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wedge The Daily Drucker

wedge January

* 1. Integrity in Leadership

* 2. Identifying the Future

* 3. Management Is Indispensable

* 4. Organizational Inertia

* 5. Abandonment

* 6. Practice of Abandonment

* 7. Knowledge Workers: Asset Not Cost

* 8. Autonomy in Knowledge Work

* 9. The New Corporation's Persona

* 10. Management as the Alternative to Tyranny

* 11. Management and Theology

* 12. Practice Comes First

* 13. Management and the Liberal Arts

* 14. The Managerial Attitude

* 15. The Spirit of an Organization

* 16. The Function of Management Is to Produce Results

* 17. Management: The Central Social Function

* 18. Society of Performing Organizations

* 19. The Purpose of Society

* 20. Nature of Man and Society

* 21. Profit's Function

* 22. Economics as a Social Dimension

* 23. Private Virtue and the Commonweal

* 24. Feedback: Key to Continuous Learning

* 25. Reinvent Yourself

* 26. A Social Ecologist

* 27. The Discipline of Management

* 28. Controlled Experiment in Mismanagement

* 29. Performance: The Test of Management

* 30. Terrorism and Basic Trends

* 31. A Functioning Society

wedge February

* 1. Crossing the Divide

* 2. Face Reality

* 3. The Management Revolution

* 4. Knowledge and Technology

* 5. Shrinking of the Younger Population

* 6. The Transnational Company

* 7. The Educated Person

* 8. Balance Continuity and Change

* 9. Organizations Destabilize Communities

* 10. Modern Organization Must Be a Destabilizer

* 11. Human Factor in Management

* 12. Role of the Bystander

* 13. The Nature of Freedom

* 14. Demands on Political Leadership

* 15. Salvation by Society

* 16. Need for a Harmony of Interests

* 17. Social Purpose for Society

* 18. Reinventing Government

* 19. Reprivatization

* 20. Management and Economic Development

* 21. Failure of Central Planning

* 22. The Pork-Barrel State

* 23. The New Tasks of Government

* 24. Legitimacy of the Corporation

* 25. Governance of the Corporation

* 26. Balancing Three Corporate Dimensions

* 27. Defining Business Purpose and Mission

* 28. Defining Business Purpose and Mission: The Customer

* 29. Understanding What the Customer Buys

wedge March

* 1. The Change Leader

* 2. Test of Innovation

* 3. Knowledge External to the Enterprise

* 4. In Innovation, Emphasize the Big Idea

* 5. Managing for the Future

* 6. Innovation and Risk Taking

* 7. Creating a True Whole

* 8. Turbulence: Threat or Opportunity?

* 9. Organize for Constant Change

* 10. Searching for Change

* 11. Piloting Change

* 12. The Purpose of a Business

* 13. Converting Strategic Plans to Action

* 14. Universal Entrepreneurial Disciplines

* 15. Managing for the Short Term and Long Term

* 16. Balancing Objectives and Measurements

* 17. The Purpose of Profit

* 18. Morality and Profits

* 19. Defining Corporate Performance

* 20. A Scorecard for Managers

* 21. Beyond the Information Revolution

* 22. Internet Technology and Education

* 23. The Great Strength of E-Commerce

* 24. E-Commerce: The Challenge

* 25. From Legal Fiction to Economic Reality

* 26. Management of the Multinational

* 27. Command or Partner

* 28. Information for Strategy

* 29. Why Management Science Fails to Perform

* 30. Nature of Complex Systems

* 31. From Analysis to Perception

wedge April

* 1. Management as a Human Endeavor

* 2. The Responsible Worker

* 3. Spirit of Performance

* 4. Organizations and Individuals

* 5. Picking a Leader

* 6. Qualities of a Leader

* 7. Base Leadership on Strength

* 8. Leadership Is Responsibility

* 9. Absence of Integrity

* 10. Crisis and Leadership

* 11. The Four Competencies of a Leader

* 12. Fake Versus True Leaders

* 13. Churchill the Leader

* 14. Alfred Sloan's Management Style

* 15. People Decisions

* 16. Attracting and Holding People

* 17. Picking People: An Example

* 18. Decision Steps for Picking People

* 19. Placements That Fail

* 20. The Succession Decision

* 21. Sloan on People Decisions

* 22. A Good Judge of People?

* 23. The Crucial Promotions

* 24. Social Responsibility

* 25. Sloan on Social Responsibility

* 26. Corporate Greed and Corruption

* 27. What Is Business Ethics?

* 28. The Ethics of Social Responsibility

* 29. Business Ethics

* 30. Psychological Insecurity

wedge May

* 1. Managing Knowledge Workers

* 2. The Network Society

* 3. Global Competitiveness

* 4. Characteristics of the Next Society

* 5. The New Pluralism

* 6. Knowledge Does Not Eliminate Skill

* 7. A Knowledge Society and Society of Organizations

* 8. Price of Success in the Knowledge Society

* 9. The Center of the Knowledge Society

* 10. Sickness of Government

* 11. Managing Foreign Currency Exposure

* 12. The Manufacturing Paradox

* 13. Protectionism

* 14. Splintered Nature of Knowledge Work

* 15. Use of PEOs and BPOs

* 16. Managing Nontraditional Employees

* 17. The Corporation as Confederation

* 18. The Corporation as a Syndicate

* 19. People as Resources

* 20. Making Manual Work Productive

* 21. Productivity of Service Work

* 22. Raising Service-Worker Productivity

* 23. Knowledge-Worker Productivity

* 24. Defining the Task in Knowledge Work

* 25. Defining Results in Knowledge Work

* 26. Defining Quality in Knowledge Work

* 27. Management: A Practice

* 28. Continuous Learning in Knowledge Work

* 29. Raise the Yield of Existing Knowledge

* 30. Rank of Knowledge Workers

* 31. Post-Economic Theory

wedge June

* 1. Managing Oneself

* 2. A Successful Information Based Organization

* 3. The "Score" in InformationBased Organizations

* 4. Taking Information Responsibility

* 5. Rewards for Information Specialists

* 6. Hierarchy Versus Responsibility

* 7. Sudden Incompetence

* 8. Self Renewal

* 9. Individual Development

* 10. What to Do in a Value Conflict?

* 11. Place Yourself in the Right Organization

* 12. Management Education

* 13. Attracting Knowledge Workers

* 14. Pension-Fund Shareholders

* 15. Pension-Fund Regulation

* 16. Pension-Fund Capitalism

* 17. Test of Pension-Fund Socialism

* 18. The Business Audit

* 19. Inflation Versus Unemployment

* 20. When Regulation Is Required

* 21. Work

* 22. Goal and Vision for Work

* 23. Self-Governing Communities

* 24. Civilizing the City

* 25. Human Dignity and Status

* 26. Enjoying Work

* 27. Legitimacy of Management

* 28. Economic Progress and Social Ends

* 29. The Social Sector

* 30. Effective Management of Nonprofits

wedge July

* 1. Theory of the Business

* 2. Reality Test of Business Assumptions

* 3. Synergy of Business Assumptions

* 4. Communicate and Test Assumptions

* 5. The Obsolete Theory

* 6. Focus on Excellence

* 7. Creating Customer Value

* 8. Identifying Core Competencies

* 9. Each Organization Must Innovate

* 10. Exploiting Success

* 11. Organized Improvement

* 12. Systematic Innovation

* 13. Unexpected Success

* 14. Unexpected Failure

* 15. Incongruity

* 16. Process Need

* 17. Industry and Market Structure

* 18. Demographics

* 19. Changes in Perception

* 20. New Knowledge

* 21. Innovation in Public-Service Institutions

* 22. Service Institutions Need a Defined Mission

* 23. Optimal Market Standing

* 24. Worship of High Profit Margins

* 25. Four Lessons in Marketing

* 26. From Selling to Marketing

* 27. Cost-Driven Pricing

* 28. Cost Control in a Stable Business

* 29. Cost Control in a Growth Business

* 30. Eliminating Cost Centers

* 31. Making Cost-Control Permanent

wedge August

* 1. Diversification

* 2. Being the Wrong Size

* 3. Growth

* 4. Managing the New Venture

* 5. Calculated Obsolescence

* 6. Tunnel-Vision Innovation

* 7. Social Innovation: The Research Lab

* 8. Social Innovation: The Lab Without Walls

* 9. Research Laboratory: Obsolete?

* 10. The Infant New Venture

* 11. The Rapidly Growing New Venture

* 12. Managing Cash in the New Venture

* 13. Management Team for the New Venture

* 14. Unrealized Business Potential

* 15. Finding Opportunities in Vulnerabilities

* 16. Exploiting Innovative Ideas

* 17. First with the Most

* 18. Hitting Them Where They Aren't

* 19. Entrepreneurial Judo

* 20. Changing Economic Characteristics

* 21. Ecological Niche: Tollbooth Strategy

* 22. Ecological Niche: Specialty Skill Strategy

* 23. Ecological Niche: Specialty Market

* 24. Threats to Niche Strategies

* 25. Able Company: Research Strategy

* 26. Baker Company: Research Strategy

* 27. Charlie Company: Research Strategy

* 28. Success Always Creates New Realities

* 29. The Opportunity-Focused Organization

* 30. Finding Opportunity in Surprises

* 31. Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium

wedge September

* 1. Know Thy Time

* 2. Record Time and Eliminate Time Wasters

* 3. Consolidate Time

* 4. Practices of Effective Executives

* 5. Focus on Contribution

* 6. Performance Appraisals

* 7. How to Develop People

* 8. Knowledge Worker as Effective Executive

* 9. Take Responsibility for Your Career

* 10. Defining One's Performance

* 11. Results That Make a Difference

* 12. Managing Oneself: Identify Strengths

* 13. Managing Oneself: How Do I Perform?

* 14. Managing Oneself: What to Contribute?

* 15. Managing Oneself: Work Relationships

* 16. Managing the Boss

* 17. Managing Oneself: The Second Half

* 18. Managing Oneself: Revolution in Society

* 19. A Noncompetitive Life

* 20. Staffing Decisions

* 21. Widow-Maker" Positions

* 22. Overage Executives

* 23. Controls, Control, and Management

* 24. Controls: Neither Objective nor Neutral

* 25. Controls Should Focus on Results

* 26. Controls for Nonmeasurable Events

* 27. The Ultimate Control of Organizations

* 28. Harmonize the Immediate and Longrange Future

* 29. Misdirection by Specialization

* 30. Compensation Structure

wedge October

* 1. Pursuing Perfection

* 2. Decision Objectives

* 3. Decision Making

* 4. The Right Compromise

* 5. Building Action into the Decision

* 6. Organize Dissent

* 7. Elements of the Decision Process

* 8. Is a Decision Necessary?

* 9. Classifying the Problem

* 10. Defining the Problem: An Example

* 11. Defining the Problem: The Principles

* 12. Getting Others to Buy The Decision

* 13. Testing the Decision Against Results

* 14. Continuous Learning in Decision Making

* 15. Placing Decision Responsibility

* 16. Legitimate Power in Society

* 17. The Conscience of Society

* 18. Capitalism Justified

* 19. Moving Beyond Capitalism

* 20. The Efficiency of the Profit Motive

* 21. The Megastate

* 22. Purpose of Government

* 23. Government Decentralization

* 24. Strong Government

* 25. Government in the International Sphere

* 26. Needed: Strong Labor Unions

* 27. Political Integration of Knowledge Workers

* 28. The Corporation as a Political Institution

* 29. Converting Good Intentions into Results

* 30. Fund Development in the Nonprofit

* 31. Effective Nonprofit Boards of Directors

wedge November

* 1. Organizational Agility

* 2. Business Intelligence Systems

* 3. Gathering and Using Intelligence

* 4. The Test of Intelligence Information

* 5. The Future Budget

* 6. Winning Strategies

* 7. The Failed Strategy

* 8. Strategic Planning

* 9. Long-Range Planning

* 10. How to Abandon

* 11. Divestment

* 12. The Work of the Manager

* 13. Management by Objectives and Self-Control

* 14. How to Use Objectives

* 15. The Management Letter

* 16. The Right Organization

* 17. Limits of Quantification

* 18. Hierarchy and Equality

* 19. Characteristics of Organizations

* 20. The Federal Principle

* 21. Federal Decentralization: Strengths

* 22. Federal Decentralization: Requirements

* 23. Reservation of Authority

* 24. Simulated Decentralization

* 25. Building Blocks of Organization

* 26. Fundamentals of Communications

* 27. Rules for Staff Work

* 28. Rules for Staff People

* 29. Role of Public Relations

* 30. Control Middle Management

wedge December

* 1. The Work of the Social Ecologist

* 2. Turbulent Times Ahead

* 3. The New Entrepreneur

* 4. Information on Cost and Value

* 5. Price-Led Costing

* 6. Activity Costing

* 7. Obstacles to Economic Chain Costing

* 8. EVA as a Productivity Measure

* 9. Benchmarking for Competitiveness

* 10. Resource-Allocation Decisions

* 11. Six Rules of Successful Acquisitions

* 12. Business Not Financial Strategy

* 13. What the Acquirer Contributes

* 14. Common Core of Unity

* 15. Respect for the Business and Its Values

* 16. Provide New Top Management

* 17. Promote Across Lines

* 18. Alliances for Progress

* 19. Rules for Successful Alliances

* 20. The Temptation to Do Good

* 21. The Whistle-blower

* 22. Limits of Social Responsibility

* 23. Spiritual Values

* 24. Human Existence in Tension

* 25. The Unfashionable Kierkegaard

* 26. Return of the Demons

* 27. Integrating the Economic and Social

* 28. The Family-Managed Business

* 29. Rules for the Family Managed Business

* 30. Innovations for Maximum Opportunities

* 31. From Data to Information Literacy


“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. — Peter Drucker

The shift from manual workers who do as they are being told — either by the task or by the boss — to knowledge workers who have to manage themselves ↓ profoundly challenges social structure

Managing Oneself is a REVOLUTION in human affairs.” … “It also requires an almost 180-degree change in the knowledge workers’ thoughts and actions from what most of us—even of the younger generation—still take for granted as the way to think and the way to act.” …

… “Managing Oneself is based on the very opposite realities: Workers are likely to outlive organizations (and therefore, employers can’t be depended on for designing your life), and the knowledge worker has mobility.” ← in a context




These pages are attention directing tools for navigating a world moving toward unimagined futures.

It’s up to you to figure out what to harvest and calendarize
working something out in time (1915, 1940, 1970 … 2040 … the outer limit of your concern)nobody is going to do it for you.

It may be a step forward to actively reject something (rather than just passively ignoring) and then figure out a coping plan for what you’ve rejected.

Your future is between your ears and our future is between our collective ears — it can’t be otherwise. A site exploration starting point



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