a radical flattening of the organization ladder
a work map can be developed from an interest profile work sheet
a work map is a collection of work modules arranged appropriately with one work module informing other work modules
a work plan that creates the capacity to successfully and repeatedly navigate a radically changing world is a substantial personal asset
actually today’s mental patterns inescapably belong to yesterday
at different times in our lives we need to integrate ourselves in different ways. this means the work plan needs a provision for recreating the work plan.
attention directing tools
attention shifting
becoming more organization attractive
bob embry
bob embry’s weblog
capacity to navigate
career evolution
chief tln officer
collection of tables and charts measuring economic and organization performance
complex external systems
comprehensive and integrated
concept maps
concept maps which suggest content and relationships
concept to daily action system
concepts to daily action
conceptual resources
conceptual resources are also attention directing tools and therefore they enrich our mental terrain awareness and mental patterns
conceptually valid life long work approach
conceptually valid work plans pass the “news test.”
connections to issues in the current news
conscious time investments
consider interest drill down depth and expansion width
constant flow of change
convenience of a blueprint
core diagnostic tool
core of long-term self-interes
core of social and economic development
core of what to do
core strategic resource
creating this interest profile has to be part of the work plan
crucial terrain foundation exploration
cultural visualization
current strategic system
designing and navigating our futures
designing and navigating the necessarily unfamiliar roads ahead
directing our efforts toward multiple futures
edward de bono
effective decision
effective future directed decisions
escape from specific organization and industry dependence
even in times of robust economic growth there are expectational breakdowns
every organization needs someone strategically responsible for strategic landscape evolution awareness
examples of how to use computers in life and time-life navigation
exploration is divided into two strategic parts
financial investing
first time visitors
geographical visualization
golden goose
google me
google site rankings
guided tour links
how can we choose from unseen or unfamiliar options
how long does a course of action last? how long is it valid? when should it be entered? when should it be abandoned? do all courses of action work out equally well? are they all worth doing?
identifying economic and social development in the visible world
if we lived in a static world
imagine for a moment that it is 1960. what linearity could be expected for the years ahead?
in a growing, linear economy there would be no organization crisis stories and costs would go down forever
in creating this work plan there is foundation preparation (for informed future-directed decisions) and there are work “assignments” that move us forward or raise us up.
in the process of doing something new—both to us and or the world—we acquire capabilities that go beyond the current application of these capabilities
informed means what could reasonably be expected from a course of action
interest profile work sheets
interest profile worksheet
investing time in navigating life and time in a world moving toward unimagined futures
is creating and pursuing “bright ideas” adequate for “healthy” time-life navigation?
key ways to prevent or delay the onset of alzheimer’s
knowledge system has no apparent respect for position (rung on an organization ladder), what individuals did yesterday, their iq, their school, their degrees, their professionalism, their excellence, the depth of their pockets, their r&d spending, their current performance or their plans for tomorrow
knowledge system view
life design
life lines
life long action system
life management system
life navigation system
life-time investment system
links between topics for making conscious mental connections
looking around at a particular point in time or relying on past experience gives almost no clues as to what is going the happen in multiple futures
main change beneficiary
main change initiator
main change vehicle
mental patterns
mental patterns are unavoidably and recurrently rooted in yesterday
more and more we need to learn to differentiate between data, information, and knowledge
navigating toward tomorrows
navigation implies intelligently choosing our destinations
news articles that report tactical examples of a world moving in non-linear time
not just another add-on to an already busy life
note areas of interest and disinterest
observe the millions of people who have been impacted by the massive restructurings that have taken place over the last 30 years
one of the barriers to time-life navigation is the almost unavoidable habit of trying to fit non-linear tomorrows into the familiar mental patterns of today
one of the challenges is to avoid being blind-sided
opportunities of a life-time
organization evolution
our brains naturally want to look backwards
our complex and often cruel situation
personal opportunity thinking points
phone based guided site tours and topic discussions are available
powerful knowledges
process of getting to long-term, relevant concepts and then from concepts to daily action
progress from work life entry to top of the “food chain” embedded in the real world of competition, change, real innovation and the other four dimensions
ramping up our capabilities
repeatedly laying the appropriate groundwork
resource system view
sharing a link to this page
site action and end result
site exploration path
site functions
site participation
site usefulness
situation diagnosis
social wealth creation
strategic thinking
strategic work map
swp stands for strategic work plan
terrain view for future directed decisions
the action sequencer
the awareness that others may be trying similar things—cancellation of advantage, dilution, oversupply—so generic “destinations” are likely to lead to unexpected dead-ends
the challenge is not to fix yesterday or expect it to remain fixed—faulty or misguided navigation
the conceptual space between today and the outer limit of concern on the changing social and economic picture
the desired end result of working with this site is the creation of an “informed,” conceptually valid, life-long, dynamic work plan (composed of calendarized general work modules) that takes a person where they want to go (informed developmental desires)
the essential drucker
the fundamental action idea
the future of society
the future of society depends on what we work on and in what sequence plus what we wisely ignore or wisely abandon
the law of the farm: we can only harvest what we plant and only part of what we plant will be harvested.
the next society
the position (the global standing) of an individual following an organization crisis that resulted in the individual leaving the organization
the roads ahead
the site provides tools for creating work plans—individually, organizationally and multi-generationally
the unfolding big picture
the work plan is best derived from a conscious, informed, tested, strategic interest profile
these genuinely managed organizations are often informed by peter drucker
this site blueprints an action system into which everything else fits, is ignored or abandoned
those at the top of the “contribution food chain” set the standard which elevates all of us
time and life conceptual explorations which provide a foundation for informed future directed decisions
time dimensions
time visualization
time-life navigation
time-life navigation foundation awareness
tln blueprint yahoo group
tln concept map
tln end result and action
tln key ideas
tln resources
to know and not do, is to not yet know
tomorrow can't be reached by piling up more todays or just patching today
tools for promoting oneself through increased capacity and building on strengths rather than waiting for someone else to provide a title
underlying information and conceptual foundation
unimagined futures
warren buffett
we need a systematic, valid, life-long work approach (in each of the five dimensions) that is in harmony with the disjoints and realities in the changing social and economic picture
what are the work plans of the people on whom your life hinges? are they adequate? how could they be?
what do i have to do (informed in each of the five dimensions) to have the kind of life (informed) i want (informed)?” and then provides a blueprint and resource links for working on this question
what’s next
what’s on my radar
what’s your work plan?
when a familiar “road” becomes disjointed
when in human history could this have developed and from what origins (cave people, knights of the round table, gangs of new york)
where does routine operational or functional work (of 1950, 1965, 1980, 1995) lead
where they can be reasonably expected to lead and leave the individual in the future(s)
who could have been prepared
who is peter drucker
why is this site useful?
work approach
work approach leads to a work plan
work life (career) evolution
work life terrain view
you may be satisfied with your current situation and have a long record of high performance, so how would something like this benefit you?