Peter Drucker — Book Contents
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The End of Economic Man 1939 (here)
Introduction to the Transaction Edition
The Anti-Fascist Illusion
The Despair of the Masses
The Return of the Demons
The Failure of the Christian Churches
The Totalitarian Miracle
Fascist Noneconomic Society
Miracle or Mirage?
The Future: East Against West?
The Future of Industrial Man 1942 (here)
Introduction to the Transaction Edition
The War for the Industrial Society
What Is a Functioning Society?
The Mercantile Society of the Nineteenth Century
The Industrial Reality of the Twentieth Century
The Challenge and the Failure of Hitlerism
Free Society and Free Government
From Rousseau to Hitler
The Conservative Counter Revolution of 1776
A Conservative Approach
Concept of the Corporation 1946 (here)
Introduction To The Transaction Edition
Preface To The 1983 Edition
Preface To The Original Edition
Capitalism In One Country
Capitalism in one country
The profit motive
Big business
The large corporation as autonomous
Its function in society
Can the two be harmonized?
Idealism and pragmatism, both leading to totalitarianism
The Corporation As Human Effort
Organization for Production
Experience in the war
The problem of leadership
Recruiting and training
Specialists and "generalists"
Policy and initiative
A yardstick of efficiency
General Motors' policies
Line and staff
An essay in federalism
Central and divisional management
Service staffs
The "Sloan meetings"
Freedom and order
Base pricing
Competition in the market
How Well Does It Work?
The conversion to war production
Reconversion to peacetime work
Isolation of the top executives
Customer relations
Dealer relations
Community relations
General public relations
The Small Business Partner
New-car sales and the used-car market
The dealer's franchise
Loans to dealers
Decentralization as a Model?
Decentralization for other industries
The Fisher Body Division
The competitive market check
The production of leaders
The Corporation As A Social Institution
The American Beliefs
Equal opportunity
Uniqueness of the individual
"Middleclass" society
Are opportunities shrinking?
Emphasis on education
Dignity and status in industrial society
Assembly-line "monotony"
The failure of paternalism
Can the unions do it?
The Foreman: The Industrial Middle Class
The foreman
His opportunities
The "forgotten man"
The drive to unionize foremen
The Worker
The worker's industrial citizenship
The plant community
Lessons of the war
Flexibility of mass production
The worker's pride and interest
"Social gadgeteering"
Suggestion plans
Plant services
The wage issue
The strike against General Motors
Profits, pricing, and wages
The annual wage
Collectivism not the answer
Worker's participation in management
Economic Policy In An Industrial Society
The "Curse of Bigness"
Society's stake in corporation policy
The old theories
Supply and demand
Efforts to regulate
The "curse of bigness"
Economics and technological necessity
General Motors service staffs
Policy-making and long-term interests
Social stability
Production for "Use" or for "Profit"?
Capital requirements
The profit motive
"Creative instincts"
The lust for power
The market theory
Economic wants
"Economic planning"
Social needs
The market as yardstick
Individual wants
The socialist counterargument
Is Full Employment Possible?
The business cycle
Public works programs
The challenge to business leaders
The calendar year strait jacket
Cyclical taxes
Reserves for employment funds
Unemployment insurance
Union wage policies
Capital for new ventures
Economic policy for a free-enterprise society
The threat of total war
Epilogue (1983)
The New Society — The Anatomy of Industrial Order 1950 (here)
Introduction to the Transaction Edition
Preface to the 1962 Edition
Introduction: The Industrial World Revolution
First Part: The Industrial Enterprise
1. The New Social Order
2. The Enterprise in Modern Society
3. The Anatomy of Enterprise
4. The Law of Avoiding Loss
5. The Law of Higher Output
6. Profitability and Performance
Second Part: The Problems of Industrial Order: The Economic Conflicts
7. The Real Issue in the Wage Conflict
8. The Worker's Resistance to Higher Output
9. The Hostility to Profit
Third Part: The Problems of Industrial Order: Management and Union
10. Can Management Be a Legitimate Government?
11. Can Unionism Survive?
12. Union Needs and the Common Weal
13. The Union Leader's Dilemma
14. The Split Allegiance Within the Enterprise
Fourth Pt: The Problems of Industrial Order: The Plant Community
15. The Individual's Demand for Status and Function
16. The Demand for the Managerial Attitude
17. Men at Work
18. Is There Really a Lack of Opportunity?
19. The Communications Gap
20. Slot-Machine Man and Depression Shock
Fifth Part: The Problems of Industrial Order: The Management Function
21. The Threefold Job of Management
22. Why Managements Don't Do Their Job
23. Where Will Tomorrow's Managers Come From?
24. Is Bigness a Bar to Good Management?
Sixth Part: The Principles of Industrial Order: Exit The Proletarian
25. Labor as a Capital Resource
26. Predictable Income and Employment
27. The Worker's Stake in Profit
28. The Threat of Unemployment
Seventh Part: The Principles of Industrial Order: The Federal Organization of Management
29. "The Proper Study of Mankind Is Organization"
30. Decentralization and Federalism
31. Is a Competitive Market Necessary to Management?
Eighth Pt: The Principles of Industrial Order: The Self-Governing Plant Community
32. Community Government and Business Management
33. "Management Must Manage"
34. The Worker and His Plant Government
35. Plant Self-Government and the Union
Ninth Part: The Principles of Industrial Order: The Labor Union as a Citizen
36. A Rational Wage Policy
37. How Much Union Control Over the Citizen?
38. When Strikes Become Unbearable
Conclusion: A Free Industrial Society
Epilogue to the 1962 Edition
The Practice of Management 1954 (here)
The Practice of Management Peter F. Drucker
Book information
Introduction: The Nature of Management
The Role of Management
The Jobs of Management
The Challenge to Management
Part One: Managing a Business
The Sears Story
What Is a Business?
What Is Our Business—and What Should It Be?
The Objectives of a Business
Today's Decisions for Tomorrow's Results
The Principles of Production
The Three Systems of Production
Unique-Product Production
Mass Production "Old Style" and "New Style"
Process Production
What Production Systems Demand of Management
Automation-Revolution or Gradual Change?
Part Two: Managing Managers
The Ford Story
Management by Objectives and Self-Control
Managers Must Manage
The Spirit of an Organization
Practice, not Preachments
The Danger of Safe Mediocrity
The Need for Appraisal
Compensation as Reward and Incentive
Overemphasizing Promotion
A Rational Promotion System
The Management Charter
Whom Not to Appoint to Management Jobs
What about Leadership?
Chief Executive and Board
Developing Managers
Part Three: The Structure of Management
What Kind of Structure?
Building the Structure
The Small, the Large, the Growing Business
Part Four: The Management of Worker and Work
The IBM Story
Employing the Whole Man
Is Personnel Management Bankrupt?
Human Organization for Peak Performance
The Economic Dimension
The Supervisor
The Professional Employee
Part Five: What It Means to Be a Manager
The Manager and His Work
Making Decisions
The Manager of Tomorrow
Conclusion: the Responsibilities of Management
Selected Bibliography
Landmarks of Tomorrow 1957 (here)
This Post-Modern World
The New World-View
From Progress to Innovation
1. The New Perception of Order
2. The Power of Innovation
3. Innovation—The New Conservatism?
Beyond Collectivism and Individualism
1. The New Organization
2. From Magnate to Manager
3. Beyond Collectivism and Individualism
The New Frontiers
The Educated Society
1. The Educational Revolution
2. Society's Capital Investment
3. Education for What?
"Up to Poverty"
1. The Frontier of Development
2. Building an Industrial Society
Modern Government in Extremis
1. The End of the Liberal State
2. The New Pluralism
The Vanishing East
The Work to Be Done
The Human Situation Today
Managing For Results 1964 (here)
Understanding the business
The business realities
There are three different dimensions to the economic task
One unified strategy
Requires an understanding of the true realities
The generalizations regarding results and resources
The generalizations regarding efforts within the business and their cost.
Result area identification
Nothing succeeds like concentration on the right business.
The basic business analysis
Identify & understand those areas in a business for which results can measured
Defining the product/service
3 dimensions of business results
The burden of pushing through the step-by-step process of analysis
Revenues, resources, prospects
Relate result areas to the revenue contribution and share of cost burden
Allocation of key resources to each result area.
Leadership position and prospects of each result area.
Tentative diagnosis of result areas
Classify the result areas
Factors involved in diagnosing the product
What to do with a result area diagnosed as…
Analysis format
Anticipate a change in the character of a product
Cost analysis
What matters about costs
Prerequisites for effective cost control p.69
To be able to control cost need an analysis that:
Tied to market analysis before action
Market analysis
The marketing realities
These marketing realities lead to one conclusion
The market analysis
Market analysis is a good deal more than ordinary market research or customer research
Other books
Analytical questions
Analysis worksheets
Knowledge analysis
Need a leadership position and differentiation
Uncovering one's specific business knowledge strengths
Need to learn to set goals and measure in terms of one's specific knowledge
Knowledge realities
Evaluations (diagnosis)—how good is our knowledge?
The conclusions
Combining the various analysis
Market analysis --> knowledge analysis: Needs for new or changed knowledge.
Knowledge analysis --> market analysis: Missed or underrated market opportunities.
Reexamine tentative diagnois in light of the market and knowledge analysis
What is lacking (3 gaps)
The end result of the self-analysis
The business's contribution
Knowledge area excellences
Target result areas
Vehicles required to reach these targets
The leadership position required in each result area
Focus on opportunity
Building on strength
Ideal business concept
Maximizing opportunities
Maximizing resources
What these approaches have in common
The three together (what they do)
Finding business potential
Restraints & limitations
Imbalances—turning weaknesses into strengths
Making the future today
The future
The future that has already happened
Making the future happen (the power of an idea)
Performance program
Key decisions
Idea of the business
The specific excellence the business needs
The priorities
The key decisions must be made systematically.
What ever a company's program, it must
Decide on the right opportunities and right risks
Decide on scope & structure
Decide between "building one's own" & "buying" to attain one's goals.
Decide on organization structure
Implementing the program
Building economic performance into a business
The Effective Executive 1967 (here)
Introduction: What Makes An Effective Executive?
Get The Knowledge You Need
Write An Action Plan
Take responsibility for decisions
Take responsibility for communicating
Focus on opportunities
Make meetings productive
Think And Say "We"
Rule: Listen first, speak last.
Effectiveness can be learned and must be earned
1. Effectiveness Can Be Learned
Why We Need Effective Executives
Who Is An Executive?
Executive Realities
The Promise Of Effectiveness
But Can Effectiveness Be Learned?
2. Know Thy Time
The Time Demands On The Executive
Pruning The Time-Wasters
Consolidating "Discretionary Time"
3. What Can I Contribute?
The Executive's Own Commitment
How To Make The Specialist Effective
The Right Human Relations
The Effective Meeting
4. Making Strength Productive
Staffing From Strength
How Do I Manage My Boss?
Making Yourself Effective
5. First Things First
Sloughing Off Yesterday
Priorities And Posteriorities
6. The Elements of Decision-making
Two Case Studies In Decision-Making
The Elements Of The Decision Process
7. Effective Decisions
Decision-Making And The Computer
Conclusion: Effectiveness Must Be Learned
Age of Discontinuity 1968 (here)
Age of discontinuity (the picture—of the social landscape—that emerges)
Knowledge Technologies
End of Continuity
New industries
Aging "modern industries"
Industries on the horizon
Information (application)
New knowledge base
Systems-configuration perception
Experience to knowledge
Knowledge—the central economic resource
Employ knowledge rather than manual workers
Summary p 41
New entreprenuers
Dynamic of technology
Dynamic of markets
Innov organization
New economic policies
Tax laws & craft unions
Hidden protection/open subsidy
Cues from growing edges of the world economy
New vs decay
WE are in the midst of a revolution
Central Policy Problems
Capital Formation
2 Theoretical Approaches (which alone) during the
Last 10 -15 years have shown consistent predictive power
Rational Expectations
Empiracle studies which demonstrate that the key policies do not
Work in the international economy.
Keynes & the reality he exposed cannot be ignored.
Must transcend him
The threat of totalitarianism
World economy
Global Shopping Center
Mass consumption / common demand
Global Money & Credit
An Institution to represent the world economy
Making the poor productive (colored races)
World divided into those who know how & those who don't
Threat of world revolution
Need a theory of economic development
Things that won't work
Might work
Venture capital
Multinational corp for develop local people & business.
Dangers in development
The split old vs new.
Beyond the new economics
Inability to manage the economy
Theory of eco dynamics
Theoretical understanding of technological innovation
Model of world eco & an understanding of the complex
Relationships between the world eco & the domestic eco.
Theory of micro eco behavior
All these new understandings in one unified theory.
Society of organizations
New pluralism
Symbiosis of organizations
Need for a theory
Theory of Organizations
Making organizations perform
Goals & Objectives
Joint performance and integrated into a common understanding
Personal Effectiveness
Organ. & The Quality of Life
Responsibility of the organization
The legitimacy of Organization
Sickness of Government
Farm out the doing to business & private institutions
How can the individual survive?
Function-special purpose organizations
Internal powers of the organization
Individual freedon: the right to emigrate.
Individual opportunity in organization.
Knowledge society
shift to knowledge as foundation of work & performance. (Knowledge the new capital)
Knowledge Economy (production, distribution, procuring ideas & info)
Central factor of production
Imp to inter eco
Learned to learn
Foundation of new skills
Know opp in large organizations
Increased working life span
Delayed entry
Ratio: productive & dependant members
Demand for education
Work & worker in the Knowledge Society
Teams, MBO, task rule
2nd career K workers below top rank
Problems of transitions for:
Has Success spoiled the schools?
Public concern
Largest community expenditure
Production vs spending
Results vs student effort
Learned to learn
Contin ed.: best time to learn
Impacts of long years of school
Limbo adolescence
Drop out: unemployable
Most serious:
Diploma curtain determines opp
New learning & teaching
Right tools & methods
Teaching & learn
Politics of knowledge
Organ. K & search for it around areas of appliction rather than subject
Equal opp for education
High cost = gov. Support. Q's control of
Does knowledge have a future? (Morality)
How people of knowledge accepts & discharge his responsibility
Will largely determine the future of knowledge & whether know
Has a future.
See Population Changes
Technology, Management and Society 1970 (here)
Book info and copyright
Information, Communications and Understanding
What We Have Learned
Communication Is Perception
Communication Is Expectations
Communication Is Involvement
Communication and Information Are Different and Largely Opposite—Yet Interdependent
Management's New Role
35-1The Old Assumptions
Management is management of business, and business is unique and the exception in society
"Social responsibilities" of management
The primary task of management is to mobilize the energies of the business organization
It is the manual worker
Management is a “science” or at least a “discipline"
Management is the result of economic development
35-2—And the New Realities
Every major task of developed society is being carried out
Because our society is rapidly becoming a society of organizations
Entrepreneurial innovation will be as important to management as the managerial function
A primary task of management in the developed countries in the decades ahead
There are management tools and techniques
Management creates economic and social development
Admittedly, these new assumptions oversimplify
Work and Tools
Work and Tools-1
Work and Tools-2
Work and Tools-3
Work and Tools-4
Technological Trends in the Twentieth Century
The Structure of Technological Work
The Methods of Technological Work
The Systems Approach
Technology and Society in the Twentieth Century
The Pretechnological Civilization of 1900
Technology Remakes Social Institutions
Emancipation of Women
Changes in the Organization of Work
The Role of Education
Change in Warfare
A Worldwide Technological Civilization
Man Moves into a Man-made Environment
Modern Technology and the Human Horizon
Technology and Man
The Once and Future Manager
The Conglomerates Will Be the Stranded Giants of the Next Decade
Never Look at Any One Measure Alone in Any Business; Look at Multiple Measures
The First Yardstick by Which Management Is Judged Is, Do They Keep Us Busy?
The Facts and the Myth of Job Mobility in America Are Not Necessarily the Same
Small Business Has Done Much Better Than Any Other in the Last Twenty Years
The Main Impact of the Computer Has Been to Create Unlimited Jobs for Clerks
The Job Which Most Managers Were Brought Up to Spend Most Time on Will Disappear
Is the Traditional Organization Structure Going to Work Tomorrow as It Has till Now?
Managers Have to Accept That Industrial Relations Will Become Increasingly Bitter
The First Technological Revolution and Its Lessons
Long-Range Planning
What long-range planning isn't
It is not “forecasting”
It does not deal with future decisions
Is not an attempt to eliminate risk
What long-range planning is
Why should we even talk about ‘long-range planning,’ let alone do it?”
The time-span of entrepreneurial and managerial decisions has been lengthening so fast
Speed and risk of innovation
Growing complexity both of the business enterprise internally, and of the economy and society
The typical businessman's concept of the basis of entrepreneurial decision is a misconception
Long-range planning is a decision making process
The requirements of long-range planning
The characteristics of the process itself
Eight elements of entrepreneurial decisions
(a) Objectives
(b) Assumptions
(c) Expectations
(d) Alternative courses of action
(e) The decision itself
(f) Part of a decision-structure
(g) An impact stage
(h) And, finally, there are results
Each of these elements of the process deserves an entire book by itself
Specific new knowledge content
(a) The time dimensions of planning
(b) Decision structure and configuration
(c) The characteristics of risks
(d) Finally, there is the area of measurements
Managerial knowledge—the knowledge with respect to the operations of a business
Big problems of knowledge in the entrepreneurial task that I have not mentioned
(a) Basic theory and conceptual thinking
(b) The knowledge we need is new knowledge
(c) Risk-taking decisions with long futurity
Long-range planning is risk-taking decision making
Business Objectives and Survival Needs
71-1 The Need for a Theory of Business Behavior
72-1 Inability of the layman to understand modern business enterprise and its behavior
72-2 Lack of any bridge of understanding between the macroeconomics of an economy and the microeconomics
72-3 Absence of a genuine theory of business enterprise
72-4 The businessman’s own attitude toward theory
75 What Are the Survival Needs of Business Enterprise?
76 A human organization designed for joint performance and capable of perpetuating itself
77 The enterprise exists in society and economy
78 Specific purpose of business
79 This all happens in a changing economy and a changing technology
80 Profitability
81The Work to Be Done
82 An Operational View of the Budgeting Process
The Manager and the Moron
84 The Obsolescence of Experience
85 Enter the Knowledge Utility
86 A New Age of Information
87 Managing the Moron
88 Beyond the Numbers Barrier
The Technological Revolution: Notes on the Relationship of Technology, Science, and Culture
Can Management Ever Be a Science?
Men, Ideas, and Politics 1971 (here)
Men, ideas & politics: essays‎
“Political (or social) ecology”
Society, polity, and economy are “nature” to man, who cannot be understood apart from and outside of them
Seen together in order to be seen at all, let alone to be understood
The aim is an understanding of the specific natural environment of man, his “policical ecology,” as a prerequisite to effective and responsible action, as an executive, as a policy-maker, as a teacher, and as a citizen.
The New Markets And The New Entrepreneurs
The Unfashionable Kierkegaard
Notes On The New Politics
This Romantic Generation
Calhoun’s Pluralism
American Directions
The Secret Art Of Being An Effective President
Henry Ford
The American Genius Is Political
Japan Tries For A Second Miracle
What We Can Learn From Japanese Management
Keynes: Economics As A Magical System
The Economic Basis Of American Politics
Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices 1973 (here)
Preface - The Alternative to Tyranny
Introduction - From Management Boom to Management Performance
The Emergence of Management
The Management Boom and Its Lessons
The New Challenges
The Tasks
The Dimensions of Management
Business Performance
Managing a Business: The Sears Story
What Is a Business?
Business Purpose and Business Mission
The Power and Purpose of Objectives: The Marks & Spencer Story & Its Lessons
Strategies, Objectives, Priorities, and Work Assignments
Strategic Planning: The Entrepreneurial Skill
Performance in the Service Institution
The Multi - Institutional Society
Why Service Institutions Do Not Perform
The Exceptions and Their Lessons
Managing Service Institutions for Performance
Productive Work and Achieving Worker
The New Realities
What We Know (and Don’t Know) About Work, Working, and Worker
Making Work Productive: Work and Process
Making Work Productive: Controls and Tools
Worker and Working: Theories and Reality
Success Stories: Japan, Zeiss, IBM
The Responsible Worker
Employment, Incomes, and Benefits
“People Are Our Greatest Asset”
Social Impacts and Social Responsibilities
Management and the Quality of Life
Social Impacts and Social Problems
The Limits of Social Responsibility
Business and Government
Primum Non Nocere:
The Manager: Work, Jobs, Skills, and Organization
Why Managers?
The Manager’s Work and Jobs
What Makes a Manager?
The Manager and His Work
Design and Content of Managerial Jobs
Developing Management and Managers
Management by Objectives and Self-Control
From Middle Management to Knowledge Organization
The Spirit of Performance
Managerial Skills
The Effective Decision
Managerial Communications
Controls, Control, and Management
The Manager and the Management Sciences
Managerial Organization
New Needs and New Approaches
The Building Blocks of Organization…
… And How They Join Together
Design Logics and Design Specifications
Work- and Task- Focused Design: Functional Structure and Team
Result - Focused Design: Federal and Simulated Decentralization
Relations - Focused Design: The Systems Structure
Organization Conclusions
Top Management: Tasks, Organization, Strategies
Georg Siemens and the Deutsche Bank
Top - Management Tasks and Organization
Top - Management Tasks
Top - Management Structure
Needed: An Effective Board
Strategies and Structures
On Being the Right Size
Managing the Small, the Fair - Sized, the Big Business
On Being the Wrong Size
The Pressures for Diversity
Building Unity Out of Diversity
Managing Diversity
The Multinational Corporation
Managing Growth
The Innovative Organization
Conclusion: The Legitimacy of Management
Adventures of a Bystander 1978 (here)
Preface to the New Edition
Proluge: A bystander is born
Report from Atlantis
Grandmother and the twentieth century
Hemme and Genia
Miss Elsa and Miss Sophy
Fruedian myths and Fruedian realities
Count Traun-Trauneck and the actress Maria Mueller
Young man in an old world
The Polanyis
The man who invented Kissinger
The monster and the lamb
Noel Brailsford—the last of the dissenters
Ernest Freeberg’s World
The bankers and the courtesan
The Indian summer of innocence
Henry Luce and Time-Life-Fortune
The prophets: Buckminster Fuller and Marshall McLuhan
The professional: Alfred Sloan
The Indian summer of innocence
Managing in Turbulent Times 1980 (here)
Managing in Turbulent Times OCR output
1. Managing the Fundamentals
Adjusting for Inflation
Managing for Liquidity and Financial Strength
Managing Productivities
The Productivity of the Knowledge Worker
The Costs of Staying in Business vs. the Delusion of Profit
2. Managing for Tomorrow
Concentrating Resources on Results
Sloughing Off Yesterday
Managing Growth
Managing Innovation and Change
Business Strategies for Tomorrow
A Scorecard for Managers
1. Performance in appropriating capital
2. Performance in people decisions
3. Performance in innovation
4. Strategies versus performance
3. Managing the Sea-Change: The New Population Structure and the New Population Dynamics
The New Realities
The Unique Russian Dilemma
The End of the Migrations
Production Sharing: The Transnational Integration
The Need for New Theories, New Concepts, and New Measurements
From Multinational Corporation to Transnational Confederation
The New Consumer Markets
The Implications for Managerial Strategies
From "Labor Force" to "Labor Forces"
The Misleading Unemployment Figures
The Need for Different Personnel Policies
—And for Benefit Options
The End of Mandatory Retirement Age
The Need for a Second Career
The "Double-Headed Monster
Job Needs in the Developing Countries
Job Needs in the Developed World
The Need for Redundancy Planning
4. Managing in Turbulent Environments
The Integrated World Economy
Transnational World Money
The End of Sovereignty
The Fractured World Polity
The World Economy's Almost-Developed Countries
Business Policies for the World Economy
The Employe Society
The Employed Middle Class
"Power Follows Property"
And Responsibility Follows Knowledge
Can the Labor Union Survive?
Business Enterprise as a Political Institution
The Society of Institutions
The Power of the Small Minority
Managing in a Political Environment
The Manager as Political Activist
Conclusion: The Challenge to Management
Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays 1981 (here)
Toward The Next Economics
Saving The Crusade: The High Cost Of Our Environmental Future
Business & Technolgy
Multinationals & Developing Countries (Myths and Realities)
What Results Should You Expect? A User's Guide to MBO
The Coming Rediscovery Of Scientific Management
The Bored Board
After-Fixed Age Retiremant Is Gone
Science & Industry : Challenges of Antagonistic Interdependence
How To Guarantee Non-Performance (Public Service Program)
Behind Japan's Success
A View of Japan Through Japanese Art
The Changing World of The Executive 1982 (here)
A Society of Organizations
Executive Agenda
Inflation-Proofing the Company
A scorecard for managers
Helping Small Business Cope
Is Executive Pay Excessive?
On Mandatory Executive Retirement
The Real Duties of A Director
The Information Explosion
Learning From Foreign Management
Business Performance
Delusion of Profits
Aftermath of a Go-Go Decade
Managing Capital Productivity
Six durable Economic Myths
Measuring Business Performance
Why Consumer's Aren't Behaving
Good Growth and Bad Growth
The Re-Industrialization Of America
The Danger of Excessive Labor Income
The Non-Profit Sector
Managing the Non-Profit Institution
Managing the Knowledge Worker
Meaningful Government Reorganization
The Decline of Unionization
The Future of Health Care
The Professor as Featherbedder
The Schools in 1990
People at Work
Unmaking the Nineteenth Century
Retirement Policy
Report on the Class of 68
Meaningful Unemployment Figures
Baby Boom Problems
Planning for Redundant Workers
Job as a Property Right
The Changing Globe
The rise of Production Sharing
Japan's Economic Policy Turn
The Battle Over Co-Determination
A troubled Japanese Juggernaut
India & appropriate Technolgy
Toward a New Form of Money?
How Westernized Are the Japanese?
Needed: A Full-Investment Budget
A return to Hard Choices
The Matter of Business Ethics
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1985 (here)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
This book presents innovation and entrepreneurship as a practice and a discipline
It does not talk of the psychology and the character traits of entrepreneurs
It talks of their actions and behavior
It uses cases, but primarily to exemplify a point, a rule, or a warning
The work thus differs, in both intention and execution, from many of the books
It shares with them the belief in the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship
This book represents innovation and entrepreneurship as purposeful tasks that can be organized
This is a practical book, but it is not a “how-to” book
Innovation and entrepreneurship are discussed under three main headings
Each of these is an “aspect” of innovation and entrepreneurship rather than a stage
Part I presents innovation alike as purposeful and as a discipline
Part II focuses on the institution that is the carrier of innovation
Part III talks of bringing an innovation successfully to market
These three parts are flanked
An introduction that relates innovation and entrepreneurship to the economy
A conclusion that relates them to society
Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art
It is a practice
It has a knowledge base
My work on innovation and entrepreneurship began in the mid-fifties
Introduction: The Entrepreneurial Economy
I — A profound shift from a “managerial” to an “entrepreneurial” economy
Changes in the labor force
II — Not just high tech jobs
III — No one single source
IV — New technology: entrepreneurial management
V — On management and its role
The Practice Of Innovation
Systematic Entrepreneurship
I Who is an entrepreneur?
II Traditional economics vs. The Entrepreneur
III Should be low risk
Purposeful Innovation and the Seven Sources for Innovative Opportunity
Source: The Unexpected
The Unexpected Success
No other area offers richer opportunities for successful innovation
No other area are innovative opportunities less risky and their pursuit less arduous
The unexpected success is almost totally neglected; worse, managements tend actively to reject it
R. H. Macy, “We don’t know how to stop the growth of appliance sales.”
It is never easy for a management to accept the unexpected success
Major U.S. Steel companies rejection of mini-mills
It takes an effort to perceive in the “enemy” one’s own best opportunity
Top management people have typically grown up in one function or one area
The unexpected success can be galling
And then this “dog” runs away with the market
The unexpected success is a challenge to management’s judgment
Swiss pharmaceutical company today has world leadership in veterinary medicines
Far more often, the unexpected success is simply not seen at all
A leading hospital supplier introduced a new line of instruments for biological and clinical tests
Blindness of existing reporting systems
The opportunity for innovation offered by unexpected success requires analysis
It demands innovation
DuPont and Nylon
IBM and The New York Public Library
The search has to be organized
But management also needs to learn what the unexpected success demands of them
The Unexpected Failure
Indian padlock business
The first house
The right response
The unexpected event in a supplier’s business, and among the customers
A competitor’s unexpected success or failure is equally important
Innovation is perceptual fully as much as conceptual
The failure of the Ford Motor Company’s Edsel
The Unexpected Outside Event
IBM and the personal computer.
Book sales in the United States have soared since TV first came in
But not one of them represents diversification
These cases are big-company cases
Source: Incongruities
Incongruous Economic Realities
The Incongruity Between Reality And The Assumptions About It
The Incongruity Between Perceived And Actual Customer Values And Expectations
Incongruity Within The Rhythm Or Logic Of A Process
Source: Process Need
Necessity is the mother of invention
It exists within the process of a business, an industry, or a service
It starts out with the job to be done
It is task-focused rather than situation-focused
Yet usually no one does anything about it
William Connor’s conversion of the enzyme
Very few innovations based on process need are so sharply focused
Ottmar Mergenthaler designed the linotype for typesetting in 1885
In both these cases the process need was based on an incongruity in the process
Demographics are very often an equally powerful source
Bell Telephone System
The present rush into robotics
Mergenthaler’s linotype was also in large measure the result of demographic pressures
Program research
“Program research” is often needed to convert a process from potential into reality
The prototype innovator for this kind of process-need innovation was Edison
But its most successful applications are in small and clearly defined projects
Highway reflector that cut the Japanese automobile accident rate by almost two-thirds
World War I had created a public in the United States for national and international news
Successful innovations based on process needs require five basic criteria
There are, however, some important caveats
The need must be understood
We may even understand a process and still not have the knowledge to do the job
The solution must fit the way people do the work and want to do it
Opportunities for innovation based on process need can be found systematically
It has to be tested against the five basic criteria given above
The process need opportunity has to be tested also against the three constraints
Source: Industry and Market Structures
The Automobile Story
The Opportunity
When Industry Structure Changes
Transition from internal to external
Source: Demographics
I — Of all external changes, demographics are the clearest
II — Here are some examples of successful exploitation of demographic changes
III — Analysis of demographic changes begins with population figures
Source: Changes in Perception
"The Glass Is Half Full"
The Problem Of Timing
Source: New Knowledge
The Characteristics Of Knowledge-Based Innovation
What Knowledge-Based Innovation Requires
The Unique Risks
The Shakeout
The Receptivity Gamble
The Bright Idea
Innovations based on a bright idea probably outnumber all other categories taken together
Yet bright ideas are the riskiest and least successful source of innovative opportunities
Attempts to improve the predictability have not been particularly successful
Equally unsuccessful have been attempts to identify the personal traits, behavior, or habits ...
This belief that you’ll win if only you keep on trying is a fallacy
Bright ideas are vague and elusive
The entrepreneur is therefore well advised to forgo innovations based on bright ideas
Systematic, purposeful entrepreneurs analyze the systematic areas
And yet an entrepreneurial economy cannot dismiss cavalierly the innovation based on a bright idea
Principles of Innovation
I—Brilliant ideas are not innovations
The Do's
Purposeful, systematic innovation begins with the analysis of the opportunities
Go out to look, to ask, to listen
An innovation, to be effective, has to be simple and it has to be focused
Effective innovations start small
A successful innovation aims at leadership
The Dont's
Don't try to be clever
Don't diversify, don't splinter, don't try to do too many things at once
Don't try to innovate for the future
Three Conditions
Innovation becomes hard, focused, purposeful work making very great demands on …
To succeed, innovators must build on their strengths
Innovation always has to be close to the market
The Conservative Innovator
The Practice Of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Management
The Entrepreneurial Business
I (Who innovates?)
Entrepreneurial Policies
A systematic policy of abandoning whatever is outworn, obsolete, no longer productive
Business X-Ray: a tool to find the right questions
Kami: Gap and Need Analysis
An entrepreneurial plan with objectives and deadlines
Entrepreneurial Practices
Focusing managerial vision on opportunity
What are you doing that explains your success?
Ideas from junior people
Measuring Innovative Performance
Each innovative project: Feedback from results to expectations
A systematic review of innovative efforts all together
Judging the company's total innovative performance
The entrepreneurial, the new, has to be organized separately from the old and existing
Must have a top manager with the specific assignment to work on tomorrow as an entrepreneur and innovator
Keep away from it the burdens it cannot yet carry
Developing appropriate controls
A person or a component group should be held clearly accountable
Are all these policies and practices necessary?
The Dont's
The most important caveat is not to mix managerial units and entrepreneurial ones
Innovative efforts that take the existing business out of its own field are rarely successful
Acquire small entrepreneurial ventures
Entrepreneurship in the Service Institution
Obstacles to Innovation & some exceptions
There are three main reasons why the existing enterprise presents so much more of an obstacle
The public-service institution is based on a "budget" rather than being paid out of its results
A service institution is dependent on a multitude of constituents
Public-service institutions exist after all to "do good."
These are serious obstacles to innovation
The most extreme example around these days may well be the labor union
The university, however, may not be too different from the labor union
There are enough exceptions, even old and big ones, can innovate
One Roman Catholic archdiocese in the United States
American Association for the Advancement of Science
A large hospital on the West Coast
Girl Scouts of the U.S. A.
Entrepreneurial Policies
The public-service institution needs a clear definition of its mission
The public-service institution needs a realistic statement of goals
Failure to achieve objectives should be considered an indication that the objective is wrong …
Need to build into their policies and practices the constant search for innovative opportunity
One catholic archdiocese saw both as opportunities
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Girl Scouts
Even in government
The four rules outlined above constitute the specific policies and practices the PSI requires
Also needs to adopt those policies and practices that any existing organization requires
The Need To Innovate
The New Venture