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About Time-life Navigation © (TLN) site

Using the site is free. This page is the beginning of a work approach that leads to a time-life navigation flashflash work plan flashflash. You might want to consider creating a recurring reminder to come back and re-read this page. After absorbing this page, the daily news will be seen differently. This site is not just something else to read. It is at to core of what to do.

exc exc The major focus of this site is navigating the unfamiliar road ahead—not the familiar road behindembedded in complex external systems (private, public, and social sectors; a society of organizations; multitiered transnational economy and ecology; complex political structures). exc exc These external systems are dynamic, uncontrollable and moving in time. This is the reality that surrounds us.

The major focus of this site is navigating the unfamiliar roads ahead—not the familiar road behind. The unfamiliar road ahead is the conceptual space between today and the outer limit of concern on the changing social and economic picture time line (concept map image on left). These unfamiliar roads ahead are embedded in complex external systems that are dynamic (private, public, and social sectors; a society of organizations; a multitiered transnational economy and ecology; complex political structures; the NEW educated person--link). The opportunities of a life-time reside on the roads ahead, not on the road behind. The remainder of our lives occurs on the roads ahead. Currently the time-life navigation © site could be considered the ultimate resource for organizing the work associated with this navigation challenge.

earlier Bob EmbryNavigation implies intelligently choosing our destinations and then taking the action needed to reach those destinations, but how can we choose from unseen or unfamiliar options?

Site functions

The purpose of this site is to enhance time-life navigation capacity. The site provides a system for getting TO relevant concepts and then getting FROM concepts to daily action embedded in an external world moving in time.

The first part of this system began the moment you started reading and will continue as long you continue to work with the site. The second part of the system is outlined in the fundamental action idea below.

The site provides a convenient, comprehensive, life-long framework that can be adapted to different situations and objectives at different points in time. The site is a strategic development resource. It is a:

dot Strategic terrain map
dot Attention re-focuser (mental pattern expansion and re-mapping—the road ahead)
dot Time investment menu for a life-time investment system!
dot Tool kit (e.g. identifying relevant computer needs)
dot Prototype blueprint for working on the Time-Life Navigation mentioned above (a work approach)
dot Doorway to a genuinely interesting life

The site can also be "grazed" for idea stimulation; for adding ideas to one's radar; or education preparation.

The site contains (text site map):

dot Time and life conceptual explorations
     which provide a foundation for informed future directed decisions
dot Concept maps which suggest content and relationships
dot Work approach blueprints
dot Interest profile work sheets
dot Links between topics for making conscious mental connections
dot News articles that report tactical examples of a world moving in non-linear time
dot Listing of news titles that demonstrate the frequency of non-linear events
dot Links to other sites that provide time-life navigation resources
dot Tables of contents for 40 major books
dot Collection of tables and charts measuring economic and organization performance
dot Examples of how to use computers in life and time-life navigation
dot Process for site improvement

Peter Drucker's work provides the primary conceptual foundation with a few contributions from Edward de Bono (the nature of the mind and thinking) and Warren Buffett's (financial investing) work. News stories are also woven in to provide mental connecting points to tactical examples and details.

This site does not address a static subject or even a subject that is dynamic. It addresses real life in a dynamic reality—at various points in future time—from different angles. It addresses this reality in five key dimensions.

Strategic exposure, attention directing, exploration, informed developmental desires/destinations, action harvesting, and scheduling are key elements of this strategic development resource.

A few examples of strategic areas:

dot Changing social and economic picture and its linkages
dot Economic content and structure
dot The five primary areas (career evolution; organization evolution; life design; financial investing and life navigation system)
dot Conceptual sources and resources
dot Defining strategic management needs
dot Your participation in the system presented here
dot Common misunderstandings

The exploration of the site alone enhances an individual's capacity and potential.

The site provides tools for creating work plans—individually, organizationally and multi-generationally. It provides a blueprint or prototype of a dynamic, healthy action system. It can be redesigned to fit different situations.

These works plans address the questions: " What do I have to do (informed in each of the five dimensions) to have the kind of life (informed) I want (informed) to have?" and"What (more or less) do I want to be working on that I don't and can't know I want to working on?" The site provides a blueprint and resource links for working on these questions.

A key benefit of the site that may not be immediately obvious is the hyperlinks (relationship connections). The awareness of these relationships and their sequencing can be a major door opener.

Another benefit: I have seen several articles in the news suggesting that one of the key ways to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's is through intellectually stimulating activities. The work approach blueprinted on this site provides a life-time of rewarding rigorous brain exercise.

organization evolution blueprintBlueprints for blueprints: Although this appears to be a textual page, it is really an element of a prototype blueprint for a time-life navigation © work approach where the detailed tactical stuff we do is derived from a conceptually valid blueprint. The conceptual validity relates to health and the reality in which we are embedded—including disjointedness and receding horizons. More specifically it is a blueprint for creating the blueprints that will guide our journey to receding destinations (where we want to go—moving targets—in the most general terms). The ability to create conceptually valid blueprints is the result of increased individual capacity and creates new capacities—literally "higher education."

The site provides tools for promoting oneself through increased capacity and building on strengths rather than waiting for someone else to provide a title.

For the site to be useful, action rather than just reading or awareness is needed.

Comprehensive and Integrated


Repeated references to the changing social and economic picture and knowledge system view in which we are embedded. This is the strategic picture and the surrounding frame. Also see time discussion.

The four elements or tool areas plus the life management system. The career element refers to entire work lives connected to the realities of the strategic situations in which we are embedded throughout our lives—unimagined futures. As it stands now, a simpler interface is needed for young people or those with limited world exposure.

Hyperlinks (Implied recognition of other areas and resources—Google directory or Yahoo directory)

Comprehensive means complex, but the only alternative is to misinform—working with the wrong blueprint.


Synthesis attention directing tool (ADT)

This page (also an ADT). It presents an integrated view rather than a specialized subject view. It integrates how we fit in an external world moving in time—both individually and our participation in organizations.

Time-life navigation overview

Time-life navigation site map

Life management (navigation) page and tool prototypes

Hyperlinks (implied linkages to other areas and resources)


“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. — Peter Drucker

The shift from manual workers who do as they are being told — either by the task or by the boss — to knowledge workers who have to manage themselves ↓ profoundly challenges social structure

Managing Oneself is a REVOLUTION in human affairs.” … “It also requires an almost 180-degree change in the knowledge workers’ thoughts and actions from what most of us—even of the younger generation—still take for granted as the way to think and the way to act.” …

… “Managing Oneself is based on the very opposite realities: Workers are likely to outlive organizations (and therefore, employers can’t be depended on for designing your life), and the knowledge worker has mobility.” ← in a context




These pages are attention directing tools for navigating a world moving toward unimagined futures.

It’s up to you to figure out what to harvest and calendarize
working something out in time (1915, 1940, 1970 … 2040 … the outer limit of your concern)nobody is going to do it for you.

It may be a step forward to actively reject something (rather than just passively ignoring) and then figure out a coping plan for what you’ve rejected.

Your future is between your ears and our future is between our collective ears — it can’t be otherwise. A site exploration starting point



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What needs doing?




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