
pyramid to dna

A smorgasbord of topics and concepts

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Page contents

Evidence wall — collections of brain addresses
Evidence wall — collections of brain addresses

What do you see, so you can decide on your informed priorities and what to do next

Situation thinking
Situation thinking
Evolutionary stages
Evolutionary stages
Internet activity
Internet activity

Since information knows no national boundaries, it will also form new transnational communities of people who, maybe with out ever seeing each other in the flesh, are in communion because they are in communication

Unimagined futureS
Unimagined futureS

More pics

Unless you do something different you will take the mental patterns of yesterdayS into tomorrowS without realizing it. This tendency lies behind every crisis: political, corporate, career, relationship

News ticker — a changing world


Thinking is the knowledge worker’s specific work; it is his/her “doing.”

Practical thinking

Textbook of Wisdom

Peter Drucker —the uber mentor

Organizations, the economy, worldview

A “multi-time dimensional” economic view

Organization efforts problems or opportunities






Innovation in the existing organization requires special effort

The failure to understand the nature, function, and purpose of business enterprise

Up to poverty

The vanishing east

The Rise of New Power Centers

The manager and the moron


A knowledge specialty based on formal and right kind of education (rather than apprenticeship or experience) that is mobile , taking on one assignment after the other based on one’s competencies in a highly specialized organization designed for its task, function, ecology in a network society using information as your primary resource, life-long learning and continuing education , the second-half of your life (see below)

The Josh Abrams story and starting with an idea outside of yourself

Taking career responsibility from The Daily Drucker

Interview: Post-Capitalist Executive

Interview: Managing in a Post Capitalist Society

The Essential Drucker

… there is in the West a growing number of people who, while not themselves executives, have come to see management as an area of public interest;

… there are also an increasing number of students in colleges and universities who, while not necessarily management students, see an understanding of management as part of a general education;

and, finally, there are a large and rapidly growing number of mid-career managers and professionals who are flocking to advanced-executive programs, both in universities and in their employing organizations.


1. Management as Social Function and Liberal Art  
2. The Dimensions of Management  
3. The Purpose and Objectives of a Business  

The profit motive and its offspring maximization of profits are just as irrelevant to the function of a business, the purpose of a business, and the job of managing a business.

In fact, the concept is worse than irrelevant: it does harm.

It is a major cause of the misunderstanding of the nature of profit in our society and of the deep-seated hostility to profit, which are among the most dangerous diseases of an industrial society.

It is largely responsible for the worst mistakes of public policy—in this country as well as in Western Europe—which are squarely based on the failure to understand the nature, function, and purpose of business enterprise.

And it is in large part responsible for the prevailing belief that there is an inherent contradiction between profit and a company’s ability to make a social contribution.

Actually, a company can make a social contribution only if it is highly profitable.

What Executives Should Remember

4. What the Nonprofits Are Teaching Business (find in Management, Revised Edition  
5. Social Impacts and Social Problems  
6. Management's New Paradigms  
7. The Information Executives Need Today  
8. Management by Objectives and Self-Control (see below)  
9. Picking People—The Basic Rules  
The following three chapters are from Innovation and Entrepreneurship  
10. The Entrepreneurial Business  
11. The New Venture  
12. Entrepreneurial Strategies


13. Effectiveness Must Be Learned (see the Effective Executive)  
14. Focus on Contribution  
15. Know Your Strengths and Values  
16. Know Your Time  
17. Effective Decisions  
18. Functioning Communications  
19. Leadership as Work  
20. Principles of Innovation (see Innovation and Entrepreneurship)  
21. The Second Half of Your Life (also see Managing the Non-Profit Organization)  
22. The Educated Person


(also see Post-Capitalist Society)

23. A Century of Social Transformation — (From farmers and domestic servants to …) Emergence of Knowledge Society  
24. The Coming of Entrepreneurial Society  
25. Citizenship through the Social Sector (includes the need for community) (see Managing the Non-Profit Organization)  
26. From Analysis to Perception—The New Worldview.

About perception. Form and Function Connections: see chapters On Being the Right Size and On Being the Wrong Size in Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices and others.

Afterword: The Challenge Ahead

The paradox of rapidly expanding economy and growing income inequality—the paradox that bedevils us now

Growing health care and education, possibly a shrinking market for goods and services

Center of power shifting to the consumer—free flow of information

Knowledge workers—expensive resource

Governments depending on managers and individuals

Managing In A Time Of Great Change

* Preface  
    * Changes that have already irreversibly happened  
    * Predicting the future  
    * Cannot make decisions for the future  
    * Book’s organization  
    * Tomorrow’s managers and executives  
    * Aim of this book  
* Interview: The Post-Capitalist Executive  
* Management  
    * The theory of the business  
    * Planning for uncertainty  
    * The five deadly business sins  
    * Managing the family business  
    * Six rules for presidents  
    * Managing in the network society  
* The information-based organization  
    * The new society of organizations  
    * There’s three kind of teams  
    * The information revolution in retail  
    * Be data literate; know what to know  
    * We need to measure, not count  
    * The information executives need today  
* The economy  
    * Trade lessons from the world economy  
    * The U.S. economy’s power shift  
    * Where the new markets are  
    * The Pacific Rim and the world economy  
    * China’s growth markets  
    * The end of Japan, Inc.?  
    * A weak dollar strengthens Japan  
    * The new superpower: The overseas Chinese  
* The society  
    * A century of social transformation  
    * Its profits us to strengthen nonprofits  
    * Knowledge work and gender roles  
    * Reinventing government  
    * Can the democracies win the peace?  
* Conclusion  
    * Interview: managing in a Post-capitalist society  
    * Acknowledgements

A century of social transformation

Drucker sets us straight

The future that has already happened

The Productivity of the New Work Forces

The new challenge facing the post-capitalist society is the productivity of knowledge workers and service workers.

To improve the productivity of knowledge workers will in fact require drastic changes in the structure of the organizations of post-capitalist society, and in the structure of society itself.

Unless we can learn how to increase the productivity of knowledge workers and service workers, and increase it fast, the developed countries will face economic stagnation and severe social tension.

Future of the nation state

Luther, Machiavelli, and the Salmon (note the patterns)

The railroad made the Industrial Revolution accomplished fact.

What had been revolution became establishment.

The next two or three decades are likely to see even greater technological change than has occurred in the decades since the emergence of the computer, and also even greater change in industry structures, in the economic landscape, and probably in the social landscape as well.

Peter observed that we are now in another critical moment: the transition from the industrial to the knowledge-based economy … We should expect radical changes in society as well as in business.

The Primacy of Knowledge

Making the future

"One thing is certain for developed countries—and probably for the entire world:

We face long years of profound changes.

The changes are not primarily economic changes.

They are not even primarily technological changes.

They are changes in demographics, in politics, in society, in philosophy and, above all, in worldview.

From analysis to perception — the new worldview

Essay collections

Economic theory and economic policy are unlikely to be effective by themselves in such a period.

And there is no social theory for such a period either.

Only when such a period is over, decades later, are theories likely to be developed to explain what has happened.

But a few things are certain in such a period.

It is futile, for instance, to try to ignore the changes and to pretend that tomorrow will be like yesterday, only more so.

This, however, is the position that existing institutions tend to adopt in such a period—businesses as well as nonbusinesses.

It is, above all, the policy likely to be adopted by the institutions that were most successful in the earlier period before the changes.

They are most likely to suffer from the delusion that tomorrow will be like yesterday, only more so.

Thus it can be confidently predicted that a large number of today’s leaders in all areas, whether business, education or health care, are unlikely still to be around thirty years hence, and certainly not in their present form.

But to try to anticipate the changes is equally unlikely to be successful.

These changes are not predictable.

The only policy likely to succeed is to try to make the future.

Changes of course have to fit the certainties (which this book attempted to outline in the preceding chapter).

Within these restraints, however, the future is still malleable.

It can still be created.

To try to make the future is highly risky.

It is less risky, however, than not to try to make it.

A goodly proportion of those attempting to do what this chapter discusses will surely not succeed.

But, predictably, no one else will." (survive?)

Making the future


"The twenty-first century will surely be one of continuing social, economic, and political turmoil and challenge, at least in its early decades.

The Age of Social Transformations is not over yet.

And the challenges looming ahead may be more serious and more daunting still than those posed by the social transformations that have already happened, the social transformations of the twentieth century"

Next stops

Exploring beyond yesterdayS

Navigating time

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