brainroads-toward-tomorrows mental patterns


pyramid to dna

Serious long-term financial thinking

Everything here has serious financial implications

Pretend you’re a CFO back in 1950, 1970, 1990 …
and consider the decisions (and their financial implications) made or not made
by many prominent organizations.

Victims of success

Larger view of the image below

site scope

Conceptual resources changing social and economic picture economic content knowledge system view strategic components management revised edition change leader harvesting calendarization

We are already embedded in a knowledge society,
a society of organizations, and a network society


There is no reason to believe
that tomorrowS will be extrapolations
of yesterdayS

It is impossible
to work on things
that aren’t on one’s radar.

This is a mental radar loading system for tomorrowS

From computer literacy to information literacy
is a trail-head





Larger view of image below

sweep of history

Your organization

org ev

Other organizations that may intersect with yours
somewhere down the road

org ev

… the organization of the post-capitalist society of organizations
is a destabilizer.

Because its function is to put knowledge to work
—on tools, processes, and products;
on work;
on knowledge itself—
it must be organized for constant change.

It must be organized for innovation;
and innovation,
as the Austro-American economist
Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) said,
is “creative destruction.”

It must be organized for systematic abandonment
of the established, the customary, the familiar,
the comfortable
— whether products, services, and processes,
human and social relationships, skills,
or organizations themselves.

It is the very nature of knowledge
that it changes fast and
that today’s certainties
will be tomorrow’s absurdities. — Peter Drucker

knowledge and technology

More on the modern chaos ↑ ↓ (calendarize this?)

sound players





Management must also enable the enterprise and each of its members to grow and develop as needs and opportunities change.

topics and time




Navigation aids for a changing world, changing organizations and people


To get toward tomorrowS,
who needs to be doing what and when? …

Navigating the road ahead

radar ahead

An Operational View of the Budgeting Process

Management Challenges for the 21st Century

Managing in the Next Society




and finally the $$$$$$$$$$$$ …

Budgeting as a managerial tool

by Peter Drucker





I’m trying to offer this work approach
as broadly as possible.
America needs to look toward the future
rather than extrapolating yesterdayS

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Just a few dollars helps with the books, software, web site hosting, and the time devoted to publicizing and enhancing the work approach blue print available on this site.

See the text site map for a view of the site’s unique scope and resources. Also see links to external resources on my delicious page.

The purpose of the entire site: preparing for a different world and different future.




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