under a Reconstruction-Era Law

Why Raising the Minimum Wage has Short-term Benefits but Long-term Costs

Workers to Employers: We’re Just Not That Into You

You’re Probably Wearing Your Backpack Wrong

8/2/2023 day marker

America’s Fiscal Time Bomb Ticks Even Louder

Corporate Responsibility in the Age of AI

Enabling renewable energy with battery energy storage systems

Fitch Downgrades US Credit Rating

For the Love of Trump

How can Europe navigate the future of work?

How competitive is Europe on technology?

How ESPN Went From Disney’s Financial Engine to Its Problem

How will Overstock’s new Bed Bath & Beyond store be different from the old one?

Indian banks: Building resilient leadership

On One Texas River, Four Dam Failures Show Harsh Reality of Aging Infrastructure

Pence fought an order to testify but now is a central figure in his former boss’s indictment

Resilient Remittances

Same-Sex Married Couples Less Likely to Be Same Age, Race, Ethnicity

The Hollywood Writers’ AI Fight Is Everyone’s Fight

The strategy leader’s evolving mandate

Trump charged in probe of Jan. 6, efforts to overturn 2020 election

Trump Indicted, Again

Wednesday briefing: Trump’s latest indictment; Michigan voting machines; Lizzo allegations; peanut allergies; sun bear; and more

What is the gig economy?

8/1/2023 day marker

‘Crossing the river by feeling the stones’

Americans are about to have $100 billion less to spend.

Are middle managers your next ace in the hole?

Biden 43%, Trump 43%

Future of tourism: Bridging the labor gap; enhancing customer experience

Ian Buruma Says More…

Investment Theory in Practice

Is America’s Merger Fever Breaking?

Judge Rejects Trump’s Effort to Short-Circuit Georgia Election Case

Lula’s Dance with Dictators

Making Development Finance Work for Africa

Miami Sees Its First Population Drop in Decades

Pivot to growth: How top marketers tackle spend efficiency

The Crossword: Either Way You Look at It No.139

The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year

Tuesday briefing: Trump’s fundraising; Pee-wee Herman actor Paul Reubens; Angus Cloud; US vs. Portugal; long covid; and more

What Jack Smith Knows

Who Paid for a Mysterious Spy Tool?

7/31/2023 day marker

# Which Is the Real Europe?

An Enemy in Mexico

Atlanta braces for possible indictments in 2020 election investigation

Author Talks: How minor stresses add up to epic fails

Digital twins: The key to smart product development

Expel Russia from UNESCO

How Supreme Court Justices Make Millions From Book Deals

Inside the Party Switch That Blew Up North Carolina Politics

Israel’s Slippery Slope

Leading through uncertainty in the energy and materials sectors

Medium Length For Maximum Impact: The Best Men’s Haircuts for Mid-Length Hair

Monday briefing: Deadly strike in Ukraine; Carlos De Oliveira; rent prices; how to watch US vs. Portugal; and more

Penbook 6

Rewired for value: Digital and AI transformations that work

That Cool New Bookstore?

The Case for Free Trade in Environmental Goods

Trucking Giant Yellow Shuts Down Operations

Turn your iPad into a magic notebook.

Twitter Threatens Legal Action Against Nonprofit That Tracks Hate Speech

What Is It About Montecito?

Would she ride Amtrak again?

7/30/2023 day marker






About this story

Congratulations, hiker!

Elon Musk’s Unmatched Power in the Stars

How Ivy League Schools Tilt Your Odds in the Lottery of Life

Maine’s 100-mile wilderness

Mount Oglethorpe to Springer Mountain

Not ‘if’ but ‘when’: Antibiotic resistance poses existential threat for modern medicine

Palmerton: The A. T.’s former ‘Death Valley’

The Absolute Best Hair Products for Men

The best men’s hair products to achieve any style

The Lost Appalachian Trail

The One Thing That Should Scare Trump At A Debate: The Man He Nearly Killed With COVID

The rise of the Roller Coaster

Timeline Of 20th And 21st Century Wars

What Women Endure

Why the famed Appalachian Trail keeps getting longer — and harder

Worms Revived After 46,000 Years Frozen in Siberian Permafrost

7/29/2023 day marker

‘We Can Never Forgive This’: In Odesa, Attacks Stoke Hatred of Russia

36 HOURS in Copenhagen

5 Ways That Buying a Car Has Drastically Changed

Blood pressure is best lowered by 2 exercises, study finds

Fighting for Anthony: The Struggle to Save Portland, Oregon

Inside Walmart’s Warehouse of the Future

Internal Audit: Connecting Dots Between Value and ESG Reporting

Lindsey Graham and Elizabeth Warren: When It Comes to Big Tech, Enough Is Enough

macOS Sonoma Preview

New Trump Charges Highlight Long-Running Questions About Obstruction

Note to Florida and DeSantis: Enslaved Africans were already skilled

School plan in Houston to repurpose libraries into discipline centers draws fire

Scientist’s Deep Dive for Alien Life Leaves His Peers Dubious

Tech Firms Once Powered New York’s Economy.

The Dave Matthews Band, Reconsidered

The Horrible Performance Review That Set Him on the Road to CEO

The US Should Ditch AC and Use Middle Eastern Techniques to Cool Its Cities

The US women’s national team is a bunch of bookworms.

US Hunts Chinese Malware That Could Disrupt American Military Operations

7/28/2023 day marker

# Defaulting to Plant-Based Foods

# Press Freedom on Trial in Guatemala

# The Question of Collaboration

# The West’s Chinese Crossroads

# Unlike China, India Cannot Be an Economic Superpower

Author Talks: How nondisruptive creation can unlock economic growth

Back-to-school 2023 sales tax holidays: See which 17 states offer them.

China Consumption: Still Cautiously Optimistic?

Electric-vehicle buyers demand new experiences

Friday briefing: More Trump charges; US heat wave; Memphis police; Supreme Court; alpha-gal syndrome; and more

How bold is your business transformation?

How the world consumer class will grow from 4 billion to 5 billion people by 2031

How to bring the best of the bank to corporates: Ideas for coverage models

More Charges Against Trump

Randy Meisner, Founding Member of the Eagles, Dies at 77

The 50 Best Mysteries of All Time

The Essential John le Carré

War in Ukraine: Twelve disruptions changing the world — update

What is space junk?

Wooden Groynes on UK Beaches

7/27/2023 day marker

28 Composition Techniques That Will Improve Your Photos

A Pragmatic COP?

America’s Higher-Education Financing Challenge

Author Talks: How nondisruptive creation can unlock economic growth

Best external SSD for Mac 2023

Digital and AI transformation’s new playbook

Hotels in the 2030s: Perspectives from Accor’s C-suite

Is 2% Really the Right Inflation Target for Central Banks?

New charges filed against Trump in documents case

Plan your commute or trip

Taylor Swift, Kylie Jenner are among America’s richest women, but far from the top.

The Fed’s Difficult Choice

The hotel of the future

The Hutchins Roundup

The Luxury Home Market Confronts Its New Reality: Not Enough Buyers and Sellers

The Tunnel (TV series)

This Looks Like Earth’s Warmest Month.

Three overlooked Apple apps you should start using right now

Thursday briefing: Ukraine counteroffensive; Hunter Biden; Sinéad O’Connor; US vs. Netherlands; UFO hearing; and more

Trump needed $225 million.

7/26/2023 day marker

1 degrees?

A multi-lens approach to finding growth in consumer goods

AI Changes Everything

Crime rate in England and Wales in 2022/23, by police force area

Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates to 22-Year High

Forward Thinking on how to live our longer lives with Andrew J. Scott

Generative AI and the future of work in America

Get started with Bear

Here’s What My 87-Year-Old Dad’s Voracious Sex Life Made Me Realize About Myself

How to Scrap Fuel Subsidies

Judge Delays Hunter Biden Plea Deal

List of police firearms in the United Kingdom

Public Health Emergencies and Mental Health

The Covid Origins Debate

The Irresistible Rise of the Rest

The journey of building a neobank from the ground up

US-China Decoupling by the Numbers

Wednesday briefing: Biden’s asylum rules blocked; UPS strike; Harvard legacy admissions; Bronny James; World Cup; and more

What should Europe be optimistic about?

When Immigrants Try To Organize, Their Employers Know Who To Call

7/25/2023 day marker

7 tech tools I use for hiking, backpacking and camping

Building an Equitable Fiscal Future for Latin America

Building new businesses: How insurers can leap ahead

Digital transformation’s new playbook

Emergency Medical Care Coverage

Europe’s Monetary Over-Tightening Trap

Here’s What You Need To Know About Ursula von der Leyen, The President Of The European Commission

How Should Japan Respond to Inflation?

How War Destroyed a ‘Long and Happy Marriage’

Israel’s Political Crisis

Jackie O.’s Collection of Homes Was as Iconic as It Gets

M&A, value creation, and the automotive aftermarket

Setting the revenue cycle up for success in automation and AI

Spain Dodges a Far-Right Bullet

The Crossword: Uncapitalized Food No.138

Tuesday briefing: Israel protests; US heat wave; Rio Grande barrier; Spotify price hike; white font résumé trick; and more

What’s the Status of Flaunting Your Status?

Where could $374 billion in dry powder go?

Younger Householders Drove Rebound in US Homeownership

7/24/2023 day marker

A US Recession Is Still Possible

Affirmative Action for rich kids: It’s more than just legacy admissions

AI’s Pugwash Moment

Americans in Their Prime Are Flooding Into the Job Market

Behind the Scenes of College Admissions

Business Is Caught in a Diversity Trap

How Russia Could Benefit from Ukraine’s NATO Membership

Iranian Mothers Choose Exile for Sake of Their Daughters

Is Gen Z Down to Clown?

Monday briefing: Israel protests; Trump trial date; Spanish elections; Emmett Till monument; Twitter X; ‘Barbenheimer’; and more

Study of Elite College Admissions Data Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its Own Qualification

The Multilateral Development Banks the World Needs

The Prepared Leader: The Five Phases of Crisis Management

There is a ‘gravity hole’ in the Indian Ocean, and scientists now think they know why

They Checked Out Pride Books in Protest.

What cars are being discontinued?

What Do You Really Know About Your Customer Base?

Why Elon Musk Bid Twitter Goodbye

7/23/2023 day marker

‘No. 1 crisis in America’: Mayors warn Congress of a crisis ‘in every neighborhood’

A Retirement Tax Break That Ends the Fear of Outliving Your 401(k)

Best Winter Boots of 2023

Clémence Poésy

Greenland was once actually green, study says.

How a Once Unpaved Stretch of Highway Became One of Florida’s Hottest Rental Markets

Rethinking the Circus

She broke up with her boyfriend and moved in with a man she’d known for 3 weeks.

Supermarkets Are Losing This Food Fight

Texas Spent Billions on Border Security.

The Steep Cost of Ron DeSantis’s Vaccine Turnabout

What’s driving sunscreen’s big boom

Why America stopped building public pools

Yoko Ono and the Dakota

7/22/2023 day marker

20 Best Politics Books of All Time

America Is Becoming a Nation of Early Birds

Bamboo mats, ice, pasta bans: How people around the world are dealing with extreme heat

Beijing Rushes to Shore Up Battered Private Economy.

Best Political Books

Best Politicians of All Time

Building AI cities: How to spread the benefits of an emerging technology across more of America

Forget What the Song Says.

How a Drug Maker Profited by Slow-Walking a Promising H.I.V. Therapy

How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona

How a Tiny Archipelago Gave Russian Ships a Foothold in the Atlantic

Lionel Messi Chose Miami, and Miami Loves Him for It

Megan Rapinoe’s incandescent career changed more than women’s soccer

On the Map, Nothing.

Sam’s Club vs. Costco: Is paying an annual fee worth the savings for shoppers?

Starving Orcas and the Fate of Alaska’s Disappearing King Salmon

Tennessee ranks high as top state for business but makes top 10 among worst places to live

The 11 Best Books on Politics

The atomic bombings left Oppenheimer shattered: ‘I have blood on my hands’

The Hookah Lounge

The Maverick Design Choices That May Have Doomed Titan

The outrage over Jason Aldean’s ‘Try That in a Small Town,’ explained

This US World Cup Team Is One for the Ages.

US Sending More Warships, Marines to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions With Iran

Want Ukraine in the EU?

Welcome to Barbenheimer Weekend

Where Is Kamala Harris?

Why America’s Largest Tool Company Couldn’t Make a Wrench in America

Why Did 488 Golden Retrievers Gather in Scotland?

Women’s World Cup

Years after a border separation, a family’s reunion was in a judge’s hands

7/21/2023 day marker

A bigger, bolder vision: How CROs are propelling growth from the C-suite

A Humbling Economy for Economists

A monthly update on the state of the US consumer: July 2023

Advancing racial equity in US pre-K–12 education

Author Talks: How educators can avoid burnout and embrace self-care

Beware the New American Triumphalism

Big Business Gets Bigger

Don’t Use That Bottle Of Sunscreen Without Checking This First

Erdoğan Comes in from the Cold

Facing a Future of Drought, Spain Turns to Medieval Solutions and ‘Ancient Wisdom’

Food Sovereignty Increases Food Security

Friday briefing: The hottest month on record; Tony Bennett; how to watch the women’s World Cup; Barbenheimer; and more

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, June 2023

GOP Pushes Disastrous Environmental Plan As The Planet Bakes

Governing the Right to Food

How to disable and replace the iPhone Camera app to avoid accidental triggers

Judge Cannon schedules Trump’s classified documents trial for May 2024

June Was Earth’s Hottest on Record.

Quick to Mock MAGA, Biden Stays Silent on Trump Indictments

Sapiens Summary

The 60 Best History Books of All Time (to Read at Any Age)

The Best iPhone Camera Apps of 2023

The Ten Best History Books of 2021

Tony Bennett, Champion of the Great American Songbook, Is Dead at 96

What to Do About Radical Uncertainty

Why Is America Undercutting Japan?

Women Need To Eat Differently When They Hit Their 40s.

7/20/2023 day marker

A Current War Collides With the Past: Remnants of World War II in Ukraine

Alcaraz’s Fast Learning Led To Wimbledon Title, Says Fitness Coach

Demand for urban real estate will be challenged for the rest of the decade.

Economic Statecraft for the Green Transition

European mid-cap consumer companies’ plans for growth in a changing environment

Finding Growth in a Fractured World

For Whom Spain Polls

Google Tests A.I. Tool That Is Able to Write News Articles

Higher ed is consolidating, transforming the sector

Human Centric Art of Storytelling by Yoshikuni Takashige

Hutchins Roundup: Earned Income Tax Credit, labor demand shocks, and more

Influential activist Leonard Leo helped fund media campaign lionizing Clarence Thomas

Jerry Bradley, Who Helped Remake Country Music, Dies at 83

Navigating the long shadow of high household debt

Poland’s Destructive Grievance Politics

Pooping only every 3 or more days linked with cognitive decline, research finds

Sending it forward: Successfully transitioning out of the CEO role

The Adventure of Silver Blaze

The Contenders

The Great Unbanking

The Modern Farmhouse Is Today’s McMansion.

The United Kingdom: The nexus of insurtech

The Vanishing Family

Thursday briefing: New Zealand shooting; abortion pills; Stanford president; covid symptoms; Powerball winner; and more

Tiered Work Forces

Trump Hush Money Case Will Remain in New York State Court, Judge Rules

Trump’s Legal Woes Mount as Trial Dates and Campaign Calendar Collide

What could a new era mean for Latin America?

7/19/2023 day marker

‘Older workers are good for business’: AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins

A Looming Indictment

About 43 Million People in the US Had Multiple Health Plans in 2021

An Immigration Wake-Up Call

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Austerity Ruined Europe, and Now It’s Back

Biden to Netanyahu: Please Stop Trying to Rush Through Your Judicial Overhaul.

Canadian Politicians Who Criticize China Become Its Targets

Charles Barkley is (expletive) right, and courageous, in defending transgender community

Going small to go big: Micromarkets in US auto retail and aftermarket

GuIf Stream

Hands off: Consumer perceptions of advanced driver assistance systems

How Philadelphia Kept Thousands of Tenants From Being Evicted

Let’s All Start Leaving Voicemails Again!

Rainbow Six Siege: The 20 Most Powerful Weapons, Ranked

Russia’s Fractured State

She’s on a Mission From God: Suing Big Oil for Climate Damages

Sustainable, inclusive housing growth: A case study on Columbus, Ohio

Target Letter to Trump Raises Possibility of Obstruction and Fraud Charges

The iPhone 16 Pro Max may finally get a super-zoom camera

The Lounge Battle Royale Coming Soon to Your Airport

The Return of EU Enlargement

The world’s most powerful passport for 2023 revealed

What CEOs need to know about the changing talent landscape

What it’s like to be an American living in Paris

Where the Sheriff Is King, These Women Say He Coerced Them Into Sex

7/18/2023 day marker

[The sprawling inquiry has examined various schemes used to try to stave off defeat after Mr. Trump lost the 2020 election.](

795,000 Americans a year die or are permanently disabled after being misdiagnosed

A National Treasure, Tarnished: Can Britain Fix Its Health Service?

A New Interest in Unions

AI could increase corporate profits by $4.4 trillion a year, according to new research

Applied AI: Six growth considerations for private markets

Creating Authentic Connections in Virtual Teams

Domain-specific architectures and the future of compute

How big a role does chance play in health outcomes?

I Made 1 Decision Before Marriage That Left People Wildly Uncomfortable.

Is MENAP’s budding start-up ecosystem ready to blossom?

Is the Net-Zero Transition Endangering the Asian Century?

Michigan charges 16 fake electors for Donald Trump with election law and forgery felonies

Michigan Charges 16 in False Elector Scheme to Overturn Trump’s 2020 Loss

My Impossible Mission to Find Tom Cruise

Pan Am flight attendants had the most glamorous jobs in the sky.

Peter Singer Says More… Peter SingerJul 18, 2023

Serving For Wimbledon Title, Alcaraz Recalled Djokovic’s Comeback vs. Federer

The Kremlin’s Mobster Code

The Local Threat to American Democracy

The Crossword: Career Center No.137

Tuesday briefing: Canada wildfire smoke; Trump classified documents case; Iowa abortion ban blocked; RSV shot Beyfortus; and more

Ukraine aims to sap Russia’s defenses, as US urges a decisive breakthrough

US veterans 65 years or older were less likely to be at risk of experiencing social isolation than other older adults.

Using digital and AI to meet the energy sector’s net-zero challenge

Youth Unemployment and China’s Economic Future

7/17/2023 day marker

‘Backbone of the Church.’

A Long, Shining River of Verse, Flowing From a Rower and Writer

A Positive Covid Milestone

Acquiring the advantage in a fast-evolving industry

Africa’s Most Consequential President?

China’s Rebound Falters, Tripped Up by Debt and Weak Exports

Diversify or die: San Francisco’s downtown is a wake-up call for other cities

Flash Gordon (film)

Flash Gordon (serial)

How Harley-Davidson’s CEO plans on making the company’s motorcycles a premium brand

How old is our universe?

Is the US Economy Headed for a Soft Landing?

Middle managers are the heart of your company

Monday briefing: Pennsylvania floods; Georgia shooting; student loan forgiveness; Jane Birkin’s legacy; Wimbledon; and more

MTN Group CEO Ralph Mupita: Bridging Africa’s connectivity gap

NATO’s Ukraine Tightrope

Russia pulls out of the Black Sea grain deal.

Spotlight on judge in Trump documents case intensifies following controversial earlier ruling

Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

Walk on By (song)

What is a healthy resting heart rate?

What is psychological safety?

What the Climate Fight Is Really About

Why Asian insurers are ideally positioned for embedded market gains

Why Black churches in the SBC are questioning the future with new women pastor standards

7/16/2023 day marker

‘An Act of War’: Inside America’s Silicon Blockade Against China

27 Products That Are Basically Champions At What They Do

A dip in the ocean this summer?

Alcaraz Wins Wimbledon in a Thrilling Comeback Against Djokovic

Biden’s ‘Final’ Order on Kennedy Files Leaves Some Still Wanting More

Bob Iger Isn’t Having Much Fun

Can Men Ever Wear Shorts to the Office?

Cry Macho (film)

DeSantis Sheds Staff Amid Heavy Spending

How America fell out of love with ice cream

In Portland, Pop-Ups Have Gleefully Disrupted A Really White Food Scene

Jane Birkin, Singer, Actress and Fashion Inspiration, Dies at 76

Remembering the Dead

What is Nashville known for?10

7/15/2023 day marker

5 National Park Destinations That Aren’t Parks

America’s Foreign Vacations Tell Us Something About the US Economy

Don’t crank down your thermostat when it’s hot out.

Everett Mendelsohn, Who Linked Science and Society, Dies at 91

Forward Thinking on bringing the joy to economics with Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers

How a Distant War Is Threatening Livelihoods in the Arctic Circle

My Time Working On ‘Sex And The City’ Drove Me To Leave The Industry.

Men are lost.

Reconsidering the Staycation

See what it’s like to dig a tunnel 100 feet below a city

She Steals Surfboards by the Seashore.

Shhh. NBC News superstar lives in Houston

They Had Great Credit Scores.

They opposed the infrastructure law.

What Are Coordinates: Explained For Teachers, Parents And Kids

What is the difference between a ‘chaingun’ and a ‘minigun’?

7/14/2023 day marker

As Politicians Cry ‘Crisis,’ Some Migrants Are Finding Their Way

Author Talks: Scale your people, not just your company

Biden and D.N.C. Announce $72 Million in Fund-Raising, a Substantial Haul

Bipartisan Measure Aims to Force Release of U.F.O. Records

Buffer Madness

Currency, Conflict, and Global Order

Despair underlies our misinformation crisis: Introducing an interactive tool

Drones Reach Stratospheric Heights in Race to Fly Higher, Longer

Financing Childhood Growth

Five key questions to get a tech transformation right

Friday briefing: Heat wave; Opill approval; actors strike; aspartame cancer risk; how to watch the Wimbledon finals; and more

Here’s why US-Africa trade under AGOA has been successful for some countries but not others

High hopes despite high prices: An update on European consumer sentiment

House Narrowly Passes Defense Bill, Setting Up Showdown Over Social Issues

Long Island Republicans Block Water Cleanup Effort In Bid To Suppress Democratic Turnout

China Auto Consumer Insights 2023

Saying Goodbye to the Dead.

Social Media Restrictions on Biden Officials Are Paused in Appeal

The Semiconductor Struggle

Why China’s Young People Are Not Getting Married

Xi Jinping’s Russian Albatross

7/13/2023 day marker

‘Not a small problem’: New research highlights country’s crossroads with female artists

# Why the Paris Financing Summit Failed

15 Years of Pre-Pandemic Migration Patterns

AI and the next digital divide in education

Biden said US support for Ukraine won’t waver.

Chinese hackers breach email of Commerce Secretary Raimondo and State Department officials

Compounding Disasters

Democrats and Republicans have different views on NATO and Ukraine

Economic data should be relevant to everyone, not just the super-rich

Empty spaces and hybrid places: The pandemic’s lasting impact on real estate

Evelyn M. Witkin, Who Discovered How DNA Repairs Itself, Dies at 102

F.D.A. Approves First US Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill

FBI Director Chris Wray Fires Back At ‘Insane’ GOP Claims Of Bias

Five motorcycles that helped cement Harley-Davidson’s image and riders’ passion

O.P.’s Far Right Seeks to Use Defense Bill to Defund Ukraine War Effort

Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics

Mikala Jones, Surfer Known for Photography Inside Waves, Is Dead

Mississippi midwives’ superpower: listening when doctors do not

National Marriage and Divorce Rates Declined From 2011 to 2021

Racist roots: How Confederate migration spread white supremacy in the West

Sleep Better at Every Age

Taking Aim at Sellers’ Inflation

The Case for Green Industrial Parks

The Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty and Public Assistance: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit

The World Bank Reflects Our Ambition

Thursday briefing: Southwest heat wave; Opill approval; Emmy nominations; James Webb Space Telescope; and more

To Help Cool a Hot Planet, the Whitest of White Coats

What is the most devastating infantry weapon in history, why?

What really works when it comes to digital and AI transformations?

7/12/2023 day marker

A new approach to impact investing from entrepreneur and venture capitalist Fabian Heilemann

A New Energy Pact for Africa

A Turning Point for Military Spending

BTS book: 7 career tips in the K-pop sensation’s new best-selling memoir

Changing the Culture at the World Bank

China Targeted State Department s in Microsoft Hack, US Officials Say

Erdogan’s Flip on Sweden Signals Mending of Ties With US

Forward Thinking on avoiding another false dawn for Africa and finally seizing the continent’s potential with Carlos Lopes

How a Houston Oilman Confounded Climate Activists and Made Billions

How a Second Amendment case at the Supreme Court is putting gun rights groups in a jam

I Lost 85 Pounds.

Innovation drives the internal audit function of the future: Insights from BPER Banca’s chief audit officer

Jack Ryan (TV series)

Latin America’s Beleaguered Democracies

Logistics Disruptors: Samsara’s Sanjit Biswas on scaling real-world impact

NASA releases spectacular image to celebrate James Webb Space Telescope

Rarefied Clothes for Rarefied People

Righting Imperialism’s Wrongs, Past and Present

Sinking cities: Climate change is warping the ground our cities are built on, study says


The Trendiest People in the World Meet Here

The US Reassessment of Netanyahu’s Government Has Begun

We shouldn’t turn disinformation into a constitutional right

Wednesday briefing: NATO summit; Vermont floods; Iowa abortion ban; Leslie Van Houten; Bank of America; Aretha Franklin; and more

What is digital-twin technology?

7/11/2023 day marker

A Trade Policy for the Middle Class Will Not Save US Manufacturing

After Affirmative Action

Apple iPhone 14 models are the highest-selling in the US: Accounted for 77% of total iPhone sales in Q4 2022 [REPORT]

Author Talks: To nurture true potential, reimagine intelligence

Avicii Arena

Celebrating World Population Day – and Supporting Evidence-Based Policymaking Worldwide for Over 65 Years

Colorado’s path to net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050

Conservative vs. Liberal

Disney World Hasn’t Felt This Empty in Years

Four Steps for Staying Ahead of Fintech Turbulence

How privacy legislation can help address AI

With the counteroffensive underway, 12 charts show the latest from Ukraine

Rethinking the in vitro diagnostic testing model in Europe

Russia and the Long Shadow of Versailles

Story Structure: 7 Narrative Structures All Writers Should Know

Sweeping changes to Medicare Advantage: How payers could respond

Technology’s generational moment with generative AI: A CIO and CTO guide

The Coming Disruption of Animal Production

The Global Immigration Backlash

The Long-term Business Case for Corporate Purpose

The Crossword: Possessive Rhymes No.136

The US Reassessment of Netanyahu’s Government Has Begun

Tuesday briefing: NATO summit; Northeast floods; heat wave; Larry Nassar; Northwestern football; MLB All-Star Game; and more

What to Know About ChatGPT’s New Code Interpreter Feature

Where Mortals Become Fashion Gods

Why Increased Firm Competition Can Cause a Spiral of Distress

7/10/2023 day marker

America Is Wrapped In Miles Of Toxic Lead Cables

Ascending the Vilnius Summit

Attracting and retaining tech talent to sustain mobility’s growth

Climate change could swamp this island.

Containing the Collateral Damage of America’s China Policy

How Do US Populations Stack Up?

How payers could unlock value by improving transitions of care

How to Pet a Dog

Insatiably Seeking Status

Meet the CEOs Who Pull In More Than $100 Million a Year

Modelo vs. Corona: Which One Reigns Supreme?

Monday briefing: Ukraine and NATO; Larry Nassar; New York floods; Megan Rapinoe; Las Vegas sphere; and more

Performance edge: Investors hone their strategies for a new era

Retail reset: A new playbook for retail leaders

Tackling healthcare’s biggest burdens with generative AI

The Mango Is King of the Miami Summer

The New York Times to Disband Its Sports Department

The One Thing That Should Scare Trump At A Debate: The Man He Nearly Killed With COVID

Ukraine’s Struggles

What the Paris Development Finance Summit Missed

What Ukraine Brings to NATO

Would a .223 or a .308 bullet cause more damage, assuming they hit in the same spot on two different people?

7/9/2023 day marker

A Top U.K. Newspaper Explores Its Ties to Slavery, and Britain’s

Doing great work

Five Books to Make You Smarter About Money

Food Is Meh, Décor Is Bland, Parking Nonexistent: Must Be DC’s Most-Exclusive Restaurant

Henry Kamm, Pulitzer-Winning New York Times Journalist, Dies at 98

Penn Station Is a Perpetual Mess.

Threads Takes on Twitter

Where Clarence Thomas Entered an Elite Circle and Opened a Door to the Court


7/8/2023 day marker

Alistair Cooke’s America

America’s Retirees Are Investing More Like 30-Year-Olds

Bitter rivals.

Democracy in America

Gen X Is in Charge.

How sellers of L.A. mansions are dodging a tax meant to help the homeless

How to Write Music for Rolling Boulders

Hunter Biden’s Daughter and a Tale of Two Families

Inside the Secretive Russian Security Force That Targets Americans

More young adults are not religious, but Christianity still dominant religion in US

No longer suffering in silence: Asian Americans denied tech leadership roles go to court

Situation: You walk out of a gas station restroom to see one individual with a pistol at the register aiming it at the cashier.

The boomers are retiring.

The Secret to an Excellent Sandwich

Tom Cruise is here to help

Turning In

7/7/2023 day marker

10 Best Hiking Boots of 2023

10 things you didn’t know you could do with an Apple Watch

Abe Shinzō, We Hardly Knew You

Add and log medications with iPhone and Apple Watch

Are you single?

Bedbugs: What travelers need to know this summer

Best Lightweight Hiking Boots of 2023

Can Taylor Swift really rerecord her entire music catalogue?

Economic conditions outlook during turbulent times, June 2023

Focus on Productivity, Not Technology

Four essential questions for boards to ask about generative AI

Friday briefing: Cluster bombs; Trump classified documents case; Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi; Taylor Swift; and more

How Elba Makes a Living Wage

How Mistaken Identity and One Bullet Revealed a Star Predator Far From Home

In the face of volatility, CFOs — and their organizations — adapt

Keeping Senegal’s Success Story Alive

New York State Built Elon Musk a $1 Billion Factory.

Old pet cemetery in Michigan is prestigious resting place for military, police dogs

Ready for prime time?

Religious Freedom Arguments Underpin Wave of Challenges to Abortion Bans

State Laws Regarding Auto-Open Knives

Survey results: Expectations for company performance, by industry

The 6 Best Sun Protection Shirts of 2023

The Long Reach of China’s Demographic Destiny

There’s One Hard Question My Fellow Doctors and I Will Need to Answer Soon

This Is The Most Commonly Missed Warning Sign Of Dementia

What is a board of directors?

Yellen, in Beijing, Criticizes China’s Treatment of US Companies

7/6/2023 day marker

‘A lot of fear’: Rent hikes across the country mean eviction notices for many Americans

70 Freshest Short Haircuts For Men For 2023

Don’t Write Off China’s Economic Recovery

FDA gives full approval to first drug to clearly, but modestly, slow Alzheimer’s

How to Write AI Art Prompts [Examples + Templates\]

How top performers outpace peers in sales productivity

I Haven’t Spoken To My Family In Years.

Making sense of generational stereotypes at work

Meeting beauty consumers where they are — and where they’re going

Nearly haIf of nation’s tap water contains PFAS, a new study finds.

Should Rammstein Be Banned?

The future of European gas: How buyers’ needs will shape the market

The net-zero materials transition: Implications for global supply chains

The rewired enterprise: How five companies built to outcompete

Threads vs. Twitter: What’s the Difference?

Thursday briefing: July Fourth weekend shootings; hottest day on record; UPS strike; CoCo Lee; Threads app release; and more

Trading Places

What surprises Russians when they visit the United States?

Why Does New Hampshire Go First?

Winning the Advanced-Network Race

Winning the Fight for Women’s Land Rights

7/5/2023 day marker

The Army is desperate for smart, fit soldiers.

10 Iconic Rock Albums from the 1970s Everyone Should Own

Advance US International Trade in Goods

Advanced Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services

After Armed Rebellion, Putin Tries to Reinforce His Defenses

America’s Myanmar Policy Is All Wrong

Governing a Post-Western World

Growth in Home-Based Work Decreased Manhattan’s Commuter-Adjusted Population by 800,000

Here’s When We Hit Our Physical and Mental Peaks

Léon Gautier, Last Surviving French Commando From D-Day, Dies at 100

List of tallest buildings in New York City

Looking to the next 75 years of the NHS

Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales

Navigating dynamic labor: Building strong warehousing operations

New Residential Construction

Six Days Afloat in the Everglades

Social Class Is Not About Only Race

The Energy Transition Is Fueling a Power Transition

The US and India’s Non-Aligned Alliance

Transforming public sector hiring with data-enabled talent ‘win rooms’

Two teenagers set off on a cycle trip around the world.

US International Trade in Goods and Services

Wednesday briefing: Biden social media ruling; Philadelphia shooting; suspected cocaine at the White House; ‘Barbie’ ban; and more

7/4/2023 day marker

25 of the USA’s most underrated destinations

A.I. Is Coming for Mathematics, Too

As 2024 Voting Battles Heat Up, North Carolina G.O.P. Presses Forward

Can Climate Investment be Financed by Debt?

Heightened Risk from a Weakened Russia

Léon Gautier, Last Surviving French Commando From D-Day, Dies at 100

The Richcession Keeps Rolling

The Supreme Court Kicks Away the Ladder

These dogs have jobs.

What Local Governments Need to Lead

Why So Many Young People Are Cutting Off Their Parents

7/3/2023 day marker

A Driver’s License for the Internet

A World of Cronyism and Corruption

Cracking Down on Dissent, Russia Seeds a Surveillance Supply Chain

Creative Resilience: a call to action for leadership in an age of discontinuity by Esther Clark

Fact-checking ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’: Is the Antikythera mechanism real?

How Diversification Helps Banks Lend More, Cut Risk, and Boost the Economy

How to Retire Better, From Retirees Who Learned the Hard Way

Israel Launches Biggest Air Attack on West Bank in Nearly Two Decades

Joe Biden’s $400 Billion Man

Monday briefing: Student loan forgiveness; Baltimore shooting; French protests; Twitter limits; how to watch Wimbledon; and more

Next stop for Spanish tourism excellence: Sustainability

Putin’s Corporate Takeover of Wagner Has Begun

Reforming the Global Debt Architecture

The Fourth of July: 2023

The Moms Who Started The School Board Wars Are Now Presidential Kingmakers

Understanding Biden’s Big Bet on India

What Machine Learning Reveals About Forming a Healthy Habit

Why are retirees leaving Florida?

Why Are Russian Oil Products Sill Being Sold in America?

With End of Affirmative Action, a Push for a New Tool: Adversity Scores

7/2/2023 day marker

‘The Bear’ and a Chaotic Vision of Work

21 of the Most Popular Book Genres, Explained

Asheville Was Already Cool — Now Its Luxe

Costs of the 20-year war on terror: $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths

Decarbonizing aviation: Executing on net-zero goals

How Easy Is It to Fool A.I.-Detection Tools?

How to Succeed in Business Like Taylor Swift

Six Exercises to Get the Quad Strength of a Tennis Star

Suddenly, It Looks Like We’re in a Golden Age for Medicine

The 1 Thing Therapists Say Harms Your Happiness The Most

The Adventure of Silver Blaze

The Hound of the Baskervilles

7/1/2023 day marker

A Mini Challenge

Call of the Rewild: Restoring Ecological Health to the Emerald Isle

Goldman Is Looking for a Way Out of Its Partnership With Apple

Hidden Beneath The Surface

Mark Your Calendars: ‘Barbenheimer’ Is Coming

The Terror of Threes in the Heavens and on Earth

Trump pressured Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to overturn 2020 election

11/11/2020 day marker

Hong Kong Ousts Lawmakers After Beijing Grants Sweeping New Powers

Several state leaders are urging residents to stay home as Covid-19 hospitalizations hit a record level

Coronavirus hospitalizations in US reach an all-time high

The Fight for Senate Control

The CDC chief lost his way during COVID-19.

Apple's 'One more thing' Mac event: What just happened?

How Japanese People Stay Fit for Life, Without Ever Visiting a Gym

Trump's Challenge to the 2020 Vote: A State-by-State Guide

How Eli Lilly Developed Covid-19 Drug in Pandemic's Long Shadow

How Gaming Can Help Learners of All Ages

Value creation in industrials

Government transitions during crisis: How new leaders can take charge

Modernizing the investment approach for electric grids

COVID-19: Implications for business

Divesting with agility

In conversation: Culture in M&A

A Tech Role Model for Nigeria

How Public Development Banks Can Help Nature

A Safe Retreat from the War on Drugs

How Italy Can Green "La Bella Vita"

Post-9/11 Veterans Earn More, Work More Hours Than Those Who Never Served in Armed Forces

What veterans can bring to the business world

Introducing the Mobility Pathways tool for workers, employers, and policymakers

TechTank Podcast Episode 8: What will tech policy look like in the next administration?

11/10/2020 day marker

The Trump Presidency is Ending.

What's next for soon-to-be former first lady Melania Trump?

Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

Ben Carson is the latest Trump official to test positive for coronavirus

DEVONtechnologies How to Organize with Smart Rules

Trump's Defeat Weakens Boris Johnson in Urgent Brexit Talks

What Went Wrong With Polling?

If Pandemic Productivity is Up, Why is Innovation Slowing Down?

How the Biden Administration Could Tackle Climate Change

Subscribed to future auto finance yet?

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, October 2020

Taking a fresh look at temporary-labor sourcing amid uncertainty

Creating value in US insurance investing

The state of the chemical industry — it is getting more complex

Scaling voluntary carbon markets to help meet climate goals

Building new businesses in industrials

Elevating aftermarket services

The Calm Before the Exchange-Rate Storm?

Why Aren't All Girls in School?

An Interview with Joseph Nye

How Will COVID Change Cities?

America's Alliances After Trump

Can Joe Biden be a successful president?

How President Biden can reinvigorate global development and diplomacy

Biden won, but our long national nightmare isn't over

How Cleveland's innovation district is advancing equity through a new kind of anchor institution

Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America's economy.

Localized communication plans help Senegal control COVID-19

Saeb Erekat: A tireless advocate for the Palestinian people

China 4.0: Sharing the dividends of digitalization

Trump's loss not necessarily Russia's

Education inequality, community schools, and system transformation: Launching the Task Force on Next Generation Community Schools

11/9/2020 day marker

Christian Conservatives Respond to Trump's Loss and Look Ahead

Pfizer's Early Data Shows Vaccine is More Than 90% Effective

Biden plans executive actions that would undo Trump's policies

The Scariest Days Of The Trump Presidency Could Be The Final 74

Trump Fires Mark Esper, His Defense Secretary

Why ESG Investors Are Happy to Settle for Lower Returns

How the Biden Administration Could Tackle Climate Change

The industrial CEO's plan for the digital recovery

China: Still the world's growth engine after COVID-19

How to find and maximize digital value in any M&A deal

To unlock better decision making, plan better meetings

How industrial companies can jump-start a rapid revenue recovery

Five Fifty: The big experiment

The COVID Reset Latin America Needs

The Case for an EU Development Bank

America's Dangerous Interregnum

The Democrats' Four-Year Reprieve

International Institutions Still Matter to the US

The Transatlantic Reunification Agenda

Transitioning tech policy in an existential crisis

What divided control of Congress would mean for President-elect Biden

11/8/2020 day marker

Biden makes his first remarks to the nation as president-elect.

How Joe Biden Won the Presidency

'Vulnerable to prosecution': When Trump leaves White House, presidential 'cloak of immunity' goes away

Harris becomes the first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president-elect

Knowledge Building Blocks: The New Meaning of Notes - Forte Labs

Why Trump Can't Afford to Lose

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Biden's Win, House Losses, and What's Next for the Left

Inside Trump's loss: A culmination of self-destructive decisions

For Business, Biden Bodes a Less Hospitable but More Predictable Presidency

Kamala Harris Gives America a Second Family Full of Firsts

How Donald Trump Lost America

11/7/2020 day marker

Opinion Other States Should Worry About What Happened in California

Senate Majority in Limbo as Perdue Re-election Race Goes to Runoff in Georgia

Joe Biden to become the 46th president of the United States, CNN projects

Will Thanksgiving be a superspreading event?

A Large Portion of the Electorate Chose the Sociopath

Rupert Murdoch-owned US outlets turn on Trump, urging him to concede 'with grace'

Kamala Harris Makes History as First Woman and Woman of Color as Vice President

How tapping connectivity in oil and gas can fuel higher performance

With the Affordable Care Act in peril, Latinos voted to protect access to health insurance

Yes, social justice and discrimination were driving issues for Latino voters in 2020

The EU's "New Pact on Migration and Asylum" is missing a true foundation

Africa in the news: Unrest in Ethiopia, contentious elections results in Tanzania and Côte d'Ivoire, and a new UK-Kenya trade deal

A fitting legacy for George Floyd: Vice President Kamala Harris

11/6/2020 day marker

USPS processed 150,000 ballots after Election Day, jeopardizing thousands of votes

No presidential candidate in modern history has refused to concede.

A New Item on Your Medical Bill: The 'Covid' Fee

Using public real estate to fuel a postpandemic recovery

Biden's Precarious Victory

The Market's Best of All Possible Worlds

One America, Two Nations

Has America Lost Its Soul?

The Age of Public Development Banks Has Arrived

The Trumpian Persuasion

Donald Trump, Made in America

Truth and De-Trumpification

Is it time to get rid of election night?

Class Notes: Parenthood and the gender pay gap, incarceration's wealth effect, and more

Figure of the week: The post-pandemic road to economic recovery in Africa

How to demilitarize America's presence in the Middle East

Charts of the Week: For-profit colleges; effective birth control; women's earnings

Confronting the enduring appeal of fascism

11/5/2020 day marker

Rapid revenue recovery after the crisis: Strategies for success

How data analytics helps sales reps win more deals

More than a mission statement: How the 5Ps embed purpose to deliver value

Reimagine: Preparing for SG&A in the next normal

Getting acquainted with a more mindful Australian consumer

2020 Holiday Season: Navigating shopper behaviors in the pandemic

Will airline hubs recover from COVID-19?

Insurers must rethink the SME segment: Lessons from the United Kingdom

Putin's Flatlining Economy

Investing in a Feminist Peace

Why Trump Cries Electoral Fraud

The US Must Accept China's Rise

Tracking the mounting challenges among those who have lost their jobs

Hutchins Roundup: EITC, consumer credit, and more

'We want to work for ourselves and achieve that American Dream': Why polls got the 'Latino vote' so wrong

Promise Made, Promise Kept: Trump Said He Would Cheat, And He's Now Trying To Do So

Fact check: Almost everything Trump has said after Election Day is wrong

11/4/2020 day marker

Startups Are Finding the Sweet Spot in a Downturn

COVID-19: Implications for business

Ant Group's Long March

GCC News Roundup: French products boycotted, Qatar formally requests F-35 fighter jets (October 1-31)

On Proposition 22, a big California victory for the gig economy

Win or lose, Trump was the mirror America needed

11/3/2020 day marker

The President's Taxes: A Reader's Guide

Win or Lose, Trump and Biden's Parties Will Plunge Into Uncertainty

In Hunt for Virus Source, W.H.O. Let China Take Charge

This stock market 'presidential predictor' is forecasting who will win the White House

Election Day 2020: Here's what you need to know

Trump's Dismissal of Covid Risk Paved Way to White House Outbreak

Johnson Sets New Lockdown for England to Slow Coronavirus

Why Mispricing the Risks of Sea Level Rise Could Prove Costly

How Misinformation Hurts Democracy

Tackling the performance challenge in regional capital markets businesses

How to become 'tech forward': A technology-transformation approach that works

Deciding to divest?

Laxman Narasimhan, CEO of Reckitt Benckiser, on corporate purpose during a crisis

Five ways to design a better mental-health future for a stressed-out workforce

The energy-sector threat: How to address cybersecurity vulnerabilities

A future beyond brick and mortar: Disruption in automotive retail

Building an R&D strategy for modern times

Why Punish Corporations for Their Employees' Crimes?

Will Women Defeat Poland's Illiberal Regime?

How Africa Can Self-Finance its Economic Recovery

The MMT Myth

Outtakes: Richard Pildes on Polarization in America

America's Existential Election

Economics and Epidemiology during the Coronavirus Pandemic

An Interview with Anne-Marie Slaughter

An Interview with Richard Haass

An Interview with Daron Acemoglu

The alarming rise in for-profit college enrollment

Roe v. Wade isn't the only way to protect a woman's right to choose

Pre-primary education around the world: How can we provide quality universal early education for all?

The Importance of Understanding Latino Voters in Battleground States

11/2/2020 day marker

Artificial Intelligence Will Change How We Think About Leadership

Organizational Agility Index – Romanian perspective

Are scenarios limiting your pandemic recovery strategy?

Strengthening institutional risk and integrity culture

When nothing is normal: Managing in extreme uncertainty

Unlocking value: Four lessons in cloud sourcing and consumption

The dos and don'ts of M&A in shale

Beyond COVID-19: Charting the road to recovery for South African insurers

Protecting Women with More Than Words

The Rise of the Indian-American Voter

Ending Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

Will Lies Win?

Donald Trump's COVID Comeuppance

American Democracy's Moment of Truth

Thailand's national moment: Protests in a continuing battle over nationalism

To mitigate the costs of future pandemics, establish a common data space

What it reveals when senators repeatedly mispronounce the names of Kamala Harris and Sundar Pichai

'And THAT'S That!': Alicia Garza On The Importance Of Power

Your best tool for cancer prevention and early detection might already be in the palm of your hand

11/1/2020 day marker

Johnson Sets New Lockdown for England to Slow Coronavirus

Americans Surge to Polls: 'I'm Going to Vote Like My Life Depends on It'

How Are Americans Catching the Virus?

Analysis: A once restrained Fauci unleashes on White House coronavirus approach days before election

A Georgia lake's dark and deadly history has some people seeing ghosts

Knowledge Building Blocks: The New Meaning of Notes - Forte Labs

McConnell Played Trump

The Tortured Self-Justification of a Trump Enabler

Americans Have Lost Sight of What 'Fascism' Means

Analysis: Why this race likely comes down to Arizona and Pennsylvania

The 'dose' of coronavirus a person gets may determine how sick they get; masks could help

10/31/2020 day marker

With No Commute, Americans Simply Worked More During Coronavirus

Migrant Children From Other Countries Are Being Expelled Into Mexico

More than 230 election-related federal lawsuits have been filed already.

White House sidestepped FDA to distribute hydroxychloroquine to pharmacies, documents show.

Sean Connery, Who Embodied James Bond and More, Dies at 90

20 Damn-Near Brilliant Products For Problems We All Deal With in The Kitchen

Apple says some AirPods Pro have sound problems, will replace for free

Amgen's Brian Bradbury on advancing healthcare through data analytics

Rise of the platform era: The next chapter in construction technology

Stressing customer obsession: A conversation with Sequoia Capital's Pieter Kemps

Who Will Win the US Presidential Election?

As COVID-19 cases surge, the country's economic recovery is losing steam

Race for the Senate 2020: Experts' views from the states

10 things we learned at Brookings in October

A conversation with Henri-Paul Normandin, director of international relations for the city of Montreal

Threats to democracy in Africa: The rise of the constitutional coup

Parents, education, and cross-border sharing: Introducing our Family Engagement in Education project collaborators

Africa in the news: Tanzania, Guinea, Seychelles, Zambia, and Zimbabwe updates

10/30/2020 day marker

Texas Beats Total 2016 Vote Count Four Days Before Election Day

Crispr Gene Editing Can Lead to Big Mistakes in Human Embryos

As the pandemic raged, regulators cleared most nursing homes of infection violations

Rich Buyers Seeking Open Spaces Fuel a Housing Boom in U.S. West

Struggling Rental Market Could Usher in Next American Housing Crisis

Turkish Bank Case Showed Erdogan's Influence With Trump

What is The Internet Doing To Boomers' Brains?

McKinsey for Kids: Hungry fish, baffled farmers, and what happened next

A new growth formula for manufacturing in India

Growth through a downturn

Turning private labels into powerhouse brands

The technology industry in 2020 and beyond

Tackling the impact of COVID-19: A talk with the UN's Sir Mark Lowcock

The telecom sector in 2020 and beyond

Today's skills, tomorrow's jobs: How will your team fare in the future of work?

Antitrust Alone Won't Fix the Innovation Problem

Can Humanity Grow Up?

Will Fascism Win the US Election?

Give Centrism a Chance

Civil Liberties in a Pandemic

The Green Recovery Virtual Event – Highlights

American Apocalypse?

Crises and Contraception

Charts of the Week: Paying rent; GDP growth analysis; children born outside marriage

What COVID-19 has cost the climate

Youth protests for police reform in Nigeria: What lies ahead for #EndSARS

The never-ending political game of Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamad

It's time to pay attention to Texas

Urban economic growth in Africa: Analyzing constraints to agglomeration

What to watch for on election night 2020

10/29/2020 day marker

S. States Face Biggest Cash Crisis Since the Great Depression

Stock market slide muddles Trump's economic message days before 2020 election

S. Reports a Record 500,000-Plus Coronavirus Cases Over the Past Week

Jared Kushner bragged in April that Trump was taking the country 'back from the doctors'

Study Shows Republicans Closely Resemble Autocratic Parties in Hungary and Turkey

Miles Taylor, a Former Homeland Security Official, Reveals He Was 'Anonymous'

Wall Street has worst day since June as cases surge.

'A big concern': After we couldn't find students or faculty at college, agency scrambled to crack down

Here are all the reasons why COVID-19 cases are surging again

Live updates: France, Germany announces restrictions amid coronavirus resurgence

Hurricane Zeta Makes Landfall: Live Updates

S. Economy Makes Record Gains, but Problems Remain: Live Updates

Turkish Bank Case Showed Erdogan's Influence With Trump

Is the stock market rooting for Trump or Biden?

America's pandemic: After decades of warning, a failed response

COVID-19: Implications for business

Nine scenarios for the COVID-19 economy

Remote operating centers in mining: Unlocking their full potential

Optimizing water treatment with online sensing and advanced analytics

The coronavirus effect on global economic sentiment

Responding to the demand: An interview with Vyaire Medical CEO Gaurav Agarwal

Applying machine learning in capital markets: Pricing, valuation adjustments, and market risk

Globalization Needs Rebuilding, Not Just Repair

Can America Avoid an Election Crisis?

Three Global Steps to a Biden Climate Initiative

Trump's Election Gift to China?

The Economic Incompetence of Republican Presidents

Can public education return to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic?

A conversation with Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico

The populist paradox

A consequential election for Ukraine

Remedies that can sustain search competition in the DOJ case against Google

Building a stakeholder economy

Hutchins Roundup: Business closures, inflation, and more

Navigating race and injustice in America's middle class

Figure of the week: Flood risk and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa

10/28/2020 day marker

Digital Challengers in the next normal – Romania in the CEE context

Consumer sentiment and behavior continue to reflect the uncertainty of the COVID-19 crisis

The three building blocks of successful customer-experience transformations

Data: The next wave in forestry productivity

Reimagining how life sciences work will be done in the next normal

The path to true transformation

Executive's guide to developing AI at scale

The impact of COVID-19 on the global petrochemical industry

Software and the next normal: A talk with Workday's cofounder and co-CEO

Rethinking Resilience in Business

The Green Line is a Red Line for Peace

How YouTube Brought Politics Back to Russia

The False Dichotomy of Autocracy and Democracy

Does the US Still Interfere in Foreign Elections?

Has Putin Lost His Mojo?

The importance of clean air in classrooms — during the pandemic and beyond

Older voters may secure a Biden victory in 2020's swing states

TechTank Podcast Episode 7: How can we cope with Zoom fatigue?

After Going All-In on Amazon, a Merchant Says He Lost Everything

City Locked Down for Three Months Has Bleak Lessons for the World

10/27/2020 day marker

Narcos Are Waging a New Drug War Over a Texas Company's Basic Chemical

The New Supreme Court

2020 Election Live Updates: Republicans Confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Cementing Conservative Majority

DEVONtechnologies How to Filter Items in DEVONthink

Judge Rejects Justice Dept.'s Bid to Shield Trump From Carroll Lawsuit

How Trump Maneuvered His Way Out of Trouble in Chicago

As Election Nears, Trump Makes a Final Push Against Climate Science

Donald Trump made many promises in 2016 and early in his term.

Judge rejects DOJ's attempt to defend Trump in rape defamation lawsuit

How Trump and Bolsonaro Broke Latin America's Covid-19 Defenses

Palm Oil is in Half Of Your Groceries And Destroys Forests.

Neuroscience Can Help You Become a Better Leader

How Incubators Help Entrepreneurs Succeed

Building a Bigger Tent: How VCs Can Support Black Founders

A fast-track risk-management transformation to counter the COVID-19 crisis

Reimagining higher education in the United States

Insurance strategy in Asia: Using programmatic M&A during the pandemic

Why most eTrucks will choose overnight charging

Mastering complexity with the consumer-first product portfolio

Reimagining the auto industry's future: It's now or never

Nutrition Leadership During a Pandemic

The US Election's Chaos Quotient

A Debt Crisis is Not Imminent

Trump Packs the Court His Way

Is the US Headed Towards a Disputed Election?

Shenzhen's Game-Changing Reform

America's Moral Tipping Point

An Interview with Kenneth Rogoff

Rethinking aging societies: Growing young as you get old

Real problems do not exist for Trump

Evaluating the Trump administration's Pakistan reset

Germany needs to step up to Europe's defense

COVID-19 and migrant remittances: Supporting this essential lifeline under threat

In Election 2020, infrastructure reform depends on the Senate — not the presidency

A list of specific, actionable foreign policy ideas for the next president

What tests to use, when, why — and why not?

What will it take to bring back growth in Iraq?

Why the risk of election violence is high

10/26/2020 day marker

A Voting Rights Battle in a School Board 'Coup'

Analysis: White House admission on pandemic overshadows Trump's last push for reelection

Americans worried about Election Day violence and chaos are buying guns and toilet paper

Spam calls are hindering efforts to contact trace and track Covid-19

An all-Black group is arming itself and demanding change.

Some doctors fighting the pandemic now have another thing to worry about

Infection of Pence Aides Raises New Questions About Trump's Virus Response

The Two Americas Financing the Trump and Biden Campaigns

Opinion Trump's Economy Was Never So Great

They Did Not Vote in 2016.

Trump Had One Last Story to Sell.

China Leads Again

Biden's Economic Edge

Trump's Last Stand for Apartheid America

Last Call for Transatlanticism

Can COVID Reduce Global Inequality?

America's Tarnished Supreme Court

Recovery and Renewal at the UN

How the 2020 elections will shape the federal privacy debate

Don't let flashy 3rd quarter GDP growth fool you, the economy is still in a big hole

How a New Haven library is connecting residents to the city's innovation economy

COVID-19 could erase parenting gains of the last 30 years

Hope for nuclear arms control?

Not dried up: US-Mexico water cooperation

10/25/2020 day marker

Declassified Files Reveal a Possible Spy in Poland — Named James Bond

Trump privately tells donors it would be 'very tough' for GOP to hold Senate

Bay City, Michigan: Bootstrapping through the pandemic

The Electoral College can pick a president who got fewer votes.

How a Covid-19 origin theory backed by Bannon unraveled

Twitter, Responsibility, and Accountability

Vice Presidential debate: What to know about Mike Pence as he spars with Sen. Kamala Harris

Facebook Prepares Measures for Possible Election Unrest

Pack the court?

How Trump abandoned his pledge to 'drain the swamp'

White House chief of staff: 'We are not going to control the pandemic'

Out of Work in America

10/24/2020 day marker

The Trump Administration Shut a Vaccine Safety Office Last Year.

'I waited 21 years for this moment': How six first-time voters view the election

Task force warns several US regions show signs of 'deterioration' amid Covid-19 surges

Inside the Refugee Camp on America's Doorstep

In Trump Donations, Big Tax Write-Offs and Claims That Don't Always Add Up

Fauci says it might be time to mandate masks as Covid-19 surges across US

Is it possible to prepay taxes, as President Trump claims he did?

Analysis: How the debate on the climate crisis ricocheted from Planet Earth to Planet Trump

Wearing masks could save more than 100,000 US lives through February, new study suggests

Trump's Debate Hail Mary: Lie After Brazen, Incoherent Lie

Trump's Biggest Economic Legacy Isn't About the Numbers

How The Epoch Times Created a Giant Influence Machine

How to Bridge Social Justice and the Financial Markets

How quote-to-cash excellence can fuel growth for B2B subscription businesses

Coping with the big switch: How paid loyalty programs can help bring consumers back to your brand

Modern CPG product development calls for a new kind of product manager

Recalculating the future of drug development with quantum computing

What can be done to improve all-payer claims databases?

Charts of the Week: Public trust down; government breakdown; alleviating child poverty

Africa in the news: Guinea, Sudan, Nigeria, and Côte d'Ivoire updates

10/23/2020 day marker

Goldman's Image Stained Again With Damning iMDB Settlements

Fact Check: Trump and Biden's Final Presidential Debate

The Final Presidential Debate: The Moments That Mattered

Analysis: Trump dials back his anger, but his debate performance doesn't change the facts

Trump Says Migrant Children Separated From Their Parents Are 'Well Taken Care Of'

Fact check: Toned-down Trump continues his onslaught of falsehoods

It's OK if you don't watch the presidential debate.

Inside the search for the parents of 545 children separated at the border

Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business Pursuits

Six Takeaways From the Final Presidential Debate

The iPhone 12 and 12 Pro are simply extraordinary.

Recovery and Renewal at the UN

The Middle Eastern Past is Never Dead

The Psychology of Trump's Debate Rudeness

The Everlasting Mao

Big Tech Reckoning

Class Notes: Parents are worried about their sons, falling college enrollment, and more

The debate mute button was a gift to President Trump and all Americans

COVID-19 highlights inequities in how we treat early educators in child care vs. schools

US foreign policy toward Africa: An African citizen perspective

10/22/2020 day marker

Oxford Developed Covid Vaccine, Then Scholars Clashed Over Money

Collapsing passengers, CDC missteps and "public health malpractice": The story of the COVID flight from hell

Presidential debate live updates: Biden, before last debate with Trump, says he'd create group to study courts

'I had to start my future': Workers who lost jobs because of COVID-19 find new careers in these fields

Analysis: Obama delivers takedown rebuke of Trump before final debate

Feds say Russia and Iran have interfered with the presidential election

I Was Taught To Read The Bible As Literal, And I Have Some Thoughts On Amy Coney Barrett

The Case Against Donald Trump

Opinion End Our National Crisis

List of lawsuits involving Donald Trump

The manslaughter case against Donald Trump

How to set up Medical ID on your iPhone

How to never pay for CBS All Access TechHive

Sustainability in packaging: Inside the minds of US consumers

Building a healthcare ecosystem in India: A conversation with Shobana Kamineni

How an Australian resources company makes ESG a priority

What's ahead for US restaurants

COVID-19 and European small and medium-size enterprises: How they are weathering the storm

The AIIB's Transparency Deficit

Divided We Stand

Figures of the week: Mobility in some African countries has recovered to pre-pandemic levels

What happens if Trump and Biden tie in the Electoral College?

Can new forms of parent engagement be an education game changer post-COVID-19?

Cities are pledging to confront climate change, but are their actions working?

Are we on track to end global hunger?

Hutchins Roundup: Corporate bond spreads, central bank transparency, and more

10/21/2020 day marker

19 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct.

Breonna Taylor grand juror says panel wasn't given a chance to consider homicide charges

How to prepare your digital assets in case of death

We mailed 64 letters, packages in battleground states to check on mail delays.

Pope endorses civil union laws for same-sex couples

OxyContin maker to plead guilty to federal criminal charges, pay $8 billion, and will close the company

COVID-19 tourism spend recovery in numbers

Four ways to assess projects and keep them on track

COVID-19: Implications for business

Is the Long-Awaited Constitutional Crisis at Hand?

Trump's Crony Capitalism

America's Multilateralism Election

Inequality and Its Discontents

Africa's WTO Moment

A Modest Hope for the Post-Trump World Order

10 questions for Trump and Biden during their final debate

Why Brookings is starting a Center for Sustainable Development

Heeding the call to action: A sustainable path for humanity

Around the halls: Brookings experts on the new Center for Sustainable Development

We could abolish child poverty in the U.S. with Social Security benefits for poor kids

Questions President Trump needs to answer before negotiating with the Assad regime over hostages

The impact of COVID-19 on global extreme poverty

Assessing the DOJ lawsuit against Google

America faces a substitute teacher shortage — and disadvantaged schools are hit hardest

Can the Electoral College be subverted by "faithless electors"?

Economist Found $16 Trillion When She Tallied Cost of Racial Bias

OPINION Biden Will Make America Lead Again

10/20/2020 day marker

OPINION Biden Will Make America Lead Again

Will Consumers Spend or Save This Holiday Season?

How Data Science Can Win the Debate on Police Reform

When Should Schools Reopen?

When governments turn to AI: Algorithms, trade-offs, and trust

How companies can win in the seven tech-talent battlegrounds

Creating value in digital-farming solutions

Why 'digital' is no different when it comes to valuation

How nine digital front-runners can lead on AI in Europe

The Arctic Comes in from the Cold

Immunization is the Best Weapon Against Poverty

Getting to Low-Carbon High Seas

An Interview with Carl Manlan

How to Govern the New Digital Domain

Investing in human capital in the Middle East and North Africa is more important than ever

The day that America lost $100 billion because of an immigration visa ban

The hidden role of water infrastructure in driving a COVID-19 recovery

The countdown to implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area in East Africa

How to downsize the US presence in the Middle East

The House antitrust report is a major step toward reining in Big Tech

The Justice Department's lawsuit against Google will not stop Big Tech's abuses

Inside Foxconn's empty buildings, empty factories, and empty promises in Wisconsin

Jon Bon Jovi on "2020" - the year, the music

Researchers gave thousands of dollars to homeless people.

Fact-checking Trump's massively dishonest weekend: The President made at least 66 false or misleading claims in three days

10/19/2020 day marker

Tax Moves Worth Considering Before the End of the Year

Opinion Joe Biden Would Be a Sea Change For the Oil Industry

What People Really Love (and Hate) About Remote Work

Police Are Cutting Ties With Domestic Violence Programs That Support Black Lives Matter

Foster kids lived with molesters.

Leading on the Road Less Traveled: My First 90 Days at Wharton

Reimagining tax authorities for the future

Streamline the quote-to-cash journey for as-a-service sales

How public-sector tech leaders can speed up the journey to the cloud

The Leader the WTO Needs

How Israel Failed Its COVID Test

Think Small for an American Recovery

Boris Johnson's Failed COVID-19 Launch

Justice in a Hijacked State

Can President Trump win an Electoral College majority in 2020?

The complex and dynamic legal landscape of LGBTQ student rights

Trump's tax returns: Why the Supreme Court should end things now

10/18/2020 day marker

The Garden is the New Home Office, Thanks to the Sanity Shed

I'm not sure what, specifically, is prompting your wife's concerns, but it might help her to know that she has lots of company.

The Long Shadow of the Pandemic: 2024 and Beyond

Analysis: Trump's rallies make no political sense.

A Michigan teacher was giving a virtual lesson when she heard a student's grandma slur her words.

Who's undecided?

GM unveils 'Factory Zero' as it embarks on electric vehicle push


The Observer Effect – Daniel Ek

10/17/2020 day marker

The US is approaching 8 million Covid-19 cases and the pace of new infections signals a tough winter

Trump's pursuit of coronavirus vaccine comes at the expense of therapies he now claims as a 'cure' — CNN Politics


The Supreme Court announced Friday that it will review President Trump's attempt to exclude undocumented immigrants when calculating how congressional seats are apportioned among the states.

James Manyika speaks with Richard Haass about businesses as 'global entities'

Case study: Building a customer-centric B2B organization

Fighting identity theft in benefit claims and payments

Charts of the Week: Determinants of health; overworked Americans; decline of government reform

Africa in the news: Upcoming election in Guinea, debt suspension extension, and protests in Nigeria and Namibia

10/16/2020 day marker

Trump and Biden hold dueling town halls as Covid cases spike and millions cast their votes early

A town hall with Trump was testy, a forum with Biden was much quieter: Here are takeaways from each

Chris Christie says he spent a week in ICU, was 'wrong' to not wear a mask at White House event

How QAnon uses religion to lure unsuspecting Christians

How A Strong Greenback Affects the Economy

The 'reserve currency' myth: The US dollar's current and future role in the world economy — United States Studies Centre

Why Isn't the Dollar Collapsing Given Trillions in Printing?

Trump vs Biden town halls

Giuliani was target of Russian influence operation, adviser warned Trump

Tax Burden Equal to 70% Rate Crushes Americans Unable to Pay

How to plan a successful leadership succession at a start-up

What can other countries learn from China's travel recovery path?

Making a difference with data: What it can mean for food banks

Divide and conquer: How segmentation helps with food security

Transforming food banks' warehouse operations to improve critical performance

Reimagining consumer-goods innovation for the next normal

The Time Bomb at the Top of the World

Listen to the Science

The Quad Sharpens Its Edges

Who's Afraid of Rules-Based Monetary Policy?

The Novichok Archipelago

The People's Bankers?

Has Trump failed Black Americans?

Reimagining innovation to navigate COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is revealing the regressive business model of college sports

Stuck in the middle with you: Resourcing the Coast Guard for global competition

10/15/2020 day marker

The Pandemic: Not So Historic, in the Long Run?

The deception and detriment of US-China cultural and educational decoupling

The Case for a Latin American Rise

Stock market is less representative of the economy than it was in the 1970s

Is the Southern US Changing, Politically?

Income losses, not unemployment, lead to declines in family wellbeing

First, a Vaccine; Then, 'Chaos'

Does China Run the World?

Corporate tax hikes can lead to further concentration of income

The Verdict on Trump's Economic Stewardship, Before Covid and After

Exclusive: Feds chased suspected foreign link to Trump's 2016 campaign cash for three years

An Atlantis might wait beneath the Great Lakes.

Videos show closed-door sessions of leading conservative activists: 'Be not afraid of the accusations that you're a voter suppressor'

Herd immunity strategy endorsed by White House a 'ridiculous' way to stop COVID, say scientists — it will just kill people

Here's What Could Go Right — or Very Wrong — on Election Night

Behind closed doors, conservative activists reveal strategy

How Middle East and Africa retailers can accelerate e-commerce: Imperatives for now and the next normal

COVID-19: Implications for business

These eight charts show how COVID-19 has changed B2B sales forever

Problems amid progress: Improving lives and livelihoods for ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom

Digital Challengers in the Next Normal: the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the CEE context

New Stars ratings for Medicare Advantage prioritize customer experiences

Don't Overestimate the COVID-19 Recovery

Closing The Circuit – The Green Recovery Event

Can Green Business Be Good Business?

Green Dealing – The Green Recovery Event

Europe's Futile Search for Franco-German Leadership

As Greek Nazis Go to Prison, Their Poison Runs Free

The Return(s) of Nature – The Green Recovery Event

The politics of education access in Tanzania

Figures of the week: Taxation in Africa over the last century

The future of the U.S. Coast Guard is in outer space

10/14/2020 day marker

Luxury Home Sales Surge, Highlighting U.S. Housing Wealth Gap

Barr's 'unmasking' probe quietly concludes

Digital Thieves Are Hacking Brokerage Accounts: Is Your Money Safe?

Sheriff spoke in defense of accused domestic terrorists

What Apple didn't tell you about the new iPhones

Teenage 'computer genius' could become the first millennial saint

Like Kellyanne Conway's Daughter Claudia, I Grew Up Watching My Mom On Fox News

Analysis: The West is being left behind as it squanders Covid-19 lessons from Asia-Pacific

Supreme Court grants Trump administration's request to halt census count while appeal plays out

Rising costs and stagnating completion rates: Who is bucking the trend?

Digital Challengers in the next normal in Central and Eastern Europe

Why you need to keep changing your company's business mix

The rising toll of student debt: More than graduates can sustain?

The Recovery Needs Development Aid

What the US Election is Really About

How the Green Revolution is Harming Africa

Policing Truth in the Trump Era

Financial Inclusion 2.0

Journalist Studio premieres with two new tools for reporters

TechTank Podcast Episode 6: Is there a way to keep schools open safely?

The six government reforms we need in 2021

The deception and detriment of US-China cultural and educational decoupling

10/13/2020 day marker

Rent or Buy?

Battling Pandemic Blues: How Managers Can Rally the Troops

Eight Tricks for Making Remote School Easier

Whitehouse blasts Federalist Society and "special interests" guiding judicial picks.

Senator reveals how Trump picked Amy Coney Barrett to dump Obamacare, gay rights and abortion

How to Beat Analysts and the Stock Market with Machine Learning

Making Good Decisions: A Toolkit

Better Communication Through Neuroscience

Five Fifty: Is it safe?

Agile resilience in the UK: Lessons from COVID-19 for the 'next normal'

The committed innovator: An interview with Salesforce's Simon Mulcahy

Feeding a Greener World

Making Business Work for Nature

What's Next for Abenomics?

The Key to the Productivity Puzzle

Greening the Gig

Scotland after Sterling

An Interview with Connie Hedegaard

The Making of Suganomics

2020 Census Count 99.9 Percent Complete

Ending corporal punishment of preschool-age children

A Supreme Court decision to strike down the ACA would create chaos in the health care system

High air ambulance charges concentrated in private equity-owned carriers

America should stay in Afghanistan until an intra-Afghan deal is reached — not forever

Why the IMF needs to build on its COVID-19 record, not backtrack

10/12/2020 day marker

Inside the plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer

Key takeaways from the New York Times' investigation into Trump's taxes while in office

Inside Breonna Taylor's apartment, and why police homed in on it

Amy Coney Barrett hearing: 5 takeaways from Monday

Indigenous Peoples Day or Columbus Day?14

Coronavirus can survive for up to 28 days on phone screens and money, study finds

Schools are 2 months into reopening under Covid-19 and no one's keeping track of how it's going

All The President's Men

How to Get Voters Off the Fence?

Europe's start-up ecosystem: Heating up, but still facing challenges

Building the tech-enabled government of the future — a 'Day 1' list of common pitfalls

In conversation: The CEO moment

Talent retention and selection in M&A

Taking Venezuela's Human-Rights Crisis Seriously

The Key to Future Competitiveness

The Great Reallocation

The Logic of Sino-Western Détente

Kyrgyzstan's Latest Revolution

Post-COVID Capitalism

Overruling the Rule of Law

Trump's administrative presidency and its effort to weaken federal oversight in public education

What the debate over TikTok means for the future of social media

Washington has given up on big-ticket reform

Big ideas to redesign K-12 for the automation age

Saving the vaquita marina and the urgency of this fall

The missing piece: Where is 'education' in the national conversation?

10/11/2020 day marker

Doomed to fail — Why a $4 trillion bailout couldn't revive the American economy

Should You Consider Early Retirement in a Recession?

What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Science

Handling a Silent Killer: Hypertension

How Are Americans Paying Their Bills During the Pandemic?

3 reasons why holiday toy sales will be huge this year

Why it's so important to hope

All that time in the kitchen during this pandemic has led to a nationwide shortage of Mason jars

'And THAT'S That!' On The Commander in Chief's COVID Clusterf**k

The Swamp That Trump Built

Taking Page From Authoritarians, Trump Turns Power of State Against Political Rivals

Be prepared: A return to normal is still a long way away, warns banking billionaire Jamie Dimon

The small-town takeout store worker who won over New Zealand — and the world

Record-breaking hurricane season could pass into history as drenching Delta exits Gulf Coast

Why don't you need a negative coronavirus test to leave isolation?

10/10/2020 day marker

Trump has gutted LGBTQ+ rights.

Tropical Storm Delta brings heavy rain and flood threats to Tennessee Valley after slamming US Gulf Coast

Contact tracing and visualizing the people exposed to COVID-19 by Trump outbreak

An Explorer Debunks 5 Myths About Saving The Earth

Michigan extremists plotted to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, start civil war.

Trump's Helter Skelter

States can pave the way on closing the racial wealth gap

Africa in the news: Mali's transitional government, Somalia's debt relief, and Togo's first female prime minister

10/9/2020 day marker

New Twitter rules aim to counter manipulation ahead of Nov.3

Trump got a $21 million tax break for saving the forest outside his N.Y. mansion.

The 50 Richest Americans Are Worth as Much as the Poorest 165 Million

World Food Program wins Nobel Peace Prize for fight against 'hunger as a weapon of war'

Contact tracing is key to controlling Covid-19 at the White House (and everywhere else).

Feds charge six men accused in plot to kidnap Michigan governor

Wall Street versus Main Street: Why the disconnect?

'Making a big company feel small': An interview with HCA Healthcare CEO Sam Hazen

Insurance productivity 2030: Reimagining the insurer for the future

The path forward for the US retail industry

Successful oil and gas mergers: An interview with Wintershall Dea's Jone Hess

The human touch at the center of customer-experience excellence

Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future

Agriculture's connected future: How technology can yield new growth

Reforming public education in Australia: An interview with Mark Scott AO

COVID-19 and supply-chain recovery: Planning for the future

Little England's Big COVID Problem

It's the Energy Policies, Stupid

The Public's Business

System-Level Greening

The Coming Equity Shortage

The Post-Pandemic Firm

The Eternal Marx

Proximity doesn't benefit just big cities — it's helping rural communities weather the economic crisis too

As Election Day nears, COVID-19 spreads further into red America

Beyond Trump: Six things that could signal a return to political normalcy

How the Iran-Iraq war will shape the region for decades to come

Who owes the most in student loans: New data from the Fed

Trump wants the troops home from Afghanistan by Christmas

Gender in the 2020 election: Have we gotten the story backwards?

Six ways Trump has sabotaged the Affordable Care Act

Can developing countries reign in offshore wealth?

10/8/2020 day marker

Trump says he won't participate in next debate after commission announces it will be virtual

Pence attempts to defend Trump while ignoring key parts of his record during vice presidential debate

Trump Shunned Quack Coronavirus Cures For Himself That He Pushed On The Public

How the 'parasite' QAnon conspiracy cult went global

Tech giants engaged in monopoly tactics, House says

Derisking corporate business launches: Five steps to overcome the most common pitfalls

COVID-19: Implications for business

Managing "Managed Freedom"

Africa's Fateful Choice

Overcoming the COVID-19 Disruption to Essential Health Services

Eastbound and Green in Europe

Global Partnerships for an African Recovery

The Core of the ECB's New Strategy

Figures of the week: Deterring capital flight can help finance African development priorities

A conversation on the evolving attitudes and shifting politics in Taiwan

Major decisions: What graduates earn over their lifetimes

Hutchins Roundup: Immigrant fertility, temporary layoffs, and more

Class Notes: Affirmative action and student achievement, unequal income growth, and more

Did the vice presidential debate matter?

This week's Quad ministerial meeting, in four charts

10/7/2020 day marker

Exxon, Oil Rivals Shield Their Carbon Forecasts From Investors

Manhattan prosecutor can enforce subpoena for Trump's tax returns, appeals court says

Housing the homeless, feeding school children: How Black families devastated by police violence are fighting to end racism

President Trump and his staff flouted CDC coronavirus guidelines 24 times since Sept.1

'When You're A Star, They Let You Do It'

Tech debt: Reclaiming tech equity

Medtech innovation in the time of COVID-19: Resilience and growth during a crisis

Private equity and the pandemic: An interview with the CEO of Hahn & Company

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, September 2020

Building Back Fairer and Greener

Europe's "Green China" Challenge

How to Make Japan Great Again

To Lock Down or Not to Lock Down?

Eila Kreivi at The Green Recovery Event

Johan Rockström at The Green Recovery Event

Jennifer Morris at The Green Recovery Event

Christiana Figueres at The Green Recovery Event

Joseph Stiglitz at The Green Recovery Event

Greening the Transatlantic Relationship

Carlos Lopes at The Green Recovery Event

Can Biden Save the World?

The Plastics Pandemic

Halloween: Oct. 31, 2020

Census Bureau Releases New School Enrollment Data

Needed: leadership that hits Covid nail on the head by Richard Straub

Statement on the Democratic and Republican House Antitrust Subcommittee reports

Why design is important to security

Why can't everyone be like Sesame Workshop and PBS Kids?

The end of permissionless innovation

The true size of government is nearing a record high

Americans are more worried about their sons than their daughters

The new politics of bluelining

10/6/2020 day marker

What Drives Household Bankruptcy?

Why Low Interest Rates Hurt Retirees

The journey to agile: How companies can become faster, more productive, and more responsive

Debunking seven common myths about cloud

How COVID-19 has pushed companies over the technology tipping point — and transformed business forever

The emerging resilients: Achieving 'escape velocity'

Global emergence of electrified small-format mobility

A bio revolution to heal the natural world

What Should Corporations Do?

Preventing the Next Zoonotic Pandemic

The Pandemic's Complex Cocktail

Is the Rebellion Against Science Over?

Leveraging Africa's Informal Economy for Young People

Post-Pandemic Geopolitics

An Interview with Nouriel Roubini

Learning from Rabin

Federal bloat is at a 60-year high

For Taiwan, diplomatic green shoots are emerging in Europe

What you need to know about the "Quad," in charts

Using extractive industries data for better governance

Will voters in the Midwest's struggling communities decide the election again?

Tutoring: A time-tested solution to an unprecedented pandemic

From the Washington to the Latin American Consensus

Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for black hole discoveries to Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez

White House rebuffed CDC offer to lead contact tracing investigation of Trump outbreak

Senior Pentagon leadership quarantining after exposure to coronavirus

Why Stocks Don't Care Who The President Is

How Much Impact Does the President Have on Stocks?

10/5/2020 day marker

How Covid Broke Times Square, the Heart of New York's Economy

Trump Didn't Disclose First Positive Covid-19 Test While Awaiting a Second Test on Thursday

How Covid Broke Times Square, the Heart of New York's Economy

How Fox News evolved into a propaganda operation

Neanderthal genes may be to blame in some severe coronavirus cases

We're paying a lot of attention to Trump's case, but the US just recorded the most daily COVID-19 infections in nearly 2 months

If the president engages in risky behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, can the Secret Service – or anyone – stop him?

'Imagine having a literal COVID parade': Critics react after Trump leaves Walter Reed to see supporters

How the pandemic and politics gave us a golden age of conspiracy theories

White House press secretary tests positive for coronavirus

We binge-watched 15 hours of Amy Barrett's speeches.

Disaster Relief: Why the Poor Need Higher Priority

The mine-to-market value chain: A hidden gem

Analytics helps global business services fuel resilience and return

How prioritizing health is a prescription for US prosperity

The Catholic Challenge

Forging a Stronger Post-Pandemic ASEAN+3 Economy

The Lies That Infected Trump

The Promise of Decarbonization

The UN's Existential Crisis

The Democrats Should Fight Fire with Water

The Stock-Market Disconnect

GCC News Roundup: Kuwaiti ruler dies, Bahrain normalizes relations with Israel (September 1-30)

Is spectrum shortage a thing of the past?

The most important vice presidential debate in American history

The world needs better convening that fosters collective action

Why is Trump obsessed with suburbia?

10/3/2020 day marker

The Modern Experts Are Throwing Out the Old Rules for Managing Money

Analysis: With Trump hospitalized, more Covid cases emerge in White House and campaign

Officer testified that police knocked 'six or seven' times before Breonna Taylor was fatally shot

How to be great at people analytics

Cybersecurity: Emerging challenges and solutions for the boards of financial-services companies

Cutting through the COVID-19 surgical backlog

COVID-19 crisis: How distributors can emerge stronger than before

Investors remind business leaders: Governance matters

US consumer-packaged-goods advertising in the next normal

The Next Civil War?

10/2/2020 day marker

How Gender Lens Investing is Gaining Ground

Making the cloud pay: How industrial companies can accelerate impact from the cloud

How the CEO of Samsung SDS sets a course for 'humble and speedy'

The domino effect: How sales leaders are reinventing go-to-market in the next normal

A winning OFSE agenda for current times

Accelerating winds of change in global payments

Herd Immunity Will Not Defeat COVID-19

The Republican Threat to the Republic

A Multicolored New Deal

Critical Minerals and the New Geopolitics

The Danger of Following the Fed

Eastern Germany's New Growth Engine

The Way We Could Live Now

America's Transition from Democracy?

Europe's World-Lagging Universities Need Increased Funding

Heavy transport is a big carbon emitter — how can we change course?

Charts of the Week: Coronavirus and swing states; fading American Dream; foreign-born population share

India's National Education Policy 2020: A reformist step forward?

A conversation with Michelle Bachelet, former president of Chile and United Nations high commissioner for human rights

Trump tests positive for COVID-19: Is he at increased risk?

Chrissy Teigen's openness about pregnancy loss gives strength to women in similar situations

5G FAQ: What is 5G and when is it coming to the iPhone?

The Modern Experts Are Throwing Out the Old Rules for Managing Money

10/1/2020 day marker

Our Tax Code is Designed To Create Donald Trump

We Found Cheap Coats And Jackets That Don't Look Cheap At All

6 takeaways from the off-the-rails first debate between Biden and Trump

Trump sets the tone for the worst presidential debate in living memory

'Will you shut up, man?' 5 takeaways from the slugfest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Cleveland

Hillary Clinton Responds To Biden-Trump Debate Line With A Zinger Of Her Own

Marathon Petroleum, top U.S. refiner, begins widespread job cuts

There is no getting 'back to normal.'

Debate fact check: Where Biden, Trump land on COVID-19, campaigning, law and order, more

A woman could never behave that way and be president

Republicans Aren't Happy With Trump's Debate Performance

A judge has approved an $800 million settlement for victims of the Las Vegas shooting

Big contact tracing study shows role of kids and superspreaders in coronavirus pandemic

Sports team owners listen to players, but support Republicans to the tune of millions of dollars

White House fight over masks signaled Covid-19 plans running awry

How To Talk To A Constant Interrupter Without Just Saying, 'Shut Up, Man!'

One Day, Thousands of Job Cuts: Economic Pain is Deepening

Winter is coming: What's next in COVID-19 testing

COVID-19: Implications for business

The next normal in construction material distribution

How executives can help sustain value creation for the long term

The Need for a Great Transformation

How to End the Pandemic This Year

The Limits of American Recovery

Capitalists and Socialists of the World, Unite!

Shareholder Value in a Burning World

The Perils of Big COVID Government in Asia

The COVID-19 recession hit Latino workers hard.

Teen disengagement is on the rise

Hutchins Roundup: Central bank objectivity, healthcare, and more

Seven years into China's Belt and Road

What a second Trump term would mean for the world

Between restoration and change

9/30/2020 day marker

The First Female Recession Threatens to Wipe Out Decades of Progress for U.S. Women

Pandemic triggers the most unequal recession in modern U.S. history

Mueller pushes back on subordinate

Transforming the US consumer bank for the next normal

How European marketing-and-sales leaders handle COVID-19's effects

Car buying in 2030

Economic Conditions Snapshot, September 2020: McKinsey Global Survey results

The future of car buying: Perspectives from Saudi Arabia

The coronavirus effect on global economic sentiment

Women in the Workplace 2020

Can't buy love: Corporate-start-up partnerships in the DACH region

After the Vaccine

Minding the Digital Economy's Narrowing Gaps

The No DICE Carbon Price

The COVID-Climate Nexus

Europe's Double Bind

Whither Oil?

A Cool New Energy-Efficiency Policy

Rescuing US Intelligence

The shift to distance learning in Asia Pacific

Powering economic recovery through retail

Founded: A new podcast focuses on women who lead

How The Trevor Project continues to support LGBTQ youth

TechTank Podcast Episode 5: Will disinformation and voter suppression help Trump win reelection?

DRAWing away from the curriculum of the past

Raise the SNAP maximum benefit to reduce food insecurity

Trump's violent debate performance is a reflection of his racially violent policies

No peacemakers for the new/old Caucasian war

Angela Merkel's final year

Figures of the week: Financial inclusion of farmers in Africa

Bonding over Beijing

How a proposed House reform would flow federal funding into communities

The post-Sabah era in Kuwait

9/29/2020 day marker

Company touted by Trump wins billion-dollar border wall construction contract

Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters

Mock debates?

Save the Children?

Coronavirus has killed 1 million people worldwide.

Should I Call The Police if I See Someone Having A Mental Health Crisis?

No Meat, No Milk, No Bread: Hunger Crisis Rocks Latin America

America's missing kids: Amid COVID-19 and online school, thousands of students haven't shown up

Amy Coney Barrett Sets an Example for Working Mothers

Why Are There Still So Few Black CEOs?

Dad was in dementia'

Why Some Classic Films Still Aren't Streaming, From 'Jungle Fever' to 'Silkwood'

Why Higher Income Taxes Incentivize Insider Trading

How the Pandemic is Affecting Working Mothers

Commercial Real Estate: What to Invest in Today

Overcoming the core-technology transformation stalemate

Automation in government: Harnessing technology to transform customer experience

How Gen Z and millennials are shaping the future of US retail

Design cost-effective, carbon-abated products with resource cleansheets

'Car dealers must become technology companies': An interview with the CEO of Vertu Motors

The future of life insurance: Reimagining the industry for the decade ahead

Moving from cash preservation to cash excellence for the next normal

Why Biden is Better Than Trump for the Economy

The History Behind America's History Wars

The Internal Combustion Bust

Does Inflation Matter Anymore?

Multilateralism Will Survive the Great Fracture

The Source Code of Efficient Public Policy

Decoding China's "Dual Circulation" Strategy

Climate Crunch Time

Public demand for government reform remains high

Large-scale political unrest is unlikely, but not impossible

Global warming, fires, and crime in Mexico and beyond

When should schools reopen fully in-person?

Brookings Institution Press 2020 presidential election reading list

Congress finds success targeting private actors for information on executive branch actions

Amid economic and racial crises, legacy city collaborations point a path forward

Ten ways to make life better for the middle class

How a Washington, DC coalition is using place-based cash relief to advance an equitable COVID-19 recovery

9/28/2020 day marker

Dad was in dementia'

Why Some Classic Films Still Aren't Streaming, From 'Jungle Fever' to 'Silkwood'

Belly fat linked to early death, study finds

Don't say 'Happy Yom Kippur': How to greet someone observing the Jewish Day of Atonement

The grim truth behind Britain's stately homes

Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

Analysis: Tax bombshell reveals Trump's image is a sham

The Redistribution Games

The Transatlantic Tragedy

Nature is Our Common Ground for a Green Recovery

China's Leaders Can't Be Trusted

How to Recover Green

Making Sense of China's New Plan

How would Joe Biden's plan for older Americans affect teachers?

The end of the car as we know it: What COVID-19 means to mobility in Europe

Crisis? What crisis? COVID-19 and the unexpected recovery of regional trade in East Africa

9/27/2020 day marker

New Insights Into Dreams and What They Say About Us

How South Korea Successfully Managed Coronavirus

2021Best Colleges in America: Harvard Leads the University Rankings

'A Million Random Digits' Was a Number-Cruncher's Bible.

Six conservative justices?10

How Mitch McConnell is changing the Democratic Party

I was a Republican governor of Pa.

Democrats say Barrett's nomination is all about the future of Obamacare

9/26/2020 day marker

As you return from the summer break, can you lead toward a COVID-Exit?

Transforming interactive voice response systems in utilities

Africa in the news: Zambia's debt, Kenya's parliament and trade, and politics in the Horn of Africa

Germany's ex-royals want their riches back, but past ties to Hitler stand in the way

About 9% of Americans exposed to COVID-19 by mid-summer.

The Porn Industry Has A White Supremacy Problem.

Attorney: This is why Kenosha officer shot Jacob Blake

Sources: Trump intends to choose Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court

Mary Trump: Take it Seriously That Trump May Not Hand Over Power

This is what happens to your body over months in isolation

Expert Organizers Dish On How To Store Seasonal Clothes When The Weather Changes

How We'll Know the Election Wasn't Rigged

Census Bureau Statement on 2020 Census Court Order

9/25/2020 day marker

Trump's use of false content is often defended as humor.

Ginsburg spent her final weeks living as if there'd be many more

Joe Biden endorsed, Trump excoriated by nearly 500 retired top military, national security officials

By August, 1 in 5 Covid-19 cases was someone in their 20s

The US plans to execute a man for a crime he committed at 19.

How Retailers Can Salvage Customer Loyalty

Driving digital change during a crisis: The chief digital officer and COVID-19

How great supply-chain organizations work

What will (and won't) change in the future of Asia: An interview with the CEO of DBS

An optimistic scenario for the US response to COVID-19

Becoming a Weather-Ready Nation

Zero-based budgeting for health plans: Dealing with uncertainty ahead

Driving economic recovery in South Africa's BPO industry

The Curse of Falling Expectations

Europe's Recovery Gamble

The Vise Tightens on the Dollar

China's Inevitable Low-Carbon Future

Democrats Must Finally Play Hardball

Will Multilateralism Survive?

The Heart of the New Cold War

Operations to Count People Experiencing Homelessness Begins Next Week

Normalizing Sudan-Israel relations now is a dangerous game

Latinos often lack access to healthcare and have poor health outcomes.

GAO report sheds additional light on misleading and deceptive marketing practices among non-compliant health plans

Breonna Taylor, police brutality, and the importance of #SayHerHame

What the FinCEN leaks reveal about the ongoing war on dirty money

In the upcoming presidential debate, can Biden pull a Reagan?

Charts of the Week: Federal debt, middle-class income, rental housing distress

9/24/2020 day marker

Trump says he likes Putin.

How To Get Your Family And Friends To Vote in This Election

Colleges knew the risks but they reopened anyway.

Martin Amis and Salman Rushdie on Cancel Culture and The Hitch

COVID Crisis: Balancing Health Care and Economic Policy

Consumers with food allergies: A growing market remains underserved

Consumers with food allergies: A growing market remains underserved

The travel industry turned upside down: Insights, analysis, and actions for travel executives

Reimagining supply chain resilience

What 800 executives envision for the postpandemic workforce

A transformation of the learning function: Why it should learn new ways

The committed innovator: An interview with Kellogg's Nigel Hughes

Are Intellectuals Killing Convergence?

The Financial Climate Has Reached a Tipping Point

Returning to Multilateralism

Europe's Digital Emergency

China is Paying a High Price for Provoking India

The need for regulation of big tech beyond antitrust

The case for major government reform and how Biden can make it happen

Federal breakdowns are accelerating

Enrollment and participation trends in Israel's universal child development account program

What impact will the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg have on the 2020 Election?

What it Would Take for Herd Immunity to Stop the Coronavirus Pandemic

Did Herman Miller Err On Chairs?

9/23/2020 day marker

Trump says he likes Putin.

How To Get Your Family And Friends To Vote in This Election

Colleges knew the risks but they reopened anyway.

Martin Amis and Salman Rushdie on Cancel Culture and The Hitch

COVID Crisis: Balancing Health Care and Economic Policy

Consumers with food allergies: A growing market remains underserved

The travel industry turned upside down: Insights, analysis, and actions for travel executives

Reimagining supply chain resilience

What 800 executives envision for the postpandemic workforce

A transformation of the learning function: Why it should learn new ways

The committed innovator: An interview with Kellogg's Nigel Hughes

Are Intellectuals Killing Convergence?

The Financial Climate Has Reached a Tipping Point

Returning to Multilateralism

Europe's Digital Emergency

China is Paying a High Price for Provoking India

The need for regulation of big tech beyond antitrust

The case for major government reform and how Biden can make it happen

Federal breakdowns are accelerating

Enrollment and participation trends in Israel's universal child development account program

What impact will the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg have on the 2020 Election?

What it Would Take for Herd Immunity to Stop the Coronavirus Pandemic

Did Herman Miller Err On Chairs?

9/22/2020 day marker

What it Would Take for Herd Immunity to Stop the Coronavirus Pandemic

Horseshoe crabs have a vital role in the development of a coronavirus vaccine.

Pentagon used taxpayer money meant for masks and swabs to make jet engine parts and body armor

Mueller prosecutor says special counsel 'could have done more' to hold Trump accountable

Three Steps for Creating a More Equitable Workplace

How to Select Your Mutual Fund?

Valuing nature conservation

When will the COVID-19 pandemic end?

A Healthy Earth Needs Indigenous Peoples

Trump's Spectacular Trade Failure

The New History Wars

The EU Stands With the UN

The Meaning of 200,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Avoiding a Climate Lockdown

An Interview with Willem H. Buiter

Who is a terrorist, actually?

9/21/2020 day marker

Succession,' 'Watchmen' and 'Schitt's Creek' score sweeping wins

Why passenger jets could soon be flying in formation

On the trail of the Knights Templar and Holy Grail in western Poland

39 Websites That Can Make You Unbelievably Smarter Just in 10 Minutes a Day

CDC abruptly removes guidance about airborne coronavirus transmission, says update 'was posted in error'

The Nightmare Scenario That Keeps Election Lawyers Up At Night -- And Could Hand Trump A Second Term

No Job, Loads of Debt: Covid Upends Middle-Class Family Finances

Ten things to know about gender equality

The future of liquefied natural gas: Opportunities for growth

COVID-19's impact on the global gold industry: Implications for the next normal and beyond

What the future of mobility holds for chemical players

Celebrating 75 Years of the United Nations

Reopening the Peace Factory

The Economic Case for Biden

International Law and Political Necessity

The push for content moderation legislation around the world

An Eviction Moratorium without Rental Assistance Hurts Smaller Landlords, Too

Do our generals and admirals like war too much?

How serious are threats to the US homeland?

Why extend Pandemic EBT?

Voter fraud fears and mail worries grab headlines, but the wait will be the worry in 2020

Doing Business rankings that endanger good regulations

Pocket's 10 Most-Saved Stories in August

9/20/2020 day marker

Secret Documents Show How Criminals Use Famous Banks To Finance Terror And Death

The Case for Consequences

Extensive damage at two huge Antarctic glaciers could have major consequences for sea level rise

Venus is a Russian planet — say the Russians

Everything you thought you knew about Vikings may be wrong

AI-bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?

9/19/2020 day marker

Analysis: 20 years of closed-door conversations with Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life and work propelled women's equality front and center

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead at 87

A firefighter has died in the California wildfire sparked by a gender reveal party

7 Myths About Black Lives Matter People Need To Stop Believing

USPS feared Trump could cost it billions in Amazon business

An FBI sex crimes investigator helped trigger 2016's 'October surprise'

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who refused to consider former president Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee in the months leading up to the 2016 election, vowed Friday to hold a vote on President Trump's nominee to succeed the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Millions Are House-Rich but Cash-Poor.

The Falwells, the pool attendant and the double life that brought them all down

Can Election Polls Be Trusted?

Walking out of the hospital: The continued rise of ambulatory care and how to take advantage of it

Helping US healthcare stakeholders understand the human side of the COVID-19 crisis: McKinsey Consumer Healthcare Insights

What's keeping you from divesting?

Financing a comprehensive and equitable COVID-19 response

Africa in the news: Updates on politics in Côte d'Ivoire and Mali, oil management, and COVID-19

9/18/2020 day marker

US will ban WeChat and TikTok downloads on Sunday

Federal judge temporarily blocks USPS policy changes nationwide

I Was An Evangelical Christian, And I Know Why Many Of Them Resist Logic About COVID-19

Even Fidelity's $230 Billion Star Manager Has Robinhood Anxiety

Newly revealed USPS documents show an agency struggling to manage Trump, Amazon and the pandemic

The European path to reimbursement for digital health solutions

Buckets of innovation: How digital has transformed a mining company in Indonesia

The zero-carbon car: Abating material emissions is next on the agenda

Graphic-paper producers: Boosting resilience amid the COVID-19 crisis

Don't let the pandemic set back gender equality

Digitization: How machinery companies can meet customers' expectations

View: Government needs to put energy and momentum behind recent reform initiatives

Fighting the COVID Infodemic

The Post-Pandemic Recovery's Missing Link

The Roots of American Misery

Japan After Abe

PS Events: The Green Recovery (Day 2)

A Moment of Truth in the Pandemic

PS Events: The Green Recovery (Day 1)

How courageous schools partnering with local communities can overcome digital inequalities during COVID-19

Pandemic highlights the vulnerability of migrant workers in the Middle East

n many communities, COVID-19 will permanently kill jobs.

How US-China tensions could hamper development efforts

Math-intensive fields have a gender problem: The men are worse at math

Charts of the Week: COVID-19's impacts on politics, small businesses, and mortality

9/17/2020 day marker

Debunked QAnon conspiracy theories are seeping into mainstream social media.

Sally drenched parts of Florida with '4 months of rain in 4 hours,' officials say

When to Stop Working From Home?

Over-the-air DVR: An illustrated guide for cord-cutters

Three great iOS 14 accessibility features everyone will want to use

How CIOs and CTOs can accelerate digital transformations through cloud platforms

Follow the leaders: How governments can combat intensifying cybersecurity risks

Electric mobility after the crisis: Why an auto slowdown won't hurt EV demand

Making healthcare more affordable through scalable automation

Building and sustaining value in advanced industries through analytics-enabled pricing

The 21st-century cement plant: Greener and more connected

The 1.5-degree challenge

A rolling disruption: COVID-19's implications for private equity and portfolio companies

Your organization is grieving — here's how you can help

A 'GOLD standard' in brand growth for Japan's pharmaceutical market

Power Plant 4.0: Embracing next-generation technologies for power plant digitization

Five COVID-19 aftershocks reshaping mobility's future

Five Fifty: High stakes for stakeholder capitalism

Twelve million new online service users in CEE

Japan's Geopolitical Balancing Act Just Got Harder

The Rise of Covidnomics

How Poverty Reduction Can Survive Deglobalization

The Environmental Consequences of Political Repression

The Buck Stops with Putin

ACS State and Local Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Statistics

ACS State and Local Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Statistics

Will white women without college degrees torpedo President Trump's reelection?

Easy meat: The case of the pork industry in South Africa

Politics is wrecking America's pandemic response

TechTank Podcast Episode 4: Should Trump ban TikTok and WeChat?

Hutchins Roundup: SMCCF, COVID fatality rates, and more

Barr claims absolute authority, accuses Justice Dept. of headhunting'

Trump's Promise to Revive Coal Thwarted by Falling Demand, Cheaper Alternatives

9/16/2020 day marker

Who Pays for Covid-19 Medical Care?

How the CDC failed local public health officials fighting the coronavirus

Your Paycheck Amount Might Change This Month.

Joe Biden's Hispanic voter problem is real

What To Drink First Thing in The Morning, According To Nutritionists

A Chinese mother raising her son in the US reveals the biggest differences between American and Chinese parenting

A Breakdown of the Biden Policy Platform: Five Key Takeaways

Employee Engagement: Making a Difference

What will it take to achieve Vietnam's long-term growth aspirations?

The need for speed in the post-COVID-19 era — and how to achieve it

Memo to the CFO: A new approach to 2021 budgeting starts now

A new prescription for M&A in pharma

Racial equity in financial services

Reimagine insurance: Five keys to innovation

COVID-19: Implications for business

The hidden perils of unresolved grief

What now?

The new imperative for grid operators

Ecosystem 2.0: Climbing to the next level

How clean can the nickel industry become?

From there to here: 50 years of thinking on the social responsibility of business

Software 'should costing': A new procurement tool for automotive companies

Scaling agility: A new operating model for insurers

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and manufacturing's great reset

Improving the fragile US supply of blood

An experiment to inform universal basic income

Six problem-solving mindsets for very uncertain times

Modernizing military acquisition and sustainment for the 21st century

Making the WTO Work for Africa

PS Events: The Green Recovery (Day 2)

A Moment of Truth in the Pandemic

Central Banking's Next Act

The Greatest Generation's Squandered Legacy

A Light in the East

PS Events: The Green Recovery (Day 1)

The power of investing in girls in Sierra Leone

Figure of the week: Challenges facing economic stimulus in sub-Saharan Africa

Is Space Force meant to "look down" or "look out"?

Markets are flying blind on climate change

What types of interventions promote women's entrepreneurship?

Spinning good news on arms control

9/15/2020 day marker

How Bannon joined forces with a Chinese billionaire

Oracle Wins Bid for TikTok in U.S., Beating Microsoft

Preparing for What's Ahead: The Case of Sonoma County Winegrowers

Africa Needs Market-Creating Innovation

Abenomics After Abe

Will We Solve the Climate Crisis in Time?

The COVID Silver Linings Playbook

An Interview with M — nica Araya

Crunch Time for Central Banks

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

How should governments communicate with taxpayers during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Assessment in sub-Saharan Africa: Capturing 21st century skills

Sharing drug rebates with Medicare Part D patients: Why and how

The broadband industry steps up to connect students when the FCC will not

Taiwan's unlikely path to public trust provides lessons for the US

Training during and after COVID-19

Education's role in building back better for the planet

Mismatched signatures prompt tossed absentee ballots, legal fights ahead of election

How We Got Conned Into Drinking Bottled Water — And How We Can Stop

This is what could happen if the 2020 census fails to count everyone in the US

'Nothing more could have been done': Trump's final phone call to Woodward

Thousands of messages show what it really means to help someone who's suicidal

Thousands of messages show what it really means to help someone who's suicidal

Pixelmator Photo major update brings ML Super Resolution to iPad - Pixelmator Blog

6 ways the new Apple Watch Series 6 is a bigger upgrade than you think

9/14/2020 day marker

'Anxious, fearful, angry.'

Scientists outraged by White House appointees' meddling with coronavirus information: 'Outright egregious'

Robot dogs join high-tech US Air Force exercise

How a mysterious man fooled a Harvard scholar into believing the 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife' was real

Analysis: Trump relishes his role as a divider as he vows to be 'vicious'

America's COVID Election

Meat is Mayhem

The Arab Betrayal of Palestine

The New Eastern Mediterranean Crisis

The Consequences of the Israel-UAE Peace

Reclaiming American Greatness

Cities: where climate action can have the most impact

COVID-19's summer surge into red America sets the stage for November's election

Latin America yields to Trump's pick to head regional bank

There are no winners in US-China technology divide

Illegal fishing in Mexico and policy responses

Oracle Wins Bid for TikTok in U.S., Beating Microsoft

The Biggest Money Mistakes People Make in a Recession

9/13/2020 day marker


How Antimatter Spacecraft Will Work

The fires raging out West are unprecedented.

Covid-19 risk linked to restaurant dining: CDC study

Progressive Summarization: A Practical Technique for Designing Discoverable Notes

9/12/2020 day marker

Yes, you can have Covid-19 and the flu at the same time.

Fauci: Trump downplaying COVID-19 threat 'not a good thing,' no 'normality' until 2021

Democrats Worried That Beating Trump in November May Not Be Enough

VMware, Twitter Cut Pay for Remote Workers Fleeing Bay Area

How to vote by mail in 2020

I Look White To Many.

Analysis: History shows why the next few weeks are critical for Trump 2020

The Search for the Elusive 9/11 Surfer: Pasquale Buzzelli's Story on Discovery Channel

Your Phone Wasn't Built for the Apocalypse

Rebranding the NFL: How the League Shifted Its Message on Racial Justice

Figure of the week: Economics research on Africa is not evenly distributed across countries

Washington can seize a pinprick of light in Libya

Horror at the 9/11 attacks contributed to peace in Northern Ireland

Africa in the news: Sudan peace deal, Ethiopia elections, and Eastern and Southern Africa updates

Bad Teaching is Tearing America Apart

9/11/2020 day marker

Like 9/11, COVID-19 has stripped away Americans' sense of security as they wonder how safe they really are

The massive West Coast wildfires have killed 7 and forced hundreds out of their homes

Using Drafts app to create and import notes into Roam

Transforming Africa's Agriculture

India's Silenced Parliament

Beirut Must Be Saved

How to Save Nine Million Children

The Q-ing of the West

The Debt Pandemic

USAID's draft policy retrenches on gender equality

Election 2020: Where are we?

Charts of the Week: Impacts of the coronavirus recession

Court blocks Trump's order to exclude undocumented immigrants from census

DHS official says he was told to stop analysis on threat of Russian interference

'Really Diabolical': Inside the Coronavirus That Outsmarted Science

9/10/2020 day marker

'Avengers' and 'Game of Thrones' star Diana Rigg dead at 82

'Pretty cool.

How Trump's rhetoric on Kamala Harris has changed — and why

'Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book

Zettelkasten Note-Taking Method With DEVONthink

Yes, you can use Bear to build a zettelkasten

Stop Doing Business

The V-Shaped Recovery Marches On

How to Share a River

The UN's Unhappy Birthday

Planning for Crisis Resilience

International efforts to counter violent extremism under President Trump: A case study in dysfunction and incoherence

What future for the World Bank's Doing Business project?

To make ed tech work, set clear goals, review the evidence, and pilot before you scale

The needed reset for the US-Egypt relationship

How clean energy jobs can power an equitable COVID-19 recovery

Hutchins Roundup: Consumer spending, pollution, and more

Tech cannot be governed without access to its data

Not in my backyard: Land-based missiles, democratic states, and Asia's conventional military balance

Class Notes: The gender poverty gap, COVID-19's impact on college students, and more

Germany is well placed to lead a tougher EU response to Russia

9/9/2020 day marker

The Opioid Crisis, Already Serious, Has Intensified During Coronavirus Pandemic

Justice Dept.intervenes in defamation lawsuit against Trump

The Neglected Water and Sanitation Crisis

The Pandemic's Most Treacherous Phase

Africa's Peace and Prosperity Begin at Home

A Radically Inclusive Makeover for Education

Young Africans need more and better jobs, not more training

Broadband in red and blue states: Three solutions to low-income internet access

The labor market doesn't have a 'skills gap' — it has an opportunity gap

Without an 'ounce of empathy': Their stories show the dangers of being Black and pregnant

The Oscars make inclusion a requirement for best picture consideration beginning in 2024

Justice Department wants to defend Trump in Carroll defamation lawsuit

This might be your most important flu shot ever

With Trump promising a COVID-19 vaccine 'very soon,' industry developers pledge to keep politics out of science

PCMag's 2020 Speed Test of U.S. Mobile Networks

Fastest Mobile Networks 2020

Everyone Knows It's True

9/8/2020 day marker

How Trump's Billion-Dollar Campaign Lost Its Cash Advantage

China Launches Initiative to Set Global Data-Security Rules

Labor Day means getting back into a routine.

Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables make healthy eating easier My Southern Health

9 things I learned switching from the iPhone SE to the Google Pixel 4a

Getting the Job Done: How Immigrants Expand the U.S. Economy

What Will the World Look Like in 2030?

Winning the Fight Against Cholera

Don't Buy Bezosware

The New Urgency of Global Tech Governance

The Great Services Illusion

An Interview with Ian Goldin

The Coming Global Technology Fracture

Beyond the classics: A fresh international relations reading list for students

9/7/2020 day marker

East India Company

Combat Knives and Tactical Knives - Knife Center


The companies that help people vanish

Do you need a 4K HDMI cable?

Putin's vaccine meets opposition from frontline workers in Russia

Exclusive: More Americans predict Trump will win the presidential debates than Biden, USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll shows

Voting safety: How to protect yourself from Covid-19 while casting your ballot

Overseas Chinese


Multilateralism for the Masses

China's Rapid Shift to a Digital Economy

The Solidarity America Needs

The Revenge of the Special Relationship

Retiring Abenomics

The Unfinished Agenda of Financing Africa's COVID-19 Response

GCC News Roundup: UAE, Israel normalize ties, Qatar reforms labor laws (August 1-31)

USPS chief's rise in GOP was fueled by employee donations

9/6/2020 day marker

Senegal's quiet COVID success: Test results in 24 hours, temperature checks at every store, no fights over masks

Democrats Hold Secret Edge if Election is Too Close to Call

Left behind because of Covid-19, a tiny dog travels 10,000 miles to rejoin her owners

Notion First Impressions: Thoughts After Two Weeks with Notion and our Content Calendar – The Sweet Setup

In tell-all book, Michael Cohen says Trump hired a 'Faux-Bama' before White House run

Former Trump lawyer describes alleged episodes of racism

The Family Scars Left by the Beirut Blast

9/5/2020 day marker

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are 'Losers' and 'Suckers'

South Dakota dismisses 'elite class of so-called experts,' carries on with state fair after Sturgis rally fueled COVID-19 surge

7 Signs You're Being A Bad Friend (And How To Be A Better One)

Exclusive: NRA's former No. 2 official Joshua Powell describes 'decades of fraud, corruption' inside lobby group

The Best Camping Sleeping Pads of 2020 REI Co-op Journal

How Firms Can Become More Resilient in the New Normal

Understanding the hidden costs of COVID-19's potential impact on US healthcare

How to make telehealth more permanent after COVID-19

Africa in the news: Mali coup, Mauritius oil spill, and COVID-19 updates

9/4/2020 day marker

A 1794 silver dollar sold for $10 million in 2013.

'You matter to us': Delta Air Lines upgrades Black traveler harassed by white flyer

US adds 1.4 million jobs in August, but is still down 11.5 million jobs since Covid hit

Exclusive: Two-thirds of Americans say they won't get COVID-19 vaccine when it's first available, USA TODAY/ Suffolk Poll shows

Is Pandemic Sex Worth The Risk?6

Intelligence bulletin warns Russia amplifying false claims mail-in voting will lead to widespread fraud

The value pitch: The importance of team value management

The future corporate center: Functional efficiency runs in the family

How the Iowa derecho has affected 2020 crops

Improving battery-electric-vehicle profitability through reduced structural costs

Desalination is not the only answer to Chile's water problems

Digital transformation in energy: Achieving escape velocity

Downstream oil and gas amid COVID-19: Succeeding in a changed market

Four ways to improve technology service resiliency

The Chinese consumer: Resilient and confident

A Stable Euro Requires an Ambitious Industrial Policy

Making South Africa Whole

Farewell, Big City?

Why philanthropies play an important role in welfare innovation

What Donald Trump should have done with North Korea — and what the next president should do

What the Pentagon's new report on China means for US strategy — including on Taiwan

The SALT tax deduction is a handout to the rich.

9/3/2020 day marker

'We're not your slaves': Alternative health providers bristle at warning letters about their coronavirus treatments

Analysis: Russian trolls are back.

Trump Stopped Going to Dover AFB To Receive Bodies After Getting Berated On First Visit

Economic Crisis?

Engaging employees to use analytics: How mining companies solve the adoption challenge

US Hispanic and Latino lives and livelihoods in the recovery from COVID-19

Tech-enabled asset productivity in chemicals and agriculture

Why healthy institutional investors outperform

Will quantum computing drive the automotive future?

Adapting tax collection for uncertain times

Reimagining emerging ASEAN in the wake of COVID-19

Beating the shrink on grocery shelves

Digital Finance for a Fairer Post-Pandemic World

The Belarusian Kids Are Alright

How (Not) to Fight COVID-19

The Uncertainty Pandemic

Climate-Friendly Cooling Can Slow Global Warming

Trump's Dirty Tricks

Is it getting easier to vote by mail?

Charts of the Week: Mask wearing, new Iraq data, metro area recovery from COVID-19

Hutchins Roundup: Job matching, income inequality, and more

Essential workers during COVID-19: At risk and lacking union representation

COVID-19 and China's information diplomacy in Southeast Asia

Pathways to structural transformation of the Ghanaian economy — and some roadblocks

9/2/2020 day marker

The U.S. Has Elected Only Two Black Governors.

Melania Trump used private email accounts for government business

Another win for Trump in battle over tax records.

B.A.s Are Usually Swimming in Job Offers by Now.

Tactics of fiery White House trade adviser draw new scrutiny as some of his pandemic moves unravel

As election looms, Russian trolls are targeting Americans again, Facebook says

Exclusive: Report finds TV tobacco imagery persists, and says young viewers turn to vaping

How To Politely Say 'No' To Your Friend's MLM Pitch

Covid-19 built a 'northern wall' between the US and Canada and it could stay up longer than anyone expected

Where are the Black officers?

Can anything change Americans' minds about Donald Trump?

Leadership's role in fixing the analytics models that COVID-19 broke

GSK's Brian McNamara on the business impact of COVID-19

Needle in a haystack: Patents that inspire agricultural innovation

Reskilling for a changing economy: A discussion with Glenn Youngkin

Medtech's call to action: Meeting the demand surge caused by COVID-19

Africa's Gathering Debt Storm

The Siren Song of Scranton

The Parties Must Go On

The False Promise of Digital ID

Mapping a Better Future for Africa's Farmers

Why we should register voters when they file their taxes

Figure of the week: The AfCFTA's effects on trade and wages in Africa

TechTank Podcast Episode 3: Why Rep. David Cicilline thinks we need a Glass-Steagall Act for the internet

Did the first virtual conventions succeed?

What do changes in the Fed's longer-run goals and monetary strategy statement mean?

9/1/2020 day marker

How governments can deliver on the promise of digital ID

What Next for Great Cities?

10 things we learned at Brookings in August

She Was Told Her Mother Died.

B.A.s Are Usually Swimming in Job Offers by Now.

Unsafe school facilities reinforce educational inequities among marginalized students

An Interview with Bertrand Badré

To take off, flying vehicles first need places to land

How Foreign Purchases of U.S. Homes Impact Prices and Supply

Warren Buffett and the $300,000 Haircut

Back to school: A framework for remote and hybrid learning amid COVID-19

Grand Old Conspiracy Theorists

Lady Gaga's Outrageous Masks Steal The Show At MTV VMAs

Creating Inclusive Public Policies: Guidelines for Compassionate Regulators

USPS removes thousands of mailboxes each year; in 2020, mail-in ballots make it political

New Yorkers Flee for Florida and Texas as Mobility Surges

Is Trump a Turning Point in World Politics?

A Tenth of the World Could Go Hungry While Crops Rot in Fields

Mysterious Repeating Radio Burst From Space is Back, Exactly Right on Time

Are women happier than men?

Removing impediments to export-led growth in Senegal: Groundnuts, fishing, textiles, fruits, and vegetables

The End of College as We Know it?

Lukashenko the Impotent

Why is the Stock Market So Strong When the Economy is Weak?

The COVID Middle-Income Trap

8/31/2020 day marker

'Shame and blame': Are college COVID-19 cases the fault of campuses full of reckless partiers?

What is the right-wing group Patriot Prayer linked to Portland confrontations and who is Joey Gibson?

'What a fool I was': First lady's ex-best friend tells all in revenge book 'Melania & Me'

Jerry Falwell Jr.'s fatal miscalculation

Integrators and Segmentors: Managing Remote Workers

The Fed's Dangerous New Strategy

Realizing America's Anti-COVID Potential

A Democratic Doomsday?

Winners and Losers of the Pandemic Economy

The Post-Capitalist Hit of the Summer

The COVID City

American individualism is an obstacle to wider mask wearing in the US

The pitfalls of poppy licensing in Mexico

8/30/2020 day marker

COVID-19 and climate change expose dangers of unstable supply chains

Hot-Weather Hiking Tips

Teaching Strategic Thinking Skills to Air Force Pilots • Concepts App • Infinite, Flexible Sketching

How to use Keyboard Maestro's OCR Text capture Action Mac Automation Tips

Long-awaited Celera 500L 'bullet' plane is finally revealed

Analysis: Trump continues to break the polling

'Not everything is pretty here': Charleston tourism reckons with slavery and racism

8/29/2020 day marker

Trump Secret Service agents Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Mission Impossible: Convincing a Polish Town to Let Tom Cruise Destroy Its Bridge

A Black man died in Minneapolis police custody in 2010.

Heroin's Hidden Ingredient is a Chemical Made by U.S. Companies

Why police shoot so many times to bring down a suspect

Cincinnati's Bold New Law Takes Away One Of The Biggest Obstacles To Renting A Home

Hurricanes, fires, floods and locusts: Science says climate change is here but the RNC refuses to believe

The Malign Fantasy of Donald Trump's Convention

Eating out(side): Restaurant dining in the next normal

Closing the skills gap in retail with people analytics

A playbook for private equity success in China: An interview with Jean Salata

Shifting focus to a comprehensive COVID-19-monitoring infrastructure

How to generate alpha in Chinese private equity: An interview with Nexus Point founder KC Kung

Warren Buffett: An appreciation

From defense to offense: Digital B2B services in the next normal

Standing out in China's private equity market: An interview with Frank Su

Thriving in Latin America's next normal: Commercial excellence in CPG

What Belarus Needs

The Japan Shinzo Abe Has Left Behind

Will Trumpism change Republican foreign policy permanently?

8/28/2020 day marker

Trump's White House Rally: Takeaways From the RNC's Final Night

Takeaways from the GOP convention's final night

Apple and Privacy in 2020: Wide-Reaching Updates with Minimal User Intrusion

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resigns for health reasons

Here are 6 takeaways from Trump's final night at the RNC

Kenosha Exposes Ugly Truth of Inequality in America's Heartland

Virtual Concerts May Be The Future Of Live Entertainment

From new business to unicorn: Scaling a new corporate business

In search of alpha: Updating the playbook for private equity in China

Margin pressure builds in the German machinery industry

'Less searching, more finding': The car-buying experience in 2030

Using built-in advantages and innovation to scale

The big boost: How incumbents successfully scale their new businesses

Poverty as Injustice

The Four Paths of US-China Relations

The World After Trump vs. Biden

The Post-Pandemic Economy's Barriers to Growth

Class Notes: Explaining the rise of populism, generosity in policymaking, and more

What can Trump do to eke out a victory in the electoral college?

A more inclusive employment mandate

Protesting is as important as voting

What to expect from a second Trump-Pence term on regulation, antitrust, online hate, and China

Is Putin about to make a costly mistake in Belarus?

The new, great, dangerous game in the eastern Mediterranean

Did the 1994 crime bill cause mass incarceration?

What should athletes demand for police reform?

8/27/2020 day marker

Updated CDC guidelines now say people exposed to coronavirus may not need to be tested

The remote hideout of the World Bank

Hurricane Laura batters Louisiana's coast as a Category 3 storm

Are 'Shy Trump Voters' Skewing The Polls?

Donald Trump Presides Over GOP Remade in His Image

How Trump's company charged the U.S. government more than $900,000

Big Oil faded.

Reimagining actuaries: A Q&A with Society of Actuaries' Greg Heidrich

Fashion on climate

India's turning point: An economic agenda to spur growth and jobs

Managing China's growing oncology burden

Reimagining procurement for the next normal

Trump's International Economic Legacy

Epidemics, Economics, and Externalities

The COVID Comorbidity Crisis

How Better Climate Data Can Help the Municipal Market

Census Bureau Releases New Report on Retail Workers

Charts of the Week: Afghanistan data; the hospitality industry during COVID-19; younger generations

Abby Johnson's comments about her adopted Black son are problematic.

Can Republicans hold the Senate?

Wages and GDP lost due to COVID-19 school closures

Hutchins Roundup: Asset prices, poverty rates, and more

Black Americans are much more likely to serve the nation, in military and civilian roles

The US cooperated with the Soviets on smallpox – it should do the same with China on COVID-19 vaccine distribution

How Democrats can compromise on charter schools to benefit all students

Zoom is now critical infrastructure.

8/26/2020 day marker

Berkshire Hathaway's Charlie Munger Says U.S. In "Uncharted Territory" On $22 Trillion National Debt

Warren Buffett explains the simple reason why the US will never default on its debt

Warren Buffett's Recent Explanation of How Money Now Works is the Most Important in History

Analysis: Melania Trump recognizes the pandemic's painful toll as her husband's convention ignores it

From a Biogen conference to a homeless shelter: Researchers track coronavirus infections from 'superspreader' events

Coronavirus outbreak at Maine nursing home and jail linked back to wedding reception

Missing for over 50 years: Long-lost elephant shrew resurfaces in Africa

COVID-19 exposes a critical shortage of oxygen in developing countries

End-to-end digital transformations for chemical companies

Women in healthcare: Moving from the front lines to the top rung

The imperatives for automation success

How the Pandemic Can Revolutionize Climate Policy

Saving Liberal Democracy

Minimizing the Social Cost of COVID-19

The Global Risk of the US Election

Why All Countries Should Contribute to Ending Global Poverty

What does leadership look like in the new world order?

How is the U.S. Postal Service governed and funded?

How an Atlanta park is connecting people to housing through place-based social service provision

Melania Trump can teach the president about how to talk to women voters

Remembering when RNC delegates fought for racial justice

8/25/2020 day marker

New Thinking on Covid Lockdowns: They're Overly Blunt and Costly

How Trump Has Changed the Republicans

New York attorney general files legal action against Trump Organization, revealing state investigation into the company's financial dealings

Kellyanne Conway is leaving the White House

What Should I Do if I Witness Police Brutality?

Evacuating due to wildfires or tropical storms?

How rigid is the middle class in the US, really?

Coping with non-COVID Patients: An Operations Management Model

How Firms Use Pre-IPO Confidentiality to Fend Off Lawsuits

Can Tesla Maintain Its Momentum?

Lessons for US governors and mayors planning a second term

China's Digital Currency Will Rise but Not Rule

America's Coming Double Dip

Belarus is Putin's to Lose

The EU is Fueling Hunger in Africa

Are We All Keynesians Again?

An Interview with Tlaleng Mofokeng

For President Trump, it's 1968 all over again

Autonomous vehicles could improve policing, public safety, and much more

The 2020 Republican Party platform: "L'etat, c'est moi"

8/24/2020 day marker

The ideas of Douglass North VOX, CEPR Policy Portal

Kellyanne Conway announces she's leaving the White House

These variables affect whether you live, die or get help during the pandemic

Gold Fever in 2020 Means Exchange-Traded Funds

Republicans Jostling For 2024 Presidential Bids Could Face Yet Another Donald Trump

Advancing Economic Justice: How the Ford Foundation is Investing in Diversity

Lukashenko in His Bunker

How Does the COVID Recession Compare?

The End of Western Opportunism

The Global Responsibility of Biden and Harris

The Crowding-Out Myth

Why Trump's attack on USPS is an attack on the Constitution, democracy, and racial equality

Tuition discounts don't make sense, increased funding for financial aid does

The Pakistan-Saudi Arabia relationship hits a bump in the road

8/23/2020 day marker

In secretly recorded tapes, Trump's sister said he has 'no principles'

'I Want to Be With Her.'

'Are you really going to impeach me?': How the Ukraine bombshell unfolded over 48 hours and laid bare Trump's fixation with Biden

DNC: Four Key Takeaways From Night Four

Sweatpants Forever: How the Fashion Industry Collapsed

Amsterdam has been collapsing for years.

Trump heads into his convention in an unprecedented position

Could hurricanes collide?

The odds of catching Covid-19 on an airplane are slimmer than you think, scientists say

Can the Republican Convention turn things around for Trump?

8/22/2020 day marker

What's next for the North American dairy industry?

Preparing for the next normal now: How health systems can adopt a growth transformation in the COVID-19 world

Is the stock market more important to the economy than the $600 unemployment benefit?

Case with 'brutal' sentences reexamined

America's College Towns Are Facing an Economic Reckoning

The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

Brayden Harrington says DNC appearance boosted his confidence, wants to help others who stutter

8/21/2020 day marker

Reinvigorating growth in the consumer-goods industry

Reinventing upstream oil and gas operations after the COVID-19 crisis

Organizing for speed in advanced industries

Declaration of interdependence: B Lab Global's Andrew Kassoy

Critical communications infrastructure and COVID-19: An interview with Ericsson's CEO

COVID-19: Implications for business

Seeing the savings: Toward transparent management of portfolio companies

Semiconductor design and manufacturing: Achieving leading-edge capabilities

Reinvigorating growth in the consumer-goods industry

Is the Almighty Dollar Slipping?

China Alone

The Dark Heart of Gold

Digital Finance is the Key to Post-Pandemic Development

Stimulating Brazil's Bioeconomy

Belarus's Revolution of Dignity

Dollar Bets

The Fourth of July: 2020

Women's History Month: March 2020

National African-American (Black) History Month: February 2020

Counterterrorism in a time of COVID

Lebanon needs a new start

Joe Biden's convention was about the content of our character

Empty mailboxes, missed rent: US Postal Service's struggles have real-world impacts

"Hannity Has Said to Me More Than Once, 'He's Crazy'": Fox News Staffers Feel Trapped in the Trump Cult

How to make sure your vote counts in November

National Security - Defending Democracy Together

Senate Intelligence Committee releases report detailing Russia's 2016 election interference efforts

8/20/2020 day marker

What if Trump won't accept 2020 defeat?

Analysis: Obama issues a dire warning about American democracy in stunning rebuke of Trump

Kamala Harris makes history, Obama accuses Trump of treating presidency like a 'reality show:' DNC takeaways

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny hospitalized after suspected poisoning: spokeswoman

750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes approved for release in Florida Keys

During the pandemic, are the little kids all right?

How did the stock market hit a record amid COVID-19 fueled recession?

Businesses say Trump's payroll tax deferral action is 'unworkable'

Infectious Disease Experts On What Frustrates Them Most Right Now

TV subscription bundles are back, and they're better than ever for cord-cutters

Will infrastructure bend or break under climate stress?

Unlocking the online retail opportunity with European farmers

The math of ACOs

Call to action: How A&D companies can build the workforce of the future

Europe's Last Dictator Makes His Last Stand

Financial Repression Revisited?

Lebanon Needs a New Start

America's New Debt Bomb

Small Business Pulse Survey Phase 2 Weekly Data Release

2020 Census: LGBTQ+

Watch: Experts debate American policy in Afghanistan

Iraq's best hope is developing stronger ties to the Gulf — with US help

The DNC's celebration of women has to be backed up by policy

TechTank Podcast Episode 2: How has COVID-19 transformed work, education, and healthcare?

The power of dads in childhood development–during a pandemic and beyond

China's dangerous Taiwan temptation

'Back to work in the flames': The hospitality sector in a pandemic

'Back to work in the flames': The hospitality sector in a pandemic

8/19/2020 day marker

Bipartisan Senate report details Trump campaign contacts with Russia in 2016, adding to Mueller findings

4 men, 4 takeaways from the monster Senate intelligence report on Russian election meddling

Igniting individual purpose in times of crisis

Making smart platforms stick

Bias Busters: Lifting your head from the sand

How insurers can improve combined ratios by five percentage points

COVID-19 and cell and gene therapy: How to keep innovation on track

Harnessing the Power of Digital ID

Lukashenko's Ceauşescu Moment?

A Healthy Improvement on GDP

How Cash Transfers Prevent Lockdown Tragedies

Whither the Pandemic Economy?

Poppy, eradication, and alternative livelihoods in Mexico

How the Democrats are trying to bridge the party's past and future

Amid COVID-19, don't ignore the links between poor air quality and public health

Let's end the COVID-19 blame game: Reconsidering China's role in the pandemic

Trump's fetal tissue ethics panel urges mass rejection of research proposals

What Derailed America's Covid Testing: Three Lost Weeks

8/18/2020 day marker

FHA Mortgage Delinquencies Reach a Record, Led by New Jersey

6 takeaways from the DNC's first night

How Leaders Can Regain Trust in Untrusting Times

When Several Lines Are Better Than One

How Social Media is Shaping Political Campaigns

How COVID-19 and market changes are shaping LNG buyer preferences

Ten battlegrounds for digital and analytics in life sciences

How Allianz Turkey created an agile organization

COVID-19: Saving thousands of lives and trillions in livelihoods

The Armenian Model for Belarus

The Arrival of Kamala Harris

South Korea on Top Again

Cultural Decoupling from China Will Hurt the US

The Quiet Revolution in Emerging-Market Monetary Policy

An Interview with Mark Leonard

How Africa Can Harness the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Kasich can't help Biden win over Republicans but Trump can

Five reasons to explore Mars

Unpredictable work hours and volatile incomes are long-term risks for American workers

8/17/2020 day marker

The Postal Service and the 2020 Election: What You Need to Know

Trump's finger-pointing on USPS is latest attempt to rewrite history in real time

Some people are in denial about the pandemic.

2020 Census 'emergency' threatens to leave out communities of color and rural Americans

How will the stock market react if Democrats win the White House and Senate?

Analysis: Democrats fight back in US Postal Service showdown with Trump

Why Inclusion Starts in the C-suite

Fomenting Intellectual Revolution in the MENA Region

A Letter to the International Community

The Cracks in Belarus's Regime Are Multiplying

The Need for Debt-for-Climate Swaps

Hard road back to power for Germany's Social Democrats

Avoiding a new Cold War between the US and China

8/16/2020 day marker

The Biden factor in the UAE-Israel deal

Robert Trump, the younger brother of President Donald Trump, dead at age 71

The Ultimate Guide to Summarizing Books: How to Distill Ideas to Accelerate Your Learning - Forte Labs

Dog adoptions

Remote Work is Reshaping San Francisco, as Tech Workers Flee and Rents Fall

8/15/2020 day marker

Reimagining the postpandemic economic future

Customer loyalty: The new generation

Consumer organization and operating models: Bold moves for the next normal

Meet the next-normal consumer

Rethinking AI talent strategy as automated machine learning comes of age

The Economic Factor in Belarus

Five things the Democratic Party needs to do in its convention this week

Postal service warning states it may not be able to deliver ballots in time based on current election rules

Postal Service warns 46 states their voters could be disenfranchised by delayed mail-in ballots

What's going on with the post office?

8/14/2020 day marker

Fact check: Trump promotes another birther lie, this time about Kamala Harris

Chicken wings test positive for Covid-19 in China, but there's no evidence of food transmission, experts say

Mourning The Ellen DeGeneres And J.K. Rowling We Used To Know

Apple's Split to End Dominion of Dow Average's Biggest Stock

Focal Stellia review: The most exquisite headphone we've reviewed to date

Climate risk and response in Asia: Research preview

The European recycling landscape — the quiet before the storm?

Prioritize people in times of crisis: An interview with the CEO of BHP

Derisking AI by design: How to build risk management into AI development

For corporate travel, a long recovery ahead

Rules of engagement: Winning with the basics in digital telecommunications

COVID-19: Implications for business

Australia's next normal: The cautious consumer

The hidden growth driver: China's industrial aftermarket-services sector

Belarus Reborn?

Belarus Reborn?

Defunding America's Forces of Death

Stopping Cambodia's Reckless Urban Development

Deconstructing Donald

August 1864 vs. August 2020: A contrast in leadership

Around-the-halls: Experts analyze the normalization of Israel-UAE ties

Election 2020: A once-in-a-century, massive turnout?

Charts of the Week: Three ways of looking at race and inequality in America

The Sun Belt's COVID-19 surge stalls economic recovery in the region

The happy classroom: Insights from our study of schools in Delhi, India

8/13/2020 day marker

6 national restaurant chains in deepest trouble amid COVID-19 include Outback Steakhouse, IHOP and Denny's

Florida sheriff forbids employees, visitors to wear masks: If they do, 'they will be asked to leave'

CNN Exclusive: Details, title and cover revealed for Bob Woodward's upcoming book on Trump

Inside Biden's unusual VP pick process: Tough questions, 11 finalists and many lawyers

How six companies are using technology and data to transform themselves

Institutionalizing drilling and completions efficiency in US unconventionals

Understanding how American workers progress to higher-wage jobs

Scaling a start-up: Launching innovative products in international markets

Communicating Public Health and Social Justice

How to Count Humans

Priorities for Saving the Private Sector

A Better Alternative to Trump's WeChat Ban

To the Brink with China

Online resources from the Brookings Institution for teachers and students

Hutchins Roundup: Student debt, consumer spending, and more

The COVID-19 public health and economic crises leave vulnerable populations exposed

Class Notes: Parenthood wage gaps, WFH benefits, and more

What to expect from Biden-Harris on tech policy, platform regulation, and China

Rightsizing the Afghanistan mission

8/12/2020 day marker

What Cities Need in the Global Economy

Largest Public Companies on Earth: The Corporate Giants of 2020

Foyle's War: Series Creator Was Ready for UK Cancellation — canceled + renewed TV shows - TV Series Finale

Sumner Redstone, billionaire media mogul, dead at 97

Small Businesses Are Dying By The Thousands — And No One is Tracking the Carnage

Big companies are going bankrupt at a record pace, but that's only part of the carnage.

What Do 'Never Trump' Republicans Want From Joe Biden?

Swept up in historic Mississippi ICE raids a year ago, these undocumented workers are now 'essential'

How to Choose a Roof-Top Tent

Hanns Scharff

How Fixed-income Portfolios Match or Beat Stocks in the Long Run

Operations-driven sustainability

Building a digital New York Times: CEO Mark Thompson

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, July 2020

Predictive sales forecasting: Is your finance function up to code?

Safeguarding the lifeblood of American healthcare: An interview with the CEO of AmerisourceBergen

Will innovation finally add up for consumer-goods companies?

Reimagining industrial supply chains

Brazilian farmers approach to digital: Tapping into farmer mindsets

Greening Sovereign-Debt Restructuring

Latin America's Triple Sudden Stop

America's Dual Recession

Can Lebanon Rise from the Rubble?

Peaceful Protests and Polish Bullets in Belarus

Dollar Sensationalism

Two local leaders discuss how smarter federal policy can save rural America during COVID-19

Want to reduce global fragility?

COVID-19 and the chance to reform US refugee policy

VP pick Kamala Harris and the campaign road ahead

The Fed's review of its monetary policy strategy — and what Brookings' scholars have to say about it

Revitalizing American diplomacy: Why mediation support should be part of the foreign policy rebuild

This is not your grandfather's vice presidency

8/11/2020 day marker

How to Offer Unsolicited Advice Without Being Annoying

America is a Coalition of the Worried

Why the Teenage Brain Pushes Young People to Ignore Virus Restrictions

The next frontier of personalized medicine: your inner clock

Need a social distancing-friendly vacation?

Analysis: Trump thinks he's been given vast new powers.

ir passenger traffic is down 75% but TSA found 3 times the rate of guns it did in July last year

For Ben & Jerry's, It's Never Been Just About The Ice Cream

The High Cost of Returns: Should Retailers Rethink Their Policies?

Why CLOs Will Not Cause the Next Financial Crisis

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Supplemental benefit changes in Medicare Advantage increase options for those with chronic conditions

Derisking AI by design: How to build risk management into AI development

The next normal for Australian industries and workforces

What consumer-goods sales leaders must do to emerge stronger from the pandemic

Reading the Dollar Doldrums

Lebanon's Agony

The Struggle for Belarus

The Dictator's Two Dilemmas

An Interview with Javier Solana

Male Leadership Malpractice

Democratizing Innovation

Coronavirus, Trade, and Peace

Why Zoom Can't Save the World

The Preventable Trauma of COVID Childbirth

Brent Scowcroft Remembered

Whose India?

Avoiding the Trump Trap

Can Vaccines be Allocated on Antiracist Terms?

Capitalizing on Women's Ventures

Hope for a New "UN Moment"

Hispanic Heritage Month 2020

Rich Results & Search Console Webmaster Conference Lightning Talk

Tsai's steadiness should set the tone

Rural school districts can be creative in solving the internet connectivity gap — but they need support

How "excited delirium" is misused to justify police brutality

Remembering Brent Scowcroft, a true national security maverick

You wouldn't know it from the coverage, but most Germans are fine with Trump's withdrawal of US troops

How a new administration might better fight white supremacist violence

A conversation with Chris Castro, director of sustainability and resilience for Orlando

Adapting to learning needs in the wake of COVID-19 using data and evidence

he tech antitrust hearings are over: What's next for enforcement?

8/10/2020 day marker


8/9/2020 day marker

This Texas federal prison has been the hardest-hit by Covid-19

Some People Think Period Sex is Disgusting.

Experts Predict What Life Will Be Like After A COVID-19 Vaccine Arrives

Toshiba formally and finally exits laptop business


How Bloomberg's Digital Army is Still Fighting for Democrats

Trump signs executive orders after stimulus talks broke down on Capitol Hill

Researchers created a test to determine which masks are the least effective

How safe is a road trip home to see the family?

Trump's 'Full And Complete' Health Plan Promise Joins A Long List Of Unkept Vows

As COVID-19 spread, the feds relaxed rules, and hospitals tried to contain the outbreak.

Trump walks out of news conference after reporter asks him about Veterans Choice lie he's told more than 150 times

Trump's Attempt to Obscure the Reality of the Coronavirus Pandemic is Getting Comical

Passports for purchase: How the elite get through a pandemic

8/8/2020 day marker

New postmaster general overhauls USPS leadership

How Tim Cook Made Apple His Own

S. economy added 1.8 million jobs in July as it worked to recover from the coronavirus pandemic

The next frontier of personalized medicine: your inner clock

Investing for the long term: 'Be patient and focus on the big trends'

How do companies create value from digital ecosystems?

'The pyramids of the future': Designing and building for sustainability

Japan offshore wind: The ideal moment to build a vibrant industry

The most fundamental skill: Intentional learning and the career advantage

The high-rise in 2030

CIO perspectives: Leading the tech function through COVID-19

Building the vital skills for the future of work in operations

8/7/2020 day marker

'I'm too old to find a new career': More than half of Americans fear job losses

Trump advisers hesitated to give military options and warned adversaries over fears he might start a war

New York attorney general files lawsuit to dissolve the National Rifle Association

The role of spend analytics in the next normal

Could climate become the weak link in your supply chain?

Reliability in times of crisis: An interview with LSEG's David Schwimmer

Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains

COVID-19 and advancing Asian American recovery

A holistic approach for the US behavioral health crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic

Building a business within a business: How to power continual organic growth

Why Do HIV Vaccine Trials Keep Failing?

Why Asia and Europe Are Responding to the Same Crisis Differently

The High Cost of a Strong Euro

Onward, Big Tech Soldiers?

The Master and the Prodigy

Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act: July 26, 2020

Uncommon ground: The impact of natural resource corruption on indigenous peoples

More pain than gain: How the US-China trade war hurt America

Trump's new plan to hijack the census will imperil America's future

Taking distance learning 'offline': Lessons learned from navigating the digital divide during COVID-19

2020: The Year of the Woman Voter

Why is the Trump administration banning TikTok and WeChat?

Black and Hispanic Americans at higher risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity: Time to fix our broken food system

Charts of the Week: Food hardship; estate tax; America's diverse younger generations

A conversation with Marvin Rees, mayor of Bristol

8/6/2020 day marker

As Hiroshima bombing turns 75, a look at 6 changes to nuclear arms under Trump

Cameron Diaz reveals to Gwyneth Paltrow why she left Hollywood: 'I got a peace in my soul'

The debate over masks today is a lot like the decades-long fight to mandate seat belts

Biden's Willingness Not Debatable — Smerconish

iOS 14: 5 great hidden features you should know about

The Teenager Allegedly Behind the Twitter Hack and How He Did It

Homicide Spike Hits Most Large U.S. Cities

Reimagining the $9 trillion tourism economy — what will it take?

Reimagining European restaurants for the next normal

What matters now in the consumer sector

The Robot Question

Morgue Testing the US Economy

China's Great Wall of Water

Are Financial Markets None the Wiser?

The Other Global Power Shift

The US May Lose in Trump's TikTok War

How to make the most of city diplomacy in the COVID-19 era

Center for Technology Innovation partners with Lawfare to launch new TechTank podcast

Unemployment Insurance Extended Benefits Will Lapse Too Soon Without Policy Changes

Watch: Debating what China's rise means for American interests in Asia

The pandemic deals a blow to Pakistan's democracy

Hutchins Roundup: PPP loans, charter schools and more

Universal Voting: Your questions, our answers

8/5/2020 day marker

Kiefer Sutherland Talks 'The Fugitive,' More '24' And Director Joel Schumacher

The great consumer shift: Ten charts that show how US shopping behavior is changing

Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping

How Zoetis's new CEO reset priorities and empowered employees during the pandemic

Global capability centers in the next normal

Connectivity with the consumer: The Honest Company's formula for growth

America's Unholy Crusade Against China

Recovering from the EU's Recovery Fund

The Case for Human COVID-19 Challenge Trials

Avoiding the Japanification of Europe

Minding the Perils of Progress


How a New York City public market is keeping a neighborhood's 'third place' alive during COVID-19

Fixed indemnity health coverage is a problematic form of "junk insurance"

Election night?

Lebanon as Paradise Lost

Low-income households falling further behind on student debt due to COVID-19

The controversy over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

8/4/2020 day marker

Coronavirus is still spreading uncontrolled and one doctor says it's time for stricter measures

Instead Of Saying 'Hey, Guys!' At Work, Try These Gender-Neutral Alternatives

Bankruptcies Rip Through U.S. Mall Tenants With No End in Sight

The FDA's list of dangerous hand sanitizers has now grown to more than 100

What is UV light and can it kill the coronavirus on surfaces?

How a mysterious company tied to 'Titanic' villain landed government coronavirus contracts

Isaias strengthens back into a hurricane and makes landfall in the Carolinas

Twitter Users Stunned At 'Full-Blown Lunacy' Of Trump's Wild Axios Interview

Homicide Spike Hits Most Large U.S. Cities

Stay visible — but don't be needed: How Alain Bejjani is leading through the unexpected

Is China Winning the AI Race?

Is China Winning the AI Race?

Trump's Hypocrisy on China

Will Women Overthrow Europe's Last Dictator?

An Interview with Ashoka Mody

How South Korea Built a Health System to Beat COVID-19

COVID and Common Sense

In annual meeting, a new direction for US-Australia alliance

A social distancing reading list from the Brookings Africa Growth Initiative

8/3/2020 day marker

A landmark study shows what makes a successful relationship

Lord & Taylor, Oldest U.S. Department Store, Files Bankruptcy

Sesame and the IRC join forces to help Syrian refugee children

Deutsche Bank Opens Review Into Personal Banker to Trump and Kushner

COVID-19 is Beating Trump

Why Zoom Can't Save the World

How to Predict COVID-19

The Other Putin on Europe's Doorstep

Solidarity with the Germans

School Choice is the Only Option

Zimbabwe's Outlaw Regime

Should Governments Spend Away?

State and local governments employ the highest share of essential workers.

Mexico's criminal brazenness matters

8/2/2020 day marker

Do some people have protection against the coronavirus?

Banks are begging for spare change: How long coin shortage could last

This country regrew its lost forest.

Trump's Germany troops pullout may be his last gift to Putin before the election

How Women's Suffrage Changed America Far Beyond the Ballot Box

Families File First Wave of Covid-19 Lawsuits Against Companies Over Worker Deaths

S. economy contracted at fastest quarterly rate on record from April to June as coronavirus walloped workers, businesses

8/1/2020 day marker

USDA identifies some of the mysterious, unsolicited seeds after all 50 states issue warnings

Nurses' Pleas Spur U.S. Pledge to Tap 44 Million-Mask Stockpile

An interview with Austan Goolsbee

COVID-19: Implications for business

Insights on racial and ethnic health inequity in the context of COVID-19

Rewriting the rules: Digital and AI-powered underwriting in life insurance

Tech for Good: Helping the United Kingdom improve lives and livelihoods

E-sports and the next frontier of brand sponsorships

Rewriting the playbook: How Union Pacific is conducting business during the pandemic

Reducing data costs without jeopardizing growth

Planning for an aging population

Managing and monitoring credit risk after the COVID-19 pandemic

Why Senate Republicans and the White House can't agree on badly-needed COVID aid

Africa in the news: New funding to fight COVID-19 in Africa, Somalia's prime minister voted out, and political updates in Mali and Côte d'Ivoire

17 Best Indoor Trees (and Tropical Plants) to Grow in Your Living Room

POST-ABC POLL: Biden, Sanders break away from the pack

Two Princes: Would You Rather Work for William or Harry?

What the Biggest Swing County in Iowa Says About 2020

How healthy is your neighborhood for your child? Take a look

60 miles from college: Lack of education, a way out of poverty, could 'kill rural America'

Pentagon's vow to protect Vindman against retaliation tested after Blackburn attacks decorated veteran

Picking winning strategies to improve healthcare productivity: An interview with Jim Weinstein

The future of work in CPG

How Abdul Latif Jameel (ALJ) leads with purpose

The chemicals M&A wave: Bigger, faster, more specialized

Central and Eastern Europe R&D and European automotive industry competitiveness

Americans split over Trump's removal as approval climbs

Selling Your Home? It's What's on the Outside That Counts

Prosecutors Have Evidence Bezos' Girlfriend Gave Texts to Brother Who Leaked to National Enquirer

How Jeff Bezos' iPhone X Was Hacked

Deborah Dugan Tried To Fix The Grammys. Instead She Says She Was 'Ruined' By A Boys Club

How Pro-Trump News Sites Use Google Ads To Spam Seniors With Terrifying Medical Misinformation

House impeachment managers wrap up their case with Trump's obstruction

Jeff Bezos, Tabloid Man

Auschwitz in Jerusalem by Mark Leonard

Draw all roads in any city at once

6 Degrees Fahrenheit Isn't the Average Anymore

Amazon Prime Video Gives Amateur How-To's, Conspiracy Theories a Stage

Mystery of the Royal Family of Oudh Unravels a Bit More

Toxic 'forever chemicals' found in drinking water throughout US

The middleman: How Lev Parnas joined Team Trump and became Rudy Giuliani's fixer in Ukraine

Scientists discovered four new species of sharks that walk

Jobs, Cook, Ive — Blevins?

I Quit: Stories of People Who Walked Away

The Saudi Connection: Inside the 9/11 Case That Divided the F. B.I

Trump Administration to Threaten California Over Abortion-Coverage Requirement

In 2019, The World's Best Performing Stock Market Gained More Than 50 Percent

How a Democratic Counteroffensive Can Win by George Soros

Teaching Old Markets New Tricks by Preston McAfee & Simon Wilkie

Net-Zero at Davos by Jules Kortenhorst

Crumbling Infrastructure – or Crumbling Cliché? by Todd G. Buchholz

How to Prevent the Japanification of East Asia's Economies by Lee Jong-Wha

The Next Big Development Challenge by Arvind Subramanian & Josh Felman

Could telecom break ups create more value?

North American wealth management firms on the cusp of change

Homelessness in Seattle and surrounds: Why does King County face a crisis?

Artificial intelligence helps cut emissions and costs in cement plants

Climate change hazards intensifying

FICO Changes Could Lower Your Credit Score

Apple TV+ FAQ: Everything you need to know

China's Lunar New Year Nightmare: 3 Billion Trips and a Virus

Trump Says He's Willing To Tackle Entitlements 'Toward The End Of The Year'

Combating Child Labor in Global Supply Chains by Kailash Satyarthi

The War on Talent by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Monica Chellam

America's Debilitating Middle-East Obsession by Brahma Chellaney

2020 Census Starts in Toksook Bay, Alaska

National African-American (Black) History Month: February 2020

Building Cooperation in an Unsettled World by Børge Brende

Forgetting Auschwitz by Ana Palacio

Restoring Fiscal Order in the United States by John B. Taylor

attorney general sues Trump inaugural committee

Supreme Court Declines to Fast-Track Democratic Appeals on Affordable Care Act

Sorry, But You're Loading Your Dishwasher All Wrong

Regarding Reuters's Report That Apple Dropped Plan for Encrypting iCloud Backups

Journal better, faster, and stronger in 2020 with advanced Bear tips

Painting found in wall confirmed as stolen Klimt

How to Use TaskPaper to Extend the Reach of OmniFocus

How you back up your iPhone and iPad in macOS 10.15 Catalina

Aaron Aiken - How I Use the Drafts app for Task Management

An Under-The-Radar SCOTUS Case Could Obliterate The Line Between Church And State

'Falling iguana' alert issued in Florida due to cold temperatures: 'Don't assume that they're dead'

I Needed A Drink (And More) In Order To Have Sex With My Husband

This coat design isn't just saving lives. It's launching new careers for homeless people

Greta Thunberg's Message at Davos Forum: 'Our House is Still on Fire'

The Vanishing Executive Assistant

Why AI Will Not Abolish Work by Andrea Komlosy

The Case for Consumption Equality by Sarita Nayyar

The Middle East's New Eruption by Narges Bajoghli, Vali Nasr and Elmira Bayrasli

An interview with Ana Palacio

Who Pays for the Green Deal? by Hans-Werner Sinn

Finding Europe's Way in the World by Sigmar Gabriel & Michael Hüther

Collaborative contracting: Moving from pilot to scale-up

Digital supply-chain transformation with a human face

The New York Times Editorial Board Announces Its Picks

Foster Children Are Being Shuttered Into Emergency Shelters,

American Carnage Revisited

When Democrats are the bogeymen: A possible Trump loss has these voters very worried

The Best Tool to Fight Climate Change by Jeffrey Frankel

The Terrorism Paradox by Robert Skidelsky

Walking the Talk of Stakeholder Capitalism by Richard Samans & Jane Nelson

A Data Revolution for All by Michael Froman & Rajiv Shah

Trump's Backward March on Trade by Anne O. Krueger

Corporate Asia: A capital paradox

-China Trade Deal: Looking Beyond the Truce

After Stretch IRAs, What Retirement Breaks Could Congress Chop Next?

Heart Disease Strikes Back Across the US., Even in Healthy Places

'You're a bunch of dopes and babies'

Trump, who wanted a TV legal team, is 'distracted' by impeachment trial, source says

Jihadists Presence Online Decentralizes After Telegram Ban

In: Pizza and potatoes Out: Fruit and vegetables

My Biggest Remodeling Regret? Double Bathroom Sinks

The Family Reckoning After the College Admissions Scandal

The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It

Trump reveals Soleimani airstrike details at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser

House Democrats say Senate must 'eliminate the threat that the President poses to America's national security'

One $4 Trillion Corner of the Market Isn't Afraid of the R Word

Keto diet isn't the answer for weight loss, experts say. Here's what is

The 24 Best Travel Destinations for 2020

Why The NFL Isn't Hiring Black Coaches

Why South Koreans are flipping out over a US ambassador's mustache

Doctor's pro-vaccine TikTok went viral. Then came hate and threats from around the world

A blob of hot water in the Pacific killed a million seabirds

Putin's Meaningless Coup by Sergei Guriev

Gold production in an era of drones, deep mines, and de-dollarization

The case for an automotive software platform

Climate risk and response

How healthcare investing efforts can drive innovation: a conversation with Matt Holt, President, Private Equity, New Mountain Capital

Using advanced analytics in pharma to help the next-generation launch situation room

3 ways we can help women join the age of automation

The retail supply chain network of the future

Can Universal Basic Income Work?

What Could Spoil 2020? by Anatole Kaletsky

The New Davos Challenge by Alexander Friedman, et al

Work in the Twenty-First Century by Jane Humphries & Benjamin Schneider

Hostages of History by Carl Bildt

The Truth About the Trump Economy by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Closing the SDG Gap by Kevin Watkins

Equal Work, Unequal Growth? Promotions and Recognition for Women in IT

Joy City Mall: Big Data Analytics Drives Commercial Success

What's Ahead for the U.S. Housing Market in 2020?

Acquiring minds want to know: A peek inside Apple's most recent corporate acquisitions

YouTube ads of 100 top brands fund climate misinformation – study

4 changes that could affect Social Security in 2020

Why Manhattan's Skyscrapers Are Empty

GAO concludes Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

Discarded Plastic And Uneaten Food: The Shameful Story Of Airline Cabin Waste

Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump officially begins

US troops were injured in Iran missile attack despite Pentagon initially saying there were no casualties

Republicans on the spot as Senate braces for impeachment drama


I switched from Android to iPhone: Here's where Apple's phone wins and fails

The 11 Worst Retirement Mistakes: Sidestep Them

Why an Ebola Vaccine is Not Enough by Ifeanyi M. Nsofor

Has the World Economy Reached Peak Growth? by Jim O'Neill

How Developing Countries Create Industrial Champions by Reda Cherif, Fuad Hasanov and Sabine Schlorke

Is Trump's Iran Strategy Working? by Mohamed A. El-Erian

E-commerce and Consumers: Can Retailers Meet Rising Demands?

Four Ways Leaders Can Gain Value from AI and Advanced Analytics

Trump administration violated the law by withholding Ukraine security aid, Government Accountability Office finds

The Best and Worst US. Airlines of 2019

Book portrays Trump as dangerously uninformed

Teach Your Kids to Fail

Democratic Debate: Winners and losers

More than 100 billion pain pills were shipped in US. over 9 years

2019 Was Second-Warmest Year on Record, Federal Climate Scientists Say

Who were the winners and losers in the January Democratic debate?

Smoke from Australia's fires will make 'full circuit' around the world

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2020 inductees are

Russian government resigns after Putin proposes reforms that would weaken his successor

2020 Goldschmidt Data Immersion Workshop

Cambodia is Criminalizing Democracy by Sam Rainsy

The Real Consequences of Fake Medicines by David Richmond

Is America Going Fascist? by Daron Acemoglu

A Transformative Deal for Nature by Linda Krueger

Artificial intelligence in education: How will it impact K-12 teachers

A case study in social change through education: Fogarty EDvance

Transforming oil and gas safety with hazard sensitivity

Where to Stream the 2020 Oscar-Nominated Movies

Oscar Nominations Snub Jennifer Lopez, Female Directors And 'The Farewell'

The End of the Bonus Culture is Coming to Wall Street

The oldest material on Earth has been found in a meteorite

Cybercrooks are targeting retirement accounts, and there's no guarantee you'll get your money back

These tips make text-selection on iPhone and iPad far less frustrating

What It's Like to Date After Middle Age

Why Modi's Thugs Attacked My University by Jayati Ghosh

Democratizing the ECB by Barry Eichengreen

Addressing Africa's Skills Mismatch by Hanan Morsy

Financial Markets' Iran Delusion by Nouriel Roubini

Protecting Trade by Raghuram G. Rajan

An interview with Andrés Velasco

Industry's fast-mover advantage: Enterprise value from digital factories

Digital leaders need a speedy strategy


How Superstition Triggers Stock Price Volatility

The Downside of QE: What Central Banks Should Do Differently

Why HR Leaders Never Become the CEO, but Should

The CEO's role in leading transformation

Two States. Eight Textbooks. Two American Stories

Avoid these five risk factors and live longer, study says

New York is in uproar over push to ax gifted programs. This school is doing it anyway

Trump's Near Miss with Iran by Elizabeth Drew

Making Impact Investing Work by Brian Trelstad

Past Interest Rates and Future Growth by Willem H. Buiter

Trump's Iranian Precipice by Javier Solana

How medical technology companies can rethink their networks

China consumers in 2020

The gig economy and e-commerce are driving economic development in Southeast Asia

Hard Negotiations: Why a Softer Approach Yields Better Outcomes

Can Luxury Retail Attract a New Generation of Shoppers?

How the Digital Era is Nudging Universities to Adopt a B2B Model

Industry's fast-mover advantage: Enterprise value from digital factories

Digital leaders need a speedy strategy


Why America needs to hear from its government

Many millennials are worse off than their parents — a first in American history

The End of Retirement

How Negativity Can Kill a Relationship

Seven Days in January: How Trump Pushed US. and Iran to the Brink of War

An interview with Daoud Kuttab

Lebanon's Perfect Storm by Ishac Diwan

The Story in History by Nina L. Khrushcheva & Svetlana Alexievich

The Changing Face of Economics by Dani Rodrik

Erdoğan Wades into the Libyan Quagmire by John Andrews

Confronting the early-career gender gap

Olympic Athletes Will Sleep on Cardboard Beds in Tokyo This Summer

Origin of mystery humming noises heard around the world, uncovered

Here's Why You Only Remember Some Of Your Dreams

Robocalls continue to rise, and these states get the most: Where does yours rank?

Russian warship 'aggressively approached' US destroyer in Arabian Sea

Coming or going, Meghan Markle gets the blame — and it's because of her race

We Asked Americans To Tell Us Which Issues Political Leaders Should Address

Iran admits to shooting down Ukrainian passenger plane unintentionally

Want to live longer? Drink this three times a week

Paging Dr. Google: How the Tech Giant is Laying Claim to Health Data

The 50 TV Shows You Need to Watch This Winter

Swiss Back Channel Helped Defuse US.-Iran Crisis

She Was a Star of New York Real Estate, but Her Life Story Was a Lie

Women Overtake Men as Majority of US. Workforce

As Jobs Cap 10 Years of Gains, Women Are Workforce Majority

How We Picked the 2020 'Places to Go' List

Peter Drucker Has Some Sage Advice For How Execs Should Respond To Charlottesville

Cancer Death Rates Are Dropping at the Fastest Pace on Record

Exclusive: Americans say Soleimani's killing made US less safe, Trump 'reckless' on Iran

Everything You Need To Know About Harry And Meghan Stepping Down

Mnuchin seeks delay of proposed disclosure of Secret Service spending on presidential travel until after election

2017 Economic Census State and Local Area Data Rollout

The Spanish Left Takes Center Stage by Xavier Vives

Why Australia is Burning by Ramesh Thakur

America's Sacred Politics by Ian Buruma

Lebanon's Perfect Storm by Ishac Diwan

Voter Suppression Comes to Europe by Federico Fubini

Central Banks Face a Year of Mounting Challenges by Mohamed A. El-Erian

The Demonization of Journalists Must End by Leon Willems

McKinsey Talks Talent: The new science of talent, from roles to returns

Trump wants to weaken environmental rules

Inside Carlos Ghosn's Great Escape: A Train, Planes and a Big Black Box

How Climate Change Threatens One Of The World's Most Beloved Seabirds

Day One

Why Lebanon Deserves International Support by Charles Tannock

Why Morals Matter in Foreign Policy by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

The End of the Free-Market Paradigm by Diane Coyle

America's Dangerous Iran Obsession by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Trump's Gift to China by Minxin Pei

The future of oil and gas is now: How companies can decarbonize

Make Your Job Application Robot-Proof

Everything You Thought You Knew About Inbox Zero is Wrong

Will there be a draft? How to answer your kids' questions about a military draft

Realizing the Promise of African Health Care by Biju Mohandas

Will Eurozone Policymakers Take the Long View? by Daniel Gros

Isn't a Wealth Tax Common Sense? by J. Bradford DeLong

Disinfo Wars by Nina L. Khrushcheva & Elmira Bayrasli

What Happened to India? by Shashi Tharoor

The Dilemma of Central Banking by Miao Yanliang

A primer in resilience: A conversation with Kevin Carmody

The future of natural gas in North America

Four ways to get more from government infrastructure projects

Enabling a digital and analytics transformation in heavy-industry manufacturing

Five Ways Brands Are Changing Their Playbooks to Win

The Rise of Re-Commerce: Why Everything Old is New Again

What Investors Need to Watch for in 2020

As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure

The loneliest road

Campus Bias Blowback

Forget About Diversity, The Golden Globes Are Basic

John Bolton says he is prepared to testify in Senate trial if subpoenaed

Politics take center stage at the Golden Globes, as '1917' and 'Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood' take top prizes

Tom Hanks Breaks Down in Tears During Golden Globes Lifetime Achievement Award Speech

Uproar and consequences mount for Trump after Soleimani killing

What My Younger Self Never Expected by Michael Spence

The Inequality Debate We Need by Kenneth Rogoff

Was Killing Suleimani Justified? by Peter Singer

Chinese Growth Really Can Be Faster by Yu Yongding

When Climate Activism and Nationalism Collide by Kemal Derviş

Making Stakeholder Capitalism a Reality by Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca

The Challenges That Working Mothers Still Face

As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure

These are the world's best stargazing spots

The Assassin's False Creed by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Trump's Blind March to War by Djavad Salehi-Isfahani

How to negotiate successful joint ventures and alliances

Vizio trumpets its move into the OLED TV market at CES

Why Amazon, Google and Apple want to record you

How a Cartographer Drew a Massive, Freehand Map of North America

Looking for Inspiration to Explore the World in 2020?

What Does Suleimani's Death Change? by Shlomo Ben-Ami

The Suleimani Assassination and US Strategic Incoherence by Richard N. Haass

The Post-Suleimani View from Iran by Abbas Milani

India's Economy: When Will the Elephant Dance?

Do you really need to walk 10,000 steps a day? Experts say there's a better goal

Google's AI system can beat doctors at detecting breast cancer

6 Things To Let Go Of if You Want To Be A Tiny Bit Happier This Year

want to have peace.' How Trump went from a vow to avoid conflict to an order to kill Iran general

Building a Personal Memex better_than_twitter

Foster Homes offer Vets homelike atmosphere

Population of Cities in Iran (2019)

PS Commentators' Predictions for 2020 by PS editors

Putting a Price on Soil by Esther Ngumbi

Inequality in Cambridge and Chicago by Angus Deaton

What My Younger Self Never Expected by Michael Spence

The Myth of Global Decoupling by Stephen S. Roach

How Ownership Concentration is Happening, and Why it Matters by Alissa Amico

Can Latin America Avoid Another Lost Decade? by José Antonio Ocampo

Why Self-awareness is the Key to More Effective Team Discussions

Oil Jumps After U.S. Strike Kills Top Iranian Commander in Iraq

Rocket Launches, Trips to Mars and More 2020 Space and Astronomy Events

I Went To A Nudist Swingers Resort Without My Girlfriend. Here's What Happened

David Stern, former NBA commissioner, dead at 77

Best and worst diets for 2020, ranked by experts, with a popular one near last

Mysterious drones are flying around the Midwest, Great Plains, and no one has answers

He escaped jail and was killed more than 100 years ago while on the run. His remains were just identified

Your smart TV is spying on you. Here are step-by-step instructions to stop it

After the Fall by Malin Ekman & Ian Buruma

When Central Banks Go Green by Willem H. Buiter

Israel's Democracy Fatigue by Dominique Moisi

Why a Cool War May Be Worse than a Cold One by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

The Decline of Global Value Chains by Erik Berglöf

How did Carlos Ghosn escape from Japan without any of his three passports?

These Are The Best Resolutions You Can Make, According To Therapists

Donald Trump's top 12 lies of 2019

This simple trick stops Google, Amazon and Facebook from listening to you all the time

Here's your 5 Things survival guide for 2020: Engage, recharge and help others. Start your decade here

Twin foreign policy crises greet Trump as election year dawns

Another Year of Living Dangerously by Isabel Ortiz

The Meat-Lover's Guide to Eating Less Meat

The Bull Market is Charging Into 2020

EPA's regulatory rollbacks clash with established science

Putin's Pipelines to Power by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Why Governments Should Not Wait for Godot by Ricardo Hausmann

Dystopia is Arriving in Stages by Alexander Friedman

2019: The year in pictures -

The 10 best movies you missed this year (but can stream or rent right now)

For the Worst-Performing Industry of 2019, the Only Way Out is to Shrink

'Christmas miracle': Ohio man shares emotional reunion with dog, Lucy, after 5 months apart

The 2010s were relentless. Here are some of the most fascinating news stories that shaped the decade

Welcome to the Era of the Post-Shopping Mall

8 Ways to Work Smarter in 2020

As 2010s conclude, investors have enjoyed bull market for the ages — but many Americans have been left out

2019 National and State Population Estimates

Population Estimates Continue to Show the Nation's Growth is Slowing

Census Bureau Projects U.S. and World Populations on New Year's Day

How to Scale Up Sustainable Infrastructure by Christian Déséglise & Delfina Lopez Freijido

China's Damaging Policy Disruptions by Zhang Jun

Europe's New Green Identity by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Does Inattention Explain Today's Low Inflation? by Koichi Hamada

A Turning Point for Development Aid by Justin Yifu Lin & Yan Wang

Getting Past Reagan by Simon Johnson

Want to Reach Your Savings Goal in 2020?

10 Fatal Mistakes that Kill Conversations

Why the US-China Trade War Could Re-escalate by Anne O. Krueger

After ICE Raids, a Reckoning in Mississippi's Chicken Country

Microsoft paid $26 billion for LinkedIn, then mostly left it alone — and CEO Jeff Weiner is good with that

This is the world's coolest Lego set … literally

Bizarre Fortunes Flourish as World's Richest Gain $1.2 Trillion

A decade of change from 300 miles above

Trump Retweet of Alleged Whistle-Blower Name is Back on Twitter

The 2010s were supposed to bring the ebook revolution. It never quite came

The SBC Has a Sex-Abuse Problem

A giant red star is acting weird and scientists think it may be about to explode

Will it be a happy new year? Sure, in our own lives. For the country? Poll says that's tougher

Clemson Football Wins on the Field But Can't Compete on Profit

A historic gender gap is possible in 2020

Can you guess what happens to unsold Christmas trees?

Five Tips for Winter Exercise

These retailers are facing the fight for their lives in 2020: Sears, Forever 21, Pier 1

Elizabeth Warren Has a Plan, Oh My

Best Movies of 2019

PS Commentators' Best Reads in 2019 by PS editors

Loser Teens by Harold James

The Future of Putin's Information Autocracy by Sergei Guriev

Make Europe Relevant Again by Sigmar Gabriel & Christoph Bornschein

Making the Best of a Bad Brexit by Willem H. Buiter

Imagining a World Without Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis

A Low, Dishonest Decade by Kaushik Basu

How Truth Survived 2019 by Chris Patten

Was Marx Right? by Andrés Velasco & Luis Felipe Céspedes

Negotiating While the World Burns by Adair Turner

iPhone touch gestures and commands — no Home button, no problem!

Intermittent fasting might help you live longer

In The 2010s, Celebrity Feminism Got Trendy. Then Women Got Angry

30 free macOS apps every Mac user should have

2019 wasn't ALL bad. Here are all the good things that happened

The last solar eclipse of the decade is Thursday. Here's how to watch the 'ring of fire'

The Northeast warms ahead of rest of USA: 'Our winters now are not like our winters before'

How the Loss of the Landline is Changing Family Life

CyberCom mulls tactics to counter Russia in 2020 election

Tourists Mean Hope for Palestine by Rula Maayah

Were the predictions we made about climate change 20 years ago accurate? Here's a look

Analysis: Trump more negative, prolific on Twitter amid Democratic impeachment inquiry

Trump launches into latest bizarre rant against windmills: 'I never understood wind'

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

OFSE quarterly: Revenues slip, but margins show some gains

Analysis: Trump more negative, prolific on Twitter amid Democratic impeachment inquiry

The Man I Had An Affair With Died And I Didn't Know What To Tell My Husband

A technical argument is Trump's new line of attack

The vaping black market is hiding in plain sight

How to transfer all your data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone

Do You Pay Too Much for Internet Service?

How traditional companies can overcome legacy obstacles to business building

Speed Cameras: The Cities With the Worst Offenders

Saudi Arabia says five sentenced to death in killing of Jamal Khashogoi

Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg is out after disastrous year

15 things you need to know about how Senate impeachment trials work

King Boris's First Test by Anatole Kaletsky

The Crisis of 2020 by Stephen S. Roach

Trump Will Make China Great Again by Nouriel Roubini

A Little Impeachment for Large Abuses by Elizabeth Drew

Escaping the Inequality-Data Dark Ages by Facundo Alvaredo, et al

Toward a Privileged EU-UK Partnership by Joschka Fischer

Argentina's Bright Young Hope by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Accelerating plastic recovery in the United States

Economic Conditions Snapshot, December 2019

Southeast Asian e-commerce and profit loss in the CPG market

Sustainable fisheries: Navigating a sea of troubles with advanced analytics

How top companies use resilience strategy to survive and thrive through downturns

How a Poisoning in Bulgaria Exposed Russian Assassins in Europe

A heart-wrenching obituary of a Vietnam veteran captures how the war haunted its soldiers long after it ended

s Show Trump Asked About Ukraine Aid Before Zelenskiy Call

Biggest ever Roman shipwreck found in the eastern Med

A World Without AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria by Rémy Rioux & Peter Sands

Driving the next wave of innovation in CAR T-cell therapies

Predictive maintenance: the wrong solution to the right problem in chemicals

Building businesses: How incumbents use their advantages to accelerate growth

Reinventing the organization for faster growth

How women's leadership programs can boost a company's organizational health

Building the tech talent pipeline

First, the Smartphone Changed. Then, Over a Decade, it Changed Us

Walmart's Secret Weapon to Fight Off Amazon: The Supercenter

Trump team wanted Ukraine language out of spending bill

8 Subtle Signs You've Found Your Forever Person

Three New Year's Wishes for Britain and the EU by Michel Barnier

Why the US-China Trade War Could Re-escalate by Anne O. Krueger

How top companies use resilience strategy to survive and thrive through downturns

Accelerating plastic recovery in the United States

Economic Conditions Snapshot, December 2019

Southeast Asian e-commerce and profit loss in the CPG market

Sustainable fisheries: Navigating a sea of troubles with advanced analytics

How traditional companies can overcome legacy obstacles to business building

The End of Gandhi's India? by Ramachandra Guha

Economic Possibilities for Ourselves by Robert Skidelsky

Will the USMCA Change Mexico for the Better? by Jorge G. Castañeda

Iraq Cries Out for Unity by Javier Solana

The Illusion of a Rules-Based Global Order by Brahma Chellaney

Empty Gestures on Climate Change by Bjørn Lomborg

The gig economy and e-commerce are driving economic development in Southeast Asia

What can we expect in China in 2020?

The future of mobility 2020

How medical technology companies can rethink their networks

China consumers in 2020

Global public health and the value of healthcare design thinking

Where next for business and the Middle East economy?

Congress Passes Sweeping Overhaul of Retirement System

How 2 Soviet Émigrés Fueled the Trump Impeachment Flames

Best articles of 2019 - Pocket

Schiff: Trump comments about me 'designed to be a threat'

These 9 cars will be killed in 2020: Chevrolet, Ford, Fiat vehicles are saying goodbye

House of Representatives impeaches President Donald Trump

5 ways to reduce your risk of developing dementia, according to new research

American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates Now Available

Is Huawei Really More Dangerous than Facebook? by Ngaire Woods

Not Another Arab Spring by Shlomo Ben-Ami

China's Civilizational Challenge by Chin-Huat Wong

Europe Must Avoid Self-Fulfilling Pessimism by Ana Palacio

Europe's Age of Humiliation by Sławomir Sierakowski

Elizabeth Warren's Bold Ideas Don't Go Far Enough by Daron Acemoglu

The Post-American Middle East by Richard N. Haass

America's Impeachment Struggle by Noah Feldman & Elmira Bayrasli

China and the West Race to the Top by David Sainsbury

When it Comes to Advice, It's Better to Give Than Receive

Is Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax Proposal Too Optimistic?

The UK's Electoral System Failed by Jeffrey D. Sachs

When is Knowledge Power? by Katrina Kosec & Leonard Wantchekon

Solidarity with Refugees Has a New Blueprint by Filippo Grandi

A Post-Election Reckoning for British Politics by Robert Skidelsky

Narendra Modi's Second Partition of India by Shashi Tharoor

Six Tax-Based Ways to Tackle US Inequality by Jeffrey Frankel

The five lessons B2B sales leaders should learn to make analytics work

Top 10 most popular economics charts from the McKinsey Global Institute (2019)

Digital MRO procurement: New solutions for capturing and sustaining more value

How technology will reshape insurance operations

US consumer sentiment survey 2019: Consumers are ready to spend — but wisely

Effective insurance leadership: Bring values and emotions into the workplace

What's the Link Between Mortgage Refinancing and Recessions?

How You Can Get Big Gains That Wall StreetCan't

The 2019 Holiday Season

The Global Economy's Luck May Run Out by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Should We Fear Singapore-on-Seine? by Howard Davies

Johnson's Win is a Loss for British Power by Gordon Brown

Recognizing the High Value of Africa's Migrants by Carl Manlan

Xi Jinping's Annus Horribilis by Minxin Pei

He Was One of Mexico's Deadliest Assassins

The Best Books of 2019

The CIA's Former Chief of Disguise Drops Her Mask

Predictive maintenance: the wrong solution to the right problem in chemicals

A practical guide to jumpstart strategic planning

Driving the next wave of innovation in CAR T-cell therapies

Building businesses: How incumbents use their advantages to accelerate growth

Reinventing the organization for faster growth

Sustaining Sustainability: How Small Actions Make a Big Difference

Greta Thunberg Fires Donald Trump's 'Anger Management' Insult Right Back At Him HuffPost

Here's how to say the words you mispronounced in 2019

The Tricky Role of the CEO in a New Era of Social Responsibility

Boris Johnson's Conservatives win majority in UK election

When Money, Pleasure and Your Brain Decide To Dance

Europe's Green Rebirth by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Economic Growth is the Answer by Michael J. Boskin

Cronies Everywhere by Kemal Derviş

Trump's Racist Ban on Anti-Semitism by Ian Buruma

The Green Deal Will Make or Break Europe by Mark Leonard

The State and Technological Revolution by Benedict Macon-Cooney

Why Health Care Leaders Should Share Their Vulnerabilities

Census Bureau Releases Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

2020 Census Innovation

Veterans Press Kit

Pay-As-You-Go for African Development by Cina Lawson

Economic Growth is the Answer by Michael J. Boskin

Is Tech a New Frontier for Sustainability? by Bertrand Badré & Philippe Heim

Which Way for Europe on China? by Carl Bildt

Lebanon's Next Government Should Focus on Health by Fadi El-Jardali

How women's leadership programs can boost a company's organizational health

Tackling Inequality from the Middle by Dani Rodrik

If Wealth is Justified, so is a Wealth Tax by Katharina Pistor

Where is the AMR Rebellion? by Jim O'Neill

The Rape of India's Soul by Jayati Ghosh

Financial Stability Should Be Central Banking's Prime Objective by Willem H. Buiter

Fighting the Diseases of Want and Plenty by Dennis J. Snower

How to Revive the WTO by Shang-Jin Wei & Xinding Yu

The Lives You Saved by Peter Singer

Building the tech talent pipeline

Winning the race: China's auto market shifts gears

European innovation: How purpose-led missions can help it scale

What Will You Need to Retire with Safety and Security?

Democrats introduce two articles of impeachment against Trump

'It's really over': Corporate pensions head for extinction as nature of retirement plans changes

Five Cities Account for Vast Majority of Growth in Tech Jobs, Study Finds

American Factories Demand White-Collar Education for Blue-Collar Work

Tackling Inequality from the Middle by Dani Rodrik

A New Hope for US Climate Action by Jules Kortenhorst & Andrew Steer

A closer look at fashion in Middle East and GCC markets

Is Free Shipping Sustainable for Retailers?

The Policy Debate Europe Needs by Barry Eichengreen

How Trolls Overran the Public Square by J. Bradford DeLong

Is Growth Passé? by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Evolution of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility by Asit K. Biswas & Cecilia Tortajada

Why airlines want you to go by train

Lovers in Auschwitz, Reunited 72 Years Later. He Had One Question

How 'No Loan' College Works (It Doesn't Mean Free)

When a DNA Test Says You're a Younger Man, Who Lives 5,000 Miles Away

Japan's aquarium penguins lead complicated lives of feuding, love — and incest CNN Travel

Toward a net-zero future: Decarbonizing upstream oil and gas operations

Operations management, reshaped by robotic automation

Wayfair's Sascha Hower on the future of delivery

Make big moves for strategic success

Winning in automation requires a focus on humans

Boosting accessibility in job retraining

Supporting employees during mergers and acquisitions

The role of the leader and continuous learning in the reskilling era

Last-mile package delivery in 2030

Can We Get Social Media to Work for Society?

Here's a Better Way to Measure Long-term Shareholder Value

PG&E to settle with victims of wildfires

I Worked for Alex Jones

How Amazon Dodges Responsibility for Unsafe Products: The Case of the Hoverboard

Have You Found Great Returns That Never Lose Money?

American Indian/Alaska Native 2020 Census Press Kit

The ECB Needs a New Mandate by Marcel Fratzscher

Mapping the Digital Economy in 2020 by Chen Long & Michael Spence

Measuring Growth Democratically by Kemal Derviş

Government Debt is Not a Free Lunch by Kenneth Rogoff

What EU "Geopolitical" Power Will Cost by Daniel Gros

Ethiopia's Peace Prize Challenge by Biniam Bedasso

How should provider-led health plans evolve?

Accelerating revenue growth through tech-enabled commercial excellence

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.: 2018

Census Bureau Statement on Reuters' Story

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

Don't Let Tariffs Break the Internet by John W.H. Denton

Restoring Central Banks' Credibility by Larry Hatheway

Presidents versus the Press by Andrés Cañizález

The Arab World Needs a Brexit Debate by Sami Mahroum

What's wrong with solutions selling — and how to put it right

How inclusive design can reconnect people with government

Taking the lead for inclusion

Equal Health Care for All: A Philosopher's Answer to a Political Question

Eight Norms for Stability in Cyberspace by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Macron's NATO Mistake by Dominique Moisi

What's Behind the Crisis of Democracy? by Harold James

The Day After NATO by Joschka Fischer

Why Countries Should Tax Global Income by Ricardo Hausmann

Can Uber Overcome Its Regulatory Obstacles?

Forced Out of Your Job Mid-career? Here's How to Prepare

Trump Administration to Stiffen Food-Stamp Work Requirement

Thinking About a Job or Career Change?

China Uses DNA to Map Faces, With Help From the West

Census Bureau Reports Nearly 77 Million Students Enrolled in U.S. Schools

Can Iran Outlast Trump? by Djavad Salehi-Isfahani

The Calm After Britain's Brexit Election by Anatole Kaletsky

Why African Cultural Restitution Matters by Patrick Gaspard

How to Tax the Super Rich by Emmanuel Saez & Elmira Bayrasli

China's Quest for Legitimacy by Robert Skidelsky

Macron Alone by Sławomir Sierakowski

The exciting news in Medicare is happening at the kitchen table — not on the debate stage

How technology can improve the patient experience: A view from Tencent's Alex Ng

Who is Responsible for Biased and Intrusive Algorithms?

Why Employees of Acquired Companies Don't Stay

Building a Better Data-first Strategy: Lessons from Top Companies

How to fight lies, tricks, and chaos online

A More Constitutional Way To Tax The Rich?

People Are Very Concerned For The Woman in Peloton's Holiday Ad

Highlights from the newly released FBI Mueller investigation notes

America's parents want paid family leave and affordable child care. Why can't they get it?

Fareed: It's Hard to Be an Optimist About America Right Now

What the West's Busiest Train Station Says About Government Power

The Water Wars that Defined the American West Are Heading East

How to Find an Office Spouse When You Work Alone

What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want? by Klaus Schwab

The Problem With "Green" Monetary Policy by Otmar Issing

Why Worry About Automation? by Christopher Pissarides

Natural-Born Climate Commitments by Sally Jewell

The AI Frontier of Economic Theory by Thomas J. Sargent

The UK and the EU Should Prevent Mutual Assured Damage by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Closing the Education-Technology Gap by Gordon Brown & Anant Agarwal

Ancient puppy found in permafrost believed to be 18,000 years old, scientists say

What is Private Banking? The Motley Fool

Private Banker: Career Path and Qualifications

The Way Out for a World Economy Hooked On Debt? Yet More Debt

The most remote emergency room: Life and death in rural America

80 years together: How Texas sweethearts became the world's 'oldest married couple'

MindNode 7 – Visual Tags and Business Model Changes - MindNode

Who Does What at Home? Try Using Business Titles to Divide Chores

In Defense of Long, Large, Unfocused Meetings

Do We Have To Defer Gratification To Build Financial Wealth?

Why We Strike Again by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela

Democratic Leadership in a Populist Age by Chris Patten

Climate Change is also a Health Crisis by Maria Neira

Hong Kong Says No to the China Dream by Chris Patten

Earth System Alert by Johan Rockström, Joyeeta Gupta and Dahe Qin

The Billionaire Problem by Simon Johnson

Trump Knew of Whistle-Blower Complaint When He Released Aid to Ukraine

White House Budget Official Said 2 Aides Resigned Amid Ukraine Aid Freeze

The Secret Benefits of Retelling Family Stories

Only Democratic Literacy Can Save Democracy by Alexandra Borchardt

The Makings of a "Geopolitical" European Commission by Mark Leonard

The Limits of Lagarde by Yanis Varoufakis

Bipolar Economics by Andrés Velasco

What Should Economists Be Doing? by Kaushik Basu

Climate Adaptation Now by Emma Navarro

The EU's University in Exile by László Bruszt

How B2B online marketplaces could transform indirect procurement

Veterans Day 2019: Nov. 11

The Case for Old-Fashioned Tariff Cuts by Jeffrey Frankel

Decolonizing African Scholarship by Kenneth Amaeshi

East Asia's Political Vulnerability by Lee Jong-Wha

The Power of Green Public Finance by Werner Hoyer

Adapting to a new normal in European asset management

IT in oil and gas: A new CIO mandate

A shared micromobility development model, and a Munich case study

How to measure your strategy's odds of success

Advancing women's equality in Africa

Why Fintech is Disrupting Traditional Banking

How We Can Put Civility Back into Civic Engagement

Tahoe Group: Bridging Culture and Real Estate Development

Shopping malls are dying

Deepfakes — Believe at Your Own Risk

Why Giuliani Singled Out 2 Ukrainian Oligarchs to Help Look for Dirt

What Happened to the Saudi Aramco IPO?

Can Hong Kong Avoid Tragedy? by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

The Economic Potential of Gender Parity for Africa by Acha Leke & Lohini Moodley

How World Bank Arbitrators Mugged Pakistan by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Want Better Forecasting? Silence the Noise

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month: November 2019

The EU Must Recognize Palestine by Daoud Kuttab

After the US-China Trade War by Stephen S. Roach

How smart choices on taxation can help close the growing fiscal gap

Survey: AI adoption proves its worth, but few scale impact

Mexico energy perspective: How the country can harness its energy abundance

How companies should approach airline IT and cybersecurity

How climate change is challenging the power industry

Germany energy transition: A country at a crossroads

How advanced analytics can optimize tail spend for raw materials

Affordable housing in Los Angeles: Delivering more — and doing it faster

The Best Mutual Funds You Should Buy Right Now!

California's Housing Crunch is Pushing Developers Deeper into Dangerous Fire Zones

Avoid these 6 expensive mistakes when talking to your teen about college

Coal Knew, Too

The Patriot versus the President by Ian Buruma

Machine Programming: What Lies Ahead?

OK Boomer, Who's Going to Buy Your 21 Million Homes?

How a Facebook Employee Helped Trump Win — But Switched Sides for 2020

Let's Be Clear, Candidates Use a Lot of Filler Phrases

2017 County Business Patterns Now Available

The West's Arrested Social Development by Helmut K. Anheier

The Most Important Story You Missed in 2019 by Mark Suzman

Dynamism, Innovation, and Germany's Future by Edmund S. Phelps

Putin Means Money by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Europe Needs Its Own Development Bank by Erik Berglöf

The EU's EV Greenwash by Hans-Werner Sinn

An Energy Transition with a European Touch by Javier Solana

The State of Fashion 2020: Navigating uncertainty in the fashion industry

How CEOs can help lead technology transformations

Modernizing public sector IT infrastructure

An interview with Patricia Cogswell of the US Transportation Security Administration

The Next Legal Challenge: Getting Law Firms to Use Analytics

2019 CPS-ASEC Geographic Mobility Data Release

Impeachment and the Wider World by Carl Bildt

Humans Can Survive Underwater by Bjørn Lomborg

Why Value Pluralism is Essential for Sustainability by Patricia Balvanera, et al

Industrial lighthouses with tech solutions for tech-enabled transformations

Brexit: The bigger picture--Rethinking UK talent for the long term

The new realities of the premium automotive market

A Green Light for Public Investment by Robert Habeck & Jesse Klaver

Why Financial Markets' New Exuberance is Irrational by Nouriel Roubini

What Next for Unconventional Monetary Policies? by Stephen Grenville

Making America Mediocre by Anne O. Krueger

Census Bureau Releases CPS Estimates of Same-Sex Households

The Right to Be Seen by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Yuliya Panfil

Building a Euro-Japanese Alliance of Hope by Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Is the War on Terror Over? by Karen Greenberg & Elmira Bayrasli

Is Sri Lanka the Next Argentina? by Arvind Subramanian

Reversing the Death of Venice by Carlo Ratti

Crime and Excessive Punishment in Tunisia by Rim Dhaouadi

How the IMF Can Battle Gradual Irrelevance by Mohamed A. El-Erian

The questions companies should ask themselves to prepare for a new era of business

Nonfinancial risk in insurance

100 projects at a time

Do Foreign Firms Thrive in Immigrant Enclaves? O Da!

A Middle-class Tax Cut: Weighing the Costs and Benefits

What Science Tells Us About Preventing Dementia

Sondland Kept Trump Administration Officials Apprised of Ukraine Push

Europe's New Jobs Lack Old Guarantees — Stoking Workers' Discontent

Leaked Iran Cables: Key Findings From Secret Documents

Time for European Defense Autonomy by Noëlle Lenoir

An Appeal for Sudan's Future by Ibrahim Elbadawi & Jeffrey D. Sachs

What Really Happened in Bolivia? by Jorge G. Castañeda

Is Russia the Middle East's New Hegemon? by Shlomo Ben-Ami

The Coming Nuclear Crises by Richard N. Haass

The Decline and Fall of William Barr by Kent Harrington

IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY: How a CIA analyst triggered a political firestorm

A conversation with Paul Tucker, former deputy governor at the Bank of England

Six emerging trends in facilities management sourcing

A vision for China's parcel-delivery industry

Why isn't your transformation showing up in the bottom line?

Accelerating revenue growth through tech-enabled commercial excellence

The century of Asian globalization has arrived

How to get Corporate Strategy to Engage with Climate Change

Abolish the Billionaires? by Edoardo Campanella

Germany Can Reduce Its External Surplus by Dalia Marin

Mind the Learning Gap by M Niaz Asadullah

A turning point for real estate investment management

Chemicals in capital markets: Temporary setbacks or new disruptive trends?

ESG framework

The Unexpected Benefits of Ridesharing Culture

The Politics and Pressure Behind Colin Kaepernick's NFL-Organized Workout

Amazon will challenge Pentagon's $10 billion JEDI contract decision

Justice Dept.watchdog reverses course

The Best and Worst U.S. Airports of 2019

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results

A Green Industrialization Strategy for Africa by Tariye Isoun Gbadegesin

A Living Wage for Capitalism by Jim O'Neill

Can Fernández Fix Argentina? by Leandro Mora Alfonsín

Green Markets for Equitable Growth by Graciela Chichilnisky & Peter Bal

Tackling shortages in the UK workforce by rethinking skills and the future of work

Scaling AI in business

IMO 2020: what shipowners, refiners, and traders should know

How incumbent industrial companies can establish themselves in new business areas

How programmatic acquirers employ M&A best practices

Instilling a company-wide growth mind-set to achieve both shortand long-term growth

Utilities collections: Practical steps for utilities to get a grip on bad debt

Cracking the code of repair analytics

How automotive suppliers can stay competitive in the powertrain components market

How Can SoftBank's Vision Fund Restore its Vision?

China's Risky Endgame in Hong Kong by Minxin Pei

The Growing Threat of Water Wars by Jayati Ghosh

The Digital Money Revolution by Huw van Steenis

The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Social Democracy by Daron Acemoglu

Global Trade's Bright (Green) Future by Pascal Lamy

Missing the Big Picture on Poverty Reduction by Yuen Yuen Ang

Bob Iger: Why Disney is Betting Big on Streaming

Next in Google's Quest for Consumer Dominance — Banking

The Case for the Impeachment Defense

Early Motherhood Has Always Been Miserable

Data Visualization Tool for Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes

Why US Inequality is Higher Than Europe's by Thomas Blanchet, Lucas Chancel and Amory Gethin

Is Economic Winter Coming? by Raghuram G. Rajan

Europe on a Geopolitical Fault Line by Ana Palacio

The Impeachment Blues by Elizabeth Drew

When Markets and Mobility Collide by Ricardo Hausmann

America's Feeble Indo-Pacific Strategy by Brahma Chellaney

Accelerating the impact of from a tech-enabled transformation playbook

Chemical industry performance in capital markets

Getting the right care to the right people at the right cost: An interview with Ron Walls

The Average Age of Successful Entrepreneurs is Actually 45

Medicare for All: Would it Work? And Who Would Pay?


The High Stakes of the Coming Digital Currency War by Kenneth Rogoff

New Hope for Indian Unity by Shashi Tharoor

Goats Against Climate Change by Sabine Homann-Kee Tui

Power to the People? by Aryeh Neier

Will China Confront a Revolution of Rising Expectations? by Barry Eichengreen

How automotive suppliers can stay competitive in the powertrain components market

Ultra-Wealthy: One-Percenters (1%ers) Match Middle Classes - Bloomberg

Making Murder Great Again by Dina Khapaeva

Workplace Romance: Did McDonald's Make the Right Call?

Senior Trump administration officials considered resigning en masse last year in a "midnight self-massacre" to sound a public alarm about President Trump's conduct, but rejected the idea because they believed it would further destabilize an already teeteri

Ukraine's Zelensky Bowed to Trump's Demands, Until Luck Spared Him

How Google Edged Out Rivals and Built the World's Dominant Ad Machine: A Visual Guide

Veterans Day 2019: Nov. 11

America's War on Chinese Technology by Jeffrey D. Sachs

The Rise of Nationalism After the Fall of the Berlin Wall by George Soros

The Next Great Transformation by James K. Galbraith

Disrupting Climate Change Through Innovation by Ambroise Fayolle

The Siren Song of Strategic Autonomy by Daniel Gros

Sporting Tribes by Ian Buruma

Consumer-data privacy and personalization at scale: How leading retailers and consumer brands can strategize for both

A new leadership imperative: Corporate social responsibility

Will robots take your job before you even graduate?

Turn slow-moving inventory into fast profits

Resilience in chemicals: How to prepare for the next downturn

Why industrial companies should pursue a tech-enabled transformation

In the Digital Age, How Companies Can Go from Vulnerable to Vigilant

Catalonia, Spain, and Europe are Better Together by Pedro Sánchez

Why End the Global Media Crisis? by Mark M. Nelson

How to Get Past the US-China Trade War by Dani Rodrik

America's War on Chinese Technology by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Toward a Global Biodiversity Accord by Carlos Manuel Rodríguez & Alvaro Cedeno Molinari

Insights into better integrated eligibility systems

What do we do about the biases in AI?

How airlines in China can brace for impending turbulence

Rethinking contract negotiations in public-sector procurement

Structured interviews mitigate halo bias

North American asset management companies in an era of unrelenting change

For Sale: SAT-Takers' Names

Are Randomized Poverty-Alleviation Experiments Ethical? by Peter Singer, Arthur Baker and Johannes Haushofer

Why the Plastic Crisis Matters by Froilan Grate & Lili Fuhr

The New Anti-Capitalism by Harold James

Using Digital Technology to Narrow the Opportunity Gap by Shang-Jin Wei

Emmanuel Macron's Balkan Betrayal by Christopher R. Hill

Historian Niall Ferguson on capitalism in crisis

Three Waves: Tracking the Evolution of India's Startups

Veterans Press Kit

Don't Count on Oil to Reignite Latin America by Mauricio Cárdenas

How to Deal with a Declining Russia by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Revisiting the End of the Cold War by John Lewis Gaddis & Elmira Bayrasli

Are the Climate Kids Right? by Daron Acemoglu

China Needs Economic Stimulus by Yu Yongding

Rethinking Productivity by Diane Coyle

Insurance IT modernization: Three paths ahead

A primer in resilience: Maximizing value beyond earnings

Driving value creation through G&A: Five ways to rethink your approach

Pivoting to modular construction: An interview with Mark Skender

Working together to tackle the UK housing crisis

Why Audits Are the Way Forward for AI Governance


Household Emergency Preparedness - Public Health

Election 2020

Obscure Model Puts a Price on Good Health — and Drives Down Drug Costs

The Making of the World's Greatest Investor

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday plans to relax rules that govern how power plants store waste from burning coal and release water containing toxic metals into nearby waterways, according to agency officials

If You Can Manage a Waffle House, You Can Manage Anything

People Are Staying in Their Homes Longer — a Big Reason for Slower Sales

The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions

The End of Neoliberalism and the Rebirth of History by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Is the Global Dollar in Jeopardy? by Simon Johnson

Britain's Post-Brexit Choices by Ngaire Woods

Combating China's Influence Operations by Orville Schell & Larry Diamond

Why America's CEOs Are Talking About Stakeholder Capitalism by Mark Roe

The Hardening of Soft Power by Zaki Laïdi

Death by Dirty Cooking by Kandeh K. Yumkella

Accelerating biopharmaceutical development while reducing costs

The 'Whimpering' Terrorist Only Trump Seems to Have Heard

The Rising Threat of Digital Nationalism

Trump's Twitter Presidency: 9 Key Takeaways

#MeToo and Don Giovanni by Robert Skidelsky

The Case for International Civil Servants by Kemal Derviş

Revolutions for Whom? by Kristen R. Ghodsee & Mitchell A. Orenstein

Why Novozymes Wants to 'Rethink Tomorrow'

A conversation about the future of Asia

Tales of the Economy by Barry Eichengreen

The Fall and Rise of Cambodia's Opposition by Sam Rainsy

Africa's Disengaged Youth by George Lwanda

Breaking the mold: The construction players of the future

Navigating the Asian century

How the British Army's operations went agile

Building agility in the British Army's headquarters

Changing the game: A conversation with Katerra's Michael Marks

Developing a Sharing Economy Marketing Strategy

Geographic Mobility Data for States and Place of Birth Tables

The Lost Promise of 1989 by Mark Leonard

How to Tame Big Tech by Kaushik Basu

The Spirit of 2019 by Dominique Moisi

The Monetarist Era is Over by Anatole Kaletsky

The Arab Winter of Discontent by Ishac Diwan

The Great Wealth Tax Debate by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Navigating the EU rail-market liberalization

American Indian/Alaska Native 2020 Census Press Kit

A "True" Industrial Policy for All by Reda Cherif & Fuad Hasanov

Teaching Journalists How to Survive by Diane Foley

What Brexit Reveals About the EU by Bill Emmott

The Right Way to Finance Disaster Recovery by Koichi Hamada

Russia's New Ideocracy by Dmitry Oreshkin

What Happens to the United Kingdom Now? by Chris Patten

Auctioning of Indian mining leases and the iron ore market

'Why is This Airplane Still Flying?'

'OK Boomer' Marks the End of Friendly Generational Relations

The Link Between Diet, Exercise and Alzheimer's

Towns to Self-Storage Facilities: Please Go Someplace Else

Heart-Failure Deaths Rise, Contributing to Worsening Life Expectancy

Census Bureau Kicks Off Statistics in Schools Program Nationwide

Statistics in Schools

The 2019 Holiday Season

Santiago Under Siege by Andrés Velasco

Stop Inflating the Inflation Threat by J. Bradford DeLong

The Caste of Credit in India by Navjot Sangwan

Corporate Citizens Must Become Global Catalysts by Sebastian Buckup

The Politics of Frustration in Latin America by Jeremy Adelman & Pablo Pryluka

Insights into China's dynamic auto market from Daimler's Hubertus Troska

The future of packaging

Alternative proteins and the future of meat

An agritech company envisions the future of food

How digital and advanced analytics can smooth insurance disruption in Asia

Driving real change through accelerated performance transformation strategies

The power and potential of AI in insurance claims

Tyson Foods' expansion into alternative proteins: 'It's our job to evolve with consumers'

Ensuring resilience and the strategic imperative: A conversation with Kevin Laczkowski

Managing industrials' commodity-price risk

The future of insurance claims

Untapped Opportunities: How is Impact Investing Poised to Grow?

How Immigrant Entrepreneurs Pave the Way for Foreign VC Investments

Can India's Economy Return to High Growth?

Creating a Roadmap for Companies' Transition to Digital

Which Wealth Tax? by Michael Spence

China Adjusts to the New World Order by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

The Allure and Limits of Monetized Fiscal Deficits by Nouriel Roubini

The Silence of the Republican Lambs by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Automating Segregation by Nicholas Agar

Your Data is Shared and Sold … What's Being Done About it?

The changing role of CFO in the digital age

How shale producers can sustain base production and generate cash

Mindsets and practices of the best CEOs

Focusing on customers and team mind-sets to deliver growth

California's Tax-the-Rich Boomerang

9 Myths About Credit Scores

We May Not Have to Age So Fast

No Art to the US-China Trade Deal

The Hapless Shakedown Crew That Hacked Trump's Inauguration

Donald Trump's 'Lynching'

The Fall of WeWork: How a Startup Darling Came Unglued

No Art to the US-China Trade Deal by Stephen S. Roach

What you need to know about gender inequality in the workplace

Modular construction: Priorities for real-estate developers

How leading innovators are pulling farther ahead

Setting the bar for global LNG cost competitiveness

A New Approach to Protecting Gig Workers by Laura Tyson

Truth vs. Trump on Immigration by Anne O. Krueger

Oceans as an Investment Priority by Emma Navarro

Unlocking the $100 billion opportunity through government budgeting in Africa

Early strategic assessment: A conversation with Kevin Laczkowski

The power of automation in industrials and the heavy industry sector

Private equity and pricing value creation

Fossil Trove Offers Clues to How Life Found a Way After Asteroid That Wiped Out Dinosaurs

The New York-to-Sydney Flight That Redefines Long Distance

White House Personnel Director Tells Trump Top DHS Secretary Picks Ineligible for Job

6 Key Revelations of Taylor's Opening Statement to Impeachment Investigators

Trump's Rallies Aren't a Sideshow

Ukraine Knew of Aid Freeze by August, Undermining Trump Defense

How a Weaponized Dollar Could Backfire by Jeffrey Frankel

Electing America's Economic Future by Michael J. Boskin

China auto consumer insights 2019

Digital transformation: Improving the odds of success

Accelerated performance transformation for industrial, technology, and consumer companies

2020 Census Nationwide Recruitment Campaign Gets Underway

Why Rich Cities Rebel by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Is Trump Right About Middle-East Peace? by Gérard Araud

The Future of the Establishment by Matthew Goodwin & Elmira Bayrasli

The Partial Triumph of 1989 by Javier Solana

The Open Secret of Development Economics by Yao Yang

Global banking annual review 2019: The last pit stop? Time for bold late-cycle moves

The next wave of consumer M&A: Executing for value

Key success factors in a strategic transformation: A conversation with Kevin Laczkowski

The next wave of consumer M&A: searching for growth

The role of academic-based health systems: An interview with Catherine Jacobson and Thomas Zenty

Perks That Work: How to Offer Fringe Benefits That Matter

Why Tax Changes Are Hurting the Housing Market

Preventing the Next Pandemic by Gro Harlem Brundtland & Elhadj As Sy

The Battle of the Fading Hegemons by Arvind Subramanian

Locking China Out of the Dollar System by Paola Subacchi

The Middle East's Dangerous New Hegemonic Confrontation by Joschka Fischer

Why Family Planning is a Smart Investment by Bjørn Lomborg

Tax Myths of Warrenomics

Online Influencers Tell You What to Buy, Advertisers Wonder Who's Listening

'Feel the Force': Gut Instinct, Not Data, is the Thing

The New York-to-Sydney Flight That Redefines Long Distance

'They looked at us like an easy target': Inside West Virginia's opioid battle

"There is Definite Hanky-Panky Going On": The Fantastically Profitable Mystery of the Trump Chaos Trades — Vanity Fair

Transformation metrics: Defining success

Managing a moonshot: Keeping large industrial projects on track

Sustainable apparel sourcing at scale: Fashion's new must-have

Ex-Aide Saw Gordon Sondland as a Potential National Security Risk

Deal reached to end GM strike

The Expenses People Often Forget When They Plan for Retirement

Elite M.B.A. Programs Report Steep Drop in Applications

What Next for the Bretton Woods Twins? by Devesh Kapur

Time to Bite the Bullet in Syria by Carl Bildt

The IMF Should Take Over Libra by Yanis Varoufakis

Trump's Perfidious America by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Climate Leadership from Developing Countries by Lee White & Tanguy Gahouma

Reviving European innovation

The role of strategy in a transformation: A conversation with Kevin Laczkowski

How women in the oil-and-gas industry can fill the talent gap

Microsoft's 2019 acquisition spree: 20 deals totaling $9.1B, led by blockbuster GitHub buy

Second Release of 2018 American Community Survey 1-Year Data Now Available

The 2020 Census Safety and Security

How China Loses Friends and Alienates People by Minxin Pei

Ending Short-Termism by Keeping Score by Klaus Schwab

How Fact-Checking Can Win the Fight Against Misinformation by Peter Cunliffe-Jones, et al

Improving Nutrition Can Save Lives – and the Planet by Venkatesh Mannar

The High Price of Trump's Great Betrayal by Richard N. Haass

The End of Sri Lankan Democracy? by Brahma Chellaney

Women in the Workplace 2019

The role of Southeast Asia in the nickel market

Fast and modular

Managing your external supply system for innovation

How the Evolving Role of Economists Reshaped America

Americans Now Need at Least $500,000 a Year to Enter the Top 1%

What makes a modern company in the age of ecosystems? by Ingrid Maass – Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

Will Trump Be Removed from Office? by Elizabeth Drew

India's Modi Slowdown by Shashi Tharoor

A Window of Opportunity for African Fossil Fuels by Jesse Salah Ovadia


The Survival of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe by Sławomir Sierakowski

The Impacts of the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Rankings

Where Women Fall Behind at Work: The First Step Into Management

You Can Overcome a Long Gap in Your Résumé

So You Make $100,000? It Still Might Not Be Enough to Buy a Home

Integrating the Arab World for Sustainable Growth by Maha Ali

Can a West African Currency Union Work? by Simplice A. Asongu

Anti-Globalization Bias and Public Policy by Shang-Jin Wei

Child Marriage is Stunting Development by Moha Ennaji

There is No Security Without Sustainability by John R. Allen

Unsustainable Australia by Kevin Rudd

Sustained by Sustainable Coffee by Mauricio Cárdenas

Will Trump Be Removed from Office? by Elizabeth Drew

How private equity can maximize value in US financial services

The coming of AI Spring

Higher education: Building excellence in administrative operations

Digital operations and electric power generation

Smarter, faster asset allocation for more coverage at lower cost

What Will the Boeing-Airbus Tariffs Dispute Mean for Consumers?

The Advantages of Using Nonverbal Communication in Persuasion

The Walmart Health Care Gamble: Will it Pay Off?

The Coming AI Spring by James Manyika & Jacques Bughin

Will Libra Be Stillborn? by Barry Eichengreen

Financing the Green Transition by Bertrand Badré & Antoine Sire

Quantitative Greening by Laura Tyson & Afsaneh Beschloss

How to Stem Ukraine's Corruption by Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson

Can Synchronized Stagnation Be Stopped? by Eswar Prasad & Ethan Wu

How China Can Reach its Centennial Goal by Zhang Jun

How to Afford the SDGs by Sergei Guriev

Tokyo's Sustainable Games by Yuriko Koike

How to Design an Effective Initial Coin Offering

Many Companies Say They're Family-Friendly. But it Often Isn't the Case

Impeachment Inquiry Challenges Balance of Power in Washington

Millennials Are Coming to America's Small Towns

When God is Your Portfolio Manager

Court rules against Trump in fight over business records

How Tim Cook Won Donald Trump's Ear

Rethinking strategy for renewable power generation

The common challenges in health care — and how to meet them

Transform the whole business, not just parts

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

The Climate Kids Are Right by Patrick V. Verkooijen

The Insanity of Austerity by Isabel Ortiz & Matthew Cummins

Europe Needs a Serious Nuclear-Energy Debate by Samuele Furfari

How to Support Developing Countries in Energy Transition by Kenneth Rogoff

The Energy Revolution is Here by Jules Kortenhorst

How smart platforms can crack the complexity challenge in project industries

Unlocking private-sector financing in emerging-markets infrastructure

The "all in" approach to business transformation

Connected car cybersecurity in the era of new regulation

Fashion Fail: Where Did Forever 21 Go Wrong?

Why Certain Major Asset Classes Still Trade Over-the-counter

Chart of the week: Productivity is falling in developed economies

The Case for Mark-to-Planet Finance by Bertrand Badré & Amer Baig

Are Traditional Multinationals Ready for Emerging Markets? by Aubrey Hruby

Making Shipping Sustainable by John Kornerup Bang

Does Public Banking Work? by Katharina Pistor

Financing the Low-Carbon Transition by Scott Mather

Germany Versus the ECB by Hans-Helmut Kotz

Our Shrinking Economic Toolkits by Jayati Ghosh

Managing IT infrastructure in cloud computing world

How Singapore is harnessing design to transform government services

What's next for semiconductor profits?

How Prudential is using a new talent management strategy to tackle the future of work

All You Need is Love: The Case for Bringing Greater Passion to Work

GE's Pension Freeze: Will it Help Right the Ship?

Can Fintech Make the World More Inclusive?

Hispanic Heritage Month 2019

Should Creditors Pay the Price for Dubious Bonds? by Mitu Gulati, Ugo Panizza and Mark Weidemaier

Whither Nuclear-Arms Control? by Bennett Ramberg

Looking Forward to Sustainable Development by Rémy Rioux

The Path to Climate Safety by Jeffrey D. Sachs

The Panic Fueling Paris by Laurence Tubiana

Democracy on a Knife-Edge by Dani Rodrik

Automation and economic disparity

The climate risk you may not be thinking about

The approach to risk-based cybersecurity

Overlooking Communication: Why Strategists Are Missing a Trick

What's Pushing China's Tech Sector So Far Ahead?

Can the US and China Make a Deal? by Kevin Rudd

Why We Need More Economists by Roger E.A. Farmer

How to Facilitate Trade in Africa by Asmita Parshotam

The SDG Investments Africa Needs by Donald P. Kaberuka

Mobilizing for a Climate Moonshot by Mariana Mazzucato

Wanted: A Global Green New Deal by Joseph E. Stiglitz

How to Reach the World's "Unbanked" Women by Shamina Singh & Elmira Bayrasli

The Hooligan Spirit by Ian Buruma

Scotiabank's chief risk officer on the state of anti–money laundering

Affordable Housing Policy: Why the U.S. Needs a New Vision

How Cost Management is Changing Globally

7 lessons learned while traveling by myself

Top Secret Russian Unit Seeks to Destabilize Europe, Security Officials Say

Review of Russia probe eyes shadowy prolessor

McConnell Urges Trump to Keep U.S. Troops in Northern Syria

In Siberia, climate change is warping the Earth

Opening of Five Island Areas Census Offices

No More Half-Measures on Corporate Taxes by Joseph E. Stiglitz

How to Respond to Iran by Bernard Haykel

The Eurozone's 2% Fixation by Daniel Gros

From Dream to Action by Brune Poirson

The Climate Breakthrough by Polly Courtice

Is Finance Ready to Go Green? by Jim O'Neill

Can the US and China Make a Deal? by Kevin Rudd

Greta Thunberg's Moment by Peter Singer

The future of work in black America

Removing Bias from Predictive Modeling

Why the U.S. Needs a New Vision for Affordable Housing

10 Tips to Avoid Leaving Tracks Around the Internet

Even High-Income Millennials Fear They'll Need to Work Forever

4 ways to keep a healthy body and mind as we age - VAntage Point

How to harness technology for growth and the future of work in South Africa

How companies can seize opportunities in retail in Vietnam

Paul Romer, Nobel-winning economist, on measuring progress

Optimizing development in unconventional oil and gas

How Companies Can Fix the Hiring Process

The Making and Breaking of Constitutions by Raphaël Hadas-Lebel

The Crisis of Central-Bank Governance by Lucrezia Reichlin

The Unsustainable Sustainable Investing Boom by Daniel Litvin

Sustainability's Moment of Truth by Nicholas Stern

Russia is a Strategist, Not a Spoiler by Ana Palacio

Dispelling the Myths About Sexuality Education by Helen Clark

Who Can Influence the ECB? by Stefan Gerlach

China's Corrupt Meritocracy by Yuen Yuen Ang

A Medical Assessment of Trump's Asylum Policy by William Bruno & Todd Schneberk

Focusing on culture to drive growth

The helix organization

The Asianized world has arrived

Bioelectronics 'jump-start' the next wave of healthcare technologies

The Opioid Crisis: Policy Solutions That Could Help

What the Spider-Man Deal Means for Sony and Disney

'Active Interest': Insurance Tycoon Spied on Women Who Caught His Eye

How a Fringe Theory About Ukraine Took Root in the White House

Second whistleblower complaint

Thousands of California seniors are 'one disaster away' from homelessness. What can the state do?

Government Social Responsibility by Dambisa Moyo

The Silent Suffering of Climate Migrants by Md. Shahidul Haque & M. Riaz Hamidullah

A New Eurafrican Partnership by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Mo Ibrahim and Etienne Davignon

Is Post-Brexit London Really Doomed? by Howard Davies

Argentina Must Not Waste Its Crisis by Kemal Derviş & Sebastián Strauss

The Asianized World Has Arrived by Jonathan Woetzel & Jeongmin Seong

The Logic of Impeachment Does Not Favor Trump by Elizabeth Drew

Why social determinants matter for children's health: An interview with Michael Fisher

Realizing the value of your merger with the right operating model

Gene therapy research comes of age: Opportunities and challenges to getting ahead

Rough Ride: Looking Inside the Tumultuous Rise of Uber

Pull up a Chair: How Ethan Allen's CEO Helped Build a Furniture Empire

Paying College Athletes: Will a New Law Level the Playing Field?

Overlooking Communications: Why Strategists Are Missing a Trick

How Closing the Digital Literacy Gap Helps Workers — and Employers

The Issue Behind Our Issues by Jim O'Neill

Preventing Digital Feudalism by Mariana Mazzucato

Empowering Africa's Women Farmers by Ruth Meinzen-Dick

Can Cyberwarfare Be Regulated? by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

The IMF After Argentina by Kenneth Rogoff

Inside Macron's Russia Initiative by Mark Leonard

How tech, media and telecom (TMT) can suceed through a technology recession

Technology-enabled procurement for chemical companies

Transformative shifts in the US banking industry

Financial cybercrime and fraud

The business of running state government operations

Israel Election: How the Result Will Impact the Economy

AI bias: How tech determines if you land job, get a loan or end up in jail

America's factories are getting crushed by Trump's trade war, not the Fed

The Seven-Year Auto Loan: America's Middle Class Can't Afford Its Cars

Acting Homeland security chief is frustrated and isolated

Decision Points

Barr sought foreign help on inquiry into CIA, FBI

Me and My Whistle-Blower

Manufacturing Day: October 4, 2019

China's 70 Years of Progress by Keyu Jin

The EU's Rule-of-Law Test by Tytti Tuppurainen

The Impeachment Trap by Eric Posner

The US and Iran Are Playing a Dangerous Game by Volker Perthes

The Next Phase of China's Reform and Opening Up by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Closing the Opportunity Gap in the Sahel by Annette Dixon & Hafez Ghanem

How to Rethink Capitalism by Simon Johnson

Are Europe's Economic Prospects Brighter Than They Appear? by Anatole Kaletsky

No, We Don't "Need" a Recession by J. Bradford DeLong

Kevin Sneader framing reinvention in the global context

Five Fifty: Slow burn

An engineering approach to derisking pharmaceutical R&D for novel modalities

Economic Conditions Snapshot, September 2019

How automakers can master new mobility

Country Garden's People-centered Growth Strategy

Mindfulness at Work: A Little Bit Goes a Long Way

What Smart Manufacturers Know About Bundling Products and Services

How High Performers Can Boost Overall Team Productivity

Saving the Japan-South Korea Relationship by Lee Jong-Wha

It's Time for German Fiscal Expansion by Jeffrey Frankel

How to Ward Off the Next Recession by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Hong Kong in the Balance by Michael Spence

Europe Needs a Migration Reset by Claus Sørensen

China's Hong Kong Problem by Chris Patten

Planning to Leave an IRA to the Grandkids? Not So Fast

How a Texas Ranger got a serial killer to admit he killed 93 women — Los Angeles Times

Business implications of Europe's e-privacy regulation

OFSE quarterly: Revenue edges up, but margins stay under pressure

Multiples analysis: Industry labels don't matter, performance does

Executive quick take: A guide to implementing marketing-and-sales transformations that unlock sustainable growth

Girls vs. Boys: Brain Differences Might Explain Tech Behaviors

Trump administration intensifies Clinton email probe

Investing in Frontline Health Workers by Maha Barakat

Progressive Phonies by Ramesh Thakur

The Death of Anglo-American Conservatism by Harold James

Argentina's Recurring Nightmare by Andrés Velasco

The Mainstreaming of Corruption by Sławomir Sierakowski

The Hollow Consensus on the Amazon by Marina Silva

ISIS 2.0 and the Information War by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Asha C. Castleberry

What's Right About France's Overtures Toward Russia? by Dominique Moisi

Are you a growth leader? The seven beliefs and behaviors that growth leaders share

An interview with former Peruvian Minister of Education Jaime Saavedra

China's digital consumers: 2019 trends

Value creation and performance in the auto industry

Capability building: Bridging the gap between human and artificial intelligence

How automation in Indonesia will change the future of work

The role of growth in a transformation: A conversation with Duncan Miller

Why a 1968 Paper Still Influences Modern Asset Management

The Index Beating Strategy That Appears To Really Work

Pence Advised Against Releasing Rough Transcript of Ukraine Call

Giuliani Sits at the Center of the Ukraine Controversy

2018 American Community Survey Single-Year Estimates

ACS Provides New State and Local Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

California's Cross-Cutting Climate Strategy by Kate Gordon & Lenny Mendonca

How Climate Policies Hurt the Poor by Bjørn Lomborg

Lagarde's Edge is Europe's Opportunity by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Britain's Constitutional Guardians Strike Back by Nicholas Reed Langen

America's Argentina Risk by Kaushik Basu

Saving Pacific Islanders from Geoengineering by François Martel

The 'Alpha Girls' of Silicon Valley

Why More Working Families Are Turning to Medicaid and CHIP

Serving More Than the Brand: How Infosys Reimagined the Tennis Experience

How Kindness is the Key to Better Well-being

You might have a marketing problem

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.: 2018

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

Four Collision Courses for the Global Economy by Nouriel Roubini

The Constitution Won't Save American Democracy by Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson

Tracking Progress on the SDGs by Michael Green & Elmira Bayrasli

How to Finance the Green Transition by Werner Hoyer

When America's President Can't be Trusted by Kent Harrington

Food for Sustainable Development by Jeffrey D. Sachs & Angelo Riccaboni

New Weapons for the ECB by Yanis Varoufakis

Greening Our Cities by Emma Navarro & Nanda Jichkar

Who Should Hold Europe's Arms? by Sophia Besch

The Puzzling Lure of Financial Globalization by Arvind Subramanian & Dani Rodrik

A Woman-Focused Climate Agenda by Alison Holder & Sivananthi Thanenthiran

What's Freezing Europe-Russia Relations? by Joschka Fischer

The Global Retreat of Free Trade by Hector R. Torres

Agriculture plays a critical role in limiting the impact of climate change

How purpose-driven growth and a strong culture can beat the market

How a scrappy federal IT program can be a model for US climate action

Can outcomes-based funding support evidence-based college success programs?

The geography of poverty hotspots

A fixable mistake: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

How Curbing High-Skilled Immigration Could Be Spurring Offshoring

The Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Case: What's at Stake

What's Fueling the Smart City Backlash?

How One VC Cuts Through the Fintech Hype

James Bullard on Why Interest Rate Cuts Could Help Prevent a Recession

More options to help websites preview their content on Google Search

UK Supreme Court rules Boris Johnson's suspension of Parliament is unlawful

Border crisis: In Mexico, US immigration system, migrants face peril

Karen Pence Vows To Tell Trump's Story On Twitter And It's Not Going Well

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

With iOS 13.1, Shortcuts gets a lot more powerful

The 8 Best Voice-to-Text Apps of 2019

Difference between Tethering and Hotspot Difference Between

In one extraordinary day, the calculations of the Age of Trump are thrown out the window

As Americans spread out, immigration plays a crucial role in local population growth

How to use Individual Note Encryption in Bear Pro

Fall TV shows

Indonesia to Fault 737 MAX Design, U.S. Oversight in Lion Air Crash Report

Trump ordered hold on aid days before calling Ukraine

You're Probably Washing Your Face Wrong

2017 E-Stats Report: Measuring the Electronic Economy

Protecting Children is the Key to Sustainability by Kailash Satyarthi

Reconciliation Must Drive Development by Rémy Rioux

Trump's Faltering Middle East Coalition by Javier Solana

Sustainability with Chinese Characteristics by Stephen S. Roach

Robust growth continues in global payments

Getting specific to leave no one behind

Opinion President Trump, Just the Facts

The 10 best places to live in the U.S., according to a new analysis — Money

Mitch McConnell: The Man Who Sold America

'Incredibly Moving' Photo Of Greta Thunberg's First Climate Strike Goes Viral

The Amazon burns. But another part of Brazil is being destroyed faster

The Best Hike in Every National Park — Outside

Regular aerobic exercise may slow progression to Alzheimer's

How a hard-charging lawyer helped fuel a civil war inside the NRA

'You Don't Have to Face it Alone.' Hong Kong Protests Propelled by Hidden Support Network

For a Truly Indulgent Vacation, Fly Solo

Should Profane Contracts Be Sanctified? by Ricardo Hausmann

It's not just about China. Asian economies are integrating rapidly, fuelling regional growth

China in the Asian century

An interview on government transformation in VA affairs

The forgotten step in leading large-scale change

Changing the insurance paradigm: A perspective from Allianz Poland's COO

How leaders in data and analytics have pulled ahead

The potential for growth in Japan's biosimilars market

How PE investors can become more entrepreneurial in private equity

Why are your customers calling you again?

How Trendsetters Shaped India's Massive Sanitation Campaign

California Bill 5: How it Would Upend the Gig Economy

WSJ: Trump repeatedly pressured Ukraine's President to investigate Biden's son

Why This Scientist Keeps Receiving Packages of Serial Killers' Hair

Behind the GM-UAW Strike: Two Combatants With Something to Prove

Apple release dates: When are macOS Catalina, iOS 13, iPad OS, Arcade and TV+ coming to your devices?

BusyMac Blog - Reminders, in iOS 13 and macOS Catalina, drops support for CalDAV

I know it's bad – but everyone's doing it"

There is No Alternative to Multilateralism by Josh Frydenberg, et al

Climate Code Red by Rachel Kyte

Can Capitalist Democracy Survive? by William H. Janeway

Argentina Needs Intensive Care by Anne O. Krueger

The Coming Crisis of China's One-Party Regime by Minxin Pei

How AI Can Promote Social Good by Hala Hanna & Vilas Dhar

Changing the insurance paradigm: A perspective from Allianz Poland's COO

How leaders in data and analytics have pulled ahead

The GM Strike: What Are the Mounting Costs?

What Really Brought Down the Boeing 737 Max?

Apple's VP of communications is leaving the company

Austin Mann on the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro Cameras

Navy Confirms: Those UFO Videos Are Real And Never Should've Been Released

Acting spy chief agrees to testify on whistleblower complaint before House intel panel

Chart of the week: Mortgage rates in the U.S. fall to a three-year low

Wealth taxation increases aggregate productivity

Asymmetric inflation targeting can remove deflation bias

Households respond immediately to news about monetary policy

Why The Big Short's Michael Burry is Wrong About Index Funds


The Last Days of Netanyahu? by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Ukraine Gets Its Chance by Carl Bildt

A War of Words Fought over Women's Bodies by Katja Iversen

Globalization in Asia: Flows and networks shaping the Asian Century

The Israel automotive technology opportunity

Five insights into the views and behaviors of consumers in the US dairy industry

Beating the cycle: Building resilience in chemicals

Hate Broccoli? Why Your DNA Might Be to Blame

Chinese Investments in Africa: Four Anti-corruption Trends to Watch

Celebrity Culture: Why Fame is Big Business

The Hidden Dangers of Vaping

New Earnings and Employment Data for College Graduates

19% of Americans are considered 'upper class' — here's how much they earn

Fed cuts rates a second time

How to make sure your sent email is copied to the right location in Mail

The Digital Accelerator: The Schwab model for accelerating its digital transformation

Pricing: Distributors' most powerful value-creation lever

Mastering the duality of digital: How digitized incumbents withstand disruption

Talent in biotech boosts the European biotech sector

AML risk-rating models

Five Fifty: Defund your darlings

Prepare your board of directors for crisis management

Artists and freedom

The Return of Fiscal Policy by Jim O'Neill

The Economic Consequences of Automation by Robert Skidelsky

Jerome Powell's Dilemma by Carmen M. Reinhart & Vincent Reinhart

Energy, Employment, and Migration in Africa by Kandeh K. Yumkella

Can Direct Democracy Defeat Populism? by Jan-Werner Mueller

Asia's Multilateral Balancing Act by Myong-Hyun Go, Shafqat Munir and Ambika Vishwanath

Are Negative Interest Rates on the Way in the U.S.?

The Awkward but Essential Art of Office Chitchat

Strengthening Land Rights Will Curb Migration by Chris Jochnick

Islands of Climate Ambition by Andrew Holness & Frank Bainimarama

Could Ultra-Low Interest Rates Be Contractionary? by Ernest Liu, Atif Mian and Amir Sufi

Brexit House of Cards by Mark Malloch-Brown

Back to Little England? by Edoardo Campanella

What's Next for the Digital Living Room?

How Can Data Analytics Drive Innovation?

Vishal Sikka: How AI Can Be Used to 'Amplify Humanity'

Climate Change Solutions: 30 Ideas That Could Make an Impact

A Shadowy Industry Group Shapes Food Policy Around the World

Your Parents' Financial Advice is (Kind Of) Wrong

IPhone 11 and 11 Pro Review: Thinking Differently in the Golden Age of Smartphones

iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max Review: The Battery Life We've Been Dying For

PDF Expert 7 review: Must-have document utility for iOS now offers pro subscription

The U1 chip in the iPhone 11 is the beginning of an Ultra Wideband revolution

WeWork IPO spells rough landing for CEO Neumann

The relationship with the customer

Joining the Technological Frontiers by Tej Kohli

Will Sudan Break Through to Democracy? by Ishac Diwan

The ECB's Beggar-thy-Trump Strategy by Hans-Werner Sinn

An Innovation Agenda for Europe by Manuel Muñiz & Marietje Schaake

Energy, Employment, and Migration in Africa by Kandeh K. Yumkella

Are slow internet connections holding back American schools?

Jobs training programs are rarely flexible enough to succeed

Back to school 2019: A lesson plan from the science of learning

Placebo blindness Seth's Blog

Andy Ruben of Yerdle on sustainable fashion and the environment

How state and local governments win at attracting companies

Structured problem solving strategies can help break down problems to find better insights

Capturing value at scale in discrete manufacturing with Industry 4.0

Best-in-class digital document processing: A payer perspective

Five Cities: Living on $50K a Year

In Coal Country, the Mines Shut Down, the Women Went to Work and the World Quietly Changed

How Pooling Can Beat Stunting by Philippe Douste-Blazy & Carl Manlan

The Meritocracy Muddle by Eric Posner

The Amazon and You by Richard N. Haass

Joining the Technological Frontiers by Tej Kohli

Who Benefits from False Climate Solutions? by Karin Nansen

India's Democratic Dictatorship by Shashi Tharoor

Speak softly, make tough decisions: An interview with Alibaba Group chairman and CEO Daniel Zhang

How dual-career couples find fulfillment at work

Responding to Natural Disasters: Is There a Better Way?

How dual-career couples find fulfillment at work

About That Washington Post Story on Apple Copying Features From Top Apps in the App Store

Don't blame AT&T and DirecTV if ESPN gets blacked out

Democratic Debate fact-check: 10 candidates take the stage in Houston — NBC News

Diary of 'Polish Anne Frank' to be published after 70 years in bank vault

Winners and losers from the third Democratic presidential debate

Apple's fall OS release schedule is weird — here's when your device will be updated

Omni Roadmap Update: September, 2019 - The Omni Group

Pakistan's Literacy Problem by Zara Kayani

The Rule of Lawyers by Perry Mehrling

The ECB's Deflation Obsession by Daniel Gros

The Biomedicine Threat by Martin Rees


Using analytics in power grid planning

Tech for the greater good

Wendy Kopp on preparing young leaders for the future of work

Using change management strategies to increase the odds of success

Speak softly, make tough decisions: An interview with Alibaba Group chairman and CEO Daniel Zhang

Why Buying New Cars Over Used is a Million Dollar Decision

Using Values as common guidelines for action in complex ecosystemsby Christine Locher

What Will it Take to Rescue Argentina's Economy?

On 'light-touches' and 'heavy-hands': 2 strategies to tackle educational inequities

Are the multilaterals ready to act on pandemic prevention and other global public goods?

Approaching the limits

Trump's New Troubles by Elizabeth Drew

Getting Serious About the SDGs by Jayati Ghosh

Is Arab Unity Dead? by Jasmine M. El-Gamal

The Clean-Energy Fast Track by Kingsmill Bond, Angus McCrone and Jules Kortenhorst

Will the IMF Finally Learn From Argentina? by Stephen Grenville

Why Most Leadership Skills Are Learned

The Role of Mavericks in Good Business

Is my chair killing me? — BBC Science Focus Magazine

Home Health Services and Hospice Care - Community Care

The Clock is Ticking for Millions of Fliers to Update Their IDs

The Best Time to Book Your Holiday Flights for 2019, According to Experts — Travel + Leisure

9/11 is history now. Here's how American kids are learning about it in class. — TIME

Flying with an emotional support animal may soon get a whole lot more difficult — Quartz

End of Era: Passive Equity Funds Surpass Active in Epic Shift

Warren's Assault on Retiree Wealth

Are wages rising, falling, or stagnating?

Campaign 2020: How to fix America's housing policies

What are the factors that affect learning at your school?

Unlocking potential in a connected world by Gina Lodge

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.: 2018

Memories of memories

Trump's North Korean Appeasement by Christopher R. Hill

The World and the UN Must Reduce Population Growth by Frank Götmark & Robin Maynard

Preventing Cold War II by Kemal Derviş

Africa is Multilateralism's Secret Champion by Ottilia Anna Maunganidze

What's Wrong with the News? by Alexandra Borchardt

Mexico Needs to Change Course by Jorge G. Castañeda

Sustainable Financing for Family Planning by Esenam Amuzu

Latin America's missing middles

The global case for customer experience in government

Europe's potential for biotech innovation

Life insurance in China: Four priorities to transform the agency channel

Latin America's digital spring: work in progress

Fintech Partnerships with Banks: Key to the Future of Payments?

Amazon's Shipping Challenges: Will Out-of-the-box Solutions Work?

How Companies Can Reduce the Risk of Disasters

US Immigration Policy: Can it Fix Worrisome Economic Trends?

Is Your Company Socially Responsible?

Twitter Users Find A Way To Get Chrissy Teigen's Filthy Trump Nickname To Trend

Trump skeptical of using foreign spies to collect intel on hostile countries, sources say

There Will Be Blood: How a Manhattan Scion Built a Rural Empire

Trump pushing for crackdown on Calif. homeless

Nearly two million additional people lacked health insurance last year compared with 2017, the Census Bureau said Tuesday, the f

How Apple's Apps Topped Rivals in the App Store it Controls

The AfD wolf is at the door in east Germany

Considerations for expanding international reference pricing beyond Medicare Part B

The wind at your back

Should We Worry About Income Gaps Within or Between Countries? by Dani Rodrik

Should Governments Just Print More Money? by Stephanie Kelton & Elmira Bayrasli

Who Lost Argentina, Again? by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Did Dudley Do Right? by Barry Eichengreen

Resilience and value: A CFO tool kit for withstanding shocks

Managing state budgets in an age of uncertainty

Stunning details of dinosaurs' last day on earth uncovered by researchers — National Geographic

50 U.S. states and territories announce broad antitrust investigation of Google

7 People On The Best Advice They Learned in Therapy

Squirrels listen in on bird chatter to decide if they're safe, and that's scientifically significant

As Earth faces climate catastrophe, US set to open nearly 200 power plants

Rocks discovered from the day the dinosaurs died 66 million years ago when an asteroid hit the Earth

Veterinarians Are Killing Themselves. An Online Group is There To Listen And Help — NPR

Two Ways to Use Checklists with OmniFocus - Using OmniFocus

Prosecutors launch broad antitrust investigation of Google

Fitbit Versa 2 review: Small steps add up to a giant leap forward

How to watch Apple's 'By innovation only' event on September 10

Exclusive: US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017

10 ways iOS 13's Reminders app can turn you into a productivity beast

How lagging late-night transit harms vulnerable workers — Curbed

iPhone 11: What to expect from Apple's latest phones and why you may decide to wait

'Do less': Princess Diana's ex-secretary dubs Duchess Meghan 'constitutionally irrelevant'

Connecting Central Asia to the world

Italy's political turmoil shows that parliaments can confront populists

What happens if Trump tries to fire Fed chair Jerome Powell?

Being stuck is reasonable

What Economists Still Need to Learn by Mark Cliffe

Ursula von der Leyen's To-Do List by Daniela Schwarzer

It's Time for the ECB to Put QE on Hold by Stefan Gerlach

Draghi's Dangerous Farewell by Ashoka Mody

Sneakers- The Ultimate Guide for Obsessives

Employment, Education, and the Time Use of American Youth

New species of dinosaur discovered in JapanA new kind of dinosaur has been unearthed in Japan, and it's the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in the country. Researchers believe the bones help to explain the origin and evolution of dinosaurs in the region.The dinosaur is a completely new genus and species of the plant-eating hadrosaur, which roamed the Earth in the late Cretaceous period, more than 65 million years ago. Its skeleton was discovered underneath 72-million-year-old marine deposits in the town of Mukawa, according to a study by Hokkaido University researchers, published in Scientific Reports.The first remains of the dinosaur were found in 2013, when scientists uncovered a partial tail of the reptile. Further excavations found a nearly complete skeleton — the largest ever found in Japan.The dinosaur was nicknamed Milawaryu, after the excavation site, but scientists later gave it a proper classification, Kamuysaurus japonicus, meaning the deity of Japanese dinosaurs.An analysis of 350 bones and 70 taxa of hadrosaurids determined that the dinosaur belongs to the Edmontosaurini clade, and is closely related to Kerberosaurus fossils unearthed in Russia and Laiyangosaurus found in China.Kamuysaurus japonicus has a few unique characteristics that separate it from other dinosaurs it's closely related to. The cranial bone notch is positioned lower, the jaw bone is particularly short, and a short row of spines on its back is more tilted compared to others, the researchers found.According to researchers, the dinosaur was an adult measuring 8 meters (over 26 feet) long. They estimated its weight as either about 4.5 U.S. tons, if it walked on two legs, or 5.8 U.S. tons, if it walked on all four.The study helps connect the dots to the origin of the Edmontosaurini clade of dinosaurs and how it may have migrated across North America to Asia, which were connected at the time by present-day Alaska.The research also suggests the dinosaur's ancestors seemed to prefer coastal areas, a rare habitat for dinosaurs during that period. The ocean habitat may have played an important role in the diversification of the hadrosaurids in its early evolution.© 2019 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

On becoming an acquired taste

Global oil demand the the refining market

Adapting business model in Asia life insurance to capture current and future value

Software as a service and enterprise cybersecurity

How to untap the full potential: An integrated — not isolated — view on cost

The Climate Change Debate: Will New Proposals Provide Any Solutions?

One of the above

The Power of Conceptual Imagination for Ecosystems by Noboru Konno

Living near a gun shop or in a rural area puts you at higher risk for suicide, study says

Anatomy of a fiasco: A detailed timeline of Trump's Alabama map meltdown

The Awful Truth About Getting Rich That No One Wants to Hear

Pick Up a Book and Learn to Read Better in 7 Days

Avoid These 3 Mistakes That People Make With Money

Why My Bohemian Friend Hates How I Invest

Two kinds of 9 to 5 job

The Rule of Lawyers by Perry Mehrling

The ECB's Deflation Obsession by Daniel Gros

The Biomedicine Threat by Martin Rees

How telecom companies can survive the next recession

Australia's infrastructure investment imperative

How Digital Retailers Opening Physical Stores Increases Sales

Why U.S.-China Supply Chains Are Stronger Than the Trade War


11 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Resume

Trump administration pushes housing market overhaul

The Top-Ranked College Is…

A Nobel-Winning Economist Goes to Burning Man

Macroprudential response to bubbles should depend on the level of indebtedness

Foreclosures exacerbated the housing bust

Unemployment adversely affects newborn babies

Globalization has changed inflation dynamics, but domestic developments still matter

Trump's Mercantilist Mess by Robert J. Barro

Why Climb Mount Everest? by Peter Singer

The True Toll of the Trade War by Raghuram G. Rajan

Pakistan's Literacy Problem by Zara Kayani

The future of work in South Africa: Digitisation, productivity and workforce transformation

Global gas and LNG market outlook to 2035

Convening a red team and blue team can help business leaders get both sides of the story

Why Highly Diverse Work Teams Are Better at Untangling Complexity

The National Battle for Redistricting

How U.S. Banks Took Over the World

Toward better Master Passwords iPassword

From ego to ecosystems: leading in a new paradigm by Julia Culen

The end of reputation

Britain's Enemy of the People? by Ian Buruma

Trump's Effect on US Foreign Policy by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

China is Committed to Multilateralism by Xizhou Zhou

Money for Nothing by Harold James

Plotting hot spots for European biotech companies

Using analytics in power grid planning

Why the We Company Looks Like the Me Company

Welcome Singapore Changi Airport

The Greenbrier - Greenbrier Champions Tennis Classic

9 Things I learnt watching the UTMB Man v Miles

Centuries of breeding have reshaped dog brains — here's how — National Geographic

How long should my passwords be? iPassword

McConnell Whines About 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname: It's 'Over the Top'

I'm The Star Of That 'She Shed' Commercial. Here's How Going Viral Changed My Life.

Trump Defends His Golf Habit in Angry Tweet At London Mayor

Schools Pushed for Tech in Every Classroom. Now Parents Are Pushing Back.

Brexit rebels seize Parliament's agenda in major blow to Boris Johnson

After months of protests, Hong Kong leader withdraws extradition bill

'A Disastrous Outcome'- In Bahamas, Hurricane Cripples Rescue Efforts

The Planets, the Stars and Brad Pitt

Schools Pushed for Tech in Every Classroom. Now Parents Are Pushing Back

Trump and the waning power of tax cuts in Republican party mobilization

What do you own?

The Benefits of a Progressive Consumption Tax by Kenneth Rogoff

America's Uneven Future of Work by Laura Tyson & Susan Lund

Central Banking's Bankrupt Narrative by Roger E.A. Farmer

The Renminbi's Bid for Freedom by Yu Yongding

Your Driver is Waiting – for a Raise by Julie Zollmann & Olga Morawczynski

Cybercriminals: Can They Be Stopped?

How to create a backup plan to restore passwords if your system fails

Exploited exploits: The missing details of the iPhone hack

A Bugatti went 305 miles per hour. That's a record

Man arrested for buying airplane ticket just to wave his wife off at the gate

At least 5 are dead in Bahamas as Hurricane Dorian continues to slam islands

'Waffle House Index' is a real thing during disasters. How does the restaurant chain do it?

Back to school, without a teacher: Inside the struggle to keep teachers at rural schools

What is Secular Stagnation- And is there a Cure-

Look at the Big Picture - Whole Health For Life

My Brother Went Missing, And The Search For Him Turned My World Upside Down

Spoiled by mobsters, Meyer Lansky's daughter recalls family men, not killers

Capitalism in the Last Chance Saloon by Adair Turner

Dousing the Sovereignty Wildfire by Jean Pisani-Ferry

The Twilight of the Global Order by Ana Palacio

Myths of Kashmir by Brahma Chellaney

Germany's Divided Soul by Dalia Marin

And then we stop seeing the world

Dating Apps Are Making Marriages Stronger

Areas of concern — Parts of America may already be facing recession

6 Steps You Should Take Now To Survive The Next Recession

So THAT'S Why So Many Clothing Tags Say 'Hand-Wash Only'

Kmart, Sears closing additional stores by the end of the year. Is your location closing?

These Are the Safest Cities in the World Right Now

This one simple trick makes everything faster and easier

Boris the Bolshevik by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Don't Blame Economics, Blame Public Policy by Ricardo Hausmann

How a Trump Tax Break to Help Poor Communities Became a Windfall for the Rich

College Graduates Earn More Over Their Lifetime Than High-School Only Graduates

Playful Learning for Education Progress

Students Have Low Engagement With Civics Outside Classrooms

Everyone else, also

"Ecosystems" – the new silver bullet?

Tech for the greater good

10 things we learned at Brookings in August

Does Warren Buffett Donate More Each Year Than Donald Trump is Worth?

Online marketing vs. marketing online

Britain's Brexit Breakdown by Philippe Legrain

Mind Over STEM by Nicholas Agar

The Trump Narrative and the Next Recession by Robert J. Shiller

Two Systems, One World by Joschka Fischer

Closing the Refugee Education Gap by Filippo Grandi

Brexit, the Novel by Simon Johnson

For Africa, Going Green is Not a Luxury by Carlos Lopes

The Battle for Britain by Guy Verhofstadt

Using change management strategies to increase the odds of success

Agile ERP: A myth no more

Enabling at-scale government transformations through partner support

America's future of work

'Dream the Impossible': Life Lessons from Keshub Mahindra

Using AI in Human Resources: The Promise — and the Pitfalls

Social Determinants of Health: The Key to Fixing US Health Care?

Younger Workers Report Biggest Gains in Happiness With Pay

Scientists Put a Face on an Ancient Human Ancestor

The lowering the global equilibrium interest rate

Chart of the week: 10-year government bond yields continue to fall internationally

Consumer buying habits for durable goods limits effectiveness of monetary policy

Closing hospitals increases mortality in rural areas

Inflation is overstated because of measurement error

Emerging technology can replace workers — or train them for new work

Geographic Mobility Data for Counties, Metropolitan Statistical Areas

Politics vs. governance

Corrupt Anti-Corruption Campaigns by Kaushik Basu

Will the Iran Conflict Break the West? by Mark Leonard

The Lifesaving Power of Sex Education by Jayathma Wickramanayake

What Divides NATO? by Marco Overhaus

More Than a Trade War by Koichi Hamada

The Reforms Kazakhstan Needs by Kassymkhan Kapparov

Will Boris Johnson's Political Coup Succeed? by Anatole Kaletsky

Mindset: The key to growth in the digital age

Growth Leaders vs. Laggards: What Makes the Difference?

How to Work With Venture Capitalists: Advice for Founders

Apple's big iPhone 11 event will be held on September 10: 'By innovation only'

Apple Announces New Initiative to Support Device Repair Providers

Great White Sharks Vanish From Cape Town, and No One Knows Why

New U.S. Census Bureau Product Shows Detailed E-Commerce Data

Hong Kong's Real Problem is Inequality by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Saving Venezuela by Andrés Velasco

Will the Civil Majority Please Stand Up? by Michael J. Boskin

Is Stakeholder Capitalism Really Back? by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Slow Greening of Finance by Andrew Higham

America Does Not Need a Rabbi-in-Chief by Shalom Lipner

Africa Needs Traditional Media by Adewunmi Emoruwa

Could a US Recession End the Trade War? by Shang-Jin Wei

McKinsey & Company moves to new London home

An incredible year for Impossible Foods

The Barneys Bankruptcy: Why Luxury is the Latest Retail Casualty

Data as Currency: What Value Are You Getting for it?

How Fintech Can Make Banking More Inclusive – and Empowering

Heart disease deaths are on the rise, research suggests

Democrats' Emerging Tax Idea- Look Beyond Income, Target Wealth

An Oklahoma Opioid Stickup

Anatomy of an oversight investigation: White House security clearances

Travel your first and last mile with Google Maps

Managing for a sustainable ecosystem by Stephan Stern

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance

Census Bureau to Host Webinar on CPS ASEC Data Processing Changes

2018 Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage

Flailing at China by Stephen S. Roach

Sharing Private Data for Public Good by Stefaan G. Verhulst

Understanding Economic Populism by Allison Schrager & Elmira Bayrasli

Trends in Asian trade and manufacturing

Expanding electric-vehicle adoption despite EV market growing pains

Opportunities for growth in Asian banking

Oklahoma wins case against drugmaker in historic opioid trial

Insiders are selling stock like it's 2007

Indonesia picks site for new capital as Jakarta sinks

Brazil will reject $20 million of Amazon fire aid from G7

A solo adventurer rode a stand-up paddleboard from California to Hawaii. He saw plastic the whole way there.

Confusing effort, preparation and performance with the outcome

The End of Shareholder Primacy? by Michael Spence

I Am Not Boris by Yanis Varoufakis

Why America's CEOs Have Turned Against Shareholders by Katharina Pistor

Firms Must Drive Africa's Transformation by Victor Harison & Mario Pezzini

The Loneliest Generation Embraces Billie Eilish — The New Yorker

Do you know how to tip in America? Take this quiz to test your knowledge. — The Washington Post

Trump Allies Target Journalists Over Coverage Deemed Hostile to White House

Cracks are appearing in the Mideast's most important alliance. That's bad news for Trump

I'm 24 and I let a financial planner see my spending habits. It was terrifying, at first

How early do you get to the airport? The great timing debate

Is Your Child Emotionally Ready for College-

For growth and well-being, climate crisis overshadows all else

A disturbance in the Force: President Trump, DOD's JEDI procurement, and the Old Post Office

Macroeconomic And Structural Sources Of Imbalance

Chart of the week: Women on track to be the majority of the college-educated labor force in 2019

Barriers to moving prevents low-income families from moving to better neighborhoods

Foreign-owned multinationals in the US pay more than US-owned counterparts

Doctors do too much – and too little – testing of emergency-room cardiac visits

Biotech in Europe: A strong foundation for growth and innovation

Food retail: The path to autonomous planning

Building agile capabilities to drive business transformation

How Can Hospitals Best Manage the Uneven Flow of Patients?

Is Data Privacy Real? Don't Bet on It

Veterans Technology Education Courses Veterans Affairs

Elizabeth Warren Has Spent Her Adult Life Repeating A Lie. I Want Her To Tell The Truth.

Amazon rainforest fire a 'crisis', Macron says, but Brazil pushes back: What we know

10 Tips to Protect Your Dog's Paws from Hot Pavement Benny's PET DEPOT Blog

What Makes People Charismatic, and How You Can Be, Too

Should Investors Fear The Inverted Yield Curve-

Instead of bemoaning wealth work, make it better

To succeed in the global economy, cities must invest in what makes them unique

Should Investors Fear The Inverted Yield Curve?

What does it feel like when you say "later"?

Reckless, fearless and generous

The Unsustainability of Inequality by James K. Galbraith

Whither Central Banking? by Lawrence H. Summers & Anna Stansbury

The Power of Cash for Refugees by David Beasley

Is Peace with the Taliban Possible? by Amin Saikal

Rethinking procurement in retail

Unlocking access to the gene therapy market in the United States

Make sure you save your data before deleting an Apple ID account Macworld

Why Do Women Send Nudes? Why Do Men? It's Complicated, A New Study Finds. — HuffPost

New Species of Stegosaurus Unearthed in Mountains of Morocco — Smithsonian Magazine

GOP groups fundraising with T-shirts showing Greenland as part of America

Trump is doing what Obama couldn't

David Koch, billionaire businessman and influential GOP donor, dies


Getting beyond the myths: What Americans really think about mass shootings and gun legislation

Parks make great places, but not enough Americans can reach them

Sooner or later, the shark gets jumped

Managing the Next Gold Rush by Sharon E. Burke

The Anatomy of the Coming Recession by Nouriel Roubini

Will Democracy Die Last? by Dominique Moisi

Turkish Democracy is Down, But Not Out by Javier Solana

Why the Middle East is Betting on China by Galip Dalay

The change management mind-set: Getting personal

The evolution of healthcare-provider profit pools

How customs agencies can help special economic zones succeed

Digital in insurance distribution in Asia

Google Lens, Augmented Reality, and the Future of Learning

Slavery, black history, DNA genealogy: Learnings from a trip to Africa

Ex-RNC Chair Makes Ominous Prediction About Trump's 2020 Tactics

Getting Attacked by Robotexts- Here's What to Do

How Memphis, Tennessee is transforming its riverfront to work for all

Planetary Thinking by Erik Berglöf

Inside the Hong Kong Protests by Sławomir Sierakowski

The Fall and Rise of Public Heroism by Robert Skidelsky

Shareholder Value is No Longer Everything, Top C.E.O.s Say

Apple Arcade FAQ: Games, price, compatibility, and everything else you need to know

Five questions to ask yourself before you apply for an Apple Card

Apple Card vs Citi, Chase, and Capital One: Is Apple's new credit card as good as it seems?

Best Apple Card alternatives: 5 existing credit cards that outdo the new kid

The Trump vs. Obama economy — in 15 charts

How to opt out of forced arbitration on the Apple Card

Apple Card is now available — with even better rewards than we thought

Bees Are Dropping Dead in Brazil and Sending a Message to Humans

People Are Celebrating The Work That Went Into This Woman's Subway Selfie Photo Shoot HuffPost

How to use Google Maps' re-routing option on the iPhone

Americans want federal action on election security ahead of 2020, per new Brookings survey

New Census Scientific Advisory Committee Members Announced

Hispanic Heritage Month 2019

Widest common denominator

Ask a busy person

A Geoengineering Trojan Horse by Silvia Ribeiro

What Russia Thinks About Multilateralism by Alexander Gabuev & Elena Chernenko

Trump's War on Evidence by Anne O. Krueger

Is Britain Becoming a Failed State? by Chris Patten

The Real Obstacle to Climate Action by Kemal Derviş & Sebastián Strauss

Latin America's Missing Middles by Jaana Remes & Homi Kharas

Innovating business models to support India's economic growth

Asia's energy transition

The diversity opportunity for new CEOs

The human side of digital supply chains

Decoding digital transformation in construction

Debate: Will delivery UAVs scale by 2030?

Chemicals manufacturing 2030 : More of the same…but different

How Radical Self-Inquiry Can Create a Thriving Workplace

The Philly Fed's Patrick Harker on the US Economy Today

Is the Next Recession Looming?

What Will it Take for Uber to Become Profitable?

Beating the Giants: Zhongliang's Strategy for Growth

This is the best-kept secret in alr travel

Historic Rise of College-Educated Women in Labor Force Changes Workplace

Don't Bet on Trump Rescuing the Stock Market

A record 768 million US vacation days went to waste last year, a study says

How to re-create the magic of a hotel bed at home

Small Companies Play Big Role in Robocall Scourge, but Remedies Are Elusive

An 'Old-School Hacker' Fights Cybercrime

Make a habit/break a habit

"What's their phone number again?"

Europe Must Oppose Trump by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Forgetting Palestine by Shlomo Ben-Ami

The Danger of Climate Doomsayers by Bjørn Lomborg

Remembering the Miracle of 1989 by Carl Bildt

This is your brain on nature

How long can U.S. consumers hold up the world's economy-

Buying a Home, No Matter the Market

How to beat your investment biases and make better decisions

The market for alternative protein: Pea protein, cultured meat, and more

How to win in Asian real estate

The anatomy of annoying

Napping more? That could be an early symptom of Alzheimer's, a new study says

Drug tests and background checks are becoming less important to employers. Here's why

Four-Legged Reason to Keep it Together

She Wanted a Man With a Good Job Who is Nice to Animals

The secret to a long and happy marriage

Peter Fonda: My cold and distant father, and the sister I rarely see

A Guide to Investing From the Richest Family on the Planet

Trump's foreign policy crisis arrives

Responsibility and the power of 'could have'

How to get a Safari password to save it in a password manager

CEOs rake in 940% more than 40 years ago, while average workers earn 12% more

To create systems change in education, shift away from a "project mentality"

Saudi Arabia and the civil war within Yemen's civil war

Brexit, the Irish backstop, and the Good Friday Agreement

Should You Buy A Fixed-Income Annuity For Retirement?

Census Bureau Updates Census Business Builder


The Case for a Guaranteed Job by Robert Skidelsky

The End of "Peak Germany" and the Return of France by Jacek Rostowski & Arnab Das

Social Policy Starts at Home by Shahra Razavi

Next-generation supply chain — transforming your supply chain operating model for a digital world

Government customer experience: Getting serious

How a Simple Change Can Protect Crowdfunding Backers from Fraud

Expenditure of colleges and universities in the U.S. 1970-2017 - Statista

Breaking Down School Budgets - Education Next - Education Next

Policies aimed at helping low-income children produce greater returns

Exports provide firms a path into the middle market

Broadband is too important for this many in the US to be disconnected

Embracing uncertainty

Toward full stack

A Wake-Up Call for Human Rights by James A. Goldston

Good Jobs for Disabled Workers by Brian Malika

Hungary's Holocaust Simulacrum by Andrea Pető

Insurance industry performance and the productivity imperative

Optimizing mining feasibility studies: The $100 billion opportunity

The keys to esports marketing: Don't get 'ganked'

These 25 U.S. colleges offer the best value for your money, according to a new ranking — Money

'Something out of a horror movie': Man saves family attacked by wolf during camping trip

Trump made 21 false claims last week

The end of Kansas-Missouri's border war should mark a new chapter for both states' economies

What is yield curve control?

Why paper is considered state-of-the-art voting technology

Trump and racism: What do the data say?

The never-ending ratchet of conspicuous consumption

The IMF's Latest Victims by Jayati Ghosh

The American Dream 2.0 by Alexander Friedman

Tilting at More than Windmills in South Asia by Richard N. Haass

When Leninists Overreach by Nina L. Khrushcheva

A CEO reading list for 2019

The economic impact of closing the racial wealth gap

Finding the Value in IPOs: Why Customer Behavior Holds the Key

Why 2019 Feels Like 1929 - and What We Can Do to Change Course

This Map Shows the Highest-Paying Company in Every State Right Now

What Different-Looking People Would Like You to Know Before You Stare

Koch's Massive Tech Bet: 'Do it or We'll End Up in the Dumpster'

Thunderbolt 3 adapter guide: How to connect an iPhone, display, hard drive, and more to a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air

How Charles Manson cast his spell on homecoming queens, honor students and dropouts — Los Angeles Times

Innovation is guts plus generosity

Democracies in Danger by Ngaire Woods

A Tiananmen Solution in Hong Kong? by Minxin Pei

The Puzzle of Economic Progress by Diane Coyle

Global Money for the Poor by Camila Villard Duran

When Gender Bias Creates Unequal Health Systems by Asha George & Elmira Bayrasli

How Ebola Wins by Savio Carvalho

What's Behind America's Mass Shootings? by Elizabeth Drew

Trump's One-Way Economy by Jim O'Neill

Profitability in US unconventional oil and gas

The hidden value of improved capital-expenditure management in pharma

The new Chinese luxury consumers

The Next Level of Marathon Training is Here

manual-Whats New [Keyboard Maestro Wiki]

Fractal Patterns Offer Clues to the Universe's Origin

The Global Machine Behind the Rise of Far-Right Nationalism

America's Obsession With Beef is Killing Leather

Rates are low, and mortgages are cheap. So why aren't Americans buying more homes?

Top secret teens: The high schoolers recruited by the National Security Agency

The downside of possibility

Trump's Cross of Gold by Barry Eichengreen

How Africa Can Adapt to the Digital Revolution by Kartik Akileswaran & Georgina Hutchinson

America's Superpower Panic by J. Bradford DeLong

The 4 Most Common Reasons for Divorce, According to Research — Health

Vladimir Putin has dominated Russia for 20 years. Will he ever step down?

Why Mosquitos Bite Some People More Than Others — Allure

We regret to inform you that scooters aren't actually good for the environment

Three long-term trends changing business in China

Retail in Australia: A ghost town

Getting sharp on omnichannel shoppers in apparel

Peak energy, peak oil, and the rise of renewables: An executive's guide to the global energy system

Transformative healthcare growth through diversification

The coming evolution of field operations


How Bad Will it Get for Netflix-

College Still Pays Off, but Not for Everyone

Why Drinking Water All Day Long is Not the Best Way to Stay Hydrated

Meet the 11 Ordinary Twenty-Somethings With $250 Billion Riding on Their Lives

Is demography destiny in Texas?

How do social and emotional skills develop in youth?

Highlights: Experts discuss how the U.S. can promote security in outer space

Words that matter

Narendra Modi's New-Model India by Shashi Tharoor

Korean manufacturing's digital transformation must escape 'pilot purgatory'

Bulletproof problem solving

Flip the ratio: Taking IT from bottleneck to battle ready

How digital is powering the next wave of growth in key-account management

The T-Mobile-Sprint Merger: Can Dish Network Help Make it Happen?

How Organizational Culture Shapes Digital Transformation

Where You Went to College May Matter on Your Loan Application

When Women Bring Home a Bigger Slice of the Bacon

Being a Law Firm Partner Was Once a Job for Life. That Culture is All but Dead

Military leadership helps bring together an America divided

Counties with larger racial gaps in pretrial detention rates

High costs of bail for nonviolent crimes

Criminal justice debt contributes to reincarceration rates

Foreign campaign intervention may go way beyond Russia to China, Iran, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia

The old media/new media chasm

Trade Disruption is a Symptom of a Deeper Malaise by Mohamed A. El-Erian

The Myth of Welfare Dependency by Rema Hanna

Trump's Deficit Economy by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Currency Manipulation Game by Jeffrey Frankel

Trump's Manipulation of Currency Manipulation by Paola Subacchi

Community Care - Community Care

Could a bug crawl into one of my orifices at night? — BBC Science Focus Magazine

Use this perfect breakup text to cure the terrible ghosting trend — Quartz

Chart of the week: Half of US Treasury's tariff revenues now come from China

Public intervention during the financial crisis may have lasting consequences

State opioid policies reduce opioid sales, but don't improve mortality or socioeconomic outcomes

Lack of preparedness has little effect on achievement for affirmative action beneficiaries

There are not 'two sides'

Want the best prices for your trip? Google can help.

Take off to your next destination with Google Maps

Is Berkshire Hathaway's Success Now in The Distant Past?

Nonemployer Businesses Increased in 2017


Can Ethics Be Taught? by Peter Singer

Can America and China Avoid a Currency War? by Benjamin J. Cohen

The Case for an EU Climate and Nature Czar by Johan Rockström, Anders Wijkman and Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Elizabeth Warren's Trade Makeover by Dani Rodrik

The Tragedy of Gaza's Children by Kevin Watkins

Refining sustainability reporting for investors

Reducing indirect labor costs at semiconductor companies

Best TVs: Our top picks, plus plain-language explanations of the most important specs and features

How to use synchronized lyrics in Apple Music on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV

It Might Be Time To Cut My Right-Wing, Trump-Loving In-Laws Out Of My Kids' Lives

Robbers steal $2.5 million in coins from Mexico's mint in daylight heist

Change food production and stop abusing land, report warns

Hydration: Why is Water So Important? - VAntage Point

A body donated to science — but used to test bombs — BBC News

Not Well Fed

How big tech and policymakers miss the mark when fighting online extremism

What the post-9/11 war on terror can teach us about responding to domestic terrorism today

Policymakers can help businesses retrain their workers

When will we learn?

The Real Cost of Trump's Trade Wars by Daniel Gros

Making Technology Work for Workers by Shamina Singh

Fighting Violence with Evidence by Rachel Locke & David Steven

Killing a Silent Killer of Women by Muttaquina Hossain

The European Parliament's Misguided Ambitions by Ana Palacio

Trump's Failed Iran Policy by Amin Saikal

The Real Reason for China's Rise by Zhang Jun

India's Bad Bet in Kashmir by Ramesh Thakur

Big Tech's Harvest of Sorrow? by Daron Acemoglu

Supercharging the ROI of your care management programs

Embracing technological social responsibility for the AI era

Internal Control Audits: Why an SEC Proposal Could Hurt More Than it Helps

Economy: Is a Long, Shallow Recession on the Way?

Marketing the Cosmic Crisp: Will Consumers Bite?

Why the China-U.S. Trade Conflict Won't Become a Currency War

What Are the Long-term Costs of the China-U.S. Trade War?

VA partnership with Corporation for National Community Service supports older Veterans and their caregivers

Here's The Verdict On Whether Dog Photos Get You More Dating App Matches — Elite Daily

Tom Brady says 'it was hard' when his son wasn't into sports: 'What do you mean? He's a boy'

Yes, Women Get Wet Dreams, Too — Refinery29

Saber-tooth surprise: Fossils redraw picture of the fearsome big cat — National Geographic

Public Wi-Fi is Safer Than Ever — But You Still Need to Be Careful

Gun violence in America: A true national security threat

How to create a terrorism designation process useful to technology companies

New U.S. Census Bureau Data Shows Employment Mobility for College Grad

What's your podcast about?

How a digital B2B ecosystem can help manufacturers create value

Why deals are terminated before closing

Arsenic: Will it take the shine off the red metal?

Building self-sustaining public transport: An interview with MRT Jakarta's William Sabandar

Unlocking business acceleration in a hybrid cloud world

Best VPN services: Reviews and buying advice for Mac users

Apple Card FAQ: Interest rates, rewards, sign-up and everything else you need to know

Yield Curve Blares Loudest U.S. Recession Warning Since 2007

America's two largest newspaper newspaper chains are joining forces. Will it save either?

Ivanka Trump Slams White Supremacy On Twitter. Imagine How That Went Over.

Nice Toes, Bro. Young Men Invade Nail Salons

Confused About Sunscreen Ingredients? Here's What We've Learned — NPR

Is the origin of a file traceable? If it is how can I sanitise it?

How Boris Johnson and President Trump risk destabilizing Northern Ireland

Welcoming communities make for globally competitive city-regions

For religious American Muslims, hostility from the right and disdain from the left

Policymakers can help businesses retrain their workers


The Damage to US Intelligence is Already Done by Kent Harrington

The Right Response to the Libra Threat by Katharina Pistor & Co-Pierre Georg

Speaking Truth to Power by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

The Race Card in America by Ian Buruma

Locating Equality by Harold James


Prime Day and the broad reach of Amazon's ecosystem

El Paso, Dayton make 251 mass shootings in the US in 216 days, more shootings than days in the year

The U.S. City With the Cleanest Hotel Rooms Might Surprise You — Travel + Leisure

Five Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Built My House

Prunes Are Being Rebranded as a Millennial Superfood

Rules and responsibility

Growing your own agility coaches to adopt new ways of working

Digital health ecosystems: A payer perspective

The future of women in Asia's workforce

Want to Become a Dynamic Learner? Here's How to Do It

Families Go Deep in Debt to Stay in the Middle Class

Everyone Hates Customer Service. This is Why

Charts of the Week: The technology industry in American cities

Highlights: How public attitudes are shaping the future of manufacturing

Why won't the Senate protect American elections?

These Naked Emperors Cost Investors Billions

Fooled by reputation

What's Next for China's Political Economy? by Kevin Rudd

The High-Growth Promise of an Integrated Africa by Landry Signé & Ameenah Gurib-Fakim

Damming the Mekong Basin to Environmental Hell by Brahma Chellaney

China's Cambodian Invasion by Sam Rainsy

Lagarde's ECB Must Modernize by Marcel Fratzscher

Social spending: Managing a $5 trillion challenge

Private equity exit strategies and the role of an exit story

Advanced analytics in M&A

Demystifying deal making: Lessons from M&A strategy veterans

The industrial flow control sector at a crossroads

Thousands are trapped in a desert settlement in Syria, near a US military base

80-year-old woman lived in filth. Nobody knew until she was found dead, eaten by her dog.

Look at the Big Picture - Whole Health For Life

Adopting Apple's Standard iOS Document Browser - The Omni Group

The College Financial-Aid Guardianship Loophole and the Woman Who Thought it Up

Why wealthy suburban parents are giving up custody of their kids — Apple News Spotlight

Powell Says Fed Cut Not Start of Long Series, Drawing Trump Ire

Moderates Are in Desperate Need of a Messenger

The Fed cut rates for the first time since 2008

Biden faces attacks from rivals and fires back in heated debate

The Joe Biden pile-on: Democrats' Detroit fight club

HomeKit and AirPlay 2 support starts rolling out to LG and Vizio TVs

Our Guide to Family Road Trips

Suburban parents are giving up custody of their kids to get need-based college financial aid — ProPublica

Race and underemployment in the U.S. labor market

States lead the way on community school innovation

Against the trade winds, cities must stay the global course

What webmasters should know about Google's "core updates"

Living in surplus

The Dangerous Delusion of Optimal Global Warming by Adair Turner

The Inequality of Nations by Michael Spence

ECB Loosening is Not Enough by Lucrezia Reichlin

From Football Victory to Economic Success in Algeria by Rabah Arezki

What About Rochester? by Kenneth Rogoff

The opportunity in China's asset management industry

To succeed in a healthcare transformation, focus on organizational health

Marketing consumer durables in India: A journey into the minds of digital-age consumers

Auchan China's chairman on the future of food retail

Can public works help fight Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

From the iPhone to Huawei: The new geopolitics of technology

An automatic way to convert retirement savings into income

Combating disinformation and foreign interference in democracies: Lessons from Europe

On Hong Kong, the US must find its voice

Ecosystems: creating better outcomes through blockchain by Igor Mikhalev – Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

The future is hiding in plain sight by Sebastian Woller – Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

The problem with sarcasm

Technology on the Frontline for Girls by Jessica Posner Odede

Central Banks Are the Fall Guys by Raghuram G. Rajan

How Not to Think About Job Creation by Ricardo Hausmann

Economic Growth and the US Presidential Election by Simon Johnson

Don't Squander the Techno-Revolution by Christopher Pissarides & Jacques Bughin

Success in Sudan by Paul Mulindwa

The Coming Clash Between Climate and Trade by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Apple's Q3 2019 earnings show that sales for everything is growing — except the iPhone

Apple's Q3 2019 results: Evolving from the iPhone to Wearables and Services

How to use Keynote to add text overlays in your iMovie projects

Apple Maps in iOS 13: Sights Set on Google

Millennials say dating has gotten 'way too expensive,' 30% can't even afford love

The Real-Life Diet of The Rock's Longtime Stunt Double

What is a Chemical Reaction? Chapter 6: Chemical Change Middle School Chemistry

The particle physics of you

Questions and Answers - If all physical things are made of atoms, then why do different physical things have different physical properties? Like why is wood hard and rubber soft?

How To Wash Your Super Smelly Workout Clothes — Refinery29

Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals: A long way to go

Local Guides made me see my hometown in a whole new way

The perfect mustard

Combating Child Sex Trafficking in the Digital Age by Kailash Satyarthi

Trump's Role Model by David M. Driesen

Jeremy Corbyn's Finest Hour? by Yanis Varoufakis

Great Countries, Bad Leaders by Chris Patten

Boris Means Brexit by Bill Emmott & Elmira Bayrasli

Who Will Win the Twenty-First Century? by Joschka Fischer

The End of ECB Restraint by Hans-Werner Sinn

Populism Takes Asia by Lee Jong-Wha

The declining labor share of income: Accounting for the main factors from a meso perspective

Building the infrastructure for the future of mobility

The customer mandate to digitize debt collection strategies

How to create and scale high-performing innovation teams

How lessons from the record-breaking 2018 holiday season can inform retailers' 2019 strategy

Lost in translation

Succeeding Against All Odds: Vanke's Songhua Lake Ski Resort

How Blockchain Will Redefine Supply Chain Management

Cyber Threats: Can America Protect Its Virtual Borders?

How Good Leadership Leads to Startup Success

Equifax Deal: Credit Agencies Must Change How They Manage Data

The $70,000-a-Year Liberal Arts College Just Won't Die

Sex trafficking at massage parlors: Police raid spas, convictions rare

Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road" Has Broken One Of The Longest-Standing Records in Music History

I Went On Holiday With A Man I'd Known For 12 Hours — Refinery29 UK

How to Set Up ABC Planning in OmniFocus 3

Here's some good news if you're buying a home: cash is no longer king

Trump to nominate Rep. John Ratcliffe to replace Dan Coats as DNI

Reducing access to contraception won't reduce the abortion rate

How much does the world spend on the Sustainable Development Goals?

Pivoting the education matrix

The Many Roots of Puerto Rico's Crisis by Anne O. Krueger

Is Von Der Leyen the Leader Europe Needs? by Dominique Moisi

How Europe's Populists Lost the EU Game of Thrones by Sławomir Sierakowski

Sitting-Duck America by Elizabeth Drew

Europe's Partnership with Morocco by Ana Palacio

Self-Harm in Hong Kong by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Apple's Siri 'eavesdropping' controversy can be fixed with a toggle that should've been there all along

Taskheat: The Innovative Task Manager for Everyone

Americans Are Lying About How Amazing Their Vacations Are, Study Says (Video)

Baltimore Sun Pens Fiery Response To Trump: Better To Have Rats Than Be One

The Choice Isn't Between Capitalism or Socialism

Need to Relocate? Bring the House, Too

To check or carry on? Luggage choices get heated

The Choice Isn't Between Capitalism or Socialism

People don't change

How this quiet region in Guatemala became the epicenter of migration

Where the Wealthy Go in Private Jets, From Bahamas to Barbados

Drafts r15 Major Features

Using Project Templates in OmniFocus so You Can Spend Less Time Thinking and More Time Doing – The Sweet Setup

Public Health Experts Pinpoint Which Type of Nature is Best for the Brain — Inverse

A guide to the Hutchins Center Fiscal Impact Measure

Sneaky surveys (and push polls)

The G-Minus-2 Threat by Arvind Subramanian & Josh Felman

A winning strategy for the China pension market

The global forces altering the Asian economy

How Asia's rise is reshaping the world

Your AI efforts won't succeed unless they benefit employees

How to ensure the sustainability of a transformation: A conversation with Alejandro Beltrán, Seth Goldstrom, and Matthias Winter

How Christina Zhu of Fonterra has transformed the company's dairy business in China

Declining bus ridership Improving the efficiency of transit networks

The Impact of Social Media: Is it Irreplaceable?

Chicago Betrays the Public Trust for Obama

How Jeffrey Epstein Used the Billionaire Behind Victoria's Secret for Wealth and Women

Trump's 3% Growth Feat in 2018 Undone by Annual Data Revisions

Apple Announces Acquisition of Intel's Smartphone Modem Business

Iran's threats are an attempt to negotiate

Brexit endgame: Boris and the Brexiteers take control

Essebsi, founding father of Tunisia's second republic, leaves mixed legacy

What's holding back the Kyrgyz Republic private sector?

Why These American Women in Mexico Might Not Be Coming Back

2019 Joint Statistical Meetings Conference

The Joint Statistical Meetings Annual Conference 2019

Too big to care

The Wrong Way to Educate Girls by Manos Antoninis & Manos Antoninis

Misrule Britannia by Nicholas Reed Langen

The Victoria Delusion by Edoardo Campanella

China's Long View by Stephen S. Roach

Lagarde's ECB Checklist by Stefan Gerlach

Growth transformation: A conversation with Sara Prince

The gig economy has an identity problem and digital ID could fix it

A passion for customer experience in driving growth

Episode 6: 'The End of the Line'

Robert Burns Country- The Author's Earnest Cry And Prayer- To the Right Honorable and Honorable Scotch Representatives in the

Come Prepared: Talk to Your Doc

This Former Engineer Retired At 33 With Zero Passive Income Streams And His Net Worth Nearly Doubled in Six Years — Forbes

Quote of the week:

Chart of the week: Death rates are rising for young and middle-aged US adults

Business sector labor share declined in the United States, but not globally

Medicaid reduces mortality for 55- to 64-year-olds

Global factors beyond monetary policy are behind persistently low inflation

The Mueller testimony: Two narratives

The future of the city doesn't have to be childless

2020 Census: Address Canvassing Operation

New Report Examines Audience Segments for the 2020 Census

Surrendering curation and promotion

Boris Johnson and the Triumph of Gullibility? by Raj Persaud

The Crisis of Anglo-American Democracy by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Which Way Now for the EU? by Kemal Derviş

Central Banks Should Forget About 2% Inflation by Jeffrey Frankel

Expanding America's Expansion by Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca

GM's A. Charles Thomas on the Evolution of Chief Data Officer

The Dark World of Global Money Laundering

The Role of Feelings in Entrepreneurship Success (and Failure)

Tofu or Takeout? Why Eating Healthy is So Hard

Encouraging lifetime income in 401(k) plans

The big budget deal is no big deal

Comparing % and mass

The Language of Conflict by Kaushik Basu

A New Direction for the Planet's Sake by Javier Solana

Women on Top in the World's Democracies by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Boris's Brexit by Anatole Kaletsky

The value of global China

Next-generation member engagement during the care journey

The CEO's view on business transformation strategy

Why you should restructure companies before spin-offs

Making cost engineering count

Pairing analytics with intuitive tools to transform retail pricing strategy during markdowns

The year of future transportation: An interview with Seoul Mayor Park Wonsoon

Apple's Heir Apparent is Much More Like Tim Cook Than Steve Jobs

Four steps to stop the spread of disinformation online

Women and the war on terror: An insider account

Three wishes

Don't Fear the Scooter by Alon Tal

Is Politics Getting to the Fed? by Robert J. Barro

Can Europe Become a Global Player? by Mark Leonard

The Most Important Health-Care Tool is Trust by Jeremy Farrar

Agile pharma: Transforming R&D functions through agility

Growth initiatives in transformation: A conversation with Chris Angevine and Darius Bates

Growing opportunities in the Internet of Things

Why is Amazon Retraining Employees?

Preparing for Retirement Today: What Has Changed?

Christine Lagarde's Move the ECB: How She Can Make an Impact

MedRisk's Shelley Boyce: From Failing Grade to Innovative Startup

Prefunding shareholder payouts is a strong countercyclical force in bank stress tests

Free college for all Americans? Yes, but not too much

Where will the media take us next?

Trump promised economic growth better than Obama's. It didn't happen

Economy at a Glance - U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Long-Run Economic Growth

What Drives Long-Run Economic Growth-

The US Needs to Talk About China by Minxin Pei

The Fall of the Economists' Empire by Robert Skidelsky

How Can Developing Countries Pay for the SDGs? by Tania Masi, et al

Post-American Networks by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Elina Ribakova

The Most Pressing Question in the Suburbs- What Do You Do When the Golf Course Shuts Down-

Leaked documents reveal Huawei's secret operations to build North Korea's 3G wireless network

Two kinds of system risk

Removing roadblocks: A conversation with Seth Goldstrom

The digital enterprises' cybersecurity

Ensuring financial sustainability while serving a growing Medicaid population

Derms say the 'Big Four' are actually all you need to take care of skin — Well+Good

A Teen Girl Found Refuge Online — Then Her Murder Went Viral

Now Trump is Selling Overpriced Straws To Thirsty Fans Just To Own The Libs

Trump's Electoral College Edge Could Grow in 2020, Rewarding Polarizing Campaign

Divorce is Destroying the Finances of Americans Over 50

A local's guide to Tokyo

What a doctor wishes patients knew about the end

'The Freedom of My 50s is Amazing'- Women Share Stories of Midlife Reinvention

What if Germany didn't divert its troops to Norway, Africa, etc. during WW2- Would it have made any difference-

The New Ways Your Boss is Spying on You

Safe Deposit Boxes Aren't Safe

Crisis built in clear view

Ebola spreads but HIV-related deaths fall

Republic of Congo and IMF agree on three-year program

Referendum for new Sidama region in Ethiopia announced amid protests

Racism is not a distraction; It's policy

5 things to know about Ukraine's upcoming elections

New insights on how innovation districts are challenging economic and social divides


A Reform Opportunity for the IMF by José Antonio Ocampo

Bias busters: Knowing when to kill a project

Packaging solutions: Poised to take off?

How leading Latin American banks outperform

What's Really Behind China's Falling GDP?

Integrating Ulysses and Agenda with DEVONthink Pro makes for a perfect long-document management system

I found your data. It's for sale.

Trump employs familiar tactic in attacks on 'Squad': Distract and shift spotlight using racial rhetoric

Why the heat index matters more than the temperature in this heat wave

Consumerism isn't a sellout – if capitalism works for all

Syrian refugees in Turkey need better access to formal jobs

North Korea's nuclear weapons ambitions

China exceeds the United States in crude oil imports

US military spending down since 2010, but continues to lead the world

How Promise programs can help former industrial communities

Bridging the Gap from Movements to Ecosystems by Meg Seitz

How Investors Can Win With Target Retirement Funds

Say what you want

The Case for a Fiscal Fed by Benjamin J. Cohen

Are Moonshots Still Possible? by Martin Rees

Are Central Banks Losing Their Big Bet? by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Our Kind of Diplomat by Carl Bildt

How oil and gas company Total transformed its safety culture

Forced boil-off gas: The future of LNG as a fuel for LNG carriers

How Judo Champion Peter Paltchik Built Resilience

Uncovering Hiring Bias: How a New Research Method Can Help

What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Single Day — Domino

Airline helpfully tweets advice on where on a plane you are least likely to die in a crash — The Washington Post

DNC tells 2020 presidential candidates to stop using FaceApp as Schumer calls for investigation

Hook – One app, infinite applications

Highlighter for Safari

Failure of the Federal Open Market Committee to achieve its inflation target

Chart of the Week: Private R&D spending is now more than double government R&D spending, ex-Defense

Depreciation of the dollar increases employment in US states

Early experiences with high gasoline prices affect driving behavior later in life

More middle-wage workers are moving to higher-wage jobs than to lower-wage ones

Searching for clarity: How much will automation impact the middle class?

Why national preemption has become a technology policy flash point

Tackling zoning to help the middle class: 5 policy approaches

Toward or away?

How Africa Measures Up on Governance by Marie Laberge

From Moon Walk to Space Wars by Brahma Chellaney

The Nutrition Challenge by Bjørn Lomborg

What's Next for Europe's Capital Markets? by Jonathan Faull & Simon Gleeson

No Economic Peace for Palestinians by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Why Major Brands Are Expanding into Plus-Size Clothing

Want Responsible AI? Think Business Outcomes

'Sir' alert: This one word is a telltale sign Trump is being dishonest

Here's where you can have a 4-day work week. Is this the next big thing?

2020 iPhone rumors: Rear camera to get 3D sensing time-of-flight capabilities

I hit my 10,000 steps every day… does that mean I can skip cardio for, like, ever? — Well+Good

Making a middle class: Colleges and cities in the Mountain West

STEM talent exists in the South, but investment is appallingly lacking

What do automation and artificial intelligence mean for Africa?

Health care reform: A consensus on values, but an administrative road to nowhere

Census Bureau Debuts New Data Product: Business Formation Statistics

Squeaky wheels

Asia's Scary Movie by Richard N. Haass

The Age of Cynical Voters by Sławomir Sierakowski

Automation at scale: The benefits for payers

Call your knowledge broker

The transformation office: Key success factors

Global downstream oil and gas outlook to 2035

How governments in emerging economies can help boost and sustain growth

A Giant Leap for Mankind? Virgin Galactic Revs Up Space Tourism

Remembering the Dark Side of the Space Race

Career Calculator: Find Your Career Path, Make More Money Work Wise – Bloomberg

'Really Good Speller' Trump's Handwritten Note Shows Embarrassing Mistakes

76 billion opioid pills: Newly released federal data unmasks the epidemic

There's a sobering truth to Trump's racist tweets that we don't like to admit

Abigail Disney visited Disneyland undercover. She is 'livid' about what she saw

House votes to condemn Trump's racist tweets

Apollo 11 Had a Hidden Hero- Software

In Ukraine's parliamentary elections, President Zelenskiy's party is likely to dominate

Why is Turkey betting on Russia?

The silo problem: Connecting the UN's efforts to promote sustainable development and prevent violent extremism

Paid to learn

Which sort of presentation is this?

The Exploitation Time Bomb by Jayati Ghosh

A Woman in the White House? Yes, She Can by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Elmira Bayrasli

Will Facebook's Libra Turn into a Cancer? by Andrés Velasco & Roberto Chang

The Amazon Belongs to Everyone by Danielle Hanna Rached

The Fork is Mightier than the Wall by Danielle Nierenberg

The Great Crypto Heist by Nouriel Roubini

Growth dynamics in the industrial robotics market

Will automation improve work for women — or make it worse?

What matters in customer-experience transformations

So Your Company Has a Vision: Why Can't Everyone See it?

Can You Hear Him Now? Leadership Lessons from Verizon's Ivan Seidenberg

If Your Boss Does This, it Could Be Taking Years Off Your Life — Thrive Global

Libratone's Zipp 2 and Zipp Mini 2 Portable Wireless Speakers: The MacStories Review

Clothing you don't have to wash, explained

Security reports reveal how Assange turned an embassy into a command post for election meddling

A local's guide to Istanbul

MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2015) - Technical Specifications

Charge and connect with the USB-C port on the new iPad Pro

Can school districts achieve racial integration by pursuing socioeconomic integration?

For all but the lowest-rated state and local governments, buying bond insurance is a bad deal

How bad is the state and local pension crisis really?

Are state and local pension funds really in crisis?

Muni bond defaults more common than rating agency tallies suggest

How Puerto Rico's default lowered states' borrowing costs

What is driving up the cost of highway construction?

Judging a day by the weather

Boris Johnson and the Threat to British Soft Power by Gordon Brown

Tackling Inequality is a Political Choice by Mahmoud Mohieldin & Carolina Sánchez-Páramo

A Test Match with the Taliban by Shashi Tharoor

An Education Crisis for All by Alice Albright

Asia's future is now

Migrate Documents from Evernote to Notebooks • Notebooks

Best media streaming devices 2019: Reviews and buying advice TechHive

Why smiles are so rare in art history

Sunday night is the new Monday morning, and workers are miserable

In McConnell's boyhood town where his family owned slaves, the reparations debate thrives

America has fallen out of love with the suburbs

Trump Fans the Flames of a Racial Fire

FSNotes App – Modern notes manager for macOS and iOS

Now with recipes….

What are you drawn to?

The 4 Most Troubling Facts About Harvey Weinstein's New Lawyer — Vogue

The short but destructive history of mass layoffs — Quartz

The Mystery Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's Private Island

'This has got to be wrong': Disabled veteran's home sold at auction over $236 tax bill

Cutting about 300 calories a day might benefit your heart, study finds

In Nigeria, your genetic makeup can decide if you get a second date

Jeffrey Epstein Was a Sex Offender. The Powerful Welcomed Him Anyway

I Come to Bury Biden, Not to Praise Him

Facial Recognition Tech is Growing Stronger, Thanks to Your Face

No, we aren't on the brink of a new Cold War with Russia and China

Principles and being let off the hook

How lean is your field force — really?

From promise to delivery: Overcoming the public-sector strategy challenge

Inside dynamics of a changing relationship

Have we reached peak integration between China and the world?

Repeat performance: The continuing case for programmatic M&A

The elements of success: A conversation with Jon Garcia and Wesley Walden

Unlocking the full potential of city revenues

Quantum computing and the chemical industry

Piloting a biotech leader to greater growth

GM Squeezed $118 Million From Its Ohio Workers, Then Shut The Plant

Here's why people lick tubs of ice cream or tongue depressors and put the video on social media

All hell broke loose: 40 years ago, Disco Demolition Night at Comiskey Park stirred culture war

'I do not have 2-3 months off': Teachers on summer break are working, a lot

There's An Environmental Disaster Unfolding in The Gulf of Mexico

What You Lose When You Gain a Spouse

Tired of Those Netflix and Amazon 'Recommendations'- Outwit the Algorithm

America wins as Trump abandons the citizenship question from the 2020 census

Health care is an opportunity and liability for both parties in 2020

Reflections from global convening for large-scale impact in education

The economic power of walkability in metro areas

Generational wealth inequality is growing

Middle class wealth is shrinking

The majority of American debt is in our homes

The challenge of confronting China over a gray zone crisis

Democratic candidates begin to address the woes of historical discrimination

Call the doctor!!!…. diagnose interferences in your ecosystem by asking the "right" questions By Herb Nold and Lukas Michel

Why it Keeps Looking Worse For Actively Managed Funds

Next to the competition

How an AI Utopia Would Work by Sami Mahroum

What America Needs to Understand About Capitalism by Clair Brown & Simon Sällström

Philanthropy vs. Democracy by Helmut K. Anheier

Future of work in America

Recession and resilience: Opportunities for leaders in the next economic downturn

Homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area: The crisis and a path forward

How Sustainable ETFs Let Small Investors Make A Difference

The ACA Battle: Why It's Just Heating Up

Why Are US Hospitals Closing?

Fintech in China: What Lies Ahead?

Dysfunctional Justice: What's Wrong with the U.S. Legal System

The World's 2-Billion-Ton Trash Problem Just Got More Alarming

Beyond Meat And Impossible Burger Aren't As Healthful As They Seem

Louisiana residents evacuate as Tropical Storm Barry develops in the Gulf, threatening more epic flooding

Ford knew Focus, Fiesta models had flawed transmission, sold them anyway

Best MacBook: Which Mac laptop should you buy?

Amazon to Retrain a Third of Its U.S. Workforce

Fossil Suggests Earliest Known Movement of Humans Out of Africa

Trump brings relations with the United Kingdom to a new low

Greek elections: The first defeat of populism in Europe?

To save forests, think beyond the trees

The case for gender diversity in national security

2018 Characteristics of New Housing

Schedule for Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Statistics and ACS

Does the G20 Still Matter? by Jim O'Neill

How to Regulate the Internet by Karen Kornbluh & Ellen P. Goodman

Making the Most of the Malaria Vaccine by Ifeanyi M. Nsofor

America's Captive Labor by Michael Poyker

The Art of Wait and See by Keyu Jin

Is Immortality Worth it? by Martin Rees

How to Keep Central Banks Independent by Patrick Bolton, et al

No Excuse for Violence Against Children by Zoleka Mandela, Etienne Krug and Howard Taylor

Andy West discusses divestitures and active portfolio management

Admit it, your investments are stuck in neutral

The five frames of performance and health

Why do most transformations fail? A conversation with Harry Robinson

The Future of US Manufacturing: How America Can Regain its Edge

On Betsy Ross and Bad Language: Navigating the New Marketing Minefield

Zoom patches Mac app to remove local server, allow uninstalls following backlash

Why Are You So Tired?

Open parentheses

The ECB Needs to Explain Itself by Stefan Gerlach

Can Multilateralism Survive the Sino-American Rivalry? by Ngaire Woods

The Central Banker Europe Needs by Barry Eichengreen

How to Address Venezuela's Crushing Debt Burden by Ricardo Hausmann, Alejandro Grisanti and José Ignacio Hernández

Why Investors Should Go Beyond African GDP by Paulo Gomes

What Are Russians Protesting About? by Andrei Kolesnikov

The automotive electronics and software market to 2030

Firmer oil supports mild offshore recovery

Mergers and organizational health

Generalists vs Specialists: Why Jacks of All Trades Have an Edge

Lee Iacocca's Legacy: A Celebrity CEO and 'Model of Resilience'

Comic-Con's Eisner Awards: Honoring a Long-maligned Medium

Investigating the Khashoggi murder and promoting accountability

The center right ousts leftists in Greece

Brookings survey finds 58% see manufacturing as vital to U.S. economy, but only 17% are very confident in its future

A handbook to help cities report local progress on the Sustainable Development Goals

CMS's International Pricing model for Medicare Part B drugs: Implementation issues

Trump puts the census citizenship question back in play

iOS 13 includes references to Apple's Tag device for tracking personal items - 9to5Mac

What Happens When a Law is Broken on a Plane — Condé Nast Traveler

If You Flew Epstein's 'Lolita Express' Private Jet — the Feds Want to Talk to You

People Think The Times Of London is Trolling Trump With Its Front Page

Kim Darroch, UK ambassador to US, resigns after Trump cables leak

California quakes left a crack in the Earth so big it can be seen from space

Sweetener found in nut butters, sugarless gum can be deadly for dogs, FDA cautions

Sorry, Florida and Nevada. This state ranks as the best for retirement

Zoom Mac app flaw sparks serious security concerns — and it's up to you to fix it

Two milestones for Northern Ireland

SUVs Are Bumper-to-Bumper on Dealer Lots, With More on the Way

The $50,000 an hour gate agent

What's Driving Populism? by Dani Rodrik

Is Plutocracy Really the Problem? by J. Bradford DeLong

The Central Banker Europe Needs by Barry Eichengreen

The Value of Global China by Jonathan Woetzel & Jeongmin Seong

Could the Democrats Blow it? by Elizabeth Drew

How Data Analytics is (Slowly) Transforming Private Equity

Raghuram Rajan: How Markets and the State Betray Communities

Are we living in a simulated universe? Here's what scientists say.

Academic Workflow — I am Beck Tench

Fact-checking Trump's speech on the US environment

Supplements probably aren't helping your heart, research suggests

Apple kills the MacBook and non-Touch Bar MacBook Pro as part of a major laptop shakeup

I Went to a Nude Swingers Resort to Save My Marriage — InStyle

Florida principal refused to call the Holocaust a 'factual, historical event'

A Popular Women's World Cup Raises Pressure for More Prize Money

5 G FAQ: What is 5G and when is it coming to the iPhone

This Arctic Fox Broke Records by Running All the Way From Norway to Canada in 76 Days — Travel + Leisure

Deutsche Bank to Slash 18,000 Jobs in $8.4 Billion Overhaul

World Cup Fans Chant 'F*** Trump' During Fox News Live Shot

We need more primary care physicians: Here's why and how

"I wish I had more data"

The Case for a World Carbon Bank by Kenneth Rogoff

The Limits of Mass Protest in a Dictatorship by Ian Buruma

The ECB Needs to Explain Itself by Stefan Gerlach

Can Multilateralism Survive the Sino-American Rivalry? by Ngaire Woods

Europe's 5G Wake-Up Call by Daniel Gros

Cocaine production in Colombia is at historic highs

Are we doing the right thing here-

'Scrappy' is not the same as 'crappy'

This bunk bed is $1,200 a month, privacy not included — CNN Business

Time to Cook is a Luxury Many Families Don't Have — Inverse

Cockroaches are becoming immune to insecticides. Have a great day.

MAD Magazine is Winding Down And Fans Are Devastated

The Levi's CEO Says to Never Wash Your Denim — but Here's How You Can Really Make Your Favorite Pair of Jeans Last Forever

The British Banking Dynasty That's Even Older Than the Rothschilds

When Routine Eye Surgery Leads to Debilitating Pain

Hillary's Hot Advice

Fast-Track Drug Approval, Designed for Emergencies, is Now Routine

This Easy Climate Fix Has More Potential Than Previously Thought

Trump couldn't ignore the contradictions of his foreign policy any longer

The irony of close competition

How Honest Are We? by Peter Singer

Toward a Euro-Pacific Partnership by Zaki Laïdi, Shumpei Takemori and Yves Tiberghien

Seven Rules Real Estate Investors Could Learn From Warren Buffett

Portion control

A Digital Path to Health for All by Ann Aerts & Steve Davis

The Eternal Jew Hatred by Irena Grudzinska Gross

Putin's Ambivalent Illiberalism by Stephen Holmes

A $15 federal minimum wage won't cost Americans jobs, new study says

President Whose 'Bone Spurs' Kept Him Out Of War Finally Gets His Tank-Adorned Celebration

Block parties, the census and women's soccer: Nine things to celebrate this July 4

How is Trump's Parade Offensive? Let Me Count the Ways

Trump's Fourth Of July Bash Goes Viral On Twitter For A Reason He Will Hate

This 4th of July, Americans are fighting over what 'American' should mean

Joe Biden says he wasn't prepared for Kamala Harris to confront him the way she did

Why $100,000 for a luxury pickup is suddenly within reach

The Declaration of Independence Unites and Divides Us

Your most important management skill for success

Teenager Accused of Rape Deserves Leniency Because He's From a 'Good Family,' Judge Says

Proud to be an American? Gallup poll hits historic low of 45% ahead of Fourth of July holiday

Connection day

Getting African Women into the Boardroom by Marcia Ashong & Akinyi Ochieng

Mysteries of Monetary Policy by Robert J. Barro

Lagarde is the Right Choice by Philippe Legrain

The Democratic Nominee America Needs by Alexander Friedman & Jerry Grinstein

The Lessons of the EU Leadership Fight by Daniela Schwarzer

The Next Phase of Trump's Trade War with China by Yu Yongding

Piloting a biotech leader to greater growth

Views from the top: What CEOs and other execs really think of marketing

You're Grilling Wrong! Chefs Share What Not to Do Over the Coals

Why veterans set 25,000 flags on fire in Louisville

How to Clear Visual Clutter in OmniFocus Using OmniFocus

Access and view iCloud Photos on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Rural schools need career counselors, too

All school and no work becoming the norm for American teens

Housing affordability and quality create stress for Heartland families

Census Bureau Press Briefing Marks One Year Out From Census Day

The U.S. Census Bureau Hosts Census Day 2019

Census Bureau Unveils 2020 Census Communications Campaign Platform

Study Examines Barriers, Attitudes and Motivators Toward 2020 Census

Save the Date: Census Bureau to Host 2020 Census News Conference

Awareness or action?

How – and How Not – to Restore Trust in Media by Alexandra Borchardt

Power and Interdependence in the Trump Era by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Mexico's Migration Mistake by Jorge G. Castañeda

Cambodia Throws a Wrench into Trump's Trade War by Sam Rainsy

The future of the dairy industry: Evolving strategies of dairy CEOs

New York state sets ambitious green-energy goals

China and the world: Inside a changing economic relationship

How to End Partisan Gerrymandering: Get the Public Involved

How Lifelong Learning Can Prepare You for the Future of Work

Former NSA Head Mike Rogers: Using a Crisis to Drive Change

How Monetary Policy Affects the Financial System and the Economy

Creating a Personal Website- Here's How to Create a Website! - MacHighway Blog

A Leftist Mob Attacked Me in Portland

American Suburbs Swell Again as a New Generation Escapes the City

Research says that most American adults haven't made a new friend in five years, and yeah, that tracks — Hello Giggles

Climate change could put these colleges underwater. Why they're staying put

Wise infrastructure investments can stabilize the economy and reduce climate risk

The future of US defense strategy: A conversation with General Paul J. Selva

How teachers can learn from artificial intelligence

What are automatic stabilizers?

What the US and China each got out of the Trump-Xi meeting in Japan

The Opportunity Project Hosts Investing in the American Workforce Work

Horizontal leadership

The US is Still Needed in Syria by Charles A. Kupchan & Sinan Ülgen

Thumbs Down to Facebook's Cryptocurrency by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The G20 on Shaky Ground by Lawrence H. Summers & Elmira Bayrasli

Safeguarding Health in a Warming World by Seth Berkley

The ECB Needs New Inflation Rules by Michael Heise

In Praise of Demographic Decline by Adair Turner

Happiness and work: An interview with Lord Richard Layard

Bracing for consolidation in Asia banking: The quest for scale

Do you know where your budget is?

Will Price Transparency in Health Care Lower Costs or Backfire?

On Hong Kong Handover Anniversary, Many Fear Loss of Freedoms

American Suburbs Swell Again as a New Generation Escapes the City

A Dove's Manifesto

Everything is a compromise

The Coming Libra Panics by Stephen Grenville

Farewell, Flat World by Jean Pisani-Ferry

A Future Without Currency Wars? by Harold James

Build Your Own Talent Magnet by Simon Johnson

Does Japan Vindicate Modern Monetary Theory? by Koichi Hamada

Germany's Green Wave by Michael Bröning

JustPlay review: Slick media player shines where QuickTime Player is weak

The Hotel Hackers Are Hiding in the Remote Control Curtains

Jony Ive is Leaving Apple, but His Departure Started Long Ago

Inside The Dangerous Rise Of 'Abortion Reversal' Bills

Impossible made fake meat a hot commodity. Now it could be a victim of its own success

Vultures are eating animals alive on Kentucky farms

Where will evolution take us in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

China in pictures: Tourism

Capital City: Urban planning and the real estate state

Any metric you can buy your way out of…

North American gas outlook to 2030

How to manage talent and create value

How traditional companies can launch new businesses that ensure their survival

Defining a public-cloud strategy: An interview with Michael Orno of Denmark's Statens IT

Driving toward growth: Making difficult decisions and placing the customer first

The 50 Best Memoirs of the Past 50 Years

In Miami, There Are Too Many Condos and Not Enough Foreign Buyers

Your dog's food may be linked to canine heart disease

Americans Lose Trillions Claiming Social Security at the Wrong Time

Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers

What's Cuter Than a Baby Cheetah? A Baby Cheetah With Its Puppy Pal

MLMs Are A Nightmare For Women And Everyone They Know

For partisan gerrymandering reform, the federal courts are closed

Neglect of children at the border has long-term consequences

How do major health donors prepare for country exits?

Trump's Lose-Lose Iran Strategy by Joschka Fischer

Economic Conditions Snapshot, June 2019

5 G cars and the mobility technology ecosystem

Discussions in digital: Making machine-driven marketing work

Digital strategy leaders accelerate their pace and magnitude

The Supreme Court Profanity Ruling: How it Will Impact Business

Does Free College Work- Kalamazoo Offers Some Answers

State strategies lead to declines in unplanned pregnancies, declining abortion rates, and lower government costs for health care

For prosperity, urban planners should abandon the highway model and build for proximity

China's new payment system favors digital wallets and QR codes over cards

Some of the strongest candidates to help Democrats win a Senate majority are running for president

Stem Majors Face a Wage Penalty for Choosing to Teach

America must change its trade strategy for dealing with China

The US isn't fighting disinformation fast enough

Development from China's Belt and Road Initiative may not reach smaller cities

More than half of the world's poor are children

Teachers can't afford housing near their schools

What does a Pride parade have to do with NATO? More than you might think.

Who owes the most student debt?

Addressing climate change

The case for multilateralism

Debt and deficits remain high in G-20 countries

Three women won the Democratic debates

Figures of the week: Africa's infrastructure needs are an investment opportunity

Paid leave as fuel for economic growth

It's time for a new international tax deal

Are Airlines in America Among The World's Worst?

Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act: July 26, 2019

Smashing the piggybank

The Roots of Our Discontent by Tito Boeri & Raghuram G. Rajan

Money Can't Buy Palestinians' Love by Dominique Moisi

Nigeria's Poisonous Patriarchy by Ibitoye Segun Emmanuel

America's Economic Blockades and International Law by Jeffrey D. Sachs

The "Digital Revolution" of Wellbeing by Michael Spence

How Judicial Foreclosure Can Help States Police Mortgage Lending

Impact Investing's 'Third Phase': What New Challenges Lie Ahead?

Jony Ive is Leaving Apple

Harris' attack on Joe Biden steals spotlight at Democratic primary debate

Here's why you don't get paired with that Uber car you see on the map — Mashable

How to set a higher dpi without changing an image's resolution

How to set up your new iPhone iPhone User Guide - Readdle

Twitter cracks down on politicians vitriolic tweets

German radical right threatens the survival of democracy

Nonemployer Businesses Increased in 2017

The solo marathon

Why Despair is Beating Hope by Nicholas Agar

Putin Doesn't Care About Economic Growth by Vladislav Inozemtsev

Why Policymakers Should Fear Libra by Kaushik Basu

How the CFO role is evolving

Getting a handle on warehousing costs

G7 Inequality: A persisting challenge and its implications

Increasing Word-of-Mouth Referrals: The Value of Altruism

Will Facebook's Libra Bring Cryptocurrency into the Mainstream?

Implementing AI: How Firms Can Tackle 3 Key Hurdles

'Finding Hope: Battling America's Suicide Crisis'

If You Work in One of These Fields, You'll Get All the Right Swipes on Dating Apps

Debate Takeaways: Warren Up, No Breakout Star and a Health Feud

Fact-checking the first night of the first Democratic presidential debate

8 takeaways from the Democratic presidential debate's first night

Your Best Tips for Managing the Family Money

Long before the Max disasters, Boeing had a history of failing to fix safety problems

A Plan to Mine the Minnesota Wilderness Hit a Dead End

Black workers are being left behind by full employment

Six facts about wealth in the United States

Constraints and measurement

Asia's Student-Debt Time Bomb by M Niaz Asadullah & Theresa Chan

Istanbul Shows How Democracy is Won by Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson

Is Economic Development the Key to Mideast Peace? by Michael J. Boskin

The Bard and the Bank Regulators by Howard Davies

Three Lessons from the Hong Kong Protests by Steve Tsang

Boris's Big Lie by Guy Verhofstadt

Sold to the Highest Bidder: Why Sotheby's is Going Private

Preferred Pharmacy Networks: How Do They Impact Drug Costs?

Men are expected to be 'strong silent types' — and it's breaking them, says Henry Rollins — Los Angeles Times

Pages, Numbers, and Keynote productivity apps for iOS and macOS get major update

Nursing Home Costs Just Keep Going Up

Leadership vacancies plague Trump's Pentagon

What happened when this prison couldn't hire enough guards? It put gangs in charge

Judge says Democrats can begin collecting Trump financial records in emoluments suit

Demands for place are reshaping our communities, but how can the benefits be more widely shared?

Wading through the swamp: the radical power of ecosystems-as-processes by David Hurst

The tyranny of small debts, compounded

Getting to Net-Zero Emissions by Johan Rockström

A Grassroots Antidote to Populism by Ismaël Emelien & David Amiel

The End of "Chimerica" by Mark Leonard

Ending Trade in the Tools of Torture by Cecilia Malmström

Bad News for the World's Poorest by Ceyla Pazarbasioglu

What Carrie Lam Should Do Next by Chris Patten

The global economy's next winners

Fine-tuning M&A: Engineering and construction

IoT in the insurance industry: Commercial lines

How will the rise of domain-control units affect semiconductor companies?

Trade War Casualty: Why the Days of Cheap Chinese Goods Are Over

The Science of Breakthroughs: What Holds Some Ideas Back?

VA Careers

Meet the 24-Year-Old Who Helped Elect Your Favorite Congresswomen

Dementia risk tied to these commonly prescribed drugs, study says

Publish your book with Pages

Meet the A.I. Landlord That's Building a Single-Family-Home Empire

33 Essential Albums You Probably Missed So Far in 2019

How the people who built Slack use it without going bonkers

Supreme Court says law banning registration of 'scandalous' trademarks violates First Amendment

The young are regarded as the most tolerant generation. That's why results of this LGBTQ survey are 'alarming'

The fierce urgency of now: Toward a new multilateralism

It's time to give up on the failed trade war strategy with China

On U.S.-China trade, America is off track

Helping kids learn to evaluate what they see online


How to Save the Internet by Shamel Azmeh

How Developing Countries Can Achieve Universal Health Coverage by Jörg Reinhardt

Trump's Art of the Spin by Stephen S. Roach

Corporate America in the Crossfire by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

How to Renew the Social Contract by Kemal Derviş & Caroline Conroy

The world's most harrowing roads CNN Travel

The world's most harrowing roads

Check your settings if you don't want Google tracking every move

George Conway says new rape allegation against Trump 'is more credible' than Juanita Broaddrick

Fear of kohlrabi

Pixar Changed Hollywood, but Has the Studio Lost a Step?

Sex, Drugs and Self Harm

Goldman Sachsonomics

Fearing Her Husband, She Took His Guns To Police. They Arrested Her.

Connecting people by proximity: A better way to plan metro areas

America's Bipartisan Climate-Policy Failure by Mark Paul & Connor Rupp

The Gulf of Deniability by John Andrews

The commercial response to cost volatility: How to protect margins against inflation and tariffs

Education in Norway: Reform for sustained change

Modernizing the US nuclear deterrent: An interview with Elizabeth Durham-Ruiz

Promoting an overdue digital transformation in healthcare

US East Coast offshore wind industry: The role of state collaboration

Confronting overconfidence in talent strategy, management, and development

Marketing's moment is now: The C-suite partnership to deliver on growth

How AI Can Help with the Detection of Financial Crimes

Winners and losers along China's Belt and Road

Too many teachers can't afford to live near their schools

More than half of the world's poor are children

How we fight fake business profiles on Google Maps

Should Investors Rebalance Their Portfolios More Than Once A Year-

Should Investors Rebalance Their Portfolios More Than Once A Year?

"That's just semantics"

American Power Without Wisdom by Ana Palacio

The G20 in Osaka by Shinzo Abe

The Coming Sino-American Bust-Up by Nouriel Roubini

Zimbabwe Needs Its Own Cryptocurrency by George Lwanda

Expansions Don't Die of Old Age by Anatole Kaletsky

Accidental Leaders: How Eight U.S. Vice Presidents Changed History

Does Facebook Have Too Much Power

How Localization Can Help Overcome Extreme Poverty

Senators receive classified briefing on UFO sightings

Millennials, you've got this all wrong. You need to stop 'saving' for retirement.

Arizona and Phoenix police shootings at record levels

How much a single parent needs to earn to get by in every U.S. state — CNBC

Use TripMode to press pause and conserve data on iCloud and other sync over a cellular hotspot

How Marriage Became An Outdated Concept — Sorta

San Francisco

Millions of Business Listings on Google Maps Are Fake — and Google Profits

Marriage in the United States

How to, Maybe, Be Less Indecisive (or Not)

Accusing the New York Times of 'Treason,' Trump Crosses a Line

Europe is starting to tackle disinformation. The US is lagging.

Business Formation Statistics

Population Estimates Show Aging Across Race Groups Differs

The mythical "Head of Marketing"

Russia's Strategic Priorities, Viewed from Within by Carl Bildt

Facebook's Libra Must Be Stopped by Katharina Pistor

From Versailles to the Euro by Robert Skidelsky

Why GDP Still Matters by Bjørn Lomborg

Making Migration Work for Everyone by Md. Shahidul Haque

Six governing considerations to modernize marketing

A guidebook for heavy industry's digital journey

Why Your Company Needs to Teach Employees Cultural Competency

Fact check: Trump's Orlando rally featured more than 15 false claims over 76 minutes

Women Are Missing Out on the Biggest Job Boom in America

Hicks stopped returning some of Trump's calls, now she's testifying

Trump's historic one-day fundraising haul, explained

Hitler's Machine Gun: Was the MG42 the Best Gun of World War II?

Three Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose a company in crisis

Your Professional Decline is Coming (Much) Sooner Than You Think

US suicide rates are the highest they've been since World War II, according to the CDC

The ER Overcharged Me, So I Gave Them A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

MH17 crash investigators name four suspects facing prosecution

An alleged ex-spy is upending Boris Johnson's play for British Prime Minister

The world's population could stop growing by 2100, UN report finds

Walking your dog during the summer? Don't let them suffer the same fate as Olaf

Cities: The labs for Sustainable Development Goal innovation

Of course it could be better

Don't Feed the Donald by Shlomo Ben-Ami

The Experts We Need by Andrés Velasco

Teflon Populism by Sławomir Sierakowski

The Lost Spirit of the G20 by Javier Solana

Modular construction: From projects to products

The future of personalization — and how to get ready for it

Insurance industry strategy: Climbing the power curve

Life and Debt Question: Are Bank Loans More Pricey Than Bonds?

What's the Next Chapter for Barnes & Noble?

The Evangelical, the 'Pool Boy,' the Comedian and Michael Cohen

Our Orlando Sentinel endorsement for president in 2020: Not Donald Trump Editorial

Why you're about to hear a lot more about soloish travel — Well+Good

Awkward memorization

In the Company of Women by Lisa D. Cook, et al

Economic Lessons From Everest by Jim O'Neill

Justice for Journalists by Leon Willems

Hungary's Mafia State Fights for Impunity by Bálint Magyar & Bálint Madlovics

The War on Women: The View from China by Leta Hong Fincher & Elmira Bayrasli

Europe Must Answer the Climate Call by Christiana Figueres

Opioid Settlements: Is Insys the Tip of the Iceberg?

These Influencers Aren't Flesh and Blood, Yet Millions Follow Them

Apple's Scary Buying Power And The Woman Who Named It

In Court, Facebook Blames Users for Destroying Their Own Right To Privacy

High blood pressure at doctor's office may mean you're twice as likely to die of heart disease

Ivanka Trump Made $4 Million From President's D.C. Hotel

STEM teachers are most in need of additional pay

Democratic presidential candidates shouldn't give in to demand they slash defense spending

The Fourth of July: 2019

Making MNCs Respect LGBTI Rights by Bisi Alimi

The World is Running Out of Time by Bertrand Badré

Fiscal Money Can Make or Break the Euro by Yanis Varoufakis

Why So Many Newborns and Mothers Still Die by Sema Sgaier

Hold the Brexit Con Artists to Account by Bernard-Henri Lévy

Is Immigrant-Bashing a Vote Winner for the Left? by Philippe Legrain

Social Responsibility Report 2018

Fostering Economic Resilience Through Financial Inclusion

High Deductible Health Plans: What Are the Pros and Cons?

Why the Dutch Hate Bankers

We're Taking a Vacation Together. Who Pays What-

The Pentagon emits more greenhouse gases than many countries, study says

The appropriate medium

For better healthcare claims management, think "digital first"

The importance of a growth-leadership mindset in capturing growth

Capturing value in machinery and industrial automation

Defining 'on-time, in-full' in the consumer sector

Rare earth elements: Not so rare after all

Will the G-20 provide the urgent leadership needed on climate action?

The age of interdependence: Global digital cooperation in the 21st century

Investing in slack

Why Automakers Are Driving for Uniform Fuel Efficiency Standards

Meet the new Dropbox

A Failed Trump Golf Course Turned Into a Dilapidated New York State Park

How to Have a High-End Vacation for Less

The Man Behind 'Fortnite'

NRA finances reveal deepening debt and cuts to gun training

The Biggest Ways People Waste Money

Nazis Killed Her Father. Then She Fell in Love With One

Fewer women are having abortions. Why?

Women On The Most Intrusive Question They've Been Asked On A First Date

Phone book, what's a phone book? 20 everyday tasks that nobody does anymore

US Customs supervisor had 'highly suspicious' contact with Chinese officials, prosecutors say

Sidwell Friends student didn't get into college, but her case may go to the Supreme Court

Sarah Sanders leaving White House post after fraught tenure

What it takes to be a $200,000-a-year nanny

The Toronto Raptors win Canada's first NBA championship

The Trump administration's final HRA rule: Similar to the proposed but some notable choices

Does Head Start work? The debate over the Head Start Impact Study, explained

Single-father households and the Earned Income Tax Credit

The changing household structure

The case for paternal leave in the U.S.

How the FCC lost a year in "the race to 5G"

Don't Pin All Your Hopes on U.S. Stocks

Census Bureau Releases First Ever Report on Men's Fertility


Even if it's not graduation week for you…

What Automation Means for the Gender Gap by Laura Tyson & Mekala Krishnan

Toward People-Centered Growth by Guy Ryder & Richard Samans

What's Wrong with Environmental Impact Assessments? by Maxwell Gomera

China is Courting Disaster in Hong Kong by Minxin Pei

Tariff Man's Bark is Worse than His Bite by Anne O. Krueger

The US Recovery Turns Ten by Jeffrey Frankel

The American Century's Last Man by Christopher R. Hill

The Growing Risk of a 2020 Recession and Crisis by Nouriel Roubini

Taking on Tehran by Richard N. Haass

How to Curb Workplace Incivility in Health Care

How Gender Equality Can Help Build Sustainable Peace

Employers Help Workers Build Household-Emergency Funds

Meet the missing ingredient in successful sales transformations: Science

Buttigieg splits from the progressives on foreign policy

There will be weather tomorrow

The Beyond Meat of Fish is Coming

Trump says he would accept dirt on political rivals from foreign governments

Eating more red meat linked with early death in a new study

Seniors face foreclosure in retirement after failed reverse mortgage

Paying for the Welfare State Without Raising Taxes by Roger E.A. Farmer

The Afghanistan Conundrum by Amin Saikal

Can Wearables Convince Patients to Be More Proactive?

Feeding the World Along the New Silk Roads

The Dark Side of Discord, Your Teen's Favorite Chat App

The 25 Cities With The Most Days Of Pleasant Weather Per Year, Visualized

Ten words per page

Do teachers work long hours?

Advancing U.S. interests through security cooperation

Smash the Wellness Industry

Saving the Planet With Electric Cars Means Strangling This Desert

The Impossible Burger is Hot. Pity the Veggie Burger

Lessons from India in Digital Disruption by Nandan Nilekani

Can UBI Survive Financialization? by Lena Lavinas

Africa's Gig Opportunity by Olga Morawczynski & David Porteous

The US Economy's Strange Decade by Larry Hatheway

How the US Drug War Victimizes Women in Latin America by Kasia Malinowska

How shared autonomous vehicles will reinvent mobility

Implementing an agile methodology

Common Ground: Finding Transatlantic Solutions For Data Security

What Does it Mean to Pivot in Entrepreneurship?

Wealthy millennials are leaving these states – and moving to these instead

Seals with antennas on their heads helped scientists solve an Antarctic mystery

Hong Kong Risks Occupy 2.0 as Tear Gas Envelops Heart of City

Jada Pinkett Smith: There've Been 'Betrayals Of The Heart' In Marriage To Will Smith

Trump's war on the media may endanger free press

How can city governments protect themselves against ransomware attacks?

Red-tape voter suppression: How new, draconian voter registration rules undermine voting rights

Do the current Democratic politics spell doom for charter schools?

The Learning/Doing Gap

Can Global Rules Prevent National Self-Harm? by Dani Rodrik

Rugby Australia's "Own Goal" by Peter Singer

Halting Latin America's Economic Slide by Mauricio Cárdenas

Taming the Wild West of Digital Health Innovation by Asha George, Amnesty LeFevre and Rajani Ved

America's Unusual Recovery is Now Also its Longest by Mohamed A. El-Erian

The future of work for UK women

AI in the UK

Using ecosystems for SME banking

Private Mortgage Insurance Protection: Are We Any Safer Today?

Regulating Big Tech: Is a Day of Reckoning Coming?

Greentown Service Group: Gaining Ground in 'Smart' Services

What Aladdin Owes Napoleon

How to make concrete progress on the Global Compact on Refugees

100 compromises

The Rule of Law Needs a Soul by Antara Haldar

Europe Must Fix Its Fiscal Rules by Olivier Blanchard

Islands of Climate Innovation by Mike Eman

Blame US Trade Policy for Sky-High Drug Prices by Jayati Ghosh

Should the Russians Hug the Chinese? by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Unconventional Thinking about Unconventional Monetary Policies by Barry Eichengreen

Best TVs of 2019: Reviews and buying advice TechHive

Best TVs: Our top picks, plus plain-language explanations of the most important specs and features

Churches trying to help immigrants say they're getting threats. And they're suing to stop it.

Conservative gains at Supreme Court leading to anger, frustration and 'peeks behind the curtain'

Meet Brig. Gen. Laura Yeager, first woman to lead Army infantry division

Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin, Lamborghini car prices plunge as ultra-luxury market expands

The Baby Boomer vs. Millennial Investment Smackdown

It's OK. Don't Cook. This Approach is Surprisingly Healthy

It's 3 a.m. Do you know what your iPhone is doing-

Inside the Luxury Condo Tower That New York Says Was a Hotbed of Illegal Airbnb Rentals


There's No Such Thing as a Good Dog

Should we stop keeping pets? Why more and more ethicists say yes

Why Your Cat Thinks You're a Huge, Unpredictable Ape

Teachers' pay: Best cities for teachers comparing salaries, rent

Nike is Expanding Its Day Care Benefit and Employees Are Furious

'What I want is a peaceful death': Kevin Roster has only weeks to live – and that's why he moved to California

Pauley Perrette says she won't return to 'NCIS' because she's 'terrified' of Mark Harmon

Manufacturers Are Considering Leaving China. But it Isn't All Because of the Trade War

What is A Tariff And Who Pays it?

Mexico Agreed to Take Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal

A Financial Checklist for Your Newly Minted High School Graduate

The Long Road to the Student Debt Crisis

But what is this question for?

Blockchain in retail banking: Making the connection

Marketing growth strategy: A focus on data, creativity, and credibility

Adopting agile mind-sets to transform pharma development

Women in healthcare

Why iTunes is Shutting Down

Why We Need a People-First Artificial Intelligence Strategy

What is A Tariff And Who Pays It- - Tax Policy Center

Is China Pulling Even (or Ahead) in Military Technology-

Golf-Home Owners Chip in To Save Struggling Courses

Broadband Internet Access Lagging in Rural Areas

Millennials Delay Homeownership

Digital Knowledge an Increasing Requirement for Us Jobs

Charter schools: Good or bad for students in district schools?

International trade in services

How will we know when a recession is coming?

After years of lagging behind the international community, will the US begin to rein in 'big tech'?

New views of beauty and fragility in underwater Street View

Why Vacations To England Are The Cheapest in Years

Junction City

China Should Lead on Air Pollution by Asit K. Biswas & Kris Hartley

Is Womenomics Working? by Kathy Matsui

Europe's Silent Majority Speaks Out by George Soros

Why Economics Must Go Digital by Diane Coyle

Why Universal Basic Income is a Bad Idea by Daron Acemoglu

Pulling Sudan Back from the Brink by Ishac Diwan

The US used car market and digital disruption

Tackling bias in artificial intelligence (and in humans)

Why personalization matters for consumer privacy

Medical-device services: White space or white elephants?

Finding the future of care provision: the role of smart hospitals

Reluctant Statesmen: The Rise of CEOs as Social Activists

Tips on How to Succeed in Business From Jeff Bezos

How Updates in iOS 13 and Android Q Will Change Your Smartphone

D-Day in Photos: Heroes of a More Certain Time

Imagining playful learning landscapes for every community

The Phillips Curve is still active but masked by monetary policy

America's global role: An ongoing debate

The key lesson from The Marketing Seminar

Helping Africa's Smallholders Feed the World by Usman Ali Lawan

The Energy Revolution Must Be Nuclear by Wade Allison

The present and future of women in the Canadian workforce

The future of women at work: Transitions in the age of automation

Navigating the Chinese art market

Five fifty: Getting small

Healthy Conflict at Work: Using Friction as a Force for Good

Best Cities in the U.S.

United States Travel Guide

The 28 friendliest neighborhoods in U.S. cities

Privacy No Longer a Marketing Angle for Apple, It's a Service

The Days of Getting a Cheaper Cable Bill by Threatening to Leave May Be Over

How to simulate master page text guides in Pages for macOS

Are You Protected Against Skin Cancer?

The First Full 'Downton Abbey' Trailer Has Finally Arrived

How Donald Trump for years used the royal family to gin up publicity for his properties

tvOS 13: The MacStories Overview

Scot Peterson, school resource officer criticized for his response during the Parkland shooting, faces felony charges

White meat is just as bad for you as red beef when it comes to your cholesterol level, study says

In summary: Everything Apple announced in its WWDC 2019 keynote

macOS Catalina: The MacStories Overview

iOS 13 and iPadOS 13: The 5 things you need to know

Teacher unions may be more important than ever in 2020

Rulemaking and its discontents: Moving from principle to practice in federal privacy legislation

Poor Chuck Schumer — his best candidates want to be president, not senator

Uncertainty in ending extreme poverty

At Brookings, Gen. Joseph Dunford comments on threats from Russia, China, North Korea, and beyond

2018 Population Estimates: Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin

What to Do About China? by J. Bradford DeLong

As Populists Rise, Latin America's Economies Will Fall by Kenneth Rogoff

Financing Climate-Smart Investment in Africa by Alzbeta Klein

Britain's Renewal After Trump and Brexit by Gordon Brown

The US Economy's Dirty Secret by Todd G. Buchholz

How We Can Solve Big Data's Bias Problem

More Americans Are Living Solo, and Companies Want Their Business

List of communes in France with over 20,000 inhabitants

List of cities in Italy

List of cities in Germany by population

Jeff Bezos Buys Fifth Avenue Condo Spread for Around $80 Million

A blockbuster drug appeared to prevent Alzheimers

The right digital-platform strategy

What makes Asia 'Asian'?

The new world of global trade in services

The importance of innovation and purpose in capturing growth

For all the hubbub about the US-China trade war, trade is a fraction of China's economy

Collaborating for the common good: Navigating public-private data partnerships

Offshore-drilling outlook to 2035

Inside the China biopharma market

Business integration: An interview with Udit Batra

Overhauling education in Colombia: An interview with former education minister Cecilia Maria Velez White

Debunking four myths of organic growth

Reaching Chinese consumers: An interview with Shiseido's Masahiko Uotani

Four success factors for workforce automation

The hospital is dead, long live the hospital!

Dynamic pricing using digital and analytics

How postal networks can compete in the age of e-commerce

Why the future is Asian: An interview with Parag Khanna

Private equity opportunities in healthcare tech

The future of work in retail automation

Four questions that lead to a better organization strategy

"Don't pee in the pool"

Is America's Seed Fund investing in womenand minority-owned businesses?

Harnessing technology for more robust and inclusive growth: An agenda for change

8 reasons why education may be pivotal in the 2020 election (and beyond)

Census Bureau to Embargo Detailed Population Estimates

Maintaining the Momentum Against Cholera by Anita Zaidi

The Legacy of Tiananmen Square, 30 Years Later by Chris Patten, et al

To Impeach, or Not to Impeach by Elizabeth Drew

A Parliament is Born by Daniel Gros

Trump is Slowing US Economic Growth by Robert J. Barro

How to Solve the Palestinian Refugee Problem by Daoud Kuttab

The Responsibility to Respect by Prince El Hassan bin Talal

How to Reduce the National Debt -- With Bipartisan Support

The Commercial Space Economy: Business is Making a 'Giant Leap'

Roads or buildings?

China's New World Media Order by Wu'er Kaixi & Christophe Deloire

Deterrence in Cyberspace by Joseph S. Nye

The End of the World As We Know it by Joschka Fischer

Trump's Trade-War Miscalculation by Zhang Jun

Managerial Contract Workers: What Are the Pros and Cons?

Veterans in Burn Pit Registry helping fellow Vets - VAntage Point

My Husband And I Left Our Spouses To Be Together. Here's What I've Learned About Love.

They're lawyers, scientists and health care professionals. They're also still struggling to pay off their student loans

A 'Bridge' to China, and Her Family's Business, in the Trump Cabinet

The key part of new media

Of course they're wrong

Surrounded by yes

How Central-Bank Independence Dies by Kenneth Rogoff

The Lasting Tragedy of Tiananmen Square by Minxin Pei

The Populist Paradox by Simon Johnson

How Do Populists Win? by Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson

Is Christianity Losing to Islam? by Paul Seabright

Italy's Narrow Path to Recovery by Pier Carlo Padoan

Deng Xiaoping's Victory by Ian Buruma

Richard Cordray: How Financial Regulators Can Better Protect Consumers

How to Jumpstart U.S. Innovation and Job Creation

Being Angry at Work: How it Can Cloud Your Judgment

Using Public-private Partnerships to Tackle Extreme Poverty

What to expect from Apple's WWDC announcements

10,000 Steps A Day? How Many You Really Need To Boost Longevity

China says U.S. can't use pressure to force trade deal

Ultraprocessed foods are easy, cheap and could be killing you

10 things we learned at Brookings in May

Could You Beat A Chimpanzee in A World Knowledge Test?

Cognitive load and the convenience problem

China's Tiananmen Reckoning by Brahma Chellaney

Women and Girls Hold the Key to Universal Health Coverage by Françoise Girard

Why the Trade Arithmetic Favors China by Kaushik Basu

Has a No-Deal Brexit Become More Likely? by Anatole Kaletsky

The GOP's Duty- Explain the Cost of 'Free'

Deceased G.O.P. Strategist's Hard Drives Reveal New Details on the Census Citizenship Question

The future of aid: How the global development business is evolving

What is "average inflation targeting"?

Google Maps adds dish-covery to the menu

On winning

After Neoliberalism by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Making Globalization Work for Africa by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala & Brahima Coulibaly

Europe's Citizens Say They Want a More Political EU by Jean Pisani-Ferry

The Case for Carbon Tariffs by Adair Turner

Fighting for Truth: Defending the First Amendment on the Front Line

How Insurance Companies Are Coping with Digital Transformation

Health Care's Compassion Crisis: Why Caring Makes a Difference

Why Striving for Excellence Matters More Than Perfection

Why Manufacturers Should Embrace Digitization

snakes Archives - Hiking in Nashville

Mueller says charging Trump not an option special counsel could consider

Moving to a new country? What you need to know about your Apple ID and app purchases

A People Map of the US

Amazon is Poised to Unleash a Long-Feared Purge of Small Suppliers

Donald Trump slammed Obama for using Air Force One for election campaigning. Now he does the same

WWDC 2019: What to expect from Apple's big June event

Self-employment can be good for your health

Foreign fighters are dangerous — for the groups they join

30 years after Tiananmen Square, a look back on Congress' forceful response

Lessons for raising human rights issues with Beijing

June 4, 1989: A personal recollection

Around the halls: Brookings experts analyze the European Parliament election results

The danger of a $2 trillion infrastructure promise

Is inequality really on the rise?

2014 SIPP Multiple Jobholders Report

Justifying mediocre work

A Practical Approach to North Korean Denuclearization by Lee Jong-Wha

Closing the Global Governance Gap by Kemal Derviş

Unforgettable Tiananmen by Chris Patten

Making "Generation Educated" a Reality by Gordon Brown

Japan's Government Must Exit Coal by Jan Erik Saugestad

Why the EU Election Was a Win for Macron by Zaki Laïdi

Under Modi 2.0, Will India Embrace Tough Economic Reforms?

Wanda: Strategic Transition to an Asset-light Model

The Shadow War- Inside Russia's and China's Secret Operations to Defeat America- Jim Sciutto- 9780062853646- Gateway

Populism and the coming era of political paralysis in Europe

The US falls behind international efforts to rein in technology platforms

The timing of side effects

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Us Decode Human Immunity by Wayne C. Koff

A Guidebook for Financial Crisis Managers by Howard Davies

Beyond Unemployment by Michael Spence

India's Cult of Modi by Shashi Tharoor

Kim Jong-un's Moneyball Strategy by Kent Harrington

How a Utah assault case upended the cutting-edge DNA website that caught the Golden State Killer

Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on Climate Science

Accountability vs. responsibility

Modern Monetary Inevitabilities by Robert Dugger

Japan Then, China Now by Stephen S. Roach

How Will the US-China Trade War End? by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Empowering Africa's Powerful Women by Zainab Bangura

The ECB's Changing of the Guard by Lucrezia Reichlin

Game of EU Thrones by Harold James

10 best US beaches for 2019

A Hawaii Yoga Instructor Who Was Missing in A Forest For More Than Two Weeks Was Found Alive

The World War II veteran said he didn't do anything. I almost believed him

Women have abortions for many reasons aside from rape and incest. Here are some of them

Inside Trump's Air Force One: 'It's like being held captive'

The Army asked 'how has serving impacted you?' The responses were heartbreaking

She's watched over this WWII soldier's grave for 74 years. He was a mystery to her, until now.

Snakebites: The hidden health crisis that kills 200 people a day

'Which Way to Pointe du Hoc-'

Huawei's Yearslong Rise is Littered With Accusations of Theft and Dubious Ethics

Transfer photos, video, music, PDF from iPhone to iPad and Mac

Europe votes: How populist Italy is missing out

Five issue positions that could blow up a Democratic campaign

Big city growth stalls further, as the suburbs make a comeback

On finishing well

Why the Fed Has a Hidden Influence on Foreign Affairs

Does a Soda Tax Really Lead to Healthier Behavior?

Your Best Tips for a Better Uber or Lyft Trip

Federal judge issues temporary injunction blocking part of Trump's plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border

Backdoor Shortcuts to Airline and Hotel Elite Status

It's Never Been Easier to Be a C.E.O., and the Pay Keeps Rising

A Moose Photobombed A Couple Of Newlyweds, And The Pics Are Wild

A healthy dog was euthanized so a diseased owner could be laid to rest with her pet

Documentary series 'American Style' embraces fashion as an art form

Howard Stern: Trump's candidacy for president was a 'publicity stunt'

Charts of the Week: Transportation infrastructure

Preparing youth for the future of work: What can we learn from Jordan?

Mr. Trump goes to Tokyo: Behind all the pageantry, undercurrents of concern as tough trade talks loom ahead

Congratulations, you graduated! Now what?

Why Buy Bonds When They Pay Such Paltry Interest?

Defective apologies

Central America's Besieged Women by Lauren Hendricks

Germany's Dangerously Flawed Energy Policies by Hans-Werner Sinn

The Russians Are Coming by Mitchell A. Orenstein

How to Live Better and Stop Destroying the Planet by Ana Paula Aguiar, Odirilwe Selomane and Pernilla Malmer

Are Indian Democracy's Weaknesses Inherent? by Pranab Bardhan

Lessons from an 'Old Entrepreneur' on Running a Tech Startup

The Rising Risks — and Opportunities - Confronting Global Agriculture

Wait, why the hell is the 'race to 5G' even a race?

This is What My Life is Like As The Highest Earning Legal Sex Worker in The U.S.

Brexit failure forces Theresa May to announce resignation

Eco-friendly burial alternative: You can now compost your loved ones in Washington

From braless to custom bras: The online bra industry is booming (Victoria's Secret isn't)

She Had Stage 4 Lung Cancer, and a Mountain to Climb

There's Evidence on How to Raise Children, but Are Parents Listening?

Explainer: Who pays Trump's tariffs, China or U.S. customers and …

The Wealth Detective Who Finds the Hidden Money of the Super Rich

macOS App Store Updates Not Showing- Ghost Updates- - AppleToolBox

Uber's IPO fallout underscores the need for a new labor model

Figure of the week: Governance and economic growth in Africa

Chart of the week: Smaller and non-metropolitan areas saw a population rebound

Usual statistics understate unemployment and labor-force participation and overstate duration of unemployment

Imposing fiduciary duty on financial advisors shifts sales toward products with lower fees

Credit supply cuts decrease productivity growth

Global poverty reduction has slowed down — again

In higher education, the wand chooses the wizard

Democrats should seize the day with North America trade agreement

Europe votes: France's atomized politics and vaporized influence

Fastest-Growing Cities Primarily in the South and West

The mob fears the truth

The Europe of Tomorrow by Javier Solana

The Real Cost of Trump's Tariffs by Jeffrey Frankel

The Myth of Climate Wars? by Alaa Murabit & Luca Bücken

Ukraine's New President Joins the Resistance by Nina L. Khrushcheva

How Philadelphia's Barnes Foundation is Leveraging Analytics

How Not To Screw Up Running A Tech Startup

How People Analytics Can Change an Organization

Life Hacks from Marcus Aurelius: How Stoicism Can Help Us

Why a Cashless Society is Still a Long Way Off

The Trump administration struggles to confront the deadliest drug crisis in U.S. history

Almost 40% of Americans Would Struggle to Cover a $400 Emergency

Strange waves rippled around Earth. Now we may know why. — National Geographic

A disabled woman who gave birth at a Phoenix care facility was likely pregnant before, documents allege

Justice Department and House intelligence panel strike deal for Mueller materials

Judge rejects Trump's request to halt congressional subpoenas for his banking records

Federalist Society's Leonard Leo is helping Trump make courts more conservative

So Far, $1.57 Billion for Wall Yields 1.7 Miles of Fence

Men Are Paying Sixfold Markups to Feel Cool About Buying Generic Viagra

Top 10 Apps to Add Background Music on iOS and Android Devices

How Politicians Should Respond to Climate Change

No Policies? No Problem. The Patchwork Brexit Party is Crushing Its Opponents.

10 lesser-known Apple Maps features you should check out

Will Mining Destroy America's Most Popular Wilderness?

Despite national security concerns, GOP leader McCarthy blocked bipartisan bid to limit China's role in U.S. transit

Silicon Valley's Shame: Living in a Van in Google's Backyard

KARMA ALERT: Trump Appeal Now Goes To Court Headed By Merrick Garland

Chavismo is the worst of all sanctions: The evidence behind the humanitarian catastrophe in Venezuela

Breaking down the bipartisan Senate group's new proposal to address surprise billing

The rise of corporate market power

Blockbusters vs. building blocks

Has Austerity Been Vindicated? by Robert Skidelsky

How Inflation Could Return by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Will Young Voters' Apathy Take Down Europe? by Dominique Moisi

Can the Belt and Road Become a Trap for China? by Yasheng Huang

The EU's Four Challenges by Ana Palacio

So Your Workplace is Toxic: How Can You Fix it?

Development Update – Aeon Timeline

How Trump's approach to the Middle East ignores the past, the future, and the human condition

School Spending Per Pupil Increased for Fifth Consecutive Year

It's all horizontal (and books went first)

Robo-Apocalypse? Not in Your Lifetime by J. Bradford DeLong

In Defense of Europe by Michel Barnier

A Referendum on the EU Experiment? by Yascha Mounk & Elmira Bayrasli

Putting Africa's Secondary Cities First by Ibrahim Assane Mayaki

A Vote for Populists is a Vote for Putin by Guy Verhofstadt

Looking Back at 100 by Richard N. Haass

Using a Connected Strategy to Gain a Competitive Advantage

Generic Drug Price Fixing: Will Manufacturers Pay?

More Tariffs On China, More Head Scratching From Economists

Cohen told lawmakers Trump attorney Jay Sekulow instructed him to falsely claim Moscow project ended in January 2016

Judge rules against Trump in fight over president's financial records

More baby boomers stay in their homes as they reach retirement, skipping downsizing

A Gentleman in Moscow has a little bit of everything

Why a T-Mobile-Sprint merger could be 'devastating' for consumers

Millions of Americans are just one paycheck away from 'financial disaster'

After the finale, 'Game of Thrones' fans could give HBO a rude awakening

In Plastic-Bag Wars, the Industry Fights Back

Why is Joe Biden running away with the Democratic presidential nomination?

Digital hygiene

Europe's Only Decision by Carl Bildt

Can Ramaphosa Do it? by Andrew Donaldson

The Global Consequences of a Sino-American Cold War by Nouriel Roubini

Voter Turnout Will Decide Europe's Fate by Yves Leterme & Sam van der Staak

Austria and the Plot Against Europe by Charles Tannock

China Evergrande Group: Strategic Repositioning Toward a Sustainable Growth Model

Is Amazon Too Big?

These Are the Highest Paying Jobs for the Class of 2019

Protecting your skin from the inside out

Pete Buttigieg Tells 11-Year-Old Girl How To Stand Up To A Bully

Meet the new Howard Stern. He'd like to make amends for the old Howard Stern.

Billionaire Robert F. Smith pledges to pay off Morehouse College Class of 2019′s student loans

Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner Accounts

Everything to Know About the James Charles and Tati Westbrook Feud

How You (And Your Dog) Can Avoid Snake Bites — And What To Do if You Get Bitten

Toyota Rebukes Trump for Sending Message That Carmaker 'Not Welcomed' in U.S.

Confessions of a private jet flight attendant

The internet didn't shrink 6% real estate commissions. But this lawsuit might

This will take two hours

The Surprising Boost You Get From Strangers

5/18/2019 Table of Contents

What have we learned about the learning crisis?

Presidential announcement ignores core question: What is leadership in 5G?

Bo Diddley

Single-Camera vs. Multi-Camera TV Sitcom Scripts: What's the Difference? - ScreenCraft

'Big Bang Theory' Bosses Go Inside the Series Finale's "Emotional Closure"

Inside Google's Civil War

Grateful Parkland Students Honor Therapy Dogs With Yearbook Page

Overprocessed foods add 500 calories to your diet every day

'Big Bang Theory' finale: Jim Parsons and other stars explain it all

Austrian far-right leader filmed offering public contracts for campaign support

The Unfulfilled Promise of DNA Testing

Low-Income College Students Are Being Taxed Like Trust-Fund Babies

In Vermont, Small Colleges Are Closing

How CEO Pay Compares With Hollywood Celebrities and Sports Stars

Don't Visit Your Doctor in the Afternoon

Deforestation Risks From China's Bri

China's Multiple Links to European Union Countries

Our next secretary of education should be drafted out of college, not high school

Students need more than an SAT adversity score, they need a boost in wealth

The Fed's bigger balance sheet in an era of "ample reserves"

How Does A Ponzi Scheme Lure So Many Victims?

Three kinds of 'forever'

Investing in Africans' Health by Carl Manlan

The Roots of European Division by Federico Fubini

It's Cheaper to Talk than to Cut Emissions by Bjørn Lomborg

A Greek Canary in a Global Goldmine by Yanis Varoufakis

The Resilience of the Arab World's Pouvoir by Shlomo Ben-Ami

The 2040 outlook for EV battery manufacturing

State of Georgia economy: Expanding the economic pie in the Peach State

Value creation in European building materials — where do the opportunities lie?

What Really Helps Employees to Improve (It's not Criticism)

In Praise of 'John Wick,' The Last Great American Action-Movie Franchise

Boom in Dodgy Wall Street Deals Points to Market Trouble Ahead

British people get drunk more often than anyone else, says survey

Pei, acclaimed architect, dead at 102

Grumpy Cat, beloved meme star, dies at age 7: 'Some days are grumpier than others'

Ocasio-Cortez Breaks Down What 'Horrifying' Abortion Bans Are Really All About

Kinds of truth

Modern Monetary Disasters by Sebastián Edwards

The Rising Tide of Sustainable Seafood by Teresa Ish & Henrik Österblom

Is America Tired of Losing Yet? by Anne O. Krueger

Can Donald Tusk Go Home Again? by Sławomir Sierakowski

Tech for Good: Smoothing disruption, improving well-being

Does Diversity Training Work?

2019 Wharton Startup Challenge: Finding a Way to Cool India More Efficiently

Late Bloomers: Why Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Empowering the Developing World, One Bicycle at a Time

Democrats need to place China at the center of their foreign policy

A primer on how Chinese law might enforce a US-China trade deal

A look inside online learning settings in high schools

Should we fear population aging?

Reach is overrated

Is Australia Next? by Sam Roggeveen

An Intelligent Approach to Mental Health by Junaid Nabi

Why the World Needs National Development Banks by Stephany Griffith-Jones & José Antonio Ocampo

A Carbon Dividend is Better than a Carbon Tax by Mark Paul & Anthony Underwood

How Banning Abortion Will Transform America by Maria Bucur & Kristen R. Ghodsee

Five Fifty: The need for speed

Latin America's missing middle of midsized firms and middle-class spending power

-China Tariffs: Is There an End in Sight?

Have Stock Buybacks Gone Too Far?

The Uber IPO: Is it a Good Investment?

How I Get the Most Out of Scientific Books, Journals, and Articles

Tackle white supremacy as terrorism, experts say

Alabama Senate passes near-total abortion ban bill

Half of Americans have used swimming pools as an alternative to showering, study finds

7 out of 10 wealthy kindergarten students with low test scores were affluent by age 25, study finds

'I Don't Want to See Him Fail'- A Firm Takes a Chance on Ex-Inmates

Teens Smuggle Burner Phones to Defy Parents

How to download shows on the Apple TV app for offline viewing on iPhone and iPad

How to get the best image export from Photos in macOS

How Much Money Do You Need to Be Wealthy in America?

Michelle Obama's Purple Suit And Sequined Bustier Are A Showstopping Combo

There is more CO2 in the atmosphere today than any point since the evolution of humans

Young people, scrolling their friends' Instagram feeds, feel pressure to overspend

Maximizing AI's economic, social, and trade opportunities

Lifelong connection

How Nelson Mandela Bent History by Mark Suzman

Democratic Lessons from the EU by Maciej Kisilowski & Wojciech Przybylski

Is Trump's Trade War with China a Civilizational Conflict? by Minxin Pei

Stopping the War on Children by Kevin Watkins

America's Illusions of Growth by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Why the US and China See Negotiations Differently by Shang-Jin Wei

Shifting the dial in procurement

Nordic AI: Transforming businesses

Why Central Banks Are Taking on Climate Change

How to keep small disputes from escalating to conflict between the US and China or Russia

The emigration election: Why the EU is not like America

Socialism: A short primer

Toward abundant systems

Dirty Floating in Emerging Markets by Andrés Velasco

The ECB Song Contest? by Stefan Gerlach

The Return of Fiscal Policy by Barry Eichengreen

Weaponizing Cyber Law by Janjira Sombatpoonsiri

Setting the Record Straight About African Migration by Folashadé Soulé & Camilla Toulmin

Keanu Reeves Leaves Colbert Speechless With An Incredible Reflection On Death

The New Rules of Middle Age, Written by Women

Supreme Court Allows Antitrust Suit Against Apple to Proceed

Trapped by the incoming

A group raised more than $20 million to 'build the wall.' Now, some supporters want answers.

Trump Calls Buttigieg 'Alfred E. Neuman,' Buttigeig Calls Trump Old

Security cameras and barbed wire: Living amid fear and oppression in Xinjiang

Moms proudly show off their postpartum bodies

Mother's Day: Working moms' stress can't be fixed by a day or a dad

Is democracy dead in Turkey? The re-run of Istanbul's mayoral race will tell

Role models as a tool for decision making

Mr. Orbán Goes to Washington by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Melissa Hooper

2019 global insurance trends and forecasts

The pros and cons of activist investors

The journey to an agile organization

Can Social Good Come from Trademarking Bad Words?

The Answer to Populism? Looking Forward, Not Back

List of largest banks

Who's Afraid of the Dark? Hype Versus Reality on the Dark Web

Best power banks of 2019: The top USB portable chargers for your phone

He Crossed the Atlantic in a Barrel. We Asked Him About Dodging Ships and Using 'La Toilette.'

How to get more from the Finder's windows and its hidden power features

House committee subpoenas Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig over Trump tax returns

Back-seat passengers in Uber, Lyft, ride-hailing vehicles face germs, safety risks

Is There Any Real Way to Judge a Restaurant From the Outside?

There is No Way Donald Trump Actually Lost $1.17 Billion

Barbara Bush never sent her final letter to her children. Here's what she wanted to say.

Don McGahn Rebuffed White House Request to Say Trump Didn't Obstruct Justice

Skip the flowers this Mother's Day, and invest in moms instead

Putting on the brakes: How technology may be slowed down by social norms

The relationship between network adequacy and surprise billing

Why Gaza hasn't erupted into all-out war

India's anti-satellite test presents a window of opportunity for the Trump administration

Millennials Are the Most Diverse Adult Generation in Us History

Homeownership is Lower Among Younger Households

Today's Young Households Have Lower Net Worth Than Prior Generations

It's time to start thinking about governance of autonomous weapons

Can Russia halve poverty by 2024?

Money Won't Make You Happy–But How You Spend it Might

Time travel is exhausting

Can the East Save the West? by Parag Khanna

A Confrontation from Hell by Amin Saikal

The Real Victims of China's Trade Patterns by Jayati Ghosh

Putting Growth in its Place by Jim O'Neill

Going the Distance with Family Planning by Jenna Dodson

Chinese food culture: How Kang Shi Fu caters to diverse appetites in the country

New models for the global packaging industry

Rising corporate debt: Companies are safe, for now.

A path to successful state procurement transformation

Fueling the energy transition

China's EV Market: Why a Storm of Competition is Coming

How Inclusive Capitalism Can Empower the Underprivileged

The AI Boom: Why Trust Will Play a Critical Role

This Bird Went Extinct and Then Evolved Into Existence Again

Former Boeing Engineers Say Relentless Cost-Cutting Sacrificed Safety

Trump doubles tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese imports, escalating U.S.-China trade war

Adam Savage on Lists, More Lists, and the Power of Checkboxes

Chart of the week: US job vacancy rate outpaces hires rate

More student debt leads borrowers to prefer higher wages over job satisfaction

Early in the Great Migration, black families paid more rent but had deteriorating home values

Distressed banks didn't gamble for resurrection in the 1980s or 2000s

Germany is in danger of losing some old friends

Why women candidates are more likely to run as independents

Are laxer environmental policies being trumped?

Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month: May 2019

2020 Census Recruitment

Embracing your incompetence

How the Failure of "Prestige Markets" Fuels Populism by Ricardo Hausmann

More or Less Europe? by Kemal Derviş

The Case for Climate Tariffs by Shang-Jin Wei

Europe Should Lead on Climate Action by Connie Hedegaard

How Many Lives is Notre Dame Worth? by Peter Singer & Michael Plant

The Case for Intelligent Industrial Policy by Dalia Marin

Refueling vaccine innovation

Talent in wholesale banking

Plan a better decision meeting

What high-reliability organizations get right

White Hot: How Silver Forged the World's Economy

Trump's Old Tweet About People Who Don't Pay Taxes Comes Back To Haunt Him

What 'Good' Dads Get Away With

With 737 Max, Boeing Wants to Win Back Trust. Many Are Skeptical.

Couples are having less sex, study shows. The 'sheer pace of modern life' may be to blame

World's largest economies - CNNMoney

List of countries by GDP (nominal)

List of cities by population density

Unveiling Algeria's dark side

Europe votes: Why the European Parliament elections matter

Housing trade-offs: Affordability not the only stressor for the middle class

Is technology good or bad for learning?

MENA's economic integration in an era of fragmentation

Selling insurance to your sister

The Anatomy of Spain's Political Paralysis by Tano Santos

An Industrial Policy for Good Jobs by Dani Rodrik & Charles Sabel

Don't Fear the Euroskeptics by Daniel Gros

Indicting the International Criminal Court by Aryeh Neier

Is America Ready for a Welfare State? by Jorge G. Castañeda

Heeding Europe's Silent Majority by Silvia Merler, Simone Tagliapietra and Alessio Terzi

Rethinking supply chain strategies after Brexit

The right digital-platform strategy

Three questions about emerging economies


Over 650 former prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he weren't president

Twitter says Trump not immune from getting kicked off

No, Twitter will not ban Trump, here's why

How the Apple Store Lost Its Luster

Here's why people still take the Myers-Briggs test — even though it might not mean anything

5 Takeaways From 10 Years of Trump Tax Figures

What to Do Before the Tropical Storm or Hurricane

What to do when ransomware strikes your Mac

Trump counties may be winning a bit more, but their prognosis remains dim

Do things get better?

American Soft Power in the Age of Trump by Joseph S. Nye

Stories That Can't End Well by Harold James

The Secret Openings of US Foreign Policy by Elmira Bayrasli & William J. Burns

Keeping US Workers in the Game by Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca

Trump is Now Above the Law by Elizabeth Drew

Seven Fallacies of Economic Sanctions by Hassan Hakimian

Russia's Passport Expansionism by Agnia Grigas

User-generated Content: How the Medium Impacts the Message

Best TVs of 2019- Reviews and buying advice - TechHive

iOS 13 rumors: Everything you need to know

Trump May Redefine Poverty, Cutting Americans From Welfare Rolls

The chemicals in sunscreen seep into your bloodstream after just one day, FDA says

Chinese Government Officials Give U.S. Counterparts Lessons in Strategy

Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he not president, hundreds of former federal prosecutors assert

The Job Advice You Wish You Knew How to Give

Putin Punches Above His Weight

Five things to know about the Tennessee Promise Scholarship

In strategies to counter violent extremism, politics often trumps evidence

To promote success in schools, focus on teacher well-being

Internet capitalism pits fast technology against slow democracy

College confusion

Why Capitalism Needs Populism by Raghuram G. Rajan

China's Path Not Taken by Ian Buruma

The Trump Administration's Assault on Assault Survivors by Kavita N. Ramdas & James A. Goldston

Central and Eastern Europe's Captured Media by Marius Dragomir

Explaining Inflation Inertia by Carmen M. Reinhart

Modern Monarchies, Stability and a New Royal Baby

The Great Rat Race: Why Americans Are Running Out of Time

The EU Gig Economy Law: A Move in the Right Direction?

Inside Microsoft's surprise decision to work with Google on its Edge browser

Sponges left in sinks become fecal germ bombs

Boeing knew about problems with the 737 Max the year before Lion Air crash and did nothing about them

We are in the midst of an extinction crisis, warn UN scientists

The Apple Services Misunderstanding

Stanford Pushes Executives to Get 'Touchy Feely'

A transformation in store

Leading your organization to responsible AI

Mrs Wilson star Ruth Wilson on her grandad – the bigamist MI6 agent: "I wish I could have him round for dinner"

Timelines of world history


Watergate had the Nixon tapes. Mueller had Annie Donaldson's notes.

Consider A/J testing

Turbocharging India's Digital Economy by Alok Kshirsagar & Anu Madgavkar

Agile transformations in asset heavy industries

'Power partnerships': Manufacturer-retailer relationships that work

The coming shakeout in industrial distribution

Are Cryptocurrencies Ready to Break Out of Their Niche?

California's pension debt is harming teachers and students now — and it's going to get worse

Charts of the week: Teacher retention

How difficult is it to find a job?

The Senkaku paradox: Preparing for conflict with the great powers

[Your city] has a housing crisis. The answer is [more/less] [building/money/regulation]. Jenny Schuetz - May 2, 2019 at 6:36:55 PM By Jenny Schuetz Pick up a newspaper from any major U.S. city, and you're likely to read about how expensive housing has beco

The Democratic Race: Taking a hard look at electability

The Simplest Way To Become A Millionaire

When your project isn't making money

A Life in Solidarity by Irena Grudzinska Gross

The Rorschach Test of Notre Dame by Sławomir Sierakowski

The Economy We Need by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Heights of Trump's Recklessness by Jonathan Kuttab

Leave the Renminbi Out of US-China Trade Talks by Kenneth Rogoff

Addressing the social determinants of health: Capturing improved health outcomes and ROI for state Medicaid programs

Can Annuities Help Grow Your Retirement Nest Egg?

-China Trade: Is a Deal Imminent?

Finding STEM's 'Gone Girls': Why Women Innovators Need a New Deal

What Slows Urban Mobility in India — and How to Fix It

A Technical and Cultural Assessment of the Mueller Report PDF PDF Association

An Oral History of the World's First Viral Credit Card

The Most Valuable Company (for Now) Is Having a Nadellaissance

Opinion James Comey: How Trump Co-opts Leaders Like Bill Barr

Canceling Student-Loan Debt is a Bad Idea

Buffett Partner Charlie Munger Has a Side Gig- Designing College Dorms

Output losses after the 2008 financial crisis appear to be persistent

Irrational exuberance aside, growth is slowing

How emerging markets are moving beyond neoliberalism

The minimizing coin

The Time Has Come for a Global Carbon Emissions Tax by Mats Persson

Fight Corruption to Reclaim Europe's Soul by Guy Verhofstadt

How Social Protection Can Empower Women by Phakama Ntshongwana, Nicola Ansell and Keetie Roelen

The Commercial Case for EU Solidarity by Joschka Fischer

China's Selective Memory by Denise Y. Ho

Corporate innovation at speed and scale

Three keys to better decision making

Managing data as an asset

Good decisions don't have to be slow ones

Competing in the Middle East's consumer sector

Five Fifty: Decision factories

Electric vehicles, second life batteries, and their effect on the power sector

Insights from McKinsey's Consumer Social Determinants of Health Survey

Effective decision making in the age of urgency

Investing for Millennials: How to Push Past Intimidation

Lessons in Customer Service from The Ritz-Carlton's Horst Schulze

Trump administration pushed to strip mention of climate change from Arctic policy statement

How China's Boom Caused the Financial Crisis

Government Policies Caused The Financial Crisis And Made the Recession Worse

Causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

The Best Advice You've Ever Received (and Are Willing to Pass On)

Billionaires Under Fire Confront Wealth Gap at Milken Conference

As Retiree Health-Care Bills Mount, Some States Have a Solution- Stop Paying

The Mueller report: A catalog of 77 Trump team lies and falsehoods

Mueller expressed misgivings to Barr about 4-page letter

Fossil Points to a Vanished Human Species in Himalayas

Mueller told the attorney general that the depiction of his findings failed to capture 'context, nature, and substance' of probe

Don't try to create and analyze at the same time

Ukraine Sends in the Clown by Nina L. Khrushcheva

India's New Social Media Politics by Shashi Tharoor

How to Rebuild America's Economic Foundations by Jonathan Gruber & Simon Johnson

The World's Next Big Growth Challenge by Michael Spence

We Are All Active Investors Now by Larry Hatheway

China's Belt and Road Initiative: Why the Price is Too High

Performance management in agile organizations

4/30/2019 Table of Contents

An anecdote and a statistical analysis walk into a bar

One year on, the role of the China International Development Cooperation Administration remains cloudy

Tariffs won't solve U.S.-Mexico drug crime

Elizabeth Haas Edersheim on Management Lessons of a Lifelong Student

President Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims

4 gorgeous beach towns where you can comfortably retire on $40,000 a year

9 awesome, unique, and extravagant Apple Watch bands we'd like to wear right now

10 essential iPad features you need to start using

Populist economic frustration threatens Trump's strongest reelection issue, Post-ABC poll finds

Goldilocks Growth by Anatole Kaletsky

The Coming Technological Cold War by Manuel Muñiz

The Return of Violent Identity Politics by Chris Patten

The Value of Fake News by Josh Friedman

Agile performance management

Building a habit of disruption in marketing

Digitizing collections contact strategies

The Latest Global Consumer Confidence Index: As Good as it Gets?

How Big Data Can Inform Investment Decisions

A federal privacy law could do better than California's

Measuring the gap between ability and effort in domestic revenue mobilization

Teacher turnover and the disruption of teacher staffing

And your company will pay for it

When Facts Change, Change the Pact by Jean Pisani-Ferry

My Best Growth Forecast Ever by Robert J. Barro

Balancing Growth and Structural Adjustment in China by Yu Yongding

Can the Sahel's Coming Crisis Be Averted? by Tony Blair

Creative Disruption in Health Care and Education by Stephanie von Friedeburg

Rebuilding the number of multinational companies in Switzerland

The Promise and Pitfalls of 5G: Will it Kill Cable?

How Trump Lost Half of Washington

Huawei is at the centre of political controversy

Want to Fly Private? Here's Every Way to Do It

What the Supreme Court is doing behind closed doors

Where does your go-to frozen pizza rank?

The first database rule

People analytics: A power tool for business challenges

Confronting AI risks

Growth leadership is about empowering your team

The digital difference in measuring production performance

What's the Economy?

GDP by Year- Compared to Recessions and Events

GDP by Year: Compared to Recessions and Events

Laptop Tech Support Showdown! Our 2019 Ratings

A WWII Marine died with no living relatives. Hundreds honored him at his funeral

Majority of Americans oppose impeachment, but majority also says Trump lied to public

Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got 'Greedy.'

Angola and Guinea announce shifts in state-owned oil companies

Weather-related disasters continue to strike southern Africa

African leaders attend Belt and Road Forum in Beijing

Children need digital mentorship, not WHO's restrictions on screen time

Investment in Digital Skills Leads to Increased Productivity

Large Metro Areas Have a Productivity Advantage

Snooze is a trap

Where Do Good Jobs Come From? by Daron Acemoglu

Japan's Global Emperor Exits the Stage by Akira Iriye

Protesting in the Digital Age by Ngaire Woods

America's False Narrative on China by Stephen S. Roach

The Road to War with China by Ann Lee

Moore Problems for the Fed? by Jeffrey Frankel

Can Capitalism Beat Climate Change? by Adair Turner

How young Chinese consumers are reshaping global luxury

Transforming risk efficiency and effectiveness

Automotive software and e/e architecture

OEM aftermarket is ripe for digital innovation

From third world to first in class

Preventing the Next Housing Crisis

2020 Census

Why America's Actively Managed Mutual Funds Are The Best in The World

Why America's Actively Managed Mutual Funds Are The Best in The World

A seat at the table

An Agenda for Europe's Next Decade by Jan Peter Balkenende

The Pre-History of Post-Truth by Jan-Werner Mueller

Who really benefits the most from Elizabeth Warren's student-debt cancellation plan?

Why you need to write an 'ethical will'

How the dream of cheap streaming television became a pricey, complicated mess

Billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs Turned Her LLC Into a VC Machine

9 useful Control Center shortcuts for iPhone that you should be using

Why Incompetent Men Become Leaders

How Can Sri Lanka Recover?

Can Algorithms Diagnose Disease Better Than Doctors?

Employment Situation Report

Data - Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics

Police misconduct: Discipline records for thousands of cops uncovered

Political gridlock blocks infrastructure progress and costs our economy

New Earnings and Employment Data for College Graduates

2017 Census of Governments Data & Individual State Descriptions Report

On finding something to say

Why is Malaria on the Rise Again? by Fredros Okumu

Asia is the New Ground Zero for Islamist Terror by Brahma Chellaney

The Power of China's Urban Clusters by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

How to Regulate Big Tech by Michael J. Boskin

Five moves to make during a digital transformation

Productivity transformation for US regional banks

Energy and GDP growth

Climate-change adaptation for US utilities

Logistics automation: Big opportunity, bigger uncertainty

Digital transformation in South Africa could spur the economy.

Why India's Jet Airways Lost Its Wings

Get started with Keynote Live

DEVONtechnologies - Upgrader's Guide

DEVONtechnologies - New in DEVONthink 3

All the Stuff Bears Are Saying to Spoil the S&P 500 Record Party

Where are the cameras in your car and what are they looking for?

Do digital technologies widen productivity gaps?

The power (and risk) of charismatic ideas

Why Do Americans Pay More for Drugs? by Robin Feldman

America's Dark-Money Bid for Europe's Soul by Mary Fitzgerald

Why Oil Markets Are Changing

Lessons from the Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play Recall

China Exploits Fleet of U.S. Satellites to Strengthen Police and Military Power

Rationalizing your project

Is Winter Coming to the EU? by Mark Leonard

Algeria's Moment of Truth by Zaki Laïdi

Journalism on (Thin) Ice by Elmira Bayrasli & Jay Rosen

The Arab Spring's Second Chance by Ishac Diwan

The new CEO's dilemma: Managing long-term strategy

Staying competitive in next round of globalization

Next generation technologies and the future of trade

China's Blockchain Dominance: Can the U.S. Catch Up?

iPad Air review: Apple finds the sweet spot Macworld

Big changes to Siri, Marzipan, AR, and more could dramatically change the Apple ecosystem

Inside the special counsel's long hunt to uncover whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia

More Americans than ever are leaving the Catholic Church after the sex abuse scandal. Here's why.

Why 'Find Your Passion' Is Such Terrible Advice

Driving- The Kids Are So Over It

After 10 years in prison, this reformed inmate has multiple streams of income and a new view of life

Social Security costs to exceed revenue next year, trustee report shows

Liquid blood and urine have been found inside a prehistoric 42,000-year-old foal

The four "I"s undermining democracy

Bouteflika, Bashir — and Biya?

Will Congressional Democrats find unity on the budget?

How India can prepare its workforce for the artificial intelligence era

Fixing school buses is an effective (and cheap) way to improve students' health and academic performance

Anything you want

The Emotion of Notre Dame by Dominique Moisi

Bipolar Markets in the "New Mediocre" by Nouriel Roubini

How Abortion Hypocrisy Kills Women by Patricia Nudi Orawo

The International Economic Policy Game by Koichi Hamada

Trump is Guilty as Not Charged by Elizabeth Drew

Cutting a Path for Diversity

Wealthy Greenwich Home Sellers Give in to Market Realities

It's Earth Day — marvel, reflect, and get inspired by the brilliance of bees. « Pocket Blog

The Fogninis go all-out Armani -

Prodded by Putin, Russians Sought Back Channels to Trump Through the Business World

You May Feel Silly When You Find Out What Wi-Fi Actually Stands For

Why you should avoid raking grass clippings after mowing the lawn, and more mower taboos

Eating just one slice of bacon a day linked to higher risk of colorectal cancer, says study

The Truth About Dentistry

The compass and the map

The Space Force is a misguided idea. Congress should turn it down.

Trumpian storm clouds over Tripoli

Outsized focus on cash transfers is missing the point

"A good product at a fair price"

How to recession proof businesses

The CEO of IRIS.TV on personalization and keeping audiences engaged

Want to Build a Smart City? Here Are Some Strategies That Work

What a 30-day break from smoking marijuana does to your brain

Mueller's report paints a damning portrait of Trump's presidency

The Mueller Report is 448 Pages Long. You Need to Know These 7 Key Things.

Are you protected from measles? It may depend on when you were born

Burned Out at Work- Here's How to Find Your Passion — Or Get it Back

Anker PowerWave Wireless Charger David Pogue Review 2019

A secondary-earner tax credit increases female workforce participation

What the Mueller report tells us about Russian influence operations

A new alphabet for Europe: Algorithms, big data, and the computer chip

Workers of the world, embrace your value chains

Turkey: The Best European Vacation Bargain Now

The true cost of customer response

The Eternally Optimistic IMF by Ashoka Mody

The Monetization of Garbage by Stephen Nwaloziri

Netanyahu Means War by Fawaz A. Gerges

Capitalism's Great Reckoning by James K. Galbraith

Mayday for American Protectionism by Anne O. Krueger

What Chinese consumers want from fresh-food retailers

How energy companies can tap into marketing personalization

Infographic: What is good digital ID?

Digital ID: A key to inclusive growth

Mobility startup and investment trends 2019

How providers can best confront the reality of value-based care

Is the World Economy Headed for a Fall?

Why Trust is the Gold Standard in Developing Countries

Building a More Accurate Predictive Analytics Tool

Disk Sensei Cindori

15 Months of Fresh Hell Inside Facebook

Mueller report unable to conclude 'no criminal conduct occurred' on obstruction

Decades of Neglect Threatened Notre Dame, Well Before it Burned

The control-F search you should do on the Mueller report (opinion)

This makes it easy to forget the responsibility of monetary policy for inflation

Chart of the week: Global financial conditions have loosened in 2019

Some central bank communication strategies are more effective than others

Intellectual property protection can help explain reduced business dynamism

More intensive hospital care has long-run benefits for at-risk infants

Sorry, Mr. Barr — it is up to the public now

Selling civic engagement: A unique role for the private sector?

New training models and policies for a digital economy workforce

Counties in South and West Lead Nation in Population Growth

County and Metro Area Population Estimates

Dancing with infinity

Three deadlines (and Instagram!)

The Case for a Global Constitution by Kaushik Basu

We Don't Need a Bigger Particle Collider by Sabine Hossenfelder

No Democracy Without Peace in Israel by Javier Solana

The IMF is Fueling an Argentine Crisis – Again by Hector R. Torres

The Structure of a Diplomatic Revolution by Richard N. Haass

The legacy threat of reinvented incumbents

What's in store for agricultural inputs this year

Don't Panic: The Digital Revolution Isn't as Unusual as You Think

Banking on the Future of Cryptocurrencies

Whither the McMansion? Why Millennials Aren't Buying

A new way to get teens to stop buying junk food — tell them they're being manipulated

Is Trump's tax law helping or hurting the housing market?

Don't buy a 5G smartphone — at least, not for a while

Tipping the balance: Why equivalence scales matter more than you think

Aging and in need of attention: America's infrastructure and its 17 million workers

Make things better

The Digital Revolution's Silent Majority by Edoardo Campanella

Data Protection is Social Protection by Magdalena Sepúlveda

Ode to Our Lady of Europe by Bernard-Henri Lévy

Getting Exchange Rates Right by Nikhil Patel & Shang-Jin Wei

It's Time for a Green EU Deal by Michel Barnier

Who Should Decide How Algorithms Decide? by Mark Esposito, et al

The Kremlin's Little Green Duds by Carl Bildt

Do Corporate Audits Lead to Insider Trading?

Toyota's Free Patents: Is it a Smart Move?

Why you should get an Apple Pencil even if you don't draw

Why Apple Settled With Qualcomm

White House Talking to Candidates to Replace Cain, Moore for Fed

4 Ways To Tell if There Are Hidden Cameras in Your Airbnb

Wake up, America: You're fooling yourself about sleep, study says

Mick Mulvaney's Master Class in Destroying a Bureaucracy From Within

The Office Rookies Who Ask for the World

Proposed language for data collection standards in privacy legislation

Can text messages help families applying for early childhood education programs?

Why Japan and the US should strike a quick bilateral trade deal

Five key things to know about Ukraine's presidential election

China's backdoor to Europe

How global value chains open opportunities for developing countries


Putin's Art of the Purge by Andrei Kolesnikov

First They Came for Assange by Yanis Varoufakis

The Closing of the Chinese Mind by Minxin Pei

The Good Life After Work by Robert Skidelsky

Entrepreneurship in Pakistan: Three pathways to energizing the start-up ecosystem

Capturing value in 401k record-keeping consolidation

Why Amazon Made Alexa HIPAA Compliant

Alan Greenspan: Can the U.S. Economy Stay on Top?

What Do Economists Actually Know?

George Conway Reveals The Key Phrase To Watch For in Full Mueller Report

Keanu Reeves' Photographs in GQ Are One Big Thirst Trap For Twitter

Spouse of U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan deported, 12-year-old daughter left without parents

What these photos from inside Notre Dame tell us about the fire

Population Growth Means a City is Thriving, or Does It-

Notre Dame Fire Extinguished; Officials Assess Damage

Is the sultan of Brunei imposing Sharia law to clean up his family's image?

Power in numbers: Harnessing the potential of Kenya's youth

One sign the economy is getting better: Fewer parents are going to college

There's a faster way to do our taxes — but the IRS has to help

Research says septuagenarians can struggle with new tasks. That's bad news for several 2020 candidates.

Three proposals to give Americans a tax break and increase labor force participation

Who does the choosing under school choice?

The gap between 'have to' and 'get to'

The Roots of Right-Wing Dominance in Israel by Shlomo Avineri

Our Zero-Emission Future by Jeffrey D. Sachs

How to Tax a Multinational by Jayati Ghosh

Will Free Trade Make Africans Sick? by Walter Ochieng

Retired or retiring soon? It's time to fund a Roth IRA

These are the bad things about early retirement that no one talks about

Unearthing an unknown Confederate flag

2 teens on vacation were killed 46 years ago. An 80-year-old is now under arrest

Yes, you probably got a tax cut. No, you won't notice

Iceland used to be the hottest tourism destination. What happened?

"You can hire just about anyone…"

Strengthening the Central American economy

The gold industry in 2019

Making the most of US opportunity zones

McKinsey's approach to transformation: A conversation with Seth Goldstrom

Why might states ban affirmative action?

The elegance of nothing

Multilateralism's Crisis is an Opportunity by Liu Zhenmin

Closing Europe's Confidence Gap by Ana Palacio

The Rising Cost of Strongman Rule in Cambodia by Sam Rainsy

The Brexit Impossibility Triangle by Emily Jones & Calum Miller

Paid Family Leave: What's the Right Model?

Here's who's winning under Trump's tax law

Kevin O'Leary says you need to have all your debts paid off by age 45 — including your mortgage

Why early retirement IS all it's cracked up to be

Foxconn is confusing the hell out of Wisconsin

Foxconn says empty buildings in Wisconsin are not empty

My Boyfriend Proposed 10 Days After We Met. Here's Why I Said Yes.

Ivana Trump Says She Knows Just Why Ivanka And Melania Get Along

Trump told CBP head he'd pardon him if he were sent to jail for violating immigration law

Walmart is doubling down on robot janitors. Here's why

The 50 best things to buy with your tax refund

The dark side of the American dream is killing white men

One Teenager Killed Himself. Six More Followed

From Hatchlings to Gargantuan Fire Breathers- How 'Game of Thrones' Makes Its Dragons

Apple and Qualcomm's Billion-Dollar Staredown

The income tax makes life simpler, really

Social studies teachers are more likely to be coaches than other teachers

Civic unrest can negatively impact students in the affected area

Americans feel good about their neighbors, but OFTEN DON'T HELP EACH OTHER

Why there will be a woman on the 2020 Democratic ticket

Are Investors As Dumb As This Study Says?

The second bowl

Is Europe Becoming Gaullist? by Zaki Laïdi

Operational technology cybersecurity in heavy industry

The ever-changing store: An agile approach to redesigning retail formats

How mobility will shift in the age of US rideshare programs

Turn around a stalled oil and gas digital transformation

Scaling offshore wind US East Coast installations

Automation and the talent challenge in US consumer packaged goods

Governments can lead construction into the digital era

Agile in the consumer-goods industry: The transformation of the brand manager

What CEOs Can Learn from Roman Emperors

Is the Fed's Independence on the Line?

4 questions to ask before retiring to the suburbs

The retirement crisis is bad for everyone — especially these people

Uber doesn't want its drivers to be employees — here's why that matters

Starting a new job? How to take charge of your 401(k)

Opinion It's Time to Panic About Privacy

These 'global champions' may be your best bet for long-term stock investing

7 smaller cities that are architectural gems

Amazon Workers Are Listening to What You Tell Alexa

This drug-resistant fungus is spreading. Scientists warn of new superbugs to come

Dogs may accurately sniff out lung cancer through their super-sensitive noses, research shows

Four bees lived inside a woman's eye and fed off her tears, reports say

The Lyon sisters vanished four decades ago. Here's how the case was finally solved.

Betsy DeVos's support of charters spells disaster for their Democrat backers

Do we need a new social contract?

How Growth-at-Risk can help central bankers gauge financial stability risks

What both Trump and his critics get wrong about the IRGC terrorist designation

Should big technology companies break up or break open?

A middle class theory of relativity: 4 benchmarks

Sales for U.S. Retail Trade Sector at $5,046.9 Billion

The problem with unicorns…

Workshops are not courses

The Trouble with Argentina's Economy by Martin Guzman

Israel Doubles Down on Illiberal Democracy by Shlomo Ben-Ami

The World Bank Must Change Course by Bjørn Lomborg

Clearing the Ground for Post-Conflict Reconstruction by Giorgio Chiovelli, Stelios Michalopoulos and Elias Papaioannou

The Future of Economic Growth by Jim O'Neill

A new real-estate ecosystem: $3.8 trillion under one roof

The impact of automation on employment for women and minorities

Repositioning as an agile manager

Why Education is the Key to the MENA Region's Future

How the Law Can Boost Recession Recovery

'The Efficiency Paradox': Why Tech Can't Fix Everything

America is not full. Its future rests with young immigrants.

Cognitive load is real

Who's Afraid of Low Inflation? by Daniel Gros

How to Liberate Algeria's Economy by Rabah Arezki

Peaceful Coexistence 2.0 by Dani Rodrik

Brexit Identities by Andrés Velasco

Emerging Risks for Emerging Economies by Barry Eichengreen

Will David Malpass Trump the World Bank? by Kevin Watkins

Electrifying heavy machinery and equipment

Revolutionizing indirect procurement for the 2020s

Maximizing the "value" in value networks and value-based payment

How Fintech is Revolutionizing Financial Services

Tech Company IPOs: What Investors Need to Know

The New EU Copyright Directive: Too Complex to Work?

Where Rudy Giuliani's Money Comes From — Bloomberg Businessweek

This is the first photo of a black hole

A brief history of black holes as we await the big reveal from the Event Horizon Telescope

How to blow the whistle on your employer

4 biggest mistakes most people make with credit-card rewards

IMF Cuts Global Growth Outlook to Lowest Pace Since Crisis

I Was Accidentally Celibate For 5 Years. Here's What I Learned.

Another tax headache ahead: IRS is changing paycheck withholdings and it'll be a doozy

A 3-year-old disabled his family's iPad for 25 million minutes. His dad went to Twitter for help

Move back to your dying hometown. Unless you can't.

Hush-Money Probe Gathered Evidence From Trump's Inner Circle

Evidence of New Human Species Found in Philippines

Baby boomers commit the '7 deadly sins' of retirement planning

From moms to medical doctors, burnout is everywhere these days

Trump is removing US Secret Service director

Virginia's redemption tour is complete

Why you should fill up on gas on Monday mornings (and never on Friday afternoons)

A Deceptively Simple Way to Find More Happiness at Work

How to better protect yourself from robocalls on your iPhone

The Top 0.5% Underpay $50 Billion a Year in Taxes and Crushed the IRS Plan to Stop Them — ProPublica

Feeling good or doing good? Emotional social capital versus relational social capital

The eclipse of the European Union's global influence

How big is the problem of tax evasion?

Israeli elections primer: Final polls and what they mean

Over One-Third of Counties had an Uninsured Rate Below 10 Percent

Rare QA video, a new workshop, and a path forward for entrepreneurs

A job without a boss

What's Driving the Global Slowdown? by Eswar Prasad

Cities for the People by Abhas K. Jha

Trump's Most Worrisome Legacy by Joseph E. Stiglitz

A Woman's Fight for the Right to Play by Elmira Bayrasli & Maria Toorpakai Wazir

The West's Dirty Financial Laundry by Anders Åslund

How the Market is Betraying Advanced Economies by Diane Coyle

Toward a Global Green New Deal by Richard Kozul-Wright & Kevin P. Gallagher

The digital boom and ecosystems in Asian banking

Will AI Save Journalism — or Kill it?

Where would my first warning probably come from if war were to break out on U.S. soil-

The $26 Million Question- What Happens if You Don't File Your Taxes for a Decade-

Intermediate cartridge

Assault rifle

Number of children going to ER with suicidal thoughts, attempts doubles

Inflated Credit Scores Leave Investors in the Dark on Real Risks

Trump says DHS Secretary Nielsen leaving

NCAA women's basketball championship: Baylor wins 3rd title

What we aren't eating is killing us, global study finds

Pete Buttigieg Rips 'Unbelievable Hypocrisy' Of Evangelical Trump Supporters

The cloud demystified: How it works and why it matters

How Western Economies Can Avoid the Japan Trap by Mohamed A. El-Erian

The Revolt Against Virtue by Ian Buruma

The Public-Health Case Against Nicolás Maduro by Akash Goel

Global Silence on China's Gulag by Brahma Chellaney

The high cost of a little bit sooner

I've Seen Trump's Tax Returns and You Still Haven't

How rating everything from your Uber driver to your Airbnb host has become a nightmare

How Amazon's $97 million Eero acquisition screwed employees and minted millionaires

Dog owners are much happier than cat owners, survey finds

Pelosi outlines a path to victory for House Democrats in 2020 — and guarantees it

'He probably offended you': Man didn't hold back, and in writing his obituary, neither did his family

'Father of the American Cavalry' may have been female or intersex, documentary claims

Last survivor of US slave trade identified

NCAA men's Final Four: Virginia, Texas Tech advance to title game

Fact-checking Gary Cohn's claims on pensions

We All Have a Stake in the Stock Market, Right? Guess Again

One of Life's Great Riddles- Do I Need Travel Insurance-

Warren Buffett's best investing idea is by far the simplest to understand

That Noise? The Rich Neighbors Digging a Basement Pool in Their $100 Million Brownstone

Are we reducing hunger in the world?

NATO's Stoltenberg Paradox by Bogdan Klich

The EU's China Conundrum by Philippe Legrain

Why the U.K. Auto Industry is Stalling Over Brexit Risks

Assaults against elderly men in the US up 75%, study finds

Ask these questions about your credit card — it could save you hundreds of dollars

3 buzzworthy stats that reveal America may have hit peak coffee snobbery

Jeff Bezos, in divorce settlement, retains 75 percent of the Amazon stock he held with his now ex-wife MacKenzie

One in five people are eating themselves to an early death: Global study

Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn Trump is Losing it.

Why Index Funds Have Tax Advantages

2018 Housing Vacancy Survey Annual Statistics

"I was wrong"

Toward European Strategic Autonomy by Volker Perthes

Fixing Africa's Budget Problems by Biniam Bedasso & Neil Cole

The Austerity Chronicles by Kenneth Rogoff

The Sick Man of NATO by Galip Dalay

Time for a True Global Currency by José Antonio Ocampo

Today's Nationalism is Bad for Business by Lise Kingo & Scott Mather

Fusing data and design to supercharge innovation — in products and processes

Healthcare consumerism today: Accelerating the consumer experience

Why WOW Air Shut Down

Searching for the Soul of Russia Under Putin

It's not just sex and sleep that change as you age. It's supper

If you must give money advice, here's how to make it stick

New solutions are desperately needed to prepare millions of Americans for retirement

3 theories on why Donald Trump's lies don't seem to faze him (or his supporters)

Key House Democrat requests Trump's tax returns from IRS

Thailand's election has redrawn the political landscape

Adapting global development in a two-tiered world

Is the continued rise of older Americans in the workforce necessary for future growth?

Evidence from California on the long-run benefits of financial aid

10 years after Obama's nuclear-free vision, the US and Russia head in the opposite direction

Bernie Sanders is winning the money primary for 2020 (so far)

Post-revolutionary Iran and Turkey at 40: Pragmatism and convergence

The US budget imbalance needs fiscal therapy

Defending shared values: Estonia in an evolving Europe

Comparing American and European perspectives on tech and privacy

The avocado principles

A Battle for India's Soul by Shashi Tharoor

Human Rights Defenders in Their Own Words by PS editors

Germany Must Bet on NATO by Sigmar Gabriel

The Transatlantic Regulation Rift by Howard Davies

NATO's Duty at 70 by Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Does China Have Feet of Clay? by Joseph S. Nye

Battling sunk cost bias

Premortems: Being smart at the start

Why Museums Must Have a 'Cool' Quotient

Design for All: Why Inclusion Matters in Business

Affordable Housing Crisis Spreads Throughout World

10 most common myths about getting older

Federal prosecutors say a woman with Chinese passports illegally entered Trump's Mar-a-Lago club

Cameras secretly recorded women in California hospital delivery rooms

At our current pace it'll take 80 years to repair all the structurally deficient bridges in the US, a report finds

For a million U.S. men, failing to register for the draft has serious, long-term consequences

'Something no human has seen before': The first-ever photograph of a black hole will likely be unveiled next week

Central Americans need less violence, more development, and a safe place to stay

Love me today, love me tomorrow? Millennials and NATO

Pack the Court? Putting a popular imprint on the federal judiciary

Europe whole and free: Why NATO's open door must remain open

Teenage girls in India: Aspirations and reality

Mark Zuckerberg's call for internet rules only goes part way

Germans must start taking defense spending seriously

In Turkey, Erdoğan and his AKP stumble

The teacher diversity gap is literally inherited

More right

What Will Decide Nicaragua's Fate? by Aryeh Neier

Refugee Employment at the Margins by Karen Meyer & Peter Materu

Who Needs More White Saviors? by Peter Singer

Globalization Needs an Upgraded Operating System by Richard Samans

How Seattle Can Disrupt Tuberculosis by Peter M. Small & Gabrielle Fitzgerald

Climate Justice Versus Populism by Stella Schaller & Alexander Carius

What every CEO needs to know about superstar companies

Five Fifty: Buy well

Claims management in 2030

Eight basics for capturing deal value in mergers

Can Shaq Save the Papa John's Brand?

Lump-sum Pension Payments: Who Are the Winners and Losers?

Does Capitalism Need a Big Fix?

Kaiser Family Foundation —

The best U.S. cities to raise a family

This is how life changes when you move from the city to the country

10 things people say on dating profiles, and what they really mean

The share of Americans not having sex has reached a record high

Aramco's Big Reveal: What We Learned About the Saudi Oil Giant

Productivity Isn't About Time Management. It's About Attention Management.

NATO matters, but the EU matters more

Next to the competition

China's Decade of Sweeping Economic Change by Zhang Jun

Financial Prey for the Populists by Erik Berglöf

How to Beat a Populist by Sławomir Sierakowski

The New-Old Globalization by Harold James

No Country for Palestinians by Daoud Kuttab

Biologics and biosimilars in emerging markets

China's economic slowdown: Impact and opportunities

Defining the role of a state chief operating officer

Using power and technology to deliver resilience in Hudson Yards

Opinion Mark Zuckerberg: The Internet needs new rules. Let's start in these four areas.

Russia Ordered a Killing That Made No Sense. Then the Assassin Started Talking.

'If You Shoot At The Devil You Best Not Miss,' Alec Baldwin's Trump Warns On 'SNL'

You're Not Making Nearly as Much as You Could Be on Your Savings Account

Melania Trump's Mar-a-Lago: Reserved and restful

Ukraine's elections: Can Zelensky lead a transformation?

Cyclone Idai exposes the gap of disaster risk relief financing in Africa

How securing maritime commerce protects U.S. national security

Where has the Millennium Challenge Corporation succeeded and failed to incentivize reform — and why?

This has gone too far

Europe and the New Imperialism by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Making China's Tax Cuts Fiscally Sustainable by Shang-Jin Wei

Elizabeth Warren's Big Ideas on Big Tech by Kenneth Rogoff

Mobilizing Young People Against Anti-Vaxxers by Michel Goldman

Springtime for Nationalism? by Bill Emmott

Outlier — or Harbinger? California's Affordable Housing Crisis

The Ethics of Dangerous Jobs: Why Higher Pay Isn't Enough

Turn Your Weekends Into Mini-Vacations

The success of Binyamin Netanyahu's divisive politics in Israel

The Malibu House That Was Prepared for One of the State's Worst Wildfires

A Leonardo Made a $450 Million Splash. Now There's No Sign of It

Busy is not the point

These common scams target seniors — how to avoid them

Do annuities have a place in your retirement portfolio?

Why you should learn a new skill after 50

Suze Orman wants you to stop 'peeing $1 million down the drain'

'iPhone XR doesn't have a 1080p display?!' explained

Think You Need Only Your Passport to Travel- You'd Better Check

Don't Just 'Buy Now'! When Shopping on Amazon, You Need to Pay Attention

Apple Card: Here's who will benefit from it most

Corporate America Can't Afford to Ignore Gen Z

Famous civil rights group suffers from 'systemic culture of racism and sexism,' staffers say

What you can do right now to stop robocalls

Veterans harmed at VA nursing homes in 25 states, inspections find


Revitalizing UK trade amid global shifts

The West of Shetland comes of age

Five trends shaping the future of Medicaid

OFSE quarterly: Oil price slump slows recovery

Economic Conditions Snapshot, March 2019

The FCC Has Fined Robocallers $208 Million. It's Collected $6,790

Trump To Sean Hannity: Wind Energy Won't Work Because Wind 'Only Blows Sometimes'

UK Parliament has dealt May's Brexit plan a fatal blow

This chart is flashing an S&P warning from a slide for a key metal

Will Lyft and Uber make 'car cutting' the new cord cutting?

Trump's odd financial statements: Omitted debts, overvalued assets and broken accounting rules

The Terminator Democrats

Automation trends perpetuate the conservative-liberal divide

The Senate voted to overturn President Trump's emergency declaration

Brexit is delayed for now

Mourning the victims of Christchurch, New Zealand

A reminder that college admissions have always benefited the elite

Women are increasingly founding venture-backed startups across the country

The diversity gap for public school teachers is higher now than in previous generations

America is becoming increasingly polarized

Captain Planet should have been a woman

There will be more of the status quo in the U.S.-North Korea relationship in the foreseeable future

The broken compass of Italian foreign policy

As more women graduate from college, the teaching profession becomes more female

poor people in the United States are increasingly living in suburbs

Poverty is decreasing across Africa

India is moving down in global poverty

College students should get more from work study jobs

The Turkish local elections offer a glimpse of the future

Forget collusion, the problem is corruption and complacency

It took 6 years to uncover the college admissions scandal, here's what the IRS and Congress can do better next time

Quote of the week:

Chart of the week: Global bond yields have fallen as the outlook has dimmed

Market concentration hasn't risen in the euro area

Automation creates fewer jobs now than it did in the past

Debt forgiveness laws soothed consumer spending and employment in the Great Recession

Why Captain Planet should have been a woman

Would Index Funds Keep Pace With The Forbes 400 Richest?

Women's History Month: March 2019

Pretending to be stupid

The Eurozone's Real Weakness by Lucrezia Reichlin

How to Build a Patient Investment Bank by Mariana Mazzucato & Laurie Macfarlane

Brexit Fever is Breaking by Anatole Kaletsky

Algeria's Second Arab Spring? by Ishac Diwan

The Living Lessons of Vietnam by John Andrews

The Revolution Need Not Be Automated by Daron Acemoglu & Pascual Restrepo

Was the Stock-Market Boom Predictable? by Robert J. Shiller

The Brexit Hour Has Come by Chris Patten

What if Zero Interest Rates Are the New Normal? by Adair Turner

When European Politics Becomes Personal by Mark Leonard

The American Populist Reckoning by Simon Johnson

Digital India: Technology to transform a connected nation

How Emotions Can Wreak Havoc on Your Investment Decisions

What Drives Disruption? (Hint: It's Not Technology)

How Companies Are Increasing Neurodiversity in the Workplace

How Gender and Racial Biases Are Hurting Economics

Can India Solve Its Food Paradox?

Cost Management in the Digital Age: How Tech Can Drive Growth

This credit-card offers better Apple Pay rewards than the new Apple Card

Is Colombia's fragile peace breaking apart?

Want to know what's next in Russian election interference? Pay attention to Ukraine's elections

Africa youth leadership: Building local leaders to solve global challenges

Experts discuss the view from Putin's world


The Mueller Bait and Switch by Elizabeth Drew

No Middle-Income Trap for China by Stephen S. Roach

Europe Needs a Global Strategy by Joschka Fischer

The Transatlantic Continental Drift by Christopher R. Hill

A Low-Carbon Belt and Road by Ma Jun & Simon Zadek

Apple Card FAQ: Interest rates, rewards, sign-up and everything else you need to know

Sony Makes the Best Noise-Canceling Headphones I've Ever Owned

Challenge to Obamacare could leave 20 million people without health insurance

Adventurous. Alone. Attacked.

Algeria's army calls for the president's removal

A brief history of NATO, from Truman to Trump

Pursuing a harms-based approach to privacy and antitrust regulation

How global development leaders think their field is changing

The long run (and the short runs)

Europe Must Unite on China by Guy Verhofstadt

How 5G Can Advance the SDGs by George Lwanda

Integrating cultures after a merger: Addressing the unseen forces

Why Breaking Up Big Tech Could Do More Harm Than Good

Diversity Isn't Enough: Cultivating a Sense of Belonging at Work

No One Has Been More Eviscerated By Meghan McCain Than Denise, Who Was At Her Wedding

Men Ditch Suits, and Retailers Struggle to Adapt

Human Contact is Now a Luxury Good

How Colin Kaepernick's Lawyer Dealt With Nike and Became Entangled in Extortion Charges

Governors' strategies for geographic and racial inclusion

Ethiopia: Africa's next powerhouse?

Women staging a labor force comeback

Why requiring teacher qualifications for child care might not matter in practice

The tragedy of tech companies: Getting the regulation they want

Automation perpetuates the red-blue divide

It's not your tribe

Humanitarian Markets by Ricardo Hausmann

How to Govern a Digitally Networked World by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Fadi Chehadé

The Trump Contagion by Jeffrey D. Sachs, Bandy X. Lee and Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Facing Up to Facebook by Elmira Bayrasli & Roger McNamee

Investing in Inclusive Growth by Lee Jong-Wha

Bad News for Women by Hannah Storm

China and Its Western Critics by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Let the People Decide on Brexit by Hans-Werner Sinn

Addressing project investments to avoid losses

How Algorithms Impact Our Decisions

Why Customers Abandon Legacy Brands

4 golden rules to avoid financial disaster, according to a New York bankruptcy judge

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog- How to discover & suggest Google-selected canonical URLs for your pages

In blow to climate, coal plants emitted more than ever in 2018

Carlos Ghosn's Unusual Nissan Perk: $601,000 Stanford Tuition Fees for His Kids

How unlicensed gun dealers find cover in a vague law

Mac Bloggers- How to Create a Blog on a Mac - MacHighway Blog

California Has the Jobs but Not Enough Homes

'American Pie' singer Don McLean has made $150 million in his career — here's how he's invested it

How your company may be hurting your retirement savings

Is it worth it to convert your traditional IRA to a Roth?

What to do when you're dealt the 'early retirement' card

Mueller did not find Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia, also did not exonerate him on obstruction

Mueller report: Read AG William Barr's summary of the Russia investigation

Attorney general issues key findings from Mueller's Russia report

Will Israel's Palestinian Arab citizens turn out to vote?

Enough of our budget farce

When it comes to sports, men and women don't play on the same fields

Almost no one

The Economic Consequences of Global Uncertainty by Michael Spence

Truly Taking Back Control by Raghuram G. Rajan

The Fed Board Unmoored by J. Bradford DeLong

Boeing Charted Own Safety Course for Years With FAA as Co-Pilot

Trump Has Slapped His Brand On Images Of The White House To Sell At His Trump Store

Quitting your job? Here's how to write the perfect goodbye note

What Exactly Happened in The Finale Of Netflix's "1983"?

The Trouble With Netflix's New Cold War Thriller

Will the Mueller Report Be Made Public? 17 Answers to What May Come Next

More mothers are ending up behind bars. Meeting the needs of their children is becoming a bigger priority

Why do so many Egyptian statues have broken noses?

Data into information

The Economy's Last Best Hope- Superstar Middle Managers

A Growing Problem in Real Estate- Too Many Too Big Houses

My dying friend wants to marry me so I can have his Social Security — should I do it?

Paul Manafort charged with committing residential mortgage fraud — which is more common than you'd think

How to watch Apple's 'It's show time' event on Monday, March 25

Apple's iPad, iMac, and AirPod launches weren't just a surprise, they were a smart strategy shift

AT&T's "5G E" is actually slower than Verizon and T-Mobile 4G, study finds

What Happened When I Deleted My Dating Apps and Opened My DMs — InStyle

Almost 70,000 pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled

Trump sparks confusion with tweet on North Korea related sanctions

Trump botches North Korea sanctions announcement, sparking widespread confusion

Roseanne Barr Claims 1 Tweet By Former Co-star Sara Gilbert Ruined Her Career

It's not just Congress. People on social media demand public release of Mueller report

South Africa facing extended period of power shortages

World Bank and African Development Bank commit $47 billion to African climate finance

Devastating Cyclone Idai hits Southeast Africa

How does the army prepare for a new era of geopolitics?

Why is it so hard to use privately collected big data to improve economic measurement?

Figure of the week: Climate change and hydro-political interactions in Africa

Clearing the table

China's economic growth

The future of manufacturing

Managing strategic partnerships

The hidden benefits of value added services in insurance

Reducing lapses in healthcare coverage in the Individual and Medicaid markets

Using a Company's Own Words to Assess Its Risks

Fentanyl deaths skyrocketed more than 1,000% over six years in the US. Here's who it's killing

Brexit endgame: European Union takes back control

A low-wage, high-tax trap in the Western Balkans

Where does US climate policy stand in 2019?

The gender wage gap is closing, but its impacts are still felt by women

The Fractional Ownership and Timeshare Racket

Dissolve it

What's Next for Kazakhstan? by Nargis Kassenova

Big Tech is Watching – and Being Watched by William H. Janeway

Trump's Counter-Intelligence Strategy by Kent Harrington

The Ambition Europe Needs by Dominique Moisi

The Rich Can Fight Inequality, Too by Kaushik Basu

Brexit and the Speaker's Tale by Marion Turner

Jumbo Mortgages Are Slowing Down, Testing Banks' Postcrisis Playbook

Answering this one question is critical if you want to start a business

This is What No One Tells Women About What Happens To Your Body in Your 40s

Teens aren't socializing in the real world. And that's making them super lonely

How did President Donald Trump's feud with John McCain begin?

A do-gooder unmasked

Who Should Own Photos of Slaves? The Descendants, not Harvard, a Lawsuit Says

Federal judge casts doubt on Trump's drilling plans across the U.S. because they ignore climate change

Lachlan Murdoch takes control of Fox Corp. But how will he deal with President Trump?

Are the kids alright? Saving and wealth accumulation among the millennial generation

Do counter-narratives actually reduce violent extremism?

A gig economy solution to boost employment in Africa

Algorithms and sentencing: What does due process require?

Maintaining the rule of law: How House Democrats are conducting oversight in the 116th Congress

Quote of the week:

Chart of the week: US wage growth has been more dispersed for men than for women

Advanced economies' fiscal policies had big boost and drag effects after the financial crisis

The Fed's tightening contributed to the growth of securitized mortgages

Consumers use simple budgeting rules to choose loan repayments

Women's Earnings by Occupation From the 2017 American Community Survey

How big is your unfillable hole?

Italy's BRI Blunder by Lucrezia Poggetti

Toward a New Global Charter by Carl Bildt

Xi and Trump Miss Their Chance by Jeffrey Frankel

Let's Talk About Geoengineering by David Keith

The rising challenge of competing in emerging markets

The power of asset management analytics

How residential energy storage could help the power grid

China's chemical industry: New strategies for a new era

Technology operations: A flywheel for performance improvement

Resisting glamour projects in investment decision making

A winning formula for dairy industry growth

Balancing Act: One Entrepreneur's Journey with Social Enterprise

Why the Volkswagen Diesel Scandal Hasn't Gone Away

Elon Musk's SEC Drama: Has He Gone Too Far?

Can Amazon Reinvent the Traditional Grocery Store?

Crafting Better Strategy: Why Empathy Matters

Inside U.S. Airlines' Decisions to Keep Flying the 737 MAX

Can We Listen to Michael Jackson and R. Kelly the Same Way Again-

How the rich, the poor and the rest of us make and spend our money

The fertility doctor's secret — The Atlantic

Stop trying to solve traffic and start building great places

The minimum viable audience

Italy's Risky Silk Road by Paola Subacchi

The Blind Spot in the Trade Debate by Laura Tyson & Susan Lund

Back to the Nuclear Precipice by Javier Solana

Five Fifty: Discharged

Divestitures in the medtech industry

Can AT&T Avoid the Merger Mistakes of AOL-Time Warner?

Inside the Hottest Job Market in Half a Century

At Hedge Fund That Owns Trump Secrets, Clashes and Odd Math

A Mar-a-Lago Weekend and an Act of God: Trump's History With Deutsche Bank

Hey, Google, Siri or Alexa: Which voice assistant handles these 100 questions best?

Death by a Thousand Clicks: Where Electronic Health Records Went Wrong

The continuing tragedy of migrants in Libya

Where progress with China is most likely — and where it isn't

Life in fragile states: A young girl's journey

Where are you headed?

Think Local, Develop Better by Zara Kayani

Bretton Woods at 75 by Arminio Fraga

Showing Europe's True Colors by Romano Prodi & Stefano Micossi

Special Edition: Brexit, the Season Finale? by Elmira Bayrasli & Fintan O'Toole

Legalization is the Only Viable Drug Policy by Juan Manuel Santos, Ernesto Zedillo and Ruth Dreifuss

Stagnant Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis

The Global Threat of White Terror by Bjørn Ihler

The Boeing 737 Max Fatal Crash: Can the Company Recover?

Dating 101, for the Romantically Challenged Gen Z

The dwindling number of iOS text editors -

The Irish conquest of America

Mafia don Frank Cali's killing is a reminder that the mob is alive. Just not as flashy

The strongmen are back. And we have no idea how to confront them.

He couldn't hack it as a drug-sniffing dog. Now he's conservation's best friend

Everything you need to know for March Madness 2019

President Donald Trump's promises didn't end business entanglements

Schooling and skills reduce gender wage gaps — but not completely

The invisible limits

No Choice and No Exit for the UK by Robert Skidelsky

Understanding the Fed's Dovish Turn by Nouriel Roubini

Maduro's Useful Idiots by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Resilience and tolerances

New Zealand's Loss of Innocence by Ramesh Thakur

Amazon's second headquarters clears blocks in Virginia funding vote

Apple and Stanford's Apple Watch study identified irregular heartbeats in over 2,000 patients

What Happened When Elon Musk Set Out to Destroy a Junior Engineer

Secrets of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list

Getting kids into college poses ethical quandary for many

How the Gupta Brothers Hijacked South Africa Using Bribes Instead of Bullets

Does it Matter Where You Go To College? Some Context For The Admissions Scandal

Unlocking Secrets of Memory and Time in the Brain

Companies Hire on Potential — If Only They Knew What That Meant

10 Recent Netflix Originals Worth Your Time

How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger

Patriots owner Robert Kraft: Love and loss marked eccentric life before spa scandal

Black workers say it's 'been hell' working at UPS - CNN Video

Faucets and drains

What Europe's Populist Right is Getting Right by Mitchell A. Orenstein

Modern Monetary Realism by James K. Galbraith

The Fed Should Buy Recession Insurance by J. Bradford DeLong

Stalemate in Crimea by Tikhon Dzyadko

Thomas L. Friedman: Why I'm optimistic

Bancassurance products in the digital age

Thomas L. Friedman on restoring the middle class

Keys to a sustainable transformation: A conversation with Seth Goldstrom

Thomas L. Friedman: Why simple fixes don't work anymore

Thomas L. Friedman: An interview with Mother Nature

Supercharging retail sales through geospatial analytics

Thomas L. Friedman: Technology moves in steps

The journey to a new tomorrow: A conversation with Ron Kuerbitz, CEO, agilon health

Thomas L. Friedman: The three climate changes

Debt: Is it the Calm Before the Storm?

The College Cheating Scandal: The Biggest Victim is Public Confidence

Key Ingredient in College-Admissions Scheme- A Harvard-Graduate Test Whiz

The Senate vote on the wall brought Trump closer to impeachment

Did the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Pay for Itself in 2018?

When Stock Market Promises Aren't Realistic

Unexpected yet totally plausible

Can Economics Shake Its Shibboleths? by Jim O'Neill

Tax-Cut Time for Germany? by Clemens Fuest

Selling China Short by Stephen S. Roach

Picking Up the Pieces After Hanoi by Richard N. Haass

The AI Governance Challenge by Alissa Amico

Medical affairs and pharma digital strategy

The public-sector imperative in urban mobility: A view from Canada

China's car of the future: An interview with the CEO of Byton, Carsten Breitfeld

The Next Silicon Valley? Why Toronto is a Contender

Can Nuclear Energy Save the Planet?

10 tips for getting accepted into college if you don't have wealthy parents

Rents are increasing at a faster rate, even as home value appreciation cools

Apple March Event 2019 Preview: New iPads, AirPods 2 and a Netflix rival

Apple sounds off on Spotify's antitrust claims in surprisingly tone-deaf screed

Addressing Spotify's claims

Save and edit PDFs on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with the Books app

'Bomb cyclone' brings blizzards, flooding and hurricane-force winds to central US, and it's not over

More productive, more diverse: What 'Vital Stats' tells us about the new Congress

Why Democratic 'disarray' is not a disaster

Between Brexit and a hard place

Americans want the wealthy and corporations to pay more taxes, but are elected officials listening?

Hutchins Roundup: Return migration, manufacturing shocks, and more

2017 Annual Capital Expenditures Survey

'Move fast and break things' isn't a worthy slogan

The Ides of the Climate Crisis by Éloi Laurent

Turkey's New Low on Human Rights by Aryeh Neier

Journalism's Risky Tech Attraction by Alexandra Borchardt

The Dangerous Absurdity of America's Trade Wars by Jeffrey D. Sachs

The High Costs of the New Cold War by Minxin Pei

Snapshots of the global mobility revolution

What are the most important organizational health practices?

How Businesses Are Testing the Limits of Free Speech

The Value of Failure: How We Can Make the Most Out of Losing

Big Data's Biggest Challenge: How to Avoid Getting Lost in the Weeds

When your adult children keep asking for money, here's what to do

Are elite colleges really a 'golden ticket' to a successful life?

America's Most Hated Home Loan is Staging a Comeback

Student Loans Change Lives

Want to Truly Make Your Mark on the World? Start by Following These 5 Principles

Your Environment is Cleaner. Your Immune System Has Never Been So Unprepared.

College admissions scam rekindles scrutiny of Kushner's Harvard acceptance, $2.5M pledge

An ICE agent signed detention warrants without his supervisor's review. He wasn't alone, emails show

A new Franco-German narrative for Europe

In selecting Milwaukee for their 2020 convention, Democrats embrace their demographic past

Thailand's elections of the decade

Making quasi-sense of recent basic income initiatives

Amid peace talks, what's next for Afghanistan?

Our New Forum is Online

"You made my day"

Bringing Poland Back to Europe by Grzegorz Schetyna

Overheating About Global Warming by Bjørn Lomborg

What's Wrong with Contemporary Capitalism? by Angus Deaton

Zero-based productivity: Going granular and end-to-end across the supply chain

Transportation as a service: An interview with Lyft's Raj Kapoor

Improving oil and gas project management

Fintech: What's Real, and What's Hype

The 'Globotics Upheaval': Two Trends Reshaping How We Work

Username and Password Hell- Why the Internet Can't Keep You Logged In

Incendiary N.R.A. Videos Find New Critics: N.R.A. Leaders

I Have A Bachelor's Degree And Still Work 4 Jobs To Make Ends Meet

Former vice president Cheney challenges Pence at private retreat, compares Trump's foreign policy to Obama's approach

Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin among dozens charged in alleged college cheating scam

Flood 2010 Oral History Collection Nashville Public Library

Is there a tension between democracy and economic development in Africa?

To end poverty, think like a spy

Iraq's failed uprising after the 1979 Iranian revolution

What does the latest jobs report mean for 2020?

Red Sea blueprints

How does measuring poverty and welfare affect American Indian children?

Financing the frontier: Risk, reward, and reality in Africa's fragile states

11 must-read Brookings books by women authors

How the Iran hostage crisis shaped the US approach to sanctions

Three ways governors are investing in innovation

The surprising secret of web headlines

Market Concentration is Threatening the US Economy by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Challenge of Monetary Independence by Andrés Velasco

The Female Jihadi by Elmira Bayrasli & Aleksandra Dier

How Europe Can Trade with Iran and Avoid US Sanctions by Barry Eichengreen

Fighting Climate Change Means Fighting Organized Crime by Robert Muggah, Adriana Abdenur and Ilona Szabó

How to Lose Friends and Impoverish People by Anne O. Krueger

Powering mobility's future with wireless EV charging: An interview with WiTricity's Alex Gruzen

How governments can help boost and sustain growth in emerging economies

Poly Developments: REIT Securitization in China's Rental Housing Market

Why Congress Might Relax Physician Anti-kickback Rules

Can Kraft Heinz Catch Up with Its Changing Market?

Does Going Cashless Hurt Financial Inclusion?

Trump Reportedly Insists He Did Not Say 'Tim Apple.' Let's Go To The Tape.

The 23 most unforgettable last sentences in fiction

Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget with domestic cuts, $8.6 billion in new funding for border wall

Despite millennials' record $1 trillion of debt, they may be better off than Gen X

Best VPN services: Reviews and buying advice for Mac users

How Boeing's 737 Max Went From Bestseller to Safety Concern

The 10 personas of Donald Trump in a single speech

From $22 an hour to $11: What the GM layoffs mean for workers

Monopoly is the opposite of capitalism

Western Transparency is Fueling Chinese Repression by Antonio Foglia

Governing Geoengineering by Ban Ki-moon

Democracy vs. Disinformation by Ana Palacio

The Case for a Bold Economics by Dani Rodrik

Get Ready for the Struggle Session

Before You Buy Plane Tickets, Remember These Four Things

The old landmines that would end a presidential campaign have been replaced with new ones

Money to Launder? Here's How (Hint: Find a Bank)

Princess Sheikha Latifa tried to flee Dubai. She left a video to prove it

People who don't care…

Spending reviews: A powerful approach to value in public finance

A practical approach to supply-chain risk management

The coming trends of mobility transformation

Improving electric vehicle economics

The future of electricity rate design

The Making of the Fox News White House

You're Ready to Retire. But Should Your 401(k) Keep Working-

The Best Movies and TV Shows New to Netflix, Amazon and More in March

40 Stories From Women About Life in the Military

There's a second wave of severe flu infections happening, CDC says

Nick Jonas Hilariously Reveals The Moment He Was 'Done' With His Wedding

Digging in to Nightfood's sleep-friendly ice cream: A spooning dream come true?

What makes an anti-vaxxer change their mind?

I moved a drone with my mind. Soon your students will too.

Everyone and no one

The Revolt Against Big Food by Jayati Ghosh

What's Driving the Demand for Data Scientists?

Exodus: Blacks fled the South in droves more than a century ago, seeking true freedom

Warren Buffett: "Really Successful People Say No To Almost Everything"

Insane Home Prices and Ordinary People

The Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative: Will it work?

New polling tracks 2020 voters on government and the economy

Embracing externalities

Helping Women Crack the "Export Code" by Arancha González

Why Economics Must Get Broader Before it Gets Better by Mohamed A. El-Erian

Europe in the Shadows by Sigmar Gabriel

How Gender Parity Improves Global Health by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus & Senait Fisseha

Why the Pakistan-Terrorist Nexus Persists by Brahma Chellaney

Addressing automotive customer experience

A focus on B2B telco analytics

Most of AI's business uses will be in two areas

AI in production: A game changer for manufacturers with heavy assets

Building objectivity into business resource allocation

How Business Leaders Can Navigate the Unknown — and Thrive

Why Venture Capital Likes Modular Farming

Team Human: Can We Reconnect in an Age of Isolation?

We're Overmedicating Our Children

The Tiny Plastics in Your Clothes Are Becoming a Big Problem

What is u*?

Raising the voice of young people in governance

Greek economy: From bailout program exit to recovery?

How bad judgement calls brought a chain of blunders: Soviet responses to the Iranian revolution

Which cities lead the nation for women founding venture-backed startups?

Hutchins Roundup: Tariff costs, green investing, and more

Anti-Semitism, British politics, and the indecency of Jeremy Corbyn

Has job growth reached America's struggling places?

What next for Brexit: Britain plays the ultimate game of 'Deal or No Deal'

The diversity gap for public school teachers is actually growing across generations

Why Women Need to Start Investing

Time and money

A New Paradigm for Plastics by Lili Fuhr & Jane Patton

Enlist Survivors in the Fight Against Human Trafficking by Agnes Igoye

Will Trump Win a Second Term? by Elizabeth Drew

The Trumping of Ukraine by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Banking on Refugees by Jacqueline Musiitwa

Goodbye, Greeters: Can Walmart Calm Its Latest Controversy?

6 big questions cord-cutters should ask about AT&T's and HBO's next streaming service

How to Quit Your Job in 837 Easy Steps – OneZero

Use smart categories in Numbers

Ten Lessons I Learned from Peter Drucker

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg says he'll reorient the company towards encryption and privacy

Here's Where to Find the World's Super Rich, From Paris to Tokyo

OmniFocus Mail Drop - Support - The Omni Group

The Oppression of the Supermajority

Millennials Are the Therapy Generation

When a Passion for Videogames Helps Land That Job

The Best Type of Exercise to Burn Fat

How terrorism undermines democracy

My personal journey through polarized America

Women's History Month: March 2019

Irish-American Heritage Month and St. Patrick's Day: March 2019

2017 Annual Wholesale Trade Survey

Concept cars

Trump's Imperial Overreach on Trade by Daniel Gros

Licking the Boot that Kicks You by Ian Buruma

How to Achieve Health Equity by Eric A. Friedman

The Pharaoh-Friendly West by Barak Barfi

China's Quiet Central Banking Revolution by Miao Yanliang

Dozens of countries are in talks to regulate cross-border e-commerce

How to take the 'outside view'

Five Fifty: The silo syndrome

Putting people first in public-sector transformations

The Brexit Endgame: Will the U.K. Avoid Chaos?

Marie Kondo at Work: Can Your Office 'Spark Joy'?

Europe's Crucial Year: Will it Rise to the Challenge?

Omarosa Names The Insider Whose Testimony 'Will Be The End Of Donald Trump'

'Grab that record': How Trump's high school transcript was hidden

The 20 Best Places to Go in 2019

Tariff-Man Trump to Preside Over $100 Billion Jump in Trade Gap

Topless Halle Berry Shows Off A Really Big Back Tattoo

My Family Was On A TLC Reality Show. Here's The Dark Secret That Never Aired.

President pressured staff to grant security clearance to Ivanka Trump

When a Promotion Means Losing Friends at Work

What's New in HoudahSpot 5.0

Putin Wants His Own Internet

The phone number that secures your Facebook account isn't as safe as you think

Trump says he joked about wanting Russian help in 2016. The facts tell a different story.

How to Wash Your Down Jacket With Nikwax REI Co-op Journal

California files suit to block Trump administration's abortion 'gag rule' in family planning program

Evidence Grows That Trump's Trade Wars Are Hitting U.S. Economy

deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide hit highest level since record-keeping began

Is the US keeping pace in Africa?

The good, the bad, and the ugly at the US-North Korea summit in Hanoi

Africa's tourism: A global destination for investment and entrepreneurship

What Iran's 1979 revolution meant for US and global oil markets

Will robots replace doctors?

Migration of Chinese manufacturing jobs to Africa: Myth or reality?

How a focus on national service can unify our divided country

Loud voices vs. important ones

Brexit is Hell by Harold James

India's China Problem in Pakistan by Shashi Tharoor

Keep Politics Out of Europe's Competition Decisions by Patrick Rey & Jean Tirole

Renewing Europe by Emmanuel Macron

Rules of the Cyber Road for America and Russia by Joseph S. Nye

Beyond the Traditional Family by Peter Singer & Agata Sagan

Afghanistan's Next Chapter by Dhruva Jaishankar

Walls of Futility by Anastasia Edel

Who wins in a 5G world?

Machine learning financial risk management

Drug Price Déjà Vu: Will the Latest Effort to Lower Costs Succeed?

When Tax Strategies Are Problematic for Firms – and Investors

Why is society breaking down in the US-

Female Factor- Women Drive the Labor-Force Comeback

Buyer Beware- Hollywood Special Effects Now Permeate Property Listings

Apple is Going to Be Late to 5G -- So What?

House Dems announce broad probe into allegations of obstruction of justice

John Oliver Unloads: 'Ivanka, There Are Some Things That You Really Should Know'

How to see your true cellular signal strength with the iPhone Field Test app

The periodic table is 150 years old this week

The Most Expensive Commutes in America Aren't in NYC or San Francisco

The new phones are coming: The real-world impact of foldable screens and 5G

The Africa Continental Free Trade Area: An opportunity to deepen cooperation on regional public goods

The end is nigh for Netanyahu

The China debate is here to stay

GCC News Roundup: Qatar wins Asian Cup, Bahraini footballer released in Thailand (February 1-28)

"We meet all Federal regulations"

The Drums of War in Kashmir by Shahid Javed Burki

Modern Monetary Nonsense by Kenneth Rogoff

Australia's automation opportunity

Creating "beyond the product" partnerships between providers and medtech players

Italy May Say 'Arrivederci' to Foreigners Leading Museums

The Madness of Airline Élite Status

Right on track

A New Word for That Feeling When Travel Makes Everything New

Working parents are an endangered species. That's why Democrats are talking child care.

I Visited Thousands Of Homes As A Salesperson. Here's What I Learned About People.

Sunday Reading Ritual: Let's plan a trip « Pocket Blog

Millions of Americans keep this dirty secret from their partner

All the ways American teenagers are under enormous pressure to succeed

Yale researchers have pinpointed what happy couples have in common

Take That, AP Style! Court of Law Rules The Oxford Comma Necessary

How a black man 'outsmarted' a neo-Nazi group — and became their new leader

This is What Peak Car Looks Like

Weekend sleep-in might ruin your waistline and your health, study says

I'm not going to be your 'black best friend' today. The Cohen hearing shows why

Where the Jobs Are

Scientists want to help save the Earth by storing carbon dioxide in the ground

To vs reply vs bcc

Truth in bots

Why Trump's Effort to Narrow the Trade Gap Has Flopped So Far

Are You a Confident or Overconfident Boss- Here's How to Tell

White House Appeals Ruling That President Can't Block Twitter Followers

The No. 1 way scam artists fool people into parting with their money

Here's what smart rich people really do with their nest egg

Never mind the Social Security increase, seniors are in trouble — here's why

Stop using the office mugs — Quartz

'Dinner Plate'-Sized Spider Seen Dragging Off Opossum For Furry Meal

Cougars in Tennessee State of Tennessee, Wildlife Resources Agency

The future of higher education: A conversation with Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard University

"I don't like your work"

France's Big Hate by Noëlle Lenoir

Thomas L. Friedman: The world's gone from flat, to fast, to deep

Maximize the lifetime value of your sales force

No One Listening- Maybe You're the Problem

How to back up your Mac - Official Apple Support

Why Americans are suddenly paying $550 per month for new cars

How we shrank our trip planner till it didn't need data.

Trump Ordered Officials to Give Jared Kushner a Security Clearance

Entrepreneurs are key to reigniting the Heartland's economy

How does a divided government impact the congressional budget process?

Why is federal infrastructure policy so difficult?

Can Syria return to the regional stage?

Safety, belonging, and humanity: Black teachers need strong school climates, too

Developing a mutually beneficial US-China economic relationship

Morocco-Saudi relations: Trouble amongst royals?

The Best Way for Newbies to Invest for Retirement

On feeling incompetent

Coffee, Cocoa, and the Cutting Edge by Steve Hollingworth

Europe's Missing Champions by Guy Verhofstadt

The Social Solution to Automation by Nicholas Agar

Europe's Leaders Are Aiding Italy's Populists by Yanis Varoufakis

The platform play: How to operate like a tech company

The digital land grab and fashion platforms

Why corporate-center efficiency matters

What is leadership?

The difference between good and bad sales training: A closer look at certification

The productivity imperative for healthcare delivery in the United States

Ford's transformation: An interview with Hau Thai-Tang

Beyond Tariffs: What's Preventing a U.S.-China Trade Agreement?

Mohamed El-Erian: What's Driving Uncertainty in the Global Economy

Socialism is Back

Kraft Heinz Couldn't Stomach 3G's Relentless Cost-Cutting

Follow Warren Buffett's Advice: Be Greedy With Kraft Heinz While Others Are Fearful

Here are crisis-management tips from Michael Cohen's wrecked career

The 'stupid' mistake by Donald Trump that led to the Michael Cohen hearings

As more millennials become homeowners, seniors are becoming renters

Apple dominates the podcast market. But for how long?

A Simple Walk in the Woods • Columbia Blog

Using Parts of Speech to Improve Your Writing Style

Trump and Kim abruptly cut short summit after failing to reach nuclear deal

Confused By Expiration Dates? You're Not Alone. Here's What They Really Mean — TIME

How to Scan and Store Your ID Documents using Scanner Pro and PDF Expert

Why Trump's Middle East peace plan needs Congress

Michael Cohen testifies to 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' but will it matter?

10 things we learned at Brookings in February

An interactive exploration of the geography of prosperity

Iran's foreign minister stays on — But with a difficult mandate

Why would a woman want to be a U.S. Marine?

Choice and obligation

Should You Buy an Electric Car? by Adair Turner

Vietnam and the Dilemma of New Wealth by Tran Le Thuy

Releasing the Renminbi by Yu Yongding

Poverty Reduction Rests on Trade by Caroline Freund & Robert Koopman

Intellectual Freedom and Its New Enemies by Andrea Pető

Puerto Rico on the Brink by Simon Johnson

The Pros and Cons of Driverless Cars

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning: What Your Firm Needs to Know

Farewell to the A380: Why it Became a Drag for Airbus

Angelina Jolie's 6 Children Are All Grown Up And We're Shook At The Photos

United Methodist Church votes to maintain its opposition to same-sex marriage, gay clergy

'Don't call me before you text': The new rules of communicating in the digital era

Your smartphone is 7 times dirtier than your toilet. Here's how to clean it.

Cleaning your iPhone

Apple highlights best photos shot on iPhone around the world - Apple

Winning in Africa's fintech: The Ovamba way

The new Afghanistan will be built on ceasefire solutions and Taliban trade-offs

The Hanoi summit shines a light on the "Vietnam model" of development

National African-American (Black) History Month: February 2019

The first piece of tape

How to Judge the Hanoi Summit by Yoon Young-kwan

Has Monetary Easing Really Run Its Course? by Koichi Hamada

The GovTech Latin America Needs by Carlos Santiso

A Better Populism by Raghuram G. Rajan

The Case for Green Realism by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Wag the Dictator by Nina L. Khrushcheva

Anger over tariffs obscures a shift in patterns of global trade

Mortgage Rates Are Down – but is the Housing Market Looking Up?

Can Venezuela Recover from Its Crisis?

Less Fluff, More Stuff: The Science of Productive Meetings

Brexit endgame: One month out with no clarity in sight

Automation and AI will disrupt the American labor force. Here's how we can protect workers

Who will lead in the age of artificial intelligence?

Watch: What today's geopolitical competition means for democracy

Why is Michael Cohen testifying against Trump? A key Watergate figure may hold the answer

A pragmatic approach to violence and state fragility

Lessons for telling time

Closing Africa's Financing Gap by Guillaume Arditti

Migration Myths vs. Economic Facts by Mahmoud Mohieldin & Dilip Ratha

The Trade War to End All Trade Wars? by Elmira Bayrasli & Ann Lee

Why Western Countries Must Accept Returning Extremists by Bjørn Ihler & Fatima Zaman

How to Avoid a War in Venezuela by Jeffrey D. Sachs & Francisco Rodríguez

Stock Buybacks Are the Wrong Target by Michael Spence

Risky Retirement Business by Carmen M. Reinhart & Christoph Trebesch

The Vietnam Model for North Korea by Le Hong Hiep

Reimagining the mobility ecosystem: A CEO's guide

How China's fintechs serve the underserved: An interview with CreditEase CEO Ning Tang

Our new identity

How Activist Investor-led Divesting Pushes Up Valuations

Why it pays to save like you're retiring early, even if you're not

This Social Security proposal could be something to get excited about

Apple SVPs - All this

Here's Irina Shayk's Reaction To Bradley Cooper's & Lady Gaga's 'Shallow' Performance

Appeals court backs AT&T acquisition of Time Warner

The ODB Editor Suite: What I Remember

Millennials Are Facing $1 Trillion in Debt

How Lindsey Graham Went From Trump Skeptic to Trump Sidekick

Scheduling Action Notifications

TextExpander Story: Brett Burney, Legal Technology Coach & Consultant - TextExpander

If a Wealth Tax is Such a Good Idea, Why Did Europe Kill Theirs?

Briefing Economist

Are robots in Michigan destroying jobs in Chihuahua?

Five reasons you might want to start a podcast

Will the US Capitulate to China? by Martin Feldstein

The Accidental Atlanticist by Mark Leonard

The Race to Challenge Trump by Michael J. Boskin

How Trump's "Victory" Became Kim's Triumph by Grant T. Harris

Should Bold Ideas Drown Out Old Ideas? by Jeffrey Frankel

Overcoming the Ideology of Climate Inaction by Anders Fremstad & Mark Paul

NFL releases updated statement on Robert Kraft amid scandal

GE Deal With Danaher Shows Culp is All About the Balance Sheet

Acorn TV London Kills - February

It's time to bridge the military-civilian divide in the US

Robert Kraft, Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump and a day of reckoning for America's billionaires Will Bunch

Jim Carrey Turns Sharp Eye Toward Jeffrey Epstein And His Powerful Friends

Is Clarence Thomas headed out or just getting started?

Science being 'debunked:' Why are some countries making a vaccine U-turn?

'Green Book' wins on Oscar night marked by inclusiveness and firsts

Former senior national security officials to issue declaration on national emergency

Oscars 2019: 15 things to know, from the divisive 'Green Book' win to that truly terrible acceptance speech

'No War is Won'- Benjamin B. Ferencz Continues His Fight for Justice at 98

Educational Attainment

A climate of hatred

Experience and variation

Misreading China's Strength by Stephen S. Roach

More Americans are taking longer to pay off their credit-card debt

Why you can't visit paradise from DiCaprio's 'The Beach' — BBC News US

How to Make 6 Delicious Dinners from a Grocery List So Compact it Fits on a Post-It Note — Real Simple

Self-Driving Cars Might Kill Auto Insurance as We Know It

The Problem With Memorializing Our War Dead Without Honest Accounting of History

Five-star concierges share their wildest stories

Welcome to New York, Amazon — Now Go Home

KitchenAid's Key Ingredient- Investing in Workers. 'It's Not a Dead-End Job Anymore.'

Day One version 3 for macOS - Day One

Kraft Heinz Faces Existential Crisis as Stock Tumbles to New Low

The surprising reason zebras have stripes — The Atlantic

The [New] Human Movement

Africa in the news: Zimbabwe's new currency, Senegal election update, and Obama supports Africa basketball league

Fish in a barrel

The second great inflection point in mobility innovation

Timelinr – Your Timeline For Everything

Don't let sloppy emails ruin productivity

These are the 3 big reasons you should use a financial adviser (and picking investments is not one of them)

Apple fans shouldn't worry about Samsung's new phones

2 Baseball Players With The Same Name Take DNA Tests To See if They're Related

People Are Extremely Into Barack Obama's Bomber Jacket With '44' On The Sleeve

Ukraine: Looking forward, five years after the Maidan Revolution

With new technology challenges, remember we've been here before

Mayors or the FCC: Who understands the broadband needs of metropolitan residents?

A roadmap for the United States in DRC and other budding African democracies

What comes after ISIS?

General David Goldfein on building the Air Force of the future

Figures of the week: Increasing intra-regional trade in Africa

It's time for Nigeria to sign the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement

Charts of the week: Economic trends in developing countries

Why a Trip Around the Yucatán is a Great Vacation Bargain

Telescopes and microscopes

Business and Biodiversity by Robert Watson

America First, Fallout Later by William L. Silber

Will Germany Permit Joint European Security? by Joschka Fischer

Can Trump Make a Deal with China? by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Redefining Gender at Work: How Companies Are Evolving

Could Universal Health Care Work in the U.S.?

Warren Buffett Can't Find Anything Big to Buy

Mark Cuban explains how to make a 16% guaranteed return

Best headphones: Our top picks for personal listening

Senate investigators pursue Moscow-based former Trump associate

Diagnosing a Market Meltdown: What the Fed Said About December's Stock Plunge

Understanding the uproar over IRS refunds

Evaluating lower-for-longer policies: Temporary price-level targeting

Research and reflections on African-Americans' experiences in schools

Could taxation of mobile banking in Africa stall financial inclusion?

Innovation districts and their dilemmas with place

The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Rep. Seth Moulton on geopolitical threats, defense spending, lessons learned, and more

2018: Keep on Keepin' on

2020 Census

2020 Census Barriers, Attitudes, Motivators (CBAMS)

Number of Master and Doctoral Degrees Doubles Among Population

Work before passion

What's Left of the Populist Left? by Jan-Werner Mueller

The AI Road to Serfdom? by Robert Skidelsky

Africa's Digital Generation Gap by Perseus Mlambo

Iran's 40 Years of Strife by Javier Solana

How to Get the Best Results from Big Data Analysis

The Global Clean Water Challenge: How Micro-utilities Offer a Solution

Oscars Economics: Does Winning Mean a Windfall?

Analytics in Baseball: How More Data Changes the Game

Justice Dept. preparing for Mueller report as early as next week

How to dress for cold weather, explained by an arctic researcher

The great Equifax mystery: The stolen data has never been found — CNBC

Why did Stonehenge's massive rocks come from Wales, 180 miles away?

Alabama Newspaper Publisher Calls On KKK To Get The Ropes And 'Clean Up D.C.'

The subtle art of calling in sick

Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump's Two-Year War on the Investigations Encircling Him

Under the Hood of Spark Real-Time Collaboration

New year, same debate? Washington needs a fresh infrastructure approach

Discovering a more inclusive private sector development where least expected

Islam as statecraft: How governments use religion in foreign policy

New York City takes an important step in improving school integration by measuring diversity

How race and education are shaping ideology in the Democratic party

4 lessons for developing countries from advanced economies' past

New Education Department guidance on supplement-not-supplant: Sorry not sorry

And the Oscar for "Best Movie in an Urban Setting" goes to…

Extending New START is a no-brainer — And yet, we can't count on it

Too important to have a fight about

Getting Serious About Russia Sanctions by Anders Åslund

The Ideology Trap by Shlomo Ben-Ami

A Bright Future for Africa's Girls by Nkandu Luo

The Dialectic of Global Trade Policy by Mohamed A. El-Erian

The Big Tech/FinTech Disruption by Howard Davies

This Time Really is Different by Christopher Smart

India's Trifecta of Failure by Ramesh Thakur

Showdown in Munich by Carl Bildt

Brexit's Lost World by Ngaire Woods

3 Digital strategies for companies that have fallen behind

Private markets come of age

Who wins in a 5G world?

Machine learning financial risk management

A telco CEO guide to 5G strategy

Seven key practices for lifelong learners

Creating "beyond the product" partnerships between providers and medtech players

Fashion and on-demand production

Planning in an agile organization

Eurozone unemployment falls to a ten-year low

Unmanned air mobility: The challenges ahead for drone infrastructure

The Green New Deal: What it Can Do and What it Can't

Why the Amazon New York Deal Fell Through

Finding Fulfillment in Life: The First Step is Redefining Success

'I Had No Idea I Was Having a Heart Attack'- For Women, Cardiac Arrests Are Unseen Killers

Ricky Jay, the Magician with an Edge

He wasn't just the savior of Chanel. Karl Lagerfeld redefined fashion

The Bored Sex

Angela Merkel Mocks Trump Administration, But Ivanka is Not Having It

Kelly Clarkson's 'Shallow' Cover Will Give You Chills

Aurora shooting victim's wife says he texted 'I love you' after being shot

California AG Becerra says states to sue over Trump's national emergency declaration

The fixer's secret agenda

When Brad Pitt tried to save the Lower Ninth Ward — Bloomberg Businessweek

Skill vs planning

Faking it on Climate Change by Bjørn Lomborg

Should America Ever Apologize? by Ruti Teitel

The Sikorski Doctrine by Sławomir Sierakowski

A retail banking strategy for a new age

Cruising Ahead: China Merchants Group's Shekou Prince Bay Project

Is There a Brewing Subprime Auto Loan Crisis?

'I Had No Idea I Was Having a Heart Attack'- For Women, Cardiac Arrests Are Unseen Killers

Trump- The Art of the Deal

A Crucial Step for Averting AI Disasters

'Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump- He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one' - TheHill

TSLA--"Disasters in Tennessee"

Dispatch from Munich: The trans-Atlantic rift persists amid weaknesses on both sides

Who's in the room?

Why a US-China Trade Deal is Not Enough by Minxin Pei

Ending America's World Bank Monopoly by Kaushik Basu

The Birthplace of America's New Progressive Era by Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca

West Africa's Democratic Tipping Point? by Olusegun Obasanjo, et al

Pakistan's Quest for Inclusive Growth by Vaqar Ahmed

Gucci's Misstep: Is a More Diverse Fashion Industry the Answer?

6 Time Management Tips for Students

How to Tell When Your 'Tough Boss' Is Really A Toxic Boss

Trump's Take on Trade Sounds a Lot Like Ocasio-Cortez's Brand of Socialism

Stop 'whitesplaining' racism to me

Great Blue Hole discoveries revealed

Three hurdles Apple's rumored news service will have to overcome

Oatmeal Has So Much Instagram Clout Right Now

The Story of Little Black Sambo

The practical de-escalation of worry

Industrial robotics: Opportunities for manufacturers of end effectors

Why transformations fail: A conversation with Seth Goldstrom

Winning in African agriculture

Mind-sets matter in organizational transformations

Personal resilience in transformations: A conversation with Jon Garcia

The learning S curve and individual development

Five Fifty: Industrial tech

How to modernize an established brand to drive growth

Self-disruption in the fashion industry

Millennial socialists want to shake up the economy and save the climate

'Zombie' deer disease is in 24 states and thousands of infected deer are eaten each year, expert warns

The hack airlines don't want you to use

An unlikely crochet artist, a miracle baby and the biggest cabbage you've ever seen

The Venezuelan women selling their bodies to survive

My Big, Fat Fat-Biking Adventure

What is Stevia?

Should You Take That Promotion- Well, Maybe

Republicans Need to Save Capitalism

My Big, Fat Fat-Biking Adventure

Forget the 401(k). Let's Invent a New Retirement Plan

The Tech Whiz Behind Vine and HQ Trivia Made Millions in His 20s. He Was Dead by 34

Trump's wall will not prevent America's diversity boom

Some problems are easier to sell

A path for the US building products industry

Ten years in telecom management: Interviewing Vittorio Colao

Consumers and radical transparency in fashion

Selecting the right platform for IT automation

Building data-driven culture: An interview with ShopRunner CEO Sam Yagan

Applying artificial intelligence to automotive marketing and sales

From back office to innovation's front lines with next-gen global business services

The next era of globalization will be shaped by customers, technology, and value chains

Selling in the aftermarket: How to win the sales street fight

Seeing Africa's potential in tech, talent, and education

Essential components of a learning and development strategy

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: 'Is curing patients a sustainable business model?'

Fact-checking Trump's speech declaring a national emergency

The Best-Paid Hedge Fund Managers Made $7.7 Billion in 2018

The Best-Paid Hedge Fund Managers Made $7.7 Billion in 2018 - Bloomberg

Payless ShoeSource closing all 2,100 U.S. stores, starting liquidation sales Sunday

Drinking two or more diet beverages a day linked to high risk of stroke, heart attacks

Mike Pence's Old Warning About POTUS Bypassing Congress Comes Back To Haunt Him

Apple is making the same old mistakes with its over-the-top Services demands

Blaming Trump for their problems is the one thing Europeans can agree on

Chicago's mayor sees through the fog on school autonomy

Charts of the week: Employment and the workforce

The Japanese philosophy of kaizen offers opportunity for industrial development in Africa

Presidents Day and Brookings

Why Kavanaugh and a conservative Supreme Court punted a religious liberty case on procedure

Beyond camps: With more refugees living in cities, how can local and business leaders engage?

The coming digital divide: What to do, and not do, about it

It takes more than 2 to tango: Impact bonds in Latin America and the Caribbean

How racial and regional inequality affect economic opportunity

Are Financial Health and Physical Fitness Joined At The Hip?

Mastering the medium

The Road From Thatcherism by Paola Subacchi

Taking Vaccines the Last Mile by Radhika Batra

What Next for Venezuela? by Anne O. Krueger

The Looming Taiwan Crisis by Richard N. Haass

Europe's Power Deficit by Janusz Reiter

Cutting through the 5G hype

Preventing car recalls with a quality focus

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on Africa's opportunities

Immediacy and the retail customer journey

Retail's Big Mistake: Why Slashing Payroll Cuts into Profits

How Developing Critical-thinking Skills Can Help Your Business

How the Sharing Economy is Transforming the Short-term Rental Industry

How Climate Change is Killing Coffee

Want to Foster Prosperity? Focus on Market-creating Innovations

Debt management in a challenging environment: Lessons from Côte d'Ivoire

Learning to cooperate and a culture of honor

Denver teachers are next to take to the picket line

Figures of the week: Africa's business potential

A common trap fueled by tribal rivalry…

Helping Africa Help Refugees by Asmita Parshotam

Democracy Beyond Voting and Protests by Sasha Fisher

What Will Succeed GDP? by Diane Coyle

Science and Subterfuge in Economics by Jayati Ghosh

A Very Greek Brexit? by George Papaconstantinou

The future of underwriting in commercial P&C insurance

The influence of Gen Z on fashion

Nearly one billion people have no form of legal ID

Here's the worst mistake people make that compromises their online security

The Jeff Bezos privacy nightmare could happen to anyone — here's how to prevent it

Your smartphone is killing your relationship — and evolution is to blame

Lovesick singletons are the biggest target for scam artists in America

Marrying a man with good prospects is still a woman's primary route to the 1%

How to make retirement romantic

Everything you need to do before you retire

What President Trump hasn't told his rallies about free trade

Apple reported to launch its new video service in April or May, without Netflix, Hulu, and possibly HBO

The 7 best free Safari extensions for the Mac

FEMA Administrator Brock Long resigns

New study shows what your community needs to do to survive the impact of automation

Electric Lady Studios: The "House That Hendrix Built"

Font-style - TaskPaper - Hog Bay Software Support

Edward Lampert's Plan for Sears- Smaller Stores, Less Apparel

Feeling lonely? You're not alone

After 40 years, is Iran's revolution unravelling?

Accountability in higher education after deregulation

Why are out-of-work men so unhappy in the US?

Do tax increases always contract economies?

Brookings survey finds 51 percent prefer digital access to government services over phone calls or personal visits to agency offices

Renting the American Dream: Why homeownership shouldn't be a pre-requisite for middle-class financial security

Cocoa, Côte d'Ivoire, and children's education: What you should know this Valentine's Day

Colors and numbers

Reflections on Achieving the Global Education Goals by Amina J. Mohammed

The Islamic Revolution at 40 by Djavad Salehi-Isfahani

How Can We Tax Footloose Multinationals? by Joseph E. Stiglitz

A Survival Kit for the City of London by Barry Eichengreen

India's Vote-Buying Budget by Shashi Tharoor

Playing Chicken with Europe by Chris Patten

Geoengineering is a Dangerous Distraction by Carroll Muffett

Industry 4.0 in Indonesia: Moving past the 'pilot trap' to drive manufacturing

Rental, ownership, and fashion business models

Global Energy Perspective 2019

Digital banking Indonesia

Pushing project productivity in late-stage construction

Why a 70% Top Tax Rate Will Miss Its Mark

How Silicon Valley's Work Culture Made Everyone Miserable

World's wealthiest man Jeff Bezos finally tops list of America's biggest philanthropists

Do Americans marry for love or money? Finally, an answer

Report: Apple to hold new product event on March 25

Now is the time for Apple to re-think its retail priorities

The Senate just passed the most sweeping conservation legislation in a decade, protecting millions of acres of land

Exclusive: Before Bezos Fight, Enquirer Publisher AMI Faced Steep Losses

Chris Evans Asks Trump 1 Blunt Question About His Base

Fyre Festival to fashion week, how do Instagram influencers make so much money?

The Feds are spending $48 million to move his village. But he doesn't want to go.

Mexican drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzmán is found guilty on all counts

6 Idea Generation Methods That May Be Better Than Brainstorming

The Democrats' Identity Meltdown

Pete Buttigieg

A Pedophile Doctor Drew Suspicions for 21 Years. No One Stopped Him

Financing sustainable development: Is fintech the solution, problem, or irrelevant?

To teach or not to teach? It's a little more complicated than that

New evidence of the benefits of arts education

The use of military diplomacy in great power competition

With respect: how liberal societies flourish

Assessing Trump's artificial intelligence executive order

The end of an era? The INF Treaty, New START, and the future of strategic stability

The trap of early feedback

France and Germany Must Change the Game by André Loesekrug-Pietri

How Foreign Aid Fuels African Media's Payola Problem by Prue Clarke

Measuring Inequality by Elmira Bayrasli & Angus Deaton

Apartheid is Not Peace by Saeb Erekat

What Venezuela Tells Europe About Russia by Ana Palacio

New technology for an old industry: How digital can renew South African mining

Customer mindshare: The new battleground in US retail banking

How Cloud Platforms Can Enhance Digital Experiences

Reusable Packaging from Big Brands: Will Consumers Buy in?

The 2019 Best Countries Report: Which Nations Ranked Highest?

Apple teaming up with US Department of Veterans Affairs to bring digital health records to iPhone

Why Amazon buying Eero feels so disappointing

Hackers keep trying to get malicious Windows file onto MacOS

Thomas Markle Shares Private Letter Allegedly Written By Meghan Markle

Americans view Mueller as more credible than Trump, but views of his probe are scattered

SnipNotes 2.9 for iOS and SnipNotes 1.5 for macOS are now available! - SnipNotes

LVMH, world leader in high-quality products

Prices of Pickup Trucks Charge Into Luxury-Car Territory

Europe's Biggest Job Opening in Years- President of the ECB

Studying international relations in India

An open letter to Mr. Kuo Pei-hung and his colleagues

Can immigration reform happen? A look back

Hard work

Workshop updates

Europe, Please Wake Up by George Soros

Google, Fake News, and the Crisis of Truth by Bernard-Henri Lévy

Empowering the African Union by Donald P. Kaberuka

What's Really Impeding Efforts to Educate Individual Investors

Grammys 2019: 10 things to know, from Drake's cut-off speech to Michelle Obama's cameo

10 retirement lessons from a retired retirement pro

The Clock: The Best World Clock

Jeff Bezos Letters Weren't Extortion: David Pecker's Lawyer

Brutally honest reviews and ranking of every Grammys 2019 performance

A country music artist navigates an art form altered by America's poisoned politics

Ghana is being heralded as the next big tourist destination. Here's why

Teachers can't afford Denver without living with roommates and getting side jobs

Grammys 2019: Kacey Musgraves has a golden night with album of the year win

https —

What I Learned From the Hacker Who Spied on Me

Pay Gap Persists Among M.B.A. Graduates

Best weather apps for iPhone in 2019 - iMore


Why only about half of Americans are showing Valentine's Day any love this year

Using DNA Databases To Find Your Distant Relatives? So is The FBI.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Exposes The Dark Side Of Politics in 5 Incredible Minutes

The U.S. Cut Taxes. Why Will Fewer Folks Get Refunds?

A Tennessee clinic swindled the military out of $65M. This is how it got caught

5 ways Angela Ahrendts changed Apple and the Apple Store forever

Abortion's Dred Scott Moment

A New Prognosis for Pain Care

Productive choices (which?)

How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services

Cultivating the omnichannel farmer

Still a Girl's Best Friend: How Ethical Diamonds Are Changing the Industry

All the ways Gen X is financially wrecked

The depressing reason rich people are now the fastest-growing segment of renters

How do people envision their last days on Earth? The answers may surprise you

These are the 3 biggest financial risks of retirement

Inside the Spy Scandal at the Heart of Jeff Bezos' War With the National Enquirer

#132 Negative Mount Pleasant by Reply All

Sprint sues AT&T over its fake 5G branding

Best true wireless earbuds: Free yourself from the tyranny of cords

Transparency: A Tool for Increasing Board Diversity

Twitter was the spark that ignited the Bezos bombshell

"It will all come out now": Jeff Bezos' bombshell could lead to other plots being exposed

Facebook status: Divorced. Why millennials 'killed' how you decouple in the digital age

redditthe front page of the internet

What Exactly is Inside The Dopp Kits NBA Players Carry-

I'm Flying in That- Unloved Turboprop Gets Second Look

Brookings experts' Black History Month reading list

Robbing justice or enabling peace?

The future of capitalism in emerging markets

Stakes are high for cities and regions ahead of an unsettled 2020 census

Figure of the week: Fragile states are ripe for disasters

Charts of the week: Automation and jobs

Bitcoin Falls Further Than The Dotcom Crash

What if you pretended, just for a little while…

Resilience and Rebellion in Contemporary China by Minxin Pei

A Mixed Economic Bag in 2019 by Nouriel Roubini

Can Pakistan Ride the New Tech Wave? by Asad Jamal

Digital ID

Scaling and accelerating a digital transformation

Reshaping the global fashion trade

Improving training to promote lifelong employability

AI in Europe: Tackling the gap

A bank transforms itself by transforming its culture

New technology for an old industry: How digital can renew South African mining

Customer mindshare: The new battleground in US retail banking

Is Reddit the Most Influential Site on the Internet?

Using Blockchain: A Strategic Roadmap for Companies

Life Lessons Through Winter Sports

Twitter Still Can't Keep Up With Its Flood of Junk Accounts, Study Finds

Trump furious after Schiff hires former NSC aides to help oversee his administration

How Trump's trade war kept Russian fish sticks in US school lunchrooms

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos says National Enquirer publisher tried to extort him

Are you looking at your screen too often? Here's how to declutter your digital life

Trump is first modern president to hire his customers – including as US ambassadors

Inside Wisconsin's Disastrous $4.5 Billion Deal With Foxconn

Jeff Bezos Takes on the National Enquirer and Trump

Sergei Millian, identified as an unwitting source for the Steele dossier, sought proximity to Trump's world in 2016

Here's What I Want Donald Trump And Everyone Else To Know About My 'Late-Term Abortion'

33 Killer Conversation Starters So You Can Start A Conversation With Anyone

Organize shortcuts

Evidence for addressing the opioid epidemic: Rounding out the picture

Nigeria's 2019 presidential elections: A chance to think globally and act locally

Responsible competition and the future of U.S.-China relations

Highlights from a recent discussion on the Missile Defense Review

Brookings experts react to Trump's second State of the Union

How technological progress can cause urban fragility

Hutchins Roundup: Unplanned pregnancies, wealth inequality, and more

Three myths about youth employment in Africa and strategies to realize the demographic dividend

What did elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo mean? Experts discuss

Digital peer pressure

The UK's Suicidal Tendencies by Ian Buruma

The Good Jobs Challenge by Dani Rodrik

China's Difficult Balancing Act by Gene Frieda

Debt Derangement Syndrome by J. Bradford DeLong

PS. In Theory: The Rise of Monopsony by PS editors

Breaking Germany's Coal Addiction by Johan Rockström & Owen Gaffney

End the US Stranglehold on the World Bank by Jesse Griffiths

Precision medicine: Opening the aperture

The future of manufacturing: Your people

Solving the carve out acquisition problem

A new path for telco marketing

Knowing when to get out

Don't starve maintenance projects of funds

Leading from the front line: How airlines can boost ancillary revenues

Being a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Neuroscience

What's Behind JPMorgan Chase's Big Bet on Artificial Intelligence?

Private Equity in India: What Excites Investors?

Why live PBS streaming is taking so long (and how to deal with it)

Why iTunes says your iOS 12 device isn't recognized

Trump Wanted $20 Million for 2006 Moscow Deal, Developer Says

Conservative Columnist Shreds Trump's SOTU With 1 Of His Favorite Words

Thanks To The GOP Tax Law, Fewer Households Might Get Refunds

Earth just experienced one of the warmest years on record

'Downton Shabby': How a Hollywood guy is saving his British ancestral home

Examining Angela Ahrendts' five-year tenure as head of Apple Retail

OmniFocus TaskPaper Reference Guide - Support - The Omni Group

How to Complain at a Restaurant- Just Ask Our Critic

The significance of Nayib Bukele's surprising election as president of El Salvador

Building inclusion into 5G wireless networks

Northam's racist photo and the conversation about race we need to have

Challenges in integrating 21st century skills into education systems

France-Africa relations challenged by China and the European Union

Screen time for children: Good, bad, or it depends?

Are you being manipulated?

The Coming China Shock by Arvind Subramanian & Josh Felman

Regulating Speech in the New Public Square by Madeleine de Cock Buning & Miguel P. Maduro

Is Japan's Sun Rising? by Jim O'Neill

Dirty Money and Tainted Philanthropy by Peter Singer

The Mirage of a Global Euro by Daniel Gros

The Costs of a Brexit Brain Drain by Edoardo Campanella

The industry effect on a company's performance

Trends in the fashion industry India

A payments-processing industry integration

A conversation with Jay Ireland, former president and CEO, GE Africa

Performance transformation: Opportunities for healthcare payers

IoT insurance industry opportunities

Why the Fuel Economy Standards Rollback is Built on Faulty Logic

Will #MeToo Move Forward in 2019?

Super Bowl Ads 2019: Why Brands Played it Safe

Interest Rates: How the Fed's New Stance Will Impact the Markets

Donald Trump picks David Malpass to run the World Bank

Nicolle Wallace Drops 'Truth Bomb' On Trump After Secret White House Memo Leaks

Mud, vegetation on new Pacific island baffle scientists

Trump calls for rejection of 'politics of revenge' in speech that jabs Democrats

Viewers' guide to the State of the Union

5 key takeaways from Donald Trump's State of the Union

Angela Ahrendts to step down as Apple retail chief in April

China's changing approach to Africa

Experts discuss American and Chinese interests — and the way forward for U.S.-China relations

Democrats must act now to avoid an undemocratic 2020 outcome

A refugee compact for Turkey?

Census Bureau Streamlines Reporting for Retailers

The business of food

The European Commission's Taxing New Idea by Otmar Issing

Financial Stability in Abnormal Times by Kenneth Rogoff

What is Xi Jinping Thought? by Steve Tsang

How EU Leaders Can Prevent a No-Deal Brexit by Anatole Kaletsky

Putting the shine back into South African mining: A path to competitiveness and growth

Bill Gross, Onetime Bond King, Retiring After Messy Last Act

Federal prosecutors subpoena Trump inaugural committee

Autopsy: Man found in Smokies died of meth overdose before being eaten by bear

Trump Era's Biggest Winner is Jeff Bezos, Presidential Nemesis

GCC News Roundup: Qatar increases investment in the U.S., Saudi Arabia faces backlash (January 1-31)

Automation won't bring an apocalypse — but that doesn't mean it will be easy

The chief of naval operations talks technology, China, and more

When you're over your head

A Second Chance to Fix Finance by Bertrand Badré & Laurence Daziano

Europe and the New Nuclear-Arms Race by Sigmar Gabriel

Is the "Populist" Tide Retreating? by Joseph S. Nye

Venezuela Shatters the Myth of Non-Intervention by Andrés Velasco

Can 'Opportunity Zones' Lift Up America's Struggling Towns?

New England Patriots win Super Bowl LIII for 6th title

The 35 most outrageous lines from Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview

Forget privacy: you're terrible at targeting anyway

Parents: stop controlling your kids' lives and let them find their own way

Your Brain On Sex

'Handmaid's Tale' Super Bowl Ad Spooks, Excites Viewers

Don't make these rookie mistakes at your Super Bowl party

What China, Russia and Turkey have to lose if Maduro falls

60 years after Buddy Holly's death, Don McLean says 'American Pie' isn't about him

Battle over Virginia abortion measure roils multistate plans by advocates to lock in rights protections

iPhone 2019 rumors: More about the three-camera system, and the 2020 iPhone could have a 3D camera

Tips for Tapping Your Retirement Savings

The Downside of Carrying the Most Weight at Work

Roger Goodell Vanished. Football Reappeared. And NFL Ratings Rose

Getting the word out

The Franco-German Pact is Not the Problem by Zaki Laïdi

Bystanders of Sears' downfall will get their day in court Monday

Trying to reach a goal? These simple habits, mental models, and routines yield big results. « Pocket Blog

Apple AirPods 2 investigation: What we know and what we could see

Best Apple Watch bands: Third-party straps to style your watch for less

44 Apple Watch tips and tricks

Best Apple Watch: Pick the right model, size and style for you

Castro 3 Versus Overcast: Which podcast app is better?

Number of animals killed in shelters drops to record low; number of no-kill communities nearly doubles as the country gets closer to no-kill by 2025

'Harrowing' Video Shows Brooklyn Inmates in Freezing Jail Cells Begging For Help

Inside the Takedown That Put Carlos Ghosn in Jail

Patriots players explain what they do the night before the Super Bowl

Drunken WestJet passenger ordered to pay airline $21K in fuel costs

The New Beijing-Moscow Axis

Clash of the Billionaire Politicians

New blood pressure guidelines means more Americans at risk for heart disease

The Best Messaging Apps on Android Are Still Worse Than iMessage

Hope Hicks, West Wing Alum, Begins Her Second Act on the West Coast

For Black History Month, Remarkable Women and Men We Overlooked Since 1851

Groundhog predicts an early spring. Don't get too excited, he's usually wrong.

Free Solo

How to Do a Data 'Cleanse'

Figures of the week: Job creation in Africa

Achieving health gains on the way to universal health coverage in Africa

Africa in the news: Nigerian minimum wage bill advances, Ethiopia triples airport size, and Cameroon makes arrests

The honor code

Getting the best customer service from your IVR: Fresh eyes on an old problem

How to capture what the customer wants

Harnessing the power of automation in government

Organizational transformation for an agile telecom

How advanced analytics can help contact centers put the customer first

Getting to know the global-minded Chinese traveler

Bringing agile to customer care

AI in public-sector problems

7 myths FIRE haters perpetuate about the early-retirement movement

Kellyanne Conway Just Made The Strongest Case For Not Building Trump's Wall

Pompeo announces suspension of nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Melinda Gates: Why women's and children's health is at risk around the world

Three Apple decisions that don't please the user, but the company won't change

SC police make millions by seizing cash and property. Most of it comes from black people

Belichick's Success Explained

Overcoming the colonial development model of resource extraction for sustainable development in Africa

Employment and wage gains lifted household incomes in late 2018

Equipping today's AV workforce with skills to succeed tomorrow

Global Co2 Emissions Reductions Highest Under Paris Climate Agreement

Red States Will Experience Greater Climate Costs Than Blue States

By Century's End US Climate Costs Will Be Widespread but Uneven

Doing business in Africa: My experience

10 things we learned at Brookings in January

Is Medicare for All a trap for Democrats?

Why A Sliding Stock Market is Like A Winnable Baseball Game

Census Bureau Projects U.S. and World Populations on New Year's Day

Data is expensive

A Green New Deal for Europe by Massimiliano Santini & Fabrizio Tassinari

Are Multinationals Eclipsing Nation-States? by Stefano Marcuzzi & Alessio Terzi

Feeding the Ten Billion by Line Gordon

Global Health Versus Online Trolls by Junaid Nabi

The Ghosts of Versailles by Harold James

How to Help Deflate America's Opioid Bubble by Mathias Dewatripont & Michel Goldman

Discussions in digital: Coping with the new normal between marketers and marketing agencies

The services solution for unlocking industry's next growth opportunity

The ethics of artificial intelligence

Fashion industry trends to watch in 2019

'The Davos of Value Change': Some New Topics Take Center Stage

Knotes - Kindle Clippings Manager

PayPal's Venmo had a break-out quarter with payments surging 80%

Why more than half of Americans won't answer the phone

More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Apple in 2018: The Six Colors report card

'The Prosperity Paradox' Review: A Better Way to Fight Poverty

Deadly polar vortex puts the Midwest in a deep freeze

Chris Christie writes Mike Pence was stunned on election night – and other not-so-flattering things in his new book

Supreme Court's conservatives appear poised to expand Second Amendment gun rights

An easy fix could give the marijuana industry access to banking

How a proposal for flexible funding can help families close the enrichment gap

Hutchins Roundup: Central Bank Uncertainty, Incentives for Inventors, and More

Why conservatives should avoid government shutdowns

Nuggets from the Fed's new Financial Stability and Supervision & Regulation reports

Are you selling to a professional or an amateur?

Five Lessons from the US Government Shutdown by Simon Johnson

The EU Needs a Brexit Endgame by Jean Pisani-Ferry

Three Lessons from QE in Europe by Stefan Gerlach

Invisible Children by Dominique Nouvian Ouattara

The Threat of a Eurozone Recession by Lucrezia Reichlin

Getting the merger communications strategy right

An insurance company transforms itself by putting technology first

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Why Workplace Ghosting is on the Rise

How Data Analytics Can Boost Any Organization's Performance

How the State Bank of India Uses Technology to Drive Growth

Supreme Court antitrust case bypasses traditional technology regulators

WATCH: Brookings experts preview President Trump's State of the Union speech

Ocasio-Cortez wants to raise the tax rate on high earners. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act already did

Procedure Price Lookup: A step toward transparency in the health care system

Brexit endgame: Parliament sends contradictory messages as deadline nears

The urgency of securing employment for youth in Africa

Education systems need alignment for teaching and learning 21st century skills

Census Bureau Releases Revised Economic Indicator Calendar

The $37,000 latte

The Fatal Flaw of Central Europe's Illiberal Democracies by Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi

Trump's Gift to the Taliban by Brahma Chellaney

Reimagining Davos by Mohamed A. El-Erian

From a No-Deal Brexit to a No-Brexit Deal by Hans-Werner Sinn

How Germany Lost its Einsteins by Dalia Marin

The Sorry State of the World Economy by Kaushik Basu

Why Brexit Will Damage Europe by Sigmar Gabriel

Ending workplace isolation for women

What is smart transportation?

Developing the next horizon of growth in Africa

Sizing the micro mobility market

Role of procurement in airlines

The U.S. Auto Industry in 2019: Twists, Turns and Bumps Ahead

Factual, or Warm and Fuzzy? Why Choosing the Right Words Matters

How Big Companies Can Innovate Like Small Startups

Trump and his aides offer the public a glimpse of their private notes — no matter how revealing

Apple announces new Today at Apple sessions

Memento, the Third-Party Reminders Client, Adds Watch App, Keyboard Shortcuts, and More

How retirees should prepare for the next government shutdown

Stephen King Has 1 Burning Question For Every Trump Supporter

A Tiny Screw Shows Why iPhones Won't Be 'Assembled in U.S.A.'

75% of the US population will suffer below-freezing temps this week

To fix climate change, fix the obesity and starvation epidemics, reports say

Army's new machine gun will blast like battle tanks

The World Bank's strategy for addressing fragility in sub-Saharan Africa

The US-Taliban negotiations breakthrough: What it means and what lies ahead

The repetition of stories

Lessons of East Asia's Human-Capital Development by Lee Jong-Wha

An Italian Warning for France by Dominique Moisi

What's Wrong with Davos? by Elmira Bayrasli & Anand Giridharadas

When Will China Achieve Quality Growth? by Andrew Sheng & Xiao Geng

Two Cheers for Population Decline by Adair Turner

There is No Sino-American Trade War by Martin Feldstein

Reaping the Benefits of African Economic Integration by Célestin Monga

Gender inequality in the workplace: What can governments do?

How Roche pursues agile and digital transformation

Customer experience as a value driver in German retail banking

Is There Really Wisdom in the Crowd?

For Democrats, Shutdown Success Also Brings Danger

A Tiny Screw Shows Why iPhones Won't Be 'Assembled in U.S.A.'

Omni Roadmap 2019 - The Omni Group

Richest in U.S. Have a Few Tricks to Avoid Democrats' Tax Plans

Americans support investigating Trump, but many are skeptical that inquiries will be fair, new poll finds

Twitter Erupts After Melania Trump Vows To 'Continue' Fighting For Children Everywhere

Midway through first term, Trump is not meeting the public's modest expectations for his job performance, poll finds

8 must-know moments from the Screen Actors Guild Awards

Can the Congo save itself, and its near-mythical okapi?

Winegard FlatWave Amped indoor TV antenna review: This one pulls in the channels

During a government shutdown, we're not paying our protectors

What's behind the relationship between Israel and Arab Gulf states?

Venezuelans must lead in building an off-ramp for Maduro

What to read to understand the 1979 Iranian revolution

The deforestation risks of China's Belt and Road Initiative

Churchill didn't work at McKinsey by Sebastian Woller

Opportunity costs just went up

Digital Dangers to Democracy by Laura Chinchilla

Can a "No-Deal" Brexit Be Avoided? by Gordon Brown

Why China Must Save Less by Zhang Jun

Warnings from the Global Trade Cycle by Stephen S. Roach

Brexit Sweat and Tears by Chris Patten

How Europe's Populists Can Win by Losing by Mark Leonard

Nancy Pelosi's Great Wall of Resistance by Elizabeth Drew

Watch out for these 10 'retirement killers'

How likely are you to live to 90? Depends on your gender and body size

We'll Always Eat Meat. But More of it Will Be 'Meat'

Contractor yield

DWR Coating- Application, Cleaning & Care - REI Expert Advice

Catholics Against Columbus

'These Are Our Friends'; Russians Push to Preserve North Korea Ties

Trump signs bill to reopen the government after record shutdown

The most useful Siri Shortcuts for iPhone

Macedonia will change its name. Here's why it matters

Donald Trump's demand for a border wall shut down the government. At the same time, his company was firing undocumented workers.

A Bruised Trump Faces Uncertain 2020 Prospects. His Team Fears a Primary Fight.

52 Places to Go in 2019

NBA Champ Warriors Visit With Barack Obama, Not Donald Trump, in D.C.

Trump's Bad Day: Stone Arrest, Airport Chaos, Shutdown Surrender

'Biggest wimp ever to serve as president': Conservatives bash Trump on ending shutdown without border money

Prisoner of his own impulse': Inside Trump's reversal to end shutdown without wall

Trump expected to address border-shutdown stalemate

Poll: Majority of Americans hold Trump and Republicans responsible for shutdown

The blame game begins over the INF Treaty's demise, and Washington is losing

Reviving Nigeria's economy through economic diversification

The Trump administration's new Missile Defense Review is a mixed bag

The Green New Deal promises jobs, but workers need to be ready to fill them

Instructional coaching holds promise as a method to improve teachers' impact

How educators use assessment data to improve student learning in Nepal: Challenges and solutions

Why did it take a month of shutdown to understand that 800,000 federal workers are our neighbors?

Africa is an opportunity for the world: Overlooked progress in governance and human development

Digital transformation and the G-20: A wake-up call for policymakers

Africa in the news: Push for wage increase in Nigeria, Tshisekedi inaugurated as DRC president, and Burkina Faso cabinet reshuffle

Relentlessly lowering expectations

Franco-German Friendship is Not Enough by Sigmar Gabriel

The Euro's First 20 Years by Jeffrey Frankel

Arrested Diplomacy by Ramesh Thakur

A regional view of trucking industry profits

Life insurance product innovation

The Western Union Way of digital transformation

Ten trends shaping the Internet of Things business landscape

Reinventing telcos with a network transformation

The market for China autonomous vehicles

How to extract maximum value from a zero-based design approach to customer journeys

Lessons from corporate behavioral-science units

The case for digital identification

Aftermarket Services: The near-term growth opportunity in targeting the right customers

Updating the dealership model as automotive retail changes

The Real Estate Outlook for 2019: Waiting for Millennials?

An Outsiders' Guide to Brexit

The Department of Education's proposed sexual harassment rules: Looking beyond the rhetoric

Figures of the week: Fragility and extreme poverty

The Stock Market Secret That Retirees Need to Know

Magical technologies

The AI Threat to Open Societies by George Soros

Trump's North Korean Road to Nowhere by Kent Harrington & John Walcott

How to Eat to Save the World by Modi Mwatsama & Howard Frumkin

Our Increasingly Fascist Public Discourse by Jason Stanley

Exploring an alternative pathway for Vietnam's renewable energy future

How to build an agile digital strategy that wins

'Well Done': Stone indictment details his contacts with Trump camp about Wikileaks

Some parents are putting their foot down on paying for college

The Great American Rail-Trail Rails-to-Trails Conservancy

The Iranian revolution — A timeline of events

Hutchins Roundup: House prices and dynamism, fiscal spillovers, and more

1979: Another embassy under siege

Iran's revolution and the problem of autocratic allies

Out with the old, in with the old: Iran's revolution, drug policies, and global drug markets

Watch: Experts look back on Iran's 1979 revolution and the US response

What Iran's revolution looked like from inside the shah's palace

What Iran's revolution meant for Iraq

How Iran's regional ambitions have developed since 1979

The Iranian revolution and its legacy of terrorism

#NewLeadership: Thriving in the Intelligent Age by Dr. Carsten Linz

Study Examines Barriers, Attitudes and Motivators Toward 2020 Census

Your customer service strategy

Why New Zealand Looks to Europe by Jacinda Ardern

The Case for Digital Identification by Anu Madgavkar & Olivia White

How Globalization Killed Our Mother by Matthew Caruana Galizia, Andrew Caruana Galizia and Paul Caruana Galizia

Putin and the Apocalypse by Dina Khapaeva

The World's Responsibility to Educate by Serigne Mbaye Thiam

The Demise of Western Illusions in Syria by Javier Solana

Caution ahead for fashion industry growth

Promoting gender equality in Mexico

Regulating the rapidly evolving field of cell and gene therapies

The global distribution of corporate profits and the power curve

Global trends: Navigating a world of disruption

From Spare Change to Nest Egg: How Acorns Encourages Saving and Investing

How Digital Ushers in a New Entertainment Golden Age

Can a Carbon Tax Help Curb Climate Change?

Did Gillette Miss the Mark with Its Toxic Masculinity Ad?

Wisdom at Work: Why the Modern Elder is Relevant

Why denial might be a smart investment strategy

Millions of Americans keep this dirty secret from their partner

This is what's making Americans less satisfied with their finances

Do They Care? By Douglas Spencer - Available now on Amazon

Treasured Japan art collection of Peter Drucker to show in April

What White, Western Audiences Don't Understand About Marie Kondo's 'Tidying Up'

Super Rich Americans Are Getting Younger and Multiplying

Witness implicates El Chapo's wife in the alleged drug lord's most daring prison escape

Trump's Childish Border Wall Rhyme Gets Hilariously Rewritten On Twitter

No Pay Stub- No Problem. Unconventional Mortgages Make a Comeback

Civil penalties for polluters dropped dramatically in Trump's first two years, analysis shows

'Art Of The Deal' Co-Author Predicts Trump May End Shutdown For 1 Vain Reason

Billionaire Ken Griffin Buys America's Most Expensive Home for $238 Million

Trump vows to deliver State of the Union from House chamber

Michael Cohen's House testimony postponed

This was the No. 1 most-Googled career question of 2018

Some college students have pizza delivered by a robot, while others go hungry

Trump Tower Moscow: Rudy Giuliani Said There Were "No Plans." Here They Are.

3 Things You Need To Know About Augmented Intelligence

No Idea is Off Limits for IMF's First Woman Chief Economist

Here's What Happens to Your Body When You Hate Your Job

Oscars 2019: See who's nominated

Accused US spy Paul Whelan found with Russian 'state secrets,' lawyer says

Mueller wants to know about 2016 Trump campaign's ties to NRA

Cutting the cord cutting: How to cancel Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services

Brookings experts react to the new Missile Defense Review

Joyless growth in China, India, and the United States

South Africa's plan to revive its economy

Census Bureau Continues to Hire for 2020 Census

2017 CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement Research Files

The job interview approach

An African Opportunity for Post-Brexit Britain by Zuneid Yousuf

Data-Driven Gender Equality by Gabriela Ramos & Mario Pezzini

The Three Revolutions Economics Needs by Edmund S. Phelps

These Days, 'You Practically Need a Ph.D.' to Figure Out Frequent-Flier Status

Oscar Snubs and Surprises: Bradley Cooper, Netflix and 'Black Panther'

Penney Struggles to Avoid Same Fate as Sears

Fliers Find an Old Friend on More Planes- Empty Seats

Cradle of Humankind

Cradle of Humankind

Meet Alina Polyakova, David Rubenstein Fellow in the Center for United States and Europe in the Foreign Policy program

What to expect from the 2019 presidential election in Nigeria

Midterms showed that Midwestern economic performance could decide 2020 race

Government shutdown halts the Trump FCC's deregulation agenda

The thing about the chickens

Trump, Macron, and the Poverty of Liberalism by Kishore Mahbubani

The Right Way to Rebalance Trade by Zhu Min & Miao Yanliang

Cooperation for a New Age of Volatility by Sri Mulyani Indrawati

Morality and Money Management by Robert J. Shiller

The Right Investments to Address the Human Capital Crisis by Kristalina Georgieva

Brexit Demands a New British Politics by Guy Verhofstadt

Latin America in 2019: Will Political Upheaval Stall Growth?

Make Way for Generation Z in the Workplace

Why India's Smartphone Revolution is a Double-edged Sword

1,500 private jets expected at Davos, where attendees are discussing 'safeguarding our planet' from climate change

The top 26 billionaires are as wealthy as 3.8 billion people

Stressed out and at risk: Inside Uber's special investigations unit

Fossils discovered in South Africa are the 'missing link' in human evolution, study finds

More strikes ahead? Teachers say they love their jobs but can't pay their bills, poll shows

The Man Behind Billionaires' Row Battles to Sell the World's Tallest Condo

50 Moments That Define an Improbable Presidency

How to Safely Get Vitamin D From Sunlight

Justice is scarce

The Think-Tank Dilemma by Yoichi Funabashi

Macron's Great Gamble by Jean Tirole

What Next for China's Development Model? by Michael Spence

The Great Reconstruction by Klaus Schwab

The Metamorphosis of Central Europe by Ivan Krastev

Decision Time for the Future of Corporate Taxation by José Antonio Ocampo

Solidarity for Adamowicz, Poland, and Europe by Danuta Hübner

Concepts for iPad: An Adaptable Infinite Canvas to Suit Anyone's Needs

If someone named 'Scam Likely' is calling you, don't pick up

This South Carolina megachurch bought its pastor a $1.8M house. Here's why

A social justice movement inspired by MLK is waging a new war on poverty

New England Patriots will face Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII

Everyone hates open offices. Here's why they still exist

The Shady Link Between Sunscreen and Your Health

The Kansas City Chiefs Are Football's Golden State Warriors

Inside the Mueller team's decision to dispute BuzzFeed's explosive story on Trump and Cohen

The richest people on the planet had mixed fortunes last year — due to one simple thing

The Jayme Closs case: A chilling tale of murder, kidnapping and escape in rural America

Fortunes of Davos A-Listers Grow By $160 Billion in 10 Years

The Grail Diary From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The fourth cycle of the hive mind (and what to do about it)

What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How to use the iPhone's Today View and manage its widgets

Is Ancient DNA Research Revealing New Truths — or Falling Into Old Traps?

14 Photos Of Bridesmaids Rocking Pants And Looking Chic As Hell HuffPost Life

Mueller's office disputes BuzzFeed report that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress

St. Louis newscaster uses racial slur in story about Martin Luther King Jr.

UPS driver saves dog from drowning in icy pond: 'She wasn't going to make it'

Charts of the week: Africa's changing demographics

Why Democrats shouldn't worry about a large field of presidential contenders

Figure of the week: Youth representation and inclusion

Trump stands on shaky ground, new poll shows

25 years after Ukraine denuclearized, Russian aggression continues to rise

LA teachers' strike marks a return to normal

Why hasn't technology improved government effectiveness?

Africa in the news: Terrorist attack in Nairobi and protests in Zimbabwe

Do you have a chocolate problem or an oxygen problem?

The World Economy Goes Hollywood by Anatole Kaletsky

Cybersecurity landscape: How to thwart cyberattacks

Blockchain technology 2.0: What's in store for industrial and semiconductor players with blockchain business applications?

The building blocks of a digital telco

The Operations 4.0 podcast: A new continuous-improvement cycle

Accelerating profitability transformation with industrial companies

The value of digital ID for the global economy and society

Five hidden ways that globalization is changing

How mall owners can boost revenues through advanced analytics

The omnichannel banking imperative

Six lessons on how to embrace the next-generation operating model

Booming e-commerce in Africa

The seven characteristics of successful alternative payment models

How Pattern-based Thinking Gives Companies an Edge

Optimizing Digital Experience Using a Platform-as-a-service Approach

Tunisia's migration to the north

Furloughed workers are facing an all-too-common problem for many Americans — living paycheck to paycheck

Would This Portfolio Make A Crooked Gambler Smile?

Problems and boundaries

The End of Postwar Germany by Helmut K. Anheier

A Three-State Solution for Israel and Palestine? by Shlomo Ben-Ami

Afghanistan's Forgotten Half by Anne-Marie Slaughter & Ashley Jackson

Farewell, John Bogle: A Tribute to the Father of Indexing

Dwindling Brexit Options: What's the Path Ahead?

Apple Smart Battery Case Review: iPhone XS/Max & XR design, wireless charging, still bulky

Nike's auto-laced future

773 million email addresses exposed in 'mega data breach' — here's how to see if yours is one of them

Best soundbars of 2019- Reviews and buying advice - TechHive

Trump Must Be a Russian Agent. The Alternative is Too Awful

President Trump Directed His Attorney To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Conservative Columnist Reveals The 1 Trick That's Helped Pelosi 'Master' Trump

Chris Christie Reveals Why Donald Trump Wears Such Long Ties

Inside the GM plant where nooses and 'whites-only' signs hung

Trump denies Pelosi military aircraft for war zone trip

White House delegation cancels Davos trip

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Darling of the Left, Nightmare of the Right

Tesla Slumps After Cutting 3,000 Jobs as Musk Sees 'Difficult' Road Ahead

What is the best combat handgun- - Quora

In Vietnam how did the M14 compare to the M16? - Quora

The Making of the Picky Eater

Gridlock is the New Normal

It's Not Easy to Map the 100 Largest Islands in the World

Impeach Donald Trump

The real threat the government shutdown poses for the American economy

When it comes to the border, money doesn't solve all problems

Creating one market under the African Free Trade Area: Progress and challenges

Meet Landry Signé, David M. Rubenstein Fellow in the Global Economy and Development program

Calling Trump's bluff: The deal Democrats should offer to end the shutdown

Hutchins Roundup: Working rich, robotic automation, and more

Experts discuss the politics of New START and strategic nuclear modernization

Shaming students is keeping schools from teaching them

From the electoral processes to democracy in Africa: Avenues to bridge the gap

Trump is making the mess in Syria even messier

How to be honorable

Making Every Development Dollar Count by Bjørn Lomborg

Run Down the Brexit Clock by Yanis Varoufakis

The Trump Administration's Farewell to Aims by Carl Bildt

Africa's Historic Pivot by Célestin Monga

Korea's Year of Living Diplomatically by Yoon Young-kwan

Saving Children from Having Children by Patricee Douglas

A Murder in Gdańsk by Sławomir Sierakowski

America Must Face Reality on China by P.H. Yu

Fielding high-performing innovation teams

Globalization in transition: The future of trade and global value chains

The new plastics economy: A Danish research, innovation and business opportunity

Creating a better future through better urban mobility

Former Coca-Cola Africa head Alex Cummings on winning in Africa

Adapting for critical infrastructure cybersecurity

Building a creative talent strategy

The importance of standardized infrastructure project frameworks

Building Singapore's water management

Resilience planning for smart cities

Talent on Tap: Why Online Labor Platforms Are Taking Off

Why Open Banking Represents a Seismic Shift for Fintech

Retail Resurrection: A Rosy Outlook for 2019?

Why Social Media is the New Weapon in Modern Warfare

What Intel's 2019 roadmap can tell us about the future of the Mac

The richest people in the world live in this city (it's not Hong Kong or London)

Failure is not an option: Tim Cook's operational skills

London, New York and Hong Kong Are No Longer Immune to Global Housing Downturn

Another good day for Putin as turmoil grips US and UK

Fed Says Student Debt Has Hurt the U.S. Housing Market

Bill Gates- The Best Investment I've Ever Made

Strategies for winning the fight against corruption

Equal opportunity in American education

As the 2020 race gets started, so too do key foreign policy debates

Ruling on citizenship question may save the 2020 census

Brexit endgame: Parliament votes down Theresa May's Brexit deal

5 puzzles in the international economy

Why there's no bringing coal back

Don't steal metrics

Long Live Globalization by Lee Howell

Trump's Trade Game by Dani Rodrik

Global Taxation for the Digital Age by Gillian Tans

Transatlanticism, Interrupted by Julianne Smith

The Human-Rights Movement Needs America by Aryeh Neier

Ending the Mental Health Stigma by Bernard J. Tyson

Infrastructure resilience: Get involved now

Future-proofing infrastructure maintenance

What Changes Will the EU See in 2019?

You won't believe what Marked 2 will do to its status bar and 11 bugfixes that will clickbait SEO headline -

GoodNotes 5: The MacStories Review

What The Hell Happened To Lindsey Graham

How to Actually, Truly Focus on What You're Doing

How to Make Money Trading- Hack Into SEC, Peek at 157 Secret Earnings Reports

Why McConnell is on the sidelines of a historically long government shutdown

Can higher mortality be a sign of progress?

Assessing U.S.-China relations 2 years into the Trump presidency

Vote – What do you think should be the top priority for Africa in 2019?

To save the planet, the Green New Deal needs to improve urban land use

Asserting anthropomorphism

Indian Farmers in Revolt by Shashi Tharoor

Circumventing the Great Firewall by Xiao Qiang

The Leader the World Bank Needs by Homi Kharas & Eswar Prasad

Trump's Brain Drain by Anne O. Krueger

How US Monetary Policy Has Tamed China by David Lubin

Rhymes from Central Europe by Robert Skidelsky

Disruption, Concentration, and the New Economy by Raghuram Rajan

The Trumping of the Middle East by Shlomo Ben-Ami

How the Blockchain Ushers in a New Form of Trust

How the Government Shutdown Could Affect IPOs

What Risks Does the Banking Industry Face in 2019?

5 things to know for January 15: Russia probe, Brexit, Jayme Closs, shutdown, opioids

Americans more likely to die of opioid overdose than car crash, council report says

The 1 giant question Donald Trump still hasn't answered on Russia — CNN Politics

What if Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

Trump's toughness on Russia judged against his predecessors

A Democratic Narrative Misses the Reality of 2018

Shutdown watch: How the US pays for Trump's border wall may leave a costly legacy

Italy and immigration: Europe's Achilles' heel

Fads in belief

Breaking India's Cycle of Bonded Labor by Amar Lal

Agonizing over Afghanistan by Richard N. Haass

Let's Get Real About Purpose by Mariana Mazzucato

The Transatlantic Leadership Void by Ana Palacio

Battling Eight Giants with Basic Income by Guy Standing

The World Needs Europe by Jean-Claude Juncker

Harnessing the Fintech Revolution by Agustin Carstens

Are VCs biased against women? A new experiment has surprising results

UCLA Gymnast's Flawless Michael Jackson-Inspired Routine is A Thriller

Detroit auto show 2019: Why GM, Ford, Toyota are bringing dead cars back to life

Netflix has people (serenely) bulldozing their closets, and thrift stores are riding the wave

Transcripts detail how FBI debated whether Trump was 'following directions' of Russia

Actor Rob Lowe: I was my sick mother's caregiver, don't underestimate the stress caregivers face

Millennial Women Are Pouring Into Jobs, Fueling U.S. Labor Gains

The 7 Deadliest Items You Can Take Anywhere

Golf-Home Owners Find Themselves in a Hole

Should you say 'please' to an AI?

NASA's deep-space nuclear-power crisis may soon end, thanks to a clever new robot in Tennessee

'If you can't beat the market, how did Warren Buffett do it?' and 7 other questions to ask during a volatile stock market

Dumping your iPhone for Android? Some switchers have regrets, others haven't looked back

Kyrsten Sinema is 'Senator Barbie Doll'? And you wonder why the GOP can't attract women

184 MPH on a Bicycle

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

Murdered journalists were tracked by police with shadowy Russian links, evidence shows

Are shotguns used for anything other than door breaching in a modern combat scenario? Are shotguns used for anything other than door breaching in a modern combat scenario?165250CancelUpdate

The Bezos divorce, explained

Bezos Divorce Might Be Handled as 'Quickly as An Amazon Delivery'

MacKenzie Bezos and the Myth of the Lone Genius Founder

How Sweden Overcame Socialism

184 MPH on a Bicycle

Polaroid. Walkman. Palm Pilot. iPhone?

Keyboard Maestro Tutorial: How to Create a Time and Day Macro

On Getting Started With Regular Expressions

B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia

What are some misconceptions about being shot?

If you were notified that a nuclear weapon was going to detonate

Howard Buffett's Border War: A Billionaire's Son is Spending Millions in Cochise County

Trump's bogus justifications for the border wall

Immigration Raises Total Us Economic Output

Immigration Does Not Increase Us Crime Rates

Fencing Along the Us-Mexico Border Increased Dramatically After 2006

The liberal faction of the Democratic party is growing, new polling shows

Figures of the week: Improvements in business environment

The instigator

Will the Rule of Law Hold? by Leszek Balcerowicz

The Road Ahead for the DRC by Aditi Lalbahadur

Succeeding in the US retail industry in an era of unprecedented disruption

Using engineering and construction analytics for better decisions

Will the ACA Be Revised — or Face a Reckoning — in 2019?

The Hotel Fees That Barely Even Make Sense

The Art of the Public Divorce Announcement

iPhone 2019 rumors: Apple to stick with an LCD screen, upgrade the camera in the new XR

Jayme Closs helped lead authorities to the man accused of kidnapping her and killing her parents

From Jaguar to Macy's, Global Gloom Spreads Across Industries

Missing 13-year-old Jayme Closs found alive in Wisconsin

Hospitals Need Baby Cuddler Volunteers for NICU

New CAPI Executive Director

How does someone in a vegetative state have a baby?

As Robert Mueller writes his report, a potential battle brews over obstruction of justice

Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, to testify publicly before Congress

How a Simple Copy/Paste Revealed Explosive New Detail in Manafort's Case

Top 6 trends in higher education

A wall can't fix what global migration and refugee compacts can

Around the halls: Brookings experts react to Secretary of State Pompeo's speech in Cairo

Time to move beyond 5G hype

Drucker Forum 2018: 3 Habits Leaders Should Break by Alex Adamopoulos

Why U.S. Stocks Have Dropped And What We Should Expect

Do you have a marketing problem?

Good intentions (how to be on time)

Why is Immigration Different from Trade? by Amar Bhidé

Risks to the Global Economy in 2019 by Kenneth Rogoff

China's Perilous Taiwan Policy by Minxin Pei

Selling Africa's Good News Stories by Shayera Dark

Evaluating the sub-Saharan African pharmaceutical market

Keys to a successful airline restructuring

Lessons from Africa's leaders

'Lighthouse' manufacturers lead the way — can the rest of the world keep up?

Preparing for Disasters in 2019: How Can Risks Be Mitigated?

The Right's Resistance

Dates with Siri

People left key fobs inside their cars and auto theft hit an 8-year high

Don't Reply to Your s

How the Border Wall is Boxing Trump In

Congress may now have historic female representation, but women in leadership still have a long way to go

How campaigns can protect themselves from deepfakes, disinformation, and social media manipulation

Hutchins Roundup: Size of the gig economy, negative interest rates, and more

Globalization at a Crossroads by Gordon Brown

Regulating the Disrupters by Jean Tirole

Whither the Chinese Consumer? by Jim O'Neill

Shelter from the Storm in 2019 by Barry Eichengreen

Disrupting Multilateral Climate Finance by Håvard Halland & Justin Yifu Lin

The New Old Populism by Sebastián Edwards

What Next for Global Trade? by Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

Fully Filling the Global Fund by Jeffrey D. Sachs, Guido Schmidt-Traub and Vanessa Fajans-Turner

Sal Khan on democratizing education

What is digital analytics? The CFO's role

'Fast action' in fast food: CFO Kevin Ozan talks about McDonald's growth strategy

A long-term vision for the European automotive industry

Digital is reshaping US health insurance — winners are moving fast

Are flying taxis in our future?

How to lead an agile company

Grameen Foundation: Using Data as a Lever to Combat Poverty

How Data-driven Strategies Can Improve Impact Investing Outcomes

Managing the leap reflex

Managing reputation in the age of infinity

Where is King Salman?

Trump's shutdown could wear out his welcome in the Senate once and for all

In visiting China, Kim Jong-un makes good on New Year's speech

The Vital Isolation of Indigenous Groups by Brahma Chellaney

India's Great Wall of Equality by Jayati Ghosh

Rewriting the Future of Work by Bruno Dobrusin

Why American Firms and Households Need China by Shang-Jin Wei

Can Tunisia's Democracy Survive? by Youssef Cherif

Too Much Gratitude? by Peter Singer

Italy's Writing on the Wall by Harold James

Benchmarking the compliance function

Infrastructure ideas from the 2018 Global Infrastructure Initiative summit

Best practices separating IoT leaders from laggards

China's Economy in 2019: Is a Reality Check in Store?

Apple's Troubles in China Predict Problems for Other U.S. Firms

What's Ahead for the Stock Market in 2019

'I love my Mac!' - Zoë Smith

The Milky Way could hit another galaxy in 2 billion years, sending our solar system flying into space

Fact check: Trump's speech on border 'crisis'

Fact check: Trump repeated several misstatements during Oval Office speech

US cancer death rate hits 25 years of decline, study says

A Simple Way to Better Remember Things: Draw a Picture

The Truth About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Is Marijuana as Safe as We Think?

Bear Tips- Organize notes with tags and infinite nested tags

Bear Tips- How to create multi-word tags – Bear Notes & Prose

US cancer death rate hits 25 years of decline, study says

Is an annuity a great idea? Or a tax 'time bomb'?

Your New Favorite Winter Sport: Snowshoeing • Columbia Blog

Ford's new police SUV hits 137 mph, and it will save taxpayers millions

Gwyneth Paltrow Has A Theory On Why Brad Pitt Looks Like His Girlfriends

Cyntoia Brown is granted clemency after killing man who bought her for sex

Revisiting the Trump-Russia dossier: What's right, wrong and still unclear?

Apple's iPhone privacy billboard is a clever CES troll, but it's also inaccurate

Little Rock, Arkansas, becomes latest community to declare effective end to Veteran homelessness - VAntage Point

How corporations are approaching sustainability and the Global Goals

Japan First by Ian Buruma

The Left's Choice by Dani Rodrik

An Optimist's Guide to Climate Change by Lynn Scarlett

The Year of Trump? by Joseph S. Nye

How American Poverty Became "Fake News" by Angus Deaton

Shaping Europe's Present and Future by Federica Mogherini

Cracking the Code on Brand Growth

What Motivates Workers in the Gig Economy?

How Introverts Can Learn to Network Effectively

Hitting a Wall: How Marketing Helps Explain the Washington Stalemate

The thing about arguments

This Alabama Quarterback Wants to Be Your Insurance Salesman

How Estimates of the Gig Economy Went Wrong

Trump isn't saving coal

The greatest trick Donald Trump ever pulled

The Lost Art of Focused Reading « Pocket Blog

Bankruptcy filings are at a 10-year low, but that's not necessarily good news

New Year's resolutions for iPhone users

9 Best iPhone Video Player Apps You Must Try in 2019

Two Towns Forged an Unlikely Bond. Now, ICE is Severing the Connection

Trump, Marla, the Beach Romp, Anti-Semitism, and the Epic Battle for Mar-a-Lago

The Government Shutdown is Triggering Giant Pay Raises For Trump's Top Aides

CNN Travel's 19 places to visit in 2019

Finding Female Friends Over 50 Can Be Hard. These Women Figured it Out.

Why exercise won't make you lose weight

Congo net shutdown shows how Chinese tactics are spreading

Canada Says, 'Give Me Your MBAs, Your Entrepreneurs'

The 21 Best Travel Destinations for 2019

8 key things to notice from Xi Jinping's New Year speech on Taiwan

Beijing's goal is re-unification with Taiwan — Why can't it get there?

Re-establishing U.S. Space Command is a great idea

Is Hungary becoming a rogue state in the center of Europe?

The era of U.S.-China cooperation is drawing to a close — What comes next?

North Korea may be willing to begin denuclearization, and Trump should make a deal

Learning from Trump's Syria debacle — What Congress can do

Will this new Congress be the one to pass data privacy legislation?


What Will Cause the Next US Recession? by J. Bradford DeLong

Cycling Toward Success in Kenya by Brian Malika & Brian Malika

From Yellow Vests to the Green New Deal by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Euro Turns 20 by Daniel Gros

Where Have All the Safe Havens Gone? by Benjamin J. Cohen

The Future of Free Trade by Michael Froman

How Democracy is Won by Anwar Ibrahim

Why are the Marines feared worldwide and the U.S. Army is not-

What is the best all-around military assault rifle-

The Government Shutdown is Triggering Giant Pay Raises For Trump's Top Aides

The exhaust fan

I was special envoy to fight the Islamic State. Our gains are now at risk.

More First-Time Home Buyers Are Turning to the Bank of Mom and Dad

Looking for an Alternative to College- U.S. Studies German Apprenticeships

Is Europe Ready to Defend Itself-

The Spiderman Paradox

Africa in the news: DRC elections and Sudan protests

Jason Furman on policies to shape the future of work

Industry 4.0, innovation, and pharmaceutical quality control

Blockchain development and the Occam problem

Apple details 2018 iPad Pro enclosure manufacturing process, reiterates 400 micron bend tolerances

While federal workers go without pay, senior Trump administration officials are poised to get $10,000 raises

Golden Globes 2019: Who will win – and who should?

Here's Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wore All White For Her Swearing-In

Apple's Precarious and Pivotal 2019 – 500ish Words

The Bad Stuff That the Stock Market Worried About is Starting to Happen

Apple or Android? Here is the most secure phone you can get

The true cost of an iPhone over your lifetime: $300,000

Charts of the week: The new Congress, population growth slowdown

Congress should learn from Canada on preventing extremist violence

'America First' is only making the world worse. Here's a better approach.

Germany's leading magazine published falsehoods about American life

The Hutchins Center Explains: How worried should you be about the federal debt?

Does an orchestra need the oboe?

A Year to Act by Ian Goldin & Robert Muggah

PS Commentators' Predictions for 2019 by PS editors

Central Bankers' Fiscal Constraints by Kenneth Rogoff

Europe's Future is Up to Us by Michel Barnier

Putin's Semi-Free Press Problem by Nina L. Khrushcheva

AI for human development

What is zero-based budgeting?

Testing the resilience of Europe's inclusive growth model

How the future of work may unfold: A corporate demand-side perspective

Omnifocus, Things, 2Do etc … … You know where this is going - OmniFocus - The Omni Group Forums

15 money moves to make in 2019

Best to do and task manager apps for iPhone

Dave Barry's Year in Review 2018

Ocean Cleanup device in Great Pacific Garbage Patch breaks, will be towed back to port

Mediterranean diet named the best for 2019

Daryl Dragon, of Captain & Tennille, dead at 76

Articles by Us Archive - Drucker Institute

GCC News Roundup: Qatar leaves OPEC, Saudi Arabia reshuffles cabinet (December 1-31)

Impeachment is not a high priority for voters, recent polls show

Who was poor in the United States in 2017?

Congress in 2019: The many challenges facing Adam Schiff and the House Intel Committee

Artificial intelligence and bias: Four key challenges

Seven questions for Janet Yellen on financial stability

How to shut down future shutdowns

When The 4% Rule Could Fail Investors

You can't outtrain a bad diet

Pass on the Gas Tax by Andrés Velasco

AI for Human Development by Michael Chui & Martin Harrysson

Hard Brexit Truths by Bill Emmott

America's New Democracy Movement by Laura Tyson & Lenny Mendonca

Africa's Philanthropic Potential by Carl Manlan

America's Overdue Middle East Withdrawal by Ramesh Thakur

A Very Trumpian Year by Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Second Coming of Fascism? by Michael Burleigh

Public-private partnership: smart city

AI hardware: Value creation for semiconductor companies

Combating synthetic identity fraud

Managing working capital so it works harder for you

Could China turn inward?

The most illuminating, self-involved, sycophantic and helpful books I read in 2018 — and the best one, too

I Was A Cable Guy. I Saw The Worst Of America.

How Mark Burnett Resurrected Donald Trump as an Icon of American Success

Law Abiding Citizen

11 Things Every Woman Should Write Down Before the Year Ends

Come Prepared: Talk to Your Doc

Devin Nunes's Family Farm is Hiding a Politically Explosive Secret

A Big Turnaround in Management Thinking: New Leadership Competencies For VUCA

Jane Curtin: 'My New Year's Resolution is To Make Sure The Republican Party Dies'

Why 2019 could be an enormous year of change for the Mac


What is marketing?

Congress in 2019: A brief history of congressional investigations

A global snapshot: Impact bonds in 2018

Congress in 2019: The challenge of left-behind places

Dirty Populists by Janine R. Wedel

The World After Trump by Mira Rapp-Hooper

China's Malign Secrecy by Ricardo Hausmann

A Makeover for Chinese Macroeconomic Policy by Yu Yongding

Climate Change Action Cannot Ignore Social Issues by Marc Fleurbaey & Helga Nowotny

Trump's Syria Withdrawal is a Chance for Peace by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Welcome to College. Now Take a Year Off

Seven New Year's Tax Resolutions for 2019

The top 5%

Congress in 2019: What's ahead for tax and fiscal policy?

The insurance landscape of 2018: digital and analytics

Before 4/3/2019

Aramco’s Big Reveal: What We Learned About the Saudi Oil Giant

China’s Decade of Sweeping Economic Change

Financial Prey for the Populists

How to Beat a Populist

The New-Old Globalization

Europe and the New Imperialism

Suze Orman wants you to stop ‘peeing $1 million down the drain’

Sssnakes on a map

Corporate America Can’t Afford to Ignore Gen Z


Captain Planet should have been a woman

Forget collusion, the problem is corruption and complacency

Quote of the week:

Would Index Funds Keep Pace With The Forbes 400 Richest?

What if Zero Interest Rates Are the New Normal?

What Drives Disruption? (Hint: It’s Not Technology)

Experts discuss the view from Putin’s world

No Middle-Income Trap for China

Europe Needs a Global Strategy

The Transatlantic Continental Drift

A Low-Carbon Belt and Road

A brief history of NATO, from Truman to Trump

How global development leaders think their field is changing

Europe Must Unite on China

Governors’ strategies for geographic and racial inclusion

Women staging a labor force comeback

The tragedy of tech companies: Getting the regulation they want

The Trump Contagion

California Has the Jobs but Not Enough Homes

The Economic Consequences of Global Uncertainty

The Economy’s Last Best Hope- Superstar Middle Managers

A Growing Problem in Real Estate- Too Many Too Big Houses

The future of manufacturing

The Ambition Europe Needs

Lachlan Murdoch takes control of Fox Corp. But how will he deal with President Trump?

Are the kids alright? Saving and wealth accumulation among the millennial generation

Advanced economies’ fiscal policies had big boost and drag effects after the financial crisis

The Fed’s tightening contributed to the growth of securitized mortgages

Toward a New Global Charter

Technology operations: A flywheel for performance improvement

The Blind Spot in the Trade Debate

A Mar-a-Lago Weekend and an Act of God: Trump’s History With Deutsche Bank

Where progress with China is most likely — and where it isn’t

Think Local, Develop Better

Bretton Woods at 75

Showing Europe’s True Colors

Special Edition: Brexit, the Season Finale?

Stagnant Capitalism

The Irish conquest of America

The strongmen are back. And we have no idea how to confront them

Understanding the Fed’s Dovish Turn

Maduro’s Useful Idiots

Resilience and tolerances

Amazon’s second headquarters clears blocks in Virginia funding vote

Does it Matter Where You Go To College? Some Context For The Admissions Scandal

Unlocking Secrets of Memory and Time in the Brain

Companies Hire on Potential — If Only They Knew What That Meant

How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger

What Europe’s Populist Right is Getting Right

Modern Monetary Realism

Thomas L. Friedman: Why I’m optimistic

Thomas L. Friedman on restoring the middle class

Keys to a sustainable transformation: A conversation with Seth Goldstrom

Thomas L. Friedman: Why simple fixes don’t work anymore

Thomas L. Friedman: An interview with Mother Nature

Thomas L. Friedman: Technology moves in steps

Thomas L. Friedman: The three climate changes

Debt: Is it the Calm Before the Storm?

Can Economics Shake Its Shibboleths?

Can Nuclear Energy Save the Planet?

More productive, more diverse: What ‘Vital Stats’ tells us about the new Congress

The High Costs of the New Cold War

What are the most important organizational health practices?

Are elite colleges really a ‘golden ticket’ to a successful life?

Student Loans Change Lives

Your Environment is Cleaner. Your Immune System Has Never Been So Unprepared

Bringing Poland Back to Europe

Overheating About Global Warming

What’s Wrong with Contemporary Capitalism?

Market Concentration is Threatening the US Economy

How to Lose Friends and Impoverish People

Powering mobility’s future with wireless EV charging: An interview with WiTricity’s Alex Gruzen

The 23 most unforgettable last sentences in fiction

From $22 an hour to $11: What the GM layoffs mean for workers

The Case for a Bold Economics

Money to Launder? Here’s How (Hint: Find a Bank)

Princess Sheikha Latifa tried to flee Dubai. She left a video to prove it

Spending reviews: A powerful approach to value in public finance

The coming trends of mobility transformation

40 Stories From Women About Life in the Military

The Revolt Against Big Food

What’s Driving the Demand for Data Scientists?

Warren Buffett: “Really Successful People Say No To Almost Everything”

The Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative: Will it work?

Europe in the Shadows

How Business Leaders Can Navigate the Unknown — and Thrive

What is u*?

The diversity gap for public school teachers is actually growing across generations

Banking on Refugees

Here’s Where to Find the World’s Super Rich, From Paris to Tokyo

The Oppression of the Supermajority

The Best Type of Exercise to Burn Fat

How to take the ‘outside view’

Putting people first in public-sector transformations

Europe’s Crucial Year: Will it Rise to the Challenge?

Putin Wants His Own Internet

deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide hit highest level since record-keeping began

What Iran’s 1979 revolution meant for US and global oil markets

India’s China Problem in Pakistan

Keep Politics Out of Europe’s Competition Decisions

Renewing Europe

Beyond the Traditional Family

The Most Expensive Commutes in America Aren’t in NYC or San Francisco

The new phones are coming: The real-world impact of foldable screens and 5G

Modern Monetary Nonsense

The Madness of Airline Élite Status

Right on track

A New Word for That Feeling When Travel Makes Everything New

Working parents are an endangered species. That’s why Democrats are talking child care

All the ways American teenagers are under enormous pressure to succeed

This is What Peak Car Looks Like

Why Trump’s Effort to Narrow the Trade Gap Has Flopped So Far

Are You a Confident or Overconfident Boss- Here’s How to Tell

Here’s what smart rich people really do with their nest egg

The future of higher education: A conversation with Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard University

Thomas L. Friedman: The world’s gone from flat, to fast, to deep

The future of higher education: A conversation with Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard University

No One Listening- Maybe You’re the Problem

The Best Way for Newbies to Invest for Retirement

Coffee, Cocoa, and the Cutting Edge

Europe’s Missing Champions

Europe’s Leaders Are Aiding Italy’s Populists

The platform play: How to operate like a tech company

What is leadership?

Ford’s transformation: An interview with Hau Thai-Tang

Mohamed El-Erian: What’s Driving Uncertainty in the Global Economy

Follow Warren Buffett’s Advice: Be Greedy With Kraft Heinz While Others Are Fearful

Apple dominates the podcast market. But for how long?

Using Parts of Speech to Improve Your Writing Style

Intellectual Freedom and Its New Enemies

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning: What Your Firm Needs to Know

‘Don’t call me before you text’: The new rules of communicating in the digital era

The Case for Green Realism

Wag the Dictator

Anger over tariffs obscures a shift in patterns of global trade

Less Fluff, More Stuff: The Science of Productive Meetings

Lessons for telling time

Risky Retirement Business

The Accidental Atlanticist

Should Bold Ideas Drown Out Old Ideas?

Acorn TV London Kills - February

It’s time to bridge the military-civilian divide in the US

A climate of hatred

Kraft Heinz Faces Existential Crisis as Stock Tumbles to New Low

The [New] Human Movement

The second great inflection point in mobility innovation

Don’t let sloppy emails ruin productivity

With new technology challenges, remember we’ve been here before

Telescopes and microscopes

Business and Biodiversity

Will Germany Permit Joint European Security?

How to Establish Your Brand ‘Voice’ on Social Media

Mark Cuban explains how to make a 16% guaranteed return

How to Get the Best Results from Big Data Analysis

Discovering a more inclusive private sector development where least expected

The Ideology Trap

This Time Really is Different

Private markets come of age

Seven key practices for lifelong learners

Planning in an agile organization

Finding Fulfillment in Life: The First Step is Redefining Success

Is There a Brewing Subprime Auto Loan Crisis?

Stop ‘whitesplaining’ racism to me

Why transformations fail: A conversation with Seth Goldstrom

Personal resilience in transformations: A conversation with Jon Garcia

The learning S curve and individual development

Millennial socialists want to shake up the economy and save the climate

Should You Take That Promotion- Well, Maybe

Republicans Need to Save Capitalism

Trump’s wall will not prevent America’s diversity boom

Some problems are easier to sell

From back office to innovation’s front lines with next-gen global business services

The next era of globalization will be shaped by customers, technology, and value chains

Essential components of a learning and development strategy

Fact-checking Trump’s speech declaring a national emergency

It takes more than 2 to tango: Impact bonds in Latin America and the Caribbean

How racial and regional inequality affect economic opportunity

Are Financial Health and Physical Fitness Joined At The Hip?

The Road From Thatcherism

Europe’s Power Deficit

How Developing Critical-thinking Skills Can Help Your Business

Want to Foster Prosperity? Focus on Market-creating Innovations

Debt management in a challenging environment: Lessons from Côte d’Ivoire

Democracy Beyond Voting and Protests

What Will Succeed GDP?

Science and Subterfuge in Economics

What President Trump hasn’t told his rallies about free trade

New study shows what your community needs to do to survive the impact of automation

Do tax increases always contract economies?

A Survival Kit for the City of London

Why a 70% Top Tax Rate Will Miss Its Mark

Do Americans marry for love or money? Finally, an answer

Fyre Festival to fashion week, how do Instagram influencers make so much money?

6 Idea Generation Methods That May Be Better Than Brainstorming

Pete Buttigieg

The trap of early feedback

France and Germany Must Change the Game

What Venezuela Tells Europe About Russia

The 2019 Best Countries Report: Which Nations Ranked Highest?

Hackers keep trying to get malicious Windows file onto MacOS

Americans view Mueller as more credible than Trump, but views of his probe are scattered

Europe, Please Wake Up

What’s Really Impeding Efforts to Educate Individual Investors

Teachers can’t afford Denver without living with roommates and getting side jobs

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Exposes The Dark Side Of Politics in 5 Incredible Minutes

How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services

All the ways Gen X is financially wrecked

The depressing reason rich people are now the fastest-growing segment of renters

How do people envision their last days on Earth? The answers may surprise you

The future of capitalism in emerging markets

Reshaping the global fashion trade

Improving training to promote lifelong employability

AI in Europe: Tackling the gap

Is Reddit the Most Influential Site on the Internet?

Sergei Millian, identified as an unwitting source for the Steele dossier, sought proximity to Trump’s world in 2016

33 Killer Conversation Starters So You Can Start A Conversation With Anyone

Debt Derangement Syndrome

End the US Stranglehold on the World Bank

The future of manufacturing: Your people

Being a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Neuroscience

‘Downton Shabby’: How a Hollywood guy is saving his British ancestral home

Examining Angela Ahrendts’ five-year tenure as head of Apple Retail

Building inclusion into 5G wireless networks

Are you being manipulated?

The Coming China Shock

Is Japan’s Sun Rising?

Dirty Money and Tainted Philanthropy

The Mirage of a Global Euro

The Costs of a Brexit Brain Drain

Trends in the fashion industry India

A conversation with Jay Ireland, former president and CEO, GE Africa

The European Commission’s Taxing New Idea

What is Xi Jinping Thought?

Automation won’t bring an apocalypse — but that doesn’t mean it will be easy

When you’re over your head

A Second Chance to Fix Finance

Is the “Populist” Tide Retreating?

Can ‘Opportunity Zones’ Lift Up America’s Struggling Towns?

The 35 most outrageous lines from Donald Trump’s Super Bowl interview

Bystanders of Sears’ downfall will get their day in court Monday

Inside the Takedown That Put Carlos Ghosn in Jail

The New Beijing-Moscow Axis

Hope Hicks, West Wing Alum, Begins Her Second Act on the West Coast

How to Do a Data ‘Cleanse’

How to capture what the customer wants

Getting to know the global-minded Chinese traveler

AI in public-sector problems

Belichick’s Success Explained

Doing business in Africa: My experience

10 things we learned at Brookings in January

A Green New Deal for Europe

Are Multinationals Eclipsing Nation-States?

The Ghosts of Versailles

The services solution for unlocking industry’s next growth opportunity

‘The Davos of Value Change’: Some New Topics Take Center Stage

Why conservatives should avoid government shutdowns

Nuggets from the Fed’s new Financial Stability and Supervision & Regulation reports

How Data Analytics Can Boost Any Organization’s Performance

Education systems need alignment for teaching and learning 21st century skills

How Germany Lost its Einsteins

The Sorry State of the World Economy

Factual, or Warm and Fuzzy? Why Choosing the Right Words Matters

Trump and his aides offer the public a glimpse of their private notes — no matter how revealing

The repetition of stories

Lessons of East Asia’s Human-Capital Development

There is No Sino-American Trade War

Richest in U.S. Have a Few Tricks to Avoid Democrats’ Tax Plans

What’s behind the relationship between Israel and Arab Gulf states?

Opportunity costs just went up

Digital Dangers to Democracy

Why China Must Save Less

Warnings from the Global Trade Cycle

How Europe’s Populists Can Win

Digital transformation and the G-20: A wake-up call for policymakers

How to extract maximum value from a zero-based design approach to customer journeys

Lessons from corporate behavioral-science units

How to Eat to Save the World

The World’s Responsibility to Educate

The Demise of Western Illusions in Syria

The global distribution of corporate profits and the power curve

This is what’s making Americans less satisfied with their finances

What White, Western Audiences Don’t Understand About Marie Kondo’s ‘Tidying Up’

Super Rich Americans Are Getting Younger and Multiplying

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Hate Your Job

Joyless growth in China, India, and the United States

The Three Revolutions Economics Needs

The Right Investments to Address the Human Capital Crisis

Make Way for Generation Z in the Workplace

Why India’s Smartphone Revolution is a Double-edged Sword

1,500 private jets expected at Davos, where attendees are discussing ‘safeguarding our planet’ from climate change

The top 26 billionaires are as wealthy as 3.8 billion people

50 Moments That Define an Improbable Presidency

The Think-Tank Dilemma

The Metamorphosis of Central Europe

Decision Time for the Future of Corporate Taxation

A social justice movement inspired

The richest people on the planet had mixed fortunes last year — due to one simple thing

The fourth cycle of the hive mind (and what to do about it)

Is Ancient DNA Research Revealing New Truths — or Falling Into Old Traps?

UPS driver saves dog from drowning in icy pond: ‘She wasn’t going to make it’

The World Economy Goes Hollywood

The value of digital ID for the global economy and society

Five hidden ways that globalization is changing

Six lessons on how to embrace the next-generation operating model

773 million email addresses exposed in ‘mega data breach’ — here’s how to see if yours is one of them

Impeach Donald Trump

Hutchins Roundup: Working rich, robotic automation, and more

Globalization in transition: The future of trade and global value chains

Building a creative talent strategy

5 puzzles in the international economy

Long Live Globalization

Global Taxation for the Digital Age

What Changes Will the EU See in 2019?

Can higher mortality be a sign of progress?

Trump’s Brain Drain

How US Monetary Policy Has Tamed China

Rhymes from Central Europe

Disruption, Concentration, and the New Economy

Before 1/15/2019

Let’s Get Real About Purpose

Battling Eight Giants with Basic Income

A wall can’t fix what global migration and refugee compacts can

‘Lighthouse’ manufacturers lead the way — can the rest of the world keep up?

Shelter from the Storm in 2019

Sal Khan on democratizing education

What is digital analytics? The CFO’s role

How Introverts Can Learn to Network Effectively

Jason Furman on policies to shape the future of work

11 Things Every Woman Should Write Down Before the Year Ends

Jane Curtin: ‘My New Year’s Resolution is To Make Sure The Republican Party Dies’

3 easy New Year’s Resolutions to boost your financial success

Hilbert’s list

Nature vs. Infrastructure

A global tipping point: Half the world is now middle class or wealthier

Who is really middle class in America? This chart shows just how much family size matters

The 10 most popular Brookings content pieces of 2018

China’s Myth-Busting Miracle

Why is the Fed Still Raising Interest Rates?

Coming to America: Who Was First?


How high will interest rates go? History offers some clues

For Sears Workers, a Chaotic, Heartbreaking Last Christmas

Don’t Be Shocked- Trump is Being Trump

Could China Turn Inward?

Learning from China

What Do Thought Leaders Think?

How China and the world can win together

Our attitude towards wealth played a crucial role in Brexit. We need a rethink Stephen Hawking Opinion The Guardian

‘Canada’s Warren Buffett’ Drives His Own Pickup Truck

The Biggest Emerging Market Debt Problem is in America

In Defense of Nationalism

Our fundamental attribution error

Finding the Virtue in Private Equity Firms

Using AI and Video to Learn How the World Works

These Neighborhoods Attract America’s Highest Earners

Police detective demoted after dropping his retired K-9 at an animal shelter

(Not so) Happy birthday to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Growing faster than the market: Three questions the C-suite should ask

Financial Globalization and Productivity Growth

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations

Does it Matter Where You Go to College?

Middle class incomes have slumped, stagnated or grown, depending on the measure

The Real Roots of American Rage

The new dividing line in Western politics

Realigning global support-function footprints in a digital world

The Great American Tax Heist Turns One

Unlocking Public Wealth

Making Retirement Work

Trump’s Anti-Service Economy

The transformation of global acquiring

“I didn’t do the reading…”

Who’s Afraid of China’s Influence?

Why Perks No Longer Cut it for Workers

Lies, Damned Lies, and AI

China’s Boldest Experiment

The Strengthening Case Against Trump

Is Waiting a Lost Art?

Before 12/9/2018

Here’s what smart rich people really do with their nest egg

The Leadership of Cities

How Cities Can Create the Next Silicon Valley

Customers’ views on ACES mobility

Catalyzing the growth of the impact economy

Soros v. Gates: What Makes a Philanthropist?

The New Risks in Risk Regulation

This is the most powerful passport in the world (it’s not American)

Capital Takes All

The Future of Global-Health Coordination

What it takes to go agile

An approach to zero based organization redesign

The CFO’s role: Prioritize, transform, repeat

Philadelphia Fed’s Patrick Harker: How Fintech Will Shape the Future

Exit Line: The Effects of Employee Turnover on Manufacturing

An Ancient Corner of Italy Finds the World on Its Doorstep

Beyond GDP

Can the World Bank Redeem Itself?

Putting the Public Back in Public Health

The Great Macro Divergence

Populism is Rooted in Politics, not Economics

China Deserves its Economic Success

The prosperity of high-growth economies

Building the zero-based culture

Four ways to make better strategy choices

Why General Motors Shifted Gears in Its Manufacturing Strategy

Where Are the Corporate Patriots?

How technology created a lonely workplace

Parents are borrowing more money for their kids’ college — and struggling to repay it

Do Americans marry for love or money? Finally, an answer

Judgment, recognition and operacy

Standing on Peter Drucker’s shoulders to shape the future

China — The Land That Failed to Fail

Why GM CEO Mary Barra killed Chevrolet cars, approved likely plant closures

Pollution by the Numbers

Financing International Cooperation

Three Big Leadership Clichés – and How to Rethink Them

Software is still eating the world

China’s Four Traps

The new normal in lifelong learning

Why Agile is Eating The World

Five key questions clients ask about our energy demand outlook to 2050

The Next Millionaire Next Door Provides A Road Map For Us All

Silent Inflation

The Lost Lessons of World War I

How To Launch A Management Movement

Climate Change, Markets, and Marxism

Brexit and the Global Economy

How to Build a Buyer Persona (Includes Free Template)

The Engineer and The Gardener: the Central Tension in 21st Century Management

This Simple Yet Powerful Weekly Planning Routine Puts You in Control

Before 11/16/2018

On our to-do list: an interview with Google’s productivity expert

How a Gig Mindset Inside Organizations Will Shape Our Future

How Can Countries Reduce Poverty Faster?

Visualizing early childhood development

Inside the New Industrial Revolution

How A Stock Market Crash Could Accelerate Your FIRE

Reclaiming Community

Examining urban development in China

Why Companies Should ‘Blowup Best Practices’

The Secrets Behind Apple’s Design Process

Making the most of years three to five in CEO tenure

Grappling With Globalization 4.0

The next finance transformation starts with the CFO

Before 11/3/2018

Auf Wiedersehen, and Good Riddance

Angela Merkel’s Tragedy

Behind the latest rosy jobs figures, here’s the ‘true state’ of Americans’ financial lives

The Reforms China Needs

Getting real on managing employee performance

The Future of Economic Convergence

How to engage employees

The Global Economy’s Three Games

What’s driving superstar companies, industries, and cities

Why We Need a New Way to Measure Economic Performance

Before 10/26/2018

Three Lies That are Setting Fire to the World

Who Deserves Credit for the Strong US Economy?

The superstar firms, sectors, and cities leading the global economy

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Trump

Why China’s Economic Troubles Run Deep

Paris on Foot: 35 Miles, 6 Days and One Blistered Toe

The End of America’s China Fantasy

Taming Capital Flow Volatility

About Oman

The City That Had Too Much Money

What is OCR and how can you benefit from it?

Is Technology Sucking The Life From Us?

We are not the enemy (if we try)

The Sino-American Cold War’s Collateral Damage

The Economics of the Climate Crisis

The High Cost of High Finance

The Unabomber Trial- The Manifesto

Tearing Apart Teslas to Find Elon Musk’s Best and Worst Decisions

The Case Against National AI Strategies

The “No-Growth” Prescription for Misery

Seven rules to crack the code on revenue synergies in M&A

America’s $1.5 trillion student debt is a ‘failed social experiment’

What’s the Impact of More Diverse Corporate Boards?

Self-Fulfilling Financial Crises

Before 10/15/2018

A decade after the financial crisis, it’s a different world

Is apparel manufacturing coming home?

Hidden figures: The quiet discipline of managing people using data

The cornerstones of large-scale technology transformation

Imagining the cities of the future

Trump’s North American Trade Charade

Is There a Replication Crisis in Research?

What does it mean to be “interesting”?

The Most Memorable Strangers You’ve Met While Traveling

The Dollar and its Discontents

Is Pensioner Populism Here to Stay?

Before 10/9/2018

Crazy Rich Asia

Who Wins in Trump’s Trade War?

The New and Not Improved NAFTA

Choosing the Best Students

Metrics for measuring innovation

GE’s Leadership Problem Goes Beyond Its CEO

The Age of Social Giving: How Philanthropy is Evolving Right in Front of Our Eyes

Is Competency-Based Education Just A Recycled Failed Policy?

Can Investments Be Too Efficient?

What’s Behind Trump’s Trade War?

The Latest Climate Science Must Mobilize Us, not Paralyze Us

It’s Amazon’s world. We just live in it

To Maximize Performance, set them Free

The Trump Whisperer

Managing business growth strategies

The rise and the reckoning: Inside Brett Kavanaugh’s circles of influence

China, Japan, and Trump’s America

Why Fake News Campaigns Are So Effective

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting

Crafting the Ideal Mission Statement for Your Organization

Bad Financial Moon Rising

Transformation starts with agile leadership

World’s moral beacon signals bleak times ahead

GE’s $500,000,000,000 Market Wipeout is Like Erasing Facebook

One Hundred Years of Ineptitude

The First Bank of Starbucks

Human Nature and the Ethical Life

Defending Democracy’s Essence

A Strategy for Liberals

Blockchain explained: What it is and isn’t, and why it matters

Budget based anchoring bias example

The Limitations of Lean Startup Principles

The Inside Story of Trump’s Shambolic Transition Team

What We Can Learn From The Mistakes of Millionaires

The China Tariff Mess

Artificial intelligence and machine learning for executives

Why So Many Underestimate China’s True Economic Power

Chinese Reform During a Trade War

The China Backlash

The Restructuring of the World

Do You Lead with Purpose

Why Private Investment in Public Infrastructure is Declining

Education’s Moonshot Moment

Peter Drucker: From Vienna To Qingdao - Thinkers 50

What really defines wisdom in the workplace

Lessons I Learned from Peter Drucker

The Trade Wars of Codependency

Reaganomics Redux and the Global Economy

What Causes Financial Crises?

Do Spectacular Earnings Justify Spectacular US Stock Prices?

University leaders and the conglomerate challenge

Why the US Would Lose A Trade War with China

Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong

Trump’s Currency Confusion Continues

Japan’s Successful Economic Model

How Indonesia’s ecommerce can drive economic development


Emerging Markets’ Shifting Bottom Line

Siegel, Shiller and Stocks: Is the Market Overvalued?

3 Tips to Have Better Conversations

The Emerging World’s High Achievers

Europe’s Refugee Scandal

How to Avoid Trade Wars

The Secret to Great Communication Skills: Be Like Aristotle

Why paying more than $50K for college is like a coin flip

This is why Americans are losing confidence in the housing market

The Free-Market Case Against Tax Competition

The Global Trade System Could Break Down

Looking Beyond Lehman

The American Dream is getting smaller

The global financial crisis: Its impact and the recovery

The Real Causes — and Casualties — of the Housing Crisis

Will Central Bank Create a New Global Financial Crisis?

Forecaster of the Month: Next recession won’t come from household debts, prize-winning forecaster says

The Makings of a 2020 Recession and Financial Crisis

The Global Economy’s Fundamental Weakness

Education in the Age of Automation

A Decade After the Great Recession, is the Global Financial System Safer?

Housing and Mortgage Markets May Have Recovered, but Risks Remain

The Auto Bailout 10 Years Later: Was it the Right Call?

Will New Regulations Avert Another Meltdown?

Americans Want to Believe Jobs Are the Solution to Poverty. They’re Not

Lab-grown brain bits open windows to the mind — and a maze of ethical dilemmas

A Fragmented Multilateralism?

Federalism 2.0

Who Really Creates Value in an Economy?

What is Threatening Science?

How the Great Recession Impacted American Workers

Warren Buffett Recounts His Role During 2008 Financial Crisis

Russian Propaganda’s Western Enablers

The Real Problem with Free Trade

The Global Economy Ten Years After

A Spy Story- Sergei Skripal Was a Little Fish. He Had a Big Enemy

40% of Americans struggle to pay for at least one basic need like food or rent

Eight Steps to Improving Work Performance

Reinventing Museums for the Digital Generation

If You Think Socialism’s Unaffordable, You Don’t Understand Capitalism

The shrinking of America’s middle class has finally ground to a halt

Beyond Secular Stagnation

Modeling the global economic impact of AI

How to Improve U.S. Infrastructure: Four Key Policy Changes

The End of Capitalism

What Lehman Brothers’ Failure Means Today

The Two Sides of American Exceptionalism

Can ASEAN Turn Geostrategic and Technological Disruption into Opportunity?

Solving the UK productivity puzzle in the digital age

How Junk Bond Funds Can Be an Early Economic Indicator

Trump’s Policies Will Displace the Dollar

Decoding Currency Crises

Setting the Record Straight on Secular Stagnation

Generous Giving Or Phony Philanthropy? A Critique Of Well-Meaning ‘Winners’

How Big Tech Swallowed Seattle

before 9/1/2018

A Decade After the Global Financial Crisis: What Has (And Hasn’t) Changed?

The Death of the Manager: The Rise of the Enabler

American Political Economy, Disrupted

The Slavery Incentive

Saving Capitalism from Economics 101

What has and hasn’t changed since the global financial crisis?

Outside OmniFocus

A Woman’s Place is in the Digital Revolution

The Three Tribes of Austerity

Stripping Away Entrepreneur Myths

Was the Financial Crisis Wasted?

Why is the Renminbi Depreciating?

How Indonesia’s ecommerce can drive economic development

Maria Butina’s NRA networking is a Russian spy tactic. Being a public figure isn’t

The inside story of the world’s biggest financial scandal

What to Do When You’re Bad at Money

The Current Account Counts

The Depth of the Next US Recession

The Myth of Secular Stagnation

Brace yourself, this is how much America’s 1% has saved

The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History

A Blended Family: Her Mother Was Neanderthal, Her Father Something Else Entirely

The Liberty of Nations

America’s Hidden Debt

How this couple quit their jobs to see the world – without going broke

Drugs, Gunboats, and China’s Score to Settle

In ‘Small Fry,’ Steve Jobs Comes Across as a Jerk. His Daughter Forgives Him. Should We?

Mike Pence, ‘Christian supremacist’: 6 key takeaways from a new book

Violating the ‘Law of One Price’ in the Financial Crisis

How Hidden Fees Hurt the Middle Class

How to Prevent Winner-Takes-All Democracy

Trump’s Strong-Dollar Weakness

Has the Emerging-Economy Crisis Cycle Ended?

The American Dream is getting smaller

The 10 commandments of retirement

Making Migration Safe for Climate Nexus

How China’s Demographic Time Bomb Threatens its Economy

Where Immigrants Go, Economic Growth Follows

Evanescent boundaries

How to Ask for Help and Actually Get It

The Tricky Task of Managing the New, Multigenerational Workplace

How Bosses Waste Their Employees’ Time

A Better World is Here

What Marketers Are Doing Wrong in Data Analytics

The Zero-Sum Economy

Why is the Middle Class Dying Out?

Legal watchdog wants Commerce IG to investigate Wilbur Ross

Realizing Globalization’s Innovative Potential

Here’s how the recession may have cost you $70,000 in lifetime income

The Case Of Wilbur Ross’ Phantom $2 Billion

Hard work may not pay after all

How to Be an Ace Salary Negotiator (Even if You Hate Conflict)

What is zero-based budgeting, and why does it matter?

Globalization with Chinese Characteristics

Equality for All?

The Trump Administration’s Dead End on Trade

Analytics in education: How colleges and universities can transform outcomes

How electric vehicles could change the load curve

The basics of electric-vehicle charging infrastructure

Global Politics for a Globalized Economy

Steve Bannon’s European Adventure

16 Facebook Accounts That Will Make You Smarter

When Economic History Improves With Time

Denialism: what drives people to reject the truth

The Promise of Liberal Identity Politics

How Ties to Expat Communities Impact International Firm Expansion

Manageable and Unmanageable Managing

Is Charity for the Poor Futile?

Putting FDI (foreign direct investment) on the G20 Agenda

New York City today: Slow subways, slummy projects, soaring rents

China’s Summer of Discontent

S&P 500’s slimmer dividend yield could leave less money on the table for stock investors

If Trump Ruled Venice

Organization or talent : Comments on Ulrich

The US is at Risk of Losing a Trade War with China

Good Oligarch, Bad Oligarch

The Western Illusion of Chinese Innovation

Geospatial analytics for omnichannel retail

Trump’s Immigration Trap

New Rules for the New Global Economy

Private equity exit strategies to create value

How Do You Get People to Tell the Truth?

Stress Testing China’s System Reform

The BRICS in a Multipolar World

Trump, mad about Fed interest rate hikes, only has himself to blame - Business Insider

America’s Grassroots Saviors

‘Time is running out’: Inside the treacherous rescue of boys trapped in a Thai cave

9 Management Practices of Effective Leaders

A milestone for Chrome security: marking HTTP as “not secure”

Avoid Crowds at Popular Destinations to Try These Hidden Gems

Borrowing from the Populists’ Playbook

Can Multilateralism Survive?

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s: Which is it?

George Soros Bet Big on Liberal Democracy. Now He Fears He is Losing

How to Debate a Populist

Let There Be More Than Light

Moving Beyond LinkedIn: A Better Strategy for Switching Careers

Nationalism, Immigration, and Economic Success

Rick Steves: The Value of Travel at TEDxRainier

Should Corporate Social Responsibility Include Political Responsibility?

Storytelling Can Help Companies Build Rapport

The Evolution of Global Governance

The Problem With Innovation- The Biggest Companies Are Hogging All the Gains

The Thai Cave Rescue: What Are the Leadership Lessons?

Trumpism and the Philosophy of World Order

White House budget projects $1 trillion deficit in 2019

Will Bitcoin Save Us From Google?

A catastrophe journal

The agile manager

How to Avoid Becoming Another GE

Xi Jinping’s Vision for Global Governance

Intellectual Property, Not intellectual Monopoly

Taxing the intangible Economy

Senators Challenge The S.E.C. On Share Buybacks

The Global Economy’s Uncertain Future

US and Chinese tech giants compete in emerging markets with different strategies: US firms establish subsidiaries, Chinese companies invest in local players

How innovation is shaping city trends in Europe

The Education of Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker’s view on Project Management

CFOs must act now to build the digital finance function of the future

Driving growth is a relentless daily pursuit

Socially Responsible Business Can Only Succeed if it Becomes a Movement

Should Leadership Feel More Like Love?

America’s Decline Never Seems to Arrive

The Cognitive Limits of Lifelong Learning

Big Tech is a Big Problem

How Can We Retain the Benefits of Globalization?

M&A Market Headed for a Record, Powered

Co-opting the Constitution: How Corporations influence American Law

How to get away with financial fraud

How the ‘Bad Boys of Brexit’ forged ties with Russia and the Trump campaign — and came under investigators’ scrutiny

Everyone is Canceled

Saigon, 1965 with Malcolm Gladwell

The Prime Minister and the Prof with Malcolm Gladwell

Putin Family Values

Is China’s innovation Strategy An Unfair Trade Policy?

America’s Millennials Are Waking Up to a Grim Financial Future

Anger in America

The Roy Cohn I Knew Was a Small, Sad Man

Trump’s Gift to China

A transformative experience for leading a transformation

Job Training in the Digital Age: Learning to Do, Not Think

Nationalism Will Go Bankrupt

Housing in America: where’s the progress?

Which Anti-Poverty Policies Work?

Avoiding the Sino-American Technology Trap

The New Natural World

How Jack Reacher Was Built

Some thoughts on the crisis of liberalism—and how to fix it

My Wife Said You May Want to Marry Me

The Prime Minister and the Professor- Confidence Man - HistoryNet

Living and Working in 30 Different Economies: A Curated Resource List

The Anatomy of Global Debt

Leading for the long term

Why Willingness to Pay Doesn’t Mean Consumers Like What They Buy

Putin’s Economic Dilemma

Our Infant Information Revolution

How can business leaders make the new world of work better for people?

A Stalin-era Gulag survivor never saw her husband again. USA TODAY found him

The Problem with Protectionism

America’s Baby Bust

Stretching (goals)

How to prepare for TEOTWAWKI

The Garment Industry’s Technology Challenge

The Age of Tech Superheroes Must End

Trump Hates the Trade Deficit. Most Economists Don’t. - The New York Times

How does the balance of trade impact currency exchange rates? Investopedia

Why Today’s Business Schools Teach Yesterday’s Expertise

Cozy land deals meant big money for Trump family and friends

Can Smart Cities Be Equitable?

Murder with Impunity: Where killings go unsolved

Are Emerging Markets the Canary in the Financial Coal Mine?

Why Sustainable Cities Are Closer Than We Think

Local Solutions for Global Problems

Is the Solow Paradox back?

HBR’s Embrace Of Agile

Learning Consortium For The Creative Economy

The Best-Kept Management Secret On The Planet: Agile

The Case Against Agile: Ten Perennial Management Objections

What is Agile?

Explaining Agile

The Dumbest Idea in The World: Maximizing Shareholder Value

HBR Defends ‘The World’s Dumbest Idea’

The ‘Pernicious Nonsense’ Of Maximizing Shareholder Value

Salesforce CEO Slams ‘The World’s Dumbest Idea’: Maximizing Shareholder Value

Throat clearing isn’t necessary

AI, automation, and the future of work: Ten things to solve for (Tech4Good)

A Trade War that China Would Win

It’s not Cambridge Analytica, it’s Humans traded on Personal Data Markets

Multilateralism is the Only Way Forward

After the hiccup

How the ‘Watergate Babies’ Broke American Politics

The Youngest And Oldest County Populations in The US, Mapped

You can’t please everyone

How investors can support entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa

What an Entrepreneur Learned from Failure

Does it help?

The Myth of the “Aging Society”

Should Economists Make Moral Judgments?

Best-Paying industry- It’s Not Banking

The German Rules Trap

An Economic Platform for US Democrats

A New Keeper of Putin’s Secrets

Electric vehicles’ resource implications on energy, raw materials, land

Successfully transitioning to new leadership roles

Why Creating a Business Plan is a ‘Waste of Time’

What’s Behind the Decline in Female CEOs

Nancy Pelosi is incredibly underrated

The Once and Future Speaker?

Breaking away: The secrets to scaling analytics

The World According to Trump and Xi

Network Synergy: A New Way to Value M&A

There is Only One Trump Scandal

Perspective The number of 401(k) millionaires hits a new high

Booming cities’ unintended consequences: Homelessness and congestion

The 9.9 Percent is the New American Aristocracy

A history of the music industry’s first efforts at creating music streaming services after Napster and why they failed given the importance of streaming now

In One Chart: Fortune 500 CEOs are paid from double to 5,000 times more than their employees

50 million American households can’t afford basic living expenses

‘What Happened to Alan Dershowitz?’

How Baby Boomers Broke America

How can we make labor shifts work for people?

Is Big Tech Destroying Retail Markets?

Building an engine for growth that funds itself

Better Writing: Learning from Leonardo

Yanny Or Laurel? Here’s The Real Answer

Solving the productivity puzzle

Why early retirement is all it’s cracked up to be

Germany’s Great European Heist

The Debt Shackles Return

Corralling the info-Monopolists

Managing the Risks of a Rising Dollar

Booming cities’ unintended consequences: Homelessness and congestion

Our goal: helping webmasters and content creators

Apple, Influence, and ive

To Create An innovation Company: Focus On Culture instead Of Cash

Solving the Productivity Puzzle

Real-world evidence: From activity to impact in healthcare decision making

The Destruction of the Republican Party

Inside Melania Trump’s complicated White House life: Separate schedules, different priorities

As the ‘King of Debt,’ Trump borrowed to build his empire. Then he began spending hundreds of millions in cash

Americans Are A Lonely Lot, And Young People Bear The Heaviest Burden

The Original Donald Trump

Roy Cohn: Joe McCarthy’s henchman and Donald Trump’s mentor

iMac 20th anniversary: 8 ways the iMac changed computing

Can Hollywood Survive Streaming Services?

Why Too Many Choices Make Us Bad investors

The Great Crack-Up, Then and Now

‘Hi, It’s Amazon Calling. Here’s What We Don’t Like in Your City.’

Stephen Hawking Finished Mind-Bending Parallel Universe Paper Days Before His Death

6 Common Note-Taking Mistakes And What You Can Do To Avoid Them

How To Study With A Highlighter: The Three Pitfalls That You Should Avoid

The Politics of Machine-Learning Algorithms

How Better Training Can Help Companies Face the ‘Tech Tide’

Why Automated Time Tracking Apps Are the Ultimate Time Management Hack

President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

Ten Weimar Lessons

Why Empathy is More Than Standing in Another’s Shoes

Larry Summers: Trump’s economic growth is ‘unsustainable’

How to Be Creative

How to Tell a Story

How Your Brain Can Trick You into Trusting People

Is Marx Still Relevant?

How Your Brain Can Trick You into Trusting People

The PPP Concerto

Why We Need Globalization

Democrats need to stop believing this myth about Trump’s base

Retail’s Other Problem- Too Few Clerks in the Store

How You Can Raise Robot-Proof Children

A Modest Guide to Productivity

A Growing Cult of Millennials is Obsessed With Early Retirement. This 72-Year-Old is Their Unlikely inspiration

The economics of artificial intelligence

The Next 9 Days Will Teach Us a Lot About the U.S. Economy

The Upheaval Italy Needs

Unlocking Serendipity is the Key to Life Science Breakthroughs

The single-family house: An American icon faces an uncertain future

Optimize Your Life Using the Science Behind Building Habits

America’s Weak Case Against China

How can business leaders, policy makers, and individuals prepare today for the jobs of tomorrow?

Education alone may not be the great equalizer

What to Do if You Think Your Job’s Killing You

Making it Work: Google and Walmart Fund innovators in Workforce Development

Effective Goal Setting for Time Management Success — Timing Blog

Megachurch Languages? Leadership Network

World’s First Megachurch? Leadership Network

Drucker’s impact on Leadership Network

Bob Buford Dies, Leaving Legacy of Leadership Network, Halftime institute, Drucker institute and Bestselling Books - Leadership

Macron’s Vital Message

What do we mean by “the human dimension of management”?

The Sky is Not Falling

The Next Step for Chinese Economic Policy

Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

The net worth of college graduates with student debt is truly depressing

Advice for transitioning into the chief-executive role

A Tale of Two Realities

How to teach your children to be investors rather than spenders

How to Structure Your Day Using Time Tracking Techniques — Timing Blog

Who Cares About Big Tech’s Displaced Workers?

Society 3.0: Using technology to improve public goods

Visualizing the uses and potential impact of AI and other analytics

How are traditional asset managers looking at private markets?

Eight shifts that will take your strategy into high gear

Can The Drucker Forum Establish The Human Dimension Of Management? Steve Denning

No Blank Check for Development Banks

The West’s Crisis of Confidence

7 ways to get ahead at work so you earn millions more

Jeff Bezos: Amazon employees should start meetings by reading memos ‘with the clarity of angels singing’

Health care will cost $280,000 in retirement — and that doesn’t include this huge expense

Bob Buford Dies, Leaving Legacy of Leadership Network, Halftime institute, Drucker institute and Bestselling Books Leadership Network

Bob Buford, Founder of Leadership Network and Halftime, Has Died: He Was a Catalyst that Fostered a Movement

Automation and American Leadership

The “Next Eleven” and the World Economy

Is globalization in retreat? Three global CEOs share their insights

The Trade Leadership Deficit

Making Academia Matter Again

Break the Rules: How Thinking Flexibly Leads to innovation

Can Baby Boomers Succeed in a Millennial World?

USA TODAY NETWORK wins 3 Pulitzer Prizes for border wall, heroin reporting and editorials

Management Needs to Return to Reason

Why Markets Can’t Cool the Planet by ivan Ascher

The Globalization Backlash Paradox

Rethinking the Twenty-First-Century Economy

No Worker Left Behind

Inside the World of Amal Clooney

Students are being prepared for jobs that no longer exist. Here’s how that could change

Analytics translator: The new must-have role

Can the Tax Structure Be Tweaked for Social Good?

What happened and what will you add?

The Advanced Economies’ Lost Decade

Navigating the new realities of global trade

Linking talent to value

How a Nonprofit Found a Startling Way to End Child Hunger

India’s Big Leaky Data

Retraining and reskilling to ease the strain of automation

What Your Body Teaches Your Soul

Rising Home Prices Push Borrowers Deeper into Debt

Apple is the Richest Company, So Where Are the Billionaires?

Xi’s Strong Hand Against Trump

How to Steal the Populists’ Clothes

This is America’s Richest Zip Code

What’s Been Stopping the Left?

Transforming a 150-year-old government agency: A CEO story

Did We Learn the Right Lessons from the Great Recession?

House prices are moving in tandem across the world, and that creates risks, IMF study finds

Social Media in 2020: 11 Data-Backed Predictions

Asia After Trump

How inequality Fueled the Euro Crisis

Why the U.S.-China ‘Trade War’ Is Really About the Future of innovation

How to Serve a Deranged Tyrant, Stoically

Seeing the Pope help strangers made me tear up. Later I learned why

Exit, voice and loyalty

With Nixon in ’68- The Year America Came Apart

Trump’s Trade Confusion

Trade Wars in a Winner-Take-All World

Comparison of the AK-47 and M16

M4 carbine

What Makes a Successful CEO?

We can do better than meeting spec

Reimagining Security and Rethinking Economics

Crisis, Rinse, Repeat

The Rise of Silicon China

The West is Wrong About China’s President

How To Stop Sabotaging Your Career

Private fundraising widens gap over the public market with $2.4T raised last year in the US, fueling the rise of Silicon Valley unicorns and coin offerings

Will China Really Supplant US Economic Hegemony?

What Really Went on at Russia’s Seattle Consulate?

Whatever Happened to Saving for a Rainy Day?

Why Do We Make Bad Stock Decisions?

Economic Conditions Snapshot, March 2018: McKinsey Global Survey results

Video/podcast roundup

How Retailers Can Avoid Becoming the Next Toys R Us

The Dark Matter of Trade

Beyond GDP Growth in China

Preventing the Balkanization of the internet

Real Retirement: This retired couple lives for their hobbies — and each other

Rock climbing and bouldering could be your next best whole-body workout

20 Years Later, Viagra Means Something Different For Millennials

Five Tips to Get Fit This Spring

Why Aren’t US Bond investors Panicking?

Macron Takes Aim at European Politics

The Lesser Evil for the Eurozone

Saving the Shrinking Middle

Why it’s So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback

The Next Housing Crisis- A Historic Shortage of New Homes

Note taking with mind maps

You will not be surprised by artificial intelligence

How a Location Scout Spends 3 Days Touring L.A

More Companies Teach Workers What Colleges Don’t

How to Pitch Your Startup to a Venture Capitalist

Overpinnings when the underpinnings go away

Investigation shows IBM flouted US laws against age discrimination and estimates the company eliminated about 20K+ US employees over 40 in the past five years

Vladimir Putin: From accidental president to defender of Fortress Russia

What Hope Hicks Knows

Populists of the World Unite

Buffett to Berkshire Shareholders: Be Prepared to Lose Half Your Money

A Princeton sociologist spent 8 years asking rural Americans why they’re so pissed off

Sources and documents reveal how Cambridge Analytica used harvested personal information from 50M Facebook profiles to build psychological profiles of US voters

Why Regulation is a Tricky Business in the Sharing Economy

How the Next Generation of Global Kids Will Learn from One Another

The Nancy Pelosi Problem

A Networked Solution to Education Reform

iMessage: 5 changes we’d like to see in iOS 12

The Real Reason for Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

Misdiagnosing Kim Jong-un

The Double Helix of Chinese History

Kickstart Your Job Search: How Neuroscience Can Help

How Focusing on impact Can Help Nonprofits Thrive

The Dollar’s Doldrums

The Nation of Kangaroos

The Next Phase of Finance

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Missing the Forest for the Xi

A Look Back at Five Years of Leaning in

The Secretive Company That Pours America’s Coffee

The term blockchain needs a universal definition as its general usage has become diluted and has led to many misconceptions about its capabilities

A Better Way to Fight Corporate Tax Avoidance

A New Order for the indo-Pacific

Trump’s Trade Gimmickry

A business reformation: lighting the flame

Your kitchen table

Why is the White House Challenging the Penn Wharton Budget Model?

Why To Stop Being Wrong Matters More Than Being Right

10 Daily Habits That Will improve Your Life

7 Brutal Life Lessons Everyone Has to Learn Multiple Times

How to Gain Power at Work When You Have None

Improving the Sustainability of Development Finance

An agenda for the talent-first CEO

In the Global Media Chess Game, Comcast Aims for the Sky

What tennis and philanthropy have in common

Trump’s Tax on America

The People vs. Democracy?

Have We Dodged the Secular-Stagnation Bullet?

Learning from CEOs: What it Takes to Get to the Top and Succeed

12 Questions That Will Change Your Life – Thrive Global

9 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life

Rich parents are serving as ‘college concierges’ for their kids — and it’s fueling inequality

Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier

Trump calls Nafta the ‘single worst trade deal’ — but here’s the truth

The Whole Truth about Trade imbalances

The Real Engine of the Business Cycle

What Donald Trump Doesn’t Know about U.S. Trade

The U.S. Economy is Booming, Which is Why The U.S. Trade Deficit With China Grew in 2017

What Trump Doesn’t Understand — It’s a Lot — about Our Trade Deficit with China

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

The true trade deficit

‘Don’t struggle if you’re raped’: Smuggler’s chilling words

Why is this interesting?

Is the British establishment finally finished?

Is snacking learning?

Crafting the ideal Mission Statement for Your Organization

Why governments have overestimated the economic returns of higher education

Delighting in sacrifice

Economists vs. Scientists on Long-Term Growth

Things I Learned Going From Beauty Editor to Backpacker

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Turns out it’s just chance

Fintech decoded: The capital markets infrastructure opportunity

Why Timing is - Almost - Everything

Can the Minerva Model of Learning Disrupt Higher Education?

High-performing US states: Is there a secret to success?

Is Barack Obama to Blame for Slow Growth- Evaluating Donald Trump’s Case

The Market Dogs That Didn’t Bark

Why There is No “Beijing Consensus”

Why Are US Interest Rates High and Rising?

Working Toward the Next Economic Paradigm

The Myth of Sound Fundamentals

China Confronts the Mundell-Fleming Trilemma

The Tyranny of Convenience

A key to Warren Buffett’s investing strategy is incredibly easy to replicate (MOAT)

Mastering Money with David Pogue - Listen now to this episode!

How are consumers feeling about their finances?

The Complete Guide to Remembering What You Read

Pessimism Amid Plenty

Education in the Digital Age

The US economy is suffering from low demand

5 reasons why iPad Pro won’t make you ask ‘What’s a computer?’

Millionaires Don’t Use To-Do Lists

Why “To-Do” Lists Don’t Work, and How to Change That

Why to-do lists don’t work

The Scientific Reasons Why Your To-Do List is Bad For You

This Productivity Method is Way Better Than a To-Do List

The Economic Message from Equity Markets

The Financial Roots of the Eurozone Surplus

The Future of Putin’s illusion

Misreading the American Dream

Why productivity growth is slowing down in advanced economies and how to boost it

Reimagining software services for the cloud and the digital world

This Little-Noticed Section Of Trump’s Tax Plan Could Make Corporate America More Responsible

Ex-CIA Director Thinks US Hypocrisy About Election Meddling is Hilarious

International Cooperation 2.0

America First? To the World, It’s Eighth

Would Trump’s infrastructure Plan Drive the U.S. Forward or Backward?

This habit can actually extend your life — and improve its quality

How to leave an inheritance that doesn’t tear your family apart

Whatever Trump is Hiding is Hurting All of Us Now

The Politics of National Memory

How Modern Medicine Changed the Way People Die

What’s Behind One of the Biggest Financial Scams in History

20 Things Nobody Tells You About Growing Up

25 Cruel Lessons That Will Help You Get To The Next Level Of Life

Do These Things After 6 P.M. And Your Life Will Never Be The Same

Why Was Facebook So Easy to Hijack-

7 Crucial Lessons People Often Learn Too Late in Life

Building, breaking, fixing

How do we create meaningful work in an age of automation?

What can history teach us about technology and jobs?

How to plan for—and manage—a mid-life career transition

Is Your Family’s Best investment Player Sitting On The Bench?

The Data-Driven City

Why What You Say Reveals More Than You Think

Understanding Populism in Eastern Europe

The Social Media Threat to Society and Security

Europe’s Poverty Time Bomb

The (Real) Starting Point for Strategy

Strategy to beat the odds

The rise and rise of private equity

How the Next Generation is Changing Charitable Giving

Why AI Needs a Broader, More Realistic Approach

Smart Money: Developing New Funding Mechanisms for Smart initiatives

Collect, Crunch, Collaborate: Fresh Approaches to Smart Cities’ Core Functions

Laying the Groundwork: Philadelphia’s Strategic Approach to Becoming a Smart City

10 tough questions we get asked

The Next Recession is Really Gonna Suck

Insider trading has been rife on Wall Street, academics conclude

The Best Way for Wealthy Parents to Talk to Children About Family Money

The Future of Economic Convergence

Shaking up the leadership model in higher education

Reversing Alinsky’s rules

An investor’s best friend? Israel Diamond Exchange launches digital coins mostly backed by paper gems

Drugs, alcohol and suicides contribute to alarming drop in U.S. life expectancy

Chinese cops are wearing facial recognition specs

Sequence your genome—then share it on a blockchain

Cops toppled a $530M cybercrime empire

Yes to Affordable Housing in My Backyard

How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America

Eavesdropping on Roy Cohn and Donald Trump

How the implementation of organizational change is evolving

A People’s Democracy in America

When Will Tech Disrupt Higher Education?

Will China Weaponize Social Media?

Why I started a bullet journal — and so should you

Universities in the Age of AI

The art of the depreciation

Bad reputation: America’s Top 20 most-hated companies

Russia’s Economic Stagnation is Here to Stay

The Point of Sharp Power

Post-Davos Depression

Why you need a CTO--and how to make her successful

Davos Man Kowtows to Trump

Most Americans Can’t Afford A Minor Emergency

Women are avoiding higher paying fields dominated by men

8 Powerful Ways People Really Mess Up their Goal Setting

Does This Man Know More Than Robert Mueller?

Why the U.S. Founding Fathers Wanted an Activist Government

economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets

Yale’s Most Popular Class Ever: Happiness

Stanford analyzed 292 retirement strategies — here’s what its experts determined is best

How to Lose a Trade War

The Heightened Risks of a US Downturn

Food security in Japan: Building a strategy in an age of global competition

The Bank of Japan’s Moment of Truth

Social Media’s Junkies and Dealers

Why Economic Recovery Won’t Defeat Populism

The Biggest Opportunities Ahead for Private Equity in Asia

China’s Great City Rivalries

Donald Trump Meets Davos Man


PSD2: Taking advantage of open-banking disruption

How I developed the superpower of achieving anything I set my mind to

The World’s Priciest Stock Market

A Year of Successes in Global Health

Building smart transport in Moscow

Vast majority of new wealth last year went to top 1%

The Stupid Economy

Securing the Digital Transition

Freelanced: The Rise Of The Contract Workforce

Forget About Siri and Alexa — When it Comes to Voice identification, the “NSA Reigns Supreme”

The Spin Master Behind Facebook, Airbnb, and Silicon Valley As You Know it

The True Story of Gianni Versace’s Murder

How drug lords make billions smuggling gold to Miami for your jewelry and phones

Jared Kushner is China’s Trump Card

Bitcoin’s high transaction fees, delays, and limited anonymity spur cybercriminals towards altcoins like Monero

The rise of cryptocurrency mining has created a global shortage of high-end graphics cards from Nvidia and AMD, driving up prices for retail gamers/buyers

Looking beyond code to make the future work for everyone

The Right Question About inequality and Growth

The Most important Skill in Your Life

How Economics Survived the Economic Crisis

Looking behind the numbers for US stock indexes

From Leonardo da Vinci to Steve Jobs: The Benefits of Being a Misfit

What Can an Ancient General Teach Us About Modern Leadership?

A German hacker offers a rare look inside the secretive world of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

GDP Should Be Corrected, Not Replaced

Global Finance Resets

Goldman posts first quarterly loss in 6 years on tax hit; trading slum

How Tech Experts Monitor Their Teens on Social Media

What Will Waivers for Convicted Banks Mean for the Financial System?

How to prepare for the end of the bull market

How Trump became ‘the white affirmative action president’

Making America’s Deficits Great Again

Europe’s Doom Loop in Reverse

The Electoral Fate of italy’s Banks

How to survive a nuclear bomb: 3 steps to save you in case of a missile or attack

Is everything you think you know about depression wrong?

Meltdown, Spectre, And The State Of Technology

The internet Broke Emergency Alerts

How Banking-as-a-Platform Propels Cross River Bank

Good Times at Last?

How to know when better profit margins aren’t better for your company

Kids in America are far more at risk of dying than in other wealthy countries

In Defense of Economic Populism

How pharma can accelerate business impact from advanced analytics

Artificial intelligence: The time to act is now

How CEOs Can Align their Leadership with Corporate Goals

A pocket guide to doing business in China

What you need to know about working for a Chinese company

There’s never been a better time to be single

China’s Soft and Sharp Power

The Roots of Western Tribalism

Why Low inflation is No Surprise

The Missing ingredients of Growth

10 ways to get more happiness out of your money

How Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are changing the world like no other humans in history

Putin’s Medieval Dreams

The Top Economics Commentaries of 2017

New Year, New Gig: How to Master the Modern Job Search

The Economists Who Stole Christmas

Misery Loves inflation Targeters’ Company

Why the Key to Reaching Your Goals is Flexibility

The iPhone X

The Evolution of the Refugee Crisis

Europe is Outperforming the U.S. - So What’s Next?

When Welfare Sabotages Lives

Economics and American National Security

China’s Creditor imperialism

The Global Economy’s Risky Recovery

Another Look at Tax Reform and Economic Growth

Viewing U.S. History Through the Prism of Capitalism

America’s malls are rotting away

Mr. Trump’s Trade War

Cashing in on the US experience economy

Sustainability’s deepening imprint

Getting personalization to work for your company and your customers

Drivers of student performance: Insights from North America

Building for the Long Term: Lessons from Leonardo da Vinci

From the Macro to the Personal: Lessons from Five Top Leaders

Does Europe Really Need Fiscal and Political Union?

Populist Plutocracy and the Future of America

A Truly Global Response to Climate Change

Brexit: 3 shocking things we learned this week

The High Cost of Denying Class War

Ten principles of design thinking that deliver business value

Mapping india’s Economic Future: Jobs, Growth and Banking Reform

The Hungarian Government’s Failed Campaign of Lies

Please welcome CSR 2.0

America’s Broken System

A foundation for value in capital markets

Why it is Not Enough to Merely Vote for Social Change

The Moral imperative of Quality Education

The Last Silovik?

Today’s Rational Exuberance

The 6 Laws of Technology Everyone Should Know

A Belt and Road for the Americas?

The Next Battle in China’s War on Corruption

The Hidden Wealth of Cities

Attracting and retaining the right talent

China stocks suffer mauling, Fed leaves dollar in a daze

Does inclusive Policy and Strategy Making Matter for Entrepreneurial Organizations?

The Platform Economy

Inconvenient Truths About Migration

Right, Left, and Macron

The Fed’s James Bullard: The State of the Economy and What Lies Ahead

What every leader needs to know about organizational management

Poverty is Also a Psychosocial Problem

Digital transformation: Raising supply-chain performance to new levels

Democracy Beyond the Nation-State

China’s Vision for the Next 30 Years

Making it in America: Revitalizing US manufacturing

China’s New World Order?

Facing the Four Structural Threats to US Democracy

Bringing Basel IV into focus

Many Strategies Fail Because They’re Not Actually Strategies

Growth and inclusive Prosperity: The need to create a positive utopia for the upcoming age of artificial intelligence

What has sustainable inclusive growth got to do with corporate strategy?

Central Banks in the Dock

Toward a People-Centered ASEAN Community

Germany’s Dangerous Obsession

Economists in Denial

Japan’s Demographic Lessons for Europe

Europe in the Time of Trump

The Real Risk to the Global Economy

How the public sector fits in the productivity puzzle

The new frontier in anti–money laundering

Offshore accounts — who has them and why?

The Moral identity of Homo Economicus

John Boehner Unchained

Inside story: How Russians hacked the Democrats’ emails

7 charts explain why the gap between the rich and poor is highest ever

Have Value Stocks Slumped For 23 Years

Nothing Natural About the Natural Rate of Unemployment

Asia’s New Entente

The Wall Street Journal: What many investors don’t understand about bonds

Big Tech Meets Big Government

A Federal Spain in a Federal Europe

The US Plutocracy’s War on Sustainable Development

How to Manage the Top Five Global Economic Challenges

What Are the Ties between Oligarchs, Moscow and Washington, D.C.?

A Radical Suggestion For The Drucker Forum 2017: Implement Peter Drucker! (Part 2)

Europe’s Hard-Core Problem

The Changing Geopolitics of Energy

Why China’s Capital-Account Liberalization Has Stalled

What’s Behind Latin America’s Jobless Recovery?

Management’s next frontier: Making the most of the ecosystem economy

How Banks Helped Launder Money For Organized Crime And Got Away With it

This is Why Bankers Keep Getting Away With Fraud

Europe’s Economic Dilemma

Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces on Economic Areas

Is Vladimir Putin the richest person in the world? This financier claims he’s worth $200 billion

iOS 11: How to take great photos with the Camera app

Putin’s Revenge

The Family That Built an Empire of Pain

Meet The Woman Who Wants To Change The Way You Buy Your iPhone

Tim Mullaney: Why don’t Republicans want you to be a millionaire?

When China Leads

Infrastructure for the evolution of urban mobility

How digital reinventors are pulling away from the pack

The Biggest Misconceptions about Artificial intelligence

Planning Better Cities

Jeff Williams on Apple’s Planning

GE explores divesting its transportation, healthcare IT businesses: sources

How Betsy DeVos Became The Most Hated Cabinet Secretary

A Radical Suggestion For The Drucker Forum 2017: Implement Peter Drucker! (Part 1)

Modernity with Chinese Characteristics

Economic Growth is No Longer Enough

China’s New Emperor

Resurrecting Creditor Adjustment

China’s Contradictions

Rage Against the Elites

The Sovereignty that Really Matters

The Demise of Dollar Diplomacy?

Globalization for All

Optimizing production in the age of the machine

Navigating the digital future: The disruption of capital projects

Three Scenarios for the Global Economy

Growth Without industrialization?

Another Nobel Surprise for Economics

Setting an agenda for organic growth in the digital age

How Richard Thaler’s ‘Simple insights’ Led to a Nobel Prize

It would take a 50% hike in income tax to fund our deficit

Where is technology taking the economy?

Toward an integrated technology operating model

Deconstructing Deglobalization

Extraordinary Measures for Ordinary Times

Trump’s Growth Charade

A “Macroneconomic” Revolution?

A Lifetime Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

The Protocols of Donald J. Trump

Is Productivity Growth Becoming irrelevant?

What a Rogue Trader Learned From the Financial Crisis

Why Do Cities Become Unaffordable?

The Politics of Germany’s External Surplus

Top 20 Percent Of Americans ‘Hoard The American Dream’

Why America’s Richest Cities Keep Getting Richer

Invest, Create, Perform: Mastering the three dimensions of growth in the digital age

How Chinese Firms Bootstrapped Their Way to Global Dominance

Economists in Denial

China’s Weapons of Trade War

How Economic Populism Works

The Trump Deficit

Trump’s Tax Plan and the Dollar

The CEO guide to China’s future


“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not turbulence;

it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. — Peter Drucker



The shift from manual workers
who do as they are being told
either by the task or by the boss —

TO knowledge workers
who have to manage themselves

profoundly challenges social structure


Managing Oneself (PDF) is a REVOLUTION in human affairs.” …

“It also requires an almost 180-degree change in the knowledge workers’ thoughts and actions from what most of us—even of the younger generation—still take for granted as the way to think and the way to act.” …

… “Managing Oneself is based on the very opposite realities:
Workers are likely to outlive organizations (and therefore, employers can’t be depended on for designing your life),

and the knowledge worker has mobility.” ← in a context



More than anything else,

the individual
has to take more responsibility
for himself or herself,
rather than depend on the company.”


“Making a living is no longer enough
‘Work’ has to make a life .” continue

finding and selecting the pieces of the puzzle


The Second Curve




These pages are attention directing tools for navigating a world moving relentlessly toward unimagined futures.



What’s the next effective action on the road ahead




It’s up to you to figure out what to harvest and calendarize
working something out in time (1915, 1940, 1970 … 2040 … the outer limit of your concern)nobody is going to do it for you.

It may be a step forward to actively reject something (rather than just passively ignoring) and then working out a plan for coping with what you’ve rejected.

Your future is between your ears and our future is between our collective ears — it can’t be otherwise.

A site exploration: The memo THEY don't want you to see



To create a site search, go to Google’s site ↓

Type the following in their search box ↓

your search text



What needs doing?




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