September 27, 2010: This page needs clean-up and revision but I don't have time for the foreseeable future.
Time-Life Navigation © (TLN) work foundation
TLN system view (From the changing social and economic picture to work maps)
These are not separate subjects. It is more useful to view them as key dimensions of a dynamic reality that is both unique to each of us and yet interconnected. A reality "moving" in time, but not linearly. Download news analysis and perception.doc to test the previous assertions for yourself.
A dynamic view of the "time world" in which we are embedded
This synthesis is at the core of social and economic development plus social wealth creation. It is also at the core of long-term self-interest. See payoff . This site is not just something else to read. It is at the core of what to do.
What evidence points toward a linear and predictable world
The roads ahead. The major focus of this site is navigating the unfamiliar roads ahead—not the familiar road behind. The unfamiliar road ahead is the conceptual space between today and the outer limit of concern on the changing social and economic picture time line (concept map image on left). These unfamiliar roads ahead are embedded in complex external systems that are dynamic (private, public, and social sectors; a society of organizations; a multitiered transnational economy and ecology; complex political structures; the NEW educated person--link). The opportunities of a life-time reside on the roads ahead, not on the road behind. The remainder of our lives occurs on the roads ahead. Currently the time-life navigation © site could be considered the ultimate resource for organizing the work associated with this navigation challenge. Navigation implies intelligently choosing our destinations and then taking the action needed to reach those destinations, but how can we choose from unseen or unfamiliar options? This time-life navigation © site provides a comprehensive action framework plus tools for developing a systematic, life-long work approach (in each of the five dimensions above). This framework is convenient, comprehensive, flexible and multi-generational. Our work approach serves our long-term interests only when it is in harmony with the disjoints and realities evident in the changing social and economic picture and related knowledge system view. Our work approach is sensible when it helps us navigate toward tomorrows and unimagined futures—major opportunities. Life long action system. This page is part of a foundation and synthesis tool kit. This is not just another tactical document to read. It is something to do. (click SWP symbol). This site blueprints an action system into which everything else fits, is ignored or abandoned. Part of this system includes consciously deciding what to read (attention focusing), in what sequence, and how to process it.
This system is not just another add-on to an already busy life. It is at the core of consciously designing one's life. It is an outgrowth of the change in the basic human condition that has taken place in the last hundred years or so.
Action system foundation: Conceptual resources can provide a foundation for informed future directed decisions and creating a work map. Conceptual resources are also attention directing tools and therefore they enrich our mental terrain awareness and mental patterns. A work map is a collection of work modules arranged appropriately with one work module informing other work modules. A work map can be developed from an interest profile work sheet. The site map (at right) is a prototype work map that can be used to create a personalized work map. The work modules (and sub-modules) can be sequenced to form an immediate work plan. Adding some kind of infallible recurring reminder to return to a starting point and recreate (or validate) a new personalized work map makes it a life-long work approach and work plan.
The choice of conceptual resource source and type is no minor matter and deserves investigation, testing and reflection. For example, in the area of industry evolution Michael Porter's Competitive Strategy is silent on the financial dynamics explored in Millian Lee's Strategic Leverage. Both of the previously mentioned resources have a rock logic foundation and seem to largely assume a known set of competitors and a static outside environment. Both are of the narrowly focused type. The table of contents typically sheds some light on the type. Peter Drucker is the primary resource that went into the thinking that underlies this site. As an example of the way the sequence of conceptual resource exploration can enrich our mental terrain and alter our future directed action alternatives briefly review the following pages and note the "layers" and time dimensions:
Conceptual resources can be a tool to help us "look out the window" and systematic attention shifting Testing against current efforts:First consider what's at stake. How can we explain the organization crisis stories in the news? Why would anyone be immune? Can the changing social and economic picture be explained by linear efforts or by doing more of the existing better?
Compare your master action list and work plans to what's available on this site. This requires exploration rather than guessing or assuming. This comparison is a form of insurance. Is your work approach adequate to the challenges ahead? How to do it?The how to do it is covered in each area, but a simple summary would be to create an interest profile by exploring the site and then sequence the work (of spending time in each area of interest) in a way that it helps define and implement your informed developmental desires. The previous sentence equals several months of work. This process is also an action diagnosis. See life long action system (above) and time-life navigation site work approach. Repeatedly come back and do it again later. Redesign the site. Make notes. Get involved. Get others involved. Send me suggestions. See how to use. At some point you might want to ask yourself: "What am I going to do now and what am I going to stop doing?" The interest profile can be a preliminary master radar screen. "Effective decisions" are an important part of a strategic work plan and should be explored. The idea of making few, yet effective decisions dramatically changes the composition of our time. The vigorous pursuit of time-life navigation would be an effective decision for many people. See: The Effective Executive; The Essential Drucker; Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices; Managing the nonprofit organization -- Principles and practices; Peter Drucker on the profession of management; OR navigate to Tables of content > toc.pdf > toc2.pdf and use Acrobat's Find command to locate chapters on effective decision. A final HOW thought: In areas where the conceptual terrain is challenging, speed is your enemy—take little bites and chew them well. Page summary mind mapTime-life navigation site work approach is the next page on the designed exploration path. Copyright © 2003 Bob Embry. All rights reserved. TLN Keywords: tlnkwtimelifenavigationworkfoundation |
“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. — Peter Drucker The shift from manual workers who do as they are being told — either by the task or by the boss — to knowledge workers who have to manage themselves ↓ profoundly challenges social structure …
“Managing Oneself is a REVOLUTION in human affairs.” … “It also requires an almost 180-degree change in the knowledge workers’ thoughts and actions from what most of us—even of the younger generation—still take for granted as the way to think and the way to act.” …
These pages are attention directing tools for navigating a world moving toward unimagined futures. It may be a step forward to actively reject something (rather than just passively ignoring) and then figure out a coping plan for what you’ve rejected. Your future is between your ears and our future is between our collective ears — it can’t be otherwise. A site exploration starting point
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